Subsea Installation Poster

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Civil Engineering


Modelling and Control of Subsea Installation

Prof. Shuzhi Sam Ge, LRET Prof. Choo Yoo Sang and Bernard Voon Ee How
Splash Zone Hydrodynamics

Moonpool Hydrodynamics

Subsea Installation
Deepwater placement
Load Positioning using thrusters

Control Applications

Subsea Equipment:
Manifolds and Wellheads Control & Production Systems Chokes, Flow lines, Connections A view of the commercial subsea system (wells, manifold and umbilical) on seabed.

Subsea Installation with coupled dynamics

Lifting Operation

Source: MMS Ocean Science Nov 05

Subsea templates and modules

Intelligent Crane Control

Minimize cable tension Controlled Object motion Controlled landing

Operation Simulation Program

Modelling of Wave, wind and current Dynamic Response Path planning and control

Environmental disturbances Vessel and load dynamics Complex ROV operations Placement and accuracy


Dynamics of flexible cable and payload location (left) without (right) with boundary control

Water Entry of subsea template

* This project is funded under Lloyds Register Educational Trust Professorship Fund

For further information, please contact:

Prof. Shuzhi Sam Ge Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore Blk E4, Level 5, Room 45, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117576 Tel: 65-6516 6821 Fax: 65-6779 1103 E-mail: [email protected]

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