Tpep-Edtpa Alignment Framework
Tpep-Edtpa Alignment Framework
Tpep-Edtpa Alignment Framework
Marzano TPEP
Danielson TPEP
Task 1.1 - Planning for Instruction and Purpose: P4 Communication of learning Assessment: Planning for Content Area targets; P1 Connection to standards, Task 1.2 - Planning to Support Varied Student broader purpose and transferable skills Learning Needs
Component 1.3: Understanding Students Interests and Backgrounds The teacher builds positive relationships with Domain 3: Instruction 3c Engaging students by understanding students interests and Students in Learning background. Classroom Environment and Culture: CEC 3 Discussion, collaboration and accountability Domain 2: The Classroom Environment 2b Establishing a culture for learning
Task 1.3 - Planning for Instruction and Assessment: Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning Task 2.6 - Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning: Learning Environment Task 1.2 - Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs; Task 1.3 - Planning for Instruction and Assessment: Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning; Task 2.6 - Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning: Learning Environment
Component 1.4: Demonstrating Value and Respect for Typically Underserved Students The teacher demonstrates value and respect for all, including typically underserved students.
Component 2.4: Asking Questions of Typically Underserved Students The teacher asks questions of typically underserved students with the same frequency and depth as other students. Component 2.5: Probing Incorrect Answers with Typically Underserved Students The teacher probes typically underserved students incorrect answers in the same manner as other students incorrect answers. Component 2.6: Noticing When Students Are Not Engaged The teacher uses various methods to engage students. Component 2.7: Using and Applying Academic Vocabulary The teacher identifies appropriate academic vocabulary aligned to the learning targets and uses various strategies for student acquisition. Component 2.8: Evaluating Effectiveness of Individual Lessons and Units The teacher reflects on and evaluates the effectiveness of instructional performance to identify areas of pedagogical strength and weakness.
Student Engagement: SE 5 Task 2.6 - Instructing and Engaging Students Expectation, support and opportunity for in Learning: Learning Environment participation and meaning making Task 1.4 - Planning for Instruction and Assessment: Identifying and Supporting Language Demands Task 2.10 - Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning: Analyzing teaching Effectiveness Task 3.11 Assessing Student Learning: Analysis of Student Learning
Criterion 3: Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs.
Component 3.1: Effective Scaffolding of Information Within a Lesson The teacher plans and prepares for effective scaffolding of information within lessons and units that progresses toward a deep understanding and transfer of content. Component 3.2: Planning and Preparing for the Needs of All Students The teacher uses data to plan and provide interventions that meet individual student learning needs, including ELL, special education, and students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1b Demonstration of knowledge of students Curriculum and Pedagogy: CP 5 Differentiated instruction; CP6 Scaffolds the task Student Engagement: SE 4 Strategies that capitalize on learning needs of students; Assessment of student learning: A6 Teacher use of formative assessment data; Purpose: P3 Teaching points are based on students' learning needs
Task 1.1 - Planning for Instruction and Assessment: Planning for Content Area
Task 1.2 - Planning for Instruction and Assessment: Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs
Criterion 4: Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum.
Domain 1: Planning and Component 4.1: Attention to Established Content preparation 1a Demonstrating Standards The teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of content and pedagogy; 1c understanding of the subject taught and the standards for the Setting instructional outcomes; 1e subject. Designing coherent instruction Purpose: P2 Connection to previous and future lessons; Curriculum and Task 2.8 - Instructing and Engaging Students Pedagogy: CP 2 Discipline-specific in Learning: Deepening Student Learning conceptual understanding, CP 3 Task 2.9 - Instructing and Engaging Students Pedagogical conten knowledge, CP 4 in Learning: Subject Specific Pedagogy Teacher knowledge of content
Component 4.2: Use of Available Resources and Technology The teacher plans and prepares for the use of available materials, including technology.
Curriculum and Pedagogy: CP 1 Task 3.17 Assessing Student Learning: Alignment of instructional materials and Supporting Student Use of Resources to Learn tasks and Monitor Their Own Progress
Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning.
Component 6.1: Designing Instruction Aligned to Assessment The teacher designs instruction aligned to assessments that impact student learning. Component 6.2: Using Multiple Data Elements The teacher uses multiple data elements to modify instruction and assessments. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1f Designing Student Assessments Task 1.5 - Planning for Instruction and Assessment of Student Learning: A2 Assessment: Planning assessments to monitor Demonstration of learning and support student learning Assessment of Student Learning: A3 Formative assessment opportunities; A4 Collection systems for formative assessment data Assessment of Student Learning: A1 Self-assessment of learning connected to the success criteria; A5 Student use of assessment data Task 3.15 Assessing Student Learning: Using Assessment to Inform Instruction #18 Student Voice: Reflecting on SV evidence to improve instruction Task 3.12 Assessing Student Learning: Providing Feedback to Guide Learning Task 3.13 Assessing Student Learning: Student Use of Feedback
Component 6.3: Tracking Student Progress The teacher provides opportunities for students to self-reflect and track progress toward learning goals.
Criterion 7: Communicating and collaborating with parents and the school community.
Component 7.1: Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents Courses, Programs and School Events The teacher actively communicates and collaborates with parents/guardians and school/community regarding courses, programs, and school events. Component 7.2: Promoting Positive Interactions about Students and Parents Timeliness and Professionalism The teacher communicates individual student progress to parents/guardians in a timely and professional manner. Professional Collaboration & Communication: PCC3 Parents and guardians; PCC 4 Communication with the school community about student progress Professional Collaboration & Communication: PCC 4 Communication with the school community about student progress
Criterion 8: Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practice and student learning.
Component 8.1: Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest The teacher collaborates with colleagues about student learning and instructional practices by seeking mentorship for areas of need or interest, and/or by mentoring other teachers through the sharing of ideas and strategies. Component 8.2: Promoting Positive Interactions with Colleagues The teacher displays dependability through active participation. Component 8.3: Participating in District and School Initiatives The teacher participates in district and school initiatives. Component 8.4: Monitoring Progress Relative to the Professional Growth and Development Plan The teacher pursues professional development based on his/her written growth and development plan and monitors progress relative to that plan. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 4d Participating in a professional community Professional Collaboration & Communication: PCC 5 Supports school, district, and state curriculum, policy and initiatives; PCC 6 Ethics and advocacy Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 4e Growing and developing professionally Professional Collaboration & Communication: PCC 1 Collaboration with peers and administrators to improve student learning; PCC 2 Professional and collegial relationships