Résumé Senior Structural Steel Detailer - Nicolas Papini

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Structural Detailing &

Project Management

Résumé of
Nicolas E.F. Papini

Senior Structural Steel Detailer / Checker

Experience: 12 years
Age: 35 years old
Software: Tekla Structures 14.1, AutoCAD 2009

Phone: +54 342 4554730

mail to: [email protected]

I have 12 years experience in Structural Steel Detailing working

for different companies, and a large variety of buildings’
projects (commercial, industrial process, mining, residential,
miscellaneous, etc..). Furthermore, I worked with several
standard codes of practices of different countries (Argentina,
Chile, Australia, & Canada). I have excellent skills in “Tekla
Structures” (Xsteel), AutoCAD, and knowledge in Project

Last Name and Names: PAPINI, Nicolas Ernesto Francisco
Permanent Address: 25 de Mayo 2492, Depto. 3, S3000FTT, Santa Fe, Rep. Argentina
Phone: +54 342 455 4730
Nationality: Argentina
Age: 35 years old
Passport: P ARG 24186301N
Civil state: Married
Childrens: 3


Course: PMP (Project Management Professional) Preparation for Examination

Institution Name: IAAP Global, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Learning period: since 10/2007 up to 02/2008
PMU: 36 [hours]
Study field: Learn and apply the PMI® global project management best practices while preparing to successfully
pass the examination.

Course: PM Trainning (Project Management Trainning)

Institution Name: IAAP Global, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Learning period: since 02/2007 up to 09/2007
PMU: 36 [hours]
Study Field: Techniques and Processes of Project Management

Course: Xsteel 5.4 Trainning

Trainner: Eng. Alejandro Donadieu - RAM International
Learning Period: 05/1999
PMU: 40 [hours]

Carrer: Mechanical and Electrical Technician

Institution Name: Escuela Industrial Superior, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina
Learning period: since 1988 at 1994
School type: Technical
Study field: Mechanics, Electricity

Abandoned Career: Mechanical Engineering

Institution Name: Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Argentina
Learning period: since 1995, abandoned at 2000.
Approved Academic Subjects: 22 (total of subjects: 35)
Study field: Mechanics, Thermodynamic, Calculation of elements, CAD-CAM-CAE, Etc..


English Level: High-Intermediate


1.- Company Name: CADRAW Argentina S.A. (Branch of CADRAW Pty. Ltd., Australia)
Bussiness: Drafting Services.
Position: Structural Drafter, Checker, and Project Leader
Period: since 01/08/2004 so far.
Company website: http://www.cadraw.com.au
Director Manager: Mr. Nazareno Manuele
Branch Address: Lisandro de la Torre 2564, Santa Fe, Argentina
Phone: +54-342-4532575
Sector of Activity: Design Drafting Services, structural steel detailing services, Pre-cast panel detailing & RC
detailing, shop drawings, piping, on-site-drafting, etc..
Company’s employees: 16
Team Workgroup: 5
Work carried out: Project Management, Checking, 3D-Modeling process, shop drawings, steel erection
drawings, reports, and pre-cast concrete panel detailing & RC Detailing in Australian standard enviroment.
Trainning of new members of the office (junior detailers).

Some samples of erection drawings with perspective view:

Transfer Station - WA - Australia Rockdale Awnings, NSW, Australia Ferrari Welcome Pavilion- Abu
Dhabi, UAE

Offices Building – NSW - Australia Epping Medical Centre, VIC , John XXIII Church – NSW - Australia

2.- Company Name: CINTER S.R.L.,

Bussiness Area: Steel Constructions
Position: Structural Detailer
Period: since 01/08/97 up to 30/07/2004
Company website: http://www.cinter.com.ar
Director Manager: Eng. Miguel Urquía -
Address: Parque Industrial Sauce Viejo, Provincia de Santa Fe,
Republica Argentina.
Phone/Fax; +54-342-4503000
Sector of Activity: Design & Fabrication of Steel Structures (columns, beams, trusses, etc.) for civil buildings such
as supermarkets, refrigerated stores, shoppings, etc..
Company's employees : 150
Sector: Engineering Department.
Team Workgroup: 7 detailers
Work carried out: Connections development, production of shop drawings and steel erection plans.
Special functions: Realization of Procedures’ Manual for Engineering Office.
Participation in implementation process of IS0 9001 norms at the company performing instructives.
Project’s Participation of the following buildings:

DISCO Supermarkets (Cordoba) Supermarket (Aug 1997). Cervecerías Unidas(Santa Fe)Packaging Sector(Mar-Apr 2000)
VILLAGE (Buenos Aires) Cinema Rooms (Sep-Oct 1997). EXXON-TECHINT (Bs. As.) Flue Gas Cooler (May-Jul 2000)
TERMINAL 6 (Gral. San Martín Part) Cell of Seeds (Nov-Dec 1997). HELLMMANS (Bs. As.) Corn Refinery (Aug 2000)
RENAUL T Argentina (Córdoba) Painting Plant (Dec 1997). DISCO Supermarkets (Bs.As.) Distribution Centre{Sep 2000)
UNICENTER Shopping (Buenos Aires) Mall (Jan - Mar 1998). CARGILL SA (Gral San Martín Port) Cell of Seeds (Oct-Nov 2000)
SWIFT (Bs.As.) Refrigerating cameras (Apr 1998). ARISCO SA (La Rioja)Auxiliar Buildings (Nov-Dic 2000)
CINEMARK (Bs. As.) Cinema Rooms(May-Jun 1998). LIBERTAD Supermarkets(Misiones)Mall & Shopping (Jan-Apr 2001)
LIBERTAD Supermarkets(Córdoba) Mall & Shopping(JuI1998). TOTAL FINA ELF Petrochemical (Ushuaia)Workshop{May 2001)
DISCO Supermarkets(Bs.AS. )Distribution Centre(Sep-Oct 1998). PROCTER & GAMBLE Group (Bs.As.)Pet Food Plan(May-Aug
DISCO Supermarkets(Mendoza)Distribution Centre (Sep-Oct 1998). 2001)
P&O (Bs. as.) Refrigerating cameras (Dec 1998-May 1999). TOTAL FINA ELF Petrochemical (Neuquen)Workshop(Oct 2001)
ROEMMERS (San Juan) Packaging sector and depot (May- ALUMBRERA Mine (Catamarca)Mineral Conveyors(Ocf 2001-Mar
JuI1999) 2002)
RAYÉN CURÁ (Mendoza) Glass Bottle Factory (Aug-Dec 1999) ALUMBRERA Mine (Catamarca)Railings and stairs(May-Jun 2002)
DECATHLON (Buenos Aires) Sport Shopping (Jan-Feb 2000) ARCOR-CANDY (Catamarca) Plant Extension (Oct 2002)
DREYFUS (Bs.As.) Soja Process Plant (Mar 2002)

and another more projects ….

Pictures taken on-site of finished projects:

The total weight of steel structures detailed on projects done just by me are:
4200 [tons] using Xsteel (Tekla Structures)
405 [tons] using AutoCAD
3.- Name: - CAD Introductory Courses (on AutoCAD R12 & AutoCAD R14),
- CAD Courses in three dimensions (on AutoCAD 2000)
Position: Teacher
Period: May 1997 to October 2000
Total of teaching's hours (it adds of hours of the different dictated courses)= 232 hs.
Organized by: University’s Extension Department - National Technological University

4.- Name: Group of Research of Energy - Universidad Tecnologico Nacional

Function: Scholarship holder
Carried out tasks: Mensuration tasks and calculations on Steam Boilers.
Period: since October of 1996 to July of 1997
Group Director: Eng. Jorge Caminos
Activity: Convince to the region's companies to carry out a rational use of the energy.

5.- Company Name: Hidroneumática Industrial S.C.

Bussiness Area: Metalurgical Company
Position: Operator Machining
Period: March-May of 1996
Company Manager: Eng. PAPINI, Alcides
Sector ot the activity: Automations in pneumatics and hydraulics and production of compact
oleohidraulic machine
Work Carried out: Mechanized of aluminum pieces with milling and drilling machines.


- CAD: Tekla Structures 13.1, AutoCAD 2008, Mechanical Desktop 4.0.

- PROJECT: Microsoft Project, Open WorkBench
- WORD PROCESSORS: Microsoft Word
- SPREADSHEET: Microsoft Excel, Quattro Pro 4.0
- OPERATIVE SYSTEMS: Microsoft Windows Vista / XP / 95-98, Windows NT and Windows 2000.
- PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: JavaScript, PHP, and Visual Basic Script.
- DATA BASE: Microsoft Acces 2000, SQL Server, & MySQL.
- WEB EDITOR: FrontPage 2000.
- E-mail and Internet.

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