Tic3 1 Actionplan
Tic3 1 Actionplan
Tic3 1 Actionplan
This checklist is designed to be completed by the PBIS Team once a quarter to monitor activities for implementation of PBIS in a school. The team should complete the Action Plan at the same time to track items that are In Progress or Not Yet Started items. School: Hudson Middle District: Hudson School District Person Completing Report: PBIS Team PBIS Team Members:
Complete & submit to coach quarterly.
1. Administrators Support & Active Involvement
Admin attends meetings 90% of time Admin provides funding for PBIS activities Admin puts time on staff agenda for PBIS updates Admin actively promotes PBIS as priority, integrates with other initiatives & improvement activities Status:
2. Faculty/Staff Support 80% of faculty document support that climate/discipline is one of top school improvement goals Faculty feedback is obtained throughout year Faculty involved in some decision making/established goals Admin/faculty commit to PBIS for at least 3 years
5. Audit is completed for efficient integration of team with other teams/initiatives addressing behavior support.
Team has completed the "Working Smarter" matrix
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6. Team completes the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) 7. Team summarizes existing school discipline data. 8. Team uses self-assessment information to build implementation Action Plan (areas of immediate focus)
Schedule/plans for teaching staff the discipline & data system are developed Team makes it easy for staff to implement and responds to feedback Schedule for rewards/incentives for the year planned Plan for orienting incoming staff & students developed Plans for involving families & community developed
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9. 3-5 school-wide behavior expectations are defined and posted in all areas of building
Expectations apply to both staff and students Posters are similar, paired with icon and highly visible
Rules are developed for specific settings Rules are linked to expectations
14. Clearly defined & consistent consequences and procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed.
Major & minor behaviors are all clearly defined Suggested array of appropriate responses to minor (classroom managed behaviors) Suggested array of appropriate responses to major (office managed) behaviors Clearly defined and consistent consequences and procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed Process includes documentation procedures Status:
16. Action plan in place to address any classroom systems identified as a high priority for change.
Results of the assessment are used to plan staff professional development and support.
17. Data system in place to monitor office discipline referral rates that come from classrooms.
School has a way to review ODR data from classrooms to use in data based decision making.
Data collection is easy, efficient & relevant Addl data collected (attendance, grades, faculty attendance, surveys) Data entered weekly (min) Data shared with team/faculty monthly (min) Office referral form lists a) student/grade, b) date/time, c) referring staff, d) problem behavior, e) location, f) persons Complete & submit to coach quarterly. involved, g) probable motivation, h) consequences Date: Status:
19. Discipline data are available to the Team at least monthly in a form and depth needed for problem solving.
Team is able to use the data for decision making, problem solving, action planning and evaluation
21. At least one staff member of the school is able to conduct simple functional behavioral assessments.
At least one staff member can conduct simple behavioral assessments and work with a team in developing behavior support plans for individual students
A team exists that focuses on intensive individualized supports for students needing tertiary supports The team uses function-based supports to develop, monitor and evaluate behavioral plans
22. Intensive, individual student support team structure in place to use function-based supports
Activity 5. Audit is completed for efficient integration of team with other teams /initiatives addressing behavior support.
By When
8. Team uses self-assessment information to build implementation Action Plan (areas of immediate focus)
Activity 9. 3-5 school-wide behaviors expectations are defined and posted in all areas of building
By When
By When
14. Clearly defined & consistent consequences and procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed
16. Action plan in place to address any classroom systems identified as a high priority for change
17. Data system in place to monitor office discipline referral rates that come from classrooms.
18. Discipline are gathered, summarized and reported at least quarterly to whole faculty.
Activity 19. Discipline data are available to Team at least monthly in a form and depth needed for problem solving
By When
21. At least one staff member of the school is able to conduct simple functional behavioral assessments.
22. Intensive, individual student support team structure in place to use function-based supports.