Practice and Game Organization PDF
Practice and Game Organization PDF
Practice and Game Organization PDF
Format Syntax of preparation -How we do things Organization Compartmentalize the game -winning battles one-step at a time Tempo Dictating the pace of performance -in the drivers seat
How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time. -- African proverb A coachs responsibility is to prepare their players for the contest they will be facing. How our practice sessions are formatted will largely determine how successful delivering that information will be. Our role as coach is to impart information to our players that they can use (resource) within the contest they are presented with. Information is the reduction of uncertainty Bill Gates, The Road Ahead What will determine the efficiency in practice formats will be how well we plan and how common the teaching concepts remain. Know what needs to be taught, why it needs to be taught, and the context it will be used in. This approach lends itself to a modular outlook where concepts are built upon one another for an end-sum product of consistent performance in game situations. Not only is this an easier way to grasp concepts, but also affords players an opportunity to win mini-games, rather than being thrown to the wolves and overloaded with multiple tasks. This step-by-step method also elicits a greater focus from the players, since there are only a few things to pay attention to. In each segment, only review what is important NOW. Erase all irrelevant or superfluous information as this only hinders the learning process.
The most important dynamic involved in practice is how you structure it and how efficient your team prepares itself for competition. Develop consistency, familiarity, and competitiveness so your players can progressively improve. We are to give them a basic structure that they can be familiar with, grasp a concept, and log a win in each session, then move on to the next lesson. Stage practice sessions in timed blocks, so there is a beginning and an end of focus on a particular area. This puts the onus on the coaching staff to work within these parameters to get the message across, deliver it in quick coaching points, then rep it to a conclusion. These practice blocks should preferably be in 5 or 10 minute segments. Short and quick, concise lessons for high-repetitions. These short-bursts allow you to compartmentalize the game into winnable challenges, making it much easier to teach the body-of-work as you progress.
FUN football leads to optimistic football, which proceeds into positive football that gives birth to winning football. - Coach Glen Tiger Ellison
This structure creates an arena where an athlete can showcase the improvement of his technique and eliminates the temptation to just out-athlete everyone on the field. These teaching blocks are tantamount to chapters in a book, dividing up the big picture into manageable segments. This also helps build your practice plans, accounting for all the time you are allotted, ensuring that all skills that are needed to be taught are included. You will have a clear picture of what is being taught and you can evaluate if all skills are given a practical allotment of time. With this kind of routine built in, you will spend less time explaining drills or announcing what is expected next the kids will know (because of repetition) what each drill is for and when that drill will be used. Lastly, you can shape the mentality of your team with this efficient approach as well. You can schedule blocks of time every practice devoted to fundamentals. This type of emphasis drills home the importance of blocking or tackling, that gets players believing that they are a physical team because we work on hitting ALL THE TIME (even if its for only 5 minutes a practice, it is something we never neglect).
The next step in organizing your practices is going beyond general outlines, but actually scripting everything that needs to be practiced and WHO needs to practice it. This method ensures that what you plan to have available in a game has been experienced by the people that need to be executing it, as well as seeing that all players get their much needed reps. With this attention to detail, you will eliminate much of the insecurity and doubt players experience on game day. Emotion and desire can only take you so far, but confident preparation can be a catalyst to sustaining them. More specifically, you can use these scripts to prepare for specific situations within a game (red zone, 2pt conversions, 3rd and short, etc) and set up a scout look dedicated to what your team will face in that scenario. By scripting the practice plays, all the assistants can be on the same page and can prep the next scout look you will need. Knowing the play will also help them assist their players on what to look for. Defensively, you can review your opponents formations step-by-step and play-by-play and how they will threaten the defense out of each formation (what are the keys to stopping the base play out of each formation). Again, the amount of detailed preparation you put into scripting your practices will ensure there is no wasted reps or time by your staff, players, or the team you may scrimmage, as well as guarantee you have prepared the team against all possible looks (that nothing is by-passed during the rush of practice). The less time you spend making decisions in practice, the faster (and smoother) it will run. The higher the tempo of your practice, the more stimulated your players will be, leading to a higher participation and (information) retention rate.
The rationale behind practice organization is to do all that is possible to deliver the pertinent information to your players so they can be best prepared for competition. In keeping with this theme, another tool a coach can utilize is take-home handouts. If youre lucky, you have inspired your players (through organization) about playing football and improving their performance for the TEAM. To not let this momentum go to waste, while they are away from practice you can feed that desire with handouts or practice (information) supplements. A one-page review or DVD cutup of the new plays installed, or the scouting brief of your upcoming opponent is a good start. If the players look at it great. If not, it is no loss, but it is another outreach for them to be able to digest the lesson plan of practice. You could take this as far as homework if a coach wanted to. wisdom is found in those who take advice. - Proverbs 13:10
Game 3 vs Port City All-Stars
Our formations (you need to know where you line up)
$ C
Our Offensive plays vs Port City Defense (know your job whats important now) F F TIGHT TIGHT 99 POWER W C
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The best way to deliver concepts to your players is to eliminate the uncertainty of a situation. Being specific with roles on the field, we can make their assignment crystal-clear, leaving minimal doubt / indecision. Let the players know where EXACTLY they should line up (aiming points) on the field in relation to the many landmarks they will encounter. Landmarks such as the hash, numbers, sideline, EMOL, etc are great ways to orient a player to understand what area of the field he should work (and what area of the field he can effectively ignore). The goal should be achieving consistent results both in alignment and assignment.
Discipline is based on pride in the profession, on meticulous attention to details, and on mutual respect and confidence. Discipline must be a habit so ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of battle. - George S.Patton,Jr, War as I Knew It As a coach, your job is challenging enough without adding more variables unto your game day plate. Watching the clock, ensuring all the kids are playing, that you have 11 on the field, keeping tabs on what is working (and what is not), and managing all the players on the have your hands full. With the same amount of detail and circumspect attitude weve taken to practice, we want to apply it to game day. The easiest way to do this is to ensure you have all the resources you need, so not to miss anything. Those resources largely involve the information you will need to make your decisions throughout the game. With this need, we want to be able access snap shots of information needed developing a game day call sheet. Useful information you can use during the game includes; Depth chart Plays to call Play script Down & distance scenarios Position / player plays
With all your information at your finger tips, the game will slow down (less wasted time with decisions) and you will have more time to effectively lead your team. Also, with all the information consolidated to a page, you can print multiple copies to fellow coaches (equipping everyone with the same information to make decisions from). Now, everyone knows the play being called (and can effectively supervise their game day responsibility) as well as being able to track substitutions. You can further maximize your efficiency with your game calls by categorizing your plays by field position and situations. Not only does this allow you a clearer play selection (matching scenarios with the highest percentage play), but it also allows you to focus your practice sessions accordingly (its 3rd and 7 inside the 15, we are going to run 47 C, and run these situations in practice so the players will have a clear definition of their role in this scenario). For instance, you may have a signature 2point play or a money 3rd and 8 play. Rather than pulling these blindly out of the air under the pressure of game day, you have a well-thought out plan of attack that you can refer (and your assistants) in the course of a game. Taking this a step further, you can categorize plays by positions in the event that you, just need to find a way to get Johnny the ball or if you need to give the 2nd string B back some candy, you have an easy reference for what plays suit those needs.
Rapidity is the essence of war; take advantage of the enemys uneasiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots. Sun-Tzu, The Art of War In addition to controlling your players with techniques and fundamentals, we want to influence as much control during the course of a contest to give our players a favorable advantage on each play. A fairly easy way to accomplish this is to keep the pressure on your opponent to correctly perform. Making a decision within 30 seconds is considerably easier than making that same decision within 3 seconds. With tempo control, we are looking to speed up, slow-down, always altering how the defense is going to be attacked, as well as dictate how many opportunities we will have during the course of a game. This approach discourages our opponents coaches from making simple adjustments, forces their players to perform under (manufactured) stress, and promotes miscommunication with their defensive assignments. Our players can gain a psychological edge knowing they have an advantage (even when they can see they might be out-matched physically) they can use at any time during the game to put the defense on their heels. This also promotes a greater focus during practice (hightempo) as well as paying attention in the huddle or set in the formation. We use varying game speeds to gain this competitive advantage. Among the few speeds we utilize; Standard (huddle up) where we huddle up after a play and the coach signals in the play to run NASCAR (no-huddle) where players line up in base formation then listen to the audible from QB INDY (no-huddle/no-check) players line up and execute a series of prepackaged plays
Advantages of using a Tempo Offense Control tempo of the game (fast,slow, normal) Create artificial momentum (offsetting opponent advantages) Magnify the offensive advantage (cadence, play, formation) Appearance of something different (looming effect) Control substitution Limit fronts & coverages Freezing allows you to see exactly what the defense is doing No guessing with play-calling Magnify conditioning / weaker opponents Eliminate inefficient lull before and after plays Establish a reputation (prepare for anything) Packaging plays allows you to set up counters (defending the entire field = minimizing concentrated attacks) The forced attack requires more effort from secondary players to be accountable for run support
Using Freeze
The first tempo that you can utilize is freeze. This is nothing more than utilizing a hard count to draw the opponent off sides. With the freeze play in your arsenal, the defense conscientiously has to slow down and play hesitant and circumspect. This is the first stage of limiting the aggressiveness of a defense on the field. We are disrupting their rhythm changing their starts and get-offs. What they have been conditioned to react to (cadence) is no longer valid now what do they do? Freeze can be called from any tempo you use. Whether you are in no-huddle (INDY), hurry-up (NASCAR), or your standard tempo, hard cadence can be used to attack a defense to slow down their aggressive style and/or gain a cheap 5 yards. What is involved with Freeze is lining up in a formation, then have the quarterback call the cadence with hard inflection. The players have nothing to learn, just that when a Freeze play is called, to just sit in their stance. The quarterback will go through the cadence through three huts, and if no response is drawn from the defense, the quarterback is free to call a time-out (to avoid a 5 yard penalty for delay of game). You can use all your standard presnap motions with Freeze. This is a low-rent approach to controlling game tempo, but is a good start to dictate the game at YOUR speed and force your opponent to play with less aggression. Calling freeze in the course of a game can be done through your standard, huddle-up tempo or by including it as a regular play on the QB play card / play sheet. The quarterback would just call Tight (formation) Freeze (play) then break the huddle and run the play. In hurry-up (NASCAR), you can make this call with any F word (Florida, Franklin, faith, etc). While the team Is setting on the ball, the coach can just yell out frisco (any f word), the quarterback repeats it four times to the players set in formation, then initiates the hard cadence. In no-huddle (INDY), you can insert Freeze in the sequence of plays you have packaged. This works especially well if the team you are facing knows you are capable of performing no-huddle and prepares their defense to react on cadence.
Using Indy
The next tempo you can utilize with minimal practice time is INDY (think of INDY 500 race cars). This is a no-huddle speed where we are trying to run plays as fast as possible. We are looking to get 5 plays off in under a minute. These are high-percentage plays we practice everyday that we have packaged in a series. This package will never change. Once the INDY package is defined we do not alter it (it has to be something the players can remember without fail). Packaging the plays is completely up to the coaches, but it is best if you can group plays that compliment one another and can stress the entire length and width of the field, so that your attack isnt one-dimensional. An example is; INSIDE (2 Wedge) RIGHT (88 Power) LEFT (99 Power) LEFT (99 Power Pass) INSIDE (2 Wedge) Rather than trying to memorize a handful of plays, we simply teach it as middle,right,left,etc. That is all they really have to remember, because it becomes a natural progression of thought(We are running to the right, what play that we use runs to the right? 88 Power). To limit the amount of things that could go awry, all plays are on first sound (GO) once the ball is set. Once INDY is called, it is no-huddle urgency until the play series is exhausted or the coach calls a time-out. At the end of each play, the players are admonished to quickly get the ball to the official (this aides our tempo) quickly so we can get set for the next play. After the last play in the series is ran, the offense resumes the standard (huddle up) tempo, unless the coach signals otherwise from the sideline. You will find that many times when confronted with a hurry-up offense, many defensive coordinators will use a time-out to attempt to regain control of the game speed and try to coach up their players to what you are doing on offense. This also increases the tempo in practice and gets kids fired up to move so quickly (serves as conditioning as well).
NASCAR is a hurry-up speed, slower than INDY, but faster than our standard tempo. We are striving for snapping the ball 14-16 seconds after it is put in play. NASCAR is used to vary the tempo that we operated at and allow us to open the entire playbook in a simplistic checkwith-me approach. This is best used when you have a few formations installed, that you can get in and out of. The main thrust of NASCAR is to threaten a defense with quick count, freeze, and formation adjustments. The tempo of NASCAR promotes the tool of audibiling into better plays than the one originally called. Because we can effectively change the play at any time, the linemen always remain in a 2-pt stance to remain comfortable and be able to adjust to a long-cadence. The cadence of NASCAR involves a FORMATION, GROUPING, & DIGIT PLAY and is repeated twice to ensure all players received the call. This allows us to communicate in our own language and further confuse an opponent. The play calling is driven solely from wrist coaches worn by all players (even linemen) by position. FORMATION - call the formation to be run out of (TIGHT, SPREAD, SLOT, etc) GROUPING DIGIT SIDE - F word = Freeze / D word = Dummy call / City = pass / State = run - even is to the right / odd is to the left
DIGIT PLAY - 1 9 series on the NASCAR call sheet SPREAD A RIP! TEXAS 66 22! TEXAS 66-22! SPREAD A RIP! formation with A motion TEXAS = run play list 66 = first two digits are dummy numbers 22 = first 2 (even number means play to the right) 22 = second 2 (2nd play from Texas column) You can turn this into a check-with-me system by using the dummy calls (Dallas 66-70, D word is no play) to run through a cadence, then look to the coach to see if they want to go ahead with the play or check into a different play. Remember, this approach allows us to use ALL of the presnap time to find the play we want to run, as well as keeping our players focused on the game. To signal in the play, the coaching staff will need to utilize a grease board or number chart to flash at the QB so he knows what play series to call from. All formations and motions will be shouted from the sidelines prior to giving the number play call.