Debunking Nadi Astrology

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DEBUNKING NADI ASTROLOGY On Fri, 4/2/11, sankaranarayanan k.s <shankypriyan@...

> wrote:

Vaitheeswaran Koil - How the bogus Nadi operators work There are many people who are well versed in Jyotish - These families/tribes are called Kaniyans ( meaning one who calculates) These people are well versed in Astrology. How these fake Nadi operators work? 1. First they will ask you to give you you Date of birth and thumb impression. Thumb impression is to confuse you. 2. With DOB - the first approximate horoscope will be ready in the computer. Now one need to confirm the position of a. Lagna b. Positional of planets that transits on that day. 3. Now they will ask you lot of questions. One will be whether you are born in the morning or Night. You will answer either of one. Say morning. Now 6 lagnas are ruled out and he needs to find the balance 6. 4. Then questions will be like you are born in early morning - you say yes or no Now another 2-3 lagnas are ruled out. 5. Then they may ask you are born in jeshta - you say yes or no. If yes Chandra which is a frequent transitor is placed in right house. If you say no - then it is obvious that the star is moola and chandra will go to next house. With this data - lagna also now placed in the final correct house. 6. By asking many such intermittent questions in the guise of checking Nadis - Your horoscope will be ready 7. Similarly questions will flow like mother name starts with la, sa etc etc. They will approximate the names. This is one reason they cant predict north indian names like Ranbir, sushant etc. 8. with the correct Horoscope - The kaniyans who are in the background brilliantly get most of the past and likely future events. 9. After getting the feedback from him - the nadi person sings them as a song as if that it is in the nadi. This is a brilliant and scientific fraud. But as Astrology is Astrology - The predictions turn right in most of the cases. regards Dear Sunil ji Yes ,The nadi results depends on kaniyans.

They are very good in prediction. They are capable of writing the prediction in song format in notime. Once in front of me ,the kaniyan asked a man from andra whether he has killed a man recently.He said yes. Such genius they are. But there are few original Nadi readers. To locate them is not easy,because they dont take money. Jeeva nadi is a different one.The letters will scroll like a tele-printer.shri ramani guruji is a jeeva nadi reader and he takes no money. After hearing about him in this group last month,I went there and got his blessings. A great soul indeed. Love&regards sunil ji i hv seen nadi readers one in palani, trichy and v.koil. no one put questions as detailed below. neither i gave date of birth. they ask the name of self / parents. venkat Dear Venkat ji I visited a nadi reader in polachi through my friends recommendation. He told me that they do not gather any information on DOB. But when i went there they extracted my complete details. Actually they are experts and very fast and unknowingly they extract all details from you. In fact many people who visited nadi astrologers vouch that no information was collected but it is not so Can you provide me the address of trichi nadi reader for my study purpose( i am sure they will extract all my details ) BTW they are bogus in their claims of possessing the original nadis but at the same time they have a good knowledge in astrology Thanks and regards Girish Dear venkat ji and Girish ji my experience was that when i met a nadi jyothish in tamil nadu i was asked only for my thumb impresion on a piece of paper. I and my wife gave on separate piece of papers. He did not even speak to us forget asking our date of birth. His assistant said please come back in the afternoon. When we returned in the afternoon he was sitting with 2 bunches of leaves and he said one has mine and the other has my wife's. Now regarding the nature of the questions, he did not ask my time of birth or any question for that matter on his own. He would read a line from the leaf and translate it in Tamil. Of course i didnt understand the old tamil so i wouldnt know if he was stating in Tamil what the leaf mentioned or if it was a question from his own mind. regarding the nature of questions your name starts with.......have to answer yes or no Second leaf gave my correct name... Then there were questions like Your birth star is..... Your wife's name begins with

You have one child ... Your fathers and mothers name is,... etc. Whenever the answer is NO, he will take next leaf. on the 5th leaf all questions were correct except my fathers and mothers name. He said that is another santhosh with same name same wife name and one daughter, not me. 6th leaf was accurate... None of the questions except asking the moon nakshitra ws related to astrology or chart preparation. on the 6th leaf a birth chart was drawn on the right hand side of the leaf. he took a paper and started copying it in FRONT of me. I saw the chart on the leaf. he gave me the paper and asked to confirm if it was correct, which i confirmed.. similar was the story with respect to my wife... regarding the prediction, he said 2 things and both came true... one was i will leave current employment and go abroad and second was i will have another child a son. my suggestion is not to draw conclusions from one's own experience....there are hoaxes, probably witting with a laptop and j/hora software and genuine nadi jyothishs Regards Santhosh

Dear sentil Ji Thanks for ur mail ,I was heard a different caste name who is into astrology like nadies in tamil nadu .Kaniyan s ( ganakan s means efficient in ganita kriya ) is also astrologers in kerala ,I think they represent old yavana charya s parampara may b ,but they r more in south . They get respect in kerala esp. to much learned masters even in temples during deva prashna sessions ,it was so even during the time of the caste system was more prevalent and rigid where entry to temple was limited to higher castes ,many are them r good gurus too ,they have developed local language version of hora s and they used to recite it when seeing charts in poetry form ,but sure in Malayalam it is very simple than tamil which they use such a language where even tamilians cannot grasp it .Once I collected so many such shlokas in local Language which I missed while traveling . I have some guru ;s whom I used to consult in case of any doubts but offcource not the very old masters but some what new generation as they can b only connected thru cell phone and such devices Nadi is one of the original form of astrology ,I dont think this leaf astrology is real nadi ,as it has got its own parameters than we foolishly blv all rishies of past has no other job than write about our future for who ever has money to shell out for this nadi readers ,

then what will happen a poor fellow has no money or cannot trvel such a long distance ,is rishies are against such people ?? Many nadi readers combine Various techniques including mantra devata siddhies ( inferior ) to modern way of fooling others by asking question randomly and they read out as if they find from leaf ,some may b having mind reading technics ( swami vivekanda has such experience one with some Buddhist monks of Tibet I think ) Jeeva nadi and ramani guru Ji once we discussed here in forum There is one Hanumanta dasan who has jeeva nadi ,any one has any reading exprnce with him Rgrds sunil nair

Dear Sunil ji Thanks for your reply. "I was heard a different caste name who is into astrology like nadies in tamil nadu .Kaniyan s ( ganakan s means efficient in ganita kriya ) is also astrologers in kerala ,I think they represent old yavana charya s parampara may b ,but they r more in south ". In tamilnadu Even a muslim is reading nadi in tiruvannamalai. Lots of pictures of Hindu gods were displayed in his house. He did not know astrology. Kanakkan caste is there in TN also. Mainly they use to write accounts for jamindars. In tamil too kaniyan means maths scholar.

"Nadi is one of the original form of astrology ,I dont think this leaf astrology is real nadi ,as it has got its own parameters than we foolishly believe all rishies of past has no other job than write abt our future for who ever has money to shell out for this nadi readers , then what will happen a poor fellow has no money or cannot travel such a long distance ,is rishies are against such people ??" One nadi reader told me that king Sarafogy of tanjore had all the original nadi leaves in his library. When muslim kings invaded all the leaves were taken by many. Also he told by the thump imp. they will tell which nadi one belongs to.There are about 100 types (not sure) of nadies. In vaitheeswaran koil there are around 20 nadi readers. Each will have some 10 or so type of nadi leaves. They exchange between them.Thats why they asked Santhoshji to come in the evening. Unfortunately the leaves are spread over tamilnad. Many after their lifetime, destroyed the leaves. .Also there is a belief that it is inauspicious if the leaves are in home. regards Senthil

Dear Sunil Ji,

I have had experience with both Hanumantha Dasan & Ramani Guruji and my experience was both are genuine.

Regards, -Manoj Dear Manoj Chandran jI

Thanks for r mail

Now ramani gurujji is no more , can u pen ur exprnce with shri hanumanth dasan ji in case it can b discussed in grp ,he is having agastaya jeeva nadi I blv ,my focus is on remedies prescribed by rishies which is appear on leafs frm time to time in frnd of u on asking the questions and its efficacy after u do remedies with full devotion according to the way prescribed by rishies ( here it is assumed that sage agastya in astral form is guiding the native tru guru Ji ) Thanks and rgrds sunil nair

Dear Sunil ji

"Now ramani gurujji is no more ," I could not believe this .,I got his blessings only last month.

regards Senthil Dear santosh, well urs is the 1st or rare ones We hear what sankar naryanan said IS RIGHT in most cases they hoodwink people, it is not one but several people we know we ourselves went in to see some in Kanchi, and few in chennai the experience of us and our friends is same as Sankar's views actually he was very generous and there r good people in Vaideswaran koil area a few if u r lucky else u r still taken for a ride and each Khandam they do charge a good fortune after the initial rosy picture from hit and run sessions and the THUMB impression birth charts have been so off target, I used to cast horoscopes for several professional astrologers who did not have computers in the 80's and 90's and many came with the charts as given by these fake nadis lagnas were off tangent or planetry positions too wild enough vakya placements looked more easy in normal birth times but nadi is pure rubbish in max

cases lucky few get what u got best wishes - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS I agree prashant ji, Thats why i concluded that there are good and bad ones out there. Just 2 points. 1. This was in the year 1998 when i daughter was 2 years and he charged me Rs. 100+ 100 (for myself and my wife). That wasn't a fortune even in 1998. 2. The chart he gave me matched precisely with the chart I had. But from other experience I realise that there a lot of crooks out there who are the majority. Regards Santhosh

Dear santosh ji I am not against nadi astrology. I have stated very clearly that their claims that they have access to this called original nadi leaves is false. I dont want to get any argument with you on this subject but please give me the address of the nadi astrologer whom you visited. I have in the past requested in many forums to give me the address which nobody provided. I have visited few nadi astrologers. I carry a recorder with me. They first take thumb impression and then the question answers series start. I record that as proof without their knowledge. Kindly give me the address of the nadi astrologer you have visited. Thanks and regards Girish

Dear santhosh JI thanks for sharing ur exprnce may b if more people with good astro Knowledge visit them ,may b we can b sure of the reality behind them ,it does not mean that nadi astrology is bogus ,i do blv in dictums in nadies than i blv the rishies wrote everything as predictions . some people does anti mantra s too when visiting readers so as not to extract any information by this readers by mind reading ,as many is correct in past and go off the mark in future predictions .sure in ur case it has happened the way they r predicted ,

i have heard various experience from various people . sure there must b genuine people too rgrds sunil nair You are welcome sunil ji, Regarding your suggestion that ppl who has more astrological knowledge should visit these people with dried leaves to find out the truth, i have to submit 2 points:1. There are thousands of such people. Even if a knowledgeable person goes to one and finds him a fraud it may not achieve any purpose as far as practicality is concerned. but if the attempt is to find if there is any truth in it then it is ok. But then already we have met many people who has sound astrological knowledge who have confirmed that they are satisfied with the truth behind this ancient nadi science. Dr. N Gopalakrishnan in his site option=com_content&view=article&id=233&Itemid=60 speaks about a high ranking Christian police office who has no belief in astrology, but went to test the veracity of nadi jyothis and was astounded and surprised at the accuracy and believes that there is some truth behind this. Dr gopalakrishnan speaks about this on his lecture "jyothisha vishakalanam" which is available for download on this site after becoming a member. 2. what is the practical use? I think most pople go there for some ego satisfaction, me included. I wanted to know who i was in my past birth. i was told that i was some big landlord in some place near madhurai in TN. I did not go there to find remedy for some astro problem. i believe many go for this with this aim and it is not like visiting a usual astrologer with your problems for remedy. hence let some people go there and get duped, i dont think there is any issue if they are fleeced and it doesnt matter if they are frauds. Instead if we can eradicate fraud astrologers from society it would do a world of good, where ppl with genuine family problems go and get duped into paying large sums for doing havans and homas etc. regards santhosh Dear All, Based on the Vaiteewaran Coil and Nagar Coil nadi reading experiences I went through what I can say is * They don't ask for DOB but only Thumb Impression. (Based on the same they were able to accurately identify the Year of birth) * For locating the exact date of birth and for deciphering the albhabets in the names of parents and to confirm the same they very cleverly used the question answer session I felt. This questioning technique and system seems to be worth studying and unique. Thus most possibly there are no 'real/original' nadis currently in use in Vaiteeswaran coild but only a few bundles of fake palm leaves. Possibly it is not any ancient palm leaves but this unique questioning technique that helps then to surprise people with the exact names of parents, children etc. * Similar questioning techinque is used to an extend to decipher the past as well, possibly coupled with the use of natal chart. (I am not much clear about the tools they use for this section) * The transit of Jupiter and Saturn is used to predict the future results, which usually comes no where near correct, and usually goes wrong and unreliable.

* Based on the fact that the Nadi astrologer predicted the past correctly and amazed the native by spellingout the names of his parents, wife/husband, children, the native blindly start believing that the whole stuff is based on nadis and is super human. But usually later to his amazement again most of the future predictions goes wrong. Comments invited. Love and regards, Sreenadh Shreenadh ji reply only in either yes or no Is the below mail based on your first hand experience with nadi astrology (if yes how many) or its based on understanding after reading/interviewing experiences of others regards. paddy

dear paddy Ji and sreenadh JI There are no original nadi readers in leaf reading Why?? Because this many leaf is not possible ,even if it is scattered all over world .2 nd they take finger print and ask question and selects from bundle according to santhosh JI experience ( from here onwards I am going to use ur name for convenience in mail with ur permission ) I can pay them for all reading in all bundle with them for all santhosh in that one bundle or 2 bundle ,here the condition is don't ask me questions ,just give me what ever is written in those 2 or 3 bundles for all santhosh who has those similar finger print ( thumb ) according to them ,according to one thumb print supplied by me .If they think I will cheat them they can appoint a moderator who will b given all details of the native s in closed sealed envelope which can b broken in the end the game .Money matters can b settled once leaf is identified by them in bundles and we can count the bundle and we will calculate money and will b entrusted with the middle men whom both parties agree Let them charge me for each santhosh s reading and I am ready to pay to each and every leaf .( sure they should give me book and cassette for each leaf which they r reading ) it but if they fails or any nadi reader in TN fails they must b ready to pay me 10 times of the amount immeditely on the spot ,any takers ?? The truth of nadi reading I already told to many even if there is V V V V good readers ,it is a pure sastra .But this leaf reading is a sort of fooling natives but here is where fakes and good persons ( I mean who r good in reading true nadies techniques ) make a living As any nadi in any Library don't have more than some 5000 or max 50 000 charts ,it is like exercise givn in guide book ,such persons may or may not b existed in earth ,even if we blv the story of Brugu Nadi which is supposed to b the biggest collection of charts which says has 5 lac charts .

again what is the harm in micro-filming the whole charts in their possessions in which ever rishi or munies name .say agastya nadi or druva nadi or what ever Nadi ,we will give them back whole film too so as to keep it for future generation . And we don't know how to read it as it is in some medival tamil Laungage and the rishi forget to record it in modern Tamil though he is trikal Njani Next funny thing is those who Knows the truth of leaf did any one think how many lines one can write in one single leaf .so how they again says all this predictions coming to almost 100 pages in sing a song medival peotic tamil Laungage .so it again need one bundle at least per person Rgrds sunil nair

Dear Sunil ji accurate birth chart is not possible without place of birth (lat/long) place of birth is not mentioned in nadis still how they make accurate birth chart. Can any classical astrologer do that? When every one knows that lagna changes in 2 hrs regards paddy Very true not every one is destined to know his her future thats why many people r sent back i myself waited around 3 months -when I tried to retest nadi in different city. Also no idea why does nadi chart places my moon in libra (for around 26 years i thought myself scorpio)-- could u help me solve this mystery. regards paddy Dear paddy Ji Do i need to explain all procedure than say it is total fraud . i done experiment with many many readers shell out money too, when u come to me if i am a fraud cant i see u that r u tamilian/marati etc etc ,ur age etc and so many guess work i can do myself even by small chat with u .u may reveal many things ,then the question answer session is there and asking questions did u born in so and so months ,or so and so 10 days , 2nd 10 days , ,next 3rd 10 days ,then is the week is saturday sun or monday or teursday / or wedenesday thurday Like set of questions will confirm them everything/i cannot repeat everything here go to nadi readers 10 at least and pay them and see the procedure ,u will understand it if some rishies written about me what is the harm in getting reading from all sunil's with the reader here i am ready to pay too ,so then what is problem with them .i never ever challenged any body free ,i go them find them r fraud then i came out even without shouting at them

who will compensate my time and money and argue for me ??why i dont get support in any cases when ever i talk truth ?? I think there is some thing wrong with me . rgrds sunil nair Paddy JI people will b sent back in case they feel they cannot extract information and the guy is smart if u r not destined to know ur fate how come they place ( at least some of them ) ur moon in Libra ?? i can help u if u help me to help u rgrds sunil nair Dear Sunil ji, I can trust u if its your first hand personal experience. refer 2 my previous mail -how come 2 nadi readers make identical charts and also place moon in libra (which i myself was not aware of) how cum 2 frauds give identical predictions for future that are coming true regards paddy dear paddy Ji pls understand and differentiate what i said i never said there is no nadi astrology i said this leaf reading is fraud only as there is no such thing ,in short nadi astrology has nothing to do with this leaf reading same like surya sidhantha and SSS has no connection , moon position determined once u ascertain day of birth tru question and answer session ,then depending on panchanga they use moon position is given .most of them use pampu panchanga ,no body will give degree exactly ,very many will not even give Lagna too ( ask to others also who r all got the reading ) some gives lagna ,( again this is a technique as Lagna is 2 hrs Like u said ) if u know bit of astrology ur prediction will b true fact is no astrologer will get that much money like this readers, so good astrologer ,bad astrologer ,ugly astrologer resort to Nadi form of fraud as there is so many ways u can make money more than a normal regular astrologer who gets max 50 rs in TN per person in many villages . Again i am telling u u listen at least 10 Nadi astrologers and record it and play it and determine urself ,u will understand it Now ur question is like it seems like u r asking to a police officer who is experienced how u know the 2 pick pocketers done crime in same way?? rgrds sunil nair

Dear Paddy ji, The real answers cannot be simple yes no; and I don't have such a brainless answer to supply to you. Is the below mail based on your first hand experience with nadi astrology (if yes how many)// Yes, it is based on my first hand experience. Four main reading experiences and the numerous experiences when I spend 3 whole days getting reading from almost every Nadi reader in Vaitheeswaran coil trying to find-out a non-cheating, real reader; yes, in that 3 day search I failed and I couldn't find even a single good sincere nadi astrologer in Vaitheeswaran coil who depended on nadis itself instead of the clever questioning technique. Hope this answer helps. Note 1: I want to want the natives who search for a nadi readers that the first experience would be almost always BLINDING. In your over enthusiasm and surprise you may forget to note that they collected all that info from you itself by the excellent and unique questioning technique and supplied it back to you. My condolences to them; after 2-3 such death of intellect, you will learn to be more careful and intelligent and the nadi readings will stop impressing you too much and you will start noticing the clever questioning technique and the amount of info imparted through the same. Note 2: This all DO NOT mean that there is nothing called nadi astrology. There IS a beautiful and detailed system called nadi astrology and numerous texts based on the same. But it is just that it is very difficult to find such people in Vaitheeswaran coil, because such real nadi readers are almost nil there in Vaitheewaran coil. Love and regards, Sreenadh dear girish ji in trichy from central bus stand you hv to get down at puthur 4 road junction. then take either auto or bus and get down 5th or 6th cross in vayalur main road. you can see their board on your right hand side, if i am not mistaken. venkat Dear Venkat, I too would like to visit any genuine Nadi Reader, please give me contact no of the person you recommend. However, my (sole) personal experience with a Nadi Reader in Thana, Mumbai resembles with that of Shri Sunil Nair and some others. He collected all the information from me only to fool me and charged Rs 300/-. They would read 2 or 3 leaves asking you to confirm some points, say your mother's name's first letter or the no of co-borns you have. After your refusing twice or thrice, he would ask you the fact and will pretend to look into the next one. Then he would incorporate the information furnished and ask for confirming other facts. Summing up, it was not very reliable / convincing. However, it may be too early to arrive at any sound conclusion and I would like to try it many more times with other Nadi Readers before that. Praveen Kumar

Dear praveen Ji

Thanks for your honest feed back, let s search a genuine reader .we r here to support all good elemtns in ancient indian astro systems Rgrds sunil nair Dear Srinadhji, sunilji and others, Kudos to Sreenadhji. They have a questioning technique. Even you and I CAN perfect it through practice by asking questions about the starting name middle name last name etc. I agree with what sreenadhji has said about nadi. I have as already mentioned in my post (which I think many have not seen) personally tested the system at Salem in tamilnadu. Le t the public be careful about such nadi reading as they are a farce. Ramachandran Dear Praveenji, You are right. Pl do not waste time by going to another reader. As you know all are belonging to the same genre. I have already posted about a T.V expose in Vijay tv. Do you know? There are villages in the peripherals of chennai where fake palm leaves are made.The simple logic is this. The so called palm leaf manuscripts are purportedly several thousand years old. Have a close look at the ones the readers are using. They are fresh and could be only a few years old. What more proof do you require? Comments welcome Regards, Ramachandran While there are frauds everywhere, if someone says 100 pages of prediction, it means he hasn't had any personal experience with nadi. Any reading given by Nadi reader can very well fit on the leaf he holds considering the small font size on the leaf. Definitely, there are nadi astrologers as well as nadi readers. But writing prediction in poetry form is not everybody's baby OR you mean to say all the nadi readers are good poets too ??????? Sarat

Dear sarat Ji Off course I don't have time or energy to spare for this kind of arm chair researchers like u or your questions who wanted everything to b served ready made in plate ( I can understand this tactic of learning as I am net for so many yrs ,ie the reason many of your questions went un answered in past as the style is arrogant and demeaning the other person so as to provoke and make him say every thing in the long run ,but I am not that kind who will fall for this tactics ) , I spent money and time for any kind of experience, here some one wants us to answer for their all doubts without even them sweating the eye brow even. So Like all ur past questions I am ignoring this, u can blv what ever u wants Does this person has any experience or any answer for the tread , a big no ,but he will ask questions only this way always in any discussions ,as if he knows every thing and simply only arguing ( but hidden motive is he wants to know what is it in reality ) All the best in this tactics

Rgrds sunil nair

Dear praveen Ji Thanks for your honest feed back, let s search a genuine reader .we r here to support all good elements in ancient Indian astro systems Rgrds sunil nair

Dear saratji, sunilji,praveenji, paddyji,sreenadhji, and all others who have posted on the subject so far. Herein below I am giving a link to Youtube video which is a feature which was telecast in Sun T.v(I made a mistake in telling that it was Vijay t.v. As i said the video also shows how fakl palm leaves are made in the peripherals of vaitheeswaran koil such kathiramangalm, padasalai etc. Fake palm leaves manufacture is a cottage industry in the surrounding villages. The video also shows the visit to the villages and shows the actural making of these palm leaves. The discussion group can benefit from the video which is in tamil. I am sure this video would put a lid on the discussion. Ramachandran While there are frauds everywhere, if someone says 100 pages of prediction, it means he hasn't had any personal experience with nadi. Any reading given by Nadi reader can very well fit on the leaf he holds considering the small font size on the leaf. Definitely, there are nadi astrologers as well as nadi readers. But writing prediction in poetry form is not everybody's baby OR you mean to say all the nadi readers are good poets too ??????? Sarat Dear Sarat ji, Are you aware of the fact that there is a 4 year training session to make one well versed in the questioning and other techniques used by nadi astrologers? Are you aware of the fact that all the nadi poems are in a standard format made up of common words? Four year training and the use of standard sentence structures are not enough to insert specific words only and recite/create the memorized poems or what?!! Hope this helps. Love and regards, Sreenadh Sreenadh jee, I take ur input with open mind. I myself am not satisfied as far as question/ answer technique is concerned but my experience has been that nadi reader himself is not aware of many basics of astrology. I have tried it 3-4 times and could easily get to know he doesnt know more than some basic panchanga and transit dates. In fact, I wondered when I asked one of them if he used vakya panchanga and he was lost in dark what vakya panchanga is all about.

There are two possibilities in this case: one - someone else is creating leaves sitting in South who is expert astrologer as well as knowing the basic poetry. But then what abt the leaves that are found in the very first visit and just in the second bundle ( I have this experience also) Second - at least there are some genuine leaves. Leaves may be correct but names etc. may not be rightly written but is extracted by questioning technique. Sarat Dear Sarat ji, //But then what about the leaves that are found in the very first visit and just in the second bundle // I hope the following link provided by AR Ramachandran ji could be helpful to you. URL: //> Second - at least there are some genuine leaves. // Yes, ofcourse! But NOT in Vaitheeswarn coil in the hands of those cheats, but in some manuscript Libraries. Don't you know that Madras Manuscript Library has published 6 big volumes of Saptarshi Nadi? Don't you know that 1000+ page of Bhrigu Samhita Santana Upaya Khanda with hundreds of horoscopes is available for download in AIA-DL? Hmm... You should be aware of such facts. Hope this helps. Love and regards, Sreenadh Dear Sarat ji, //If you agree there are genuine leaves, then we are on same horizon// The point is that, Nadi system is genuine, but most of the current nadi readers are fakes; and the largest number of fakes you will find in Vaiteewaran Coil, near the temple of the thief, Mars. //> BTW, I couldnt locate Santana Upaya Khanda in AIA section. but yogavali khanda.// Hmm... it seems that I forgot to publish text in AIA-DL. I will try to do it soon. Some notes for Nadi astrology lovers * Saptarshi nadi got published by Madras Manuscript library in 6 big volumes. * Kerala Manuscript library has Surya Nadi, Chandra Nadi etc available. * Chandra kala nadi from Kerala by Achyuta is well known and popular as almost everyone knows. * Texts such as Budha nadi, Guru Nadi etc are also available. * Quotes from Dhruva Nadi, Arjuna Samhita etc are available and possibly the texts as well. * Numerous chapters of Bhrigu Samhita, Bhargava Samhita etc are available in various Manuscript libraries. And may be the whole text itself is available with some individuals who still continues the tradition. * Texts like Vasishta nadi, Siva nadi, Maha siva nadi, Agastya nadi, Kaka bhusunder nadi, Nandi nadi etc etc I have heard of, but yet to see any real quotes from them. The original copies of them may or may not be available with Manuscript libraries and individuals. * Apart from the above numerous other claims and traditions exist in Nadi astrology it is said; who knows; a sincere good researcher who would expose the system to the world with its details is still a distant dream for this ancient system which is nearing its extinction, speeded-up by the cheats of vaitheeswaran coil. Love and regards, Sreenadh Sreenadh jee,

unfortunately I don't know the language in the video, so it is not of much use to me. If you agree there are genuine leaves, then we are on same horizon and we are back to square one when I wrote that frauds are everywhere. BTW, I couldnt locate Santana Upaya Khanda in AIA section. but yogavali khanda. Sarat U might have gone to square one Even after discussing many thing this is the result even in this thread . ,every fool in the country Knows not only nadies but even poetry of kalidasa or what ever in olden days ,even normal daily accounts in a zamindar house ,temple or Kings palace was written in leafs ,may b coconut leaves ,palm leaves or bhoja patra and it is preserved ,that is the only difference it makes . When people dont have proper brains what we can say ??? this santana khanda Nadi was with us since last 2 years,we were not using it for giving predictions to the whole world nor even searching whose chart will tally with it by taking finger prints and blah blah but sure this guy is more exprnced as he said in first barging in discussion itself said that i am not exprnced and giv a clue of Nano technology in writing on leaves by rishies . i remember at this context a case of one doctor who experimented on frogs ,when he cut 4 legs of frog he find frogs cannot hear any thing as they are no more jumping now on his command ,so he concluded his research that when 4 legs r not there frogs cant hear arm chair arrogant research rgrds sunil nair

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