We Exist To Make Our Clients More Successful. Communication
We Exist To Make Our Clients More Successful. Communication
We Exist To Make Our Clients More Successful. Communication
to make our
clients more
Communication comes in many guises. At Precedent, we have over 18 years of
experience specialising in research, strategy, design, usability and technology.
Whatever the project, we investigate, discover and uncover as much as we can
about your organisation, and the people you’re trying to reach. Then we work to find
the best ways to express your organisation more clearly, powerfully and personally.
We can help you with everything from strategy through to delivery, depending on what
you need. But we never follow a brief blindly. Whatever the job at hand, however major
or minor, we always start with strategic thinking. And if we think a different medium,
message or approach will work better, we’ll talk to you about it.
print design
reports & reviews
digital marketing
hosting & isp
& reviews
print design
digital marketing
hosting & isp
print design
What we do Who we’ve done it for The process involved briefing meetings
We help you engage with your target with key stakeholders and senior
We work on large and small campaigns
audience in a measurable way. Whether management within the university and
– and we do it for companies and
this is increasing customers, brand the work was done in parallel with the
organisations of all sizes operating in a
awareness, profit margins or simply brand development project undertaken
wide variety of sectors. Here’s a list of
increasing the effectiveness of your by our brand team.
some recent clients.
existing digital campaigns. “The work Precedent undertook on
• Age Concern England our digital marketing exceeded all
Our digital marketing offering
• British Heart Foundation expectations, and the service provided
provides strategic advice across a
range of activities from traditional • Bluewater was more than value for money. Not
digital marketing such as Search • Business Link East only are Precedent an open and human
Engine Optimisation (SEO) & Pay- • The Work Foundation agency, but they are realistic with a
Per-Click (PPC), through to e-mail strong ability to show good ROI and
• University of Hertfordshire
communications & web analytics technical knowledge. Their integration of
• University of Southampton communications is excellent, especially
through to more modern Social
Media Marketing (SMM) such as their different approach to looking and
Case study thinking about things. We would be
blogging, social networking and social
bookmarking. happy to recommend Precedent without
University of Southampton, one of the
top ten research universities in the UK,
The strategic consultancy process is asked us to collaborate with them to University of Southampton
driven by identifying objectives and ROI create and align their digital marketing
at each point in your campaign, and decision making process with their
measuring success against these using new brand architecture framework we
detailed analytics explained simply. were delivering.
Whatever stage you’re at, we can The result was a concise framework
help. Whether you are new to digital which outlined digital marketing activities,
marketing or already have a strategy technology and communications channels
but need help with implementation, within the context of the brand’s different
we will deliver. facets.
print design
reports & reviews
digital marketing
hosting & isp
print design
What we do The servers are a mixture of Windows “We have worked with Pinnacle Internet
2003 and SQL Server and Linux for around 8 years now. They host our
Precedent provide hosting solutions
with MySQL and PHP. They allow own site and we have recommended
through a wholly owned subsidiary,
Smartscreen to deploy website, them to a number of our clients.
Pinnacle Internet. Pinnacle was formed
user management, advertising and
in 1994, making it one of the first Everything seems to run smoothly with
profiling systems within the existing
business ISP’s in the country. Pinnacle and on the rare occasions when
infrastructure. The system is
We supply a wide range of hosting they encounter a technical problem,
specifically designed to have multiple
services across 5 different locations things get sorted very quickly. We
points of failure at every network and
dealing with everything from small especially appreciate the technical back-
application level.
shared hosting websites, to full load up Pinnacle provide and we
balanced, distributed systems. dare say this may not be the case
Who we’ve done it for
with other providers.”
With our ISP credentials, we have
the skills to support the entire hosting • City and Guilds
Andrew Harvey – Director, Harvey
infrastructure of a project. We always • Control Risks Group Marketing Communications
have a single point of contact for the • Crimestoppers
customer managing the DNS, E-mail, • Dekabank
website hosting, domain renewal • FARM-Africa
and connectivity to fit the customer
• Kingsley Napley
• Leonard Cheshire
With our years of experience, we bring • Mazars
a wealth of knowledge which can help • Metronet
create your bespoke solutions on both • Newmarket Racecourse
Windows and Linux platforms.
• Sustrans
Case study
Precedent have worked closely with
City and Guilds on their successful
Smartscreen project. The site has
grown to span 6 servers over multiple
locations and uses database replication
and failover technologies to ensure an
excellent level of service.
print design
reports & reviews
digital marketing
hosting & isp
print design
When we’re asked to work within The slim format and tactile uncoated
existing brand guidelines we always paper stock make them very readable
push them to the limit to create printed and they have been a huge success
communications that are creative, around the firm, with the concept being
targeted and appropriate for the extended to graduate recruitment
particular audience. Critically, because materials and beyond.
we design cross-media, our approach to
design ensures all your communications
are joined up, whether in print or online.
Commercial & Professional services Education Public sector
We hold regular seminars on a variety of different topics which often challenge, but always educate our audiences.
To come along please visit www.precedent.co.uk/seminars
Precedent t 020 7426 8900 (London) t 029 2043 5450 (Cardiff) t 013 1301 5075 (Edinburgh)