Seminar and Course Bibliography
Seminar and Course Bibliography
Seminar and Course Bibliography
), (1999) The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce, CUP Bradbury, Malcolm, (1993) The Modern British Novel, Secker and Warburg, London Burgess, Anthony, Flame into being: the life and work of D.H. Lawrence, New York: Arbor House, 1985. Clinescu, Matei, (1995) Cinci fee ale modernitii. Modernism, Avangard, Decaden, Kitsch, Postmodernism, Bucureti: Editura Univers Dowling, David, (1985) Bloomsbury Aesthetics and the Novels of Forster and Woolf , St. Martins Press, New York Ford, Boris (ed.), (1990) The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, vol. 7, From James to Eliot, Penguin Books Hewitt, Douglas, (1992) Introduction to English Fiction of the Early Modern Period 1890-1940, Longman, London and New York Lavin, Audrey A., Aspects of the Novelist: E. M. Forster's Pattern and Rhythm , Peter Lang. 1995 Lodge David, (1996) The Practice of Writing. Essays, Lectures, Reviews and a Diary , Secker and Warburg, London McNichol, Stella, (1992) Introduction to Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf. Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, The Waves, Macmillan Meckier, Jerome, Critical Essays on Aldous Huxley, G. K. Hall, 1996
Medalie, David, E. M. Forster's Modernism, Palgrave Macmillan. 2002
Mepham, John, (1991) Virginia Woolf: A Literary Life, New York: St. Martins Press Mepham John, (1992) Virginia Woolf. Criticism in Focus Series, New York, St. Martins Press Rosenbaum, S.P., (ed.) (1995) The Bloomsbury Group. A Collection of Memoirs and Commentary, University of Toronto Press Sjourn, Philippe, (1999) Te Feminine Tradition in English Fiction , Institutul European, Iai
Shaheen, Mohammad, E. M. Forster and the Politics of Imperialism , Palgrave Macmillan. 2004 Stallybrass, Oliver (editor). Aspects of E. M. Forster: Essays and Recollections Written for His Ninetieth Birthday, New York: Harcourt, Brace, & World. 1969 Stevenson, Randall, (1993) The British Novel Since the Thirties , Institutul European, Iai Trotter, David, (1998) The English Novel in History 1895-1920 , Routledge, London and New York Worthen, John, D.H. Lawrence: a literary life, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993