Number To Name Authentication: Illuminet

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Number to Name Authentication

[email protected]
SGA Ad-Hoc ENUM Meeting


How does a TIER II provider know that the End User has rights to a given phone number?
How is fraud prevented?

How is number hijacking deterred?


About Illuminet
Who is Illuminet?

National SS7 provider for: Line Information Database (LIDB) management & administration Calling Card Services Message distribution and settlements Calling Name Delivery 800 Database Service AMAT7/CDR7 (SS7 billing and measurement solution) ISUP & TCAP messaging Cellular seamless roaming


The Illuminet Solution

After researching the data sources and possible protocols of all the databases Illuminet has access to, LIDB is a clear solution for number to name authentication.

LIDB (Line Information Database)

Positive database Contains only working numbers Almost all working numbers are stored in LIDB LIDB data sets are: Telephone Number Class of Service Generic Name Calling Name Some LIDBs contain: address and Zip Code


The Illuminet Solution

LIDB platforms are: geographically dispersed fault tolerant real time databases. LIDBs are built to be fast. They are designed to supply information during call processing. The administrators/owners (Telephone companies) of the data housed in LIDB keep the data accurate because it lessens their exposure to fraud and if the data isnt accurate their subscribers ability to make calls can be impacted. Standards have been set for query and response formats. They can be accessed via ILLUMINET via IP.


The Illuminet Solution

How to access the information in LIDB Use a TCAP query called GetData Telcordia GR2838
Percentage of LIDBs with GetData capability 70-75 percent. Companies that do not have GetData today are looking for business case justifications to deploy it ENUM could be the driver Expect 100 percent coverage

Illuminets Network is connected to all LIDB databases


The Illuminet Solution



GetData query format

7/9/2013 7

Solution Check List

Number to Name Authentication can be done

Fraud prevention and reduction can be achieved Number hijacking deterrent


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