Tamil Nadu Electricity Board: Manual On Pre-Commissioning & Periodical Testing OF Electrical Installation
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board: Manual On Pre-Commissioning & Periodical Testing OF Electrical Installation
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board: Manual On Pre-Commissioning & Periodical Testing OF Electrical Installation
The need for a comprehensive manual on Substation equipments and testing procedures for these equipments is a long felt need. Initiative for this was taken in July 1999 to prepare such a manual by constituting a Committee of experts. It is not enough if the officers of specialised field such as GRT, MRT, SS Erection, Transformer Erection etc., know about such testing procedures. The officers in charge of Substations should also have adequate knowledge of the equipments they are incharge of, so that these equipments are maintained well, operated in the way they should be done. Besides the maintenance officials, the operators of the 400 KV, 230 KV and 110 KV Substations should also be familiar about the functioning of each equipment they have to operate, observe and monitor during the course of their duty.
Though piece meal instructions are available in various literature and suppliers manuals, they are not codified and written in the way the maintenance and operating officials could easily understand and carry out their function with confidence and in a systematic way.
The expert committee has brought out a good manual covering pre-commissioning and periodical testing on all the equipments. I congratulate the members of the team for their excellent work particularly Thiru K. Mounagurusamy, Thiru M. Varadharajan and Thiru M. Arunachalam who have shouldered a major responsibility in bringing out this manual.
Any suggestions for improvement are welcome. An updated and improved version will be published later based on these suggestions.
I am confident that the manual will be of immense use to the testing, operating and maintenance personnel in the T.N.E.B.,.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) defines a relay as an electric device that is designed to interpret input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to respond to cause contact operation as similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits. Any unwanted operation or a non-operation can equally result in major system upsets. To differentiate between these two levels, a protection engineer has to be fully conversant and knowledgeable not only with the protection relay subject but also the protected equipments like generators, motors, transformers, transmission lines, distribution etc. For example, if a protection engineer is not clear about the principles of transformers, he will not be able to handle the protection of the transformers effectively. TNEBs policy has always been to the modern trends on protection system then and there and to give opportunities to its engineers to have the latest philosophy of the system. The TNEB engineers are well exposed to the protection field and are being responsible for the application of modern systems. Now the experienced engineers of the TNEB in the field of protection have developed a manual, sharing their experiences. The objective of this manual is to help the field protection engineers carry out their works effectively to the extent possible. There may be different opinions about some of the points given in this manual. This is natural since protection though a science is an art by itself and any art can not be defined or contained in a shell. It could be practically seen that decisions in protection field are depending upon individuals mainly. This manual is to furnish a minimum common base for the protection art The topics chosen are grouped in separate chapters dealing with major area Power system protection and the power line carrier communication. A sample calculation of fault levels of a small substation is given to generate the idea on the very important area to be familiarised by any protection engineer. Subjects like design, application, principles etc are not dealt with since these are available in various textbooks and brochures of relay manufactures. Care has been taken to include materials, which are not normally available in text books and relay manuals. Importance has been given to provide information and guidelines to the field engineers on the precommissioning, commissioning, periodical maintenance and analysis of relay operations. The provision of such a manual was suggested in response to Chairmans D.O.Letter No. SE/CHO/D 493223 DT 08.07.99 seeking suggestion from various officers. It is not known which officer has actually suggested this, but the subsequent efforts taken by our Chairman Thiru. R. Poornalingam IAS., has brought out this publication. The engineering fraternity should thank our chairman for having been the starter and keeping a constant drive to achieve the goal.
The suggestion was accepted in the meeting held on 17.9.99 and it was decided that Chief Engineer / Research & Development and Chief Engineer / Technical Audit shall print and distribute. A committee consisting the following officers was constituted wide LR CE/TA/EE/AEE/F.SSETP/D204/99 dt 12.11.99. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Er. A.S. Kandasamy Er. K. Mounagurusamy Er. S. Swaminathan Er. M. Arunachalam Er. P. Ponnambalam Er. ULO Chenthamizh Kodai Er. M. Varadarajan No.
It was also approved in the above ref. that the above committee shall prepare the manual and put up to the steering committee consisting of Chief Engineer / Technical Audit, Chief Engineer / Research & Development and Chief Engineer / Operation. First meeting of the committee was held on 22.11.99 and the subjects were decided along with the allocation of various subjects to the members of the committee. The members were asked to submit the materials on or before 22.12.99. The copies of materials received were furnished to all other members in order to check and avoid any technical errors and to suggest for any improvements. Subsequent meetings were held on 28.1.2000 and 28.2.2000. The subject was reviewed by Chairman on 13.11.2000 and Chief Engineer / Protection & Communication was instructed to take up the work and complete the job. The job was completed with the best cooperation of Engineers Thiru M. Arunachalam, Thiru M. Varadarajan and Thiru Ponnambalam in the final stages and a long felt need of relay engineers has been accomplished. It is our best hope that the manual will be of valuable assistance to the field engineers. Any suggestions and improvement are welcome and will be sincerely acknowledged and appreciated.
Chapter Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Need for Tests on Electrical Instalation Current Transformers Potential Transformers Capacitive Voltage Transformer Pre-commissioning Tests Commissioning Test Testing of Circuit Breaker at Site Testing of Relays Protection of Non Grid Feeders Distance Protection Er. A. S. Kandasamy CE/Transmission. Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE/P&C Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er. P. Ponnambalam EE/ S.S Erection Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er. M. Varadarajan EE / O&M. Er. M. Arunachalam EE / GRT 7 19 43 48 54 75 78 81 121 156 251 267 271 290 316 Subject Author Page
10. Power Transformer Testing and Protection Er. M. Varadarajan EE / O&M 11. Generator Protection 12. Under Frequency relaying 13. Power-line Carrier Communication 14. HV AC/DC Test 15. Maintenance of Relays Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er. M. Arunachalam EE / GRT By R&D. Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C
16. Gas Insulated Sub-Stations. 17. Review and Analysis of Tripping 18. Experience in protection field 19. Under ground Cable System 20. Batteries
Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C Er. M. Arunachalam EE / GRT Er. M. Arunachalam EE / GRT
ii) iii)
vi) vii)
The ability of the protection system to select (search out) the point at which the fault appears and switch it out of the circuit by tripping the nearest circuit breaker. SENSITIVITY:
The capability of the protection system to respond to abnormalities in normal operating conditions SPEED OF CONTROL:
Quick disconnection of a short-circuit, decreases the amount of damage incurred, maintains the machines running in synchronism (A high speed relay will operate in 3 cycles) SIMPLICITY:
The simpler the protection system the greater is its reliability. ECONOMICS:
Protection costs are considered high when considered alone, but they should be evaluated in the light of the much higher cost of the equipment they are protecting and the cost of an outage and/or the loss of the protected equipment.
Inputs: Current, Voltage, Power, Frequency, Pressure, Temperature, Flow, and vibration. Operating principle: Current balance, Percentage, Multi restraint, product, Solid state, Static, Microprocessor, Electromechanical, Thermal Performance characteristics: Distance, Directional over-current, Inverse time, Definite time, Under-voltage, Over-voltage, Ground or phase, High or low speed, phase comparison, Directional comparison 3. According to the method of connection to the power circuit Primary relays. Secondary relays connected through C.Ts and P.Ts. According to the method of action Direct-acting relays Indirect-acting relays, those operate through auxiliary relays. According to the degree of importance Main relays Supplementary relays such as signal relays, time relays, contact multiplier relays. According to time of action Quick relays: operate in 4-40ms. Ordinary relays: operate in 40-200ms. According to type of contacts Relays with normally-open contacts Relays with normally closed contacts. Relay performance is generally classified, as (1) correct, (2) no conclusion, (3) incorrect. Incorrect operation may be either failure to trip or false tripping, the cause of it may be poor application, incorrect setting, personnel error, or equipment malfunction.
High frequency disturbance 2.5 kv peak between independent IEC 255-22-1:1988 Class III circuits and case. 1 kv peak across terminals of the same circuit. Fast transient disturbance IEC 255-22-4:1992 Class IV 4 kV, 2.5kHz applied directly to auxiliary supply. IEC 801-4:1988 Level 4 4kv, 2.5 kHz applied directly to all inputs. 2kv peak, 1.2/50 s between all groups and case earth. 2kv peak, 1.2/50 s between terminals of each group. In compliance with the European Commission directive. 89/336/EEC Generic standards of EN5008-2:1994, EN5008-2:1995
EMC compliance
REFRENCE STANDARDS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IEC 255-1-00 IEC 255-3 IEC 255-6 IEC 255-6 IEC 255-7 IEC 255-8 IEC 255-10 IEC 255-11 IEC 255-12 IEC 255-13 IEC 255-16 IEC 255-21-1 IEC 255-21.2 IEC 255-21-3 IEC 255-22-1 IEC 255-22-2 IEC Electrical Relays-All-or-nothing electrical relays Electrical Relays Single input energising quantity measuring relays with dependent or independent time Electrical Relays Insulation tests for electrical relays Electrical Relays Measuring relays and protection equipments Electrical Relays Test and measurement procedures for electro-mechanical all-or-nothing relays Electrical Relays Thermal electrical relays Electrical Relays Application of the IEC quality assessment system for electronic components to all-or-nothing relays Electrical Relays Interruptions to and alternating component (Ripple) in DC auxiliary energising quantity of measuring relays Electrical Relays Directional relays and power relays with two input energising quantities Electrical Relays Biased (%) differential relays Electrical Relays Impedance measuring relays Electrical Relays Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment (Vibration tests) Electrical Relays Vibration, shock, pump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment (Shock & Bump tests) Electrical Relays Vibration, Shock, pump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment (Seismic tests) Electrical Relays Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment (1 MHz burst disturbance tests) Electrical Relays Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment (Electrostatic discharge tests) Electrical Relays Electrical disturbance test for measuring relays and protection equipment (Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance tests) Electrical Relays Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment (Fast transient disturbance tests) Electrical Relays contract performance
18 19
TEMPERATURE IEC-255-6:1988 Storage and transit -25C to +70C Operating -25 to 55C Cold Dry Heat
3. Enclosure Protection IEC-529:1989 Mechanical Environment Vibration IEC-255-21-1:1988 Response Class 1. The relay should be capable of performing 10000 operations. The relay should be capable of withstanding shock, bump and seismic disturbances. IEC 255-21-2:1988 IEC 255-21-3:1993 Exception: lowest frequency tested is 5Hz. IP50 (dust protected)
2Kv rms 1 minute between all case terminals connected together and the case earth terminal. 2Kv rms 1 minute between all terminals of independent circuits, with terminals on each independent circuit connected together.1.5 Kv rms for 1 minute across normally open outgoing contact pairs.
Three positive and three negative impulses of 5 kv peak, 1.2/50 s, 0.5J between all terminals of the same circuit (except output contacts), independent circuits, and all terminals connected together and case earth.
2. AUXILIARY ENERGISING QUANTITIES Fixed Inputs 30Vdc 48Vdc 110Vdc 220Vdc 3. FREQUENCY Specified as 50Hz with a range of operation from 47.5Hz to 52.5Hz 4. REFERENCE CONDITIONS OF INFLUENCING QUANTITIES Ambient temperature Position 355C Horizontal Level sensitive inputs 18Vdc 28.8Vdc 66Vdc 132Vdc Jumper selectable inputs 30Vdc 48Vdc 110Vdc 220Vdc
5. NOMINAL RANGE OF INFLUENCING QUANTITIES Unless otherwise specified, the following values represent the reference condition Ambient temperature Position -40C to 85C 0 to 180in any direction from the reference position
6. LIMITING SHORT TIME THERMAL WITH STAND Current Inputs 500amps (ac) for 1see Voltage Inputs 365v (ac) for 10 sec
The above conditions are to be verified for the acceptance of relays for the precommissioning test on protective relays. 14
Protective relays have been called sentinels and electric brains. From the economic point of view, relays are akin to insurance; they protect the power utility from financial loss due to damage to equipment. From the under writers point of view, they prevent accidents to personnel and minimise damage to equipments. From the consumers point of view, good service depends more upon adequate relaying than upon any other equipment.
3. Pickup (level)
- The value of current or voltage etc. which is the threshold above which the relay will close its contacts.
6. Backup relay
A relay which operates usually after a slight delay, if the normal relay does not operate to trip its circuit breaker.
7. Selectivity
- The ability of the relay to discriminate between a fault in the protected section and abnormal conditions or a fault else where on the system.
8. Consistency
- The accuracy with which the relay can repeat its electrical or time characteristic.
9. Flag or Target
- A visual device, usually spring or gravity operated for indicating the operation of a relay.
13. Blocking
- Preventing the protective relay from tripping, either due to its own characteristic or to an additional relay.
14. Annunciator Audible and/or visible alarm or signal initiated electrically. 15. Circuit breaker
- A device for interrupting a circuit between separate contacts under normal or abnormal conditions. May be operated manually or automatically for circuit control by overload or the selected condition.
22. Interlock
- An electrical or mechanical arrangement that prevents one operation or sequence of operation from taking place, until another prerequisite operation or condition has been satisfied.
23. Solenoid
- An Electro magnetic coil which when electrically energised produces a mechanical force by acting up on a free armature in the coil axis.
24. T.M.S. Time Multiplier setting (UK) T.L.S. Time lever setting (U.S.A.)
- A means of adjusting the movable back stop which controls the travel of the disc and thereby varies the time in which the relay will close its contacts for given values of current.
26. Capacitor
- An electrical device for storing of electricity and returning it to the line. It is used to balance the inductance of a circuit since its action is opposite in phase to that of inductive apparatus ie. it throws the current ahead of emf in phase.
The most widely used input quantity, in the application of protective relays is current. The source of this quantity is from current Transformer (CTs) which are located on or near the protected equipment. CTs are used to provide isolation from the power system and reduction in magnitude to a level usable by relays and meters. Protective relays use this quantity in numerous ways to determine if the protected system is abnormal and requires isolation. Failure of CTs to perform as designed, has resulted in failure to trip, failure to trip promptly and tripping when not required. Many of these failures can be traced to incomplete or improper testing of the CTs and the associated circuitry. (This manual for field testing of relaying CTs is written to provide testing personnel with the basis to properly test the CTs.) Accuracy class: Understanding of the accuracy class of a CT is necessary for proper testing and evaluation. Ratiotest: CT ratio can be checked by two generally accepted methods. The voltage method of testing measures ratio directly by impressing a voltage on the CT secondary with the primary open circulated, while reading primary and secondary voltages directly with a high impedance voltmeter. The current method of determining ratio circulates a known value of current through the CT primary while measuring secondary current. Only the latter method is discussed in detail as the same is adopted on T. N. E. B. Polarity Tests: CT polarity can be determined by three generally accepted methods. (1) The DC voltage test momentarily imposes a small DC voltage on one side of a C.T and the direction of the momentary deflection of a milliammeter on the opposite side of the CT is noted and compared with polarity marks.
The AC voltage test utilizes an oscilloscope to compare the instantaneous values of voltage on the primary and secondary of a C.T while an AC voltage is impressed on the secondary. The current method compares the polarity of the CT under test with that of a C.T. whose polarity is known by circulating current through both and measuring the difference. The first method is discussed in detail.
Excitation Test: Excitation Tests are made to assure the CT is capable of developing its published secondary terminal voltage without excessive excitation current. An excitation curve is plotted by applying various values of an AC voltage below saturation level to the secondary with the primary open circuited. While measuring secondary current and voltage substantial deviations from published curves should be investigated (or from the curves obtained during commissioning) and may indicate a turn to turn short circuit or a completed magnetic path around the CT core. Inter-core coupling: In many instances several secondary cores are mounted in close proximity on the same primary lead. It is possible, through failure of grading shields or CT support structures, to have coupling between cores which is not detectible by excitation tests, but it is still substantial enough to improperly operate bus differential relays. The presence of abnormal coupling can be detected by reading open circuit voltage on CTs adjacent to a CT being excitation tested.
In present day power system, increased concentration of generation has caused considerable increase in the ratio of the fault current to the normal load currents. Also in EHV networks increased reactance to resistance ratio causes slow decay of the d. c. component in the short circuit current. The time constants of the decay of d. c. transients. Can be as high as 300 m secs. The D. C. component in the magnetizing in rush current of a large power transformer have still longer time constants. For a fault close to a generator the fault current may not touch the zero current axis for several cycles. Saturation of a conventional current transformer under such situation can be avoided only by choosing the cross sectional area of their cores to be several times larger than that needed for the transformation of symmetrical current of the same peak value.
A CT used with slow speed protective relays should not saturate during steady state fault current. It may be allowed to saturate due to d. c. component in the fault current as the protective relays energised with are slow, these operate only after the d. c. component decay down. CTs when driven above their knee point voltage can create substantial distortion in the secondary current as well as reducing the rms value of that current. The fundamental component (frequency) is thus reduced by a larger factor than implied by the ratio error, causing non-operation of the relay, or slow operation of the relay. The CT core may be of iron or air; Iron cored CTs have a substantial power output but are subject to many errors, both static and transient. Air cored CTs have linear characteristics with no transient errors and are called linear couplers, but these CTs have a low power output which is generally inadequate for electro magnetic relays but suitable for static relays.
Exciting AT FIGURE: 2 Fig 2. Shows the magnetic characteristic of the iron lamination materials commonly used for CT cores. It will be seen that steel with very low exciting current tends to saturate at lower flux densities. Effect of Remnance in iron core: Remnance the ability of a material to retain magnetization, equal to the magnetic flux density of the material after the removal of the magnetic field Also called retentivity. The CT core may saturate prematurely at currents well below the normal saturation level due to the existence of remnant flux. Unfortunately cold rolled silicon steel, which is favoured nowadays because of its high saturating level, has high remanence so that the recent occurrence of a heavy fault may leave a remanent flux high enough to cause saturation when a second fault occurs (Remanent remaining or left over)
Saturation in CTs may be due to remnance or high primary current and / or high secondary burden. TO OVERCOME THE DIFFICULTY OF SATURATION OF CTS If the CT gets saturated due to heavy fault current, thereby operating time will increase considerably. If it is found that the CT gets saturated the following suggestion can be considered to avoid saturation. 1. O/L setting may be adopted as 100% if not already done: 2. Increase of CT Ratio, if possible.
3. As a last resort change the CT with higher VA burden and ALF if necessary.
1. Polarity, Terminal markings The relative polarities of CT primary and secondary terminals are identified either by painted polarity marks or symbols. P1 and P2 for the primary terminals S1 and S2 for the secondary terminals or 1S1 2S2 3S3 1 2 3 S2 S2 S2 } } } for the secondary terminals of of CTs having 3 cores.
The convention is that when primary current enters the P1 terminal, secondary current leaves the S1 terminal as shown by the arrows in Fig. 5. (or when current enters the P2 terminal, it leaves the S2 terminal. P1 S1 S2 P2
FIGURE: 5 Since a. c current is continually reversing its direction, one might well ask what the significance is of polarity marking. Its significance is in showing the direction of current flow relative to another current or to a voltage as well as to aid in making proper connections. If CTs are not interconnected or if the current from one C. T. did not have to Co-operate with a current from another CT or with a voltage from a voltage source to produce some desired result such as torque in a relay, there would be no need for polarity marks.
Polarity of instrument transformers: When instrument transformers are used with measuring or control devices that respond only to the magnitude of the current or voltage, the direction of current flow does not affect the response and the connections to the secondary terminals can be reversed without affecting the operation of the devices. When instrument transformers are used with measuring or control devices that respond to the interaction of two or more currents, the correct operation of the devices depends upon the relative phase positions of the currents in addition to the magnitudes. To show the relative instantaneous directions of current flow one primary and one secondary terminal are identified with a distinctive polarity marker, these indicate that at the instant when the primary current is flowing into the marked primary terminal the secondary current is flowing out of the marked secondary terminal. Markings of CTS shall be as indicated below: P1 P2 P1 P2
P1 P1 P2
Primary Series connection gives 2 turns P1- C2- C1- P2 Primary parallel Connection gives 1 turn P1C1 P2 C2. 2. CT MANGETISING CHARACTERISTICS: The working range of a protective CT extends over the full range between the ankle and the knee points and beyond, whereas the measuring CT usually operates in the region of the ankle point. The major difference in requirement between those for metering and those for protection is that with the former, specified accuracies are essential over a range of primary current about 5% full load upto 125%. Whereas the protective purposes, we are concerned with accurate secondary reproductions of the primary currents from about full load upto those of short circuit magnitude, the latter being many times full load. It is therefore a primary requirement, that protective CTs should have a high saturation level. Whereas those for metering should preferably saturate at low level, thus protecting the connected instruments or meters against over currents. The point at which a CT begins to saturate is known as the knee point on the curve of its magnetising characteristic and is by definition, the point where the exciting current increases by 50% for a 10% increase in secondary voltage typically as shown in figure. It is very difficult to avoid saturation of protective CTs during short circuit condition; the effect of saturation is the reduced output hence reduced speed of over current relays.
Protective CT Characteristic
Meetering CT Characteristic
Figure shows, the characteristics of two CTs both for the same rated burden, but one for protection and the other for metering. It is quite obvious that a core of larger cross section would be required for a protective CT if the material has to be the same. CAUTION: The relays should not be connected to the metering characteristic CTs and the meters should not be connected to the protective characteristic CTS. If connected meter will be damaged and the relay will be inactive during faults. DUAL PURPOSE APPLICATION: The requirements for a protective current transformer differ radically from those from a measuring CT. A measuring CT has to be accurate within the specified working range of rated current. Accuracy is not required on high over current, it is in fact, an advantage if the CT saturates at a moderate over current, since this tends to relieve the measuring instruments of the severe strain caused by heavy over current. A protective CT has to be accurate within the appropriate limits at all higher values of current upto the rated accuracy limit primary current, whereas on the otherhand it is not usually required to be accurate below rated current. It follows that the difficulties of producing a dual purpose CT are accentuated when high accuracy is required for measuring purposes or a when a high accuracy limit factor is needed for protective purposes or both.
The question of using a single CT for the dual purpose of protection and measurement may be decided by considering all relevant factors such as design, cost, space and the capability of the instruments of withstanding high currents. A CT for the dual purpose of protection and measurement will have both a protection and a measurement rating. When dual purpose CTs are used it should be ensured that under maximum fault current no damage is caused to meters and instruments. When such a CT is used for both purposes simultaneously and the rated burdens for measurement and protection differ, the total connected burden shall not exceed the lower of the two rated burden. Rated accuracy limit primary current The value of the current assigned by the manufacturer as the highest primary current at which the CT will comply with the appropriate limits of composite error under specified conditions. Accuracy limit factor The ratio of the rated accuracy limit primary current to the rated primary current. The standard accuracy limit factors shall be 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30. Accuracy class 5P 10P 15P (P means protection)
3. RATED BURDEN The burden on a protective CT is composed of the individual burdens of the associated relays or trip coils, instruments (when used) and the connecting leads. When the individual burdens are expressed in ohmic values, the total burden may be computed by addition. This total ohmic burden should then be converted to a VA burden at the rated secondary current. When the individual burdens are expressed in terms of VA, it is essential to refer the VA values to a common base before they can be added together to form the total computed burden. This common base shall be the rated secondary current of the CT. Normally the standard VA rating nearest to the burden computed should be used, but attention is drawn to the fact that a device may have an impedance with one or more of the following characteristics.
1. The impedance is constant, regardless of the current setting subject to 4 below (for example untapped relay coils). 2. The impedance changes with the current settings (notably in trip coils and relays with tapped coils) 3. The impedance decreases when the current passing through the coil exceeds the current setting. 4. The impedance changes with the changed position of the armature of the relay or trip coil. For correlation of Burden and Accuracy limit factor refer IS 2705 (Part III) 1964. Also IS 4201/1967. All accuracy considerations require knowledge of the CT burden. The external load applied to the secondary of a CT is called the burden. The error of a CT increases with the resistance of its secondary external circuit. Therefore its rated secondary burden in ohms or rated capacity in VA is usually indicated by the manufacturer. The rated secondary burden of a CT is the maximum resistance that can be connected to its secondary winding without exceeding the permissible error specified for the given class of accuracy. The number of electrical measuring instruments that can be safely connected to a single CT is determined by the total resistance of the instruments and the connecting leads. This value should not exceed the burden of the CT. EXAMPLE NO.1 Determine, whether an ammeter having a resistance of 0.2 ohm and the current winding of a wattmeter having a resistance of 0.2 ohm can be connected to a single 0.6 ohm CT if copper conductor leads of 20 meter length and 4 sq mm cross section are used for connecting the instruments. i) The resistance of lead r = P l/s = 0.0175 X 20/4 0.09 ohm. The impedance (z) of the secondary external circuit of CT is equal to the geometric sum of impedances of the current windings of the connected instruments and the leads. For an approximate solution it is sufficient to add the impedances arithmatically ie. neglect the comparatively low reactances of the windings.
Thus, the total resistance of the secondary external circuit is found to be = 0.09 + 0.2 + 0.2 = 0.49 ohm. This resistance (0.49ohm) is less that the rated burden of the CT (0.6 ohm) consequently quite allowable. EXAMPLE NO. 2 CALCULATE the V A output required for a CT of 5 A rated secondary current when burden consists of relay requiring 10 VA at 5A plus loop lead resistance 0.1 ohm suggest choice of CT. VA required to compensate } = I2 R = 5 X 0.1 loop lead resistance } = 2.5 VA Relay burden at 5 A TOTAL VA output required : = 10 VA -----------
= 12.5 VA -------------Hence a CT of rating 15 VA and secondary current 5A may be used. 4. COMMON PRACTICE TO USE 1A CT RATHER THAN 5A CT If the distance between CTs and measuring instruments or relays are appreciable, it is common practice to use the CT whose rated secondary current is equal to 1A. In this case, the secondary circuit resistance of a CT may be 25 times that of the CT whose secondary current is equal to 5A. This will be explained as below: Saturation of the CT may cause no inconvenience and may even be desirable for its limiting action in the case of switch board instruments (ie. CTs for metering) but obviously it could seriously upset the performance of a time current relay or any form of comparator relay such as differential relay or a distance relay during heavy faults. Saturation can be avoided either by increasing the cross section of iron cores of CT or by reducing the burden. The first method is expensive and the second may be difficult. The burden on the CT is due to the resistance of the relay, the CT secondary and the leads. For a given performance, the relay burden can not be reduced except by changing its design. On the other hand the lead burden can be reduced by using a lower secondary current rating. For instance in a large station with long runs from the switch yard to the relay panel (like ERODE 110/22 KV GRID STATION), the lead resistance may be as 6 ohms.
With a 5A CTs the normal burden imposed by the 6 ohm leads is I2 R = 52 x6 = 150 VA In order not to saturate with a fault current, twenty times normal, the iron circuit would have to be large enough to avoid saturation below. 600 V. (IR = 20 x 5x6 = 600 Volts). This would require quite a large CT, on the other hand with a 1 A CT secondary rating, the lead burden would be I R = 1 x 6 = 6 VA. The resistance of the secondary of the 1 A CT would be about 5 ohms compared with 0.2 ohm for the 5 A CT. 5 A CT Resistance of the Secondary of 5A CT = lead resistance Total Total burden = = = I2 R = 52x6.2 = 155 VA Maximum voltage = 20 x IR = 20x5x6.2 = 620 Volts Maximum voltage 0.2 ohm 6.0 ohm ---6.2 ohm ---total burden = I2 R = 12x 11 = 11 VA = 20x IR = 20x1x11 = 220 Volts total = 1 A CT Resistance of the secondary of 1A CT = lead resistance = 5 ohm 6 ohm ---11ohm ----
Actually for mechanical reasons, the size of the CT wire is not scaled down in proportion to the current and the maximum voltage would be nearer 150 Volts. CT. REQUIREMENT: NOTE: To ensure that the relay operating times are not unduly affected by CT saturation, they should be capable of developing a kneepoint voltage sufficient to circulate 20 times the plug setting current through the relay for phase and earth faults. VT. REQUIREMENT: The residual voltage transformers (RVT) for voltage polarised directional earth fault relays should confirm to an accuracy class 10. It is important that for the correct reproduction of residual voltage across the broken delta winding of the voltage transformers either three single phase VT or one three phase, five limb VT should be used. 30
The performance of a CT is normally related to the rated primary circuit, but if there is a significant difference, the effects of this on the performance need to be studied, particularly on the fault setting and on stability. On systems where the fault current is high and full load current is low, it may be necessary to choose CTs with primary current ratings related to the fault current rather than ratings related to full load currents. 6. FAILURE OF CTS
CTs are unlikely to fail in themselves, but they may be inadvertently short circuited by a test link having been left in the wrong position during maintenance testing; also a CT insulation may breakdown if the secondary circuit is accidently opened. It is therefore important to design test gear and switch board components so that there is no risk of open circuiting the secondary of a CT because in this condition it can produce an extremely high secondary voltage which may breakdown the insulation and destroy CT. This is because although the CT iron may saturate at a sinusoidal secondary voltage of a few hundred, the rate of change of flux near the zero points of the cycle can produce enormous voltage peaks. CAUTION: If there is any inadvertent opening in the secondary circuit of a CT, the CT should be checked for its magnetising characteristic and for its insulation. ABB Ltd: Make Current Transformer oil minimum type Type IMB 145 KV
Tan Delta Measuring Terminal. The outer shield of primary insulation is brought out through a bushing in the secondary terminal box and earthed. This is designated as D3 terminal.
For periodical preventive check tan delta of complete primary insulation can be measured by opening earthing link of D3 terminal and connecting tan delta measuring bridge at this point. This measurement will give total picture of health of Primary insulation. There are three cores. One is class 1.0 and the other two PS Class. Class 1.0 is metering core. PS class core are protection core. This should be ensured by conducting magnetising characteristic. Metering core will have a very low knee point voltage (say 65 V). Whereas the protection core knee point voltage will be > 750 V. CAUTION: 1) Relays should be connected to the protection core and Ammeter should be connected to the Metering core. 2) Secondary winding not being used must be short-circuited and grounded. 3) Secondary terminals must be short-circuited before the burden is disconnected. 4) Ensure D (Tan delta) Bushing connection with earth. 5) Higher CT ratio means higher knee-point Voltage For 600/1 780 V For 300/1 = 390 V For 150/1 = 195 V CTs TESTING The following tests are carried out on CTs. 1. Polarity check 2. Ratio check 3. Magnetization curve. 4. Measuring insulation resistance of C.T. secondary windings (Caution: only 500 V megger should be used)
1. POLARITY CHECK: Polarity check is necessary to see the relative polarity of the primary and secondary terminals when terminals are not marked or to establish the correctness of the marking if already marked. In otherwords the polarity checking consists actually in making sure that the designations P1 and P2 made on the leads of the primary winding and S1 and S2 made on the leads of the secondary winding corresponds to the winding start and Finish ends.
The d. c. source, a dry cell or storage battery of 4-6 V is connected in series with the primary winding of the CT through switch. The positive pole of the battery is connected to the beginning of the primary winding and the negative pole to the end of the primary. While closing and then opening switch, watch the indicating instrument connected across the secondary winding to see in which direction its pointer deflects. If, when the primary circuit is closed, the pointer deflects to the right and then deflects to the left when the circuit is broken. It is a sign of like polarity (and correct marking) of the CT primary and secondary terminals, one of the which connected to the positive pole of the battery, the other to the positive terminal of the indicating instrument. 2. CHECKING CURRENT RATIO: The ratio of the CT is checked by dividing the value of the primary current I1, by that of the secondary current I2 and comparing it with the rated value.
IDENTIFYING AND MARKING OF BUSHING CTs. When bushing CTs are being checked, it is also necessary to make sure that their tap leads are correctly marked. This can be done while checking the current ratios. In cases when the tap leads have no markings, the simplest circuit for identifying and then marking them is that shown in Figure A voltage from the auto transformer (AT) (Variac) is applied first to any two of the tap leads. Then by measuring the voltage between each pair of the CT tap leads, the pair with the greatest voltage will be extreme (beginning and end) leads corresponding to the largest current ratio. The voltage from the auto-transformer is now applied to the two extreme tap leads, following which the voltage between one of the extreme leads and all the other leads is measured to check the voltage distribution along the winding. When the lowest voltage is obtained, it corresponds to the position for the least current ratio. According to the voltage obtained above all the leads can be marked and then compared with the manufacturers diagram for the distribution of the turns between the taps.
NOTE: The ratio check is also usually carried out during the primary injection test described later. The ratio of the readings of the ammeters in the primary and secondary circuit of the CT under test is taken which should approximate to the ratio marked on the CT.
3. MAGNETIZATION CURVE: CTs intended for different purposes will have different magnetization characteristics. On a single bushing there may be several CTs of the same ratio, but differing characteristics to perform different duties such as protection, metering or operation of ammeters only. A magnetization test is a convenient method for identification of the different CTs which will have differing knee points. The curve showing the voltage across the terminals of the secondary winding in a CT as a function of the current in the winding, known as the Magnetization characteristic is therefore of prime importance. To obtain the data for plotting the magnetization characteristic the primary circuit is left open circuited and an ac voltage is applied across the secondary winding with the aid of testing auto transformer (AT) Figure .. By raising the voltage one step at a time, readings of the corresponding current are taken with the ammeter. When commissioning, data for 10-12 points are thus obtained for plotting the characteristic. During all subsequent scheduled checks during service, data for 3-4 points are obtained to make sure that the characteristic has not changed and the points coincide with the curve of the first characteristic. It is best to take the characteristic upto saturation i. e. to a point where further increase in the current passed through the winding is not accompanied by noticeable rise in the voltage. CAUTION: Prior to taking the readings for the characteristic and after they are obtained, the core of the CT should be demagnetized by slowly raising the voltage to a high value and then slowly reducing it to zero two or three times. HOW TO FIND CTS WITH SHORTED TURNS. If some of the turns in the secondary are shorted, the characteristic will be much lower than normal. This defect is detected by comparing the characteristic just obtained with the one plotted at an earlier date or with that of an identical CT. Deviation from normal in the case of shorted turns is most noticeable in the magnetization characteristics over the initial range of magnetization where the current from 0.1 to 1A. See Figure
PHASE ANGLE ERROR. The phase angle error for the protection CTs is not normally measured as the burden on the secondary of the CT is generally of such highly lagging power factor that the secondary current is practically, in phase with the exciting current and hence the effect of the exciting current on the phase angle accuracy is negligible. THE REQUIREMENT OF CTs FOR OVER CURRENT PROTECTION FOR HV FEEDERS LIKE 11 KV, 22 KV, 33 KV, AND 66 KV FEEDERS AND TRANSFORMERS:The requirement of CTs for over current protection for HV feeders, is normally met by ISS: IS 2705 Part III. The following are the major requirement. 1. Burden 2. Accuracy class 3. Rated Accuracy limit factor.
1. BURDEN: The impedance of the secondary circuit expressed in ohms and power factor. The burden is usually expressed in volt-ampere absorbed at a specified power factor and at rated secondary current. The impedance of the secondary circuit is normally vectorial addition of burden of relay, cable leads and any meters, connected in series. 2. ACCURACY CLASS: Standard accuracy classes are 5P, 10P, and 15P and their details of error are as noted below:
Sl. No.
1. 2. 3.
5P 10 P 15 P
1% - 3% 5%
60 minutes
3. RATED ACCURACY LIMIT FACTOR: The value of the accuracy limit factor for which the accuracy requirements of this specification are met at rated burden. SPECIFICATION OF CTS FOR HV FEEDERS: Normally for 11 or 22 KV feeders, the specification of CTs is as below: 400-200 /1 Amp 15 (or 30) VA 5P 15 It means that when primary current 200 Amps flows, the secondary current will be 1 amp and can feed a burden of 15 ohms (30 ohms). When primary current reaches 15 times (during fault conditions) it can be still feed the burden of 15 ohms and the composite error will not exceed 5 percent in the transformation.
HOW DOES THIS SPECIFICATION OF CTS REALLY MEET UNDER PRACTICAL SITUATION:In Tamilnadu Electricity Board, it is normal practice to provide two over current IDMT relay and one earth fault IDMT relay with instantaneous element as drawn in the diagram. The burden of the IDMT relay at 100% plug setting is 3 VA. For one 1 amp rated relay it is equal to 3 ohms. For over current relay it is normal practice to adopt 100% and for earth fault relay it is 40% plug setting. For O/L element the burden is 3 ohm (z) For E/L element I2z = 3 (0.4)2z=3 z = 3/(0.4)2 = 3/0.16 = 18.7 ohm The burden of instantaneous element is 5 VA or 5 ohm. Hence the total burden in series for an earth fault will be = Z O/L inst + Z O/L IDMT + Z E/L inst + Z E/L IDMT = 5 + 3 + 5 + 18.7 = 31.7 ohms. The current practice in TNEB is to use CT of 30 VA 5P 15 capacity. The CT will develop 450 volts as its output. (ie. 30x15 = 450). The impedance (Z) and current can vary so that the product should not exceed 450 V. In a sub-station, where 3 Nos. 110 KV/22 KV 10 MVA transformers with 10% impedance are provided, the fault MVA will be 300; when infinite Bus is assumed on H. V. side (110 KV). Under actual condition the fault MVA will be about 2/3 of this value ie. 200 MVA. The fault current (If) on L. V. side (22 KV side) will be about 5200 Amps. (3x22xIf = 200x103 KVA) If = 200 x 103/3 x 22 5249A
When 300/1 amp CT is used, CT secondary current will be 17.3 amp [5200/300 = 17.3] Apparantly it may look that with 31.7 ohm burden, CT will not develop sufficient voltage to drive this current. 31.7 x 17.3 = 548.4V But in case of IDMT relay as current increases, core in the relay saturates and the relay burden will reduce to 40% of its value at 10% times the current setting. So the O/L and E/L burden (of IDMT relays) (3+18.7) = 21.7 ohms will be reduced to 40
3 x 40/100 + 18.7 x 40/100 = 8.68 ohms. and the total burden of IDMT and instantaneous relays will be 8.68 + 5+5 = 18.68 ohms. The CT will have to develop 18.68 x 17.3 = 323-16V only. The relay will correctly act.
OPERATION: In a current transformer the primary ampere-turms must be equal the sum of the seconddary ampere-turms and the magnetising ampere-turms (Ie) N1I1 = N2 (I2 + Ie) OPEN CIRCUTED CURRENT TRANSFORMER If the load (Burden) impedances Rb+jXb is very high, then the voltage calculated from I2 (R2+Rb+jXb) would be very large, (Where R2 is secondary winding resistance) Well above Knee-point voltage (as a rough guide the knee-point voltage is the product of the VA rating and the accuracy limit factor / the rated secondary current) and Ie would become significantly large in the ampere-turn balance equation N1I1 = N2(I2+Ie) and I2 would be reduced. The limiting value is when the CT secondary winding is open circuited and I2 = 0. All the input ampereturns will be used as magnetising ampere-turns and will drive the current transformers into saturation the greatly increase magnetising current will not cause much increase to the average voltage. However the change in flux from 0 to the knee-point value is not accomplished in th cycle but in perhaps 1/100 of this time thus the ratio of change of flux and, therefore the induced voltage during this period would be about hundred times the knee-point voltage. Insulation can be damaged by this high short duration voltage and overheating caused by the great increase of iron losses.
Er. K. MOUNAGURUSAMY Design of a Potential transformer is similar to that of a power transformer, but the loading of the Potential transformer is only a few VA. Accuracy in design is more important than efficiency. Due to short circuit fault, the transient D. C. component in the line voltage is less and that too occurs when the A. C. component is low, therefore a Potential transformer is not required to be oversized to handle the transient conditions. Voltage drop in the secondary leads should be well taken into account. This can seriously falsify the accuracy of measurement. Take the case of V. T. with burden of 300 VA in 57.7 V secondary and the lead resistance (for Exp. 100 m, double core 2.5 mm2 RL = 1.44 ohms) Current in P. T. = 300/57.7 = 5.2 A Voltage drop = 5.2 x 1.44 = 7.5 V. This accounts to 13% Such drops will make the distance relays over reach by equal percent. A serious problem. Hence 6 Sq.mm cables are advised for P. T. circuits. CAPACITANCE VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER PERFORMANCE POINT OF VIEW: The transient response of the CVT depends on the following : 1. Point on the primary voltage wave where the fault occurs. 2. The value of equivalent capacitance, which is dependent on three items namely Capacitor rating, Tap position, Turns ratio of the Intermediate voltage transformer. 3. Magnitude and power factor of the burden. Composition and connection of the burden for the same burden and power factor the burden can be made up of parallel and series components.
4.Type of ferro resonant damper circuit. For well designed transformer the exciting current of intermediate transformer is purposely kept low of the order of 2 to 3 ma and does not adversely affect the response. To see the effects of various important parameters, it is assumed that a single phase ground fault occur at the CVT location itself. Only resistance burden is considered. Two extreme conditions (a) fault at peak of voltage and (b) fault at zero point on the primary voltage wave. i1 (O) = V1 max/R4 Vc (O) 1 0 On analysis, the following conclusion are arrived. For fault at the peak of voltage the transient component decays very fast. For fault at zero point on the voltage wave transient will decay slowly. The magnitude of the transient output voltage (for fault on zero point of voltage wave) will decrease with increase in equivalent capacitance value but duration will be increased due to corresponding decrease in value of equivalent conductance value. With the increase in burden (decrease in the magnitude of the resistine burden) CVT performance will further worsens for faults at the zero point of the wave. The voltage transformers are normally connected phase to earth. In the event of disturbance in the network the voltage across the VTs (CVTs ) will be increased in the healthy phases. IEC specifies the voltage factors: 19 for systems not having solidly earthed 15 for solidly earthed system. The saturation is specified to be 30sec. for systems with tripping earth fault protection and 8 hours if no earth fault tripping protection is used. The VTs must not be saturated at the voltage factor. For metering cores a high accuracy for voltages in range (80 - 120%) of nominal voltage is required.
For protection where disturbance information must be transferred to the secondary side, a lower accuracy is required but a high capability to transform voltages to allow the protection to operate and disconnect the fault. Class is 3p. The 3p class will have measuring error of 3% and an angle of 120 min. The voltage transformer winding can be given a continued class ie 0.5/3p which means that metering accuracy is fulfilled for 80-120% of nominal voltage but the requirement for 5% of nominal voltage and the transient response requirement from protection cores is also fulfilled. A good transient response is required to the protection transformers and this is a problem for CVTs where the energy stored in the capacitive voltage divider and the interposing voltage transformer will result in a transient voltage oscillation on the secondary side. The transient oscillation consists of a low frequency components. (2-15Hz) and high frequency oscillation (900-4000Hz). The time constant for the high frequency part is short where as the low frequency part has long time constants. The amplitude is decided by the fault inception angle. Higher capacitances in the voltage divider gives lower amplitude of the low frequency oscillation. The secondary value, one cycle after the short circuit should be lower than 10%. Ferro resonance can occur in circuits containing a capacitor and a reactor incorporating an iron core (a non-linear inductance). Both the CVT and a magnetic VT can be involved in Ferro resonance phenomenon. Ferro resonance in a magnetic VT is an oscillation between the inductance of the VT and the capacitance of the network. Ferro resonance can only occur at ungrounded networks, but note the risk that some part becomes ungrounded under certain circumstances. An oscillation is normally triggered by a sudden change in the network voltage. Ferroresonance phenomenon can occur both with sub-harmonic frequencies or with harmonic frequencies. Generally it is difficult to state when a risk of ferro resonance occurs but as soon as a system with a voltage transformer is left ungrounded under some circumstances, preventive actions should be taken (also consider the risk of capacitive charged systems with a VT). The damping of Ferro resonance is normally done with a 27 60 ohms 200 W resistor connected across the open delta winding. The resistor value should give a current as high as possible but a current below the thermal rating of the voltage transformer. The CVT with its capacitor and IVT is by itself a ferro-resonance circuit. The phenomenon is started by a sudden voltage change. A sub harmonic oscillation can be started and must be damped to prevent damage to the transformer. The CVTs must be provided with ferro resonance damping devices, normally this consists of a saturating reactor and a resistor in each phase.
COMMISSIONING INSTRUCTION FOR CVTs: Test Equipments :Meggar 0.5 or 1 KV Battery box (with atleast three voltage levels). Multimeter class 1.5 Phase sequence meter Test leads etc.,
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS:The transformer to be tested is to be checked for primary earthing before commencing the test. If it is not earthed, disconnected bus bars and lines can attain dangerous high voltage levels due to induction from energised parallel tying busbars or lines. TEST PROCEDURE:1. Data and serial numbers, given in the rating plates of the transformer are to be entered in test record. Ensure that the serial number of each unit of the capacitor voltage divider is the same as that given on the main rating plates of the each respective transformer. The accuracy classes given for the transformers apply only if the units, that are jointly trimmed at the workshop are mounted together at the site. Check the oil level in the VT. Check the connection to the voltage direction of any carrier frequency equipment. The coupling unit of the PLC equipment should be connected to the terminal HF which is the low voltage terminal of the capacitor stack. On delivery of the transformer this terminal normally earthed. If PLC equipment is to be connected to the line, the direct earth connection is to removed and the voltage divider earthed via the connection unit. When a transformer is energised, the earthing switch must be closed before any work is done in the marshalling kiosk. It is extremely dangerous to open the low voltage earth connection of an energised transformer. If no PLC equipment is connected, make a check to ensure that the low voltage terminal is earthed. The secondary terminal box is to be visually checked for 1. That any spare winding that are not connected to the common marshalling kiosk, are open and earthed at one point. 2. That the correct terminals and connected in the core of multi terminal secondary windings. 3. That in the core of multi terminal windings, the unused terminals are left free is not earthed. 4. The terminals of damping circuit are connected to each other checking polarity.
The check is made by connecting a battery having predetermined polarity, for short between transformers primary terminal and earth. The polarity of the voltage, induced in the secondary, is checked with the aid of a directionally sensitive voltmeter. The test is similar to the polarity test of CTs. ie by checking the deflection of the pointer in the secondary connected voltmeter when the switch is operated in the primary side. CHECKING INSULATION RESISTANCE:Checking the insulation resistance of the windings and of the voltage circuits between the transformers and the marshalling kiosk. Check the phase to earth and the phase to phase insulation values when checking the phase to earth resistance, only the earthing terminal block, if the winding being tested os to be open. All phase terminal blocks of the voltage transformers are to be closed. CHECKING PHASE RELATIONSHIPS:To be performed when the new voltage transformer and the voltage transformer of the reference group have separate infeed on the primary side if they are not connected together. To be performed when the new voltage transformer and the voltage transformer of the reference group is connected together on the primary side in the sub station.
Er. K. MOUNAGURUSAMY CE/P&C There are debates and difference of opinions about the demarcation between pre-commissioning and commissioning tests. Many feel that there can be only one test either pre-commissioning or commissioning. It is suggested that there should be a demarcation between them. During pre-commissioning, every one can work together and separately people like GCC, Contractors, Civil and Protection Wing. But, during commissioning tests, all others except protection wing should clear the area. This means that once pre commissioning test done, nobody should touch anything except protection people. In this way, pre-commissioning include :- Visual inspection - Checking the installation, circuits cabling, wiring connections, etc. - testing the equipments, relays as individual components - Meggering of A.C, D.C., C.T., P.T., circuits - Checking of equipment operations like closing and tripping. - Adopting relay settings - Conducting secondary injection - Corrections in Scheme drawings - Function & tests
Pre-commissioning Tests:
1. Visual inspection to confirm that the equipment has not been damaged during transit 2. Installation, Cabling and Wiring Capacity of cable leads to be checked Proper laying of cable to be confirmed Cable tags to be provided as per cable schedule Spare holes for future cable should be provided in panel plates. Care to be taken in glanding the cables the sheath wires should not end within the gland. Atleast 5 mm should protrude out and they should be bent towards outside so that they will not prick the inner jacket and cause/insulation failure. The cable jacket should be removed only by skilled people without damaging the lead insulation. This is a common mistake done by unskilled persons without knowing the implications. The jacket over the inner leads should protrude out from the gland finishing atleast by 2 Cms. Gland mouths should not be covered with insulation tapes to conceal unskilled finishing. Cable cores shall be identified at both ends and ferruled properly. In cables with same colour leads, clockwise anti-clockwise method shall be used for easier identifying. Lead to lead meggering between all leads individually should be done at this stage itself without fail. Any joints to make up short length of one or two cable leads should be prohibited altogether. If lead connections are done without lugs, the end loop should be made clockwise only so that the round loop will not open while tightening screw or stud. Only proper lugs should be used. Dispensing with one or two strands of the cores to accommodate in the undersize lug should be avoided. Likewise the eye of the lug should not be developed to accommodate the screw or stud. Use snugly fitting ferrules
Each lead should be lugged separately. More than one lead should not be clubbed, in one lug. Lugs should not be taped or covered with anything. When two lugs are put in one TB, they should face back to back so that there is good meshing. Lugs should be crimped only with correct size crimpers. Use correct size screw drivers; use only star screw drivers where star screws are provided use washers always Another person should make 100% check of the connection with the drawing and also the tightness of the lug and screw. Bunch spare cores separately and leave their full length; put the cable number as ferrules; unconnected individual wire should not be left strayed Dress everything neatly. Plug out the spare cable holes for vermin proof. Clear the loose screws, washers, iron filings dust etc. from the panels.
3. Testing individually:
a) Breakers Closing and opening time of main and auxiliary contacts. Meggering of H.V. terminals, (a) To earth individually (b) Between poles with breakers open. Meggering of A.C D.C. P.T. and C.T. circuits individually and in between each of them. Measuring the contract resistance. Checking the interlocks. Checking the minimum operating voltage level of closing (80%) and trip coils (70%).
b) Isolators: Control circuits Checking of simultaneous closing of main contacts Checking auxiliary contact Meggering of limbs (Isolators should not be used to break currents in load circuits like PARALLEL TRANSFOMERS AND UNLOADED LINES.)
c) P.Ts: d) C.Ts: Meggering between each windings in secondary Meggering of H.V.Points Meggering between H.V. and Secondary Measuring the D.C. resistance of secondary cores Polarity test Magnetising test upto knee point is a must. It should be ensured that the applied voltage is slowly reduced to Zero after reaching the knee point. This is to avoid high rate of change of flux causing high induced voltage damaging secondary insulation. Ratio test at rated primary current for all the taps in secondary. This test shall be done after magnetising test. Unused cores shall be shorted Unused portion of a core shall never be shorted All the C.T. secondary circuits shall be earthed at only one point, preferably nearer to C.T. end. After making the connections to load point, megger the entire secondary circuit and then do the secondary injection from the terminals at the C.T. end. The secondary injection shall first be done without the grounding and it shall be repeated with the grounding done. Now, the voltage burden at each terminals from the CT terminal upto the load shall be measured and promptly recorded for the rated secondary current of the C.T. When current is injected in one phase, it should be ensured that there is no current in other phase at any point. Secondary injection is a very very 51 Meggering of HV windings, secondary windings between H.V. and each secondary winding Measuring the resistance of secondary winding with multimeters. Polarity tests. Ratio test. Checking the earthing. After wiring is finished, do the secondary injection in each phase at rated secondary voltage ensuring that the test voltage does not reach the P.T. secondary. Checking the transfer schemes if more than one P.T. are available.
important one. In multi secondary CTs, there is frequent possibility of protection wiring done to a metering secondary. ONLY secondary injection can reveal this fault. Primary injection will not reveal. e) Metering instruments: - Calibration - Checking the readings during secondary injection on P.Ts and CTs and checking the burdens in current coils - Checking the selector switches f) Control Circuits Check points: Meggering Energising the panels with auxiliary supply Voltage across fuses should be clear zero Indication circuits Annunciator points Semaphores D.C. auxiliary relays to be checked for 60% voltage pick up Interlocks Inter trip Functional tests Closing circuits and trip circuits Trip supervision cicuits to be checked Trip healthy lamps the lamps should be shorted several times and to be ensured that the trip Plunger does not move Auto reclose Protection trip circuits it should operate even when the breaker control is in local or remote
g) Relays: Megger wherever allowed Test the relays for all P.U. settings Adopt the final settings and test See the operation during secondary injection wherever possible
h) Power equipments like Generators: Transformers 1. Generators: Winding D.C. resistance of stator and rotor Meggering of stator and rotor H.V. test on stator and rotor Pole drop test on rotor Tan test
i) Transformers: Meggering Vector group D.C. resistance, S.C. test, Ratio test in all taps Tap changer operation Polarity check Control panel checks Thermometers calibration Buchholz relay test Oil B.D.V. test Tan (delta) test on bushings If there are C.Ts in transformer bushings these CTs should be checked before erection of bushings. Check oil levels. Check breathers and silica gel. Fan operations, oil pumps, C.W.system Control schemes of OLTC Earthing
If current is injected using a loading transformer the primary current leads should not cross with the leads of the ammeter leads measuring the C.T. secondary current of loading transformer or any other C.T. under primary injection since the ammeter readings will be erratic in such cases. If it is found difficult to drive current through a simple bus bar arrangements, it can be understood that some C.T. secondary is open. First a very low current should be injected and be ensured that there is limited voltage burden across all the concerned C.T. secondaries. This is the indication that current circuit is through. If high voltage burden is noticed, the current circuit might be open. This is not always the case. In the case of high impedance circulating current relays, there will be high voltage noticed comparing with low burden circuit loads. After passing a small current every one should give clearance to go ahead after also checking the current in each C.T. secondary. It is preferable to keep connected ammeters in each secondary current if possible. The current can be raised now. There is no need to go upto rated current. The point is that it should be possible to measure the currents clearly. In the cases of primary injection on transformers only very small primary injection currents are actually possible. Record all the values. The stability of the differential relays if any in the circuit should be confirmed at this stage itself by measuring the spill current. By reversals in wiring, spill currents can be created and confirmed. Injections shall be completed in all phases. Series injection to ensure that all the CTs are tested for correct polarity, erected for correct polarity, and secondary wired for correct polarity. There will be three times the current in the neutral circuit and therefore suitable precautions should be taken to avoid failure of E/F relays, ammeters etc. The test circuits for such tests are wantonly avoided since too much spoon feeding will be unhealthy. The habit of searching for knowledge should be cultivated among the protection engineers. Details of such a test conducted on machine-1 at Kadamparai PH on 26-7-87 are detailed below: A lay out of the Kadamparai power House is given in figure-5. There are more than 25 CTs in all in each machine. All the CTs were covered in one stroke by planned primary injection. When primary injection is done in the system which has power transformer also, the injection current is normally derived by applying 3 phase L.T. supply voltage directly to the H.V. winding making a short in the L V.side. An approximate value of short circuit
current in the H.V. side should be first arrived at to ensure that the L.T. supply available in the test site can cater it. A simple method without paper, pen calculator is as below: Look at the transformer nameplate and find out the H.V. Voltage, H.V. rated current, L.V. rated current and percentage impedance.
Percentage impedance is the percent of H.V. voltage required to pass the rated current through the H.V. and L.V. of the transformer when the L.V. is shorted. Example: H.V. voltage = 230 KV H.V. rated current = 300 A L.V. rated current = 6200 A % percent impedance= 10% Hence, 23000 volts are needed to pass 300 A through HV and 6200 A through L.V. with L.V. shorted. If 400 V is applied, the expected HV at 400/23000 x 300 = 5 Amp. This can be arrived at by mental calculation in two minutes. Approximately 1/60 th of voltage is applied. Hence 1/60 of 300 A is 5-A. Similarly 1/60th of 6200 is 100 Amps. Looks so simple. It was decided to inject three phase 400 V at the point shown as (A) in the figure-5. Since the reactance of the generator winding is very high we will not be getting any short circuit current at all for injection. Hence, the stator windings were bypassed by temporary jumpers as indicated. The travelling distance by road from the point of injection in the yard to the generator is nearly 4 KM. One engineer was posted inside the Powerhouse cavern near the relay panel where all the C.T. wirings are terminated. One person was posted in the B/B relay panel in the control room at yard. One person was at the marshalling box in the yard. One person was there to switch on the 400 V supply and to measure the current injected at 230 KV side.
The supply was switched on. Current injected at 230 KV point was 3.5A Current obtained in 11 KV side was 82 A The C.Ts in the yard are 400/1 The CTs in the Generator at 8000/5 8 mA was obtained in the 230 KV CT secondaries. 50 mA was obtained in the 11 KV CT secondaries. Stability of the transformers Generator Differential relay, 230 KV cable differential relay and generator differential relay were established. Currents measured O.K. in all the CT secondary circuits. Fault simulation was done by creating a short between R and B phases of the 11 KV terminals of the transformer i.e. fault within the Generator transformer differential relay. Expected spill current was measured O.K. in the R and B phases of the Generator transformer differential relay. There was no spill current in Y Phase. The STABILITY of REF relay was confirmed thro the single loading current in 230 KV side. A three phase short was made after unit auxiliary transformer which is also in Generator transformer differential relay zone. There was no spill current as expected since the short was outside the relay zone. A fault was created within the cable differential zone by introducing a 2000 W heater as the fault source. Spill current was measured O.K. in the cable differential relay.
Since the secondary injection was done to the full satisfaction, there was absolutely no problem in the primary injection test and the test was completed in one stroke in less than two hours. These tests are normally done by Assistant Executive Engineers. FAULT SIMULATIONS It is our practice to create faults in the generator transformer system and building up current slowly from zero to rated value in the generators and to confirm that all protections are working satisfactorily. These will be done before building up the full voltage on the generator for the first time. Executive Engineer and Superintending Engineer from Protection wing will be present. Such a test done in machine 2 at Kadamparai on 25-2-88 is explained below: A short was made between the 11 KV terminals (three phase) at the output point of the generator but after the generator differential CT at the output terminal. Excitation was slowly built up.
A short circuit current of 2400 A (Full load current of the generator is around 6000 A) was slowly achieved. Spill currents were measured in the generator differential relay Removed the current from one side C.T taking precaution to short the concerned C.T secondaries. The generator differential relay operated O.K. Two phase currents to the negative sequence relay were interchanged and the relay picked up O.K. at around 1900 A. A short was made is within the zone of the generator transformer overall differential relay. When the current level reached the pick up limit, the relay operated O.K. at around 1340A. Short circuit characteristic of the generator was taken by recording field volt, field current against the shorted generator current. The above short was removed and a short was then made at the yard after the 230 KV CTs. Built up a current of 2000 A through the generator and the stability of the cable differential and Generator transformer differential relays were confirmed. R phase was earthed at yard and the stability of REF was confirmed. The R phase 11 KV terminal of the generator were grounded by a short and the 95% stator earth fault relay operation was confirmed at around 11 volts across the relay input. Machine voltage was 1.4 KV in the ungrounded phases and the field voltage was 13.4 v. After these tests, full voltage was built up slowly. The open circuit characteristic of the generator was taken by recording the main field voltage for each KV step. Next step is the synchronism check.
This is included under commissioning tests since this can be done only after energising the main equipments. This is somewhat a complicated subject. Mistakes can very easily creep in. In depth knowledge is essentially required for the protection engineer to finalise things. But, the job will be very interesting once one gets involved. In my experience, the scheme of connections supplied by even reputed agencies need modifications at site in most cases. The burden falls at the very last moment on the shoulders of the protection engineer to finalise the correct connections. There is an instance in TNEB itself where one thermal generator was wrong synchronised during commissioning causing some damages.
When it is needed to synchronise the new line between Kundah PH-5 and Sandinallah, we cannnot depend upon the 12 O clock position of the synchroscope only. The synchroscope will give 12 Oclock position even if only Y phase connections of grid lines are correct. This will not reveal the defect if R and B phase are interchanged in the new line.
The physical correctness can be checked by energising bus 2 at Singara through PH-5 Sandynallah Singara lines, keeping the established grid in Bus 1 at Singara. When the clock at PH-5 or Sandynallah is showing 12 Oclock, the R1 R2, Y1 Y2, B1 B2, voltages measured between the Bus PT-1 and Bus PT-2 should be zero. R1 Y2, R1 B2, Y1 B2, Y1 R2 B1 R2, B1 Y2 voltages should be 110 V. These should be confirmed. If suitable hot line equipments are available the confirmation can be done either at PH 5 or Sandynallah end. The phasing out of 230 KV Udumalpet Kadamparai feeders 2 and 3 was done on 287-87 as below: The main bus and auxiliary bus at Udumalpet was split. Kadambarai Bus was from Udumalpet main bus via feeder No. 2. Udumalpet Auxiliary bus was charged then via feeder 3 from Kadamparai. The R-R, Y-Y, B-B voltages were confirmed tobe zero between the P.Ts of main bus and Auxiliary Bus at Udumalpet. This was done since there was not established synchronising scheme at Kadamparai.
2. Synchronising of Generators:
This is more complicated since there is normally a star delta transformer in between causing a thirty degrees or sixty degrees shift depending upon the vector group of the transformer. We experienced some very interesting problems worth mentioning when Kadamparai units were commissioned. They are discussed below: Refer figure: 6
First check on synchronism scheme was started in machine 1 on 3-8-87. Unlike in most of the generators, provision is available to delink generator stator winding from 11 KV take off system. (Generally stator windings are solidly connected to 11 KV take off system). The stator was delinked and the 230 KV Bus transformer of machine-1 was back charged from 230 KV Bus and 11 KV reached up Generator 11 KV PTs. Synchroscope was switched on. It showed 6 Oclock instead of 12 Oclock. Traced out that the 11 KV PT secondary outputs were reversed. Set right and synchroscope showed 12 Oclock O.K. R-R, Y-Y, B-B voltages were measured between the 230 KV Bus P.T. (Running) and 11 KV machine 1 P.T. (incoming) secondaries. They were around 25 V as expected. This is due to the 30 phase shift existing between the P.T secondaries due to YD 1 power transformer. This means that there is always an inherent phase shift of 30 between the generator and the running bus though the synchroscope connections are made up by manipulations to show that they are in phase and this is done for practical purposes to enable synchronising without confusion. Machine 1 was put on test run on 14.10.87. With the field breaker open, the voltage at the 11 KV output terminals of the generator was carefully measured with multimeter. It was just 50 V only. Checked the phase sequence. It was not RYB. It was BYR to everyones surprise. It is impossible to interchange two phases to make it RYB upto the output of 230 KV breaker. When the BHEL people were discussing about modifying the stator end connections, which work could take a minimum of 2 months, we, the protection department of TNEB, decided to rename and treat everything upto the 230 KV breakerr output terminals as BYR. The interchanging of R and B Phase were done only at the dropper jumpers of 230 KV bus. There were more than 25 CTs and 9 PTs. All the secondary connections were modified from yard to Generator in all the junction boxes by interchanging R Phase and B Phase wires. Even now, Red colour lead indicates Blue Phase and blue colour lead indicate red phase in the PT and CT circuits of all machines inside the PH and in case of machine 1 & 2 at yard. The yard wires of machine 3 & 4 indicate Red as red, yellow as yellow and Blue as blue. The YD 1 transformer of the generator has now become YD 11 and the delta connections of the auxiliary CTs of the Generator transformer differential relay were modified to YD 11 connection. Necessary corrections were done in the YD 1 auxiliary PT connections of the synchronising scheme after studying through vector diagrams. Complete primary injection was repeated in all the 25 and odd C.Ts and stability of the three differentials (including cable differential relay) relays were established. All these works were started at 5 AM on 15-10-87 and were completed before 12 AM on the same day with the help of dedicated AEs of Kadamparai Power House. The machine was synchronised O.K. The modified synchronising scheme is shown in Figure-7.
The experience in Machine 4 at Kadamparai is more teaching. The tests done on 3.8.87 in Machine.1 was repeated on Machine.4 on 15.12.88. The synchroscope showed 6 O clock instead of 12 O clock and the R-R, Y-Y, B-B voltages were 120V against the expected value of around 25V for 30 phase shift in YD11 transformer: What? How? Why? Rechecked all the circuits upto 1 AM on 16.12.88. Nothing could be traced out. Next day, Machine.1 was electrically coupled to 230 KV Bus. 1 (Both dead) and Machine.4 was connected to 230 KV Bus.2 (Both dead). The 230 KV Bus coupler was open to segregate the two buses. Parallelling connections were done in the 11 KV terminals of both Machines using test wires and a three phase supply of 2 volts derived from a 3 phase variac was injected at 11 KV terminals to both parallelled machines. Refer figure 7 again. Machine.4 power transformer was also of vector group YD11. Under the circumstances, the voltage should have been zero in the voltmeters VR, VY and VB. But, the voltage was 35 volts: After further struggling, it was found that the physical position of the 11 KV terminals of Machine.4 (BHEL Transformer) was opposite to that of machine.1 transformer (TELK).
Machine.1 (TELK) Top view of transformers 1.1, 1.2 230 KV Terminals 2.1, 2.2 11 KV terminals.
Thus, for the same bus duct connections of 11 KV and 230 KV cable terminations in 1.1 and 230 KV side neutral in 1.2, the Machine.4 transformer has become YD5. It should be understood that there is no flexibility in the connections anywhere to interchange phases etc. 11 KV connections are by insulated bus ducts and they can not be modified. When the Grid Relay Test has done the polarity tests, 1.1 corresponded to 2.1 and 1.2 corresponded to 2.2 in both the transformers and hence the problem was not revealed by this test. The important lesson is here. When short circuit run was made in Machine.4 at 2500 Amps, there was no spill current in the differential relay of Generation-Transformer. How? The delta was made in the auxiliary CTs of this relay for YD11 transformer. Even then, no spill current for YD 5 transformer. The reason is: During the stability check done by Grid Relay Test by primary injection, spill current was noticed at double the value. Without probing into the problem, they just interchanged the C.T. output leads to SOLVE the problem. Had this been probed on that day itself, the culprit could have been identified. The riddle of 120 V was thus solved and the machine was synchronised confidently at 18.02 Hours on 16.12.88 after inter-changing the leads 83 and 85 to makeup for YD 5 group and to get 12 O clock at synchronism. BHEL. Engineers later interchanged the terminals in 4/90 inside the transformers of Machine.3 and Machine.4 (BHEL) to make the terminal configuration as in TELK transformer of Machine 1 & 2, since there was no possibility to interchange anywhere else i.e in the fixed 11 KV Bus ducts or 230 KV cable pot head location. We used to experiment with other methods. When machine.2 was first synchronised, the synchronism check was done on 25.2.88, as below:
230 KV Bus coupler kept open. Eastern Bus on Grid. Its P.T. supplied the RUNNING voltage to synchroscope. Western bus was connected to machine.2 by closing its breaker. When the synchroscope was showing 12 O clock, zero voltage was confirmed across R-R, Y-Y, B-B of both Bus P.T. secondaries. Another type of synchronism check was done on 18.3.91 in machine.1 when recommissioning after fire accident. This was done by dummy charging one 230 KV Bus.1 from Machine.1 and checking the R-R, Y-Y, B-B voltages of both Bus PTs. with 230 KV Bus2 on grid and confirming that the voltages were zero when the synchroscope showed 12 O clock. The lessons are: 1) Dont assume things and any abnormality should be viewed seriously and probed thoroughly. 2) Correct procedure for synchronism scheme checking are: a) First establish that synchroscope gives 12 O clock for correct inputs. This could be done, by giving same voltage in both side inputs and confirm. b) The machine should be dummy tied to a system where the other reference P.T. voltage is available and R-R, Y-Y, B-B voltages compared in between machine P.T. and Bus P.T secondaries for 12 O clock position of synchroscope. The expected voltage should be around 25 V in case of YD 1 and YD 11 transformers and 120 V in respect of YD 5 or YD 7 transformers. OK- How to identify the vector group of a transformer by just looking at the connection diagram? There is a nemonic secret. If R phase winding of star side feeds to R-Y in the delta side, it is a YD 1 transformer. Remember this RRYYD 1. First R denotes star side. RY denotes delta etc. This can also represent YD 7 but such groups are normally non existing.
Similarly Y-YR-YD 11 for YD 11 group. How to deduce the relationship between the group symbol and winding connections? Take DY 11 for example (equivalent to YD 1)
a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2
A2 B2 C2
N CONNECTION DIAGRAM OF DY 11 A2 a2 r b y C2 c2 VECTOR SYMBOL OF DY 11 In the vector diagram r, y and b represent the phase voltages of the supply. Let the HV terminals of the transformer A2, B2 and C2 be connected to these supply voltages r, y and b respectively. Then the voltage applied to HV windings between the terminals A2-B2, B2-C2 and C2-A2 will be r minus y, y minus b and b minus r which form a closed delta represented by the triangle A2, B2, C2. The HV winding between the terminals A2 and B2 in this case and the L.V. winding between the terminal a2 and neutral are on the same limb. Therefore, the voltage induced in the L.V. winding between a2 and n measured with a reference positive from n to a 2 is a vector parallel to A2-B2 and is represented by a2 n as shown. This gives the a phase L.V. voltage. On the same line the L.V. voltage of the other two phases can be drawn. Comparing the vector position of corresponding HV and LV voltages in the diagram, it can be seen that the L.V. voltage vector is ahead of the HV voltage vector by 30 degrees which is the same as the angle between the hour hand and minute hand on the clockface at 11 O clock. b2 B2
a) When the synchronising equipment is switched on in a generator panel, the running means the bus and incoming means generator. b) If the synchroscope runs in the anticlockwise direction (i.e. SLOW), the generator is running at a lower speed than the grid frequency. The generator speed has to be increased to match for proper synchronising. If the synchroscope runs in the clockwise direction (i.e. FAST), the generator is running at a higher speed than the grid frequency. The generator speed has to be decreased to match for proper synchronising. Sometimes, the pointer may be at 12O clock position without rotating but vibrating. This shows that there is complete mismatch of frequencies. When the difference goes high, the pointer cannot rotate at that corresponding speed and get stalled. This may not be construed as matching. If the frequency meters are read now, they will indicate different frequencies and matching may be done based on the frequency levels first as a course action and when the synchroscope starts rotating again, matching may be done using synchroscope rotation.
As a general guideline, synchronising can be effected at 11O clock position when the pointer is rotating in clockwise direction. But this has to be learnt precisely on experience. Synchronising when the pointer is rotating in the anticlockwise direction can be done at 1O clock position but this shall generally be avoided. Reverse power relays may operate sometimes if the matching is not close if synchronized in SLOW direction. II. SUBSTATIONS:
a) Take the case of 230 KV Arasur Substation. Assume that there was grid collapse and subsequently Kundah Complex supply is available upto Arasur bus. Mettur complex supply is available upto Arasur on Gobi feeder. The synchroscope is switched on in Gobi Feeder. RUNNING and Mettur complex is now INCOMING. Kundah Complex is now in
The pointer rotates in clockwise direction. This means that the machines at Kundah Complex are running at a higher speed than the Mettur Complex.
To get matching the possibilities are : (i) to increase the frequency of Mettur machines by contacting the Mettur people if the frequency of Mettur machines is less than 50 Hz and the frequency of Kundah machine is nearer to 50 Hz. (ii) to decrease the frequency of Kundah machines by contacting the Kundah people if the frequency of the Kundah machines is more than 50 Hz and the frequency of Mettur machines is nearer to 50 Hz. (c) The pointer rotates in anticlockwise direction. This means that the machines at Kundah Complex are at lower speed (frequency) than the Mettur Complex. To get matching, the possibilities are: i) to increase the frequency of Kundah machines by contacting Kundah people if the frequency of Mettur is nearer to 50 Hz and the frequency of Kundah machine is less than 50 Hz. ii) to decrease the frequency of Mettur machines by contacting Mettur people if the frequency of the Kundah machines is nearer to 50 Hz and the frequency of Mettur machines is more than 50 Hz. d) The other points mentioned in I (b) are also applicable in these cases also.
III. EFFECT OF WRONG SYNCHRONISING : If a generator is synchronised at 180 apart i.e. when the pointer is at 6 clock, it is equivalent to a three phase short circuit on the machine. The impact is less severe when the clock position is nearer to 12 clock. Any out of step synchronising with severe grunt on the machine may cause severe strains on the machanical parts also damaging the end lashings of stator windings. PRECAUTIONS WHILE ENERGISING AN EQUIPMENT: 1. For the first time to be done in the order. 2. Get clearance from all wings 3. Keep the fire extinguishers ready. 4. Keep away from the equipments atleast for 5 minutes after energising. 5. Switch off the equipment if any abnormality is noticed.
6. Release the air from transformers frequently for a few days. 7. Keep a close watch on the panel meters of all other equipments which are already in service to observe for any voltage dip or flow of fault currents etc. at the particular time of energising the new equipment. 8. Keep the control of L.T. change over schemes of generators in Manual mode. AFTER COMMISSIONING: Confirm that currents are equal in all the three phases. Measuring of P.T voltages and their phase sequence. for P. T. supply change over between two P. Ts, ensure that the distance relays do not operate. Check for availability of P.T secondary voltage on all the loads like relays, voltmeters, energymeters, other panel meters etc. Measuring the voltage burden of CTs and recording. Checking of all meters for correct direction display and energymeters for correct directional rotation. Energising the station supply from the new generator commissioned and check for the voltage and phase sequence. Watch the performance of bearings in generators very closely atleast for 24 Hours. Watch for any abnormal temperature rise in bearings, stators, transformers. Watch for any abnormal vibrations in the generators while loading for the first time. Watch for any arcing in the commutator brushes of D.C machines. Measure the shaft voltage in generators. Generators should be under close watch for atleast 72 Hours of first running. Carryout directional on load test on distance relays, directional over current relays. Simulate and check for directional feature of Earth Fault relays.
ii) iii)
EE/SS Erection
The measurement shall be made with an Insulation Tester (Megger) power operated of not less than 1000 volts capacity. The value measured shall not be less than 2 (Two) Megaohm per KV rating. (b) CONTROL CIRCUIT
The measurement may be made with a 500 V hand operated Megger or at the most 1000 volts Megger. The value so obtained shall be not less than 5 (Five) mega ohms. 2. OPERATION TEST: After satisfying the pre-conditions such as Gas pressure, Air pressure etc., the circuit breaker may be operated in the following manner :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Manual closing and tripping Local electrical closing and tripping at normal control voltage. Remote electrical closing and tripping at normal control voltage. The above operations at the minimum control voltage. (i.e. at 80% of normal voltage for closing and 70% of normal control voltage for tripping). Measurement of trip coil current & voltage dip during coil energisation the values so obtained shall be comparable to the coil rating specified by the manufacturer.
3. MEASUREMENT OF SPEED OF OPERATION: The measurement may be made at normal control voltage and the values obtained shall be not more than the ones given below: (a) Closing time = around 100 milli seconds. (b) Tripping time = 40 milli seconds. The above values are applicable to minimum oil, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers. In the case of Bulk oil circuit breakers, however, a tripping time of upto 100 milli seconds is permissible.
4. MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE OF MAIN CIRCUIT (CONTACT RESISTANCE) As per I.E.C. Publication 694 which has been adopted in toto by I.S.S. 13118 of 1991 the measurement of contact resistance shall be made by voltage drop method by passing a direct current (d.c.) of not less than 100 Amps through the Circuit Breaker (in closed position) and measuring the voltage drop across the breaker terminals (incoming outgoing). This procedure is, however, not practicable at site. Therefore the following methods are suggested: (i) Milli-volt drop method by passing an alternating current of not less than 100 amps and measuring the voltage drop and calculating the A.C. resistance. This value when divided by factor of 1.2 will give the exact resistance of the contact. (ie) V x 1.2 I
Direct measurement of resistance by using MICRO OHM METER As regards bench mark value, it stated that the I.E.C. 56, 694, as also the I.S.S. 13118 of 1991 are silent about it.
It is suggested that a value of upto 100 micro ohms for new breakers and upto 200 micro ohms for fairly old ones be permitted. 5. TEST FOR AUXILARIES: (a) Anti pumping relay functioning. (b) Spring charge motor functioning. (c) Gas pressure switches functioning operation of switches and their contacts as per the set values as prescribed by the manufacturers. (d) Air pressure switches functioning operation as per set values. (e) Compressor motor functioning. (f) Gas leak test. } by the use of leak detector or by applying (g) Air leak test. } soap solution.
The voltmeter lead should be connected inside the current applying zone.
Restraint characteristics 3 points on curve at 2,4 and 10 times to be done determining the pick up current also. Harmonic restraint test shall be done as prescribed by manufactures using diode circuit or using frequency generator. Percent 2nd harmonic 0.472 x Idc = ------------Iac + 1.11 Idc
x 100
Every time, the burden voltage at the C.T. end shall be taken after normalising the L.C. and recorded with the corresponding load current. This will reveal any loose connections in the terminals in due course.
6.3: Voltage restraint over current relays: When the test current is injected in these type of relays of EE make using a simple variac and loading transformer combination, the relay behaves erratically. If suitable resistance is included in the current circuit, the results are O.K. Using standard test kits is therefore preferable. 6.4: Instantaneous and armature attracted relays: The test current should be applied suddenly to determine the pick up. Results will differ if current is raised slowly to find out the pick up value. 6.5: Adjustments: If adjustments are made in the mechanical parts of a relay, all the tests like P.U., reset should be repeated. 6.6: Distance relays: Each relay manufacturer and every distance relay testing kit (like ZFB, TURB, TURH, etc.) give in detail the testing circuits and procedures. Hence, they need not be elaborated here. The protection engineer testing distance relays has to get a good and thorough knowledge of the relay scheme, test procedures before proceeding to test the relay. AEE should be present during the test. During routine maintenance, pick up voltage and current levels (for the MTA) of the Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Starter, Reverse reach, powerswing have tobe determined for the adopted settings and for all the phase combinations. Timings of all zones (including 1st zone) need be taken for any one phase test/phase to neutral test. 79
A minimum of two times the relay current shall be applied to get better results. Test current should be switched on only after test voltage is applied while testing otherwise the relay will misbehave. Testing kits are available to carry out static tests and dynamic tests. Dynamic tests are more preferable. Even when static tests are done as routine, dynamic tests shall be done if recurring mal-operations are experienced. Testing done for line angle is more preferable than testing for relay angle No need to plot R-X diagram for routine tests. This may be done only during initial commissioning. In case of armature attracted type starters, pick up and drop off shall be checked Non operation for reverse faults should be confirmed even in annual tests.
6.7: Buchholz relays: Electrical check by shorting top and bottom float terminals Oil draining to check operation of top and bottom floats during only precommissioning tests. Air pumped to check the operation of top and bottom floats using cycle pump or pressurised air from compressor. This is an essential maintenance test. During mal-operations, checks should be made for entry of oil into the floats (recently experienced at Singara PH) entry oil into the mercury switch (recently experienced in Kundah PH-2) puncturing of diaphragms frequently occurring at Kundah PH-3.
Er. M. Varadarajan EE / O&M. INTRODUCTION: The greatest threat to a secure power supply is the shunt fault better known as short circuit which causes large currents to flow from the power source to the point of fault, accompanied by the localized release of considerable quantity of energy. This can cause mechanical damages to electrical equipments, equipment failure and fire unless otherwise there is a reliable and sensitive protective gear to sense and isolate the fault at the right speed. Protective gear is a collective term covering all the equipments used for detecting, locating and initiating the isolation of the fault and relays are the major player in this. Graded over current relays, one of the simplest form of relays are used in the protection of H. T. Radial lines that in-turn offer protection of power transformers against external faults. Protection against excess current was naturally the earliest protective system to evolve. From this basic principle has evolved the graded over-current system, a discriminative form of protection. This is not to be confused with Over load protection, which normally makes use of relays that operate in a time, related in some degree to the thermal capacity of the plant to be protected. Over-current protection, on the other hand, is directed entirely to the clearance of faults, although with the settings usually adopted, some measure of overload protection may be available which in that case has to be treated as a bonus and not as one of the basic features of the protection. When a fault occurs, the protection is required to select and trip only the nearest circuit breaker/breakers. This property of selective tripping is called discrimination. In the protection of H. T. radial lines, discrimination by both time and current is employed. H. T. radial lines and the feeding Sub Station may be at different voltages, i.e. 11 or 22 KV to feed H. T. distribution network, the intermediate 33 KV and 110 or 66 KV. In this section, 11 KV is chosen as the H. T. distribution feeder and 110 KV as the Sub Station EHT voltage for the explanatory notes. Similar treatment applies to other voltages. THE NEED FOR SELECTIVE TRIPPING: Consider the single line diagram of substation in fig., (1). This is a non-grid station receiving power at 110KV. 2 Nos. of 10 MVA, 110 /11KV Power Transformers feed 11KV distribution networks through 11KV feeders. 1No, 16 MVA, 110/33KV Power Transformer feeds 2Nos, 33/11KV Substations situated elsewhere through 2 Nos. of 33KV feeders.
Suppose there is a fault at location P in the 11KV line No (1). Power Transformer (1) and (2) will feed power into the fault at current values many times their rated current. This flow of fault power has to be stopped to protect the power transformers and can be stopped in three ways. (1) By the opening of 11KV feeder CB1 Protection (1) (2) By the opening of 11KV, LVCB 1 & LVCB2 Protection (2) (3) By the opening of the 110KV GCCB. Protection (3) Any one of the above three operations will cause the flow of fault current to cease. But obviously No. (1) is the best method because, faulty 11KV feeder No. (1) alone is isolated and loads fed through 11 KV feeders (2) to (4) and 33 KV feeders (1) and (2) continue to have power. Selective tripping takes place here. No. (2) is the next best. Here power to all the 11 KV feeders are cut off while the loads of the two 33/11KV substations are continued to be fed. However, protection (2) is needed if protection (1) fails for some reason. No. (3) is the last of the three options. This is so because power is shut off to all the 11KV and 33KV feeders. But the importance of this cannot be ignored because, this will be the last resort to prevent destruction should protection (1) and (2) fail for some reason. So, for line faults, protection (1) is primary protection, Protection (2) is the first backup and protection (3) is the second back up. For faults in the 11KV bus bars or any where in the zone between the LV breakers and feeder breakers, protection (2) will be primary protection and protection (3) will be the backup. For faults in the 110KV bus bars or any where in the zone from the 110 KV GCCB to power transformer HV bushings, protection (3) will be primary protection and protection in the 110 KV line at the grid station feeding this station will be the backup. Generally, Primary protection offers selective tripping and back-up protection does not in the radial mode of operation of sub-stations. The protection system is designed for selective tripping which is achieved by relay coordination, also known as relay grading.
FAULTS AND FAULT CURRENT ANALYSIS: There are four major types of faults that can occur in the HT lines and sub station busbars. 1. 2. 3. 4. Three phase fault Double phase fault (fault across two phases not involving ground) Double phase to ground fault. Single phase to ground fault.
Except for the first, the other three are unsymmetrical faults. It is essential to know the fault current distribution, maximum fault current for a fault at the relaying point for the different kinds of fault to design correct relay settings if the fault is to be cleared with discrimination. Load currents can be neglected and the faults are assumed to be through zero impedance at the point of fault. The ideal method to calculate the fault currents for the different types of faults is from the symmetrical component networks and the positive, negative and zero sequence voltages and impedances. However, this elaborate method is seldom required to choose adequate relay settings for sure clearance of faults and discrimination. The approximate method of choosing the settings from the three phase symmetrical bus fault MVA gives satisfactory results. TYPE OF RELAYS PROVIDED: Over current relays with an IDMT element (inverse definite minimum time) with or without High set instantaneous element are provided. The IDMT element, irrespective of the current flowing through the relay has a minimum time of operation below which the time cannot be reduced for a given time setting. Actual time of operation depends on the magnitude of the current, the current setting of the relay and the time multiplier setting (TMS). The relay takes less time for heavy faults and a higher time for faults of low magnitude to let the fault clear itself incase it is a passing fault and follows a current-time inverse characteristics. The time multiplier setting can be set at any value from 0.05 seconds to 1 second to suit the protection need. The relay operating current can be set using the plugs provided, usually from 50% to 200% in steps of 25% for phase fault protection and from 20% to 80% in steps of 10% for earth fault protection. The high set element is meant for instantaneous operation at high values of fault current to limit the stress on the power transformer and may have an operating time of about 20 milli-seconds. In TNEB, as of now, almost all the relays in use are of electromechanical type with induction disc for IDMT element and an attracted armature type of relay for the high set element. The present TNEB standard for normal current rating of relays is 1 A. Most of the relays in service in TNEB have this rating though relays with a normal rating of 5A are still in use. The treatment in this section is based on 1A rated relays.
The IDMT relays usually have an operating time of 3 seconds at 10 times rated relay current at 100% plug setting and 1 sec TMS. For convenience, these relays may be said to follow a 3 sec graph or simply called 3 sec relays. However, some of the older relays in use may have an operating time of 1.3 seconds at 10 times rated relay current at 100% plug setting and 1 second of TMS. These relays may be said to follow a 1.3 sec graph or simply called 1.3 sec relays. The relay current divided by the per unit plug setting is called the Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM) PROTECTION SCHEME: FEEDERS: The feeders are provided with 3 over current relays and one Earth fault relay all with both IDMT and High Set instantaneous elements. LV BREAKERS: The LV breakers are provided with 3 over-current relays with IDMT elements but without High set elements. High set instantaneous elements if any provided are to be kept disconnected. Earth fault relays are not provided for LV breakers. Earth fault relay if any provided are kept disconnected. However, now there is a rethinking on this subject and future L.V. Protection may have earth fault protection also, with a higher time setting to serve as backup for future earth fault protection. GROUP CONTROL BREAKERS: The Group Control circuit breaker on the HV side of the Power Transformers is to be provided with 3 Nos. Over-current relays and 1 No. Earth fault relay all with both IDMT and High Set instantaneous elements. The current transformers on the secondary side have a standard rating of 1A, though with some of the older breakers in service, the current transformers may have 5A Secondary Current rating. The Standard IDMT elements usually have a burden of 3VA at 100% plug setting and the High set elements impose a burden of about 5VA. These amount to 3 Ohms and 5 Ohms respectively for 1A relays. (3/52 = 0.12 ohm and 5/52 = 0.2 ohm respectively for 5A relays). In the IDMT elements, as current rises in the relay coil, relay core saturates and the relay burden gets reduced to about 40% of its value at rated current when the current rises above 10 times rated current. No such phenomenon takes place in High Set elements and the burden is more or less the same at different values of current.
FAULT CURRENT DISTRIBUTION ON THE PRIMARY SIDE OF TRANSFORMER The Power Transformers in the TNEB Substations belong to the Vector group of Dynll. That is, the primary windings are delta connected and the secondary windings, star connected with the neutral brought out and solidly earthed. The Secondary Phase to Phase voltage vector leads the primary phase to phase voltage vector by 30 degrees. Considering a Single 10 MVA, 110/11KV Power Transformer at principal tap, the current distribution on the primary side for different types of faults on the secondary side will be as shown in figure. a) Transformer delivering full load, condition normal b) 3 Phase fault on the SY side (Load current neglected) c) Single Phase to ground fault on the SY side (Load current neglected) d) Phase to Phase fault on the SY side (Load current neglected) e) Two phase to ground fault on the Secondary side (Load current neglected) Two important points to note are that fig (2) fig (3) fig (4) fig (5) fig (6)
i) A single phase to ground fault on the LV side is reflected as a phase to phase fault on the primary side. ii) Phase to Phase fault and two phase to ground fault on the secondary side are both reflected as three phase faults on the primary side with primary current distribution of the form 1:2:1 and 1: 3:1 respectively. TWO VERSUS THREE OVER CURRENT RELAYS Over current relays are provided for clearing three phase faults and double phase faults. As these faults involve a minimum of two phases, two over current relays are enough for clearing these types of faults. The relays are usually provided in the red and blue phases. The scheme of two O.C + E.F relay may still be in vogue in some of the older stations. As seen from fig (5), for a phase to phase fault on the LV side of the Power Transformer (DY11), the HV side relays see a three phase fault of the current distribution 1:2:1, which phase in the HV side carries current twice that on the other two phases depends upon which two phases are under short circuit on the LV side. So, when the relays on the HV side gives backup protection during protection failure on the LV side, fault clearance time depends on which two phases are under short circuit on the LV side. Though this protection scheme is acceptable, the present standard is to have 3 O.C + E.F protection scheme both on the LV and HV sides.
CT REQUIREMENTS The CT requirement for over current protection is met by IS:2705 Part .III. The major requirements are (1) Burden (2) Accuracy class and (3) Rated Accuracy limit factor. The Burden is the impedance of the secondary circuit expressed in ohms and power factor. It is usually expressed in Volt-amperes absorbed at rated secondary current. The available burdens are 15 or 30 VA. for H.T. Feeders and LVCBs. CTs with higher burden may be provided for the 110 kv GCCBs. Normally the VA burden is specified. However if not specified for a particular ratio, it is assumed for the maximum ratio. If there is no series-parallel arrangement for ratio change in the primary and taps are provided in the secondary only, the VA burden has to be reduced proportionally for lower ratio. Alternatively Knee point voltage (Vk) of Intermediate current ratio taps can be measured and VA burden found out from 1.2 x VA (burden) x ALF Vk = ------------------------------Rated current Accuracy class 5P is normally used in TNEP for over current protection. For this class, the ratio error at rated primary current is 1% and composite error at rated accuracy limit primary current is 5%. An accuracy limit factor of 15 is normally used for over current protection in TNEB. So specification of CT for H.T feeder may be generally Ratio: 400-200/1A, Burden: 30 VA, Class: 5P15, Ratio Adopted: 200/1A. This means that when a primary current of 200A flows, the secondary current will be 1 ampere and can feed a burden of 30 ohms. When the primary current is 15 times the rated value (ie., 15x200 = 3000A) the CT can still feed the burden of 30 ohms and the composite error will not exceed 5%. Normally, the IDMT elements of over current relay of feeders are set at 100% and that of the E.F. relay at 40%. The burden of the IDMT relay at 100% plug setting is about 3VA which is 3 ohms for 1 ampere relay. The burden of the High set Inst. element is about 5 VA, ie., 5 Ohms for 1 ampere relay. For an earth fault on one phase say U-Phase, the U-phase CT secondary current flows through the U-phase O.C relays (IDMT and HS) and the earth fault relay (IDMT and HS) all in series.
IDMT relay burden at 100% setting -do- at 40% setting -do- at 20% setting HS Inst. element burden
= = = =
Total burden Z = Z O.C(HS)+Z O.C(IDMT) + Z E.F(HS)+Z E.F(IDMT). Hence the total burden for an earth fault with 40% setting on E.F. relay will be Z = 5+3+5+18.7 = 31.7 Ohms. The present practice in TNEB is to use a CT of class 5P15 with 30 VA burden. So the CT can develop 30x15 = 450 V at its output without saturation. The Z and I can vary but IZ should not exceed 450V. Consider a Substation with a high 11KV fault level and a solid earth fault at the out going line AB Switch. Assuming an earth fault current of 6000A. CT ratio of 200/1A, Accuracy class of 5P15 and a burden of 30 VA., CT Secondary Current = 6000/200 = Setting on phase fault relays = Setting on Earth fault relay = Z = 5+3+5+18.7 = 10 + (3+18.7) Ohms 30A. 100% 40%
As the current in the IDMT element rises, relay core gets saturated and IDMT relay burden gets reduced to about 0.4 (3+18.7) = 8.68 Ohms. Z = 10+8.68 = 18.68 Ohms. CT will have to develop IZ = 30x18.68 = 560 V. CT cannot develop 560 V due to saturation and relay will not operate currently. If the CT ratio is raised to 400/1 A, IZ = 15x18.68 = 280 V. CT will have to develop only 280 V which it can and relay will correctly operate. This is more of a theoretical case and the need to raise HT feeder CT ratio to such a high value as 400/1 with 40 % E.F relay setting is seldom required. However, the following has practical implications. Also refer to an old article by Er. Srinivasaraghavan, Divl. Engineer, reproduced elsewhere in this manual. Earth fault current = 2500 A.CT ratio = 200/1 (5P15, 30 VA). Phase fault relays set at 100%. E.F relay set at 20%. IZ = 12.5 {10+0.4 (75+3)} = 515V. Relay will not correctly operate due to core saturation. The remedy is to raise EF setting to 40%. Another problem with 20% setting in E.F relay instead of 40% is that in a station with high fault level in the LV bus, the earth fault IDMT relay burden will now increase four fold. In this case, not only that high burden may cause CT saturation but may also result in over heating of the relay coil due to excessive burden, resulting in damages to the relay.
The CTs and relays for TNEB Substations are standardised. So, saturation of C. Ts during faults is very rare. If at all this occurs it will be in 110 KV station with heavy concentration of short circuit MVA in the HT busbars and for a close earth fault. If it is found that the CT gets saturated, the following suggestions can be considered to avoid saturation. 1. Increase CT ratio. 2. Disconnect the instantaneous element in the O.C relay. 3. Avoid paralleling of Power Transformers on LV side to reduce the fault current so that each Transformer will feed certain number of feeders in a Substation. 4. Disconnect the instantaneous element in the earth fault relay 5. Change the CTs 6. Go in for a static E.F. relay EFFECTIVE SETTING OF EARTH FAULT RELAY: The IDMT element of the earth fault relays impose a far higher burden on the CTs than the phase fault relays because of the lower settings adopted. For instance, a relay with a 20% setting will have an impedance of 25 times that at 100% setting. Not only is the exciting current of the energizing current Transformer proportionally high due to the large burden of the earth fault relay, but the voltage drop on this relay is impressed on the current transformers of the parallel group, i.e., on the other two phases, whether they are carrying current or not. The total exciting current is therefore the product of the loss on one CT and the number of current transformers in parallel. The summated magnetizing loss can be appreciable in comparison with the operating current of the relay and in extreme cases where the setting current is low or the current transformers are of low performance, may even exceed the output to the relay. The effective setting current in the secondary terms is the sum of relay setting current and the total excitation loss. Strictly speaking, the effective setting current is the Vector sum of the relay setting current and total exciting current, but, for electro magnetic relays at least, the arithmetic sum is near enough, because of the similarity of power factors. The effective setting for a range of setting values of an earth fault relay (1A relay) in the protection scheme of 3-phase fault relays + an earth fault relay is calculated and tabulated. Relay burden: IDMT = 3VA, Highset = 5VA Knee point voltage of CT = 24OV Exciting current at Knee point = 150 milli Amps.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Relay P.S Relay Ohms Voltage Exciting Effective ----------IDMT+H.S. Developed current setting ---------------------------------------% A V I 31 Current % A (milli Amps) (1) (2) (1)+(2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 0.10 300+5 30.5 57 161 0.261 26 20 0.20 75+5 16.0 30 90 0.29 29 40 0.40 18.8+5 9.52 18 54 0.454 45.4 60 0.60 8.3+5 8.16 15 45 0.645 64.5 80 0.80 4.7+5 7.8 13.5 40 0.84 84 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The above excitation characteristic (voltage versus exciting current) is taken from that of 11kv CTs in service in a feeder in Trichy metro circle. It may be seen that reducing the earth fault setting to 20% my not serve the purpose as the effective earth fault setting is much higher than 20%. On the other hand, reduction of Earth Fault setting to this level brings in its wake the problem due to increased burden as already explained. In TNEB, the neutral of the Star connected Secondary windings of the Power Transformer is solidly earthed. As there is no impedance in the neutral to limit the earth fault current, earth fault current due to earth faults closer to the station will be considerably high, and the relay coil may experience considerable heating during severe earth fault. The lower the setting, the higher the resistance of the relay coils. So the heating at lower setting tap is correspondingly higher. So an earth fault setting of 40% is suitable for the majority of applications and should be used unless it is known that service conditions are such that lower settings are necessary. In territories where the earth resistance is higher and the short circuit MVA in the HT busbars is not enough to deliver sufficient earth fault current for relay operation, lower earth fault settings could be adopted. This however should be attempted after ensuring that earth faults close to the stations causing maximum earth fault currents will not cause C.T. saturation at the lower setting. STATIC RELAYS Static O.C. and E. F relays offer many advantages. The one relevant to the above discussions is the very low burden that they impose on the CTs, negligible burden when compared to that imposed by electro mechanical relays. Static IDMT relays with both 3 sec and 1.3 sec and in 1A as well as 5A versions are available. Current setting ranges from 50% to 200% in steps of 10% for the O.C relays and 5 to 80% in steps of 5% for E.F relays with TMS of 0.1 to 1.0 sec in steps of 0.01 may be available. High set instantaneous elements offer setting ranges of 2 to 30 times rated current in steps of 2 for O.C relays and 0.5 to 8 A in steps of 0.5 A for E.F relays. The standard relay burdens may be as follows.
O.C : 1A -- 0.03 VA (max) at rated current at all settings. 5A -- 0.075 VA (max) at rated current at all settings. E.F : 1A -- 0.2 VA (max) at rated current at all settings. 5A -- 0.5 VA (max) at rated current at all settings. Because of their very low burdens irrespective of the current settings, the static relays are CT friendly and CTs with lesser burden and a consequent lesser dimension and cost than that of those in service are enough. But the many thousands of electro mechanical relays in the sub stations giving excellent performance cannot be done away with because protective practices are also economy oriented and it will take some years to phase out the existing electromechanical ones. TYPICAL SETTINGS: Short circuit current set up severe mechanical stresses in the Transformer winding and its structure and produces enormous heat in the winding copper, raising the hot spot temperature. The mechanical stresses as well as the heating are proportional to the square of the current. A Transformer is designed to withstand the stresses and the heat produced in it when it feeds short circuit. And yet, over a period of time, heavy short circuits can weaken the Transformer, its strength will be equal only to the strength of the weakest component in a complex structure. It is therefore necessary to isolate heavy short circuits instantaneously through High set element instead of following the current-time characteristics of the IDMT element. But a low setting on the High set element can defeat the purpose of the IDMT element ie, to allow time for a light or medium and temporary fault to die out so as to avoid an interruption of supply. So, in choosing the setting for the High set element, a balance has to be struck. The high-set element makes possible a reduction in the tripping time at high fault levels and improves the over all system grading by allowing the discriminating curves behind it to be lowered.
Plug setting on phase fault relays Plug setting on Earth fault relay High set instantaneous element: 110/11KV SS :
33/11KV SS
Phase fault relay: 4 to 6A in low fault level station 6 to 8A in high fault level station. Earth fault relay : 2 to 3A
(CT ratio selected should permit over loading of the power transformer by atleast 10%) Power Transformer : 110/11KV, 16MVA CTs, provided : 1200-600/1A, 5P15, 30VA CT ratio adopted : 1200/1A Phase fault relay setting : 75% : : : : 110/11KV, 10MVA 800-400/1A or 1200-600/1A, 5P15, 30VA 800/1A or 600/1A 75%(800/1A) or 100%(600/1A)
Power Transformer CTs, provided CT ratio adopted Phase fault relay Setting
110 KV GC BREAKER (CT ratio should permit simultaneous over loading of all power transformer by atleast 10 %)
CT ratio Accuracy class CT ratio to be adopted : 600-300-150-75/1A : 5P20. Burden:50VA :
2x16MVA Power Transformers : 300/1 2x10MVA or 1x 16MVA or 1x10MVA = 150/1 Plug setting on phase fault relays Plug setting on Earth fault relays High set instantaneous element: Phase fault relays: A minimum setting of 120% of the through fault current on the 110KV side for the maximum 11KV fault current for a 3-phase fault determined by the 11 KV bus fault level, assuming that the Power Transformers are at maximum tap. Eg.: 110KV CT ratio adopted: 150/1A. Power Transformer tap limit on the + side 15% 11KV bus fault level: 200MVA Maximum 11KV fault current: 10500A Maximum 110KV through fault current: 10500x1.15/10 = 1210A CT Secondary current: 1210/150 = 8A Minimum setting of High Set Inst.element: 8x1.2 = 9.6 or say 10A. The operating time of the High set instantaneous element is usually of the order of 20 milli seconds. The fault current transient in 11/22/33 KV systems will normally die out within this time. However, if a fault occurs when the system voltage wave is passing through zero, the fault current wave will be fully offset. The fault current wave will initially contain a d.c component dacaying rapidly, with the current reaching steady state in about a cycle. During such times, the High set element in the GCCB may over reach i.e, it may act for the through fault on the LV side of the Transformer even though the steady state through fault current is well within the setting on the High set element. Such an occurrence will warrant a higher setting on the High set element. High Set element is not a must. If provided, its setting will have no Earth fault relays: bearing on the maximum earth fault current on the 11KV side for the reason that earth fault on the LV side is seen as phase to phase fault on the HV side. As the TMS of the IDMT relay will be set at minimum and as any earth fault in the zone from the 110KV GCCB to the Power Transformer HV busing will cause a very high value of earth fault current, the IDMT element will act in minimum time making the Highset instantantaneous element almost redundant. : 100% or 75% as the case may be. : 40%
A CT ratio of 75/1 is not to be adopted for the 110 KV GCCB even if the power Transformer capacity permits this and a minimum CT ratio of 150/1 is to be adopted to limit the CT secondary current during 110 KV Bus fault, which may otherwise cause severe strain to the elements in the CT secondary circuit. OVER CURRENT RELAY CO-ORDINATION: Over current relay co-ordination between adjacent levels of protection is necessary for selective tripping. There are two basic rules for correct relay co-ordination which may be generally stated as follows. i) Whenever possible use relay with the same operating characteristic in series with each other. ii) Make sure that the relay closest to the load has current settings equal to or less than or at the most equal to the relays upstream, that is the primary current required to operate the relay downstream is always equal to or less than the primary current required to operate the relay upstream. The time interval between the operation of two adjacent relays depends upon three main factors. i) ii) iii) The fault current interrupting time of the circuit breaker. The relay over shoot time. Errors
CIRCUIT BREAKER INTERRUPTION TIME: The circuit breaker must have completely interrupted the fault current before the discriminating relay ceases to be energized. OVER SHOOT When the fault is interrupted and the relay deenergized, operation may continue for a little longer until the stored energy if any is dissipated. In the induction disc relay the kinetic energy of the motion of disc causes this overshoot. Though relay design is directed to minimising and absorbing this energy, some allowance is necessary.
ERRORS All measuring devices such as relays and current transformers are subject to some degree of error. The operating time characteristic of either or both relays involved in the grading may have positive or negative error and some allowance has to be made. RELAY GRADING FOR SELECTIVE TRIPPING A minimum time interval of 0.3 seconds (0.1 second for each of the above three factors) is allowed between adjacent relays for the maximum fault current, determined by the LV bus fault level and also for the fault current determined by the setting on the High set element (primary setting). For 11 KV and 22 KV feeders, a minimum TMS of 0.05 second for the 3 second relays and 0.1 second for the 1.3 second relays may be adopted for both the phase fault and earth fault relays. Suppose the maximum 11 KV fault current determined by the 11 KV fault level is 3000A. and the CT ratio is 200/1A and setting on the high set element is 8A. The Primary setting of the High Set element is 8x200 = 1600 A. The grading margin is to be maintained for 1600A as well as 3000A. For a fault current on the 11 KV feeder of magnitude higher than the sum of the primary current setting on 11 KV LVCBs, the relays in LVCBs also see the fault and pick up. When the fault current is more than the primary setting of the High set element, the feeder CB gets tripped by the operation of the High set element. Till the fault current is fully interrupted, the LVCB relays will continue to have operating torque. Though the High set element of feeder relay operates in about 20 milli seconds, some allowance is necessary for the LVCB relays so that they will not operate to trip the LV breaker. So a time of 0.3 Sec at the maximum fault current may be allowed between the feeder relay and LVCB relays. The TMS of the over current relays in the LV breaker/breakers is chosen such that the LV breaker/breakers in parallel, trip atleast 0.3 seconds later if the fault is not cleared by the feeder breaker with the highest setting. The TMS of the over current relays in the 110 KV Group control breaker is chosen such that the 110 KV GCCB will trip atleast 0.6 seconds later if the feeder breaker and LV breaker/breakers do not clear the fault. The time multiplier of the earth fault relay in the 110 KV GCCB can be set at minimum as the earth fault on the LV side of the transformer is seen as phase to phase fault on the HV side. The over current relays of 33 KV lines are graded with the relays in the 11 KV feeders of the 33/11 KV SS in a similar way, depending on the number of stages in between. The Earth fault relay in the 33 KV feeders can be set at minimum. When gradation is done for a 110KV 33KV 11KV system and if maximum stages are involved (11KV Feeder CB, 11KV LVCB, 33KV GCCB, 33KV Feeder CB, 33KV LVCB, 110KV GCCB) some sacrifice by way of over lapping of some adjacent protections in the grading process generally at the intermediate level have to be made so as not to increase the TMS of the 110KV GCCB to a very high value.
In stations where both 11 and 33 KV ratios are available, the TM settings of 110 KV GCCB is calculated from the TMS of the 11 KV LVCB and 33 KV LVCB and the higher of the two calculated Values is adopted as the TMS for the 110 KV GCCB. SAMPLE GRADING: Gradation of IDMT relays in single ratio Sub stations like 110/11 KV SS or 33/11 KV SS is straight forward and simple. In stations with multi ratio say a 110/33-11 KV SS, gradation is a tedious process if not a difficult one. Gradation is required only for over current relays. Time multiplier settings are calculated by maintaining a grading margin of 0.3 sec between adjacent breakers both at the primary setting current of the High set element and the maximum fault current. This will ensure the minimum grading margin of 0.3 sec between adjacent breakers at all fault currents from the relay pick up level right upto the maximum fault level. If grading is done based on the primary setting of highset element only, the relay operating time differential between adjacent breakers may fall below 0.3 sec at certain other values of fault current with the possibility of non selective tripping. A grading margin of 0.4 sec will ensure correct discrimination in the latter method i.e single gradation process. As the former, i.e the double gradation process though tedious, helps comparatively faster clearance of faults through the IDMT element, when the relay current is below the setting on the High set element, the same is the preferred method. Consider the 110/33-11 KV Substation [Fig: 7 (c) & 7 (d)]. The fault levels of the busbars of the 110 KV SS and the two 33 KV substations [Fig: 7 (a) & 7 (b)] fed by the 110 KV SS, capacity of the Power Transformers, the maximum tap available in the power Transformers, the CT ratio adopted in the various breakers are indicated. The TMS of both the over current relays and earth fault relays of all the 11 KV feeders at all the three substations are set at minimum, i.e. at 0.05 see for 3 second relays and at 0.1 see for 1.3 second relays. Similarly the TMS of earth fault relays in the 33 KV feeders and the 110 KV GCCB are set at minimum. The grading of IDMT over current relays is done as follows. Grading is done with the feeder having the highest primary current setting i.e. the lowest PSM for a given fault current. In this example, the bus fault levels, breaker configuration, power transformer capacities and CT ratios are taken from the actual values of a 110/33-11 KV and 33/11KV rural sub stations in Tiruchy Region. I . 33 KV S.S.1 (Refer Fig. 7-A).
11 KV FEEDER C.T ratio : 200/1 IDMT relay setting : 100% Relay graph : 3 sec High set element : 6A TMS adopted : 0.05 sec PSM = 6 x (100/100) = 6 Time from graph = 3.85 sec Operating time = 3.85 x 0.05 sec = 0.193 sec 33 KV GCCB (a) BASED ON HIGHSET ELEMENT OF 11 KV FEEDER: C.T ratio : 300/1 Plug setting : 75% Relay graph : 3 sec Primary setting current = (6x200) x (11/33) x 1.09 = 436 A (The factor 1.09 is related to the maximum tap in the Transformer, +9% in this case) PSM = (436/300)x (100/75) = 1.94 Time from graph = 10 sec Time required = 0.193+0.3 = 0.493 sec TMS = 0.493/10 = 0.049 or say 0.05 sec (b) BASED ON MAXIMUM FAULT CURRENT:
11 KV fault level = 39 MVA Maximum 11 KV fault current = 39000 / (3x11) = 2047 A High set element operates. Operating time = 0.02 sec 33 KV through fault current = 2047 x (11/33) x 1.09 =744 A PSM = (744/300) x (100/75) = 3.3 Time from graph = 5.8 sec Time required = 0.02+0.3 = 0.32 TMS = 0.32/5.8 = 0.055 or say 0.06 Higher of (a) & (b) = 0.06 TMS of 33 KV GCCB = 0.06. (c) High set element : 33 KV through fault current = 744 A CT secondary current = 744/300 = 2.48A Highset element has to be set atleast at 3 A Maximum fault current for 33 KV bus fault = 50000/ (3x 33) = 875 A CT secondary current = 875/300 = 2.92 A 100
So no meaningful setting can be adopted on highset element. High set element to be kept disconnected. 33 KV FEEDER -I (AT 110 KV SS) (a) BASED ON 11 KV FAULT LEVEL: 33 KV through fault current = 744 A PSM of 33 KV GCCB at 33 KV SS - 1 = 3.3 Time from graph = 5.8 sec TMS of 33 KV GCCB = 0.06 Relay operating time = 5.8 x 0.06 = 0.35 sec Graded time of 33 KV feeder .1= 0.35+0.3 = 0.65 sec PSM of 33 KV feeder .1 = (744/300) x (100/100) = 2.48 Relay graph of 33 KV feeder .1 = 1.3 sec Time from graph = 2.95 sec TMS of 33 KV feeder .1 = 0.65/2.95 = 0.22 BASED ON MAXIMUM 33 KV THROUGH FAULT CURRENT: (for 33 KV bus fault at 33 KV SS-I) 33 KV through fault current =875A PSM of 33 KV GCCB = (875/300) x (100/75) = 3.9 Time from graph = 5.05 sec Operating time of 33 KV GCCB = 5.05x0.06 = 0.3 sec Graded time of 33 KV feeder .1 = 0.3+0.3 = 0.6 sec PSM of 33 KV feeder = (875/300) x (100/100) = 2.92 Time from graph = 2.6 sec TMS= 0.6/2.6 = 0.23 Higher of (a) & (b) = 0.23 TMS of 33KV feeder-1 = 0.23 (c) High set element: Maximum 33 KV through fault current = 875 A CT secondary current = 875/300 = 2.92 A 33 KV bus fault level at 110 KV SS = 218 MVA Maximum 33 KV line fault current = 218000/(3x33)= 3814 A CT secondary current = 3814/300 = 12.7 A High set element may be set at 8 A
II. 33 KV SS II (Refer fig. 7-B) 11 KV FEEDER CT ratio : 300/1 Plug setting : 75% Relay graph : 1.3 sec High set element : 6 A TMS adopted : 0.1 sec PSM = 6x(100/75) = 8 Time from graph = 1.42 sec Relay operating time = 1.42 x 0.1 = 0.142 sec 33 KV FEEDER-2 (AT 110 KV SS) (a) BASED ON HIGH SET ELEMENT (11 KV feeder) 11 KV fault current = 6x300 = 1800 A 33 KV through fault current = 1800 x (11/33) x1.15 = 690 A (The factor 1.15 is related to the Transformer maximum tap of +15%) Relay operating time of 11 KV feeder = 0.142 sec Grated time = 0.142 + 0.3 = 0.442 sec CT ratio of 33 KV feeder = 200/1 Plug setting = 100% PSM = 690/200 =3.45 Relay graph = 3 sec Time as per graph = 5.5 sec TMS = 0.442/5.5 = 0.08 (b) BASED ON 11 KV FAULT LEVEL: 11 KV fault level = 37 MVA 11 KV fault current = 37000/ (3 x 11) = 1942 A 33 KV through fault current = 1942 x (11/33)x1.15 = 744 A High set element of 11 KV feeder operates Relay operating time = 0.02 Graded time = 0.3 + 0.02 = 0.32 sec PSM = (744/200) x (100/100) = 3.72 Time as per graph = 5.2 TMS = 0.32/5.2 = 0.06 Higher of (a) & (b) = 0.08 TMS of 33 KV feeder 2 = 0.08
High set element : 33 KV fault level of 33 KV SS 11 = 49 MVA Maximum 33 KV through fault urrent = 49000/(33x 3) = 857A CT secondary current = 857/300 = 2.86 A 33 KV bus fault level at 110 KV SS = 218 MVA CT secondary current = 3814/300 = 12.7 A High set element may be set at 8 A 110 KV SS (GRADING FROM 33 KV SIDE ) (Refer fig.7.c) 33 KV LVCBS Graded with 33 KV feeder.1
BASED ON HIGH SET ELEMENT: Primary setting = 2400 A PSM of 33 KV feeder.1 = (2400/300) x (100/75) = 10.7 Time from graph : 1.27 sec TMS = 0.21 Operating time = 1.27 x 0.21 = 0.27 sec Graded time of LVCBS = 0.27 + 0.3 = 0.57 sec PSM = (2400/2x300) x (100/100) = 4 Time from graph = 5 sec TMS = 0.57/5 = 0.114 = 0.12
BASED ON MAXIMUM 33 KV FAULT CURRENT: 33 KV fault level = 218 MVA 33 KV fault current = 218000 / (3 x 33) = 3814 A PSM of 33 KV feeder-1 = (3814/300) x (100/75) = 16.95 Time = 1.07 Operating time = 1.07 x 0.21 = 0.22 sec Graded time of LVCBS = 0.22 + 0.3 = 0.52 sec PSM = (3814/2x300) x (100/100)= 6.36 Time = 3.65 sec TMS = 0.52/3.65 = 0.142 = 0.15 Higher of (a) & (b) = 0.15 TMS of 33 KV LVCBs = 0.15
Pr. TR. 1
16 MVA -5to+15%
300/1 100%
300/1 75%
33 KV FDR-1
300/1 100%
33 KV FDR-2
16 MVA -5to+15%
300/1 100%
200/1 100%
33 KV 218 MVA
11 KV
300/1 100%
110 KV
10 MVA
200/1 100%
110 KV GCCB (a) BASED ON H.S ELEMENT OF 33 kv FEEDER.1: PSM of LVCB = 4 Time from graph = 5 sec Operating time = 5 x 0.15 = 0.75 sec Graded time of 110 KV GCCB = 0.75 + 0.3 = 1.05 sec PSM = (2400/300) x (33/110) x 1.15 x (100/100) = 2.76 Time from graph = 6.8 sec TMS = 1.05 / 6.8 = 0.154 Or say 0.16 (b) BASED ON 33 KV FAULT LEVEL: PSM of LVCBs = 6.36 Time from graph = 3.65 sec TMS of LVCBS = 0.15 Operating time = 0.548 sec Graded time of 110 KV GCCB = .548+0.3 = 0.848 PSM = (3814/300) x (33/110) x 1.15 = 4.39 Time from graph = 4.6 sec TMS = 0.848/4.6 = 0.184 Or say 0.19 Higher of (a) & (b) = 0.19 TMS of 110 KV GCCB = 0.19 110 KVSS: GRADING FROM 11 KV SIDE
CT Ratio : 200/1 Plug setting : 100% Graph : 3 sec High set element : 8 A TMS : 0.05 sec 11 KV fault level : 109 MVA Maximum 11 KV fault current = (109000 / 3 x 11) = 5721 A (a) PSM = 8 Time from graph = 3.35 sec Operating time = 0.05 x 3.35 = 0.168 sec (b) PSM = 5721/200 = 28.6 Time from graph = 2.2 Operating time = 0.05 x 2.2 = 0.11 sec 107
: 600/1 = 100%
PSM = (8x200/600) x (100/100) = 2.67 Time from graph = 7 sec Graded time = 0.168 + 0.3 = 0.468 sec TMS = 0.468/7 = 0.067 = 0.07
PSM = (5721/600) x (100/100) = 9.54 Time from graph = 3.1 Graded time = 0.3 + 0.11 = 0.41 sec TMS = 0.41/3.1 = 0.132 Or say 0.14 Operating time = 0.14 x 3.1 = 0.434 sec Higher of (a) & (b) = 0.14 TMS of 11 KV LVCB = 0.14 110 KV GCCB CT ratio Plug setting = 300/1 = 100%
PSM = (8x200) x (11/110) x (1.15/300) = 0.61 Relay will not pick up. PSM = 5721 x (11/110) x (1.15/300) = 2.19 Graded time = 0.434 + 0.3 = 0.734 Time from graph = 8.9 sec TMS = 0.734/8.9 = 0.082 Or say 0.09 TMS = 0.09 TMS as from 11 KV side = 0.09 TMS as from 33 KV side = 0.19 Higher of the above two = 0.19 TMS of 110 KV GCCB = 0.19
HIGH SET Maximum 11 KV fault current = 5721 Maxmum 110 KV through fault current = 657 A CT secondary current = 657/300 = 2.19 A Maximum 33 KV fault current = 3814 A Maximum 110 KV through fault current = 3814x(33/110) x1.15=1316 A CT secondary current = 1316/300 = 4.39 A 108
Higher of the above two = 4.39 A Maximum 110 KV bus fault current=(716000/3x110) = 3758 A CT secondary current = 3758/300 = 12.53A High set element may be set at 6 A As seen under Faults and fault current analysis, the relay settings have been calculated based on the maximum three phase symmetrical bus fault MVA. This generally gives satisfactory results. However, the fact is that unsymmetrical faults such as phase to ground and phase to phase faults are the ones that occur more than 90% of the times with the former being the most common of the faults. So there may be occasions, though rare, when non-selective tripping occurs. For instance, the GCCB may trip along with the LVCB for a phase to phase fault on the LV side. When such a non-selective tripping occurs, the GCCB relay settings may have to be revised suitably, in this particular instance based on the maximum phase to phase fault current (to be worked out), instead of the 3-phase fault current, keeping in mind that the phase to phase fault on the L.V. side is seen as a 3-phase fault on the HV side with a current distribution of the form 1:2:1 (Ref. Fig. 5) for theDY Transformer and that as such the reflected. Fault current on the H.V. side at maximum tap must be multiplied by the factor 1.15 (i.e; 23). REVISION OF SETTINGS: The 110 KV symmetric fault level for the grid stations for maximum generation conditions and with all transformation equipments in service is provided by the Head Quarters branch at periodical intervals from which the MRT Engineer is to calculate the fault level for the various bus bars of the 110 KV, 66 KV and 33 KV substations. Revised fault levels have to be determined as and when warranted for changed conditions like addition of Transformer capacity, upgradation of substation etc. Relay settings have to be revised for change in bus fault levels and as and when there is change in CT ratio and breaker configuration in the substation. BREAKER RUPTURING CAPACITY: As and when there is an upward revision of fault levels in the various busbars, the MRT branch should check and see whether the short circuit withstanding capacity of the breakers are enough. If not, replacement of the existing breaker with a breaker of higher rupturing capacity must be recommanded in writing. ANNUAL TESTS: Primary injection tests are done during commissioning and as and when required. These are not part of the Annual tests. This test in one stroke determines the healthiness of overall protection. Secondary injection tests are done on relays during commissioning, annually and as and when the need arises i.e., when the relay settings have to be revised, in correct operation of relay is observed etc. Relay testing procedure is detailed elsewhere in this manual.
During annual tests, the CT Secondary circuit should be meggered and the I.R. Value recorded. Opening time of the circuit breaker in all poles must be checked and noted. The Open Circuit D.C.Voltage, the current drawn by the trip coil and the voltage available at the trip coil terminals when current flows through the trip coil should also be measured and recorded. Comparison with the previous values will confirm whether the trip coil as well as the entire D.C. Circuit from the battery through the D.C. Panel, Control and relay panels down to the trip circuit are in perfect health. The Trip Coil plunger and tripping mechanism, the breaker auxiliary contacts etc., should be given a thorough examination. The Station battery also needs careful examination and readings should be taken by the MRT branch and recorded. The Station earth pits should be checked and the earth pit resistances measured and recorded. A combined value less than 0.1 Ohms may be considered as being very good. The D.C.Panel also needs inspection and examination. All the alarm and trip circuits of the power transformers and common station alarms must all be checked for correct operation. All the D.C. fuses and links must also be checked individually. The Master tripping relay is to be initiated and tripping of the GC and LV breaker, checked. The tripping Register is to be carefully reviewed. Any lack of maintenance work on the part of the substation staff that may have an adverse impact on protection of substation equipments must be taken to the knowledge of the substation controlling Engineers for corrective steps. Non selective tripping if any should be carefully studied and analysed. Revision of relay settings if required should be done. The MRT branch plays the most vital role in the well being of the distribution circle. The MRT Engineer should shurg off tendencies if any to do annual tests in a routine way and being complacent. It is important to keep in mind that the annual tests are not a routine task but a part of the preventive maintenance for keeping the protection system of the sub-station in perfect working order. Mere MRT skill is not enough. The leader at work should keep his eyes wide open and tune his mind to the job on hand and ensure that the technical staff carry out the works to a good degree of perfection. He must also be on the look out for things that have the potential to create protection problems in the immediate or near or distant future and should one be identified, corrective measures should be taken. Works should be properly planned and haste should be avoided but speed is important. When power through an equipment is switched off for rectification/testing works, the Board loses some revenue during the period of outage but the worse thing is that a lot many consumers are deprived of electricity, the absence of which puts them to a lot of inconvenience and hardship. The quicker the power supply is resumed the better for the consumer as well as the Board. The ability to restore supply with the least interruption without sacrificing the quality and standard of works is the hall mark of a quality MRT Engineer. An MRT man taking pleasure in doing that kind of work doesnt expect accolades from any quarter but does his job with pride and job satisfaction.
CASE STUDY 1) TRIPPING FOR NO FAULT. One fine morning, an Assistant Engineer from a Rural O&M Section who made a visit to the MRT Office, casually mentioned to the Asst.Executive Engineer/MRT that the 11KV feeder feeding his area had been tripping frequently on E.F.relay indication and the fault had not been located yet. When grilled, he mentioned that the line had been tripping on earth fault relay indication for the past four days, that the main and spur lines had been thoroughly patrolled and doubtful insulators, changed and that the line every time was test charged OK but tripped after feeding loads for some time. The weather had been clear, no wind and the days were bright. There was still no word yet from the Asst.Engineer of the adjacent section under whose control the 33/11KV Substation concerned was in. By then, the AEE/MRT was fairly certain of what was going on. A couple of hours later, the MRT gang was in the Substation. Primary injection test established that the Secondary circuit of the blue phase C.T. was open. The CT ratio was 150/1 with 40% earth fault setting. With one CT not delivering secondary current, there was residual current flowing through the E.F. relay under normal load Conditions and no wonder the line tripped on Earth fault relay indication, every time the load current rose above 60A (150x40/100= 60A). Refer fig 8(B). The Ammeter crack switch in that old Kiosk did not have a provision to read the residual current. It was one of those old breakers and there were two single phase energy meters in the two outer phases for energy measurement by two wattmeter method. The Current leads in the energy meter on blue phase were found released, separated and taped. The pressure leads were also found released but the two leads had been shorted and taped. Needless to add that the pressure circuit fuse was found blown. When enquired, the Asst.Engineer incharge of the S.S. innocently stated that on finding the energy meter stuck, he had released the leads making through the current connections and isolating the pressure leads, applying insulating tape to the exposed wire ends and that he was to have sent the defective meter to the MRT Section for rectification. As an Electrical Engineer, the A.E had remembered that the CT Secondary should not be kept open circuited but in his enthuciasm had mistaken the pressure leads as current leads and vice versa. The AEE/MRT was tempted to take the A.E./S.S to task for the frequent interruption of supply in the feeder for five days. Instead he felt that the better course of action would be to support and educate the A.E. for the initiative and interest shown by him though he ended up making a mistake. Years later there was another case similar to that above in a different S.S and the problem was reported to the MRT branch within a couple of days. Again that was an old kiosk and the sub station staff appeared to have dislodged the wire when they replaced the oil in the OCB two days earlier.
In both the cases the CTs were found healthy. Such occurrences of CT secondary getting open circuited are extremely rare. Should a thing like that happen, ratio and secondary excitation tests should be conducted and the condition of the CT, ascertained before putting it back in to service. 2) NO TRIPPING FOR FAULT. Here also, a CT is involved but the effect is just the opposite. One evening, the MRT gang while returning from work entered a way side sub station to attend to a minor problem in the station reported a few days back. As the A.E/MRT was at work, the A.E.E/MRT was going through the tripping Register when he found some thing odd with the trippings in a particular feeder. All the trippings were through the O.C. relays, there was no tripping through the Earth fault relay for the past six months. Annual relay test was still a good four months away. Acting on a hunch, the A.E.E. got the A.E. to take L.C. on the breaker and megger the CT Secondary circuit, releasing the earth connection. Energy measurement in that feeder was also by two wattmeter method and the current coil of one of the two meters was found to have got earthed. That was originally a 2.5A rated energy meter, the original current coil had been released at MRT Lab and current coil, rewound with thinner wire for 2.5 times the original number of turns for converting the meter for 1A operation. The thin leathoroid paper provided over the iron core as insulation had given way earthing the current coil. With the neutral of the CT Secondary solidly earthed, if a second earth develops, the CT Secondary current during an earth fault on the line, takes the least resistance path by passing the residual circuit. The E.F. relay will not operate and the fault will be cleared by the o.c. relay concerned provided the fault current is more than the primary setting of the o.c. relay. Refer fig 8(c). 3) This happened more than 10 years ago. A new substation with a single 110/11KV, 10 MVA Power Transformer was comissioned in a neighbouring distribution circle which was formed out of the parent circle in the late seventies. HBB make differential relay was provided for Transformer protection. The compliant was that that differential relay was mal-operating once in a while. The A.E/SS had mentioned that casually to the AEE/MRT of the parent circle one day. The A.E/SS was informed that wrong differential CT/relay connection could trigger differential relay operation when the load on the transformer exceeded a certain value and was advised to get the connections checked by the territorial MRT branch. An year later, based on the report that the transformer differential relay at that substation was kept disconnected on account of relay defect, the E.E/MRT of the parent circle (No territorial E.E/MRT in the neighboring Circle concerned) was directed by the Head-quarters branch to inspect the substation concerned and sort out the problem. The E.E/MRT took his MRT gang with him for the inspection.
Fig. : 8-c
CT secondary circuit of w Phase has got earthed @ P (Load current on feeder neglected) For an earth fault on the u-Phase line, the CT secondary current flows as marked, bypassing the earth fault relay. Similar will be the current flow, for earth faults on the other phase lines also. Earth fault relay will not operate for earth fault on any phase.
It was found that no provision had been made to measure the three differential currents and provision for measuring only the secondary pilot currents of the HV and LV differential CTs had been made. The transformer was taken out of service and work was started for providing three current terminals for measuring the differential currents returning from the relay. In the meanwhile the cables from the bushing CTs were physically traced down to the terminal block in the marshalling box. It did not take more than ten minutes to identify the problem. The HV yellow phase bushing CT secondary lead was found pitted against the LV blue phase CT Secondary and vice-versa. For that wrong sequence, currents would flow through the operating winding of the yellow and blue phases of the differential relay under normal load conditions and the HBB differential relay would act when the load on the transformer exceeded 20% of its full load. The wrong connections were corrected, additional current terminals were provided in the control room for measuring the differential currents, the transformer was put on short circuit and the nine currents, (3 HV CT Pilots + 3 LV CT pilots + 3 differential) were measured and found correct. The transformer was put back into service with the differential relay and there were no further differential trippings. The Asst.Exe.Engineer and Asst.Engineer/MRT of the Distribution Circle concerned were both men of known sincerity. Though both had been in that MRT branch for some time, that was the first time that they had to commission Transformer differential protection. Obviously, they were not aware of the most vital check in commissioning Transformer differential protection viz putting the Transformer on Short circuit and measuring the differential currents besides the currents from the HV and LV bushing CTs. This test in a single stroke can confirm all that are to be confirmed, i.e., correctness of sequence of CT secondary connections, correctness of CT polarity and ratio, correctness of the delta formation of the CT secondary on the star side of the Transformer, correctness of differential relay connections, healthiness of the differential CT/Relay circuitry and the absence of an earth connection in the CT secondary differential relay circuitry except for the earth connection of the neutral point of the star connected CTs on the delta side of the Transformer. Perhaps there were none around during commissoining time experienced enough to guide the inexperienced Engineers. 4) 125 % CORRECT : When some one is very correct it may be said that that person is one hundred percent correct or even 110% correct. But never is it said that one is 125% is correct. In CT terms one can say 125% is correct. This is just to mean that a C.T. can be continuously operated at 125% rated current. There have been instances when loads were restricted to avoid tripping of feeder on overload. To cite a case, due to addition of loads in 11 KV line fed off a 33/11 KV SS, the 33KV line at the 110 KV SS which was already loaded to the brim during peak hours was tripping on overload. Load shedding at the 33/11 KV SS was done to prevent the overload trippings of the 33 KV line eventhough the Power transformers at either station had margin. The substation Engineer was asked to raise the plug setting of o.c. relays on the 33KV feeder to 125% by the MRT branch as higher ratio was not available in the CTs. The concerned S.S. Controlling Officers were concerned about the well being of the CTs, a needless concern. The CTs are designed to accept such contingencies. The only problem will be that the Ammeter will be off scale when the line current goes above 100% during which time the Ammeter crack switch is to be kept off. 115
However, this is not to mean that the plug settings can be raised to 125% and the matter left at that. Action must be taken to replace the CTs with ones with a higher ratio at the earliest and till then the plug setting will be 125% correct. 5) NO TO GAS LOCKOUT AND NO TO SS LOCKOUT TOO: The Annunciator announced SF6 gas lockout condition in the 110 KV Group Control breaker at an important 110 KV Substation about 2 hours drive from the MRT Head-quarters. The annunciation came around 7 AM and thanks to the phone with the AEE/MRTs neighbour, the A.E.E. incharge of the SS could talk to the MRT man within fifteen minutes of the annunciation. The A.E.E. in control of the SS gave the message to the MRT Man and said that he would get a blink on the 110KV line feeding his SS, open the incoming isolator and safeguard his equipment to which the MRT Man replied that the right thing to do would be not to do anything and that the substation could continue to be fed till the arrival of the MRT gang. The substation AEE wasnt too sure and it took some convincing on the part of the MRT man to have the other man accept the proposal. Around 11 AM, the MRT Van drove into the SS and as the MRT man got down, the incoming 110KV isolator kept opened and securely locked greeted him. He starred at the station A.E.E. who ducked saying that the boss didnt want to take chances. So the MRT man thought he would mind his own business which was to find out and set right what was wrong. As it were, there was no SF6 gas leakage, the gas density was all right and the trouble was with the magnetic contactor which was set right. The breaker was put back into service there by freeing the substation from an unnecessary power lockout. Before leaving, however, the Station A.E.E. and A.E. were taken aside and told why the station could have been kept in service with the incoming breaker in gas lockout condition. With low gas density, the breaker is not to be operated but then the condition had already locked out the breaker. The breaker would not operate but would remain like a simple switch in closed position. Power could flow through the breaker with no harm done. The only thing of some relevance would be that the breaker would not offer protection to the transformer. But then what if an incoming breaker like this fails. Dont we make through the jumpers and feed load through the station till another breaker is provided which may take a few days. The Transformer of course will lose local Highspeed protection through the differential relay. On Buchhloz alarm the incoming line would have to be got tripped through the grid station operator or before that the protection at the feeding end might see the fault and trip the grid station breaker. It would be a calculated risk worth taking and which is an accepted practice in the Board in an emergency condition. 6) WHICH/WHO IS AT FAULT? THE TRANSFORMER OR THE TESTING KIT? THE MRT WING OR THE TRANSFORMER REPAIR WING? ANYTHING/ANYONE CAN BE. IT ALL DEPENDS .
The Buckholz relay of one of the two 66/11KV. 5MVA, AEG make Transformers in a substation acted accompanied by the actuation of the E.F. relay of the 66 KV GCCB. The MRT test results were all satisfactory. But the results of the two tests on the gas collected in the Buchholz chamber were positive. An arcing fault was suspected and the transformer was declared defective. Another 5 MVA was allotted and commissioned in place of the defective unit. The transformer was moved out for examination and repair.
Later it was learnt that the transformer was declared healthy and erected elsewhere. On charging, the Buchhloz relay had again acted. Again the transformer was moved to the repair bay and on that occasion the bushing CTs were also examined and one of the HV bushing CT was found to have arced to the frame at the neck. The defect was attended to and the transformer successfully commissioned. So, satisfactory MRT test results alone cannot be taken as being conclusive in declaring a transformer as being healthy when the Buchholz relay acts with gas collection. Adverse results on gas analysis invariably points to a fault inside the transformer. A few years earlier to the above occurrence a failed transformer, repaired and serviced at the repair bay was sent to an adjacent distribution circle for erection and commissioning. The MRT Wing on testing the transformer declared it as being defective. The E.E./Transformer who was once an MRT man himself wont buy it. He called for a second test on the transformer and again the same declaration by the MRT Wing. Again the E.E/Transformer wont accept it. He perhaps thought enough was enough and traveled for 300KMs from Madras to see the testing for himself. He witnessed the test, checked the transformer testing kit declared that the transformer testing kit was defective and not the transformer and indeed that was the case. The transformer was satisfactorily commissioned. So there can be no substitute for experience. There have been occasions when the MRT Wing was stumped by the results of DC resistance test on the transformer secondary winding. For values being in the milli ohm range, the test has to be done carefully taking precautions. The ideal way to measure this value is by using a Kelvins bridge. In conducting this test through a wheatstone bridge or by Ohms law, sufficient care must be taken to eliminate contact resistance. Strictly speaking that ofcourse cannot be eliminated altogether but can be brought down from milli level to micro level. Otherwise spurious D.C. resistance values will be indicated. Whether a defective unit is declared as healthy or a healthy unit is declared as defective, it is the reputation of the MRT Engineer that gets a beating. So one has to be that extra bit careful in coming to a conclusion. But that doesnt mean that one could take his own time in coming to a conclusion. A totally involved MRT Engineer devoted to his craft learns fast. An experienced, alert and thoughtful one always arrives at right conclusion in quick time. 7. IS INDEPENDENT POLE OPERATED 110 KV BREAKER IN A SUB-STATION WITH 30V DC ACCEPTABLE?
During March 90, the 66/11 KV Karur SS was upgraded to 110/11 KV SS. An Independent pole operated HBB make SF6 breaker was erected as 110 KV Group control breaker to control one 110/11 KV, 10 MVA Power Transformer initially, with a second 10 MVA unit to be erected there after. An S & S make 11 KV outdoor type VCB was erected as the LV breaker. 2 Nos 30 V, 64 AH batteries were erected one set for the 11 KV feeders and another set for the 110 KV GC and 11 KV LV breakers and Power Transformers. A new D.C panel was erected and the dc supply to the 110 KV GCCB was found taken through 4x2.5 sq.mm cables with two leads per terminal, i.e., 5 sq mm leads, effectively.
It was suggested by the MRT wing that the independent pole operated 110 KV GCCB might be replaced with a gang operated 110 KV breaker to reduce the breaker tripping current from (3x7) Amps (Trip coils rated to draw 7A at 30 V DC) to (1x7) A thereby reducing the drop in the dc supply cable and at various locations between the battery and breaker. The MRT wing was also concerned over the reliability of 110 KV GC and LV breaker trippings during a master relay initiation at a future date with the 30 V battery having to deliver 21 Amps (3x7A) to the GC breaker trip coils and 16 A (2x8A) to the two nos 11 KV LV breakers, symultaneously. The matter was taken upto Head Quarters level but in view of the S.S, having to be upgraded before 31.03.90 and the non availability of a ready 110 KV gang operated 110 KV SF6 breaker, instructions were given to go ahead and commission the substation as erected. During precommissioning tests on the 110 KV GCCB, the following observations were made. 1. Breaker tripping currents measured by individual energisation. 2x2.5 sq.mm cables for DC + and DC -. Battery charger off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase Trip coil No.1 Trip Coil No.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Open T.C. T.C. Open T.C. T.C. Circuit current voltage Circuit current voltage DC volts DC volts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R 30 V 5.6 A 21.5 V 30 V 5.5 A 21.0 V Y 30 V 6.0 A 20.0 V 30 V 5.9 A 21.0 V B 30 V 5.8 A 20.5 V 30 V 5.9 A 21.0 V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 3 phase trip coil current measured by symultaneous energisation of trip coils. Open circuit D.C volts : 30 V Total trip coil current (TC1) : 10.5 A , i.e., 10.5 / 3 = 3.5A per coil Trip coil volts : 15 V each Values not accepted by MRT wing. 2. The DC supply cables were reinforced by S.S Erection branch and test repeated. DC + : 4x2.5 Sq.mm DC - : 4x2.5 Sq.mm Battery charger ON and in trickle charge. Open circuit D.C volts : 33 V Total trip coil current (TC1) : 15 A , i.e., 15 / 3 = 5A per coil Tripcoil volts : 20 V. each
The DC supply cables were further reinforced by S.S Erection branch and test repeated. DC + : 8 x 2.5 Sq.mm DC - : 8 x 2.5 Sq.mm Battery charger ON Open circuit D.C volts : 35 V Total trip coil current (TC1) : 20 A , i.e., 20/3 = 6.66A per coil Trip coil voltage : 25 V, each
The values were passed by the MRT branch. The breaker opening time was to be 28 milli sec as per Manufacturers specifications. In the first case, the opening times were 50 milli seconds in each pole. In the third case, the opening times were 30 milli seconds in each pole and accepted. Tests were repeated for TC2 of all poles and results were satisfactory. The Board has now changed the DC supply norm for 110 KV radial substation from 30V, 64AH to 110V, 120AH, so matters as above may not be of concern to the MRT branch. But in old 110 KV stations where 30 V, 64 AH DC supply is in vogue and where such independent pole operated 110 KV breaker may be in service, the substation and MRT wing must give the highest priority to maintaining the battery and the 110 KV GC/11 KV LV breaker trip circuits in perfect working order and there shall be no complacency whatsoever in the matter of protection.
Sample fault MVA calculation for a 110/11kV substation is provided for guide lines. 110kV 10 MVA 10% 11kV
The fault MVA level at the sending end i.e., at the 110kV bus of a nearing 230 kV substation is taken as 2000MVA and the distance is taken as 10km from 230kV S/S The source impedance at 110 kV bus on 230/110kV S/S = Source impedance = 110 x 110 2000 (KV) Fault MVA
= 6.05 ohms
Impedance of the line= 4.75 ohms/km (ACSR Leopard) For 10 km = 47.5 ohms Total impedance upto 110 kV bus of 110/11kV S/S Impedance of the transformer = = 47.5+6.05 = 53.55 ohms 10 x kV2 100 MVA 10 x 110 x110 100 10 = 121ohms
Total impedance up to transformer = 53.55+121 = 174.55 ohms Total impedance converted to11kV side of the Transformer Z2 = Z1 (kV2/kV1) = 174.55 (11/110) = 1.746ohms Fault MVA level at 11kV bus = 11/1.746 = 69.3MVA Fault current =3637 amps
Er. M. Arunachalam EE / GRT The distance relay responds to input quantities as a function of the electrical circuit distance between the relay location and point of faults. Basically the distance relay compares the current and voltage of the power system to determine whether the fault exists within or outside its operating zone. The pioneer beam-type distance relay can be used to illustrate the operating principle. The relays zone of operation is a function of only the protected line impedance, which is a fixed constant, and is relatively independent of the current and voltage magnitudes. Thus, the distance relay has a fixed reach, as opposed to over-current units, for which reach varies as source conditions change. Line section representation A line section is represented in the power system as below:
A s Zs source
Zu source
In the above figure, ZL is the impedance of the line to be protected from the bus A to bus B. Zs is the equivalent source impedance up to bus B, and Zu the equivalent source impedance up to bus B . ZE represents the equivalance of the interconnecting system between buses A and B except for line ZL. Representation of a line section and the R-X diagram. Blance point A n source Zs Bus voltage source Zu B
The distance relay is applied to the bus A line terminal. The system can be plotted on an R-X diagram. With O as the origin, the phasor impedance ZL. Of the line is drawn in the first quadrant.
Either per unit or ohms can be used, although secondary or relay ohms are generally preferred. The CT secondary formed in star (wye) is connected to distance relay. Zsec = Zrelay = Zpu*Rc/Rv
Rc and Rv are the ratios of CTs and PTs respectively. Zs is the source impedance, can be plotted from A in to the third quadrant at B, the source impedance Zu can be extended, both impedance at their respective magnitudes and angles. In applications involving several line sections, Zu would be the remote line section beyond bus B; Zs would be the line section behind the A line relay or to the left of bus A(if we assume there were no other lines or sources at either bus A or B) A number of distance relay characteristics plotted on the R-X diagram may be a circle, ie., whenever the phasor ratio of V/I falls inside the circle, the distance unit operates. By modifying either the restraint and/or operating quantities, the circle can be shifted as shown below:
Impedance Mho
Load can be represented on these R-X diagrams as an impedance phasor, generally lying near the R axis (depending on the power factor of the load current on the line).The phasor lies to the right(first quadrant of the (R-X diagram) when flowing into the protected line from the bus and to the left (third quadrant of R-X diagram) when flowing out of the line to the bus. Load is between 0 and 5 A secondary at or near rated voltage; faults generally produce much higher current levels and lower voltages, so that the load phasor usually falls outside the distance operating circles. Historically three zones of protection have been used to protect a line section and provide back up for the remote section. Each of the three zones uses instantaneous operating distance relays. Zone-1 is set for 80% of the line impedance. Zone-2 is adjusted for 100% of the line, plus 50% of the shortest adjacent line off the remote bus incase adjacent shortest feeder being a double circuit 50% of any one feeder. Zone-3 is set for 100% of the line, plus approximately of the adjacent longest line off the remote bus incase adjacent largest feeder is of double circuit 110% of any one of the feeder. If the coverage overlaps because of long lines followed by shortlines, time gradation shall be provided. These classical settings define the protective zones only if there are no infeed effects. In practice, there is almost always an infeed effect at the buses, which reduces the reach. The settings guidelines are as per the Instructions in the memo No: CE/P&C/SE(D)/P&C/EPCII/AEE5/F.Protn/D.34/2k dt 13.11.2k Since zone-1(Z1) tripping is instantaneous, the zone must not reach the remote bus, hence the 80% settings. The 20% margin provides a safety factor for security,to accommodate differences or inaccuracies in relays, current, potential transformers and line impedance. The 20% end zone is protected by the z0ne-2 (Z2) relay, which operates through a timer T2, set with one step of coordination time intervals for overcurrent relays. Two zones at each terminal are required to protect all of the line section,with 60 to 80% of the line having the simultaneous instantaneous protection. This protection is independent of system changes and loading. The backup zone-3 also operates through a timer T3 , set as shown to coordinate with the zone-2 unit of the remote bus. Coordinating distance relays, with their fixed reach and time, is much easier than coordinating the over current relays. Phase Mho Distance The reach setting (replica line impedance) is the phase impedance. Steady state characteristic: Circle with a diameter that is equal to the reach setting and passes through the origin at an angle equal to the line characteristic angle, with respect to the resistance line. R Zrelay Ziang R 123
Zsource Dynamic Characteristic The circle that passes through the replica line impedance and the source impedance.
Reactance characteristic
The reactance relay does not vary in the presence of are resistance, because it is designed to measure only the reactive component of the line. Any increase in the resistive component of the fault impedance will have no effect upon the relay reach, as the relay will continue to measure the same value of the reactance. However, when the fault resistance is of high value that load and fault current magnitudes are of the same order, the reach of the relay is modified by the value of the load and its power factor and may either over-reach or underreach.
R 32QFDirec.elem m
extends from the resistance axis at an angle equal to the line characteristic angle.
The operating characteristics for phase-ground and 3-phase faults are a composite characteristics, may be made by combining mixed polarized mho and quadrilateral characteristics operating in a logical arrangement. The two characteristics are selected to ensure both speed and sensitivity. The mho characteristic will provide a limited resistive reach compared to the quadrilateral characteristic in short lines applications. On the other hand approximately 4-5 ms in operating time is gained. In long line applications the margin to the load impedance will be a major consideration. Since the phase-phase measuring relays are based an unbalance impedance measurements, they do not operate for three phase load or power swing conditions. Therefore, no precautions are necessary to limit the relay settings to avoid load encroachment. For parallel lines or double circuit lines, the negative and positive sequence mutual impedance between the different branches will be only 2-3% of the positive sequence and will be very little effect on measurement. Whereas the zero sequence mutual coupling impedance can not be ignored, since the value can be 70% of the zero sequence impedance. The mutual impedance will influence the distance measurement of ground faults, and cause either an extension or a reduction of the reach relative to the set reaches. The line impedance is converted to the secondary side of the instrument transformers with the formula Z sec = CT ratio/ VT ratio x Z prim Z sec = VT sec x CT prim x Z prim VT prim CT sec
The impedance actually seen by the relay might differ from the calculated values due to errors such as a) b) c) d) e) f) Errors introduced actually by CTs and VTs, under transient conditions. Inaccuracies in line zero sequence impedance data and the effect of zero sequence compensation setting. The effect of infeeds between relay and fault location including influence of different X0/X1 ratios of the various sources. The effect of load transfer between the ends of the protected lines especially when appreciable fault resistance must be recognized. Zero sequence mutual coupling from parallel lines. The fact that the phase impedance of untransposed lines is not equal for all fault loops. The difference between the impedance of different phase-phase loops can be as much as 5-10%.
Because of the errors above Zone-1 reach is normally limited to 80% of the calculated line section impedance. For the same reason the Zone-2 reach should be set to at least 120% of the calculated line section impedance to ensure that it will always over reach the line section. 126
Zone-2 reach can be set longer but it should never exceed 80% of either of the following reaches: 1) The reach corresponding to the impedance of the protected line section plus the first zone reach of the shortest adjacent line section. 2) The reach corresponding to the impedance of the protected line plus the impedance of the maximum number of transformers in parallel on the bus at the remote end of the protected line. Zone-3 is mostly used as a back-up zone: i) set to 150-200% of the line section to provide backup forZone1 and Zone2. ii) Set in the reverse direction to provide back up for the bus bar protection. Zero sequence compensation The measuring loop at single-phase to ground faults consists of two impedance. Z1 the positive sequence impedance in the phase conductor and Zn the ground return impedance Zn is defined as Z0 Z1 3 The ground return impedance is set by the zero sequence compensation factor Kn and the ground return impedance (Zn) angle n. The performance for single phase to ground faults is of great importance as normally more than 70% of the faults on a transmission line are single phase to ground. The fault resistance is composed of two components, the arc resistance and the tower footing resistance. Rarc = 28707 x l(in meter) I4 I actual fault current
1 length of the arc and is approximately equal to 2-3 times the arc foot point spacing Distance relays can not be used to detect very high resistive ground faults as the reach is limited by the load impedance and load transfer. For faults with fault resistance higher than what can be detected with impedance measuring an additional zero sequence ground fault relay have to be included. To avoid load encroachment problems and healthy phase relay operation under combined three phase load and ground fault a maximum resistive reach in the quadrilateral characteristics have to be adopted. POWER SWING BLOCKING Distance relays which respond to balanced 3 phase changes in impedance will be affected by system power swings. These swings or oscillations occur following a system disturbance such as load change or fault clearance. As the generators attempt to find a stable operating angle relative to each other, they overshoot the final position and continue oscillating until stability is achieved. The extend of the oscillations depends upon the severity of the disturbance, and the natural stability of the system. The oscillation rate is determined by the inertia of the system and impedance between different generators. When the generation at each end of a line protected by distance relays oscillates, the impedance seen by the relays varies along some locus. It will be seen that this locus can enter the distance relay characteristic, and 127
cause relay operation if steps are not taken to prevent this. The general practise is to block the power swing in all zones of distance protection. The practise will be modified according to system studies. Power line carrier aided transfer tripping (as enclosed in separate sheet) auto Reclosing and syrichronization. Power line carrier aided Inter Tripping: The zone I coverage of the distance protection will cover only the 80% of the protected line and will not cover the end zones, about 20% of the protected feeder length. If the fault occurs at the end zone of the protected line, one side the protection will clear the fault constantaneously, but other side will face it as zone & fault will clear after 0.4 see. Faults remaining on the feeder for zone 2, time may cause the system to be come unstable. The fault will cause permanent lock out of the circuit breaker at each end of the line section, on usage of auto re closing in the feeder. The general practice is to avoid the auto reclosing if the carriers aided scheme is not adopted. The unit scheme of protection is to compone the condition at both ends of the feeder. Whenever the fault is internal or external to the protacted section. The simplerr way of speeding up fauet clearence at the terminal which clears an end zone fault in zone 2 time is to adopt a direct, accelerated transfortrip. The Direct transfer trip relay, scheme in which 2000 I relay is used to send a signal to the remove and of the feeder, the receive relay contact is corrected directly to the trip relay. The disadvantage of this scheme is the possibility of considered tripping by accidented operation or mal operation of signalling equipment. The scheme is more secure by supervising the receive signal with the impedance zone 2 measurement operation before allowing tripping and the scheme is known as permissive under reach transfer trip scheme. The accelerated transfer trip scheme is similar to Permissine under reach transfer trip scheme. In its principle of operation but it is applicable only to zone suitched distance relays which shares the same measuring which for both zone 1 & 2 and. In the above relays the under reach zone 1 unit is arranged to send a signal to the remote end of the feeder in addition to tripping the local breaker. The receive relay contact is arranged to operate the range change relay which extends the reach of the measuring unit from zone 1 to zone 2. Immediately instead of at the end of the zone 2 time delay. This accelerate the fault clearance as the remote end.
Permissive under reach scheme general arrangement in distance relay. Z1 - Zone Trip Contact
Z3M - Zone 3 measuring element contact Z3T TR - Zone 3 timer / contact - tripping relay.
= Receive relay contact in carrier set, Receive and relay at Distance relay
Reclosing and synchronizing: The large majority of the over head line faults are transient and case can be cleared by momentarily de energising the line. It is therefore, feasible to improve service continuity by automatically reclosing the breaker after relay operation. The automatic reclosing will improve continuity of service and increase the availatility of transmission line, but certain pre cautions are to be taken. 1. The generator should never be connected to a system on automatic reclosing, time the angle of voltages across the breaker in the vicinity of the generator is an inadequate measure of the possible hazard associated with closing the breaker. The sudden change in power in the generator following closure is however a key indicator. 2. When a transformer is subjected to a substantial through fault severe forces are developed within and between winding, which produce motion. Repetitive motion can produce failure of transformer. 130
The desired attributes of a reclosing system vary with user requirements. In an area with high level of transient fault, (lightning incidences) more transmission time breakers will be successfully re closed on the first try. Single short re closing relays those which produce only one reclosure until reset are entirely satisfied. Multiple shot reclosing relays are warrented on disribution circuits with significant free exposure, where an unsucessful reclosure would generally mean a customer outage. The speed of tripping is a significant factor in the success of a reclosure on a transmission circuit. The faster the closing, the loss fault damage and/or degree of arc ionization, the less the shock to the system on reclosure and greater the likelihood of re energization with out subsequent tripping. The probability of sucessful reclosing is improved it reclosing occurs only after a high speed pilot trip. The high speed of pilot tripping is achieved with the help of communication channels like power line carrier communication protection couplers. Such a system will eliminate the high of probability of unsuccessful re-closure on non pilot trips, particularly for end-zone faults in which clearing OCCURS sequentially and the de energized time is short. The general practice of utilization of single shot re-closing is with the assistance of PLCC network, and on failure of PLCC network the function of re-closing is blocked in the relay. A sample calculation to be adopted for re-closure for dead time and re-claim time is tabulated below. The longer death time is required because of the fact that the two phases remain energized tend to keep the arc conducting longer. ASPER GENERAL PRACTICE ONE SHOT RECLOSE IS ADOPTED DEAD TIME Dead time should be able to ensure complete deionization of arc A study of a larger, period on operating experience has formulated the minimum dead time as t = 10.5 = KV 34.5 Where KV is the phase to phase voltaged the system. Assuming arc deionization time as typical 0.17 sec for a 230 KV system Recommended dead time setting is as below = 0.17 sec + 0.02 sec. (margin) = 0.19 sec. Hence, the adopted setting should be more than 0.19 sec Adopted at 0.25 sec.
RECLAIM TIME The reclaim time is the time to be allowed, for the permanent opening of all for pole after one shot of single pole re-closure, if the fault persists. Recommended time = CB closing mechanical reset + 5 sec + gas pressure recovery time Now, CB closing mechanical reset Gas pressure recovery time : Re claim time = = 60 sec (max assumed) to be checked with BKR test result 30 sec. (max-assumed) to be checked with BKR test result. 60 + 5 + 30 = 95 sec
Note: Reclaim time can be checked with breaker duty cycle and can be modified Suitably, if required. Factors governing application of Reclosing: 1. For instantaneous reclosing, the protective relay contact must open in less than the breaker re-close time. 2. The breaker latch check and when applicable the low pressure switch should be used to avoid operating the breaker if the mechanisms is not prepared to a accept closing energy or gas pressure is inadequate. For instantaneous re-closing, arc deionizime time must be considered. Synchronizing: Synchronization check has to be made to sense the voltage on the two sides of the breaker are in exact Synchronism i.e. the angular difference between the two voltages and the frequency difference is below the present value. The check is required to minimize the shock to the system when breaker closer. The angular difference between the voltages does not determine the transient to which the system will be subjected upon closure. Rather, the shock to the system is related to the voltage across the breaker contacts, the phasing voltage is the critical quantity in determining whether the breaker is allowed to close. The system is in Synchronization the single shot reclosing doesnot required the Synchronization. The Synchronization check is an essential system of unattended or attended locations for automatic Synchronization or supervision for manual Synchronizing.
OHL (Z1) OHL (Z0) XLPE cable (Z1) 1200 sq.mm XLPEcable (Z1) 1000 sq.mm XLPE cable (Z0) TOTAL (Z1L)
= (1.8944 + j 9.3914) = 7.005 Km of Cable 1200 sq.mm = (0.1423 +j 1.9425) =1.9477 85.81
= 27.440 Km of OHL+0.425Km 0f1000sq.mm cableAt one end+0.034Km of 630sq.mm0FC = (2.4818 + j 12.7436 ) = 12.9830 78.98 = 0.263 ohm per loop = 151 MVA (Maximun Load Transfer) = 50Hz
Fr S F
Where Z1 Z0 Fr = Positive sequence impedance = Zero sequence impedance = Additional fault resistance (arc and tower footing resistance) = Apparent power (maximum power Transferred) = 1200 / 1 A = 110000 / 110V , 50Hz 3 3
S Iprim./sec. U prim./U.sec.
The relay shall work with following setting Zone 1 = 80% of the line Zone 2 = 100% of the line + 50% of Adjacent short line Zone 3 = 100% 0f the line +110% of the adjacent longest line Transformation Ratio = CT/PT = (1200/1) / (110000/110) = 1.2
STARTER REACH: V/S = 110/151 = 80.132 Ohms(primary value) = 80.132*1.2 = 96.16 Ohms Maximum permissible reach of the start relay Zmax = 0.5*96.16 = 48.08 Ohms The starter relay setting is determined by the Zone-3 reach and the load impedance. The radius of the start relay circle is determined by setting the Zone-3 reach by over reaching about 35%. Z1L (secondary) = Z1L (primary) x Transformation ratio = (1.3684 + j 7.0895) x 1.2 = 1.6421 +j 8.5074 = 8.5074 79.08 = ( 0.1423 +j 1.9425) x 1.2 = 0.1488 +j 2.0307 = 2.0362 85.81 = (2.4818 + j 12.7436) x 1.2 = 2.5945 + j 13.3222 = 13.5725 78.98 = 1.35 x 13.572578.98 = 18.32 78.98 = (1.8944+ j9.3914 ) x 1.2 = 1.9804 + j 9.8178 = 10.0155 84.02 ohm/phase
2. ZONE-1 SETTING: Zone 1 impedance = 0.8 Z1L = 0.8x 7.5482 79.08 ohm/phase = 6.0386 79.08 ohm/phase In case of numerical relays the value calculated shall be programmed directly In the case of static/ magnetic relays the relay manual shall be referred for setting the calculated values by way of selections 2. ZONE-2 SETTING: Zone-2 settings =100% of the line + 50% of the adjacent shortest line = 0.2625 +j 1.4571 + 0.5 x (0.2207 +j 1.6141) = 0.3729 + j 2.2641 = 2.2946 According to the relay manual the settings are to be adopted for the Zone-2 reach. Similar to the Zone-1 the numerical relays shall be fed with the value. 3. ZONE-3 SETTING: The relay can be set with Zone 3 in reverse looking blocking mode or on forward reach, Required Zone-3 forward reach = 100 % of Z1L +110% of Z3L = 0.2625 +j 1.4571 + 1.1 x (1.4876 + j 7.6049) = 1.6364 + j 8.3654 = 8.524 79.17 ohm / phase
As per relay manual the relay settings shall be calculated for the selection of relay constants for the value calculated above. For the numerical relays the value calculated shall be programmed directly. The above setting shall be programmed in case of numerical relays. If the relay is of static type, the availability of reverse zone shall be detected first and setting shall be set as per procedure given by the manufacturer. Starter reach :
= 1.35 x 8.524 79.17 ohm / phase = 11.5074 79.17 ohm / phase 135
5. EARTH FAULT COMPENSATION SETTING KN = Z0L Z1L = 3Z1L = ZNL = KN x Z1L (0.3124 + j 2.439) - (0.1416 +j 0.9458) 3x (0.1416 +j 0.9458) 0.5239 1.99
7. POWER SWING BLOCKING In normal scheme, where Zone-4 elements will be reverse looking , the Zone-5 forward reach should be set to the starter forward reach , and the Zone-4 reverse reach , should be set to the reverse reach. Thus Zone-5 forward reach = 11.5074 79.17 ohm / phase Zone-4 reverse reach = 1.5094 ohm Proportion of Z0ne-4 reverse reach =
Zone-4 reverse reach
1.5094 11.5074+1.5094
The reaches are set so that The total reach to be set = 1.3 (Z5 forward +Z4 reverse) Set the timer for identifying the fault condition to 40ms
7. ACCURACY OF IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT Zone-1 accuracy is +5% for System Impedance Ratios (SIR) of upto 30 and +10% for SIR of upto 60. If +5% of accuracy of Zone-1 is required, then the operate in voltage for earth faults and phase faults need to be more than the minimum required voltage of the relays. Minimum Fault Level at 110KV bus of S/S 8066 = 2237.8 MVA Assuming that the Zero sequence source impedance equals the positive sequence. ZS1 = ZS0 = 110 2237.8 = 7.786 ohm
Line positive sequence impedance to Zone-1 reach point = 80% of 1.4805 79.78 = 1.184479.78 ohm Therefore relay voltage for a phase fault = Z1L x E = 1.1844 x 115 ZS1+Z1L 7.786+1.1844 = 18.37 V
Line zero sequence impedance to Zone-1 reach point = 80% of 7.1862 81.08 = 5.748981.08 ohm Line fault loop impedance ZLE = Z1L+Z2L+Z0L = 1.1844+1.1844+5.7489 3 3 Therefore relay voltage for an earth fault ZLE x E (ZSE + ZLE )3 = 2.706 x 115 = (7.786+2.706)3 17.12 5V
= 2.706 ohm
8. COMMUNICATION CO-ORDINATION TIME tp = Signalling channel p/u time + margin = 20ms (assumed) +20ms = 40ms td = 20ms (signalling channel reset time) Assuming signalling channel reset time as 10ms = 20ms 10ms = 10ms
9. TIME LAG It is decided to set T2 = 400ms and T3 = 1000ms To set on the relay T2 = (32 + 8)10 = 400 ms T3 = (32 + 16 ) 20 = 960ms
The testing engineer should be supplied with all the required settings for the relay. Some specific information about using the testing kit should be known to understand how to perform the tests using the specified testing kit or other suitable equipments. TESTING EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED: 1) ZFB or TURB or TURH or FERAJA or any other make testing kit 2) 2 multi meters(20000/V on DC range) 3) 1 high impedance digital voltmeter 4) 1 variable auto transformer for rated current capacity 5) 1 variable resistor 0-2000 for rated current capacity. 6) 3 double pole switches 7) 1 d.c power supply (if panel supply unavailable) 8) Test plugs according to the type of relays 9) Any monitoring point box is available for the relay 10) 1 phase angle meter 11) 1 electronic insulation tester(if panel wiring is to be checked)
SECONDARY INJECTION TEST: ISOLATION:All the relay contacts can be prevented from operating while the rest of the relay functions normally and gives indications. It is however necessary to check the operation of contacts during commissioning, so alternative trip isolation must be obtained. INITIAL CHECKS: DC supplies to the panel should be checked for its polarity and if the panel is not equipped with DC supply, a suitable supply should be connected to the relay terminal/test block. On power up the observations as per the instruction manual of the relay should be checked and the relay inoperative alarm contact should be in open position. In the case of numerical relays, on power on , the enable target display illuminated and the relay contact for power on indication should open. Front panel LED and LCD screen should be checked . The relay should be checked for its self test status and the LCD screen of the relay should show the status ok display. By using the up and down arrow buttons to view the specific relay self-tests and should come out from status display.
CHECKING UP OF VOLTAGE DETECTORS: Each phase to ground input voltage is monitored and the pick up of the voltage detector is to be fixed., say 44.5V (10%) The monitor selection should be selected ( The protection schemes are fully functional when in monitor options). Apply voltage in turn to each voltage input and determine the pickup and drop off of each level detector . The pick up will be indicated by an indication and the drop off should be with in 20% of pickup. FIXED CURRENT LEVEL DETECTORS: 1. LOW SET: Each phase current is monitored, and the pickup of the level detector is dependant on the setting of the impedance the most sensitive value being 5% of In. The pickup is given by 5 x In amps 10% 100 x Zph select monitor option , inject current in turn into each pair of phase terminations and determine the pick up and drop off of each level detector. The drop off should be with in 20% of the pickup. 2 HIGH SET: Current setting is given by 7.5 xIn amps 10% 100 x Zph select monitor option and determine the pick up and drop off value
The testing equipment must be able to supply phase to ground volts and currents in the correct phase relation for a particular type of fault on the selected relay characteristic angle. The facility to alter the loop impedance (phase-ground compensation or phase-phase) presented to the relay is essential, this may be a continuos adjustment or steps of around 1% in the voltage or current. The testing equipment should be connected to the relay terminal through the test block taking care not to open circuit the CT secondary. Care must be taken to isolate other circuit in series connected to the distance relay like LBB relay by blocking its operation. VT supervision should be set TO ALLOW TRIP, if possible giving indication only. It will be more useful if START INDICATION is ENABLED which will speed up the process of determining the reaches. Commence with connections for an R-N fault. Apply an impedance slightly greater than the calculated first zone reach (or the equivalent voltage and current to the value of impedance with line angle setting in the testing kit) momentarily to the relay will indicate start RN (for the enabled forward zone) DEF start will also be optained if fitted and enabled. Make small adjustments, say 1% to the impedance and reapply to the relay until the highest impedance, which gives the indication Z1, RN occurs. Note: If the circuit Breaker open condition is connected through optical isolator input or by some other means then all faults can appear as SOTF. Appropriate action must be taken to prevent the condition to appear in the relay. If the relay is provided with fault locator feature also, sufficient time should be given to accept the relay indication for calculation of fault location. The measured impedance should be with in 10% of the calculated value assuming the angle of the impedance presented is with in 5degrees of the angle set for Ph-Ground. Check the appropriate contacts operated for single or three phase tripping as selected. In particular check the trip contact and the block autoreclose contact. Change the direction of the current and ensure that the relay does not operate (check with a close up fault briefly applied) Repeat the above tests for the other two phases i.e., Y-N and B-N. The test should be done for zone-1, zone-2 and zone-3 reaches. Carry out the tests as for ground faults for R-Y, Y-B and B-R faults. Under commissioning conditions the measured value should be with in 10% of the calculated values. The test should be repeated for all Zones of measurements. Note: If test kit similar to ZFB is used The phase to neutral voltage not involved in the selected fault does not maintain the correct phase relationships and the reach for slightly off angle faults may be affected due to movement of the relay characteristic angle on the impedance plane. Resistive reaches check (If Quadrilateral characteristic is applicable) Checks are done using resistive faults, thus in the forward direction all zones will operate at the same loop impedance. The checks should be done for all phase to ground faults and results should be with in 15% of the selected settings. Operation time check:
Applying a fault at 50% (approximately) should check zone-1 operation time of Zone-1 reach. An interval meter should be started when the fault is applied and stopped by a suitable pair of contacts. To obtain correct operating times, it is essential to use dynamic tests starting with all phase to neutral voltages above the level detector setting (the test sets when connected for phase faults do not have resistors fitted which tie down the neutral point. Check Ph-N voltages with 100% potential setting). If this is not done, filters in the voltage and current circuits will already be switched in and operation times will be slower by upto 20ms. If the polarizing quantities are not correctly provided by the test set, some slower times may be measured. This may be noticed when doing phase-phase faults on the test kits. When test kits connected for phase faults and 110V-phase/f selected with 100% potential setting the phase to neutral voltages are not balanced it is only necessary for them to be greater than about 45V. Times vary with the point-on-wave of fault application. It is thus suggested that number of operations be done for each type of fault and the mean value recorded. Times vary with the type of characteristic, typical times being Shaped Mho 15-30ms Quadrilateral 20-35ms If the polarizing quantities are not correct or if the voltage filters are in initially times may increase by 10-20ms. The time measurement should be done for all Zones of measurements. Simulation of power swing in the relay Fault loop selected is R-Y Apply an impedance just outside Zone-2or 3 as appropriate and reduce it with out switching off (say 1% steps) until power swing indication, check that the PSB alarm contact also closes. Apply the fault again in to just inside Zone-2 or 3 as appropriate and then move the fault again to inside zone-1 in less time than the lowest time delay setting. Only the Zones not blocked by the PSB feature will change to measuring the condition as fault. Voltage transformer supervision Operation occurs when zero sequence voltage above a set level is detected without any zero sequence current being detected above a set level. The relay is set to block and the blocking can take place simultaneously. The relays have the facility for self resetting of the VTS contact for alarm and blocking. Switch on to fault condition The feature is enabled when all poles have been dead for a specified time. If busbar VTs are used, breaker open input condition should be energized Memory feature (synchronous polarization) This can only be done with a dynamic type of test equipment. The memory is mainly to deal with three phase close up faults but is made to run out when any voltage level detector resets or when any comparator operates. There is nominally 16 cycles of memory polarizing which is normally derived from phase volts. We thus have to satisfy the above condition and make the relay behave as though it is seeing a three phase close up fault.
Signalling channel check This test should be applied to any scheme using a signaling channel when the channel in service is available and in service. An engineer will be required at each end of the protected line and some form verbal communication is necessary. During checking up of transfer top scheme, the distance relay test kit should be connected to the relays at both ends and the communication channel connected to the relay. At one end the zone I reach should be set to the kit and at the other and the zone 2 measurement / starter reach should be set in the kit. On verbal communication both end testing kits should be instituted and the relay tripping should be watched simultaneously. The relay at both ends should indicate the trip signal immediately on initial on of the test kit. The test should be repeated for setting the other end on 2001 and 2042 at receiving end. Live system check Trip test Trip isolation should be obtained if breaker operation is not wanted Auto reclose should be blocked Final setting check The checklist should now be referred to, and used in conjunction with that of the setting list. If the VTS is to block tripping check this is set. On load checks With the line energized check the voltage input to the relay across each pair of phases and between each phase and neutral. Check for correct phase rotation with a phase rotation meter. CT/VT phasing check (for numerical relay) To ensure that the corresponding voltage and current go to a given relay element it is necessary to check the phase angle between them agrees with the known load power factor. If the information is available is in terms of import /export MW and MVAR. Directional check The test must be carried out with the relay energized from the voltage transformer and current transformer with the load current above the minimum sensitivity of the low-set current level detectors (20% of In) and preferably lagging power factor in the tripping direction. The relay should be selected for low set current level for its most sensitive settings, the angle to the minimum value and zone-1 to a straight-line directional characteristic. All contacts will be disabled and the relay inoperative alarm will close. A check must be performed with the fault in the opposite direction, which is achieved by reversing the current input to the relay, and the relay should give appropriate message.
Pick up Volts
Level Level Detectors P Phase A Phase B Phase C Relay Terminal Injected Pick up Current Drop off Current Drop off % Pick up
Pick up Current
Pick up Current
IF and differ by 5 the vector sum of phase fault and ground fault impedance should be found out to give and the basic ground fault loop impedance FAULT LOCATION (IF FITTED) Z1 = ---------------------------------------------------ZF = LINE LENGTH = -----------------
A-G B-G C-G A-B B-C C-A OPERATION TIME Zone-4 (RR) Starter Reach Zone-2 (sec) Zone-3 (sec) Seconds Seconds
Phase A-B
Zone-1 (ms)
C-G Note: for switched relay for one measuring court can be taken for time measurement.
Zone Boundary Required forward loop impedance : Measured forward loop impedance : Required Reverse loop impedance : Measured Reverse loop impedance : Measured Time : Simulated Power swing
Blocking and contact check Zone-1 block Zone-2 block Zone-3 block All zone block PSB alarm
VOLTAGE SUPERVISION Operation on zero sequence volts Operation time Indication Instantaneous Operation Indication Self-resetting Enabled/ Disabled --------------- V ---------------- sec
Aided trip check Signal sends check TDW timer (if applicable) Three pole trip
CT Burden check Voltage correctness check Phase rotation check CT/VT phasing correct check Forward directional check Reverse directional check
NEGATIVE - SEQUENCE DIRECTIONALELEMENT TEST USING SINGLE PHASE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT : (If the relay is with Negative-sequence directional characteristics) Select output contacts for indicating the operation of Forward unbalanced fault and Reverse unbalanced fault elements.
The relay-unbalanced element operates based upon the magnitude and angle of negative sequence voltages and currents. The magnitude and angle of negative sequence voltage (V2) and negative sequence current (I2) have to be calculated using the equation below V2 = 1/3 (VA + a.VB + a. VC )
I2 = 1/3 ( IA + a.IB +Alice ) Using single phase signals simplifies the V2 and I2 calculations. VB = VC IB = IC = 0 volts = 0 amps
V2 = 1/3 . (VA) I2 = 1/3 .( IA ) Assume that you are applying a test voltage VA =18180 Volts secondary. The test angle of A- phase current should be taken from the relay setting angle. The negative sequence impedance will be positive when I2 lags V2 by the angle of line impedance and negative if I2 leads V2. Turn on the voltage source Apply , say., VA =15V180 , IA = 0.096 Slowly increase the magnitude of IA with out varying the phase angle The magnitude of the current is determined by calculating the negative sequence impedance. The negative sequence impedance for a forward single line ground fault will result in a negative value of negative sequence impedance and for a reverse fault it will be positive. If the value of the forward threshold value of negative sequence impedance is less the fault is in the forward direction and the relay set to forward unbalanced fault condition. The relay multiplies the measured +ve sequence current magnitude by a setting, then compares the result to the measured magnitude of the ve sequence current. The magnitude of ve sequence current must be greater than the magnitude of the +ve sequence current multiplied by a setting for the directional element to operate. When increasing the current at a particular limit the reverse unbalanced fault element will asserts , indicates that the ve sequence impedance is greater than the reverse threshold impedance of the system. If the current is increased beyond that limit the forward unbalanced element asserts, indicating that the negative seq. Impedance is less than the forward threshold value. Verify the performance described above by calculating negative sequence impedance with the above tested quantities. When performing the test other protection elements may assert , causing the relay to close other output contacts and assert relay targets. This is normal and is not a cause for concern.
CASE:1 Analysis of the tripping at Sriprumbudur - Koyambedu feeder on 10th Feb. 2000. Koratoor 230 kvs/s 230kv NCTPS fdr. 230kvETPS fdr. Sriperumbudur400 kv s/s Koyambedu230kvs/s
Relay indications. Koyambedu feeder. Main 1. RAZFE TN Main2. SIEMENS 7SA511 BN Z1 Observations at Sriperumbudur Heavy flash over seen on Koyambedu feeder with jumper cut at line switch. The breaker of Koyambedu feeder tripped AT Koratoor s/s the NCTPS fdr. And the ETPS feeders are not in service. There was a fault at KTR-SPR feeder A conductor snapped , but the line was not tripped for the fault. The KOY feeder at SPR was tripped with heavy flash over and with a jumper cut at the SPR end. There was no tripping at KOY ,the Koyambedu operator has noticed a supply failure both from Korattoor and SPR. The known fault at KTR-SPR feeder was not cleared but causes over flow of current in one single path causes the heavy flash over and the operator at SPR has opened the LV breakers of the Auto transformers. The KTR-SPR and SPR-KOY feeders are running parallel up to some point , and the mutual compensation effect might have caused the over reaching of the setting. So, the tripping of KTR-SPR feeder might have been delayed and causing the KOY feeder jumper cut . The relays at KTR and SPR in the feeder of KTR-SPR was verified and the compensation factor was reduced to 0.7 to have the sufficient reach.
Under line clear On 30th Jan 2000 the units at NCTPS, ETPS and GMR were tripped resulting in a blackout in Chennai area. The ETS-KTR and NCTPS- KTR feeders were on line clear. There was a line fault in NCTPS-SPR feeder 2 and tripped at both ends on BE Z1 and subsequently the feeder 1 was also tripped on same indication. At the time tripping the NCTPS units are generating 630 MW and the following feeders are in service. The NCTPS- MOSUR, NCTPS-GDDI and the NCTPS TPT feeders. The Mylapore feeder is in radial from TondiarpetS/S.The GMR Vasavi generating machines and the TCPL unit in parallel with the 110 kV bus of Gummidipoondi were tripped. NCTPS units trippings are Unit1 on Over voltage Unit 2 on house load and subsequently on condensor pressure high Unit 3 on house load and subsequently on Drum level low ETPS units tripped on Unit 2 Boiler protection Unit 1 Under Voltage Unit 5 RH system protection GMR Vasavi units were tripped on Under speed. The TCPL unit tripped on ID fan tripping
ANALYSIS: The tripping of generating units are unwanted for the feeder trippings which is normal. The NCTPS after tripping of SPR feeders feeding the loads in TPT feeder , MOSUR feeder and the radial load of Gummidipoondi. The units are to be stable after the actuation of house load condition with the load of about300MW in TPT S/S.GDDIS/S and the local loads. On detailed analysis the house lead turning up for the units at NCTPS was checked and found that the valves are not func;tioning properly. After the studies conducted at Neyveli, the improvement in the terminal units are under progress. System, which is unwarranted. The feeding arrangements and the load distributions are to be studied. There are generating stations on 110kV bus system inter linking the 230 kV system, the operation of the system is in low frequency condition of about 48Hz. Due to the operation of the system under low frequency conditions the machines are facing electromechanical thrust to move the machine to the oscillating condition and causing the tripping. The tripping are unwarranted and are to be avoided. The system has to be studied for its stability. CASE.3 GMR VYD
The 110 kV system links GMR private power project tripping frequently for external feeder faults. The feeders were provided with numerical distance relays of AEG make PD521. The cause for tripping of the machines on over current was found to be that they have adopted the high set value as 2.5 times with instantaneous setting and the same was corrected. For external fault conditions the feeder were tripping on over current indication. On examination of the distance relay if the measurement is not done by the relay the relay will actuate through over current if the current exceeds the setting value. The non-measurement of the distance relay was checked and found to be there is a programming error. During commissioning of the feeders it was noticed that the polarity of the CTs was wrongly selected, the relay was selected through programming for reversal of polarity. The relay is having a programming for the selection of phase rotation; it was selected for positive sequence phase rotation, which is anti clockwise. Due to selection of polarity reversal and phase rotation the current was shifted to 180 degree causing the measurement.
Whenever the under frequency islanding takes place for two blocks seperation of the whole block of the system, the feeders at Chekanoorni towards Meyvadi , Pugaloor feeder and thudialoor were tripping with three phase indication. The feeders are protected with THR3PE18 relays which is having the power swing blocking removal on completion of 3rd Zone time. The power system on two block will be seperated with TTPS-KUNDAH as one block and rest of the system as one block. The TTPS-Kundah block generators are swinging and the swing settles after about 1.7 sec and so the 3rd Zone time was set at 1.7 sec . After that the tripping was not there and M/S Easun Reyrole was requested to provide a deblocking facility for 2 sec. The provision was made in Chekanoorni S/S only. The relay of MM3T also having the same problem but with de blocking time of 1 sec and the relay also requires change. Due to the islanding conditions the electrical center of the system shifted due to outages. The ABB make relays are provided with 2 sec. Deblocking, the system with that relays are holding the condition.
400 KV Stations are under the control of the Power Grid Corporation. At Sriperumbudur and Salem, the 400/230 KV auto trans formers and 400/110 KV Transformer are under T.N.E.B. control. In the other 400 KV stations in Tamil nadu the transformers are under power grid control. 3. Step-up Transformers in generating stations. The generation is generally at 11 KV, phase to phase and is stepped up to 110 KV or 230 KV. Here the primary winding (11 KV) is delta connected and the secondary EHV winding, star connected with the neutral, solidly earthed. Where the power rating of the unit is large, 3 single-phase units maybe provided and connected externally to form a threephase transformer. The transformer MVA rating matches the generator rating. 4. Distribution transformers to feed L.T. distributions with primary rating at 11 KV or 22 KV. These transformers belong to the vector group Dy11 with secondary neutral solidly earthed. I. TESTING The following Tests are specified in IS:2026 (Part I), specification for power transformers, Part-I, General: TYPE TESTS: (a) Measurement of winding resistance. (b) Measurement of Voltage ratio and check of Voltage Vector relationship. (c) Measurement of impedance voltage/short circuit impedance (principal tapping) and load loss. (d) Measurement of no load loss and current. (e) Measurement of insulation resistance. (f) Dielectric tests (g) Temperature rise test (h) Tests on ON-LOAD tap-changers, where appropriate ROUTINE TESTS (a) Measurement of Winding resistance. (b) Measurement of Voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship. (c) Measurement of impedance voltage/short circuit impedance (Principal tapping and load loss) (d) Measurement of no-load loss and current. (e) Measurement of insulation resistance. (f) Dielectric tests (g) Tests on ON-LOAD tap-changers, where appropriate.
SPECIAL TESTS: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Dielectric tests Measurement of Zero-sequence impedance of three phase transformers. Short circuit test. Measurement of acoustic noise level. Measurement of harmonics of the no-load current. Measurement of the power taken by the fans and oil pumps.
TOLERANCES: (i) a) Total losses b) Component losses : : +10% of the total losses. +15% of each component loss, provided that the tolerance for total losses is not exceeded. The lower of the following values: (a) 0.5% of the declared ratio. (b) A percentage of the declared ratio equal to 1/10 of the actual percentage impedance voltage at rated current. (This does not apply to auto ransformer)
(Tolerances at other tappings shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser) (iii) Impedance voltage at rated current (Principal tap) : a) If the principal tapping corresponds with the mean tapping position or with one of the two middle tapping positions: 1) Two winding transformers : + 10% of the declared impedance voltage for that tapping.
2) Multi-winding transformers
+ 10% of the declared impedance voltage for one specified pair of windings. + 15% of the declared impedance for a second certified pair of windings. Tolerance to be agreed and stated for Further pairs of windings.
: If necessary, the short-circuit impedances on other taps may be specified. If this is done the extreme tapping impedances shall be included. The tolerances then applicable shall be as follows: If the principal tapping corresponds with the mean tapping position or with one of the two middle tapping positions, the tolerances applicable on this principal tapping shall be those stated above and on other than principal tapping, shall be increased by a percentage equal to half the difference in tapping factor (percentage) between the principal tapping and the actual tapping.
: Note less than as indicated in (iii) a In the other cases the tapping range shall be considered as balanced about the midtapping position and the tolerances shall be calculated as before but assuming tolerances as above applying to the mid tapping position in excess of that above. For a specified tapping range, the simplest method is to fix according to the above calculation only the minimum and maximum values of impedance including the tolerances. For tapping ranges in excess of an overall 25% of where the tolerances derived may result in unacceptable levels of impedance, tolerances shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
No-load current
TESTS AT THE FACTORY: Type/Routine/Special tests if any as specified by the TNEB in the P.O. specification will be done at the factory by the transformer manufacturer in the presence of the nominated Engineer of the TNEB. The test results will be authenticated by the Manufacturers Engineer and the TNEB Engineer who witnessed the test and sent to the TNEB for acceptance. Besides the above, Manufacturers test certificates in respect of the following accessories are also to be furnished to the Board for acceptance. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) OLTC Bushings Buchholz relay and surge relay Magnetic Oil level gauge Winding temperature controllers. Oil temperature controllers Radiators Cooling fans (if provided) Pumps (if provided) Transformer oil Pressure relief valve.
TESTS AT SITE: A transformer may be tested at site under the following circumstances. (a) A new or second hand transformer to be commissioned:- Pre-commissioning tests to be done.
(b) Tests to be conducted to determine the healthiness or other-wise of the transformer that has been taken out of service on the actuation of Buchholz/Differential relay or on observing some abnormal occurrence that has placed a question on the healthiness of the transformer. The following constitutes pre-commissioning tests at site. (a) Insulation resistance test (b) Ratio test on all taps. (c) Dielectric test and dissolved gas analysis (DGA) on oil which will be the basis for future DGA. (d) Open circuit test for measurement of magnetizing current. (e) Short circuit test. (f) Operation test on OLTC if provided. (g) Operation test of protection devices and interlocks. (h) Measurement of winding resistance of all windings, at all taps in winding having taps. (i) Determination of Vector group and polarity test. (j) Measurement of capacitance and tan delta of transformer bushings of EHT voltage rating. (k) Core balance test. (l) Tests on bushing CTs if provided.
To determine the healthiness or otherwise of the transformer that has been in service, the following tests may be done at the service tap without disturbing it. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (a) Insulation resistance test Ratio test Dielectric test on oil Measurement of magnetizing current Short circuit test Measurement of winding resistance. Gas analysis test on gas if any collected in Buchholz chamber in case of Buchholz relay / differential relay operation.
IMPORTANT: (1) Ensure that the service tap is not disturbed and conduct tests first at the service tap. (2) See that gas if any in the Buchholz Chamber is not allowed to escape. Whatever gas is accumulated, must be preserved till the special maintenance wing gets ready for gas analysis. (3) The MRT and Special Maintenance Wings must have proper coordination between themselves as not only that the cause that has brought about the outage on the transformer is identified but also that it is done fast. If necessary, the tests may then be done at all taps. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN CONDUCTING TESTS: For pre-commissioning tests on a transformer, line clear will not be available. Various agencies like transformer erection, substation erection, special maintenance etc., may be at work on the transformer or around it. The testing branch shall first of all intimate all the other agencies at work (Engineer/Foreman incharge of works) that precommissioning tests on the transformer is going to be conducted that power supply will be available on transformer top as well as at the testing kit, Power Supply Board etc. on the ground beside the transformer, that everybody will steer clear of the transformer under test and that after tests the transformer can be approached only after getting clearance from the Engineer incharge of testing at site. The transformer and the area beside it needed for conducting the tests shall be barricaded with rope all round. Danger boards shall be provided at prominent positions at Test site making clear the test zone to every one around including those who may otherwise happen to trespass the testing areas.
In addition to taking the above precaution, the MRT Engineer supervising the testing work should keep an eye on the activities around so that anything that has the potential for an accident can be spotted and preventive action taken. The Engineer should keep in mind that he is not only to ensure correct testing procedure and high testing standard but also is to see that his men and instruments are safe guarded. To achieve these, the Engineer should be available at test site for the entire duration of tests and be vigilant. In case of existing transformer, the testing Engineer shall avail of line clear from the sub-station operator and see that the transformer is properly isolated on either side and that it is properly discharged and earthed. After connecting the testing leads to the transformer bushing connectors and before commencing the tests the earths provided shall all be removed taking care not to tilt the earth rods being removed towards live parts of adjacent equipment, switches, busbars etc. Test supply is to be switched on after being doubly sure that all the earths have been removed and that there is no person on the transformer and after loud cautioning to all around that supply is being switched on. The test supply shall be through a robust triple pole switch with proper fuses determined by the maximum test current that will be drawn. The supply cable from the supply mains to the triple pole switch board (supply board) shall be physically secured at suitable locations enroute so that the cable will not get disturbed. After checking the availability of correct supply at the incoming terminals of the supply board, the tests will be started, switching on the supply. The test will be conducted in fair weather conditions. If there is any symptom of imminent rain or even a light drizzle, the tests shall be stopped, the test supply, switched off, the supply cable disconnected at the mains and all the testing instruments and kits moved from the testing site to shelter. On no account shall any of the instruments/kit be allowed to get wet. As and when conditions permit restarting of the tests it shall be again checked and ensured that none of the testing kit/instruments is wet. The required tests will be conducted one by one, taking the required precautions if any specific to the particular test. The procedure for various tests are elaborated below. 1) RATIO TEST: In order to obtain the required accuracy a ratio meter may be used to determine the voltage ratio of the transformer. The ratio is to be determined at all taps. The ratio meter is used in a bridge circuit where the voltage of the windings of the transformer under test are balanced against the voltages developed across the fixed and variable resistors of the ratio meter. Adjustment of the variable resistor for zero deflection is obtained on the galvanometer then gives the ratio to unity of the transformer windings from the ratio of the resistors. The modern ratio meters incorporate the inductive voltage divider and solid state phase sensitive null detector and ensures high measurement accuracy and operational reliability. In addition to determining the voltage transformation ratio which is the primary objective of this test, the polarity between the windings and phase relationship between phases can also be easily established by the ratio meter in a single operation. Before using the ratio meter, the instruction manual for operating the ratio meter must be carefully studied and all precautions noted therein must be followed. Ratio test through the ratio meter should be attempted only after getting familiarised with the instrument.
When a ratio meter is not available, the ratio may be determined by energizing the HV winding of the transformer with 3-Phase LT supply from the mains and measuring the voltage applied to the H.V. side and the voltage induced in the LV Windings by taking measurement at the LV terminals, keeping the LV terminals open circuited. This is not an accurate method, as the instruments used to measure the voltage may not have the required accuracy. The ratio is to be determined at all the taps. If OLTC is available, the test can be started from one extreme tap and measurement taken for each tap up to the other extreme by operating the OLTC without switching off supply voltage while operating the OLTC. For transformers not provided with OLTC, the supply is to be switched off while operating the OFF LOAD tap switch. The increase or decrease in the LV side voltage for each tap should more or less correspond to the percentage mentioned for that tap in the name-plate. See table (1)
TAP NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
PRIMARY VOLTS APPLIED RY YB BR 420 420 416 420 420 416 420 420 418 420 423 419 420 424 424 419 424 424 420 424 424 420 424 424 420 424 424 424 420 416 424 420 416 424 420 416 424 420 416 424 420 416 424 424 420 424 424 420 424 424 420
ry 41.5 42.0 42.5 43.0 43.5 44.1 44.6 45.2 45.8 46.3 46.7 47.5 48.3 49.0 49.6 50.2 50.9
SECONDARY VOLTS OBTAINED yb br rn yn 41.2 41.4 24.0 23.8 41.8 41.8 24.3 24.2 42.1 42.5 24.5 24.5 42.8 43.0 25.0 24.9 43.2 43.4 25.3 25.2 43.7 44.0 25.6 25.4 44.2 44.5 26.0 25.8 44.9 45.2 26.2 26.0 45.3 45.6 26.4 26.2 45.9 46.0 26.9 26.6 46.4 46.8 27.2 27.0 47.0 47.4 27.5 27.4 47.9 48.2 27.9 27.6 48.5 48.9 28.3 28.0 49.2 49.5 28.8 28.3 49.8 50.2 29.2 28.9 50.5 50.8 29.6 29.3
bn 24.0 24.2 24.6 24.9 25.2 25.4 25.8 26.0 26.3 26.6 26.9 27.3 27.7 28.0 28.3 28.9 29.3
PRECAUTIONS In doing this test, voltage injection should be only on the High voltage side so as to limit the voltage on the other side (LV side) to a safe, directly readable level. The neutral in the star side may be kept isolated from ground. Test leads selected should be strong with good insulation and the soundness of the leads should be checked before connecting them. colour codes may be used for the three phases and neutral. The leads used for the HV side and LV side should be distinctly identifiable. The leads should be connected solidly to the transformer bushings and firmness of the connections should be checked. The free ends of the leads from the HV and LV sides should be brought down separately in two bunches and connected to the appropriate terminals of the testing kit. Free ends of the leads from the LV side should be securely connected to dummy terminals in a wooden/Hylum Board (Transformer Board) for taking voltage readings if ratio meter is not used. Preferably a 3 phase 4 wire board with a sturdy 3 pole iron clad switch may be used (fig-1). By keeping the switch off in the transformer board, the voltage readings can be taken. PVC insulated, 7/16 leads may be used for testing. For auto-transformers, the ratio between HV and IV (Intermediate voltage) and HV and LV should be noted separately. In the star side, the phase to neutral reading shall be taken. Phase to phase voltage readings may also be taken. The readings should be recorded in the site register along with the date and time of test, mentioning also the instruments used and the range selected in the instrument for reading the voltages. SHORT CIRCUIT TEST Before commencing the test, the short circuit current is to be calculated for the available mains voltage from the percentage impedance of the transformer. e.g.: (1) Power transformer, 33/11KV, 5MVA, 87. 5A/262.5A Z = 6.81% at principal tap, mains voltage : 372V 6.81% of 33KV = (33000 x 6.81/100) = 2247.3V 2247.3V will deliver rated current of 87.5A on short circuit. 372V will deliver a short circuit current of (372 x 87.5 / 2247.3) = 14.48A At principal tap, short circuit current on HV side = 14.48A. Short circuit current on LV side = (14.48 x 33/11) = 43.45A e.g. (2): Power transformer: 110/11KV, 10 MVA, 52.5A/525A z = 8.93% at principal tap, Mains voltage = 400V 8.93% of 110KV = (11000 x 8.93/100) = 9823 V 9823V will deliver 52.5A in short circuit. 400V will deliver: (400 x 52.5/9823) = 2.14 A HV Short circuit current at principal tap = 2.14A. LV short-circuit current = 2.14 x 110/11 = 21.4A
Based on the calculated short circuit currents for the available mains voltage, the instruments to read the HV and LV currents and the range to be selected can be decided for the short circuit test. The transformer Board used in the voltage ratio test can be used for the short circuit test by keeping the switch ON which short circuits the LV windings and the neutral. The test can be commenced by keeping the transformer tap at one extreme position. All precautions mentioned for the ratio test apply to this test as well. Usually, the HV short circuit current can be read directly through Ammeter/multimeter if the short circuit current at maximum tap will be less than 10A. Else, a precision CT and Ammeter or a low range fairly accurate tong tester may be employed to read the HV short circuit current. The LV short circuit current is usually read with a Tong tester. This instrument does not give accurate readings but a good quality tong tester with the right range will be good enough for the short circuit test. If, however accurate readings are needed, a precision CT with an accurate Ammeter/multimeter must be used to read the secondary short circuit current. The spill to the neutral should also be read. To select the instrument for the purpose, the neutral current may be checked with a low range tong tester first. If the spill current is lower than 1A which will be the case in almost all the healthy new transformers, when balanced 3-phase voltage is available at the mains a 1A Ammeter may be used initially. If the neutral Current is found to be below 0.1A, a milli-ammeter/Multimeter in milli-amp range may be used to read the spill current to the neutral. For each tap, the applied voltage, H.V. and L.V. short circuit currents and the LV spill current should be noted and recorded. If OLTC is available, the test can be continued without switching off Mains supply and by moving to the next tap by operating the OLTC. The readings will be taken for all the taps. As per the present TNEB specification, the spill current is not to exceed 2% of the short circuit current on LV side for step down transformers. If the spill is more than 2% when read with accurate instruments in testing a new unit, the matter may be referred to the Manufacturer. However this limit cannot of applied to a second hand unit for commissioning. Results of short circuit test conducted on a Power Transformer are in table 2 (a) & (b).
SHORT CIRCUIT TEST: (DATE OF TEST: 20.11.87). LV WINDINGS AND LV NEUTRAL SHORTED AND VOLTAGE APPLIED TO HV WINDINGS (3 ph. 432 V) Tap Primary current in Amps IR IY IB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9(b) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.05 3.10 3.13 3.18 3.22 3.25 3.30 3.30 3.40 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.85 2.85 2.95 3.00 3.03 3.05 3.10 3.13 3.18 3.20 3.25 3.25 3.30 3.40 2.68 2.75 2.75 2.83 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.10 3.20 3.20 3.22 3.25 3.30 3.40 Secondary Currents. ====================== Ir Iy Ib 28.5 28.7 28.5 28.5 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 28.8 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 29.0 28.0 28.5 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 28.0 28.2 28.2 28.5 28.0 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 Neutral Current In AMPs IN 0.50 0.52 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.53 0.49 0.52 0.47 0.52 0.47
VECTOR GROUP TEST: - (Date of test: 20.11.87) 3 phase, 430v applied to HV windings and one phase voltage to HV windings cut off in turn and secondary voltages measured. Tap at No.1 (-5%) Primary phase voltage out in R - ph Y - ph B - ph (V-YB=430) (V-BR=430) (V-RY=430)
TABLE 2 (b)
SHORT CIRCUIT TEST 110 KV MANAPPARAI S.S. (PR.TR.:110/33 KV. 16 MVA) THEORITICAL SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATION 110 KV MANAPPARAI SS, 110/33 KV. 16 MVA, HHE, 9.93%, 84/280 A. For (110000 x 9.93/100) volts, the s.c. current in Primary will be 84 A at normal Tap. For 385 V. primary S.C current = S.C. current in secondary = (385x100x84)/110000x9.93) = 2.96 A (2.96 x 100/33) = 9.85 A
The secondary terminals including neutral were short circuited and 3 phase voltage was supplied to primary terminals. Instruments used: Primary volts by A.C voltmeter, 0-600 V range Primary current by A.C Ammeter, 0-5 A Secondary current by Tong tester, 0-25 A range Neutral current by Motwane Multimeter All currents are in Amps. TAP No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Primary Volts Primary current Applied VRY VYB VBR IR IY IB 385 385 385 2.59 2.58 2.62 2.65 2.64 2.68 2.75 2.70 2.76 2.83 2.79 2.85 2.88 2.85 2.90 2.97 2.93 2.99 3.04 3.00 3.05 3.09 3.07 3.14 3.17 3.13 3.19 3.29 3.26 3.30 3.38 3.34 3.41 3.45 3.43 3.48 3.54 3.50 3.56 3.62 3.57 3.64 3.68 3.62 3.69 3.73 3.69 3.74 3.78 3.74 3.79 secondary currents Ir 9.0 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.50 10.75 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 Iy 8.7 9.1 9.4 9.3 9.3 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.25 10.25 10.75 10.75 10.75 Ib 9.0 9.2 9.4 9.4 9.6 9.7 9.7 10.0 10.0 10.20 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.50 10.75 10.75 10.75 In 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.095 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.105
TABLE 2(C) TIRUCHY 110 KV S.S. (110/11 KV, 16 MVA POWER TRANSFORMER) POLARITY TEST (DATE OF TEST: 23.11.87) Primary phase R and secondary phase b were shorted and 3 phase LT Voltage was applied to primary. The following voltages were measured and compared with the expected values. Voltage across primary phases = 445 V (applied) Voltage across Secondary phases = 51 V (induced) (Transformer at maximum tap, i.e., + 15 %) ================================================================== Voltage Voltage expected Voltage across measured ================================================================== V (Y- y) 445 + j 51 = 448 V 450 V V (B-y) 445 + 51 COS 30 = 489 V 490 V V (B-r) 445 + 51 COS 30 = 489 V 490 V ================================================================== It is therefore established that the polarities and vector group-Dy11 are correct. WINDING RESISTANCE: The DC resistance of HV windings on all taps and the LV windings are to be measured. In case of Auto-transformers, DC resistance of HV, IV and LV windings have to be measured. Winding resistance of all phases has to be measured. The best instrument of measuring the DC resistance of LV windings that is in fraction of an ohm is the Kelvins double bridge as the measurement is not affected by lead resistance. The HV winding resistance, IV Winding resistance in case of auto-transformer and LV Winding resistance of higher value can be measured with a Kelvins bridge or a wheat stone bridge. If one is not very familiar with the instrument, the instruction manual of the instrument must be studied before attempting measurement. Where suitable bridge instrument is not available for measurement, the winding resistance may be measured by connecting it to a battery and reading the voltage applied and the current drawn and applying ohms law. An automobile battery or a set of released substation battery cells with adequate strength may be used.
For the winding with taps, the winding resistance for all taps has to be measured. For Transformers with OLTC, the OLTC may be operated starting from one extreme tap and taking measurement at each tap without breaking the circuit. For transformers with off load tap changer the DC supply is to be switched off before moving on to the next tap. CAUTION: (1) The transformer winding is highly inductive. When DC supply is switched off, a heavy back emf will be induced which can damage instruments and cause accident to personnel coming into contact with the back emf. So, sufficient caution should be exercised while carrying out this test. Voltmeter/multimeter in the voltage range must be disconnected before breaking the circuit to prevent damage to the instrument. (2) As the windings, particularly the 110KV and 230 KV Windings have a large time constant, sufficient time must be allowed for the current to stabilize to get true resistance values. This applies to measurement using bridge instruments also. If it is desired to reduce the current stabilization time, series resistance may be introduced to reduce the time constant in which case the voltage should be read at a point beyond the resistor so as not to include the voltage drop across the resistor in the voltage measurement. (3) Unless the resistance measurement is made using a Kelvins double bridge, the measured resistance includes lead resistance also which must be subtracted from the measured value to get true resistance of the windings. Resistances of Windings of the order of Milli ohms like that of 11KV Windings for instance will be affected by contact resistance. So due care must be taken to eliminating the contact resistance or atleast to reduce them to micro level before taking measurement. The date and time of measurement, weather condition, winding/oil temperature, the instrument used for measurement must all be recorded. Refer table 3. If voltage conditions warrant change of tap in a power transformer with off load tap changer, in service the dc resistance of the winding after changing the tap must be measured. In old transformers, long years of service may have caused coating of oil sludge in the tap switch contact, resulting in some deviation of the d.c. resistance from the expected value. Any hasty conclusion will be ill advised. Instead, the tap switch may be operated a number of times and then the winding resistance measured at the set tap. This should clear the contact surface giving the true value of winding resistance. The tap switch should be locked in the new position.
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9(b) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
4.600 4.511 4.497 4.444 4.393 4.344 4.291 4.239 4.185 4.239 4.290 4.341 4.391 4.441 4.492 4.546 4.596
4.613 4.562 4.511 4.456 4.404 4.354 4.302 4.253 4.192 4.250 4.303 4.360 4.411 4.461 4.511 4.561 4.610
4.610 4.554 4.505 4.453 4.402 4.350 4.294 4.244 4.192 4.243 4.295 4.345 4.397 4.448 4.499 4.551 4.604
L.V. WINDING: (Date of Test: 20.11.87) (By V/I method. This method was resorted to as the wheatstone Bridge developed some defect.)
DC Ohms including lead resistance 0.137 0.135 0.135 0.164 0.160 0.160
Caculation of lead resistance: Let R be the total lead resistance R + R + 2R + R + R = yn bn yn + bn yb 0.270 = = = = 0.135 0.135 0.270 R + yn + bn 0.160 = : : - (1) - (2) - (3) = 0.160 0.110 ohms
50 C 50 C
TABLE - 3 (b) 110/33-11 KV MANAPPARAI S.S. (PR. TR.: 110/33 KV, 16 MVA, HHE) Date of Test : 20.1.93 DC RESISTANCE Instruments used Yard Temperature Oil/Winding Temperature : : : Volts by Philips digital Amps by Meco digital 30 C 29 C
(A) PRIMARY SIDE : (OHMS) (Including a lead resistance of 0.1 Ohm) ================================================================== Tap DC resistance in Ohms No. -----------------------------------------------------Ry YB BR ================================================================== 1. 4.099 4.106 4.124 2. 4.056 4.062 4.080 3. 4.005 4.014 4.033 4. 3.957 3.967 3.987 5. 3.919 3.922 3.937 6. 3.860 3.873 3.893 7. 3.817 3.825 3.843 8. 3.769 3.778 3.797 9. (a) 3.722 3.727 3.743 (b) 3.720 3.727 3.743 (c) 3.721 3.727 3.747 10. 3.672 3.680 3.703 11. 3.625 3.633 3.655\ 12. 3.580 3.587 3.604 13. 3.535 3.533 3.560 14. 3.485 3.488 3.514 15. 3.440 3.441 3.464 16. 3.390 3.391 3.419 17. 3.344 3.342 3.364 ================================================================== (B) Secondary side : (OHMS) (Including lead resistance of 0.1 ohm) ry = 0.3522 yb = 0.3482 br = 0.3503 rn = 0.2259 yn = 0.2239 bn = 0.2226
MAGNETIZING CURRENT: The magnetizing current drawn by the transformer at LT mains supply voltage may be measured for both the HV and LV Winding for all phases. For Delta-Star transformers, it is essential to measure the magnetizing currents on the star side. As the middle limb has a lower nett reluctance (as the fluxes traverse a shorter distance), the magnetizing current drawn by the middle limb Winding will be lower. IMPORTANT: When measuring on the starside, the neutral point of the star connected windings should not be connected to supply neutral and instead should be kept floated, as otherwise third harmonic currents on the three phases which will be phase coincident will flow through the neutral back to the supply source thereby giving higher values which will not be a true measure of the magentizing currents. Abnormal value of magnetizing current can indicate inter turn short in the windings or problem in the core like core shifting etc., So magnetizing current is a very important parameter to be taken not only for commissioning a new unit but also for comparison with future values of the transformer during its life period. While measuring the magnetizing current, if only one set of readings are taken, the transformer tap must be kept at minimum to include 100% of the winding irrespective of the side from which measurement is taken. The measurement can as well be made for all the taps during precommissioning test. CAUTION: When magnetizing current is measured on the LV side at LT mains voltage, the HV induced voltage will be high. For instance it will be of the order of 4KV across the phases for a 110/11KV Power Transformer. The testing leads from the HV bushings must be removed before switching on supply for LV side measurement of magnetizing current. The magnetizing currents may have different values for different transformers though the voltage and MVA ratings may be the same, depending upon the individual characteristics of the core material and construction feature and also depending upon the supply voltage. However the values will be within a close range for transformers of the same voltage rating and capacity. Typical values of magnetizing current are in Table 4(a) & (b). Measuring and recording the magnetizing current with accurate instruments as and when opportunity arises and building up a record of values in a transformers life time is a very welcome preposition as review of the values with due allowance given for the voltages at which the measurements were taken, can throw light on changes taking place in the transformer core and forewarn a potential trouble brewing in the transformer.
TABLE 4(a) 110/33-11 KV MANAPPARI S.S (P.R.TR.: 110/33 KV, 16 MVA, HHE) MAGNETISING CURRENT (Date of test: 20:01:93) (A) HV Side measurement, LV side kept open Instruments: Volts by Phillips Digital multimeter Current by - do
Primary volts applied Magnnetizing current in milli amps ------------------------------------------------------------------VRY VYB VBR IRM IYM IBM =============================================================== 1. 396 401.4 400.7 2.87 2.92 3.44 2. 2.88 2.92 3.44 3. 2.88 2.92 3.44 4. 2.87 2.92 3.42 5. 2.87 2.94 3.41 6. 2.87 2.94 3.38 7. 2.87 2.92 3.38 8. 2.87 2.92 3.38 9. 2.88 2.92 3.38 10. 2.88 2.94 3.36 11. 2.87 2.93 3.34 12. 2.88 2.92 3.36 13. 2.88 2.93 3.32 14. 2.87 2.92 3.34 15. 2.88 2.93 3.32 16. 2.88 2.94 3.32 17. 2.87 2.94 3.32 ================================================================ (B) LV Side measurement, HV side open. (LV neutral floated) Instruments: Volts by Phillips Digital multimeter Amps by Motewane Analog multimeter.
Tap No.
=============================================================== Tap Seconndary volts applied Magnnetizing current in milli amps No. -----------------------------------------------------------------------VRY VYB VBR IRM IYM IBM ================================================================ 1. 390.8 394.2 394.2 17 14.5 22.0 ================================================================
TABLE 4 (b) MAGNETIZING CURRENT (TYPICAL VALUES) (Dyll transformers, excited from the LV side, i.e., starside with neutral floated, HV open)
SL. NO. Date of Test Sub-station Pr. Tr Exciting current in milli 3PhVoltage amps applied ====================== (Volts) I2U I2V I2W Remarks
33/11KV, 405 76.8 41.2 61.8 New 8MVA, INDO Transformer TECH 2 23.3.91 33/11KV, THENNUR 33/11KV, 373 20.0 14.5 22.0 New ( 1 ) 5MVA, ANDREW YULE No.1 3 23.3.91 33/11KV, THENNUR 33/11KV, 385 25.0 20.0 27.0 New ( 2 ) 5MVA, ANDREW YULE No.2 4 17.12.92 33/11KV, MAYANUR 33/11KV, 460 29.3 16.6 29.5 S.H. (1978) 3.15 MVA APEX 5 11.7.89 33/11KV, MAYANUR 33/11KV, 418 95.0 63.8 78.2 S.H. 2 MVA 6 -----33/11KV, AZAD ROAD 33/11KV, 408 80.0 64.8 80.0 S.H. L.T.S.S., 2 MVA KIROLOSKAR 7 4.9.92 110KV, KARUR 110/11KV, 422 54.2 33.8 67.5 New 10 MVA HHE 8 19.03.90 110KV, KARUR 110/11KV, 370 68.0 59.5 84.0 New 10 MVA HHE 9 26.3.91 110KV, TIRUCHY 110/33KV, 380 13.5 13.0 18.5 New 16 MVA BHEL 10 10.10.90 110KV, AYYERMALAI 110/33KV, 388 25.5 15.5 30.0 In Service 16 MVA IMP 11 22.02.89 110KV, AYYERMALAI 110/33KV, 430 27.0 15.0 19.5 New 16 MVA IMP 12 04.12.89 110KV, TIRUCHY 110/11KV, 375 82.0 57.0 93.0 New 16 MVA HHE 13 15.2.93 110KV, KAMABARA110/11KV, 396 81.3 53.2 84.2 New SAMPETTAI 16 MVA VOLTAMP ============================================================================================== 1 26.9.92 33/11KV, THENNUR
POLARITY AND VECTOR GROUP: In the ratio test with a ratio meter, null deflection can be obtained only if the polarities are correct. So correctness of polarity can be confirmed by successful completion of the ratio test with a ratio meter. When a ratio meter is not available, correctness of polarity and the Vector group can be determined in the following way. The connections made for ratio test by voltage measurement can be used for this test. The primary and secondary windings are connected together at one point as indicated in fig 2(a) & (b). 3 Phase L.T. supply is applied to the HV terminals. Voltage measurements are then taken between various pairs of terminals as indicated in the diagrams and the readings obtained should be the vector sum of the separate voltages of each winding under consideration.
Primary phase U and secondary phase W were shorted and 3-phase L.T Voltage was applied to HV side. Voltage applied to HV side Voltage across Secondary : 445 (Ph Ph) 51 V (Ph Ph)
The following voltages were measured and compared with the expected values for DY 11 Connection Voltage across 1V 2V 1W 2V 1W 2U Voltages expected for DY 11 Voltages obtained 445 + J51 = 448 V 450 V 445 + 51 COS 30 = 489V 445 + 51 COS 30 = 489V 490 V 490 V
Fig : 2(b) (b) Hence vector group and polarities are correct. (See fig 2(b)(b) for vector diagram) Establishing correctness of polarity and vector group are illustrated through examples for power and Auto transformers. Also see fig 2 (c) and table 2 (a) (ii) for alternative way of establishing the vector group of Dy11.
CORE (MAGNETIC) BALANCE TEST: This test is done to find out whether the magnetic paths of the transformer core are balanced. Single-phase voltage is applied across one phase and neutral on the star winding and the voltage developed across the other two phases are read. Ideally for voltage applied to the middle phase, the voltage in the two outer phases should be equal to half the voltage applied to the middle winding. However there may be some difference due to variation in the magnetic paths. The measured values may be used as a parameter for future comparison. Results of test conducted on two transformers are furnished below: (1) 110/11 KV Kamparasampettai SS. 110/11KV/6MVA Power Transformer, DY11, Make : Volt Amp. Date tested : 15-2-93 Supply given to LV side, HV kept open.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. No. Voltage applied Voltage obtained ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2U-N: 228.4 V 2V-N: 174.0 V 2W-N: 53.8 V 2. 2V-N: 224.3 V 2U-N: 114.2 V 2W-N: 109.3 V 3. 2W-N: 223.4 V 2U-N: 55.3 V 2V-N: 169.7 V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Trichy 230/110 KV SS: New Auto Transformer, 100 MVA.
Make: EMCO Transformers Ltd., Date tested: 23.10.99 Single phase Voltage was applied to HV Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. No. Voltage applied Voltage obtained ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) 1U-N: 228.5 V 1V-N: 154.4 V, 1W-N: 85.5 V 2) 1V-N: 230.5 V 1U-N: 138.4 V, 1W-N: 102.0 V 3) 1W-N: 228.5 V 1U-N: 83.5 V, 1V-N: 166.0 V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Single phase voltage was applied to IV side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl.No. Voltage applied Voltage obtained ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2U-N: 228.0 V 2V-N: 167.0 V, 2W-N: 69.4 V 2. 2V-N: 229.4 V 2U-N: 122.0 V, 2W-N: 113.3 V 3. 2W-N: 228.6 V 2U-N: 51.8 V, 2V-N: 189.8 V ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Connect for opencircuit test Remove fuse in Red Phase supply in supply Board. Now, full LT. Ph to ph voltage is available across (1v-1w) only; i.e, middle phase winding for Dy11. So, in Secondary side, V(2V-N) must be the full induced ph to neutral voltage and so on. Eg: 33/11 KV, MAYANUR SS : APEX, 3.15 MVA Date tested : 17:12:92 Tap: Normal L.T Mains Ph-Ph supply across 1V 1W 440 V 1W 1U 440 V 1U 1V
2U-N 2V-N 2W-N 2U-2V 2V-2W 2W-2V 32.2 19.5 85.1 84.6 70.5 67.3 52.6 84.6 19.8 116.5 137.3 59.3 154.2 21.0 100.5 103.2
152.1 51.1
INSULATION RESISTANCE AND POLARISATION INDEX: A 2.5 KV, mains (or motor) operated megger may be used. First, zero correction is to be made. If the transformer has been under hot oil circulation, the insulation resistance has to be measured after the transformer has sufficiently cooled. The transformer neutral is to be disconnected from ground. It should be ensured that there are no jumpers connected on to the transformer bushings. The megger may be preferably kept on a flat wooden board or stool. Megger leads should be strong and have a very good insulation. The line lead of the megger is to be connected to the bushing of the winding under test and the earth lead, connected to one of the earth terminals of transformer tank. The line lead between the transformer bushing connection and megger terminal must be kept suspended in the air by holding with a sufficiently long and good and flexible insulation tape (glass tape or dry cotton tape for instance) so that no part of the line lead comes into contact with the earth or transformer body. The one minute insulation value is to be taken and recorded. A minimum IR value of 2 mega ohms per KV is expected. For two winding transformers, HV to earth, LV to earth and HV to LV insulation resistance values are to be taken. For three winding transformers, HV to Earth, IV to earth, LV to earth, HV to IV, HV to LV and IV to LV values have to be taken. Along with the IR values, the winding/oil temperatures at the time of test, Date and time, details of the megger used and the weather condition are to be noted. The polarization index is the ratio of the IR value at the tenth minute to the IR value at first minute and may be taken and recorded for all the windings to earth separately and also across the windings. A PI value around 1.5 is good for oil immersed windings like the transformer. PI value will be an important parameter for future comparison. The Winding/Oil temperature readings must of course be noted. CAUTION: Before commencement of the meggering, all the Engineers and Staff of different wings around must be cautioned that the transformer is going to be meggered and none is to come into contact with the megger leads or any part of the transformer. Release the jumpers from the transformer if already provided before commencement of meggering. Refer tables 6(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) & (h) for results of tests conducted on 230/110KV Auto transformers.
TEST OF TRANSFORMER OIL: The dielectric strength (BDV) of the transformer top oil and bottom oil samples have to be tested at site before and after circulation. Oil sample taken from the OLTC chamber is also to be tested. The acidity of the oil is also to be checked. These tests can be conducted by the special maintenance branch. Besides, tests as per IS 335 for new oil may be got conducted at the Head-quarters R&D lab and test results obtained and recorded to have bench mark values for future comparison. Refer to Annexure-VII of the proforma for transformer oil test result of the code of technical instructions for details. DISSOLVED GAS ANALYSIS: Gases are formed in oil in the transformer due to natural aging and at much greater rate as a result of faults and incipient faults. The type and severity of a fault may often be inferred from the composition of the gases and the rate at which they are formed. In the case of an incipient fault, the gases formed remain partly dissolved in the oil and only in special cases will free gases be formed. Periodical sampling of oil from transformer and analysis of the dissolved gases assist in the detection of faults at an early stage of development and may enable serious future damage to transformer to be prevented. The gases involved are hydrogen, some hydrocarbons, carbon oxides and atmospheric gases. Some of each of these gases will be formed during normal operation and these amounts are classified as norm. Fault conditions produce gases in higher quantity and in different proportions which vary from the norm, the type and energy of the fault altering the carbon to hydrogen ratio of oil molecules in specifically related ways and producing variation in the carbon oxide ratios when solid insulation is involved. For details refer to item No. 3.07.03, Analysis of dissolved gases of the code of technical instructions. Dissolved gas analysis may be got conducted at the R&D Wing on the Oil samples taken after filling but before commissioning of new trnasformers to have bench mark values and at yearly internvals there after and also as and when there is action of Buchholz relay or transformer differential relay for a genuine reason to take further action as per the interpretation of the test results.
CONDENSER BUSINGS: Bushing of transformers at EHT level are of sealed Condenser type. Before commissioning, the capacitance and tan delta values must be got measured by the R&D Wing. During service, it is worthwhile to check the tan delta value at yearly intervals. Any increasing trend will be an indicator of the development of potentially destructive condition and the bushing must be replaced to avoid failure during service thereby preventing it from being a source of possible harm to the transformer itself. Refer to Annexure-VIII of the code of Technical instructions for the limiting tan delta values for different types of Condenser bushings. OLTC: The present practice of the Board is to have OLTC for all power and Auto transformers, irrespective of the capacity of the transformer. The OLTC operations must be checked. Manual operation of OLTC must be first checked. Before switching on supply to OLTC control circuit, the IR value of the entire OLTC circuits must be checked with a 500v megger for satisfactory value. Then the OLTC control supply may be switched on and the operation of the Motor protection relay must be checked. OLTC operation by Local electrical control must be checked for all taps ensuring that the limit switches at both the extremities operate correctly. Tap changer mechanical indicator at the Driving mechanism and the electrical indicator at the remote panel at the control room must be checked for correct indication. Then operation through Remote independent control is to be checked. If the operation and tap indication have been satisfactory this far, then the OLTC control in the remote panel is to be looped to the OLTC control of the existing transformer/transformers if the new unit is a second/third one to be paralleled with the existing transformer/transformers in the station. Operation of the OLTC of the new unit along with those of the existing units must then be checked both in Master as well as Follower mode for successful operation. Out of step condition for the new unit must be simulated and it should be ensured that Out of step annunciation with alarm comes. See Annexure-1, Also see section 3.04, ON LOAD TAP CHANGER of Code of technical instructions and under the heading On-load tap changer in section 3.03 maintenance procedures. BUCHHOLZ RELAY: Correct operation of the buchholz top and bottom floats must be checked. See section 3.03.20, Buchholz relay of the code of technical Instructions. Buchholz relay is a very reliable device for protection of transformers against internal faults and it seldom malfunctions. Actuation of buchholz relay while in service must be taken seriously and the transformer must be taken out of service even for top float action. The gas accumulated in the buchholz chamber must be collected and analysed by the special maintenance branch as early as possible. See instructions under Annexure-IV of the code of technical instructions for testing of gas accumulated in Buchholz Chamber. A positive result surely indicates problem inside the transformer. The transformer should be declared as defective even if the MRT results are OK and kept isolated permanently and the transformer erection branch informed for arranging examination of the transformer and rectification at site or at the transformer repair bay.
TIRUCHY 110 KV S.S. (PR.TR.: 110/11 KV, 16 MVA) ON LOAD TAP CHANGER (Date of test: 25-26:11:1987)
(1) Manual operation of OLTC checked for tap raise and lower. OK. Tap indication at Driving mechanism found OK. (2) Local electrical operation of OLTC checked for tap raise and lower for all taps. OK. (3) Tap changing from Remote control panel tried and found OK for both tap raise and tap lower, with independent control. Tap position indicator at Remote control panel was found not functioning properly. Transformer erection was informed for rectifying or replacing the defective tap position indicator. Remote tap position indicator since rectified and tested OK on 28.11.87. (4) OLTC (3) control was looped to the existing OLTC (1) & (2) group, keeping unit (2) as the first unit of the group, unit (1) as the second and unit (3) as the last in the group. Operations of OLTCs of power transformers-1,2 & 3 as a group were checked, keeping the controls of OLTC (3) in Master and the rest in Follower, and OLTC (2) in Master and the rest in Follower and lastly OLTC (1) in Master and the other two in Follower. All the operations were found satisfactory. (5) Operation of motor protection relay, checked OK. (6) Functioning of tap raise, Lower limit switches was checked. OK. (7) Functioning of out of step buzzer checked, OK. (8) OLTC operation signaling at control panel was checked and found OK. (9) IR value of all OLTC (3) Circuits to earth = 50 Meg Ohms. COOLING FANS/OIL PUMPS: If the transformer is provided with forced air cooling, the fan motor operations must be checked. First the IR value of all fan control circuits and fan motors must be checked with a 500v megger for satisfactory values. Then the operation of the fans must be checked first by manual control and if OK by the switch in the Winding temperature indicator for auto start/stop. The currents drawn by the individual pump motors must also be measured and recorded. See Annexure-2.(a) (ii) If the transformer is provided with Oil pump motors, they must also be checked for operation after meggering the circuits and motors. Operation of the oil pumps must be checked first by manual control and if OK by the switch in the Winding temperature indicator for auto start/stop. The currents drawn by the individual pump motors must also be measured and recorded.
TEMPERATURE INDICATORS: All Power and auto transformers are provided with oil as well as Winding temperature indicators. During testing of Transformer/Transformer bushing CTS, the winding temperature CT is also to be tested for current ratio and passed. Both the Oil and Winding temperature meters must be calibrated using a standard thermometer and a heated oil bath. If the radiators are provided with fan motors, automatic starting of fan motors at the set winding temperature is to be checked. The temperature setting may be made as per the manufacturers recommendations. If the temperature setting is not specified, the temperature may be set at 65 C to start the cooling fans. The temperature for fan stopping may be set 5 C below the corresponding start setting. The oil and winding temperature alarm may be set as suggested under the sub section Transformer Protection. If winding temperature trip is provided, the same has also to be set as per the recommendation. ALARM AND TRIP CIRCUITS: Simulate and check the following for flag indication/annunciation with audible alarm. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Conservator low oil level Oil temperature high Winding temperature high Buchholz top float Any other device connected for audible annunciation. Simulate and check the following for flag indication/Annunciation with master trip. (1) Buchholz bottom contact. (2) OLTC surge relay contact (3) Differential relay contact if provided (4) Pressure relief value contact (5) Winding temperature trip if provided. (Ref. Annexure 2(a)(i) )
TIRUCHY 110/33-11 KV S.S. (i) POWER TRANFORMER ALARM AND TRIP CIRCUITS (TESTED ON 25.11.87) 1. 110/11 KV, 16 MVA Power Transformer (3) alarm with flag indication at control room was connected up for high winding / oil temperature, Conservator low oil level and Buchholz top float action. The initiating contacts were closed and alarm and flag indications at control room checked Ok. 2. Buchholz bottom float contacts, OLTC oil surge relay contacts and differential relay contacts were connected up for flag indication at control room and Master tripping of the concerned breakers. The operation of the flag relays and master relay were checked by closing the circuits. OK. 3. The master relay contacts were connected to trip 110 KV GC OMCB and Pr. Tr. L.V. VCBs (1), (2) & (3). The master relay was initiated and the trippings of these breakers were checked and found OK. (Done on 29.11.87) during station total shut down. 4. The alarm and trip circuits were meggered with 500 v megger to earth. IR value = 100 Meg. Ohms. (ii) POWER TRANFORMER (3) COOLER CONTROL : (DONE ON 27.1187) 1. All the three cooling fan motors were meggered with 500 v megger. IR value of - do - do Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3 = = = > > > 100 M Ohms. 100 M Ohms. 100 M Ohms.
2. All the fan control and signalling circuits were meggered with 500 v megger. IR value = 50 meg ohms. 3. Automatic starting / stopping of fan motors by temperature control was checked and found OK. 4. Cooler motor starting/stooping signalling at control room was checked. OK.
BUSHING CTs : Detailed tests on current transformers mounted in the transformer bushings must be carried out whether the CTs are to be connected or not. Usually two CT cores, one for differential protection and the other for backup over current protection will be provided in each phase. Class PS CTs will be connected for differential protection and the backup protection core will in majority of cases be kept idle as relays for over current protection are usually connected to the CTs in the LV breaker. If the CTs are not required, their secondary terminals must be kept shorted and earthed. See elsewhere in this manual for testing of CTs. Also see table (7) for results of tests conducted on power Transformer bushing CTs. LV BREAKER: Precommissioning tests on the transformer LV breaker, LV CTs and relays have to be conducted as per norms. See elsewhere in this manual for testing of breaker, CTs and relays. The over current relays in the LV breaker have to be graded with the HT feeder relays and the Group control breaker. Refer Annexure 2(b) COMMISSIONING CHECKS: Refer to Annexure I, checklist for commissioning of power Transformers under section (3), code of technical instructions for details. When the transformer is ready for energisation, a final check is to be made to ensure that all protective devices are in and that DC supply for the transformer is cut in. L.C must be returned if not done already. The Operator at the feeding substation is to be informed of the proposed energisation of the transformer and asked not to charge the line feeding the station without concurrence in case it trips. It is every ones duty to check that all the earth rods have been removed from the transformer and its breaker. When the transformer is really ready and safe for energisation, other transformers in service if any in the station may be cut-off and then the new transformer may be energized through the Group Control breaker. If it is a small station with no group control breaker, the transformer AB Switch on the HV side may be closed first and the transformer, energized by closing the station incoming AB Switch. If everything is normal on energisation, the transformer humming may be carefully heard. For any abnormal noise from inside the transformer it should be deenergised immediately. On satisfactory energisation the transformer is to be kept idly charged for a few hours. The transformer may be initially stitched on to the HT bus making sure that other units if any are off and OLTC may be operated observing the voltage and voltage change through the HT bus PT or station service transformer. The phase sequence as seen at the Station transformer LT main fuses for the existing transformer and as well as the new transformer must be the same. After idle charging for a few hours, the new transformer may be directly put on load or paralleled with the other transformers and put on load as the case may be. The next day the transformer may be switched off, LC availed of and air if any collected in the Buchholz Chamber may be released. It is quite likely for any trapped air in the oil to have come up and get accumulated in the Buchholz Chamber. 189
Annexure 2(b)
Power Transformer (3) L.V. Breaker and relays: (1) Relay tests: (Date of test: 16.10. 87). Relay Details: 3 O/L and 1 E/L relays, Easun Reyrolle make. 1 A, S1.Nos. HR.822124/822181; Type TJm 11. (a) 3 O/L Relays. Tested at a plug setting of 100% and a TLS of 0.2 Secs. The O/L relays are graded with the 11KV feeder relays and 110 KV GCOMCB relays. All instantaneous elements disconnected. (b) E/L Relay Tested at a plug setting of 40% and a TMS of 0.3 seconds. The E/L relay is graded with the feeder. (E/L relay has since been disconnected as per Boards revised norms) Instantaneous element disconnected. (c) IR Value of all relay terminals to frame = 100 Meg ohms (500V megger) (2) Breaker tests: - (Date of testing : 23.11. 87) (a) The 30V tripping and closing coils supplied along with the breaker were released, rewound for 110V DC and put back in place. (b) Breaker opening time checked: R-Phase Y-Phase B-Phase ---0.04 Secs. 0.04 Secs. 0.04 Secs. 3.5A
DC Volts = 122V Dip in circuits = 4V Minimum tripping voltage for an O.C.B. opening time of 0.04 Secs = 58V. Corresponding trip coil current: 1.85A. (d) Power transformer LV bushing CTs (5P20) used for L.V. Breaker relays. CTs mounted in the breaker released. CT ratio adopted = 900/1 Amp. IR Value of protection CT Secondaries including cable leads and relays = 50 Meg. Ohms. (500V megger)
(e) IR Value of DC control, protection and alarm circuits = 100meg ohms. (500V megger) (f) Power transformer (3) put on short circuit and CT secondary currents at relaying point measured. Power Transformer H.V. current : 3.55A. -doL.V. current : 30A. CT Secondary currents. Phase R Phase Y Phase B Residual = = = = 33 Milli amps. -do-doZero.
(g) LV Breaker closing and tripping operations via Manual control, Local control switch and remote control Switch checked and found O.K. Tripping through key interlock and relay contacts checked and found O.K. Signaling at breaker panel and control room and alarm at control room checked and found O.K. Trip circuit supervision lamp checked and found O.K. (h) IR value of breaker ac circuit leads including cable leads with 500V megger: 100 Meg ohms. Heater operations checked and found OK. (i) Breaker panel Ammeter calibrated. MF for Ammeter = R X 0.75 (Top scale) (j) Power transformer HV bushing CTs (Core : 5P20) Were used for current indication at control room. Ratio adopted : 90/1 Amps. Power transformer put on short circuit. Transformer HV Current = 3.55A Transformer LV Current = 30A CT Secondary currents at control room Ammeter measured. Phase R = 38 milli amps. Phase Y = -doPhase B = -doNeutral = Zero. Control room panel Ammeter calibrated. MF for Ammeter = R X 0.9. IR value of CT Secondary including cable leads and meter by 500V Megger = 50 meg. Ohms.
TIRUCHY 110/33-11 KV S.S. CHECKS DURING COMMISSIONING OF POWER TRANSFORMER 3 ON 30.11.87. 1. With Power Transformer (3) energised and kept idly charged from the HV side, the current in the following terminals were measured at differential relay. (DTH 31, E.E.) Current in milli-amps. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ph Relay Current ph. Relay current ph Realy current HV Terminal Diffl. Terminal LV Terminal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R 7 22 R 8 21 R 10 0
E 15 21 B 16 21 B 18 0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) Power Transformer-3 alone energised, connected to 11 KV bus and on no load, the L.T voltages of the station supply Transformer was checked. Phase sequence checked, OK. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tap No Tap % Voltage Tap No Tap % Voltage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 16 15 14 13 + 15% + 13.75% + 12.5% + 11.25% + 10% 427 421 417 411 405 11 10 7 5 3 + + + 7.5% 6.25% 2.5% Normal -2.5% 394 390 376 367 358
3. With Power Transformer-3 alone on load, the currents at the following terminals of the differential relay were measured. a) Power Transformer No. 3 - do - do : : : H.V. Current = 4.05 A | Both increasing.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ph. Relay Current Ph. Relay Current Ph Relay Current HV Terminal Amps Diffl. Terminal Amps LV Terminal Amps -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R 7 0.525 R 8 0.101 R 10 0.45 Y 11 0.545 Y 12 0.103 Y 14 0.47 B 15 0.530 B 16 0.100 B 18 0.46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Power Transformer-3 and Power Transformer No. 1 were put in parallel and load sharing checked and found OK. 5) Switching stability check of the differential relay: This is to be done by keeping the LV of the new Power Transformer open and charging it from the H.V side several times and the differential relay must not operate during this exercise. However, as the differential relay now provided in Power Transformer-3 has already been checked for switching stability during the Transformer magnetizing current in rush period during the commissioning of Power Transformer No-2, this check was dropped.
The satisfactory parallel operation of transformers is dependent upon the following five principal characteristics. (1) The same inherent phase angle difference between the primary and secondary terminals. Same vector group will ensure this. (2) The same polarity (3) The same phase sequence (4) The same voltage ratio (5) The same percentage impedance. A very small degree of latitude may be allowed with regard to the fourth characteristic ie., percentage impedance. But the first three requirements must be absolutely fulfilled. Any voltage difference will cause a circulating current to flow between the secondary windings of the transformers adding to the losses and heating. Hence it is best to have identical voltage ratios. Difference in percentage impedances will cause unequal load sharing with the transformer having the lower percentage impedance sharing proportionately more load. If the disparity in outputs of any two transformers exceeds three to one, it may be difficult to produce the correct loading conditions for each individual unit. So, 3:1 in MVA rating is the limit for parallel operation. When two transformer of unequal percentage impedances are operated in parallel, the load sharing and the maximum load transfer without overloading the transformers may be calculated as follows: Transformer-1, Transformer-2, 16MVA, 10MVA, Z Z = = 10% 8.93%\
When operated in parallel, transformer-2 having lower percentage impedance will share a proportionately higher load. Let P be the total load that can be transferred without over loading transformer-2. Let base MVA be 16. Let P1 & P2 be load shared by transformers 1 & 2 so that P = P1 + P2 Z1 Z2 P2 10 P P1 = 10 = (16/10) x 8.93 = 14.29 = P (Z1/Z1+Z2) = P (10 / 10 + 14.29) = 0.412P. = 10/0.412 = 24.3 MVA = P (Z2/Z1+Z2) = 24.3 X (14.29 / 10+14.29) = 14.2 MVA (P1 = P - P2 = 24.3 - 10 = 14.3) 194
ie., Therefore
So a maximum of 24.3 MVA can be transferred without overloading transformer2 and the load shared by the transformer-1 will be 14.3 MVA (against 16MVA rated capacity) and by transformer-2, 10MVA (Full capacity) Before commissioning, paralleling test must be conducted by paralleling the new unit with the existing unit on the HV side leaving the LV sides open and applying 3 phase LT mains voltage to the HV side. The voltage across like and unlike phases on the LV side may be measured for all taps. With both the transformers at the same tap, voltage across like phases will be zero or of negligible value and those across unlike phases will be the expected phase to phase LV voltage for that particular tap. For conducting this test, L.C must be availed of on the existing unit and the usual precautions taken. See table-5. When one transformer has OLTC and the other, off load taps, it is better to have the two transformers feed loads independently by splitting the LV bus. If however it is felt that the two transformers must be operated in parallel for better flexibility of managing the loads, the tap in the Transformer with off load taps may be chosen and set considering the station voltage profile and the tap in the transformer with OLTC may be set at the matching tap. If no exact matching tap is available, one tap in the transformer with OLTC, with voltage ratio closest to that set in the other transformer may be chosen. The OLTC supply cable must then be disconnected and the handle for manually operating the OLTC must be removed and kept under lock and key with the AE/SS. The two transformers can be operated in parallel in the taps chosen as above. For instance, to parallel a new unit with OLTC having 17 taps (5% to +15%) with an existing unit with off-load tap changer with 5 taps (-3 to + 9%), the tap in the existing unit may be set at No.5, ie +9% and that in the new unit set at No.12 ie., + 8.75%. There will be circulating current between the two transformers on the LV side due to the unequal voltage ratio which cannot be helped. CAUTION: Before energizing the new Transformer and paralleling with the existing unit, it should be physically checked and ensured that the HV and LV dropper connections to the two transformers from the strung buses are alike. Wrong dropper connections will virtually act as a short circuit when the transformers are paralleled causing undesirable results. There have been unfortunate incidents of this kind for want of carrying out this simple and elementary visual check.
POWER TRANSFORMER PARALLELING TEST -- DATE OF TEST :08.09.92 110/11 KV KARUR S.S. (PR.TR.:2, 110/11 KV, 10 MVA, HHE, NEW) (PR.TR.:1, ------ do ------, EXISTING) Both the Transformers were parallelted on HV side and secondary volts were measured. Primary Volts applied: VRY = 430 V; VYB = 428 V; VBR = 428 V; ND means No Deflection ============================================================================= Tap No. Tap No. Vr1r2 Vr1y2 Vr1b2 Vy1r2 Vy1y2 Vy1b2 Vb1r2 Vb1y2 Vb1b2 Power Power Tr 2 Tr 1 ============================================================================= 11 11 ND 49 49 49 ND 49 49 49 ND 10 11 0.46 48.5 48.5 48.5 0.47 48.5 48.5 48.5 0.46 10 10 ND 48 48 48 ND 48 48 48 ND 47.5 47.5 47.5 0.44 47.5 47.5 47.5 0.45 10 9 0.45 9 9 ND 47 47 47 ND 47 47 47 ND 8 8 ND 46.5 46.5 46.5 ND 46.2 46.5 46.2 ND 45.8 45.8 45.8 ND 45.6 45.8 45.6 ND 7 7 ND 6 6 ND 45 45 45 ND 45 45 45 ND 5 5 ND 44.5 44.5 44.5 ND 44.2 44.5 44.2 ND 4 4 ND 43.8 43.9 43.8 ND 43.6 43.9 43.7 ND 3 3 ND 43 43 43 ND 43 43 43 ND 2 2 ND 42.5 42.5 42.5 ND 42.3 42.5 42.3 ND 1 1 ND 41.5 41.8 41.5 ND 41.5 41.8 41.5 ND 1 2 0.34 42 42 42 0.35 42 42 42 0.34 2 1 0.35 41.8 42 41.8 0.34 41.8 42 41.8 0.35 =============================================================================== Note: Voltage measurement across like phases with the transformer at different taps is deliberately done to ensure that No deflection in the voltage reading instrument, read across like phases with the transformers of identical taps is genuine and not due to any temporary defect in the instrument.
TABLE: 6(a) TIRUCHY 230/110 KV S.S. Precommissioning test on 100 MVA, Auto Tr.fr. I. RATIO TEST
Instrument Used : ELTEL Transformer Ratio Meter ( MODEL : TRM 200 ) (a) HV/IV TAP NO. 1. PHASE U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W U V W M.F 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 READING 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.37 11.37 11.37 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.11 11.11 11.11 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.84 10.84 10.84 10.71 10.71 10.71 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.45 10.45 10.45 10.32 10.32 10.32 10.19 10.19 10.19 Date tested: 5.11.99 % DEVIATION RATIO CENTI RAD. +0.00 +0.05 +0.06 +0.07 +0.10 +0.02 +0..5 +0.05 +0.10 +0.07 +0.14 +0.03 +0.00 +0.06 +0.05 +0.08 +0.10 +0.03 +0.02 +0.07 +0.07 +0.07 +0.11 +0.03 +0.08 +0.05 +0.07 +0.07 +0.11 +0.03 +0.10 +0.05 +0.15 +0.07 +0.20 +0.07 +0.05 +0.05 +0.10 +0.09 +0.15 +0.05 +0.09 +0.05 +0.12 +0.08 +0.19 +0.03 +0.04 +0.07 +0.09 +0.09 +0.14 +0.05 +0.08 +0.07 +0.12 +0.09 +0.18 +0.05 +0.02 +0.05 +0.07 +0.10 +0.12 +0.05 MEASURED RATIO 2.300 2.301 2.302 2.196 2.197 2.198 2.169 2.170 2.171 2.210 2.212 2.212 2.197 2.197 2.197 2.171 2.172 2.173 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.119 2.120 2.121 2.092 2.093 2.094 2.067 2.067 2.069 2.038 2.039 2.040 EXPECTED RATIO 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.195 2.195 2.195 2.169 2.169 2.169 2.210 2.210 2.210 2.195 2.195 2.195 2.169 2.169 2.169 2.143 2.143 2.143 2.117 2.117 2.117 2.091 2.091 2.091 2.065 2.065 2.065 2.038 2.038 2.038
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
10.06 10.06 10.06 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.80 9.80 9.80 6.67 6.67 6.67 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.41 9.41 9.41
+0.06 +0.01 +0.15 +0.01 +0.04 +0.10 +0.04 +0.08 +0.12 +0.01 +0.02 +0.08 +0.04 +0.06 +0.10 +0.02 +0.01 +0.06
+0.08 +0.10 +0.05 +0.07 +0.09 +0.04 +0.07 +0.09 +0.05 +0.08 +0.10 +0.05 +0.08 +0.10 +0.05 +0.08 +0.10 +0.06
2.013 2.012 2.015 1.986 1.987 1.988 1.961 1.962 1.962 1.934 1.934 1.936 1.909 1.909 1.910 1.882 1.882 1.883
2.012 2.012 2.012 1.986 1.986 1.986 1.960 1.960 1.960 1.934 1.934 1.934 1.908 1.908 1.908 1.882 1.882 1.882
TAP NO. 1.
M.F 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
READING 13.28 13.28 13.28 13.13 13.13 13.13 12.98 12.98 12.98 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.37 12.37 12.37
% DEVIATION RATIO CENTI RAD. +0.18 +0.18 +0.13 +0.17 +0.08 +0.16 +0.20 +0.18 +1.501 +0.17 +0.10 +0.15 +0.17 +0.18 +0.10 +0.18 +0.06 +0.14 +0.20 +0.18 +0.12 +0.18 +0.08 +0.15 +0.15 +0.18 +0.09 +0.18 +0.04 +0.15 +0.261 +0.18 +0.18 +0.18 +0.15 +0.15 +0.221 +0.18 +0.15 +0.17 +0.10 +0.16 198
MEASURED RATIO 13.304 13.297 13.291 13.156 13.327 13.143 13.002 12.993 12.988 12.856 12.845 12.840 12.699 12.691 12.685 12.553 12.543 12.539 12.397 12.389 12.382
EXPECTED RATIO 13.28 13.28 13.28 13.13 13.13 13.13 12.98 12.98 12.98 12.83 12.83 12.83 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.37 12.37 12.37
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
12.23 12.23 12.23 12.07 12.07 12.07 11.92 11.92 11.92 11.77 11.77 11.77 11.61 11.61 11.61 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.32 11.32 11.32 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.02 11.02 11.02 10.87 10.87 10.87
+0.18 +0.10 +0.06 +0.20 +0.13 +0.10 +0.24 +0.16 +0.12 +0.20 +0.12 +0.08 +0.32 +0.24 +0.20 +0.20 +0.10 +0.06 +0.22 +0.13 +0.09 +0.261 +0.16 +0.14 +0.22 +0.12 +0.08 +0.18 +0.06 +0.03
+0.18 +0.18 +0.15 +0.18 +0.18 +0.15 +0.18 +0.18 +0.16 +0.19 +0.18 +0.15 +0.18 +0.18 +0.16 +0.19 +0.19 +0.16 +0.20 +0.19 +0.16 +0.20 +0.19 +0.16 +0.20 +0.20 +0.17 +0.20 +0.20 +0.16
12.252 12.242 12.237 12.094 12.086 12.082 11.949 11.939 11.934 11.794 11.784 11.779 11.647 11.638 11.633 11.493 11.481 11.477 11.345 11.335 11.330 11.189 11.178 11.176 11.044 11.033 11.029 10.890 10.877 10.873
12.32 12.23 12.23 12.07 12.07 12.07 11.92 11.92 11.92 11.77 11.77 11.77 11.61 11.61 11.61 11.47 11.47 11.47 11.32 11.32 11.32 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.02 11.02 11.02 10.87 10.87 10.87
TABLE 6(B) II. OPEN CIRCUIT TEST Instrument Used : METRIX Digital Multimeter for Voltage : MOTWANE Digital Multimeter for Current
a) Between HV & IV 1. 3 Phase Voltage Applied to HV 2. IV & LV kept open TAP NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a 9b 9c 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Voltage Applied in volts 1U-1V 1V-1W 1W-1U 408.4 406.8 404.6 408.1 407.7 408.6 408.0 407.3 408.1 401.7 406.8 407.9 406.2 406.1 406.9 404.5 405.4 405.4 404.7 404.6 404.8 399.0 399.9 399.8 399.6 399.4 399.7 400.7 400.3 400.1 404.9 403.8 405.8 404.7 403.4 404.7 404.9 403.7 404.7 403.8 402.5 403.7 404.0 403.0 403.3 404.4 404.0 404.5 405.3 404.6 405.1 404.8 404.3 405.6 405.1 405.0 405.7 Voltage measured in volts 2U-2V 2V-2W 2W-2U 2U-N 2U-N 177.5 177.5 177.3 102.5 102.7 179.6 179.5 179.0 103.6 103.8 181.9 181.4 181.8 104.7 105.2 183.2 183.1 183.5 105.9 106.1 185.5 185.1 185.5 107.0 107.1 186.7 187.1 187.1 107.9 108.2 189.0 188.8 189.1 109.0 109.7 191.4 191.1 191.4 108.7 109.1 191.6 191.7 195.5 110.5 110.8 191.7 191.5 191.8 110.7 110.9 194.0 193.3 194.5 112.2 111.9 196.0 195.6 196.5 113.3 113.5 199.0 198.0 199.0 114.7 115.0 201.0 200.5 200.0 115.8 116.0 203.7 203.0 203.0 117.4 117.7 206.5 206.2 206.2 119.2 119.5 209.3 209.0 209.3 120.9 121.2 212.5 212.2 212.9 123.0 122.0 216.3 215.5 216.4 124.6 124.5
2W-N 102.7 103.6 105.1 106.0 107.0 108.2 109.3 109.2 110.6 110.9 112.0 113.3 115.1 116.0 117.7 119.5 121.2 123.0 124.7
b) Between HV & LV 1) 2) 3 Phase voltage applied to HV IV & LV kept open TAP NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Voltage Applied in volts 1U-1V 1V-1W 423.8 422.8 423.9 423.1 424.1 423.7 424.5 422.6 423.8 423.2 424.4 423.2 424.1 423.5 423.2 422.6 423.7 423.1 423.6 422.7 424.3 423.4 423.1 422.4 424.6 423.1 424.1 422.5 424.1 423.0 424.2 423.6 421.7 420.5 Voltage measured in volts 3U-3V 3V-3W 3W-3U 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.7 18.7 18.6 19.0 19.0 18.9 19.2 19.2 19.1 19.4 19.3 19.3 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.9 19.9 19.8 20.1 20.2 20.0 20.3 20.3 20.2 20.5 20.6 20.5 20.8 20.9 20.8 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.4 21.5 21.4 21.6 21.7 21.6 22.0 22.1 21.9 22.2 22.3 22.2 22.4 22.5 22.6
1W-1U 422.0 421.8 421.9 422.0 421.6 421.7 422.1 421.2 421.2 421.1 421.3 421.3 421.3 421.3 421.2 421.2 419.5
c) Between IV & LV ---------------------1) 3 Phase voltage applied to IV 2) HV & LV kept open TAP NO 9b Voltage Applied in volts 2U-N 2V-N 2W-N 235.5 235.7 234.5 Voltage measured in volts 3U-3V 3V-3W 3W-3U 41.1 40.7 41.1
TABLE 6(C) III. SHORT CIRCUIT TEST Instrument Used a) : METRIX Digital Multimeter for Voltage : MOTWANE Digital Multimeter for Current Between HV & IV
1. 3 Phase Voltage Applied to HV 2. IV shorted including Neutral 3. LV kept on TAP NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a 9b 9c 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Voltage Applied in V 1U-1V 1V-1W 1W-1U 395.0 393.6 392.5 394.8 393.6 393.5 393.6 392.1 392.0 393.0 391.5 391.6 394.5 393.5 393.4 394.4 393.1 393.4 394.1 392.8 393.4 394.1 392.5 393.0 393.6 392.4 393.2 393.3 392.2 393.0 393.6 392.0 393.2 393.3 391.5 392.5 393.2 391.5 393.0 387.9 387.6 388.0 386.7 386.1 386.9 386.6 386.0 387.0 393.9 393.8 394.1 393.6 392.4 393.1 395.1 393.6 394.6 HV CURRENT in Amps 1U 1V 1W 3.567 3.596 3.644 3.582 3.613 3.658 3.595 3.614 3.663 3.594 3.625 3.667 3.600 3.621 3.678 3.606 3.620 3.675 3.585 3.624 3.670 3.589 3.617 3.580 3.575 3.600 3.641 3.580 3.597 3.633 3.607 3.589 3.619 3.592 3.570 3.606 3.569 3.551 3.584 3.497 3.491 3.418 3.472 3.468 3.500 3.493 3.502 3.520 3.481 3.479 3.498 3.448 3.445 3.463 3.432 3.420 3.441 IV CURRENT in Amps. 2U 2V 2W N 8.228 8.239 8.362 0.16 8.186 8.145 8.290 0.134 8.087 8.023 8.175 0.133 8.005 7.995 7.113 0.163 7.937 7.900 7.036 0.120 7.838 7.778 7.932 0.175 7.710 7.715 7.826 0.160 7.612 7.608 7.724 0.13 7.501 7.464 7.578 0.12 7.506 7.479 7.559 0.133 7.555 7.445 7.548 0.05 7.448 7.323 7.422 0.5 7.294 7.193 7.285 0.042 7.059 6.982 7.089 0.05 6.919 6.823 6.927 0.046 6.919 6.832 6.900 0.072 6.743 6.682 6.750 0.08 6.608 6.526 6.594 0.06 6.442 6.381 6.442 0.06
Between HV & LV
1. 3 Phase voltage applied to HV 2. LV shorted 3. IV kept open TAP NO 1 5 9B 13 17 Voltage Applied in V 1U-IV 423.5 417.8 422.9 421.8 422.0 1V-1W 422.0 416.9 421.5 421.9 422.3 1W-1U 420.9 416.7 420.3 419.4 421.0 HV CURRENT in Amps 1U 1V 1W 0.600 0.640 0.640 0.600 0.650 0.640 0.650 0.670 0.680 0.660 0.700 0.690 0.700 0.720 0.700 IV CURRENT in Amps 3U 15.46 15.01 14.97 14.60 14.06 3V 15.48 15.10 15.12 14.68 14.28 3W 16.18 15.77 15.80 15.23 14.61 N 0.160 0.134 0.135 0.163 0.120
TABLE 6(d) IV. MAGNETISING CURRENT Instrument Used: METRIX Digital Multimeter for Voltage : MOTWANE Digital Multimeter for Current (a) 1. 2. 3. TAP NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 HV Magnetising Current Voltage applied to HV HV & LV kept open Neutral floated Voltage Applied in Volt 1U-1V 1V-1W 1W-1V 400.0 397.0 399.0 399.0 398.6 399.6 398.3 397.0 398.0 398.0 396.6 397.5 398.0 396.6 397.0 398.0 397.0 397.0 399.0 397.3 398.0 398.0 395.5 398.0 397.9 395.3 397.5 396.8 395.0 397.0 396.1 395.5 387.2 396.0 395.5 397.3 396.0 396.0 397.5 396.0 396.0 397.5 396.4 396.0 396.5 396.4 396.0 396.5 389.7 388.5 390.0 Current measured in ma 1U 1V 1W 1.497 1.436 1.855 1.522 1.450 1.872 1.552 1.440 1.886 1.574 1.483 1.900 1.625 1.456 1.922 1.660 1.515 1.937 1.664 1.546 1.963 1.708 1.500 1.987 1.741 1.555 2.014 1.780 1.563 2.023 1.832 1.590 2.064 1.863 1.625 2.080 1.914 1.638 2.106 1.967 1.647 2.134 2.000 1.680 2.160 2.050 1.725 2.210 2.100 1.740 2.250
(b) IV Magnetising Current 1. Voltage applied to IV 2. HV 7 LV kept open 3. Neutral floated TAP NO 9b (c) Voltage Applied in volts 2U-2V 2V-2W 2W-2U 407.0 407.7 407.7 LV Magnetising Current Current measured in ma 2U 2V 2W 4.41 2.85 3.58
1. Voltage applied to LV 2. HV & IV kept open TAP NO 9b Voltage Applied in Volts 3U-3V 3V-3W 3W-3U 414.2 414.4 413.9 Current measured in Amps 3U 3V 3W 0.20 0.17 0.130 TABLE : 6(e) V. DC RESISTANCE : Instrument: ETEL Transformer Winding Resistance Meter (Mode): TWRM 5 Applied Current: 5 Amps. 1. HV/LV WINDINGS TAP NO. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1U-N Ohms 0.694 0.687 0.676 0.668 0.659 0.649 0.642 0.634 0.626 0.635 0.644 0.654 0.663 0.670 0.679 0.687 0.696 U 2U-N Ohms 0.247 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 1V-N Ohms 0.696 0.687 0.677 0.669 0.660 0.651 0.642 0.634 0.625 0.635 0.643 0.650 0.660 0.669 0.677 0.686 0.696 205 V 2V-N Ohms 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 1W-N Ohms 0.692 0.686 0.676 0.668 0.660 0.651 0.643 0.633 0.626 0.634 0.642 0.651 0.660 0.668 0.677 0.686 0.695 W 2W-N Ohms 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248 0.248
2) LV WINDING Tap No 17 3U-3V m ohms 14.55 3V-3W m ohms 14.55 3W-3U m ohms 14.55
TABLE : 6(F) VI. MAGNETIC BALANCE TEST Instrument Used: : METRIX Digital Multimeter (Date of Test : 5.11.99) 1. HV Side Voltage Applied 1U-N 1V-N 1W-N Voltage 1U-N 228.5 138.4 83.5 Measured IV-N 154.4 230.5 166.0 In Volts 1W-N 85.5 102.0 228.5
2. IV Side Voltage Applied 2U-N 2V-N 2W-N Voltage 1U-N 228.0 122.0 51.8 Measured IV-N 167.0 229.4 189.8 In Volts 1W-N 69.4 113.3 228.6
3. LV Side Voltage Applied 3U-3V 3V-3W 3W-3U Voltage 1U-N 395.0 163.1 50.1 Measured IV-N 332.0 394.0 356.4 In Volts 1W-N 73.1 233.0 396.0
TABLE : 6(g) VII POLARITY AND VECTOR GROUP Instrument Used: MOTWANE Digital Multimeter. (Date of Test : 5.11.99)
a) Between HV & IV (Yyo) 1. 1U & 2U shorted. 2. 3 Phase Voltage applied to HV. Voltage Applied in Volts. Voltage Measured in Volts. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1U--1V = 406.80 2U--2V = 404.70 1V--1W = 410.10 2V--2W = 188.30 1W--1U = 410.10 2W--2U = 183.10 1UN = 234.40 2UN = 233.70 1VN = 244.10 2VN = 108.70 1WN = 230.70 2WN = 105.00 1U2U = 0.32 1U2V = 304.00 1U2W = 308.00 1V2U = 405.40 1V2V = 136.50 1V2W = 305.90 1W2U = 409.60 1W2V = 293.70 1W2W = 125.30
1U,2U 1V 2V = 1W 2W 136.5 = 125.30 IV 2V < 1V 2W> 136.5 <305.90 1W 2W< 1W 2V 125.3 < 293.7 2W
b) Between HV & LV (yd) 1. 1U & 3U shorted 2. 3 Phase Voltage applied to HV Voltage Applied in Volts. 1U1V 1V1W 1W-1U 1UN 1VN IWN = = = = = = 407.50 407.90 409.40 238.30 235.10 235.20 1U,3U Voltage Measured in Volts. 3U3V 3V3W 3W3U 1U3U 1U3V 1U-3W 1V-3V 1V-3U 1V-3W 1W-3U 1W-3V 1W-3W = = = = = = = = = = = = 17.90 17.90 18.10 0.00 17.80 17.90 407.90 393.20 409.00 410.00 394.80 394.00
1V 3W
TABLE : 6(h) VIII. PI VALUE Instrument Used: 5 KV WACO POWER OPERATED IR. TESTER Applied Voltage: 5 KV TIME (Minutes) IR Value Measured in M Ohms. HV - E 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 1250 1300 1390 1400 1450 1500 1600 1700 1700 1700 1700 LV E 1500 1900 2400 2600 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 HV LV 2000 2500 2800 3000 3500 3800 4000 4100 4200 4500 4500 (Date of Test : 27.10.99)
1) PI Value (HV-E): = 1700 ------ = 1.30 1300 2) PI Value (LV-E): = 2800 ------ = 1.473 1900 3) PI Value (HV-LV): = 4500 ------ = 1.8 2500
TABLE: 7 BUSHING CTSOF POWER TRANSFORMER Date of testing: 22-2-1990 1) Ratio Test: Instruments used: (HHE Make, New Unit for Motwane AVO meter (Karur 110/11 KV S. S, 10 MVA) Precision current Transformer 1No. a) HV/ busing CTs (Core 1 Differential 60/1A; Core-2 - Backup 60/1A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary current obtained Current Terminals current in Amps. injected expected -------------------Amps. Amps. IU IV IW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60 IS1 IS2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 30 - do 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60 2S1 2S2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 30 - do 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(B) LV Bushing Cts. Core (1) : Differential . . 600-300/0.577A. Core (2) : Back up. . . 600-300/1A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary current obtained Current Terminals current Amps. Injected expected ---------------------------------------------------------Amps. Amps. 2U 2V 2W. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------600 1S1 1S3 0.577 0.58 0.58 0.58 300 - do 0.288 0.29 0.29 0.29 300 1S1 1S2 0.577 0.58 0.58 0.58 150 - do 0.288 0.29 0.29 0.29 600 2S1 2S3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 300 - do 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 300 2S1 2S2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 150 - do 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) Polarity Test:Instrument used: (1) 6V Battery. (2) Centre Zero. 0-30/, DC, Voltmeter.
Polarity, checked and like terminals marked thus below: (a) HV Bushing CTs .
1s1 1s2 2s1 2s2
1s1 1s2 2s1 2s2
2N 2W
3) DC resistance: Instrument used: Agronic digital Ohm meter. (a) HV Windings. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Secondary DC resistance DC resistance obtained in Ohms Terminals. expected in 1U. 1V. 1W. Ohms. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1S1 1S2 -0.5 0.5 0.5 2S1 - -2S2 -1.2 1.2 1.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(b) LV WINDINGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Secondary DC resistance DC resistance obtained in Ohms. Terminals expected in 2U 2V 2W Ohms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1S1 1S2 -1.9 1.9 1.9 1S1 1S3 -3.6 3.6 3.6 2S1 2S2 -2.4 2.4 2.4 2S1 2S3 -4.6 4.5 4.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) IR Value. Instrument used: 500V megger. (a) HV CTs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terminals IR Value in meg. Ohms. 1U 1V 1W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1S1 to Earth 50 50 100 2S1 to Earth 50 50 100 1S1 to 2S1 50 50 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(b) LV CTs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terminals IR Value in meg. Ohms. 1U 1V 1W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1S1 to Earth 100 100 100 2S1 to Earth 100 100 100 1S1 to 2S1 100 100 100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(5) Secondary excitation. Instruments used: Motwane Avo meter - - 2 No.s V in volts and I in Milli Amps. (A) HV CTs (i) Phase U Differential (1S1 1S2). Ascending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 75 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. mA 50 70 88 95 110 118 128 140 150 170 240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 120 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I.mA 310 355 385 420 465 515 620 760 920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (V K ) = 140 V. I mag at VK/4 (35V) = 95 Milli amps. I mag. at 55V. = 140 Milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 160 155 150 145 140 120 100 60 55 20 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I mA 600 515 460 420 385 292 230 138 135 50 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase U Backup (2S1 2S2). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mA I. 30 55 75 100 120 142 165 210 262 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii) Phase V, Differential (1S1 1S2). Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 75 90 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I mA 35 55 70 80 87 92 100 107 115 135 155 170 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 120 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 167.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I mA 210 235 250 270 305 335 415 560 790 1020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) =140V. I mag at VK/4 (35V) =80 Milli amps. I mag at 55V. =107 Milli amps. 215
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 160 155 150 145 140 120 100 80 60 55 40 20 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. mA 560 380 330 280 250 200 165 135 105 100 75 40 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase V Backup (2S1-2S2). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 10 30 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I.mA 25 50 65 85 100 115 130 145 165 185 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii) Phase W Differential (1S1-1S2). Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 10 20 30 40 45 50 55 60 75 90 100 120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I mA 35 45 72 80 87 95 100 110 128 145 160 180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150 155 160 165 170 V 130 140 145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. mA 215 240 257 280 310 360 465 690 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) =145V. I mag at VK/4(36V) =77 Milli amps. I mag at 55V. =100 Milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 165 160 155 150 145 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I.mA 400 310 280 255 240 225 185 150 128 100 75 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase W Backup (2S1-2S2). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 10 30 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I mA 30 55 75 100 120 142 165 187 210 235 262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) LV CTs. i) Phase U Differential. 300/0.577A (1S1-1S2). Ascending. (V in volts and I in milliamps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 5 8 10 12.5 14.5 15 16 18 20.5 23 26 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135 140 145 150 V 110 115 120 125 130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 30 33 36 39 43 50 58 70 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) =130 V. I mag at VK/4 (32.5V) =10.6 Milli amps. I mag at 110V =30 Milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 145 140 130 120 100 80 60 55 40 20 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 71 48 38 33 25 20 15.5 14.5 12 7.5 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase U Differential. 600/0.577A (1S1-1S2). Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 1 2 3 3.5 4 4.2 4.5 5.5 6.2 7.2 8.2 9.5 10.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 275 280 290 300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 12 13.1 14.3 15.2 16.5 18.1 20 23 27 35 41 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) =250. I mag at VK/4(62,5V) =4.6 Milli amps. I mag at 110V. =6.7 Milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 280 275 260 255 250 225 200 175 150 100 50 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 24 22 19 18 17 14.5 12 10 9 6.5 4 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phase U Backup, 300/1A (2S1-2S2). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 50 100 150 200 250 300 330 350 365 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 12 17.5 22.5 27 32 44 56 76 96 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase U Backup, 600/1A, (2S1-2S3). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 3 4.5 6 7.5 8.5 9.5 11 12.2 13.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) Phase V Differential. 300/0.577A (1S1-1S2). Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 75 100 110 120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I.mA 3 5.2 7 8.5 10 10.5 11.5 13.5 17 19 21.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 67 97 I.mA 23 24.5 26.2 28.5 31.5 35.5 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) = 140V. I mag at VK/4 (35V) = 7.7 Milli amps. I mag at 110V. = 19 Milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 160 155 150 140 130 125 100 75 55 25 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 41.5 35 31 26 22.5 21.5 17 13.5 10.5 5.5 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase V Differential. 600/0.577A (1S1-1S3). Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 75 100 150 200 225 230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 0.5 1.2 1.5 2.1 2.5 2.7 3 3.7 4.5 6.2 8.2 9.5 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 10.2 10.5 10.7 11 12.5 14 14.5 15.5 16.2 17.2 18.5 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) = 250V. I mag at VK/4(62.5V) = 3.1 Milli amps. I mag at 110V = 4.8 Milli amps. 218
Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 200 150 100 50 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 16.8 11.5 11 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.2 8.5 8 6 4.2 2.5 1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase V Backup 300/1A (2S1-2S2). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 50 100 150 200 250 300 325 350 360 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 11.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 42.5 50 67.5 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase V backup. 600/1A (2S1 2S3). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 2.5 4.5 6 7.5 8.5 10.5 12 13.5 14.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) Phase W . Differential, 300/0.577 (1S1 1S2). Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 75 100 110 120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 4 6.5 8.5 10 12 12.5 13.5 16 21.5 22.5 27.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135 140 145 150 155 V. 125 130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 29.5 32 35.5 42 48 67.5 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK) = 130v. I mag at VK/4(32.5V) = 8.9 milli amps. I mag at 110/. = 22.5 Milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 145 140 135 130 120 100 55 25 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 43 34.5 30.5 29 25.5 20.5 12 7 2.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase W, Differential, 600/0.577 (1S1 1S3)
Ascending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 75 100 150 200 225 230 235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.2 3.5 4.1 5.2 7.5 9.8 11.5 12 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 290 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 10.5 13.1 13.8 16 18.5 21 22.5 26 27.5 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knee point voltage (VK ) = 230V. I mag at VK/4 (57.5V) = 3.35 milli amps. I mag at 110/. = 5.7 milli amps. Descending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 275 270 265 260 250 245 240 200 150 100 50 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. 18 16 15 14 13.2 13 12 9.5 7.2 5 3 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase W Backup. 300/1A (2S1-2S2). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 50 100 150 200 250 300 325 350 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I.mA 11.5 17.2 22 27.5 32.5 44 55 80 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase W Backup. 600/1A (2S1-2S3). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 445 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ImA. 2.5 4.5 6.2 7.5 8.5 10 11.2 12.5 13.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Winding temperature CT (Date of test: 13.03.90) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Primary current by Tong tester. Secondary current by motwane multimeter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------py. Amps 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sy. Amps 0.32 0.43 0.54 0.64 0.76 0.86 0.98 1.07 1.60 1.85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
II. PROTECTION A. External causes: All transformers have to be protected against external causes that are sources of abnormal stress to the transformer namely. (a) Over load (b) Short circuits (c) High Voltage, high frequency disturbances. Transformers of 400 KV rating are also protected against over fluxing caused by over voltage/reduced system frequency. (a) Over load causes increased Copper loss and a consequent temperature rise. Overloads can be carried for limited periods depending on the initial temperature and the cooling conditions. The rating of a transformer is based on the temperature rise above an assumed maximum ambient temperature under which condition no sustained overload is usually permissible. At a lower ambient temperature some degree of overload can be safely applied. Short period over loads are also permissible to some extent depending on the previous loading conditions. No precise ruling applicable to all conditions is available concerning the magnitude and duration of safe overload. But the most important aspect is that the winding must not be allowed to overheat, a temperature of about 95 C may be considered as the normal maximum working value beyond which further rise in temperature if allowed will have an adverse impact on the life of the transformer. Even this upper limit of temperature is very much on the higher side for sustained operation and the operating personnel must be cautioned of the high temperature of the winding at a much lower level. This is the basis on which the high temperature annunciation is set. The type of cooling also plays a part on the temperature settings. Refer to Section 3.02 (3.02.01, 3.02.02, 3.02.03, 3.02.04) on classification of transformers according to cooling method and permissible temperature rise, code of technical instructions. In TNEB generally the following methods of cooling and setting are adopted for transformers:(I) Power and Auto transformers in substations: Unless there is specific recommendation from the manufacturers, the following settings can be generally adopted upto and excluding 16 MVA: Oil natural cooling through radiators. Oil temperature alarm may be set at 70C. Winding temperature alarm to be set at 80C. Winding temperature trip is not provided. Power transformers 16 MVA and above and Auto transformers upto 50 MVA: Forced air cooling through radiators with a set of cooling fans provided which can be switched on manually as well through winding temperature meter.
: 70C
Cooling fans set to start at a winding temperature of 65C and set to stop at winding temperature of 60C. (III) 230/110KV Auto transformers, above 50MVA. Forced air cooling through radiators and forced oil circulation. Oil temperature alarm Winding temperature alarm Winding temperature trip : 75C. : 85C. = 95C.
Cooling fans set to start at 70C of winding temperature. Cooling fans set to stop at 65C Oil pump motor set to start at 75C of Oil pump motor set to stop at 70C of (b) SHORT CIRCUITS: ------- do ------------ do ------------ do ------
Power transformers of lower capacity i.e., below 5 MVA, 33/11 KV are protected against external short circuits by Horn gap fuses on the HV side and the feeder protection. The fuses will blow off for internal faults also but by that time the fault may get magnified. Transformers of rating 5 MVA and above are protected against external faults by the feeder protection and the over- current relays in the LV breakers protect the transformer against LV bus faults. Over current relays in the group control breaker on the HV side of the transformer also provides cover against heavy faults on the LV side. The earth fault and over current relays in the group control breaker by the way may also give protection against heavy internal faults. (c) HIGH VOLTAGE, HIGH FREQUENCY DISTURBANCES:
A high voltage transformer connected to an overhead transmission system is likely to be subjected to steep fronted impulse voltages due to atmospheric disturbances or switching operation. A line surge which may be of several times the rated system voltage will concentrate on the end turns of the winding because of the high equivalent frequency of the surge front. The surges can breakdown the internal insulation producing extensive damage to the transformer windings, if not taken care of. The effects of these surges may be minimized by designing the windings to withstand the application of a specified surge test voltage and then ensuring that this test value is not exceeded in service by the provision of a suitable surge arrester mounted adjacent to the transformer terminals.
Modern practice of surge protection of transformers is aimed at preventing excessive voltage surges from reaching the transformer as a unit, that is, not only the HV and LV windings but also the bushings, where flash over and insulation breakdown will result in serious damage and system disconnection. The required surge protection is given by coordinating rod gaps in the bushings and the surge arresters. In TNEB, transformers below 50 MVA capacity are provided with an independent lightning arrester on the LV side and by a common arrester on the HV side. 230/110KV Auto transformers are provided with independent arresters both on the HV as well as LV side for surge protection. B) PROTECTION AGAINST INTERNAL FAULTS:(a) Buchholz relay:This is a gas operated device fitted to transformers having conservator tanks and is installed in the pipe line between the transformer and its conservator tank. This device consists of an oil-tight container fitted with two internal elements one below the other which operate mercury switches connected to external alarm and trip circuits. Normally this device is full of oil and the elements due to their buoyancy can rotate on their supports. An incipient fault within the transformer generates small bubbles of gas which in passing upwards towards the conservator, get trapped in the buchholz relay there by causing the oil level to fall as a result of which the upper element rotates and when sufficient oil has been displaced the mercury switch contacts close thus completing the external circuit which is connected to audible alarm. In the event of a serious fault within the transformer, the gas generation is more violent and the oil displaced by the gas bubbles flows through the connecting pipe to the conservator. This abnormal flow of oil causes the lower element to be rotated thus actuating the contacts of the second (bottom) mercury switch thereby completing the external circuit which is connected to trip the circuit breaker/breakers to isolate the transformer. Some of the faults against which the buchholz relay will give protection are (i) Top contact (alarm):-Acts for minor faults. Core-bolt insulation failure. Short-circuited core laminations. Bad electrical contacts/faulty joints. Inter turn faults or other winding faults involving only lower power infeed resulting in local over heating, Loss of oil due to leakage, Ingress of air into the oil system. Bottom contact (trip). Acts for serious faults. Short circuit between phases, Winding earth fault, Winding short circuit, Puncture of bushings.
The buchholz relay is an invaluable and most reliable device for protection of transformer against internal faults, whether required as a main protection or as a supplement to other protection schemes and it seldom malfunctions. Its action on a live transformer calls for immediate attention and action on the part of the substation/MRT and special maintenance Officers and Staff. On actuation of the relay, gas within the device can be collected from a small valve at the top of the device for analysis and from the results obtained a rough diagnosis of the trouble inside the transformer can be made. Refer to Annexure-IV, instructions for testing of gas accumulated in Buchholz relays and item No. 3.03.20, Buchholz relay Examination of gas of Section-3, Code of technical instructions. (b) OLTC SURGE RELAY: The Diverter switch forming part of the on load tap changer is housed in a separate oil tank the oil of which does not communicate with the oil in the main tank. The diverter chamber has its own oil conservator. A protective surge relay is provided in between the diverter switch oil tank and its conservator. Faults in the diverter causes an oil surge which causes the surge relay contacts (that is connected to trip the circuit breaker/breakers) to close and isolate the transformer. Refer to subsection 3.04, on-load tap changer of the code of technical instructions. DIFFERENTIAL RELAY: This protection covers the complete transformer. This is basically a circulating current system formed with carefully selected CTs on the primary and secondary sides of the transformer. The single line diagram in fig.3(a) shows the principle of transformer differential protection in its simplest form. Assuming the transformer at principal tap and with correctly matched CTs on either side, no current will flow through the differential path for normal load conditions or through faults and the relay does not operate. During an internal fault the current balance is upset and the difference of the two currents flow through the differential path causing relay operation. However to apply this principle to the usual three phase transformer, a number of conditions are to be fulfilled. (a) Transformer ratio: The rated currents of the transformer on the primary and secondary sides differ in inverse ratio to the corresponding voltages. The CTs should therefore have primary ratings to match the rated currents of the transformer windings to which they are applied.
(b) Transformer connections: If the transformer is connected delta-star, balanced three phase through current suffers a phase shift of 30C which should be corrected in the CT Secondary leads by appropriate connection of the CT secondary windings. Zero sequence current flowing on the star side of the power transformer will not produce current outside the delta on the other side. The zero sequence component on the star side must hence be prevented from entering the differential relay by connecting the Current transformers in delta. The above two requirements are met in a Delta-Star transformer by connecting the CTs on the Delta side of the transformer in Star and on the star side of the transformer in delta. If the transformer is star-star, the CTs on both the sides are connected in delta. When the CTs are connected in delta, their secondary ratings must be reduced to 1/3 times (0.577) the secondary rating of the star connected CTs so that the currents outside the delta may balance with the secondary currents of the star connected CTs. (c) Tap changing facility: The current transformers are selected to balance at the principal tap. Operation at a tap different from the principal one will create an unbalance proportional to the ratio change. At maximum through fault current, the spill in to the differential path may be substantial. Differential protection is therefore provided with sufficient bias to restrain relay operation against through faults at the maximum tap. refer to fig. 3 (b), (c) & (d). (d) Magnetizing In-Rush When a transformer is charged, there is a magnetizing current in-rush. There is no current on the other-side, the entire Secondary current of CT located on the side from which the transformer was charged, flows through the differential path. The relay will see this as an internal fault and operate unless the condition is identified as magnetizing inrush and additional restraint provided to block relay operation. A typical magnetizing inrush current waveform is shown in fig.4. This contains considerable second harmonic component, which may be anything from 20% to 60% of the fundamental depending on the point in the voltage waveform at which the transformer was energized. The second harmonic component generated may be maximum when the transformer is energized when the voltage wave is passing through zero. The second harmonic component is filtered from the current entering the differential path and used as additional bias to restrain relay operation. Relay operation is usually blocked when the second harmonic content exceeds 18 to 20% of the fundamental component. For auto transformers, if the tertiery is not connected to any load, the transformer is treated as a two winding transformer for differential protection ignoring the tertiery winding. The protection will however act for faults in the tertiery winding as well. However if the third winding is connected to a load or supply, it cannot be ignored. CTs should be provided for the third winding also and suitably connected in the differential protection scheme Single line diagram illustrating this is given in fig.3 (b) & (c). 225
Fig : 3 (d)
Restraint through current in multiples of rated current (When the differential current exceeds a certain percentage of the through current, relay operates. This percentage is settable in the relay. Hence this relay is called percentage differential relay)
The differential relays are provided with a high set instantaneous element for high speed protection against terminal faults in the transformers. Such faults involve very high fault currents and if this causes the CTs to go into partial saturation, the resulting harmonies may slow down relay operation. To take care of such a contingency, the differential relay is provided with an unrestrained high set element. Static differential relays of different make are in service in TNEB. The relays usually have a basic setting and a pick-up of 15 or 20% of relay rated current is adopted. The bias setting may have certain specific values from 15% and 50% depending on the make of the relay. Suitable bias setting based on the max transformer tap in percent has to b adopted. The available setting in the High set instantaneous element may be some specific value from 8 to 20 times relay rated current. The relay operating time may be 30 to 50 milli seconds for restrained operation and 10 to 20 milli seconds for unrestrained operation. For each make, relay instruction manual gives features of the relay, settings available, recommended settings, testing procedure etc., Generally the following tests have to be done. a) b) c) d) Pick up check Bias check Second harmonic check High set element check
Typical Transformer
Ratio, Polarity, Knee point voltage, Magnetizing current, Secondary winding d.c. resistance and Insulation resistance of secondary winding (with 500V meggar only) Refer to chapter on testing of current transformers else-where in this manual. Finally and as the last item of check, short circuit test on the transformer at LT mains voltage is to be done. Along with the short circuit currents on the HV and LV side of the transformer, the HV CT pilot currents on the three phases, LV CT pilot currents on the three phases and the differential currents on the three phases must be measured and checked whether the values are as expected. The test may done at the principal tap and at the maximum tap. The expected spill current must be available in the differential paths at maximum tap and Zero or negligible current in the differential paths at principal tap. To facilitate measurement of these nine values of currents which will be in milli amps, the leads from the CT to the differential relay must be routed through suitable current terminals with links that can be opened for current measurement and kept closed normally. See figure 5. Two important points have to be noted. The neutral of the star connected CTs must be earthed at only one location and as close to the CTs as possible. The marshaling box in the transformer tank is an acceptable location for this purpose. The star point of the differential relay must be on the CT side of the current terminals to facilitate measurement of the differential currents on the three phases. Check and ensure that except for the above star, there is no other star point in the differential relay panel or anywhere in the differential relay circuit including the relay. The above checks through transformer short circuit test is the most important item of precommissioning test on transformer differential protection and must be carried out carefully and properly. Otherwise the differential relay may trip under normal load conditions or for a through fault. There have been many instances of nuisance trippings of the Transformer differential relay due to improper conducting of this check and in most cases the reason was that this check was not at all done or was done in an improper way. Once this check has been satisfactorily completed no further work should be done on the CTs or relays or in the CT-relay circuitry. Refer Annexure-3, checking correctness of differential CT-relay connection sequence. Also see the following figures for current flow in the differential relay for normal conditions, internal fault conditions and external fault conditions; Power transformer : Auto transformer : Fig 6 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) & (f) Fig 7 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)
Also, refer to Practical guide to differential protective scheme to Power Transformer by Er. A.S. Kandaswamy, CE/Transmission/Chennai.
CHECKING CORRECTNESS OF DIFFERENTIAL C.T. CONNECTION SEQUENCE Tiruchy 110 KV SS. (Date of testing: 23-24/11/1987) With the Power Transformer-3 (110/11 KV, 16 KVA) differential C. T. Secondary connections and differential relay connections completed, with the differential relay inserted in the relay casing in position, the power transformer was put on short circuit. That is, the Power transformer L.V. Winding and neutral terminals were shorted and 3 phase LT Voltage was applied to the H.V. terminals. The currents in the differential H.V. and L.V. CT secondary pilots and in the relay differential path were measured. Power Transformer tap at No. 17 (+15%) -doHV Current : 3.55 A -doLV Current : 30 A Differential CT Secondary currents obtained (milli amps) Relay: DTH 31, EE Make. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.V. CT Pilots Differential L.V. CT Pilots --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Relay Phase Current 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Terminal 1. 2. 3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 R 39 8 R 6 10 R 33 11 Y 39 12 Y 6 14 Y 33 15 B 39 16 B 6 18 B 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Power Transformer tap brought to normal and the above currents measured: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 R 32 8 R 0.6 10 R 32 11 Y 32 12 Y 0.7 14 Y 32 15 B 32 16 B 0.7 18 B 32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is therefore confirmed that the differential CT and relay connection sequences are correct. (6) (a) (b) IR VALUES: (Date of test 24.11.87) Checked with 500V Megger. IR Values of differential CT Secondaries including cable leads and relay : IR Values of D.C. circuits of differential Relay including cable leads. : 50 meg Ohms
50 meg Ohms
WHEN DIFFERENTIAL RELAY ACTS: A differential relay is expected to act only for a fault inside the transformer and for faults anywhere in the differential protection zone. But in the last 20 years, action of the differential relay for a wrong cause has been predominant in the substations. In fact in well over 90% of the cases of action of differential relay connected to power transformer, the action has been for wrong reasons like lack of through fault stability in the relay, lack of stability for magnetizing in-rush, defects arising in the CT circuits and wrong CT-relay connections. When the differential relay acts, the transformer is isolated and the MRT/Special maintenance wings are to be informed. If relay action is accompanied by buchholz relay action, analysis of the gas collected in the buchholz chamber will confirm whether the tripping is for a fault in the transformer or not. Even if the buchholz relay has not acted, the buchholz chamber has to be examined for gas collection and gas analysed if collected. If the differential relay has acted not accompanied by gas collection, then the MRT branch has to carefully and accurately determine the reason for differential relay action. Short circuit test may be conducted on the transformer and the differential CT pilot currents and differential currents measured. This check will confirm whether there is any defect in the CT-relay connections including wrong connection or not and action is to be taken accordingly. If the connections are healthy and correct and if the differential relay action was during a through fault and there is no gas collection, the relay would have acted due to lack of through fault stability. If the relay has acted during charging of the transformer and if there is no gas accumulation in the buchholz chamber, the relay would have acted for lack of magnetizing in rush stability. Defects in the relay could also be the reason in the above two cases. Careful testing of the relay will confirm whether it is defective or not and action is to be taken accordingly. If the transformer is found healthy, the differential relay is tested OK and if the CTrelay connections are healthy and correct and if no specific cause could be attributed to differential relay action, then the relay may be interchanged with that in the adjacent transformer to study the future behavior of the relay. If there is no adjacent unit for interchanging the relays, the relay may be retained in the transformer. However if there is repeated action of the particular differential relay without any apparent cause the relay may be replaced and the released relay, referred to the manufacturer. As stated earlier, action of differential relays in power transformers of TNEB has been for the wrong reasons in well over 90% of the cases in the last 20 years. So it will be ill advised to keep a healthy transformer out of service just because the differential relay has acted. When a transformer is kept out of service for any length of time forcing load restrictions, the Board loses revenue and a large number of consumers stand of Suffer. The onus is on the MRT Engineer to give a clear verdict. For this one must be confident and decisive. Confidence and taking correct decisions come from a good knowledge of the transformer and a thorough understanding of the various aspects of differential protection and being meticulous and methodical in executing protection works and having the ability to put the knowledge gained from experience in to practice. In short the MRT Engineer must know his job well. 244
The following may be taken as general guidelines on the action to be taken against action of the transformer differential relay. CASE (a)(i) Differential relay operates when a new power transformer is energized. Buchholz relay may or may not have acted. Gas collection in Buchholz Chamber is present. Test the gas. If result is positive, declare transformer as defective. If gas test result is negative, test the transformer. If results are satisfactory, declare transformer as being OK. Test the differential relay particularly the high set element. If results are not satisfactory, disconnect and remove the differential relay. Install a healthy relay if readily available after testing it. Proceed to energize the transformer again. If a differential relay is not readily available, the transformer may be charged with buchholz protection. If the differential relay test results are satisfactory, the transformer may be charged with the same differential relay. If it acts again and the transformer is declared OK, discard the differential relay. If the transformer is charged OK on the second occasion with the same differential relay, keep the differential relay in for future observation. If similar behavior is observed in any of the future energisation of the transformer, the relay can be considered as not possessing magnetizing inrush stability when conditions at the instant or charging cause maximum inrush current. Relay can then be replaced and the released relay, referred to manufacturer. CASE (a)(ii) Same operation as in (a.i) except that the transformer is an existing one that has been in service in that station for some length of time. If gas is present in buchholz chamber, test the gas. If result is positive declare transformer as faulty. If result is negative, or no gas has accumulated and if there have been previous operations of the differential relay during transformer energization, consider that the differential relay does not possess magnetizing in rush stability. Transformer can be considered as healthy and put back into service. Differential relay may be got replaced at the first opportunity. If differential relay operation is first occurrence, test the transformer. If OK disconnect the differential relay and charge the transformer. Then turn attention to the differential relay. Test it. If not OK, replace it. If OK, put the differential relay back into service and watch its future performance. CASE (b) Differential relay operates during a through fault. If the tripping during through fault is the first occurrence for the differential relay, If there is gas collection, test the gas and act accordingly. Even if there is no gas collection suspect the transformer as well as the relay. Test the transformer. Check the CT pilot and differential currents, conducting Transformer short circuit test. If OK, test the relay. If relay is defective, replace the relay. If relay is also OK put the transformer and relay back into service and watch the relays future behavior. If transformer is OK and relay is OK but CT/differential currents measured during transformer short circuit test are not OK, check and find out whether 245
any of the CTs is defective and act accordingly. If CTs are OK, check the CT-relay circuits, locate the problem, attend to it, repeat the short circuit test, confirm that everything is OK and put the transformer and relay back into service. (i) If the differential relay has a history of previous operations during through fault, and if there is no gas collection, consider that the differential relay lacks through fault stability. Put the transformer back into service. Test the relay. If not OK, replace it. If OK, decide whether to put the relay back into service or not depending on the number of previous such operations during through fault. Generally avoid keeping relays with such misbehavior in service and instead replace the relay with a healthy one. CASE (c) Differential relay acts under normal conditions. When the transformer is in service. No through fault. If there is gas collection, act accordingly. Even if there is no gas collection, suspect the transformer, relay, CTs and connections. Concentrate on the transformer first and test it. During short circuit test check the differential CT Pilot/differential currents. Determine whether the transformer or CTs or circuits is defective. If one is defective, act accordingly. If the results are OK, then test the relay. If not OK, release it, put the transformer back into service. Replace the relay with a healthy one. If the relay is OK and no cause could be determined, transfer the differential relay in the adjacent transformer to the transformer in question and vice-versa. Act according to future observations. If this is not possible, if the differential relay action for no apparent cause is the first occurrence, give the relay another chance. If there is a second occurrence replace the relay. The above are to be treated as general guidelines only and not as something to be followed to the hilt. The idea is that if the differential relay action is not due to any defect in the transformer or bushing CTs, but due to other reasons the transformer is to be brought into service at the quickest possible time. To that extent, the above aim of not keeping a healthy transformer off line for more than the minimum time required the above guide lines are meant to help the engineer to achieve the above to clear it. 400 KV TRANSFORMERS: The following protections provided for 230/11KV Auto transformers are provided for 400/230 KV Auto transformers and 400/110 KV Power Transformers also. a) b) c) d) e) Buchcholz Protection Differential protection OLTC surge relay Thermal, overload protection (Winding temperature trip) Over current protection in breakers on either side.
The following additional protections may also be provided in view of the importance and very high cost of the transformer. f) Differential protection based on high impedance. g) Under impedance relay h) Overfluxing relay Power frequency over voltage causes both an increase in stress on the insulation and a proportionate increase in the working flux of the transformer. Increased flux causes an increase in the iron loss and a disproportionately great increase in magnetizing current. The spurt in iron loss can overheat the core. Flux is diverted from the core structure into steel structural parts. Under over excited core condition, the core bolts which normally carry little flux may be subjected to a large component of flux diverted from the highly saturated and constricted region of core alongside the core bolt. Under these conditions of operation, the core bolts can get over heated rapidly with an adverse effect on their own insulation. If the conditions are allowed to continue the coil insulation may get affected. Reduction of frequency has an effect on the flux density similar to that of over voltage. An over voltage accompanied by lower frequency will be the worst operating condition for a transformer with regard to over fluxing. The basic principle involved in over fluxing relay is to monitor V/F and the relay has a time delay characteristic related to V/F as instantaneous tripping for over fluxing condition is not required. CASE STUDY: 1. Defective bushing CTs: During precommissioning tests on the new power transformer bushing CTs for upgradation of 66 kv Ayyermalai SS to 110 KV, certain defects were noticed. Report from the MRT branch to the Distn. Circle S.E is produced below. Sub: 110 kv Upgradation of Ayyermalai SS New IMP make 110/33-11 kv Power transformer under erection Bushing CTs Test results defects noticed Reg. ****
The bushing CTs of the 110/33-11 kv, 16 MVA, IMP make Power Transformer supplied against Chief Engineer/Transmission P.O.No.854, dt: 18.09.87 and now under erection at the 66 kv Ayyermalai sub-station were tested by the MRT branch on 1014:02:89. Certain defects and deviation from the P.O specification observed are reported hereunder.
i). H.V.CTs A) Backup Protection core Tested and found satisfactory. B) Differential protection core, Class PS The CTs were tested and found satisfactory except for the following deviation from the P.O specification. As per the P.O specification, the magnetizing current at VK/4 (VK = knee point voltage) should be less than 50 milli amps. The actual values obtained are furnished hereunder. Phase U V W ii) L.V. CTS c) Differential protection CTs (class PS) CT Ratio : 300/0.577 A (For use with 110/33 kv ratio of Power Transformer) As per the P.O specification, the minimum knee point voltage shall be as under. Vk = 40 I (RCT + RL) where, I = Relay rated current (1 Amp in this case) RL = Lead resistance (1 ohm in this case)* RCT =CT secondary winding resistance. The test results indicate that the actual knee point voltages are less than the minimum values expected as furnished here under. Phase U V W RCT In ohms 1.555 1.542 1.556 I in amps 1A 1A 1A RL in ohms 1 1 1 Min. Vk expected 102 V 102 V 102 V Vk obtained actually. 83 V 80 V 93 V VK measured 80 V 80 V 80 V VK / 4 20 V 20 V 20 V Magnetizing current at VK/4 in Milli amps actually measured 69 62 70
C) Backup protection CTs (class 5P20) Initially the ratio test results and DC resistance of Phase V CT were not satisfactory while that of phases U and W were satisfactory. Later, during the secondary excitation tests, all the three phase CTs behaved erratically. Even at low voltages the exciting current was jumping, varying when the voltage was kept steady and shooting up beyond 1A. This wild behavior of these CTs generally indicates that the inner layer winding insulation of the CTs has given way. All the three CTs are hence declared defective. The matter may please be arranged to be taken up with the supplier for replacement of the defective CTs. Note: In response to the above, the differential CTs were replaced by the firm, tested and found satisfactory in all respects. One of the LV backup CTs was rectified at site and the rest were replaced by the firm, tested and found satisfactory in all respects. RL is 2 ohms as per present norms.
2) During the late nineteen seventies 110KV, 10MVA power transformers in service were provided with static differential relays. Twelve such relays were provided in Power Transformers in the then composite Trichy Elecy. System. In the early nineteen eighties some of these relays were acting for magnetizing inrush condition once in a while. The High set elements in these relays had a setting of 10A. On testing, the High set elements were found acting for 5 to 6 Amps. The problem was well beyond the guarantee period. However as a number of relays were involved, the problem was referred to the manufacturer. The manufacturers Engineer, after examination of the relays at site changed a few resistances in the relays and the relays were tested and found OK. The suspected resistances in other relays for which no problem was reported were also changed. The defect in all these cases was that the original ohmic value of some of the resistances have got changed during service. It was later learnt that poor quality control in the firm which supplied the resistances to the relay manufacturing company was the reason behind the ohmic shift in the resistances after just a few years of service. Since rectification, there had been no further operation of the differential relays during transformer charging. In the above cases the relays would have acted whenever the maximum amplitude of the transient current during the magnetizing inrush period was of very high level. Various factors, the prime being the point in the voltage waveform at which the transformer was changed would have determined the maximum transient current amplitude.
3) One day in the mid eighties, the differential relay of the 11OKV, 10MVA, Power Transformer No. 1 at the 110/11 KV Thiruverumbur SS had acted under normal load conditions. The transformer, differential relay, differential CT and connections were checked and found satisfactory. There was no apparent cause for the relay operation. The relay in question and the identical relay in the identical transformer No-2 were interchanged. About a month later, the same differential relay then in transformer No.2 again acted for no apparent reason. Definitely there was a hidden problem in the relay, which could not be identified despite the MRT Wings brain raking session with the relay. The relay was referred to the manufacturer who wanted it at their works at Chennai for examination. A week later the relay was returned with the remarks that some defective component in the relay had been replaced and certifying that the relay was OK and could be put back into service. The relay was recommissioned in transformer No.2, after testing it and finding it OK. Some twenty days after its recommissioning, the relay acted again under normal load conditions and again there was no apparent reason. The usual tests on the relay and CT circuits revealed nothing adverse. The common factor in the three relay operations was that the relay had acted one to two hours past noon when the ambient temperatures were about maximum for the day and the season was summer. The differential relays of both the transformers were housed in a metal box beside the transformer in the yard. So were the identical relays in ten other transformers in different substations. The relay was again sent to manufacturer stating in very clear terms the above common factor involved in the three maloperations. The relay was returned by the manufacturer giving a clean chit to it. Obviously they could not locate the hidden cause. The relay was put back into service in transformer No.1. About two weeks later, it acted again for the fourth time. Needless to mention that the relay operation was during normal conditions, about an hour and a half past noon when the yard temperature was at its maximum for the day. The time for further trials was over and there was no better option to the MRT Wing than discarding the relay. The cause for the maloperation of the relay remained a mystery. The MRT Wing was disappointed that they couldnt unravel it. But then, the relay manufacturer couldnt either and that was some consolation. One thing was certain. The higher yard temperature past noon that summer was the trigger, affecting some component in the relay. The static relays are supposed to perform best in airconditioned environment but then no Electrical Utility in India can afford to aircondition the control room of a 110KV SS. Whether the relay would not have maloperated had it been installed in the control room where the ambient temperature would be a few good degrees lower was a moot point. But the important observation is that all the twelve relays supplied to Trichy Elecy system were all installed in the yard only and were all in service under similar conditions without any such misbehavior and some of the relays are still in service now. There is also no denying the fact that performance wise installation of such static relays in the control room instead of the yard will be a better choice, despite the slight increase in the burden due to lengthy cables.
Er.K. Mounagurusamy CE / P&C 1. Nature of faults and means of production:
Continuous overloading to meet system demands is monitored by thermal relays or by specially connected over current relays shown as below: RTD (Resistance temperature detector embedded in stator core)
Normally, I1
110 V
Normally, no current is flowing through the relay coil. When the resistance of RTD increase due to increase of RTD increase due to increased stator temperature, an unbalanced current is developed through the relay coil to pick it up. The relay has inverse characteristic. Any contact resistance in relay input finger contacts, wiring terminals could maloperate the relay. Suggested to connect for alarm in manned Power Houses. 1.3: Unbalanced Protection: Unbalance loading could be due to Opening of one pole of the generator breaker.
Open circuit of one line in transmission systems This will lead to negative sequence currents in the stator thereby leading to armature field, which rotates in the opposite direction of the rotor. Hence, double frequency eddy currents will be induced in the rotor causing temperature rise. Setting based on the formulae I22 t = K Where k - a constant depending upon the heating characteristic of the machine
t time in seconds I2 negative sequence current expressed in per unit stator current. Generally, K = 30 for turbine generator, synch condensers = 40 for hydraulic generator If I2 exceeds 0.25 per unit, alarm acts If I2 exceeds 1 per unit, trips the generator
The protective systems consists of a negative sequence current filter feeding a current relay of I2 t =K characteristic. In some cases like Sholayar, an ammeter is provided in series with the over current relay showing the value of unbalance current for continuous monitoring by the Operators. Phase to phase faults and phase to ground faults will also be detected by this relay but other protection will be faster than this relay. The reason for the more time delay usually adopted is since the source of unbalanced is in the system and with generators in the vicinity these should not be disconnected unless the condition remains uncorrected for such a time that there is the danger of damaging the generator. The validity of the equation I22 t = K is based on the assumption that all energy generated by the negative sequence current, is transmitted in the form of heat to the rotor without any losses to surroundings. In reality, a certain portion of this heat is transferred to the stator. If the negative sequence current is of continuous nature a thermal balance will be obtained. In the case of salient pole generator, the eddy currents occur to a greater extent in damper windings. On hydro units, these damper windings are in general ably dimensioned and hence such generators will be able to withstand much higher negative sequence currents than turbo generators of similar ratings. Modern, direct cooled turbo generators and salient pole generators without damper windings can be damaged and must therefore be tripped if the negative sequence current for any lengthy period exceeds 5% of the rating of the machine. For some hydro units, the time can be as high as 60 seconds.
1.4 Over Voltage Protection: Sustained over voltage on a machine might be caused by faulty voltage regulator
- sudden load changes in the machine with manual voltage control. Even system frequency change could vary the generator output voltage. Sudden loss load in a hydro generator due to any isolation could lead to 180% over speed due to slow operating governor and turbine gates. This can cause very dangerous voltage rise if the AVR is not there. If good AVR is available, the voltage rise could be limited to 1.5% even for such over speeds. Protections is by Armature attracted type with definite time delay (OR) Inverse voltage relay with pick up around 120% Instantaneous elements are also used with high pick up value upto 140% 1.5 Earthing and earth fault protection: Earth faults normally occur in the armature slots. They are more likely to happen when there are voltage surges or sustained over voltage at the generator terminals as explained in 1.1 and 1.4. Maintaining the AVR in good working condition can save many stator windings from damage. The damage at the point of fault in the core is directly related to the selected current rating of the neutral earthing impedance i.e. to the earth fault current quantity. With fault currents less than 20 A negligible burning of the iron core will result if the machine is tripped within some seconds. See Fig. 1. The repair work then amounts to replace the defective coil only without restacking the laminations. If, however, the fault current is more, severe burning of the core will be the result, NECESSITATING RESTACKING OF LAMINATIONS, a much more price. Even when a high-speed earth fault differential protection is used, severe damage may be caused, owing to the large time constant of the field circuit and the relatively long time required to completely suppress the field flux. Some of the grounding methods are discussed below: a) Ungrounded systems Not in practice in T.N.E.B. b) Resistance grounding system Used in old stations like Singara and Moyar. Protection is by over-current relays in the neutral. c) Neutraliser ground systems OR Peterson coil: 254
The total systems capacitance to ground is cancelled by an equal tuned inductance connected in the neutral in which case the current in the fault point is zero but there will be current through the neutral inductance to enable to have a protection relay (Voltage relay) across the inductance. d) P. T. earthed System A voltage relay across the P.T. secondary gives the earth fault protection. e) Distribution transformer grounding: This is mostly used. A distribution transformer is introduced between neutral point and ground. The secondary is shunted by a resistor. This is in fact a high resistance grounded system. The resister is to prevent the production of high transient voltages in the event of arcing earth fault, which it does by discharging the bound charge in the circuit capacitance. For this reason, the equivalent resistance in testator circuit should not exceed the impedance of the total summated capacitance of the three phases. In other words, the resistive component of the fault current should not be less than the residual capacitance current. Earth fault protection can be obtained by applying a relay to measure the transformer secondary current OR by connecting a voltage measuring relay in parallel with the loading resistor. Typical examples:
XC = Total capacitance per phase of generator winding surge protection capacitor, lighting arrester generator connections, Generator transformer (LV) = 0.227 F
Total residual capacitance = 3 x C = 3 x 0.227 F 106 106 Total residual capacitive impedance = = 3C 314 x 0.681 = 4680 Value of effective resistance needed in the neutral is 4680 [250]2 Hence, value of R =4680 x ------[18000]2 = 0.9
This is the total resistance required, the total transformer winding resistance and generator winding resistance, expressed in terms of the secondary circuit, should be deducted to obtain the value of loading resistor. Third harmonics present a problem and the relay design should take care of this. 90 to 95% of the stator can be covered by this protection. It is better to grade the relays with the fuses of Generator line P.Ts. If frequency dependent relays are used, the coverage at low frequencies during starting will be reduced. 1.6 100% Earth fault protection: In cases of large machines of 200 M.W. and above, a 100 percent stator earth fault protection is advisable. The reason for this kind of protection is due to the mechanical damages resulting from the insulation fatique, creepage of the conductor bars and bolts coming loose near the neutral point, vibrations of the conductors OR other fittings of the cooling systems which have been thought to have been responsible for the earth faults near the neural point. There are other forms of earth fault protections which work on the basis of artificial displacement of neutral point OR measuring third harmonic content in the generator voltage. Yet another dependable 100% earth fault protection scheme monitors the whole stator winding by means of a coded signal current continuously injected in the generator winding by a corresponding coupling transformer. This scheme provides protection in any mode of operation standstill, running up OR down and normal operations covering 100% of the winding effectively.
1.7 Phase Faults: Since the insulation in a slot between coils of different phases is atleast twice as large as the insulation between one coil and the iron core, normally phase faults are rare. If occurs, large currents flow and enormous heat will be developed leading to fire some times. Modern machines are normally equipped with cast-resin OR similar non-flammable insulating materials and the use of CO2 is hence not required in such machines. Phase faults normally occur on the overhanging end portion of stator coils. If they occur in a slots of two coils, the faults will involve earth in a very short time. If they occur in end portion, fault currents will not flow via the core and the laminations will not be damaged. The repair work may therefore be limited to affected coils. Differential relay is the one used to protect against phase faults. It does not protect the machine against earth faults in the case of high resistance or distribution transformer or P.T. grounding of neutrals where the fault currents are limited and may not reach the pick up value of differential relay. This relay will not protect turn to turn faults also, which will be dealt with later. Various kinds of the differential relays are a) High impedance voltage differential relay: The relays are connected between the phase and neutral leads of the paralleled CTs. For external faults, the voltage across the relay will be low, as the current circulates between the two sets of CTs and no current flowing through the relay. For internal faults the fault currents must pass through each CTs exciting branch and the high-impedance, voltage relay, so that the CTs are saturated for most faults, producing high voltage to operate the relay. During periods when CTs are saturated by D.C. component of fault current, the AC input produces no further flux change and there is no output. Under these conditions, the inductance of the winding disappears and the winding appears as a resistance equal to the copper resistance only. It follows that it is the maximum voltage required to operate the relay rather than its current setting which determines the stability level which will be attained with given CTs. It is seen that saturation of current transformers is permissible and correct reproduction of primary current is unnecessary provided a satisfactory voltage setting is adopted for the relay. High-speed relay operation is achieved by the use of CTs with saturation voltages of not less than twice relay setting voltage.
b) Biased Schemes: In this arrangement, the relay is fitted with two coils comprising one operating coil and a restraint coil carrying a current proportional to any current flowing through the protected zone producing a restraint on the relay.
During through fault conditions, the relay receives a restraint not present in the case of an unbiased relay and consequently proportionately more current can be permitted in the operating coil without the risk of relay operation. APPLICATION TECHNIQUE OF DIFFERENT RELAYS: a) Identical current transformers shall be used at both ends to minimise mismatch. b) It is preferable not to connect any other equipment in the differential circuit. c) It can be seen from theoretical considerations that one of the largest factors affecting overall performance is the C.T. lead burden. This should be kept at a minimum by keeping the cable route to the minimum, avoiding of two many terminal connections and links. Paralleling of CTs in the scheme can be done nearer to the switchgear if possible and only the leads of the operating circuit taken to relay panel. d) The same neutral side CTs can be used for overall Generator transformers differential protection in case there are no constraints. e) Pick up at as low as 2% and a slope of 10% with 4 cycles time are normally recommended with identical CTs in biased scheme. For higher rated machine, pick up at 1% with one cycle operating time are recommended. 1.8: Generator Transformer Overall Differential Protection: This is normally fed from CTs on the generator neutral side and on the H.V. side of the set-up transformers. Also, if a stepdown station service transformer is connected to the generator terminals this may be included in the overall protection by using CTs on the L.V. side if unit size is small as the machine is tripped one way or another via governor oil low pressure on the loss of station transformer. This relay must have a restraining feature which can prevent maloperation during magnetising in rush surges. There are opinions that harmonic restraint for these relays are only optional as the voltage on the transformer is slowly built up. But, inrushes will also occur when a nearby fault occurs on an adjacent feeder. During the time of fault, the terminal voltage of the transformer fault is practically zero and at the instant of feeder fault clearance, i.e. when the CB of the faulty feeder open, the transformer terminal voltage quickly rise causing severe magnetising inrush currents. These relays should always have biased schemes. Earth fault protection of the generator may cover the transformer primary. Bigger transformers of 50 MVA and above, have REF protection also for high voltage winding. Detailed description of transformer protection mentioned under transformer protection are applicable to generator transformer also. 259
1.9: Interturn faults and Split-phase differential relay: This protection senses turn to turn faults. It will also detect lamination failures as the reluctance is altered and the unbalanced current between windings increases. It may also respond to rotor shorts. The generator differential protection described in the previous paras does not detect inter-turn faults. Even if there is an inter-turn fault in one phase winding, there will be circulating current inside the shorted turns path but the current at both ends of the phase windings will be same and there will not be differential current. There are several kinds of other inter turn protections which is not in the scope of this manual. 1.10: ROTOR earth fault: A single earth fault in the rotor is not very serious. Development of another fault is serious. Hence only alarm provision for this relay is generally provided. The conductivity of the bearing oil film and the capacitance of the filed winding are the main aspects to be cared for. A grounded carbon brush can be provided to ride on the shaft to combat the oil film resistance. 1.11: Some of the other protections are: a) Loss of prime mover power: Reverse power relays are must for turbogenerators. In Francis hydro turbines, this relay is needed to avoid churning of water. b) Pole slip protection: Normally provided in bigger turbo generators for protection against out of step operation or pole slipping. c) Over-speed Mechanical devices are more dependable. d) Under voltage protection is normally used in induction generators. 1.12: Loss of excitation: When the excitation to a generator is lost suddenly, the flux does not immediately reduce to zero since the machine is a highly inductive one. The reduction of the flux causes the rotor to move to a larger angle so that the machine can put out the turbine kilowatt input and at the same time, the decreased flux causes a reduction in the VAR output till it reaches zero and then increases negatively. The terminal voltage drops rather slowly reaching a value of 70% in 5 seconds. Fig. 2 shows the results of a test done in a machine with the use of a digital computer in 1954. 261
The rotor moves further to a larger angle and the synchronous machine finally slips past the first pole, there is an abrupt acceleration of the rotor and power output decreases abruptly. Due to this acceleration, there is an oscillation in the real and reactive power flow. Increase in speed makes the governor to lower the input of primemover. The machine approach the action of an induction generation but it will never reach the condition same as the induction generator because the quadrature and direct axes sub-transient and transient paths are different. If the system is large comparing with that of the machine, the system voltage will not decrease too much and the excitation can be restored to the machine in trouble. If the system voltage has decreased excessively, the machine must be tripped. Continued operation of a generator without excitation will cause damage to the rotor, the end fingers of stator, stator winding, all by excessive heating. The pull out limits of other machines also get reduced. Round rotors in generators without amortisseur windings get more over heated. A generator can run safely above synchronous speed with zero excitation for about 2 to 3 minutes. In this time, the operator can detect a loss of field from panel meters and take corrective action. But, it is preferable to have a protection. Relays which operate at a specific value of field current do not give a full coverage through under current relays which are used in some places. The most selective type of loss of excitation relay is a directional distance type operating from A.C. voltage and current at the main generator terminals. When excitation is lost, the equivalent generator impedance traces a path from the first quadrant into a region of the fourth quadrant. By encompassing this region within the relay characteristic, the protection is accomplished. Impedance relay in combination with a directional element can be used. Offset MHO type is largely used. Fig.3 shows the operating characteristic on a R-X diagram. The offset O.C. is approximately equal to half the direct axis transient reactance of the generator and O.D. is equal approximately to the direct axis synchronous reactance. The offset O.C. is necessary to prevent the operation of the relay for power swings. Fig. 4 shows the terminal impedance locus. Ref: An article Loss of field protection for generators By Sri. K. Srinivasaraghavan, superintending Engineer and Sri. E.S. Narayanan, Assistant Engineer published in TNEB Journal June 1960.
PROTECTION OF SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS These units usually operate as an unloaded motor to supply capacitive reactance to the system. Protection is similar to Generators. The loss of field excitation relay settings should be set with its operating circle to enclose an impedance seen at the terminals with zero excitation. Operation to supply capacitive reactance will operate the distance unit, but tripping is supervised by the voltage unit. No protection exists for inductive reactance in to the system (over excited) as the directional sensing unit is open and the distance unit may or may not be operated. Ref: Protective relaying by J. Lewis Blackburn.
PROTECTION OF MOTORS: Motors must be protected against overload, unbalance supply voltage, electrical winding faults bearing fail. SMALL MOTORS: Single phasing cannot be detected by a set of voltage relays connected across lines. Since, even when one supply phase is dead, the motor maintains substantial back emf on its faulted phase terminal to prevent dropping - off the voltage relay. Comprehensive protection for overloading, single phasing and unbalanced supply voltage are available in one single relay of certain companies. 3.3: LARGE MOTORS: 3.3.1 BEARINGS Practically there is not good protection for Ball/roller bearing failures. O/L relay, temperature relay, vibration detectors etc. cannot give foolproof protection. Thermal detection devices work well with sleeve bearings. OVERHEATING OF WINDINGS: A rough estimate shows that insulation life is halved for each 8C rise in continous operating temperature Negative sequence currents produce as much as three times the heating produced by equal positive sequence current. Even 5% negative sequence voltage can produce 30% negative sequence current. Overload relays cannot detect single phasing since line current under a single-phase condition is 87% of 3 phase stall condition. Negative sequence relays can easily detect single phasing. 265
- Relays should employ Heat Sink principle which can produce a thermal replica of the motor accurate thermal protection assumes increase importance. - Split phase protection can detect inter turn faults. - Phase faults protection can be by differential. - Ground fault of winding can be protected by differential protection, ground fault relay residually connected CTs or by core balance C.T. OTHER PROTECTIONS BEING IN PRACTICE ARE: - Protection against reverse rotation - Pull out protection for synch motors - Damper winding thermal protection - Protection against sudden restoration of supply to avoid the possibility of the supply being restored out of phase with motor generated voltage. - Under power and reverse power protection - O/V and U/F protection - Rotor winding protection. Ref: 1. GEC measurements
2. Some notes on squirrel cage induction motor protection for abnormal conditions by Mr. J.R.S. WILKIE, English Electric, Canada.