Sy Nop School

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1. Preface 2. Acknowledgement 3. Title of the Project. 4. Objectives of the Project 5. Analysis 6. Language(s) / Tools to be used. 7. Feasibility Study 8.

System Requirements & Specification (SRS) 9. Validation Checks 10. Testing 11. Data Structure (tables etc.) 12. Logic Diagrams (DFD) 13. Module Description 14. Images (Forms) 15. Documentation and coding 16. Output of the Project 17. Future Scope of the Project

Vijay Kumar Yadav

PGDCA 2nd Sem

The task of developing this project has been carried out in partial fulfillment for the completion of PGDCA (2 nd Sem). This gives us the advantage of knowing corporate environment before thus help us to prepare ourselves accordingly. The project School Fees Management entitled ABC SCHOOL has been developed as per the requirements of an institute regarding registration, related fee payment, class record of a student & income of school. We put our efforts as best as possible we could in successful completion of the project. We have looked into all the latest technologies & features available for the development & creating information in the form of TEXT, from the respective database & after that the detailed study selected the tools as per as our requirement & purpose of the project. The project facilitates the user to get all the student and employee information in the project. The project is mentioned for only those persons who know the user name & password, only they will be allowed to enter s/w.

The Project named, ABC School Fees Management is a windows based application made on VB. Since the project had started, all my teachers, seniors and colleagues have made valuable suggestions which have incorporated in making this an attractive & informative project regarding our project requirements. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to them. I acknowledge our Director who has provided us enough support & lab facility while making the project. I express heartful gratitude to Mr . Mridul Bhardwaj took great pains in going through the entire process and made valuable comments and suggestions & was a constant encouragement. I am very greatful to Ms.Kabita Tiwari,& Mr.Prakash Misra, who always spread their valuable time to steer us through this project work with smiling face. The list also contains my colleagues and friends for helping me in the preparation of rough sketches for the project and inspired me throughout. Finally, I thank the members of my family for their moral support and encouragement to write & work on this project.

Vijay Kumar Yadav



THE OBJECTIVES OF SCHOOL FEES MANAGEMENT PROJECT:The School Fees Management is basically concerned with the management of Fees in School . The main problem they face is to manage the Student Fees, Student Enrollment ,Student record maintenance and their regular updation, List of Toppers, Monthly income received and others To solve such type of problem I had made a hard attempt on Visual Basic to develop the School Fees Management Project . This project is basically based on the School Fees Management containing Enrollment form , Fee form , and Provide facility for Query about Student Information.

This project will provide the facility to get the details of students who are going to take admission or who are already studying in the school.

The project also provides the facility with updation of new arrival of student or any other student. Fees is Managed according to Old or New Student

There is a Menu in the MDI form that can be used to navigate to various forms.



Visual Basic : Visual basic is a window programming language that has been developed at the Microsoft Corporation . Visual Basic is a powerful programming language to develop sophisticated windows programs very quickly .Visual Basic is one of the RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools as it enables the programmer to develop application very easily and very quickly. Visual Basic application are very popular as front-end to many Client/Server database system like SQL/Server ,Oracle etc. A Visual Basic user interface consists of forms and objects . Visual Basic is a programming language and any application that is developed using Visual Basic can be made very powerful by using code. Visual Basic like most programming languages uses variables have a name and data type .

Data Control: Uses the Jet Database engine to retrieve data from jet databases (Like MS ACCESS )and ISAM databases like FoxPro,Paradox etc.This technology provides access to many database formats ,and enables us to write data aware applications without writing any code.

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) :

ADO (ActiveX data objects) which can be used to access any data source relational database, non-relational database, including Microsoft Excel or any text file. ADO accesses database through an OLEDB provider. OLEDB is a set of general interfaces to access any data source which cannot be accessed directly from Visual Basic. ADO is the successor to DAO/RDO. Functionally Ado 2.0 is most similar to RDO and there is generally a similar mapping between the two models. ADO Flattens the object model used by DAO and RDO , meaning that it contains fewer objects and more properties , methods (and arguments), and events. The ADO data model provides the components to access data. They are Active-X data control Active X connection Active-X record set.

Visual data Manager :Database can be created in Visual Basic using the add-in program, the Visual Data manager . The Visual Data Manager can be used to create Jet database . A jet database is one with extension .MDB. Visual data manager can be loaded by selecting ,ADD-in from menu bar and then Visual Data Manager.

TERMS GOING TO HIGHLIGHT HERE ARE : Objects & Control Properties Methods Events Form Functions Procedure

TOOLBARS :Visual Basic contains mainly following toolbars : Standard Edit Debug Form Editor

PROCESSOR :Any processor of Pentium Series with at least 150 MHz processing speed can run Visual Basic 6.0, generally processor with 300 MHz speed is recommended for better results.

MEMORY SIZE :At least 2 GB of disk space is required for visual basic 6.0, with 16 MB RAM. But, the recommended is 64 MB RAM with 4.3 GB disk space, for Visual basic 6.0, with complete MSDN library.

OPERATING SYSTEM :Windows 9X Series i.e. Windows 95 or above version of Windows family is required for running Visual Basic 6.0.

OTHER SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS :Some additional softwares may be required for listing or running your application like Microsoft Transactions Server, Microsoft Internet Explorer & Netscape Navigator etc.

After analyzing the requirements of our project we conducted a feasibility study to know that these requirements (which are specified during analysis phase) are feasible or not. Under feasibility studies we have tried to know that what the users demonstration needs are. We found we can be able to satisfy most of the requirements that a hostel management will need. We can maintain their database automated, we can reduce their operating cost, time at a considerable instance. We concentrate our attention on these two primary areas of interest :-

OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY :We have developed software for ABC SCHOOL FEES MANAGEMENT. This developed system drastically reduces the working time of the employees involved in the management of the school. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY :The hostel will need just a computer system with at least a PIII processor & 20 GB HDD. This capacity is sufficient for storage of data & smooth running of software.

The following input data are required to be maintained by the system : The Input & Output format should be of the form MM-DD-YYYY, where MM stands for month, DD stands for date & YYYY stands for year. All the data is entered in Access through the form. Separate forms are provided to make entries for student fee payment, earlier record, current month record & academic query.

Output in our system is provided through forms & legal enquiry which is given in the manner i.e. which type & size of the information we give in the related text.

1. Developing Platform : The following hardware components were used in developing system:Processor RAM Monitor Mouse Keyboard HDD Printer Pentium IV 2.6 GHZ 256 MB LG Color Monitor ADCOM ADCOM 40 GB Laser jet, Ink jet

2. Implementation Platform : The following are the minimum hardware requirement for implementation of system :-

Processor RAM Monitor Mouse Keyboard HDD Printer

Pentium III 1.2 GHZ 128 MB VGA Color Monitor Logitech TVs Gold 20 GB Any

1. Developing Platform : The following software was used in developing system :-

Operating System Front End Back End

Windows 98/NT/2000/XP Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft Access

2. Implementation Platform : The following are the minimum hardware requirements for implementation of system :-

Operating System Language/Technology DBMS

Windows 98/NT/2000/XP Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft Access

This phase is essential before system testing. It includes the checking of validity whether the entry to the system is valid or not. We took some dummy data to check the validity of the system. It was working well & as expected. However there were some logical errors that were found out after running that dummy data. All the modules, forms, sub modules were containing valid features.

Testing of program consists of providing the programs with a set of test slip I/P (or test cases) and opening if the program behaves expected. It means we set the parameters after making the system & see that it behaves as expected. If it is not the condition under which a failure accurse are noted for debugging & correction. So the software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance & represents the ultimate review of specification, design & coding. During the making of this project we have passed through some testing methods to be assure that the results are as expected or not. The methods are given below :

BLACK BOX TESTING : This is also called functional testing in which the structure of program is not considered. It is called Black Box due to its nature. The basis for deciding test cases in functional testing is the requirements or specifications of the system or module. The most obvious functional testing procedure is exhaustive testing, which is quite impractical.

GLASS BOX TESTING : It is the structural approach in which the test cases are generated based on actual code of the program or module to be tested. The intent of structural testing is not to exercise all the different input or output conditions but to exercise the different programming structures & data structures used in program. To test structure of a program, structural testing aims to achieve cases that will force the desired coverage of different structures.


FIELD NAME Receipt Number Enrollment Number Student Name Fees Date Amount Month

DATA TYPE Number Number Text Date Integer Text

DESCRIPTION It contains receipt number. It contains Enrollment no. It contains Student Name. It contains Fees date. It contains amount . It contains Month Name


Field Name Registration_ No Student_name Father_name Mother_name Date Of Birth Phone No. Home Address

Data Type Integer Text Text Text Date Text Text

Description It Contains Enrollment . It Contains Student Name It Contains Father Name It Contains Mother Name It Contains Date Of Birth It Contains Phone No. It Contains Home Address. It Contains Fathers Occupation It contains the class name Applied for Session applied for It contains Previous school name

Fathers Occupation Text Class_ Applied _For Text Session Previous_School Name Text Text





Enrollment No. Student Name Class July August September October November December January February March April May June

Number Text Text Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean

It contains enrollment No. It contains student name. It contains class. It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name It contains Month Name





Class Tution_Fees Transport_fees Computer_fees Diary Syllabus Late_Fees

Text Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer

It contains Class Name It contains Tution_Fees It contains Transport Fees It contains Computer_Fees It contains Diary_Fees It contains Syllabus_Fees It contains Late_Fees It contains Admission_Fees It contains Annual_Fees It contains Exam_Fees It contains Calendar_Fees It contains Misc charges

Admission_Fees Integer Annual_fees Exam_Fees Calendar Misc Integer Integer Integer Integer




Detail Salary





Form No. Data


Submit Registration Form

Entrance Test Form


This application consists of only one main module. This module is the MDI form, which provides a platform for the other forms of this application with the help of different menus. THE MAIN FORM :The main form deals with the links with other forms .It is an MDI form. It includes Menus through which we can switch to various forms. THE REGISTRATION DETAIL FORM :The registration form deals with the registration of the student. It assigns Registration no. to new students and store its details like what class and section has been allotted to a student , details of his/her family and session of admission. FEES DETAIL FORM :The fees detail form consist of fees detail of a student according to their respective classes in which they are presently and calculate fees amount according to the duration of the fees. Other fees like concession for toppers, admission fees annual fees, exam fees etc. has been mentioned.


This form helps us to query about how many students are there in a class .This forms also list the students of a particular class who

has paid the fees or not for the month given.It also shows the list of toppers.
THE ENROLLMENT QUERY FORM:This form helps us to query about how many students Are enrolled in the current session or earlier sessions. THE MONTHLY INCOME QUERY FORM:This form helps us to query about how much amount school has received from fees in a given month .

This project will further provide with library management also of school . This project will be more advanced in future and will provide more facility with handling full office management . This project will also contains the transfer form in which the student can take transfer to any school he / she likes . This project will also further contain hostel form in which students will get hostel facility. This project will also further contains management of Teachers and Staff Salary.

Student Registration form: Dim num As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = MonthName(Month(Date)) & " " & year(Date) Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" 'Data1.Recordset.MoveLast 'num = Data1.Recordset.Fields(0) If Data1.Recordset.RecordCount <= 0 Then Else Data1.Recordset.MoveLast End If num = Data1.Recordset.RecordCount + 1 Data1.Recordset.AddNew Data2.Recordset.AddNew Text2.Text = num Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim val1 As String Data1.Recordset.Fields(0) = num Data1.Recordset.Fields(1) = Text3.Text

Data1.Recordset.Fields(2) = Text4.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) = Text5.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(4) = DTPicker1.Value Data1.Recordset.Fields(5) = Text7.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(6) = Text9.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(7) = Text10.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(8) = Text11.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(9) = Combo1.Text Data1.Recordset.Fields(10) = Text1.Text Data1.Recordset.Update Data2.Recordset.Fields(0) = num Data2.Recordset.Fields(1) = Combo1.Text Data2.Recordset.Fields(2) = Text3.Text Data2.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Student Added in Class " & Combo1.Text Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True Load Form2 Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() 'MsgBox MonthName(Month(Date)) & year(Date) Combo1.Text = "" Combo1.AddItem "LKG" Combo1.AddItem "UKG" Combo1.AddItem "I" Combo1.AddItem "II" Combo1.AddItem "III" Combo1.AddItem "IV" Combo1.AddItem "V" End Sub Private Sub Text10_Change() If Val(Text10.Text) = 0 Then Text10.Text = "" End If End Sub

Fee Receipt Form Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim dt As Integer Dim topper As Boolean Private Sub Command1_Click() Data1.Recordset.FindFirst Registration_no = Text2.Text Text3.Text = Data1.Recordset.Fields(1) Text4.Text = Data1.Recordset.Fields(2) End Sub Private Sub cmdadd_Click() Load Form5 Form5.Show vbModal Dim num As Integer Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.Open "C:\VNS\School.mdb" rs.Open "select * from feesrecieptdetail", cn, 3, 3 rs.MoveLast num = rs.Fields(0) num = num + 1 Text1.Text = num Text2.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" Text10.Text = "" Text11.Text = "" Text12.Text = "" Text13.Text = "" Text14.Text = "" Text15.Text = "" Text16.Text = "" Text17.Text = "" Text18.Text = "" Text19.Text = "" Text20.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" txtMonthFrom.Text = ""

Combo1.Text = "" End Sub Public Sub cmdreport_Click() On Error Resume Next SQL = "DELETE FROM TEMP" cn.Execute SQL SQL = "Insert into Temp values(" & Text1.Text & "," & Text2.Text & ",'" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text4.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Label23.Caption & "','" & txtMonthFrom.Text & "','" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Text8.Text & "','" & Text9.Text & "','" & Text10.Text & "','" & Text11.Text & "','" & Text12.Text & "','" & Text13.Text & "','" & Text20.Text & "','" & Text14.Text & "','" & Text15.Text & "','" & Text16.Text & "','" & Text17.Text & "','" & Text18.Text & "','" & Text19.Text & "','" & total.Text & "')" 'MsgBox SQL cn.BeginTrans cn.Execute SQL cn.CommitTrans Unload DataEnvironment1 DataReport1.Show End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Combo1.AddItem "January" Combo1.AddItem "February" Combo1.AddItem "March" Combo1.AddItem "April" Combo1.AddItem "May" Combo1.AddItem "June" Combo1.AddItem "July" Combo1.AddItem "August" Combo1.AddItem "September" Combo1.AddItem "October" Combo1.AddItem "November" Combo1.AddItem "December" Label23.Caption = Date End Sub

Private Sub GRANDTOTAL_Click()

total = Val(Text8.Text) + Val(Text9.Text) + Val(Text10.Text) + Val(Text11.Text) + Val(Text12.Text) + Val(Text13.Text) + Val(Text14.Text) + Val(Text15.Text) + Val(Text16.Text) + Val(Text17.Text) + Val(Text18.Text) + Val(Text19.Text) Val(Text20.Text) End Sub

Private Sub ShowFees_Click() Dim mondiff As Integer Dim mon As String Dim year As Integer Dim mon2 As String Dim val2 As String Dim val1 As String d=1 mon = txtMonthFrom.Text year = 2002 val1 = d & "/" & mon & "/" & year mon2 = Combo1.Text val2 = d & "/" & mon2 & "/" & year dt = Month(val2) - Month(val1) + 1 If dt < 0 Then dt = Month(val2) + Month(val1) - 1 End If mondiff = Month(Date) - Month(val1) If mondiff < 0 Then mondiff = 0 End If dataFees.Recordset.FindFirst "[Class]='" & Text6.Text & "'" If DataMaster.Recordset.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "NOT Found" End If If txtMonthFrom.Text = "July" Then Text8.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) Text9.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(2) Text10.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(3) Text11.Text = "20" Text12.Text = "20" Text13.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(6) + mondiff * 50

If Form5.Option1 Then Text14.Text = "1500" Else Text14.Text = "0" End If Text15.Text = "500" Text16.Text = "50" Text17.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(10) Text18.Text = "20" Text19.Text = "200" If topper = True Then Text20.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) / 2 * dt Else Text20.Text = "0" End If ElseIf txtMonthFrom.Text = "Oct" Then Text8.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) Text9.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(2) Text10.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(3) Text11.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(4) Text12.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(5) Text13.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(6) + mondiff * 50 Text14.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(7) Text15.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(8) Text16.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(9) Text17.Text = "150" Text18.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(11) Text19.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(12) If topper = True Then Text20.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) / 2 * dt Else Text20.Text = "0" End If ElseIf txtMonthFrom.Text = "Mar" Then Text8.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) Text9.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(2) Text10.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(3) Text11.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(4)

Text12.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(5) Text13.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(6) + mondiff * 50 Text14.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(7) Text15.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(8) Text16.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(9) Text17.Text = "150" Text18.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(11) Text19.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(12) If topper = True Then Text20.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) / 2 * dt Else Text20.Text = "0" End If Else Text8.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) Text9.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(2) Text10.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(3) Text11.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(4) Text12.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(5) Text13.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(6) + mondiff * 50 Text14.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(7) Text15.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(8) Text16.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(9) Text17.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(10) Text18.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(11) Text19.Text = dt * dataFees.Recordset.Fields(12) If topper = True Then Text20.Text = dataFees.Recordset.Fields(1) / 2 * dt Else Text20.Text = "0" End If End If Unload Form5 End Sub

Private Sub Text2_LostFocus() Dim m As Boolean DataMaster.Recordset.FindFirst "[Registration_no]=" & Trim(Text2.Text) If DataMaster.Recordset.NoMatch = True Then

MsgBox "NOT Found" End If Text3.Text = DataMaster.Recordset.Fields(1) Text4.Text = DataMaster.Recordset.Fields(2) dataClass.Recordset.FindFirst "[Registration_no]=" & Trim(Text2.Text) If DataMaster.Recordset.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "NOT Found" End If Text6.Text = dataClass.Recordset.Fields(1) topper = dataClass.Recordset.Fields(15) For I = 3 To 14 m = dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) If m = False Then If I = 3 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "July" Exit For End If If I = 4 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Aug" Exit For End If If I = 5 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Sep" Exit For End If If I = 6 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Oct" Exit For End If If I = 7 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Nov" Exit For End If If I = 8 Then

txtMonthFrom.Text = "Dec" Exit For End If If I = 9 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Jan" Exit For End If If I = 10 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Feb" Exit For End If If I = 11 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Mar" Exit For End If If I = 12 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Apr" End If If I = 13 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "May" End If If I = 14 Then txtMonthFrom.Text = "Jun" End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub Update_fees_Click() cn.Execute "Insert into feesrecieptdetail values('" & Text1.Text & "','" & Text2.Text & "','" & Text3.Text & "','" & Text6.Text & "','" & Date & "'," & Val(total.Text) & ",'" & MonthName(Month(Date)) & "')" End Sub Private Sub Update_stu_Click()

Dim fg As Integer dataClass.Recordset.FindFirst "[Registration_no]=" & Trim(Text2.Text) If DataMaster.Recordset.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "NOT Found" End If fg = 1 For I = 3 To 14 If fg <= dt Then m = dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) If m = False Then If I = 3 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 4 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 5 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 6 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 7 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 8 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update

ElseIf I = 9 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 10 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 11 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 12 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 13 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update ElseIf I = 14 Then dataClass.Recordset.Edit dataClass.Recordset.Fields(I) = 1 dataClass.Recordset.Update End If End If fg = fg + 1 Else Exit For End If Next End Sub

Class Query Form

Private Sub Command1_Click() If Class_cmb.Text <> "" And fees_cmb = "" And month_cmb = "" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select Registration_no,Stu_name from Class where class='" & Class_cmb.Text & "'" DataGrid1.ClearFields Adodc1.Refresh End If If fees_cmb.Text = "Paid" Then Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select Registration_no,Class,Stu_name from Class where Class='" & Class_cmb.Text & "'" & " and " & month_cmb.Text & "=true " Adodc1.Refresh ElseIf fees_cmb.Text = "Not Paid" Then SQL = "Select Registration_no,Class,Stu_name from Class where Class='" & Class_cmb.Text & "'" & " and " & month_cmb.Text & "=false" MsgBox SQL Adodc1.RecordSource = SQL Adodc1.Refresh End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() SQL = "Select Class,Stu_name from Class where Topper=true " MsgBox SQL Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select Class,Stu_name from Class where Topper=true" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub

Registration Form Private Sub Command1_Click() If Combo1.Text = "" And Combo2.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Entered Wrong Query" ElseIf Combo1.Text = "" And Combo2.Text <> "" Then SQL = "Select * from master where Session='" & Combo2.Text & "'" MsgBox SQL Else SQL = "Select * from master where class_applied_for='" & Combo1.Text & "'" & " and " & "Session='" & Combo2.Text & "'" MsgBox SQL End If Data1.RecordSource = SQL 'Data1.Recordset.Requery sql Data1.Refresh End Sub Fee ReceiptQuery form Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim mon As String Dim amount As Long Dim class As String Set cn = New Connection cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\VNS\School.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" SQ1 = "delete from temp2" Data1.RecordSource = "Select * from FeesRecieptDetail where Month='" & Combo1.Text & "'" Data1.Refresh 'On Error Resume Next cn.BeginTrans cn.Execute SQ1 cn.CommitTrans For a = 1 To Data1.Recordset.RecordCount mon = Data1.Recordset.Fields(6) amount = Data1.Recordset.Fields(5) class = Data1.Recordset.Fields(3) SQL = "Insert into Temp2 values('" & mon & "'," & amount & ",'" & class & "')"

cn.BeginTrans cn.Execute SQL cn.CommitTrans Data1.Recordset.MoveNext Next End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim num As Long Dim SUM As Long If Data1.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox ("No Income in this month") Else Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF SUM = Data1.Recordset.Fields(5) num = num + SUM Data1.Recordset.MoveNext Wend Text1.Text = num End If End Sub MDI Form Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Unload Me Load MDIForm1 MDIForm1.Show End Sub


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