XML Document For Huawei m860 Android Smart Phone Metro Pcs Versin

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?

- <SwConfig groupid="boingomobilemem" minretry="10" protocol="2" valid="0" ver="
<AutoUpdate interval="604800" url="http://calcs.service.boingo.com/configurati
on-server/configurationxml?" />
- <Functions>
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Signup/URL" mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/
" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Selfcare/URL" mode="https://my.mobile.boingo.com
/login.ews" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://my.mobile.boingo.com/login.ews" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/SwConfig/Update/Auto" mode="Auto" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="Manual" />
<AllowMode mode="Auto" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/map-search/url/" mode="https://c01.client
.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_MapSearch" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_MapSearch" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/closest-hotspots/url/" mode="https://c01.
client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_ClosestHotspots" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_ClosestHotspots" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/phone-home-reg/url/" mode="https://c01.cl
ient.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_PhoneHomeReg" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_PhoneHomeReg" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Prepay/iTunes/FraudCounterLimit" mode="5" visibl
<AllowMode mode="5" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Prepay/iTunes/CreditDuration" mode="3600" visibl
<AllowMode mode="3600" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/signup/url/" mode="https://c01.client.boi
ngo.com/shared/membership/?" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/shared/membership/?" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/BMS/URL2" mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/bm
s/bms.htm" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/bms/bms.htm" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/pricing/url/" mode="https://c01.client.bo
ingo.com/shared/additional_charges/" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/shared/additional_charges/" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/free-exclusions/url/" mode="https://c01.c
lient.boingo.com/shared/exclusions/index.php/" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/shared/exclusions/index.php/" /
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Signup/URL2" mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com
/device/ondevsignup/%SCC%/?lang=%LANG%&provision=1" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/device/ondevsignup/%SCC%/?lang=
%LANG%&provision=1" />

- <Function changeable="0" id="/Signup/URL3" mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com

/device/ondevsignup/%SCC%/?lang=%LANG%&provision=%PROVISION%" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/device/ondevsignup/%SCC%/?lang=
%LANG%&provision=%PROVISION%" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Prepay/AccountUpdate/URL" mode="https://c01.clie
nt.boingo.com/bom/boingo-object-model/account/prepaid/update/" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/bom/boingo-object-model/account
/prepaid/update/" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/SoftwareUpdate/URL2" mode="https://c01.client.bo
ingo.com/?proxy=BW_CLIENTUPDATE" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_CLIENTUPDATE" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/event-reporting/net-status/ui/" mode="Enable" vi
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
<AllowMode mode="Disable" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/signal/threshold/minimum/percent/" mode="30" vis
<AllowMode mode="30" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Prepay/iTunes/InitialProductID" mode="I_C_0" vis
<AllowMode mode="I_C_0" />
<AllowMode mode="I_C_1" />
<Function changeable="1" id="/event-reporting/net-status/probe/" mode="Enable"
visible="1" />
<Function changeable="1" id="/client/free-login/auto/" mode="Enable" visible="
1" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/ClosestHotspotService/URL" mode="https://c01.cli
ent.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_ClosestHotspots&" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_ClosestHotspots&" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/Profiles/ConnectModes" mode="Auto" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="Offer" />
<AllowMode mode="Auto" />
<AllowMode mode="Manual" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/UI/NetworkNotifications" mode="Enable" visible="
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
<AllowMode mode="Disable" />
<Function changeable="1" id="/event-reporting/net-status/check/" mode="Enable"
visible="1" />
<Function changeable="1" id="/event-reporting/net-status/association/" mode="E
nable" visible="1" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/WiFi/Functions" mode="Enable" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="Disable" />
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/phone-contact/url/" mode="https://c01.cli
ent.boingo.com/shared/contact/?" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/shared/contact/?" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/map-tile/url/" mode="https://c01.client.b
oingo.com/map/tiles/" visible="1">

<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/map/tiles/" />

- <Function changeable="0" id="/Profiles/UserDefined" mode="Enable" visible="0">
<AllowMode mode="Disable" />
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/free-login/" mode="Enable" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Prepay/iTunes/ProductList" mode="P_C_1,P_C_2,P_C
,P_T_30,P_T_60,P_T_90,P_T_120,P_T_1440,P_T_10080,P_T_43200,P_T_525600" visible="
<AllowMode mode="P_C_1,P_C_2,P_C_3,P_C_4,P_C_5,P_C_6,P_C_7,P_C_8,P_C_9,P_C_10,
80,P_T_43200,P_T_525600" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/event-reporting/net-status/url/" mode="https://c
01.client.boingo.com/event-recorder/net/status/" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/event-recorder/net/status/" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/SoftwareUpdate/URL2" mode="https://c01.client.bo
ingo.com/?proxy=BW_CLIENTUPDATE" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_CLIENTUPDATE" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/launch-browser/url/" mode="http://www.bin
g.com/?pc=BOINGO" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="http://www.bing.com/?pc=BOINGO" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/Prepay/iTunes/iTunes/PromptForPurchaseCreditMin"
mode="1" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="1" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/phone-home-login-failure/url/" mode="http
s://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_PhoneHomeLoginErr" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_PhoneHomeLoginErr" />
- <Function changeable="1" id="/client/phone-home-login-success/url/" mode="http
s://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_PhoneHomeLoginRep" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=BW_PhoneHomeLoginRep" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/event-reporting/net-status/update/" mode="Enable
" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/event-reporting/net-status/performance/" mode="E
nable" visible="1">
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
- <Function changeable="0" id="/event-reporting/net-status/login/" mode="Enable"
<AllowMode mode="Enable" />
- <Credentials>
- <Add>
- <Credential name="basic">
<Username />

<Password />
<Certificate />
<Realm />
- <Scripts>
<Remove />
- <Add>
- <script id="186" name="Brand" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- Brand 20080811 v1.0 BCo
- <FUNCTION name="BwiBrandInit">
<VAR val="boingomobile/" var="BwiDefaultPrefix" />
<VAR val="" var="BwiClientPrefix" />
<VAR val="boingo client" var="BwiUas" />
<VAR val="" var="BwiBrandId" />
<VAR val="0" var="BwiCheckCert" />
<VAR val="0" var="BwiRequireHttps" />
<VAR val="0" var="BwiDVL" />
<VAR val="1" var="BwiMb" />
- <script id="1" name="_Default" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- _Default $Rev: 15711 $ $Date: 2012-04-02 11:23:00 -0700 (Mon, 02 Apr 201
2) $
- <!-- not all platforms initialize this to zero at the start
- <FUNCTION name="BwiInitErrcode">
<RETURN code="0" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiGlobalInit">
<CALL to="BwiInitErrcode" />
<SETENV val="" var="_POSTAUTHURL" />
<CALL to="Brand.BwiBrandInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <!-- backwards compatibilty for older Brand scripts: use global defaults for
new brandvars
<VAR var="r" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiCheckCert" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="0" var="BwiCheckCert" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiDVL" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="0" var="BwiDVL" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiRequireHttps" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="0" var="BwiRequireHttps" />

<ISVAR res="r" var="Bwi3DVL" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="0" var="Bwi3DVL" />
<VAR val="boingomb/" var="BwiMbPrefix" />
<VAR val="@mb.boingo.com" var="BwiMbSuffix" />
<VAR val="boingo/" var="BwiPrefix" />
<VAR val="@boingo.com" var="BwiSuffix" />
<VAR val="90" var="BwiLoginT" />
<VAR val="http://alive.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?1111111" var="BwiAlive" />
<VAR val="http://alive.boingo.com/" var="BwiGetPage" />
<VAR var="BwiRawUser" />
<VAR var="temp" />
<VAR var="BwiPassword" />
<VAR var="BwiLocationName" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="skiptoken" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<ISTOKEN name="basic" res="r" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$r" v2="1">
<RETURN code="-142" />
<GETTOKEN name="basic" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_USERNAME" v2="">
<RETURN code="-142" />
- <!-- set $temp to username with default prefix added to the front, if not alr
eady there.
<STRSUBST fmt="$_USERNAME" key="$BwiDefaultPrefix" res="r" val="" />
<SET val="$BwiDefaultPrefix" var="temp" />
<STRCAT res="temp" var="$BwiBrandId" />
<STRCAT res="temp" var="$r" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="_PREFIX" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_PREFIX" v2="">
- <!-- replace $temp with ( $_PREFIX, '/', $_USERNAME ) if there's a non-defaul
t prefix in the credential block
<SET val="$_PREFIX" var="temp" />
<STRCAT res="temp" var="/" />
<STRCAT res="temp" var="$BwiBrandId" />
<STRCAT res="temp" var="$_USERNAME" />
- <!-- transform ('/','@' => '!','^') on $temp
<STRSTR res="r" sought="/" var="$temp" />
- <WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$temp" key="/" res="temp" val="!" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="/" var="$temp" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="@" var="$temp" />
- <WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$temp" key="@" res="temp" val="^" />

<STRSTR res="r" sought="@" var="$temp" />

- <!-- strip ph tag if needed
<VAR var="nt" />
<VAR var="s41" />
<VAR var="s42" />
<ISVAR res="nt" var="NoTags" />
<GETCAP cap="SDK41" res="s41" />
<GETCAP cap="SDK42" res="s42" />
<VAR val="0" var="s42orios" />
- <IF v1="$s42">
<VAR val="1" var="s42orios" />
- <IF v1="$s41">
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="1" var="s42orios" />
- <!-- if (notags && SDK42 || !SDK41))
- <IF v1="$nt">
- <IF v1="$s42orios">
<VAR var="nparts" />
<STRARGCNT res="nparts" sep="!!" var="$temp" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$nparts" v2="1">
<STRARGGET num="$nparts" res="temp" sep="!!" var="$temp" />
- <!-- $BwiRawUser = ( optional('cli!!'), optional('brandid!'), $temp ). $BwiRa
wUser is the input to the BwiSet*Credentials functions. $_USERNAME shouldn't be
used at all anymore.
<SET val="$BwiClientPrefix" var="BwiRawUser" />
<STRCAT res="BwiRawUser" var="$temp" />
<SET val="$_PASSWORD" var="BwiPassword" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiSetPrefixCredentials">
<VAR val="$BwiPrefix" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiSetSuffixCredentials">
<VAR val="$BwiRawUser" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiSuffix" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiSetBothCredentials">
<VAR val="$BwiPrefix" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiSuffix" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials">
<VAR val="$BwiMbPrefix" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiSetMbSuffixCredentials">
<VAR val="$BwiRawUser" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiMbSuffix" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDisassociate">

<VAR var="cap" />

<VAR var="r" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoNetworkControl" res="cap" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$cap" v2="1">
<FUNCTION name="BwiAssociateAndGetIP">
<!-- early success return when not controlling
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoNetworkControl" res="cap" />
<IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="0" />
<!-- single case code for the wm5 client
<VAR var="connstatus" />
<CONNSTATUS res="connstatus" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$connstatus" v2="500">
<RETURN code="500" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$connstatus" v2="200">
<RETURN code="0" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$connstatus" v2="0">
<VAR var="i" />
<STATUS code="100" />
<FOR from="1" res="i" to="2">
<WIFIASSOCIATE res="connstatus" />
<IF op="LTE" v1="$connstatus" v2="203">
<IF op="GTE" v1="$connstatus" v2="200">
<STATUS code="103" />
<VAR var="j" />
<VAR var="ipstatus" />
<FOR from="1" res="j" to="2">
<STATUS code="110" />
<IPSET res="ipstatus" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$ipstatus" v2="200">
<STATUS code="111" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<STATUS code="-111" />
<STATUS code="-103" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-111" />
<RETURN code="-103" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiDoCheck">
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR var="doc" />
<VAR val="0000000" var="rnd" />
<VAR var="rlen" />
<RANDOM max="5000" res="r" />
<STRCAT res="rnd" var="$r" />

<STRLEN res="rlen" var="$rnd" />

<SUBTRACT res="rlen" var="6" />
<STRSUB len="7" res="rnd" start="$rlen" var="$rnd" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="aliverand" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR val="http://check" var="BwiAlive" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var="$rnd" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var=".check.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?" />
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="http://alive.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?" var="BwiAlive" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="AliveIP" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR val="http://" var="BwiAlive" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var="$rnd" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="OllehHttpHeaders" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<HSETHEADER name="Accept" value="text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/x
ml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" />
<HSETHEADER name="Connection" value="Keep-Alive" />
<SET val="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/
11.0" var="BwiUas" />
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="15" uas="$BwiUas"
url="$BwiAlive" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
- <!-- the formula num*num-(num mod 13)
<MOD den="13" num="$rnd" res="rlen" />
<MULTIPLY res="rnd" var="$rnd" />
<SUBTRACT res="rnd" var="$rlen" />
<HDOC res="doc" size="25" />
<TRIM res="doc" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$doc" v2="$rnd">
<RETURN code="150" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<RETURN code="-142" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoConnectInit">
<VAR var="StartTime" />
<VAR var="RunTime" />
<GET_SECONDS res="StartTime" />
<CALL to="BwiAssociateAndGetIP" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <!-- might return success (150) if gateway already open
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />

<STATUS code="120" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiDoConnectFinal">
<VAR var="k" />
<FOR from="1" res="k" to="5">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<STATUS code="121" />
<SLEEP time="1000" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$RunTime" v2="$BwiLoginT">
<STATUS code="-121" />
<RETURN code="102" />
<RETURN code="-142" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiWisprLoginFindTag">
<VAR var="mt" />
<VAR val="0" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<HGETEL el="MessageType" res="mt" />
<IF v1="$mt">
<SET val="1" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiDoWisprLogin">
<VAR val="BwiWisprLoginFindTag" var="LoginFindTag" />
<VAR val="BwiHandleWisprDoc" var="LoginHandleDoc" />
<CALL to="BwiDoLogin" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiDoLogin">
<VAR val="0" var="done" />
<!-- might return success (150) if gateway is already open
<CALL to="BwiDoConnectInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<STATUS code="120" />
<VAR var="url" />
<!-- the URL we're currently trying to get wispr tags or a redirect from
<VAR val="GET" var="method" />
<!-- the http method, GET or POST
<VAR var="urlloaded" />
<!-- is the URL currently loaded in the HTTP state?
<SET val="$BwiAlive" var="url" />
<SET val="1" var="urlloaded" />
<CALL to="BwiLoadPage" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">

- <!-- as a last resort, try again with $bwigetpage

<SET val="$BwiGetPage" var="url" />
<SET val="GET" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<CALL to="BwiLoadPage" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <!-- coudn't find wispr tags anywhere
<RETURN code="-142" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiLoadPage">
<VAR val="10" var="maxloads" />
<VAR val="0" var="numloads" />
- <WHILE op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <!-- check if we're loading too many pages
<ADD res="numloads" var="1" />
- <IF op="GTE" v1="$numloads" v2="$maxloads">
<RETURN code="-102" />
<CALL to="BwiLoadOnePage" />
- <!-- tag not found, keep looking
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="-1000">
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$done" v2="1">
<CALL to="BwiDoConnectFinal" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- find a page with wispr tags on it, follow various redirects if necessary
. loop to this function if we need to load a new page.
- <FUNCTION name="BwiLoadOnePage">
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR var="mt" />
<VAR var="location" />
- <!-- figure out how much time we have left, and bail if we've run out
<VAR var="NowTime" />
<GET_SECONDS res="NowTime" />
<SET val="$StartTime" var="RunTime" />
<ADD res="RunTime" var="$BwiLoginT" />
<SUBTRACT res="RunTime" var="$NowTime" />
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$RunTime" v2="0">
<RETURN code="102" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$RunTime" v2="30">
<SET val="30" var="RunTime" />
- <!-- load our url if not already loaded. This should be the only place HGET/H
POST calls happen.
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$urlloaded" v2="1">
<TRIM res="url" var="$url" />

- <!-- clean up cdata tags, if present

<STRSTR res="r" sought="A[" var="$url" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<STRARGGET num="2" res="url" sep="A[" var="$url" />
<STRARGGET num="1" res="url" sep="]]" var="$url" />
<TRIM res="url" var="$url" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$method" v2="GET">
<ISVAR res="r" var="OllehHttpHeaders" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<HSETHEADER name="Accept" value="text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/x
ml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" />
<HSETHEADER name="Connection" value="Keep-Alive" />
<SET val="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/
11.0" var="BwiUas" />
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="$RunTime" uas="$B
wiUas" uncomment="0" url="$url" />
- <ELSE>
- <IF v1="$BwiRequireHttps">
<VAR val="" var="proto" />
<STRSUB len="6" res="proto" start="0" var="$url" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$proto" v2="https:">
- <!-- js return value for "not https"
<RETURN code="103" />
- <IF v1="$BwiDVL">
<VAR var="addrpart" />
<STRARGGET num="3" res="addrpart" sep="/" var="$url" />
- <IF v1="$addrpart">
- <ELSE>
<RETURN code="103" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="@" var="$addrpart" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<RETURN code="103" />
<VAR var="hostpart" />
<STRARGGET num="1" res="hostpart" sep=":" var="$addrpart" />
- <IF v1="$hostpart">
- <ELSE>
<RETURN code="103" />
<VAR var="numparts" />
<STRARGCNT res="numparts" sep="." var="$hostpart" />
- <IF op="LT" v1="$numparts" v2="2">
<RETURN code="103" />
<VAR val="$numparts" var="numpartsm1" />
<SUBTRACT res="numpartsm1" var="1" />
<VAR val="$numparts" var="numpartsm2" />
<SUBTRACT res="numpartsm2" var="2" />
<VAR var="tld" />
<VAR var="sld" />
<VAR var="thld" />

<STRARGGET num="$numparts" res="tld" sep="." var="$hostpart" />

<STRARGGET num="$numpartsm1" res="sld" sep="." var="$hostpart" />
<STRARGGET num="$numpartsm2" res="thld" sep="." var="$hostpart" />
<VAR var="tomatch" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="!" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="$sld" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="." />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="$tld" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="!" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$tomatch" var="$BwiDVL" />
<IF v1="$r">
<IF v1="$Bwi3DVL">
<VAR var="tomatch" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="!" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="$thld" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="." />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="$sld" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="." />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="$tld" />
<STRCAT res="tomatch" var="!" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$tomatch" var="$Bwi3DVL" />
<IF v1="$r">
<RETURN code="103" />
<RETURN code="103" />
<HSETFORM name="AuthForm" res="r" url="$url" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiUNField" />
<IF v1="$r">
<HSETPOST value="$BwiUserName" var="$BwiUNField" />
<HSETPOST value="$BwiUserName" var="UserName" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiPWField" />
<IF v1="$r">
<HSETPOST value="$BwiPassword" var="$BwiPWField" />
<HSETPOST value="$BwiPassword" var="Password" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiExtraPostField" />
<IF v1="$r">
<HSETPOST value="$BwiExtraPostValue" var="$BwiExtraPostField" />
<HSETPOST value="Login" var="button" />
<HSETPOST value="0" var="FNAME" />
<HSETPOST value="$BwiGetPage" var="OriginatingServer" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="OllehHttpHeaders" />
<IF v1="$r">
<HSETHEADER name="Accept" value="text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/x

ml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" />
<HSETHEADER name="Connection" value="Keep-Alive" />
<SET val="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/
11.0" var="BwiUas" />
<HPOST checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="$RunTime" uas="$
BwiUas" uncomment="0" />
- <!-- introduce a final check in the event of post failure.
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$method" v2="GET">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<RETURN code="150" />
<RETURN code="-142" />
- <!-- search for wispr tags. This is a depth-first search, with no backtrackin
g, 302 redirects first, then META refreshes.
<CALL to="$LoginFindTag" />
- <IF v1="$LoginFindTagRet">
<CALL to="$LoginHandleDoc" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- no wispr tags found. figure out where they went.
- <!-- look for a Location: header (302 style redirect)
<HHEADER name="Location" res="location" />
- <IF v1="$location">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="://" var="$location" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$location" var="url" />
<SET val="GET" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- look for meta-refresh, ignore the delay
<VAR val="" var="text" />
<HDOC res="text" />
<VAR var="start" />
<VAR var="end" />
<URLDEC res="start" var="%3CMETA%20HTTP-EQUIV%3D%22REFRESH%22%20CONTENT%3D%22"
<URLDEC res="end" var="%22" />
<VAR val="" var="ret" />
<CALL to="FindIgnoreCase" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$ret" v2="">
<VAR val="h" var="sought" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$ret" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<STRSUB res="url" start="$r" var="$ret" />
<SET val="GET" var="method" />

<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />

<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- tag not found, try a different method, if any
<RETURN code="-1000" />
- <!-- HTTP state is already set to a wispr doc when this func is called.
- <FUNCTION name="BwiHandleWisprDoc">
<VAR var="BwiLnTemp" />
<HGETEL el="LocationName" res="BwiLnTemp" />
- <IF v1="$BwiLnTemp">
<SET val="$BwiLnTemp" var="BwiLocationName" />
- <!-- simplified behavior that covers the same states as the old loop: we only
care about rc.
<VAR var="rc" />
<HGETEL el="ResponseCode" res="rc" />
- <SWITCH val="$rc">
- <CASE op="EQ" val="50">
- <!-- success, grab the logouturl
<HGETEL el="LogoffURL" res="url" />
<SETENV val="$url" var="_LOGOUTURL" />
<CALL to="BwiDoConnectFinal" />
- <CASE op="EQ" val="100">
- <!-- access reject
<RETURN code="100" />
<CASE op="EQ" val="102" />
<CASE op="EQ" val="255" />
- <CASE op="EQ" val="105">
- <!-- radius/gateway errors: retry the same request
<SLEEP time="500" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <CASE op="EQ" val="200">
- <!-- try again at NextURL
<VAR var="nexturl" />
<HGETEL el="NextURL" res="nexturl" />
- <IF v1="$nexturl">
<SET val="$nexturl" var="url" />
<SET val="GET" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <CASE op="EQ" val="201">
- <!-- poll for results at LoginResultsURL

<VAR var="delay" />
<HGETEL el="Delay" res="delay" />
- <IF v1="$delay">
<MULTIPLY res="delay" var="1000" />
<SLEEP time="$delay" />
<VAR var="resurl" />
<HGETEL el="LoginResultsURL" res="resurl" />
- <IF v1="$resurl">
<SET val="$resurl" var="url" />
<SET val="GET" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
- <!-- since we're polling, we can reasonably go over the default limit of 10.
<SET val="100" var="maxloads" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <CASE>
- <!-- various other codes, including the login codes. If we see LoginURL we're
being invited to login, otherwise we're done
<VAR var="loginurl" />
<HGETEL el="LoginURL" res="loginurl" />
- <IF v1="$loginurl">
<SET val="$loginurl" var="url" />
<CALL to="BwiDeXmlEncodeUrl" />
<SET val="POST" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
- <!-- since we got a loginurl, we might not see a success. If the gateway open
s silently, that's fine too.
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- unrecognized response code, with no loginurl or anything
<RETURN code="-1000" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiBoingoDefLoginFindTag">
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR val="0" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<HGETEL el="login" res="r" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="1" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiBoingoDefLoginHandleDoc">
<VAR var="lurl" />
<VAR var="el" />
<HGETEL el="login_url" res="lurl" />
- <IF v1="$lurl">
<SET val="$lurl" var="url" />
<SET val="POST" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<VAR val="username" var="BwiUNField" />
<SET val="1" var="done" />

<RETURN code="0" />

<HGETEL el="success" res="el" />
<IF v1="$el">
<HGETEL el="logout_url" res="url" />
<SETENV val="$url" var="_LOGOUTURL" />
<HGETEL el="redirect_url" res="url" />
<SETENV val="$url" var="_POSTAUTHURL" />
<CALL to="BwiDoConnectFinal" />
<HGETEL el="failure" res="el" />
<IF v1="$el">
<RETURN code="255" />
<HGETEL el="error" res="el" />
<IF v1="$el">
<RETURN code="255" />
<HGETEL el="sleep" res="el" />
<IF v1="$el">
<SLEEP time="$el" />
<VAR val="0" var="nexturl" />
<HGETEL el="redirect" res="el" />
<IF v1="$el">
<HGETEL el="redirect_url" res="nexturl" />
<IF v1="$nexturl">
<SET val="$nexturl" var="url" />
<SET val="GET" var="method" />
<SET val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<RETURN code="-1000" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiDeXmlEncodeUrl">
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR val="" var="sought" />
<VAR val="" var="subst" />
<URLDEC res="sought" var="%26amp%3B" />
<URLDEC res="subst" var="%26" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" key="$sought" res="url" val="$subst" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<URLDEC res="sought" var="%26quot%3B" />
<URLDEC res="subst" var="%22" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" key="$sought" res="url" val="$subst" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<URLDEC res="sought" var="%26apos%3B" />
<URLDEC res="subst" var="%27" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" key="$sought" res="url" val="$subst" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />

<URLDEC res="sought" var="%26lt%3B" />
<URLDEC res="subst" var="%3C" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" key="$sought" res="url" val="$subst" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<URLDEC res="sought" var="%26gt%3B" />
<URLDEC res="subst" var="%3E" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<WHILE op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" key="$sought" res="url" val="$subst" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$url" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiDoBoingoDefLogin">
<VAR val="BwiBoingoDefLoginFindTag" var="LoginFindTag" />
<VAR val="BwiBoingoDefLoginHandleDoc" var="LoginHandleDoc" />
<CALL to="BwiDoLogin" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiGeneralLogin">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="" var="BwiUserName" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="AddPrefix" />
<IF v1="r">
<IF op="EQ" v1="AddPrefix" v2="mb">
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiMbPrefix" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiPrefix" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="AddSuffix" />
<IF v1="r">
<IF op="EQ" v1="AddSuffix" v2="mb">
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiMbSuffix" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiSuffix" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiNotagsWisprPrefixLogin">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiWisprPrefixLogin">

<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />

- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiNotagsWisprSuffixLogin">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetSuffixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiWisprSuffixLogin">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetSuffixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiNotagsWisprBothLogin">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetBothCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiWisprBothLogin">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetBothCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiNotagsWisprMbPrefixLogin">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiWisprMbPrefixLogin">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">

<CALL to="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiNotagsWisprMbSuffixLogin">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetMbSuffixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiWisprMbSuffixLogin">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetMbSuffixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
<FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprPrefixLogin" />
<FUNCTION name="_Check">
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<RETURN code="-142" />
<FUNCTION name="_Disconnect">
<STATUS code="150" />
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR var="url" />
<GETENV res="url" var="_LOGOUTURL" />
<IF v1="$url">
<CALL to="BwiDeXmlEncodeUrl" />
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" res="r" timeout="30" uas="$BwiUas" url="$url"

- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
<STATUS code="151" />
- <ELSE>
<STATUS code="-151" />

<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />

<RETURN code="0" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiFinalDisassociate">
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<FUNCTION name="FindIgnoreCase">
<VAR var="uctext" />
<VAR var="ucstart" />
<VAR var="ucend" />
<!-- workaround UC bug
<STRCAT res="uctext" var="$text" />
<STRCAT res="ucstart" var="$start" />
<STRCAT res="ucend" var="$end" />
<VAR val="0" var="nstart" />
<VAR val="0" var="nend" />
<VAR val="" var="ret" />
<UC res="uctext" var="$uctext" />
<UC res="ucstart" var="$ucstart" />
<UC res="ucend" var="$ucend" />
<STRSTR res="nstart" sought="$ucstart" var="$uctext" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$nstart" v2="0">
<VAR val="$nstart" var="nsecondstart" />
<VAR val="0" var="nlenstart" />
<STRLEN res="nlenstart" var="$ucstart" />
<ADD res="nsecondstart" var="$nlenstart" />
<STRSTR res="nend" sought="$ucend" start="$nsecondstart" var="$uctext" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$nend" v2="0">
<SUBTRACT res="nend" var="$nsecondstart" />
<STRSUB len="$nend" res="ret" start="$nsecondstart" var="$text" />
<FUNCTION name="BwiTwoDisassociate">
<VAR var="cap" />
<SET val="0" var="r" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoNetworkControl" res="cap" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$cap" v2="1">
<ISVAR res="r" var="NoDisassociate" />
<IF v1="$r">
<IF v1="$NoDisassociate">
<FUNCTION name="BwiTwoDoConnectFinal">
<VAR var="k" />
<VAR val="1" var="ntries" />
<VAR var="loginurl" />
<HGETEL el="LoginURL" res="loginurl" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$mt" v2="100">
<IF v1="$loginurl">
<SET val="5" var="ntries" />

- <IF op="EQ" v1="$mt" v2="120">
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$rc" v2="50">
<SET val="5" var="ntries" />
- <FOR from="1" res="k" to="$ntries">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<STATUS code="121" />
<SLEEP time="1000" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$RunTime" v2="$BwiLoginT">
<STATUS code="-121" />
<RETURN code="102" />
- <ELSE>
<RETURN code="-142" />
- <script id="222" name="Aircell" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- BwiAircell $Rev: 15738 $ $Date: 2012-07-05 16:36:24 -0700 (Thu, 05 Jul 2
012) $
- <FUNCTION name="AircellProbeWisprDoc">
<VAR var="lntemp" />
<HGETEL el="AccessLocation" res="lntemp" />
- <IF v1="$lntemp">
<SET val="$lntemp" var="ln" />
<RETURN code="-142" />
<CALL to="_Default.BwiHandleWisprDoc" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<VAR var="sdk42" />
<VAR var="r" />
<GETCAP cap="SDK42" res="sdk42" />
- <IF v1="$sdk42">
- <ELSE>
- <!-- no captcha support, probe negative
<RETURN code="-131" />
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />

- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">

- <!-- 10k probe
<HGET obey302="0" res="r" timeout="10" uas="$BwiUAS" url="http://airborne.gogo
inflight.com/abp/page/abpDefault.do?abpflg=2&splash=true" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
<VAR var="title" />
<HGETEL el="TITLE" res="title" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="vailable" var="$title" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<RETURN code="-133" />
<VAR val="boingo/boingoprobeuser" var="BwiUserName" />
<VAR val="RejectMe" var="BwiPassword" />
<VAR var="ln" />
<VAR val="BwiWisprLoginFindTag" var="LoginFindTag" />
<VAR val="Aircell.AircellProbeWisprDoc" var="LoginHandleDoc" />
<CALL to="BwiDoLogin" />
<VAR var="gwstat" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<SET val="&gateway=open" var="gwstat" />
<VAR var="airpart" />
<STRARGGET num="1" res="airpart" sep="," var="$ln" />
<STRARGGET num="2" res="airpart" sep="=" var="$airpart" />
- <IF v1="$airpart">
- <ELSE>
<SET val="XXX" var="airpart" />
<VAR var="tailpart" />
<STRARGGET num="2" res="tailpart" sep="," var="$ln" />
<STRARGGET num="2" res="tailpart" sep="=" var="$tailpart" />
- <IF v1="$tailpart">
- <ELSE>
<SET val="XXXXX" var="tailpart" />
<CALL to="AircellSetRealm" />
<VAR var="bms" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="realm=" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="$radiusrealm" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="&airline=" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="$airpart" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="&tail=" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="$tailpart" />
<STRCAT res="bms" var="$gwstat" />
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <FUNCTION name="AircellSetRealm">
<VAR var="radiusrealm" />
- <IF v1="$BwiMb">
<VAR val="x" var="device" />
<VAR var="envdev" />
<GETENV res="envdev" var="_DEVICE" />
<STRCAT res="device" var="$envdev" />

<STRSTR res="r" sought="iPad" var="$device" />

- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="boingo" var="radiusrealm" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="boingomb" var="radiusrealm" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="boingo" var="radiusrealm" />
- <FUNCTION name="AircellHandleWisprDoc">
<VAR val="" var="logoff" />
<HGETEL el="LogoffURL" res="logoff" />
- <IF v1="$logoff">
<SETENV val="$logoff" var="_LOGOUTURL" />
<VAR var="captcharet" />
<HGETEL el="CAPTCHAResponse" res="captcharet" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$captcharet" v2="Failure">
<RETURN code="-170" />
<VAR var="nexturl" />
<HGETEL el="CAPTCHASubmitURL" res="nexturl" />
- <IF v1="$nexturl">
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="_Default.BwiHandleWisprDoc" />
<VAR var="viurl" />
<VAR var="imgurl" />
<HGETEL el="CAPTCHAVIURL" res="viurl" />
<HGETEL el="CAPTCHASURL" res="imgurl" />
<SETENV val="$imgurl" var="_CAPTCHA_GRAPHIC" />
<SETENV val="$viurl" var="_CAPTCHA_TEXT" />
<SETENV val="$nexturl" var="SAVED_URL" />
<RETURN code="-170" />
- <FUNCTION name="AircellFindTag">
<VAR var="mt" />
<VAR var="cr" />
<VAR val="0" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<HGETEL el="MessageType" res="mt" />
- <IF v1="$mt">
<SET val="1" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<HGETEL el="CAPTCHAResponse" res="cr" />
- <IF v1="$cr">
<SET val="1" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR var="sdk42" />
<VAR var="r" />
<GETCAP cap="SDK42" res="sdk42" />
- <IF v1="$sdk42">
- <ELSE>
- <!-- no captcha support, fail

<RETURN code="-142" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="AircellSetRealm" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$radiusrealm" v2="boingo">
<CALL to="BwiSetPrefixCredentials" />
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials" />
<VAR val="Aircell.AircellFindTag" var="LoginFindTag" />
<VAR val="Aircell.AircellHandleWisprDoc" var="LoginHandleDoc" />
<VAR var="r" />
<ISENV res="r" var="_CAPTCHA_RESULT" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR var="url" />
<GETENV res="url" var="SAVED_URL" />
<VAR val="POST" var="method" />
<VAR val="0" var="urlloaded" />
<VAR val="captchaEntered" var="BwiExtraPostField" />
<VAR var="BwiExtraPostValue" />
<GETENV res="BwiExtraPostValue" var="_CAPTCHA_RESULT" />
<VAR var="StartTime" />
<VAR var="RunTime" />
<GET_SECONDS res="StartTime" />
<CALL to="BwiLoadPage" />
<CALL to="BwiDoConnectFinal" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<SETENV val="http://airborne.gogoinflight.com/gbp/gobrowse.do" var="_POSTAUTHU
RL" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="-142">
<RETURN code="100" />
<CALL to="BwiDoLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <script id="213" name="BwiWisprMbSuffixNoID" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver=
- <!-- BwiWisprMBSuffixNoID $Rev: 15305 $ $Date: 2011-03-29 14:24:28 -0700 (Tue
, 29 Mar 2011) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprMbSuffixLogin" />
- <script id="5" name="BwiWisprMbPrefix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprMbPrefixLogin" />

- <script id="211" name="BwiWisprPrefixNoID" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1

- <!-- BwiWisprPrefixNoID $Rev: 15287 $ $Date: 2011-03-18 10:22:48 -0700 (Fri,
18 Mar 2011) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprPrefixLogin" />
- <script id="78" name="BwiWisprOptMbPrefix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1
- <!-- BwiWisprOptMbPrefixLogin 20090204 v2.0 BCo
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR val="1" var="NoDisassociate" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
<VAR val="$BwiRawUser" var="RawUserNameSave" />
<CALL to="BwiSetPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<SET val="0" var="NoDisassociate" />
<SET val="$RawUserNameSave" var="BwiRawUser" />
<CALL to="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDisassociate">
<CALL to="BwiTwoDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoConnectFinal">
<CALL to="BwiTwoDoConnectFinal" />
- <script id="226" name="BwiWisprSuffixSlow" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1
- <!-- BwiWisprSuffixSlow 20111101
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprSuffixLogin" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoCheck">
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR var="doc" />
<VAR val="0000000" var="rnd" />
<VAR var="rlen" />
<RANDOM max="5000" res="r" />
<STRCAT res="rnd" var="$r" />
<STRLEN res="rlen" var="$rnd" />
<SUBTRACT res="rlen" var="6" />
<STRSUB len="7" res="rnd" start="$rlen" var="$rnd" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="aliverand" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR val="http://check" var="BwiAlive" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var="$rnd" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var=".check.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?" />
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="http://alive.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?" var="BwiAlive" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var="$rnd" />
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="30" uas="$BwiUas"

url="$BwiAlive" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
- <!-- the formula num*num-(num mod 13)
<MOD den="13" num="$rnd" res="rlen" />
<MULTIPLY res="rnd" var="$rnd" />
<SUBTRACT res="rnd" var="$rlen" />
<HDOC res="doc" size="25" />
<TRIM res="doc" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$doc" v2="$rnd">
<RETURN code="150" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<RETURN code="-142" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <script id="212" name="BwiWisprMbPrefixNoID" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver=
- <!-- BwiWisprMbPrefixNoID $Rev: 15305 $ $Date: 2011-03-29 14:24:28 -0700 (Tue
, 29 Mar 2011) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprMbPrefixLogin" />
- <script id="236" name="BwiRadiusProbeMbPrefix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR val="x" var="aliverand" />
<CALL to="BwiWisprMbPrefixLogin" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR val="x" var="aliverand" />
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="boingo/boingoprobeuser" var="BwiUserName" />
<VAR val="RejectMe" var="BwiPassword" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="150" />
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR var="rm" />
<HGETEL el="ReplyMessage" res="rm" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="100">

<VAR var="ucrm" />

<UC res="ucrm" var="$rm" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="CCOUNT STATUS NOT ACTIVE" var="$ucrm" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="150" />
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <script id="6" name="BwiWisprSuffix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- BwiWisprSuffix 20070921 v1.2 PFl
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprSuffixLogin" />
- <script id="244" name="BwiWisprPrefixIPASS" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="ipass/" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiSuffix" />
<VAR val="$BwiUas" var="OldUas" />
<VAR val="iPassConnect" var="BwiUas" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoConnectFinal">
<VAR val="$OldUas" var="BwiUas" />
<VAR var="k" />
- <FOR from="1" res="k" to="5">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<STATUS code="121" />
<SLEEP time="1000" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$RunTime" v2="$BwiLoginT">
<STATUS code="-121" />
<RETURN code="102" />
- <ELSE>
<RETURN code="-142" />

- <script id="204" name="BwiWisprMbSuffixProbe" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver
- <!-- BwiWisprMbSuffixProbe v1.5 SWu 11/4/10
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprMbSuffixLogin" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="[email protected]" var="BwiUserName" />
<VAR val="RejectMe" var="BwiPassword" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="150" />
<VAR var="r" />
<VAR var="rm" />
<HGETEL el="ReplyMessage" res="rm" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="100">
<VAR var="ucrm" />
<UC res="ucrm" var="$rm" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="CCOUNT STATUS NOT ACTIVE" var="$urcm" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="150" />
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <script id="189" name="BwiWisprMbSuffix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="118
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprMbSuffixLogin" />
- <script id="228" name="BwiInternetMbNoID" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11
- <!-- BwiInternetMbNoID 20111111

- <FUNCTION name="HandleTrustiveWisprDoc">
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$LoginFindTagRet" v2="orlando">
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="CleanFreePost" />
<VAR var="lntemp" />
<HGETEL el="LocationName" res="lntemp" />
- <IF v1="$lntemp">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="uickspot" var="$lntemp" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<SET val="trustive/boingomb/" var="BwiMbPrefix" />
<CALL to="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiHandleWisprDoc" />
- <FUNCTION name="CleanFreePost">
- <!-- extracted from the middle of the free default script, minus obsolete SDK
support and some edge cases
<VAR val="" var="formurl" />
<HGETFORM res="formurl" />
- <IF v1="$formurl">
<HGETPOSTURL res="urlstring" />
- <!-- Prepend host name
<STRSTR res="r" sought="/" start="10" var="$url" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR val="" var="hostnameurl" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="hostnameurl" var="$url" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="/" var="$urlstring" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="1" key="/" res="r" val="" />
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />
<STRCAT res="hostnameurl" var="$urlstring" />
<SET val="$hostnameurl" var="urlstring" />
<HSETFORM res="r" url="$urlstring" />
<HPOST checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="$HttpTimeout" ua
s="$FreeUas" uncomment="0" />
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="-1000" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="-142" />
- <FUNCTION name="DetectOrlandoFindTag">
<VAR var="mt" />
<VAR val="0" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<HGETEL el="MessageType" res="mt" />
- <IF v1="$mt">
<SET val="1" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
<VAR var="tt" />

<HGETEL el="TITLE" res="tt" />

<VAR var="uctt" />
<UC res="uctt" var="$tt" />
<VAR var="r" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="RLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT" var="$uctt" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<SET val="orlando" var="LoginFindTagRet" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR val="x" var="NoTags" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetMbPrefixCredentials" />
<VAR val="BwiInternetMbNoID.DetectOrlandoFindTag" var="LoginFindTag" />
<VAR val="BwiInternetMbNoID.HandleTrustiveWisprDoc" var="LoginHandleDoc" />
<CALL to="BwiDoLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <script id="216" name="BwiWisprMbPrefixSuffix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <!-- BwiWisprMbPrefixSuffix v1.1 Swu 051011
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetMbBothCredentials" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiSetMbBothCredentials">
<VAR val="$BwiMbPrefix" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiMbSuffix" />
- <script id="246" name="BwiWisprSuffixEmptyProbe" proto="2" type="text/xcocos"
- <!-- BwiWisprSuffix $Rev: 15454 $ $Date: 2011-05-06 18:07:45 -0700 (Fri, 06 M
ay 2011) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprSuffixLogin" />
- <script id="230" name="BwiWisprPtLisbonSuffix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <!-- BwiWisprPtLisbonSuffix 20120110 v1.1 BCo
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">

<CALL to="BwiSetSuffixCredentials" />
<VAR val="username" var="BwiUNField" />
<VAR val="password" var="BwiPWField" />
<VAR val="https://hotspot.ptwifi.pt/locale=en/home" var="BwiGetPage" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <script id="219" name="BwiWisprMbPrefixNoIDEmptyProbe" proto="2" type="text/xc
ocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- BwiWisprMbPrefixNoID $Rev: 15454 $ $Date: 2011-05-06 18:07:45 -0700 (Fri
, 06 May 2011) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprMbPrefixLogin" />
- <script id="190" name="BwiSmartCityMb" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="boingoprobe/boingoprobeuser" var="BwiUserName" />
<VAR val="RejectMe" var="BwiPassword" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<VAR var="rm" />
<HGETEL el="ReplyMessage" res="rm" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="100">
- <!-- if we are rejected(100) at the probe credential, we have access
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="150" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- if accepted (50), we have no access, but we need to logout
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="50">
<GETENV res="url" var="_LOGOUTURL" />
- <IF v1="$url">
<SLEEP time="3000" />
<HGET res="r" timeout="30" uas="$BwiUas" url="$url" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-131" />

<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprMbPrefixLogin" />
- <script id="234" name="BwiWisprMbSuffixNoIDKT" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <!-- BwiWisprMBSuffixNoID $Rev: 15711 $ $Date: 2012-04-02 11:23:00 -0700 (Mon
, 02 Apr 2012) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR var="OllehReqhdrcap" />
<GETCAP cap="HSetReqHeader" res="OllehReqhdrcap" />
- <IF v1="$OllehReqhdrcap">
<VAR val="1" var="OllehHttpHeaders" />
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprMbSuffixLogin" />
- <script id="217" name="BwiWisprSuffixNoID" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1
- <!-- BwiWisprSuffixNoID $Rev: 15287 $ $Date: 2011-03-18 10:22:48 -0700 (Fri,
18 Mar 2011) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprSuffixLogin" />
- <script id="38" name="BwiTelefonicaPrefix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiSetSuffixCredentials" />
<VAR val="tlf/boingo/" var="BwiOpPrefix" />
<STRCAT res="BwiOpPrefix" var="$BwiUserName" />
<SET val="$BwiOpPrefix" var="BwiUserName" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <script id="227" name="BwiWisprPrefixSlow" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1
- <!-- BwiWisprPrefixSlow 20111101
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprPrefixLogin" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoCheck">
<VAR var="r" />

<VAR var="doc" />

<VAR val="0000000" var="rnd" />
<VAR var="rlen" />
<RANDOM max="5000" res="r" />
<STRCAT res="rnd" var="$r" />
<STRLEN res="rlen" var="$rnd" />
<SUBTRACT res="rlen" var="6" />
<STRSUB len="7" res="rnd" start="$rlen" var="$rnd" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="aliverand" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR val="http://check" var="BwiAlive" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var="$rnd" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var=".check.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?" />
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="http://alive.boingo.com/cgi-bin/alive?" var="BwiAlive" />
<STRCAT res="BwiAlive" var="$rnd" />
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="30" uas="$BwiUas"
url="$BwiAlive" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
- <!-- the formula num*num-(num mod 13)
<MOD den="13" num="$rnd" res="rlen" />
<MULTIPLY res="rnd" var="$rnd" />
<SUBTRACT res="rnd" var="$rlen" />
<HDOC res="doc" size="25" />
<TRIM res="doc" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$doc" v2="$rnd">
<RETURN code="150" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<RETURN code="-142" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <script id="26" name="BwiWisprPrefixSuffix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="
- <!-- BwiWisprPrefixSuffix 20070921 v1.2 PFl
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprBothLogin" />
- <script id="218" name="BwiWisprPrefixEmptyProbe" proto="2" type="text/xcocos"
- <!-- BwiWisprPrefixEmptyProbe
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprPrefixLogin" />
- <script id="220" name="BwiWisprPrefixMbSuffix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <!-- BwiWisprPrefixSuffix 20100408

- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="$BwiPrefix" var="BwiUserName" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiRawUser" />
<STRCAT res="BwiUserName" var="$BwiMbSuffix" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<CALL to="BwiFinalDisassociate" />
- <script id="191" name="BwiBoingoPrefixProbe" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver=
- <!-- BwiBoingoPrefixProbe $Rev: 12702 $ $Date: 2009-10-01 17:45:17 -0700 (Thu
, 01 Oct 2009) $
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprPrefixLogin" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR var="r" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="BwiCheckCert" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <ELSE>
<VAR val="0" var="BwiCheckCert" />
<VAR var="probeurl" />
<URLDEC res="probeurl" var="https://c01.client.boingo.com/?proxy=ALIVE%2611111
11" />
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="15" uas="$BwiUAS"
url="$probeurl" />
<VAR var="doc" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
<HDOC res="doc" size="25" />
<TRIM res="doc" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$doc" v2="1234567654320">
<RETURN code="150" />
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <script id="36" name="BwiTMobile" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">

- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiNotagsWisprSuffixLogin" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<VAR val="1" var="skiptoken" />
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<VAR val="[email protected]" var="BwiUserName" />
<VAR val="RejectMe" var="BwiPassword" />
<CALL to="BwiDoWisprLogin" />
<VAR var="rm" />
<HGETEL el="ReplyMessage" res="rm" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="100">
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$rm" v2="Account Status not active">
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="150" />
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-131" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
<RETURN code="-132" />
- <script id="237" name="_FreeDefault" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- KRa, Script to check/(connect to) free networks, does not follow any Wis
Pr standards, rather processes HTML pages
- <!-- directly looking for post data to send to server.
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFreeConnect" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoFreeConnect">
<VAR val="0" var="done" />
<VAR val="Android" var="FreeUas" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="uasoverride" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR val="$uasoverride" var="BwiUas" />
<VAR val="$uasoverride" var="FreeUas" />
- <!-- might return success (150) if gateway is already open

<CALL to="BwiDoConnectInit" />
<VAR var="exclusionIP" />
<IPDNS name="NoFreeAccess" res="exclusionIP" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$exclusionIP" v2="">
<RETURN code="-164" />
<VAR var="r" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="CheckBSSIDAndExitIfExcluded" />
<!-- Not Responding
<RETURN code="-161" />
<STATUS code="120" />
<VAR var="url" />
<!-- the URL we're currently trying to get form tags or a redirect from
<VAR val="1" var="docloaded" />
<!-- will be set to 1, if a HTML document is loaded
<SET val="$BwiAlive" var="url" />
<CALL to="BwiExecuteFreelogic" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<!-- Not successful, either couldnt find forms, or form post didnt open gatew


<RETURN code="-142" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiExecuteFreelogic">
- <!-- We shall process a max of "maxpages" pages. Any more than this, we shall
terminate the freeLogic
<VAR val="1" var="numpages" />
<VAR val="15" var="maxpages" />
<VAR val="6" var="maxnonformpages" />
- <!-- We shall submit a max of "maxforms" forms. If gateway does not open, the
n we shall terminate the freelogic
<VAR val="0" var="numforms" />
<VAR val="8" var="maxforms" />
<VAR var="postvars" />
<VAR val="1" var="gwayinterval" />
- <!-- KRa, gateway interval override for scripts that need longer gateway chec
k duration
<ISVAR res="r" var="gwayoverride" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$gwayoverride" var="gwayinterval" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$gwayinterval" v2="3">
<SET val="3" var="gwayinterval" />
<VAR val="0" var="framedoc" />
<VAR val="1" var="frameindex" />

<VAR val="0" var="framecount" />

<VAR val="frame" var="frameelement" />
<VAR val="src" var="frameurl" />
<VAR val="12" var="HttpTimeout" />
<SET val="0" var="BwiCheckCert" />
<VAR var="namefoundlen" />
<VAR var="HGAatname" />
<VAR var="HGAel" />
<VAR var="HGAnum" />
<VAR var="endquote" />
<URLDEC res="endquote" var="%22" />
<VAR var="endelement" />
<URLDEC res="endelement" var="%3E" />
<VAR var="sdkcap" />
<GETCAP cap="SDK41" res="sdkcap" />
<VAR var="uinputcap" />
<GETCAP cap="USERINPUT" res="uinputcap" />
- <WHILE op="EQ" v1="$done" v2="0">
- <!-- check if we're processing too many pages
<ADD res="numpages" var="1" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numpages" v2="$maxpages">
<CALL to="BwiProcessHTMLPage" />
- <!-- By this time either gateway is open or form(s) post wasn't successful or
no form was found
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$done" v2="1">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
- <!-- Click through Failed
<RETURN code="-160" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- CLOSED
<RETURN code="-162" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- Not Responding
<RETURN code="-161" />
- <!-- KRa, Find a page that has the FORM containing login post information, fo
llow as many redirects as possible, obeying the redirect limit
- <!-- as per XCocos SPEC. Once FORM (or multiple FORMs) is/are detected, find
the right one, parse the attributes and post to server
- <!-- KRa, Note that this version of free script works for both SDKLite based
products and new ones.
- <!-- For SDKLite based products, HGETFORM and HGETATTR commands are stubbed o
ut via a newly defined capability

- <FUNCTION name="BwiProcessHTMLPage">
<VAR val="" var="urlstring" />
<VAR val="" var="ucurlstring" />
<VAR var="location" />
- <!-- load our HTML document if not already loaded.
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$docloaded" v2="1">
<TRIM res="url" var="$url" />
- <!-- clean up cdata tags, if present
<STRSTR res="r" sought="A[" var="$url" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<STRARGGET num="2" res="url" sep="A[" var="$url" />
<STRARGGET num="1" res="url" sep="]]" var="$url" />
<TRIM res="url" var="$url" />
- <!-- URL encode hostname path, without touching search type parameters
<CALL to="EncodeURLPath" />
- <!-- KRa, Free network forcefully doing GET here
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="$HttpTimeout" uas
="$FreeUas" uncomment="0" url="$url" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<SET val="1" var="docloaded" />
- <ELSE>
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numpages" v2="$maxnonformpages">
- <!-- KRa, At this point of time, we couldnt find a form, there is no point in
trying any further
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- KRa, look for a Location: header (30x style redirect)
<HHEADER name="Location" res="location" />
- <IF v1="$location">
- <!-- If there was a location header after form posting has started, it most p
robably means gateway just got opened
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<MOD den="$gwayinterval" num="$numforms" res="r" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
<SET val="$location" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- Check for NoFreeAccess tag

<HCNTELAT atname="freeAccess" atvalue="0" el="PublicAccess" res="r" />

- <IF v1="$r">
<EXIT code="-163" />
- <!-- look for meta-refresh, ignore the delay
<VAR val="" var="text" />
<HDOC res="text" />
- <!-- Temporary variable fix for UC issue in Samsung camera interpreter code
<VAR val="" var="temptext" />
<STRCAT res="temptext" var="$text" />
<VAR var="start" />
<VAR var="end" />
<URLDEC res="start" var="%3CMETA%20HTTP-EQUIV%3D%22REFRESH%22%20CONTENT%3D%22"
<URLDEC res="end" var="%22" />
<CALL to="FindIgnoreCase" />
<HDOC res="text" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$ret" v2="">
<VAR val="h" var="sought" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$ret" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<STRSUB res="url" start="$r" var="$ret" />
- <!-- Now check if URL is relative, if so prepend the hostname
<SET val="$url" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
- <!-- Check if the meta refresh URL contains a noscript string, if so do not e
xecute this and rather look for form(s)
<STRSTR res="r" sought="noscript" var="$urlstring" />
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$r" v2="0">
- <!-- If there was a meta refresh after form posting has started, it most prob
ably means gateway just got opened
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<MOD den="$gwayinterval" num="$numforms" res="r" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- KRa, scan for form containing post data, remember do not use HGETFORM fo
r SDKLite
<VAR val="" var="formurl" />
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<HGETFORM res="formurl" />
- <ELSE>
<VAR var="formstr" />
<HGETEL el="form" res="formstr" />
- <IF v1="$formstr">

<SET val="action" var="HGAatname" />

<SET val="form" var="HGAel" />
<SET val="1" var="HGAnum" />
<CALL to="HGetAttr" />
<SET val="$r" var="formurl" />
<HSETFORM res="r" url="$formurl" />
<!-- KRa, Now extract form fields
<VAR val="0" var="formdone" />
<VAR var="formstruc" />
<VAR val="" var="tempformstr" />
<STRCAT res="tempformstr" var="$formstr" />
<UC res="formstruc" var="$tempformstr" />
<VAR val="0" var="ctr" />
<VAR var="inputsought" />
<URLDEC res="inputsought" var="%3CINPUT" />
<VAR var="namesought" />
<URLDEC res="namesought" var="NAME%3D%22" />
<VAR var="namesoughtlen" />
<STRLEN res="namesoughtlen" var="$namesought" />
<VAR var="valuesought" />
<URLDEC res="valuesought" var="VALUE%3D%22" />
<VAR var="valuesoughtlen" />
<STRLEN res="valuesoughtlen" var="$valuesought" />
<VAR var="nameval" />
<VAR var="valueval" />
<VAR var="inputctr" />
<VAR var="inputstruc" />
<WHILE op="EQ" v1="$formdone" v2="0">
<SET val="" var="valueval" />
<STRSTR res="ctr" sought="$inputsought" start="$ctr" var="$formstruc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$ctr" v2="0">
<!-- input field found
<!-- Extract input substring and search name/value pairs in them
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endelement" start="$ctr" var="$formstruc" />
<SET val="$r" var="inputctr" />
<VAR var="inputstr" />
<IF v1="$r">
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$ctr" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="inputstr" start="$ctr" var="$formstr" />
<SET val="$inputctr" var="ctr" />
<IF v1="$inputstr">
<VAR val="" var="tempinputstr" />
<STRCAT res="tempinputstr" var="$inputstr" />
<UC res="inputstruc" var="$tempinputstr" />
<SET val="0" var="namefoundlen" />
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="$namesought" var="$inputstruc" />
<IF v1="$inputctr">
<SET val="$namesoughtlen" var="namefoundlen" />
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="NAME" var="$inputstruc" />
<IF v1="$inputctr">
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="$endquote" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstruc"

- <IF v1="$inputctr">
<SET val="1" var="namefoundlen" />

<IF v1="$namefoundlen">
<ADD res="inputctr" var="$namefoundlen" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endquote" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstruc" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$inputctr" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="nameval" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstr" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$nameval" v2="">
<TRIM res="nameval" var="$nameval" />
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="$valuesought" var="$inputstruc" />
<IF v1="$inputctr">
<ADD res="inputctr" var="$valuesoughtlen" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endquote" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstruc" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$inputctr" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<STRSUB len="$r" res="valueval" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstr" />
<HSETPOST value="$valueval" var="$nameval" />
<IF op="NEQ" v1="$valueval" v2="">
<TRIM res="valueval" var="$valueval" />
<SET val="1" var="formdone" />
<IF v1="$formurl">
<HGETPOSTURL res="urlstring" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$urlstring" v2="">
<SET val="$url" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="-1" key="amp;" res="urlstring" val="" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="-1" key="amp%3b" res="urlstring" val="" />
<!-- Javascript content for Staples/HomeDepot/SJC networks
<VAR val="0" var="postvar" />
<HISPOST res="postvar" var="buttonClicked" />
<IF op="EQ" v1="$postvar" v2="1">
<VAR var="varurl" />
<HGETEL el="head" res="varurl" />
<IF v1="$varurl">
<HSETPOST value="4" var="buttonClicked" />
<VAR var="actionurl" />
<HGETPOSTURL res="actionurl" />
<STRCAT res="actionurl" var="?" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$actionurl" var="$varurl" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR var="actionurllen" />
<STRLEN res="actionurllen" var="$actionurl" />

<ADD res="r" var="$actionurllen" />

<VAR var="r2" />
<STRSTR res="r2" sought=";" start="$r" var="$varurl" />
<SUBTRACT res="r2" var="1" />
<SUBTRACT res="r2" var="$r" />
<STRSUB len="$r2" res="varurl" start="$r" var="$varurl" />
- <IF v1="$varurl">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="=" var="$varurl" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR var="postvarval" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="1" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="postvar" var="$varurl" />
<ADD res="r" var="2" />
<STRSUB res="postvarval" start="$r" var="$varurl" />
<HSETPOST value="$postvarval" var="$postvar" />
- <!-- End javascript content
- <!-- If there was a form, we first check if gateway is open to avoid doing un
necessary form posts
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<MOD den="$gwayinterval" num="$numforms" res="r" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
- <!-- Save our post variables
<HGETPOSTVARSSTR res="postvars" />
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
<HSETPOSTVARSFROMSTR value="$postvars" />
<HSETFORM res="r" url="$urlstring" />
- <IF v1="$uinputcap">
- <!-- Look for accesscode style form parmeters (aka PEETS, Hotel guest rooms s
<VAR val="password" var="soughtkey" />
<HCNTELAT atname="type" atvalue="$soughtkey" res="r" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<EXIT code="-171" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="text" var="soughtkey" />
<HCNTELAT atname="type" atvalue="$soughtkey" res="r" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<EXIT code="-171" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- look for frames (within a frameset)
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$framedoc" v2="0">

<HCNTELAT atname="$frameurl" el="$frameelement" res="framecount" />

- <IF op="GT" v1="$framecount" v2="0">
<HDOC res="framedoc" />
- <ELSE>
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
- <!-- Now look for <a href style redirection URL
<CALL to="FindHREFStyleURL" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$docloaded" v2="0">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$framecount" v2="0">
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$frameindex" v2="$framecount">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
- <!-- KRa, Not using HGETATTR for older SDKLite based products
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<HGETATTR atname="$frameurl" el="$frameelement" num="$frameindex" res="r" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="$frameurl" var="HGAatname" />
<SET val="$frameelement" var="HGAel" />
<SET val="$frameindex" var="HGAnum" />
<CALL to="HGetAttr" />
<ADD res="frameindex" var="1" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- Now look for <a href style redirection URL
<CALL to="FindHREFStyleURL" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$docloaded" v2="0">
- <!-- KRa, Look for a href style redirection location header
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<CALL to="FindHREFStyleURL" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<HPOST checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="1" res="r" timeout="$HttpTimeout" ua

s="$FreeUas" uncomment="0" />

<HDOC res="doc" />
<ADD res="numforms" var="1" />
- <IF op="GTE" v1="$numforms" v2="$maxforms">
- <!-- KRa, At this point of time either the gateway is open or there is no poi
nt in trying any further
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="CheckBSSIDAndExitIfExcluded" />
- <!-- Click through Success
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<EXIT code="160" />
- <!-- For SDKLilte and older products, return 150
<EXIT code="150" />
- <!-- KRa, HGETATTR replacement for SDKLite based products.
Call HGetAttr method by setting the following variables
HGAatname (Attribute name)
(Element name)
(number or index of the element, if multiple elements are present)
(Result variable containing the value, if not found null shall
be returned)
- <FUNCTION name="HGetAttr">
<VAR var="HGAatnameuc" />
<VAR var="atnamelen" />
<SET val="" var="r" />
<VAR val="0" var="index" />
<VAR var="elementuc" />
<URLDEC res="elementuc" var="%3C" />
<STRCAT res="elementuc" var="$HGAel" />
<UC res="elementuc" var="$elementuc" />
<UC res="HGAatnameuc" var="$HGAatname" />
<VAR var="textuc" />
<UC res="textuc" var="$temptext" />
- <!-- <HGETEL el="$HGAel" atname="$HGAatname" num="$HGAnum" res="elvalue"/>
<VAR val="1" var="i" />
- <FOR from="1" res="i" to="$HGAnum">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$elementuc" start="$index" var="$textuc" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$i" v2="$HGAnum">
<VAR var="atstart" />
<STRSTR res="atstart" sought="$HGAatnameuc" start="$r" var="$textuc" />
- <IF v1="$atstart">
<STRLEN res="atnamelen" var="$HGAatname" />
<ADD res="atstart" var="$atnamelen" />

<ADD res="atstart" var="2" />

<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endquote" start="$atstart" var="$textuc" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$atstart" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="r" start="$atstart" var="$text" />
<SET val="$r" var="index" />
<SET val="$HGAnum" var="i" />
<ADD res="i" var="1" />
<FUNCTION name="ExtractCodepostname">
<VAR var="typesought" />
<URLDEC res="typesought" var="TYPE%3D%22" />
<VAR var="textuc" />
<UC res="textuc" var="$temptext" />
<VAR var="quote" />
<URLDEC res="quote" var="%22" />
<STRCAT res="typesought" var="$soughtkey" />
<STRCAT res="typesought" var="$quote" />
<VAR val="$typesought" var="typesoughtuc" />
<UC res="typesoughtuc" var="$typesoughtuc" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$typesoughtuc" var="$textuc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR var="namesought" />
<URLDEC res="namesought" var="NAME%3D%22" />
<VAR var="namesoughtlen" />
<STRLEN res="namesoughtlen" var="$namesought" />
<VAR var="sindex" />
<VAR val="$namesought" var="namesoughtuc" />
<UC res="namesoughtuc" var="$namesoughtuc" />
<STRSTR res="sindex" sought="$namesoughtuc" start="$r" var="$textuc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$sindex" v2="0">
<ADD res="sindex" var="$namesoughtlen" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$quote" start="$sindex" var="$textuc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$sindex" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="codepostvarname" start="$sindex" var="$text" />
<FUNCTION name="CheckBSSIDAndExitIfExcluded">
<IF v1="$sdkcap">
<VAR var="getparam" />
<SET val="http://exclusion.boingo.com/exclusion/query/" var="url" />
<WIFIGETBSSID res="getparam" />
<IF v1="$getparam">
<SET val="00:00:00:00:00:00" var="getparam" />

<URLENC res="getparam" var="$getparam" />
<STRCAT res="url" var="$getparam" />
<WIFIGETSSID res="getparam" />
<URLENC res="getparam" var="$getparam" />
<STRCAT res="url" var="/" />
<STRCAT res="url" var="$getparam" />
<HGET obey302="0" res="r" timeout="15" uas="$BwiUas" uncomment="0" url="$url"
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
<HDOC res="doc" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="BSSID" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<EXIT code="-166" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="SSID" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<EXIT code="-165" />
- <FUNCTION name="FindHREFStyleURL">
- <!-- KRa, Not using HGETATTR for older SDKLite based products
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<HGETATTR atname="href" el="a" num="1" res="r" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="href" var="HGAatname" />
<SET val="a" var="HGAel" />
<SET val="1" var="HGAnum" />
<CALL to="HGetAttr" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <FUNCTION name="FormatURLWithHostname">
<VAR val="" var="tempurlstring" />
<STRCAT res="tempurlstring" var="$urlstring" />
<UC res="ucurlstring" var="$tempurlstring" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="HTTP" var="$ucurlstring" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$r" v2="1">
- <!-- Prepend host name (and any path)
<VAR val="" var="temphosturl" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" inst="1000" key="/" res="temphosturl" val=";" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought=";" var="$temphosturl" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR val="" var="hostnameurl" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="hostnameurl" var="$url" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="/" var="$urlstring" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="1" key="/" res="r" val="" />
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />

<STRCAT res="hostnameurl" var="$urlstring" />

<SET val="$hostnameurl" var="urlstring" />
- <!-- KRa, Function to URL Encode the hostname path
- <FUNCTION name="EncodeURLPath">
<VAR val="/" var="pathseparator" />
<VAR val="?" var="pathend" />
<VAR val="10" var="smarker" />
<VAR var="emarker" />
<VAR var="srckey" />
<VAR var="urlenckey" />
<VAR val="0" var="loopdone" />
<STRSTR res="pathend" sought="$pathend" start="$smarker" var="$url" />
- <!-- while loop should start here
- <WHILE op="EQ" v1="$loopdone" v2="0">
<SET val="1" var="loopdone" />
<STRSTR res="smarker" sought="$pathseparator" start="$smarker" var="$url" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$smarker" v2="1">
<ADD res="smarker" var="1" />
<STRSTR res="emarker" sought="$pathseparator" start="$smarker" var="$url" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$emarker" v2="1">
- <IF op="LT" v1="$emarker" v2="$pathend">
<VAR val="$emarker" var="keylen" />
<SUBTRACT res="keylen" var="$smarker" />
<STRSUB len="$keylen" res="srckey" start="$smarker" var="$url" />
<URLENC res="urlenckey" var="$srckey" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" key="$srckey" res="url" val="$urlenckey" />
<SET val="$emarker" var="smarker" />
<SET val="0" var="loopdone" />
- <script id="3" name="BwiWisprPrefix" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprPrefixLogin" />
- <script id="238" name="FreeCoffeeBeanWiFi" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="1
- <!-- KRa, Script to check/(connect to) CoffeeBean networks, does not follow a
ny WisPr standards, rather processes HTML pages
- <!-- directly looking for post data to send to server.
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFreeConnect" />
<CALL to="BwiDisassociate" />

- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoFreeConnect">
<VAR val="0" var="done" />
<VAR val="Mozilla/4.0" var="FreeUas" />
<VAR val="Mozilla/4.0" var="BwiUas" />
<ISVAR res="r" var="uasoverride" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<VAR val="$uasoverride" var="BwiUas" />
<VAR val="$uasoverride" var="FreeUas" />
- <!-- might return success (150) if gateway is already open
<CALL to="BwiDoConnectInit" />
<VAR var="exclusionIP" />
<IPDNS name="NoFreeAccess" res="exclusionIP" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$exclusionIP" v2="">
<RETURN code="-164" />
<VAR var="r" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="CheckBSSIDAndExitIfExcluded" />
- <!-- Not Responding
<RETURN code="-161" />
<STATUS code="120" />
<VAR var="url" />
- <!-- the URL we're currently trying to get form tags or a redirect from
<VAR val="1" var="docloaded" />
- <!-- will be set to 1, if a HTML document is loaded
<SET val="$BwiAlive" var="url" />
<CALL to="BwiExecuteFreelogic" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
- <!-- Not successful, either couldnt find forms, or form post didnt open gatew
<RETURN code="-142" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiExecuteFreelogic">
- <!-- We shall process a max of "maxpages" pages. Any more than this, we shall
terminate the freeLogic
<VAR val="1" var="numpages" />
<VAR val="15" var="maxpages" />
<VAR val="6" var="maxnonformpages" />
- <!-- We shall submit a max of "maxforms" forms. If gateway does not open, the
n we shall terminate the freelogic
<VAR val="0" var="numforms" />
<VAR val="8" var="maxforms" />
<VAR var="postvars" />
<VAR val="1" var="gwayinterval" />
- <!-- KRa, gateway interval override for scripts that need longer gateway chec
k duration

<ISVAR res="r" var="gwayoverride" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$gwayoverride" var="gwayinterval" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$gwayinterval" v2="3">
<SET val="3" var="gwayinterval" />
<VAR val="0" var="framedoc" />
<VAR val="1" var="frameindex" />
<VAR val="0" var="framecount" />
<VAR val="frame" var="frameelement" />
<VAR val="src" var="frameurl" />
<VAR val="12" var="HttpTimeout" />
<SET val="0" var="BwiCheckCert" />
<VAR var="namefoundlen" />
<VAR var="HGAatname" />
<VAR var="HGAel" />
<VAR var="HGAnum" />
<VAR var="endquote" />
<URLDEC res="endquote" var="%22" />
<VAR var="endelement" />
<URLDEC res="endelement" var="%3E" />
<VAR var="sdkcap" />
<GETCAP cap="SDK41" res="sdkcap" />
<VAR var="uinputcap" />
<GETCAP cap="USERINPUT" res="uinputcap" />
- <WHILE op="EQ" v1="$done" v2="0">
- <!-- check if we're processing too many pages
<ADD res="numpages" var="1" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numpages" v2="$maxpages">
<CALL to="BwiProcessHTMLPage" />
- <!-- By this time either gateway is open or form(s) post wasn't successful or
no form was found
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$done" v2="1">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
- <!-- Click through Failed
<RETURN code="-160" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- CLOSED
<RETURN code="-162" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- Not Responding
<RETURN code="-161" />
- <!-- KRa, Find a page that has the FORM containing login post information, fo
llow as many redirects as possible, obeying the redirect limit

- <!-- as per XCocos SPEC. Once FORM (or multiple FORMs) is/are detected, find
the right one, parse the attributes and post to server
- <!-- KRa, Note that this version of free script works for both SDKLite based
products and new ones.
- <!-- For SDKLite based products, HGETFORM and HGETATTR commands are stubbed o
ut via a newly defined capability
- <FUNCTION name="BwiProcessHTMLPage">
<VAR val="" var="urlstring" />
<VAR val="" var="ucurlstring" />
<VAR var="location" />
- <!-- load our HTML document if not already loaded.
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$docloaded" v2="1">
<TRIM res="url" var="$url" />
- <!-- clean up cdata tags, if present
<STRSTR res="r" sought="A[" var="$url" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<STRARGGET num="2" res="url" sep="A[" var="$url" />
<STRARGGET num="1" res="url" sep="]]" var="$url" />
<TRIM res="url" var="$url" />
- <!-- KRa, Free network forcefully doing GET here
<HGET checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="$HttpTimeout" uas
="$FreeUas" uncomment="0" url="$url" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<SET val="1" var="docloaded" />
- <ELSE>
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numpages" v2="$maxnonformpages">
- <!-- KRa, At this point of time, we couldnt find a form, there is no point in
trying any further
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- KRa, look for a Location: header (30x style redirect)
<HHEADER name="Location" res="location" />
- <IF v1="$location">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="://" var="$location" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <!-- If there was a location header after form posting has started, it most p
robably means gateway just got opened
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<MOD den="$gwayinterval" num="$numforms" res="r" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />

<SET val="$location" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <ELSE>
- <!-- Check for NoFreeAccess tag
<HCNTELAT atname="freeAccess" atvalue="0" el="PublicAccess" res="r" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<EXIT code="-163" />
- <!-- look for meta-refresh, ignore the delay
<VAR val="" var="text" />
<HDOC res="text" />
- <!-- Temporary variable fix for UC issue in Samsung camera interpreter code
<VAR val="" var="temptext" />
<STRCAT res="temptext" var="$text" />
<VAR var="start" />
<VAR var="end" />
<URLDEC res="start" var="%3CMETA%20HTTP-EQUIV%3D%22REFRESH%22%20CONTENT%3D%22"
<URLDEC res="end" var="%22" />
<CALL to="FindIgnoreCase" />
<HDOC res="text" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$ret" v2="">
<VAR val="h" var="sought" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$sought" var="$ret" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<STRSUB res="url" start="$r" var="$ret" />
- <!-- Now check if URL is relative, if so prepend the hostname
<SET val="$url" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
- <!-- Check if the meta refresh URL contains a noscript string, if so do not e
xecute this and rather look for form(s)
<STRSTR res="r" sought="noscript" var="$urlstring" />
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$r" v2="0">
- <!-- If there was a meta refresh after form posting has started, it most prob
ably means gateway just got opened
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<MOD den="$gwayinterval" num="$numforms" res="r" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <!-- KRa, scan for form containing post data, remember do not use HGETFORM fo
r SDKLite

<VAR val="" var="formurl" />
<IF v1="$sdkcap">
<HGETFORM res="formurl" />
<VAR var="formstr" />
<HGETEL el="form" res="formstr" />
<IF v1="$formstr">
<SET val="action" var="HGAatname" />
<SET val="form" var="HGAel" />
<SET val="1" var="HGAnum" />
<CALL to="HGetAttr" />
<SET val="$r" var="formurl" />
<HSETFORM res="r" url="$formurl" />
<!-- KRa, Now extract form fields
<VAR val="0" var="formdone" />
<VAR var="formstruc" />
<VAR val="" var="tempformstr" />
<STRCAT res="tempformstr" var="$formstr" />
<UC res="formstruc" var="$tempformstr" />
<VAR val="0" var="ctr" />
<VAR var="inputsought" />
<URLDEC res="inputsought" var="%3CINPUT" />
<VAR var="namesought" />
<URLDEC res="namesought" var="NAME%3D%22" />
<VAR var="namesoughtlen" />
<STRLEN res="namesoughtlen" var="$namesought" />
<VAR var="valuesought" />
<URLDEC res="valuesought" var="VALUE%3D%22" />
<VAR var="valuesoughtlen" />
<STRLEN res="valuesoughtlen" var="$valuesought" />
<VAR var="nameval" />
<VAR var="valueval" />
<VAR var="inputctr" />
<VAR var="inputstruc" />
<WHILE op="EQ" v1="$formdone" v2="0">
<SET val="" var="valueval" />
<STRSTR res="ctr" sought="$inputsought" start="$ctr" var="$formstruc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$ctr" v2="0">
<!-- input field found
<!-- Extract input substring and search name/value pairs in them
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endelement" start="$ctr" var="$formstruc" />
<SET val="$r" var="inputctr" />
<VAR var="inputstr" />
<IF v1="$r">
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$ctr" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="inputstr" start="$ctr" var="$formstr" />
<SET val="$inputctr" var="ctr" />
<IF v1="$inputstr">
<VAR val="" var="tempinputstr" />
<STRCAT res="tempinputstr" var="$inputstr" />
<UC res="inputstruc" var="$tempinputstr" />
<SET val="0" var="namefoundlen" />
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="$namesought" var="$inputstruc" />
<IF v1="$inputctr">
<SET val="$namesoughtlen" var="namefoundlen" />

- <ELSE>
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="NAME" var="$inputstruc" />
- <IF v1="$inputctr">
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="$endquote" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstruc"
- <IF v1="$inputctr">
<SET val="1" var="namefoundlen" />
- <IF v1="$namefoundlen">
<ADD res="inputctr" var="$namefoundlen" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endquote" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstruc" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$inputctr" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="nameval" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstr" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$nameval" v2="">
<TRIM res="nameval" var="$nameval" />
<STRSTR res="inputctr" sought="$valuesought" var="$inputstruc" />
- <IF v1="$inputctr">
<ADD res="inputctr" var="$valuesoughtlen" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endquote" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstruc" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$inputctr" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<STRSUB len="$r" res="valueval" start="$inputctr" var="$inputstr" />
<HSETPOST value="$valueval" var="$nameval" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$valueval" v2="">
<TRIM res="valueval" var="$valueval" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="1" var="formdone" />
- <IF v1="$formurl">
<HGETPOSTURL res="urlstring" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$urlstring" v2="">
<SET val="$url" var="urlstring" />
- <ELSE>
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="-1" key="amp;" res="urlstring" val="" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="-1" key="amp%3b" res="urlstring" val="" />
- <!-- Javascript content for Staples/HomeDepot/SJC networks
<VAR val="0" var="postvar" />
<HISPOST res="postvar" var="buttonClicked" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$postvar" v2="1">
<VAR var="varurl" />
<HGETEL el="head" res="varurl" />
- <IF v1="$varurl">

<HSETPOST value="4" var="buttonClicked" />

<VAR var="actionurl" />
<HGETPOSTURL res="actionurl" />
<STRCAT res="actionurl" var="?" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$actionurl" var="$varurl" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR var="actionurllen" />
<STRLEN res="actionurllen" var="$actionurl" />
<ADD res="r" var="$actionurllen" />
<VAR var="r2" />
<STRSTR res="r2" sought=";" start="$r" var="$varurl" />
<SUBTRACT res="r2" var="1" />
<SUBTRACT res="r2" var="$r" />
<STRSUB len="$r2" res="varurl" start="$r" var="$varurl" />
- <IF v1="$varurl">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="=" var="$varurl" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR var="postvarval" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="1" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="postvar" var="$varurl" />
<ADD res="r" var="2" />
<STRSUB res="postvarval" start="$r" var="$varurl" />
<HSETPOST value="$postvarval" var="$postvar" />
- <!-- End javascript content
- <!-- If there was a form, we first check if gateway is open to avoid doing un
necessary form posts
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<MOD den="$gwayinterval" num="$numforms" res="r" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="0">
- <!-- Save our post variables
<HGETPOSTVARSSTR res="postvars" />
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
<HSETPOSTVARSFROMSTR value="$postvars" />
<HSETFORM res="r" url="$urlstring" />
- <IF v1="$uinputcap">
- <!-- Look for accesscode style form parmeters (aka PEETS, Coffee Bean style)
<VAR val="password" var="soughtkey" />
<HCNTELAT atname="type" atvalue="$soughtkey" res="r" />
<VAR val="" var="codepostvarname" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <!-- pick up the name= value for posting
<CALL to="ExtractCodepostname" />
<ASK code="4" res="r" timeout="30" />
- <!-- <EXIT code="-171"/>

<HSETPOST value="$r" var="$codepostvarname" />

- <ELSE>
<SET val="text" var="soughtkey" />
<HCNTELAT atname="type" atvalue="$soughtkey" res="r" />
- <IF v1="$r">
- <!-- pick up the name= value for posting
<CALL to="ExtractCodepostname" />
<ASK code="4" res="r" timeout="30" />
<HSETPOST value="$r" var="$codepostvarname" />
- <!-- <EXIT code="-171"/>
- <ELSE>
- <!-- look for frames (within a frameset)
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$framedoc" v2="0">
<HCNTELAT atname="$frameurl" el="$frameelement" res="framecount" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$framecount" v2="0">
<HDOC res="framedoc" />
- <ELSE>
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
- <!-- Now look for <a href style redirection URL
<CALL to="FindHREFStyleURL" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$docloaded" v2="0">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$framecount" v2="0">
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$frameindex" v2="$framecount">
- <IF op="GT" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck" />
- <!-- KRa, Not using HGETATTR for older SDKLite based products
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<HGETATTR atname="$frameurl" el="$frameelement" num="$frameindex" res="r" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="$frameurl" var="HGAatname" />
<SET val="$frameelement" var="HGAel" />
<SET val="$frameindex" var="HGAnum" />
<CALL to="HGetAttr" />
<ADD res="frameindex" var="1" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <ELSE>

- <!-- Now look for <a href style redirection URL

<CALL to="FindHREFStyleURL" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$docloaded" v2="0">
- <!-- KRa, Look for a href style redirection location header
- <IF op="LTE" v1="$numforms" v2="0">
<CALL to="FindHREFStyleURL" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
<HPOST checkcert="$BwiCheckCert" obey302="0" res="r" timeout="$HttpTimeout" ua
s="$FreeUas" uncomment="0" />
<HDOC res="doc" />
<ADD res="numforms" var="1" />
- <IF op="GTE" v1="$numforms" v2="$maxforms">
- <!-- KRa, At this point of time either the gateway is open or there is no poi
nt in trying any further
<SET val="1" var="done" />
<RETURN code="0" />
- <FUNCTION name="BwiDoFinalGatewayCheck">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="150">
<CALL to="CheckBSSIDAndExitIfExcluded" />
- <!-- Click through Success
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<EXIT code="160" />
- <!-- For SDKLilte and older products, return 150
<EXIT code="150" />
- <!-- KRa, HGETATTR replacement for SDKLite based products.
Call HGetAttr method by setting the following variables
HGAatname (Attribute name)
(Element name)
(number or index of the element, if multiple elements are pres
(Result variable containing the value, if not found nu
ll shall be returned)
- <FUNCTION name="HGetAttr">
<VAR var="HGAatnameuc" />
<VAR var="atnamelen" />

<SET val="" var="r" />

<VAR val="0" var="index" />
<VAR var="elementuc" />
<URLDEC res="elementuc" var="%3C" />
<STRCAT res="elementuc" var="$HGAel" />
<UC res="elementuc" var="$elementuc" />
<UC res="HGAatnameuc" var="$HGAatname" />
<VAR var="textuc" />
<UC res="textuc" var="$temptext" />
<!-- <HGETEL el="$HGAel" atname="$HGAatname" num="$HGAnum" res="elvalue"/>
<VAR val="1" var="i" />
<FOR from="1" res="i" to="$HGAnum">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$elementuc" start="$index" var="$textuc" />
<IF v1="$r">
<IF op="EQ" v1="$i" v2="$HGAnum">
<VAR var="atstart" />
<STRSTR res="atstart" sought="$HGAatnameuc" start="$r" var="$textuc" />
<IF v1="$atstart">
<STRLEN res="atnamelen" var="$HGAatname" />
<ADD res="atstart" var="$atnamelen" />
<ADD res="atstart" var="2" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$endquote" start="$atstart" var="$textuc" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$atstart" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="r" start="$atstart" var="$text" />
<SET val="$r" var="index" />
<SET val="$HGAnum" var="i" />
<ADD res="i" var="1" />
<FUNCTION name="ExtractCodepostname">
<VAR var="typesought" />
<URLDEC res="typesought" var="TYPE%3D%22" />
<VAR var="textuc" />
<UC res="textuc" var="$temptext" />
<VAR var="quote" />
<URLDEC res="quote" var="%22" />
<STRCAT res="typesought" var="$soughtkey" />
<STRCAT res="typesought" var="$quote" />
<VAR val="$typesought" var="typesoughtuc" />
<UC res="typesoughtuc" var="$typesoughtuc" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="$typesoughtuc" var="$textuc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR var="namesought" />
<URLDEC res="namesought" var="NAME%3D%22" />
<VAR var="namesoughtlen" />
<STRLEN res="namesoughtlen" var="$namesought" />
<VAR var="sindex" />
<VAR val="$namesought" var="namesoughtuc" />
<UC res="namesoughtuc" var="$namesoughtuc" />
<STRSTR res="sindex" sought="$namesoughtuc" start="$r" var="$textuc" />
<IF op="GT" v1="$sindex" v2="0">
<ADD res="sindex" var="$namesoughtlen" />

<STRSTR res="r" sought="$quote" start="$sindex" var="$textuc" />

- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="$sindex" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="codepostvarname" start="$sindex" var="$text" />
- <FUNCTION name="CheckBSSIDAndExitIfExcluded">
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
- <ELSE>
<VAR var="getparam" />
<SET val="http://exclusion.boingo.com/exclusion/query/" var="url" />
<WIFIGETBSSID res="getparam" />
- <IF v1="$getparam">
- <ELSE>
<SET val="00:00:00:00:00:00" var="getparam" />
<URLENC res="getparam" var="$getparam" />
<STRCAT res="url" var="$getparam" />
<WIFIGETSSID res="getparam" />
<URLENC res="getparam" var="$getparam" />
<STRCAT res="url" var="/" />
<STRCAT res="url" var="$getparam" />
<HGET obey302="0" res="r" timeout="15" uas="$BwiUas" uncomment="0" url="$url"
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="200">
<HDOC res="doc" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="BSSID" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<EXIT code="-166" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="SSID" var="$doc" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<EXIT code="-165" />
- <FUNCTION name="FindHREFStyleURL">
- <!-- KRa, Not using HGETATTR for older SDKLite based products
- <IF v1="$sdkcap">
<HGETATTR atname="href" el="a" num="1" res="r" />
- <ELSE>
<SET val="href" var="HGAatname" />
<SET val="a" var="HGAel" />
<SET val="1" var="HGAnum" />
<CALL to="HGetAttr" />
- <IF v1="$r">
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />
<CALL to="FormatURLWithHostname" />
<SET val="$urlstring" var="url" />
<SET val="0" var="docloaded" />
<RETURN code="0" />

- <FUNCTION name="FormatURLWithHostname">
<VAR val="" var="tempurlstring" />
<STRCAT res="tempurlstring" var="$urlstring" />
<UC res="ucurlstring" var="$tempurlstring" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="HTTP" var="$ucurlstring" />
- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$r" v2="1">
- <!-- Prepend host name (and any path)
<VAR val="" var="temphosturl" />
<STRSUBST fmt="$url" inst="1000" key="/" res="temphosturl" val=";" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought=";" var="$temphosturl" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="0">
<VAR val="" var="hostnameurl" />
<SUBTRACT res="r" var="1" />
<STRSUB len="$r" res="hostnameurl" var="$url" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="/" var="$urlstring" />
- <IF op="EQ" v1="$r" v2="1">
<STRSUBST fmt="$urlstring" inst="1" key="/" res="r" val="" />
<SET val="$r" var="urlstring" />
<STRCAT res="hostnameurl" var="$urlstring" />
<SET val="$hostnameurl" var="urlstring" />
- <script id="224" name="BwiWisprPrefixPostAuth" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <!-- BwiWisprPrefixPostAuth
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<CALL to="BwiWisprPrefixLogin" />
- <IF v1="$BwiLocationName">
<STRSTR res="r" sought="Cellular Field" var="$BwiLocationName" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<SETENV val="http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/index.jsp?c_id=cws" var="_POSTAUT
HURL" />
- <script id="243" name="FreePeets" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ver="11839">
- <!-- KRa, Script to connect to PEETs networks, does not follow any WisPr stan
dards, rather processes HTML pages
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR val="Mozilla/4.0" var="uasoverride" />
<CALL to="_FreeDefault._Connect" />
- <script id="209" name="BwiAttwifiPartnerProbe" proto="2" type="text/xcocos" ve
- <!-- v2.10 20110314 BCo
- <FUNCTION name="_Connect">
<VAR val="x" var="aliverand" />
- <!-- big hack

<CALL to="BwiGlobalInit" />

- <IF op="NEQ" v1="$_ERRCODE" v2="0">
<CALL to="BwiDoCheck" />
<VAR var="doc" />
<HDOC res="doc" />
<VAR var="ucdoc" />
<UC res="ucdoc" var="$doc" />
<STRSTR res="r" sought="ARBUCK" var="$ucdoc" />
- <IF op="GT" v1="$r" v2="1">
<SETENV val="http://starbucks.yahoo.com" var="_POSTAUTHURL" />
<CALL to="_FreeDefault._Connect" />
- <FUNCTION name="HandleAttwifiProbeWisprDoc">
<VAR var="lntemp" />
<HGETEL el="LocationName" res="lntemp" />
- <IF v1="$lntemp">
<SET val="$lntemp" var="ln" />
- <FUNCTION name="_Probe">
<VAR val="x" var="aliverand" />
<VAR var="cap" />
<GETCAP cap="HasNoProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<GETCAP cap="SkipProbe" res="cap" />
- <IF v1="$cap">
<RETURN code="-199" />
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