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Cojuangco vs. Palma

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1 Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC Adm. Case No.

2474 September 15, 2004 EDUARDO M. COJUANGCO, JR., complainant, vs. ATTY. LEO J. PALMA, respondent. DECISION On August 24, 1982, complainant filed with the Court of First Instance, Branch XXVII, Pasay City a petition3 for PER CURIAM: declaration of nullity of the marriage between "The practice of law is a privilege accorded only to those respondent and Lisa, docketed as Civil Case No. Pqwho measure up to certain rigid standards of mental 0401-P. In the Decision4 dated November 2, 1982, the and moral fitness. For the admission of a candidate to CFI declared the marriage null and void ab initio. the bar, the Rules of Court not only prescribe a test of academic preparation but require satisfactory Thereafter, complainant filed with this Court the instant testimonials of good moral character. These standards complaint5 for disbarment, imputing to respondent the are neither dispensed with nor lowered after admission: following acts: the lawyer must continue to adhere to them or else incur the risk of suspension or removal."1 "a. In grave abuse and betrayal of the trust and confidence reposed in him by complainant and his family and taking undue advantage of his Eduardo M. Cojuangco, Jr. filed with this Court the tutoring sessions with Maria Luisa, respondent instant complaint for disbarment against Atty. Leo J. secretly courted her. The great disparity in Palma, alleging as grounds "deceit, malpractice, gross intelligence, education, age, experience and misconduct in office, violation of his oath as a lawyer maturity between Maria Luisa and respondent and grossly immoral conduct." gave the latter an overwhelming moral ascendancy over Maria Luisa as to overcome her The facts are undisputed: scruples and apprehensions about respondents courtship and advances, considering that he is a Complainant and respondent met sometime in married man with three (3) children; the 70s. Complainant was a client of Angara Concepcion Regala & Cruz Law Offices (ACCRA) b. Respondent courted Maria Luisa with and respondent was the lawyer assigned to persistence and determination and even handle his cases. Owing to his growing business pursued her in her travels abroad under false concerns, complainant decided to hire pretenses that he was traveling on official respondent as his personal counsel. business for complainant. To break down the final resistance of Maria Luisa and assuage her Consequently, respondents relationship with pangs of guilt, he made representations that complainants family became intimate. He traveled and there was no legal impediment whatsoever to 2 dined with them abroad. He frequented their house and his marrying; even tutored complainants 22-year old daughter Maria Luisa Cojuangco (Lisa), then a student of c. With his moral ascendancy over Maria Luisa Assumptionlavvphil.net and his misrepresentation that there was no legal impediment or prohibition to his Convent. contracting a second marriage, respondent succeeded in inducing and beguiling her into On June 22, 1982, without the knowledge of marrying him. Without complying with the complainants family, respondent married Lisa in requirements of Philippine law that he should Hongkong. It was only the next first obtain a judicial declaration of nullity of his marriage to Elizabeth H. Palma and that the day that respondent informed complainant and assured "advice" of Maria Luisas parents should first be him that "everything is legal." Complainant was shocked, obtained she being only twenty-two (22) years knowing fully well that respondent is a married man of age, respondent succeeded in contracting and has three children. Upon investigation, complainant marriage with her in Hongkong on June 22, 1982 found that respondent courted Lisa during their by falsely representing himself before the tutoring sessions. Immediately, complainant sent his Hongkong authorities that he is a bachelor. x x two sons to Hongkong to convince Lisa to go home to x." Manila and discuss the matter with the family. Lisa was persuaded. Respondent filed a motion to dismiss6 on the ground of lack of cause of action. He contended that the complaint fails to allege acts constituting deceit, malpractice, gross Complainant also came to know that: (a) on the date of the supposed marriage, respondent requested from his (complainants) office an airplane ticket to and from Australia, with stop-over in Hong Kong; (b) respondent misrepresented himself as "bachelor" before the Hong Kong authorities to facilitate his marriage with Lisa; and (c) respondent was married to Elizabeth Hermosisima and has three children, namely: Eugene Philippe, Elias Anton and Eduardo Lorenzo.

2 misconduct or violation of his lawyers oath. There is no allegation that he acted with "wanton recklessness, lack of skill or ignorance of the law" in serving complainants interest. Anent the charge of grossly immoral conduct, he stressed that he married complainants daughter with "utmost sincerity and good faith" and that "it is contrary to the natural course of things for an immoral man to marry the woman he sincerely loves." In the Resolution7 dated March 2, 1983, we referred the case to the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) for investigation, report and recommendation. Former Assistant Solicitor General Oswaldo D. Agcaoili conducted the investigation. Meanwhile, on December 28, 1983, the First Division of this Court issued in G.R. No. 645388 a Resolution9 (a) setting aside the CFI Decision dated November 2, 1982 in Civil Case No. Pq0401-P declaring the marriage between respondent and Lisa null and void ab initio; and (b) remanding the case to the CFI for proper proceeding and determination. To this date, the records fail to disclose the outcome of this case. On March 19, 1984, respondent filed with the OSG an Urgent Motion to Suspend Proceedings10 on the ground that the final outcome of Civil Case No. Pq0401-P poses a prejudicial question to the disbarment proceeding. It was denied. Respondent sought refuge in this Court through an Urgent Motion for Issuance of a Restraining Order.11 In the Resolution dated December 19, 1984, we enjoined the OSG from continuing the investigation of the disbarment proceedings.12 Thereafter, the case was referred to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Commission on Bar Discipline. On October 19, 1998, Commissioner Julio C. Elamparo issued the following order: "Considering the length of time that this case has remained pending and as a practical measure to ease the backlog of this Commission, the parties shall within ten (10) days from notice, manifest whether or not they are still interested in prosecuting this case or supervening events have transpired which render this case moot and academic or otherwise, this case shall be deemed closed and terminated."13 January 24, 2002; hence, the case was considered submitted for resolution.16 On March 20, 2003, Investigating Commissioner Milagros V. San Juan submitted a Report and Recommendation finding respondent guilty of grossly immoral conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer. She recommended that respondent be suspended from the practice of law for a period of three (3) years. Thus: "The main issue to be resolved in this case is whether or not respondent committed the following acts which warrant his disbarment: a) Grave abuse and betrayal of the trust and confidence reposed in him by complainant; b) His misrepresentation that there was no legal impediment or prohibition to his contracting a second marriage; c) The acts of respondent constitute deceit, malpractice, gross misconduct in office, grossly immoral conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer. Respondent admits that he married Maria Luisa in Hongkong representing himself as a bachelor, however, he claimed that the marriage certificate stated a condition no different from term "spinster" with respect to Luisa. There is no question that respondent as a lawyer well versed in the law knew fully well that in marrying Maria Luisa he was entering into a bigamous marriage defined and penalized under Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code. The respondent betrayed the trust reposed in him by complainant. He was treated as part of the family and was allowed to tutor Maria Luisa. For the foregoing reasons, it is submitted that respondent committed grossly immoral conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer, and it is recommended that respondent be suspended from the practice of law for a period of three (3) years. SO ORDERED."

The IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the In his Manifestation,14 complainant manifested and above Report and Recommendation, but it reduced confirmed his continuing interest in prosecuting his respondents penalty to only one (1) year suspension. complaint for disbarment against respondent. On the other hand, respondent sought several postponements of hearing on the ground that he needed more time to locate vital documents in support of his defense. The scheduled hearing of December 4, 2001 was reset for the last time on January 24, 2002, with a warning that should he fail to appear or present deposition, the case will be deemed submitted for resolution.15 Respondent again failed to appear on Except for the penalty, we affirm the IBPs Report and Recommendation. At the outset, it must be stressed that the law profession does not prescribe a dichotomy of standards among its members. There is no distinction as to whether the transgression is committed in the lawyers professional capacity or in his private life. This is because a lawyer

3 may not divide his personality so as to be an attorney at one time and a mere citizen at another.17 Thus, not only his professional activities but even his private life, insofar as the latter may reflect unfavorably upon the good name and prestige of the profession and the courts, may at any time be the subject of inquiry on the part of the proper authorities.18 Respondent claims that he had served complainant to the best of his ability. In fact, the complaint does not allege that he acted with "wanton recklessness, lack of skill and ignorance of the law." While, complainant himself admitted that respondent was a good lawyer,19 however, professional competency alone does not make a lawyer a worthy member of the Bar. Good moral character is always an indispensable requirement. The ringing truth in this case is that respondent married Lisa while he has a subsisting marriage with Elizabeth Hermosisima. The Certification20 from the Local Civil Registrar of Cebu City shows that he married Elizabeth on December 19, 1971 at Cardials Private Chapel, Cebu City. On the other hand, the Certificate of Marriage21 from the Deputy Registrar of Marriages, Hong Kong, proves respondents subsequent marriage with Lisa on July 9, 1982. That Elizabeth was alive at the time of respondents second marriage was confirmed on the witness stand by Atty. Victor P. Lazatin, Elizabeths classmate and family friend.22 Undoubtedly, respondents act constitutes grossly immoral conduct, a ground for disbarment under Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court. He exhibited a deplorable lack of that degree of morality required of him as a member of the Bar. In particular, he made a mockery of marriage which is a sacred institution demanding respect and dignity. His act of contracting a second marriage is contrary to honesty, justice, decency and morality.23 This is not the first occasion that we censure immorality. Thus, we have somehow come up with a common definition of what constitutes immoral conduct, i.e., "that conduct which is willful, flagrant, or shameless, and which shows a moral indifference to the opinion of the good and respectable members of the community."24 Measured against this definition, respondents act is manifestly immoral. First, he abandoned his lawful wife and three children. Second, he lured an innocent young woman into marrying him. And third, he misrepresented himself as a "bachelor" so he could contract marriage in a foreign land. Our rulings in the following cases are relevant: 1) In Macarrubo vs. Macarrubo,25 respondent entered into multiple marriages and then resorted to legal remedies to sever them. There, we ruled that "[S]uch pattern of misconduct by respondent undermines the institutions of marriage and family, institutions that this society looks to for the rearing of our children, for the development of values essential to the survival and well-being of our communities, and for the strengthening of our nation as a whole." As such, "there can be no other fate that awaits respondent than to be disbarred." (2) In Tucay vs. Tucay,26 respondent contracted marriage with another married woman and left complainant with whom he has been married for thirty years. We ruled that such acts constitute "a grossly immoral conduct and only indicative of an extremely low regard for the fundamental ethics of his profession," warranting respondents disbarment. (3) In Villasanta vs. Peralta,27 respondent married complainant while his first wife was still alive, their marriage still valid and subsisting. We held that "the act of respondent of contracting the second marriage is contrary to honesty, justice, decency and morality." Thus, lacking the good moral character required by the Rules of Court, respondent was disqualified from being admitted to the bar. (4) In Cabrera vs. Agustin,28 respondent lured an innocent woman into a simulated marriage and thereafter satisfied his lust. We held that respondent failed to maintain that degree of morality and integrity, which at all times is expected of members of the bar. He is, therefore, disbarred from the practice of law. (5) In Toledo vs. Toledo,29 respondent abandoned his wife, who supported him and spent for his law education, and thereafter cohabited with another woman. We ruled that he "failed to maintain the highest degree of morality expected and required of a member of the bar." For this, respondent was disbarred. (6) In Obusan vs. Obusan, Jr.,30 respondent abandoned his lawful wife and child and resumed cohabitation with his former paramour. Here, we ruled that "abandoning ones wife and resuming carnal relations with a former paramour, a married woman," constitute grossly immoral conduct warranting disbarment. The circumstances here speak of a clear case of betrayal of trust and abuse of confidence. It was respondents closeness to the complainants family as well as the latters complete trust in him that made possible his intimate relationship with Lisa. When his concern was supposed to be complainants legal affairs only, he sneaked at the latters back and courted his daughter. Like the proverbial thief in the night, he attacked when nobody was looking. Moreover, he availed of complainants resources by securing a plane ticket from complainants office in order to marry the latters daughter in Hongkong. He did this without complainants knowledge. Afterwards, he even had the temerity to assure complainant that "everything is

4 legal." Clearly, respondent had crossed the limits of propriety and decency. Respondent justified his conduct by professing he really loved Lisa and since he married her, he cannot be charged with immorality. His reasoning shows a distorted mind and a brazen regard on the sanctity of marriage. In such relationship, the man and the woman are obliged to live together, observe mutual respect and fidelity.31 How could respondent perform these obligations to Lisa when he was previously married to Elizabeth? If he really loved her, then the noblest thing he could have done was to walk away. Respondents culpability is aggravated by the fact that Lisa was just a 22-year old college student of Assumption Convent and was under psychological treatment for emotional immaturity.32 Naturally, she was an easy prey. Anent respondents argument that since the validity of his marriage to Lisa has not yet been determined by the court with finality, the same poses a prejudicial question to the present disbarment proceeding. Suffice it to say that a subsequent judgment of annulment of marriage has no bearing to the instant disbarment proceeding. As we held in In re Almacen,33 a disbarment case is sui generis for it is neither purely civil nor purely criminal but is rather an investigation by the court into the conduct of its officers. Thus, if the acquittal of a lawyer in a criminal action is not determinative of an administrative case against him,34 or if an affidavit of withdrawal of a disbarment case does not affect its course,35 then the judgment of annulment of respondents marriage does not also exonerate him from a wrongdoing actually committed. So long as the quantum of proof --- clear preponderance of evidence --in disciplinary proceedings against members of the bar is met, then liability attaches.36 The interdict upon lawyers, as inscribed in Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, is that they "shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct." This is founded on the lawyers primordial duty to society as spelled out in Canon 1 which states: "CANON 1 A lawyer shall uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land and promote respect for law and legal processes." It is not by coincidence that the drafters of our Code of Professional Responsibility ranked the above responsibility first in the enumeration. They knew then that more than anybody else, it is the lawyers -- the disciples of law -- who are most obliged to venerate the law. As stated in Ex Parte Wall:37 "Of all classes and professions, the lawyer is most sacredly bound to uphold the laws. He is their sworn servant; and for him, of all men in the world, to repudiate and override the laws, to trample them underfoot and to ignore the very bonds of society, argues recreancy to his position and office and sets a pernicious example to the insubordinate and dangerous elements of the body politic." Corollarily, the above responsibility is enshrined in the Attorneys Oath which every lawyer in the country has to take before he is allowed to practice. In sum, respondent committed grossly immoral conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer. The penalty of one (1) year suspension recommended by the IBP is not commensurate to the gravity of his offense. The bulk of jurisprudence supports the imposition of the extreme penalty of disbarment. WHEREFORE, respondent Leo J. Palma is found GUILTY of grossly immoral conduct and violation of his oath as a lawyer, and is hereby DISBARRED from the practice of law. Let respondents name be stricken from the Roll of Attorneys immediately. Furnish the Bar Confidant, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and all courts throughout the country with copies of this Decision. SO ORDERED.

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