Bangalore University III - IV SEM Syllabus - Accounts
Bangalore University III - IV SEM Syllabus - Accounts
Bangalore University III - IV SEM Syllabus - Accounts
1 International Business
Objectives: 1. To familiarize the students with the concepts, functions and practices of international business. 2. To enable them get global perspective on issues related to business. Module 1 Nature of International Business (IB). Drivers of IB. IB and domestic business compared. Routes of globalisation, players in International Business. Evolution of IB. Theories of IB. Mercantalism. Theory of Absolute Advantage. Theory of Comparative Advantage. National Competitive Advantage. Environment of IB. Political, legal, technological, cultural, economic factors.
Module 2
International Strategic Management nature, process scanning global environment formulation of strategies implementation of strategies evaluation and control. Organisational designs for IB. Factors affecting designs. Global product design. Global area design. Global functional design. International division structure. Module 3 International Human Resource Management (IHRM). IHRM and domestice HRM compared. Scope of IHRM. HR planning. Selection of expartriates. Expat training. Expat remuneration. Expat failures and ways of avoiding. Repatriation. Employee relations. International operations Management. Nature - operations management and competitive advantages. Strategic issues sourcing v/s vertical integration, facilities location, strategic role of foreign plants, international logistics, managing service operations, managing technology transfers. International Financial Management Nature - compared with domestic financial management. Scope current assets management, managing foreign exchange risks, international taxation, international financing decision, international financial markets, international financial investment decisions. International financial accounting national differences in accounting, attempts to harmonise differences. Financing foreign trade Indias foreign trade, balance of trade and balance of payments, financing export trade and import trade. International Marketing nature compared with domestic marketing. Benefits from international marketing. Major activities market assessment, product decisions, promotion decisions, pricing decisions, distribution decisions. Module 4 Integration between countries. Levels of integration. Impact of Integration. Regional trading blocks EU, NAFTA, Mercosur, APEC, ASEAN, SAARC, Commodity agreements. GATT, WTO functions, structure, agreements, implications for India. International Strategic Alliances Nature - Benefits. Pitfalls, scope, managing alliances.
3.2 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Objectives: 1. To make the student conscious about ethical values in real life and in business. 2. To make students internalize ethical values and practices. Module 1: Ethics in Business: Definition of business ethics A model of ethics; ethical performance in business; managerial values and attitudes; ethical congruence; managerial philosophy; types of ethics ; code of ethics; importance of ethics in business. Module 2 Ethical Theories and Corporate social responsibility: Cognitivism and noncognitivism; consequentialism versus non-consequentialism- Utilitarianism; Religion and ethics; Kantianism versus Utilitarianism; Business and Religion; Ethics and Social responsibility: Corporate social responsibility; changing expectations; diagnostics model of social responsiveness; four faces of social responsibility- ethical climate in companies. Module 3 Ethics in Marketing: Ethical dilemmas in marketing- unethical marketing practices- ethical and social issues in advertising- common deceptive marketing practices-role of consumerism. Ethics in Finance: Unethical financial practices creative accounting- hostile takeovers- tax evasion- corporate crimes. Module 4 Ethics in Human Resources Management: Human resource systempsychological expectancy model- Human resource management practices and
ethical implications- Individualism versus collectivism in human resource management practices Ethics and Information Technology: Ethical issues relating to computer applications; security threats computer crime- computer viruses- software piracyhacking computer crime prevention ethical dilemmas and considerations. Module 5 Concept of corporate governance importance - Corporate governance and agency theory. Benefits of good corporate governance - present scenario in India. Reforming Board of Directors, Birla committee, Naresh Chandra Committee, Narayana Murthy committee, Corporate Governance code future scenario.
Books for Reference: 1. S.K. Chakraborthy: Foundations of Managerial Work Contributions from Indian Thought, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay. 2. V.S. Mahesh: Thresholds of Motivation, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Pradip N. Khandwalla: Organisational Designs for Excellence, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Theophane A. Mathias: Corporate Ethics, (Ed) Allied. Publishers. 5. Beanchamp Tom L: Ethical Theory and Business, Prentice Hall. 6. Behram Kack N: Essays on Ethics in Business and the Professions, Prentice Hall. 7. Blanchard, Kenneth : The Power of Ethical Management, EM of Co. 8. Borchert, Donald M: Exploring Ethics, Macmillan Pub. Co. 9. Bowie, Norman E: Business Ethics, Prentice Hall. 10.Brady, F. Neil : Ethical Managing, Macmillan Pub. Co. 11.Buckholz, Rogene A: Fundamental concepts and problems in business Ethics, Prentice Hall. 12.Cavanagh, Gerald F: Ethical Dilemmas in the Modern Corporation, Prentice Hall. 13.Cederblam, Jerry: Ethics at Work, Wadsworth Publishing Co.
14.Desjardins, Joseph R: Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics, Wadsworth Publishing Company. 15.Donaldson, Thomas: Ethical Issues in Business, Prentice Hall. 16.Donaldson, Thomas: The Ethics of International Business, Oxford University Press. 17.Ferreth oc: Business Ethics, Prentice Hall. 18.Garrelt, John C: Business Ethics, Prentice Hall. 19.Hoffman, W. Michael: Business Ethics, Prentice Hall. 20.Gupta. L.C. Corporate Management and Accounability. 21.Mc.Millan Institution for FM and Research Chennai.
A. 2 Accounting Standards and Corporate Reporting Objectives 1. To provide knowledge about contemporary issues in accounting. 2. To enable the students to develop in sights into financial analysis of business organizations.
Module 1: Accounting Standards Definition Benefits Management and Standard setting Standard setting process Difficulties in Standard setting Types of Accounting Standard Accounting Standards issued by ASB of ICAI till date, with problems, AS-6, AS-11, AS-14, AS-3. Module 2: Financial analysis, comparative analysis, horizontal, vertical, time series and index analysis, ratio analysis, limitation of ratio analysis, do point control chart, predictive power of financial ratios, prediction of sickness using various models, funds flow and cash flow analysis. (As per as 3) Module 3: Corporate reporting concepts objectives General purpose and Specific purpose Qualities of good financial report Segmental report interim report, legal requirements Social reporting Human Resource accounting and reporting and contemporary issues. Module 4: Disclosure of accounting policies- depreciation- inventory- research and development- deferred taxation - current cost accounting - post balance sheet events contingencies - leases and hire purchase - goodwill - mergers and acquisitioins - pension costs - foreign currency translations - change in financial position. A brief survey of accounting software packages. Book for Reference: 1. Jawaharlal, Accounting Theory, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. L.S. Porwal, Accounting Theory, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. I.M. Pandey, Management Accounting, Vikas Pub. 4. S.N. Maheshwari, Management Accounting and Financial Control, Sultan Chand, New Delhi. 5. Bhatty. J, Management Accounting, ELBS. 1. Khan and Jain, Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Horngren C.T, Management Accounting, Prentice Hall of India. 3. ICAI, Compendium of Statements and Standards on Accounting. 4. Myer J.N., Financial Statement Analysis. Anthony R.N., Management Accounting Principles
A.3 Direct Taxes Objective: To give an integrated view of direct tax and apply the laws to business decisions. Module 1: Basic frame work of direct taxation, principles of direct taxation appraisal of annual Finance Act, tax planning and its methods, advance tax rulings. Module 2: Sailent features of company taxation, scheme of taxing business income of companies, business deductions/allowances, disallowances and depreciation. Module 3: Computation of taxable income of companies set off and carry forward of losses, deductions under section 80G/801A-801B-801C Module 4: Tax planning with respect to amalgamation and mergers, multinational companies, double taxation treaties, joint ventures and foreign collaborations, tax consideration in make or buy, own or lease, retain or replace, Transfer pricing. Module 5: Procedure for assessment, deduction of tax at source, advance payment of tax, refunds, appeals and revision. Module 6: Wealth tax for companies, charging section, exempted wealth computation of net wealth, wealth tax planning. Books for References: 1. Vinod K. Singhania, Direct Tax Law and Practice, Taxman. 2. AgrarwalP.K, Tax Planning for Companies, Hind Law Publishers, New DELHI. 3. Dr. H.C. Mehrotra and Dr. S.P. Goyal, Income Tax Law and Practices, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra. 4. Sukumar Bhattachary, Tax Planning in India. 5. Sharat Bargava: Direct Taxes. 6. B.B. Lal & N. Vashist Direct Taxes, - Pearson New Delhi. 7. Girish Ahuja and Dr. Ravigupta Direct Taxes Law and practices-Bharaths.
A.4 Indirect Taxation Objective To familiarise the students with the indirect tax laws. Module - 1 Central excise, historical background of Central Excise, Taxation in India, Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985, licensing levy, collection of duty, power and duties of excise officer, claim for rebate of duty, assessment and provisional assessment, recovery, refunds and remission of duty, proforma credit, CENVAT and money credit, warehousing, self removal procedure, offences and penalties, adjudications, appeals, revisions and reference, payment of duty under protest and exemptions, service tax (VAT). Module - 2 Customs: History of Customs Act, 1962, customs tariff, valuation, customs valuation (determination of price of imported goods) Rules 1988, levy and exemptions, prohibition on import and export, special provisions regarding baggage, goods imported and exported by post, offences and penalties, adjudication, appeals, revision and draw back. Module 3 Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 VAT Procedures under VAT, Advantages, Disadvantages. Books for Reference: 1. L.K. Jain, Central Excise Mannual, Contay Publishers P. ltd. 2. D.N. Khole, B.N. Sharma etal, Customs Tariff, Census Publishers. 3. Bare Acts of CST and KST. 4. B.K. Ghargava, Indirect Tax Laws, Taxman Allied Services. 5. V.S. Datey, Indirect Tax Law and Practice. 6. Central Excise Guidelines and Procedures, Nabi Pub. New Delhi.
7. R.K. Jain, Customs Law Manual, ii) Central Excise Manual, iii) Central Excise Law Guide, Contex Pub. New Delhi. 8. Arvind Datar, Guide to Central Excise Law and Practice Vol. I, Wadhwa and Co. Nagpur. 9. charya Shuklendra, Central Excise Law, Practice and Procedure Vol. I & II, Modern Law Publisions, Allahabad. 10.S.P. Bhatnagar, Customs Law and Procedure, Contex Pub. New Delhi. 11.P.L. Malik, Commentaries on Customs Act, 1962, with Rules and Notifications, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow. 12.Jai. Kr. Jain and Anand Prakash, Law of Control Sale Tax in India, Anand Prakashan, Jaipur. 13.Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Systematic approach to Indirect Taxes, Bharat Law house, Allahabad.
A.5 Accounting for managerial decisions Objectives: To enable students to apply cost accounting theory decision making in business. Module 1 Decision making process, Database for decision-making, Cost-based Decisionmaking. Module 2 Cost behavior and profits, Marginal Costing and Short term Decisions and pricing. Application of short term decision models, Problem of key factors, diversification of products, Product mix decision, make or buy decisions, effect of changes in selling prices, shut down, continue decision, application of differential cost analysis. Module 3 Budgets and Standards as keys to Planning and Control, functional master budgets and responsibility accounting, flexible budgets planning of variable and fixed costs, budget implementation and operation, monitoring results and control variance analysis material, Labour and Overheads (Advanced problems) Module 4 Uniform Costing and inter firm comparison: Steps and techniques
Module 5 Cost audit, aspects, scope, cost audit scheme under the Companies Act 1956, procedure for cost audit, cost audit report, cost audit Vs financial audit, management audit, statutory audit. A brief survey of accounting software packages. Books for Reference: 1. Vashist and Saxena, Advanced Cost and Management Accounting, Sultan Chand and sons. 2. Jain and Narang, Advanced Cost Accounting, Kalyani. 3. Arun Prasad Roy Chowdhury, etal; Cost and Management Accountancy, New Central Book Agency. 4. Horngren, Cost Accounting; A Managerial Emphasis, PHI. 5. Prasad. N.K, Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting, Book Syndicate. 6. ICWA Publications on application of costing principles in different industries. 7. Jawaharlal, Cost Accounting, TMH 8. Khan and Jain, Theory and Problem of Management and Cost Accounting, TMH. 9. Nigam and Sharma, Cost Analysis and Control Management Approach, HPH. 10.ICWA, Calcutta, Advanced Cost and Management Accountancy Methods, Techniques and Applications. 11.Mukherjee. S and Roy Chowdhury, Advanced Cost and Management Accountancy, New Central Book Agency, Calcutta. A.6 Strategic Cost Management II Objective: To expose the students to the external environment of business and to enable them to formulate strategies related to cost and pricing. Module 1: Pricing strategies: Pricing policy, process, Role and methods cost plus pricing, Managerial cost pricing, pricing for target rate of return, added value method of pricing, differential cost pricing giving rate pricing, standard cost pricing, Export pricing, methods, strategies in product pricing, pricing strategies for new products pricing established products. Module 2:
Transfer pricing: Necessity, methods of transfer pricing, benefits of transfer pricing, Guarding Principles in the fixing transfer prices international transfer pricing. Module 3: Cost of Quanlity and TQM-Definition, classification of quality costs, cost of Conformance, Prevention costs, appraisal costs, cost of Non-conformance, optimization of quality cost, TQM Core concepts of TQM, Benefits of TQM. Module 4: Balanced Scorecard: Introduction, drawback of traditional financial measures, attributes to good performance measurement system, concept of balanced score card, perspectives of B.SC and how to implement B.SC? Books for Reference:
1. Ravi. M. Kishore, Cost Management, Taxman, Allied Services (p) Ltd., 2. S.K.R. Paul, Management Accounting, New Central Book Agency Private Ltd., Calcutta. 3. Charles T. Horngren, George Foster, Srikant M. Data, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 4. Roger Cowe, Hand Book of Management Accounting, A Grower Handbook. 5. S. Mukherjee & A.P. Roychowdhury, Advanced Cost and Management Accountancy, New Central Book Agency, Calcutta. 6. Anthony R.N, Management Accounting Principles, Grawin Publishing. 7. Batty J, Mc Donald & Evans, Management Accountancy, London. 8. Bierman H & Drabin A.R, An Introduction Managerial Accounting, McMillan Company, New York. 9. Broad H.W & Carmichael K.S, A Guide to Management Accounting, HFL (Pub) Ltd., London. 10. Brown & Haward, Mac Donald , Evans, Principles of Management Accountancy, London. 11. De Pauls, Management Accounting in Practice, F.C. Europe Pub. Ltd., London. 12. Keith Ward, Strategic Management Accounting, Butterworth Heirmann Pub. 13. John K. Shank, Cases in Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, South-Western Publishing, Thomson Learning.