Submitted By: GROUP 8 Anosh Doodhmal-DM14109 Mridula Mallya - DM14126 Rachna Menon - DM14160 Shiven Saluja - DM14248 Shouvik Bhattacharjee - DM 14249
Submitted By: GROUP 8 Anosh Doodhmal-DM14109 Mridula Mallya - DM14126 Rachna Menon - DM14160 Shiven Saluja - DM14248 Shouvik Bhattacharjee - DM 14249
Submitted By: GROUP 8 Anosh Doodhmal-DM14109 Mridula Mallya - DM14126 Rachna Menon - DM14160 Shiven Saluja - DM14248 Shouvik Bhattacharjee - DM 14249
1. Should Media Contacts recommend a uniform strategy for Air France across search engine publishers? Or would it be more effective to tailor each publisher strategy to maximize return on investment? To increase its ticket sales and improve ROA, a customized approach for each publisher in order to maximize the return on investment and to have a wider reach which is possible via the internet should be adopted. Bu using different search engines, different customers that are on their prime list as well as those who arent can be targeted. Google, Yahoo and MSN could be used as SEO marketing strategies. To increase their reach, they could use of Googles Page rank technology, Yahoos content matching advertisements and MSNs focused demographic targeting techniques.
2. How can campaigns be improved to increase overall value gained from investment within search engine publisher? Should keywords be added or dropped from the campaign? Should campaign tactics or copy be adjusted to improve campaign performance? The following pivot table will help us decide the performance and decide upon improvements to eb made: Publis her Name Sum of Total Sum of Total Sum of Sum Amoun of Sum of Clicks Avg. Reven ue/ Booki ng Net Av Cost per Booki ng RO A
Volum Cost e of
Booki ngs Googl e - US MSN - 140.0 US Overt ure US 289.0 1550.0 35364 0.6 16098 .5 14197 6.1 174548 1.8 181549 .8 347433 .3 35364 0.6 16098 .5 14197 6.1 19210 9.0 10808 .0 11932 3.0 1126.1 139184 1.2 1296.8 165451 .3 1202.2 205457 .2
1027 .7
144. 7
46197 .8
1809 .8
3375 .8
The bookings made via a website are very important to the company. From the above, it is found that Google has 1550 bookings which is miles ahead of the second highest bookings achieved by Yahoo i.e 662.
The sum of clicks column shows that with 192109 Google leads the pack where as the second in line is Overture with 119323 clicks. In terms of ROA, Yahoo is the leader with a ROA od 1809% and this is because of its ability to narrow down their search results to context specific searches which are linked to key words.
Keywords and Improvement Careful Keyword selection, bid strategy, and positioning Through careful analysis, the most profitable key words should be selected Campaigns with high Cost Per Click and negative ROA should be dropped Indexing is critical and keywords are major ingredient
3. What are the most important KPIs, and what impact will campaign changes these have on these KPIs? How should future SEM campaigns be structured? In the past, Media Contacts had concentrated on Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo; was there now an opportunity to optimize search advertising with metasearch companies like Kayak? Media Contacts needed to determine who was going to help increase Air Frances ticket sales and improve ROA. Thus by using the following table, we are able to conclude the companies that rank the highest on certain parameters: net revenue, volume of bookings, conversion rate etc.
Sum of
Sum Total
Net Revenu e
Click ons s
Volume of
Conv. Booking % Googl e - US 1921 09 170120 71.7 140 3855689 859.0 s 1550
35364 0.6
139184 1.2
MSN - 1080 US 8
1706248 62.7 8
28859. 347433 7 .3
1161. 3
5052.4 882289 .0
46197. 836091 8 .1
Media Contacts should seriously condier Yahoo along with Google as Yahoo is performing well on parameters like Conversion percentage and net revenue. To provide the best variety to the customers and also to constantly improve its offerings, we should consider a tie-up with companies like Kayak who are also known for their discounts and other offerings. This will give customers more choice and may help reach attract wider audience. Conclusions For SEO campaigns, Google and Yahoo must be continued to be used. Their strategy for each search engine should vary to capitalize on the strength of each search engine. Keywords play an important role and should be used correctly. The branded keywords should be used as they generate more revenue however, unbranded ones should also be used as they contribute to conversions.