Naeyc Standard 4 Rationale and Reflection

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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/Reflection NAEYC Standard:

STANDARD 4. USING DEVELOPMENTALLY EFFECTIVE APPROACHES Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs understand that teaching and learning with young children is a complex enterprise, and its details vary depending on childrens ages, characteristic, and the settings within which teaching and learning occur. They understand and use positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation for their work with young children and families. Candidates know, understand, and use a wide array of developmentally appropriate approaches, instructional strategies, and tools to connect with children and families and positively influence each childs development and learning (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2011).

Brief Description of Evidence:

During the fall 2012 semester as part of my ECED 243 course, I created a teacher-made activities kit to be used in the classroom as well as for individual activities to be sent home with families to work on specific skills. The kit consists of 15 activities to assess and promote learning in fifteen different cognitive skill areas. The theme of the kit was chosen based on interests of the children in a 3- to 5-year old mixed age preschool class.

Analysis of What I Learned:

I learned to develop and implement a wide variety of challenging and developmentally appropriate activities and experiences that support childrens development and growth according to Indianas Foundations to the Academic Standards for Young Children and to adapt them to the childrens interests and age. I learned to use them as a way to connect with families by creating a letter to the family and putting them in baggies so they can be loaned out.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard:

Creating these 15 activities and carrying some of them out with the children show my competence in using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies and that I am able to create activities according to childrens interests as well as make them adaptable for varying ages and settings; using them as a tool to connect with children and families in the center and at home.

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