Realpoint CMBS
Realpoint CMBS
Realpoint CMBS
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Inc. BACM0404 Apr-09 G 05947UVW5 Perform Outperform
Series 2004-4 BACM0404 Apr-09 H 05947UVX3 Perform Outperform
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Inc. Series 2004-6 BACM0406 Apr-09 J 05947UZT8 Perform Outperform
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust BACM0702 Apr-09 H 059511AY1 Underperform Perform
2007-2 BACM0702 Apr-09 J 059511BA2 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
BACM0703 Apr-09 AJ 059512AL7 Underperform Perform
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust BACM0703 Apr-09 B 059512AM5 Underperform Perform
2007-3 BACM0703 Apr-09 C 059512AN3 Underperform Perform
BACM0703 Apr-09 D 059512AP8 Underperform Perform
Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust BACM0704 Apr-09 H 059513AY7 Underperform Perform
2007-4 BACM0704 Apr-09 J 059513BA8 Underperform Perform
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities BSC00WF1 Apr-09 J 07383FDF2 Perform Outperform
Series 2000-WF1 BSC00WF1 Apr-09 K 07383FDG0 Underperform Perform
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Series 2001-TOP2 BSC01TO2 Apr-09 D 07383FFU7 Perform Outperform
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust BSC06P13 Apr-09 M 07388LAW0 Underperform Perform
2006-PWR13 BSC06P13 Apr-09 N 07388LAX8 Underperform Perform
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust BSC07P15 Apr-09 M 07388RAV9 Underperform Perform
2007-PWR15 BSC07P15 Apr-09 N 07388RAW7 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
BSC07P17 Apr-09 K 07388QBC2 Underperform Perform
BSC07P17 Apr-09 L 07388QBE8 Underperform Perform
BSC07P17 Apr-09 M 07388QBG3 Underperform Perform
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2007-PWR17 BSC07P17 Apr-09 N 07388QBJ7 Underperform Perform
BSC07P17 Apr-09 O 07388QBL2 Underperform Perform
BSC07P17 Apr-09 P 07388QBN8 Underperform Perform
BSC07P17 Apr-09 Q 07388QBQ1 Underperform Perform
COMM 2001-J2 Commercial Mortgage COMM01J2 Apr-09 A1F 20046FAC4 Outperform Perform
Pass-Through Certificates COMM01J2 Apr-09 A2F 20046FAG5 Outperform Perform
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp., Series 2001-CF2 CSF01CF2 Apr-09 J 22540AK98 Underperform Perform
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp CSF02CP5 Apr-09 K 22541NUT4 Underperform Perform
Series 2002-CP5 CSF02CP5 Apr-09 L 22541NUU1 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
CS First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp CSF03C03 Apr-09 L 22541QEJ7 Perform Outperform
Series 2003-C3 CSF03C03 Apr-09 P 22541QEN8 Underperform Perform
Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp CSF05CN1 Apr-09 AX1 225458NC8 Underperform Perform
Series 2005-CND1 CSF05CN1 Apr-09 AY 225458NJ3 Underperform Perform
Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust CSM07C04 Apr-09 H 20173TAZ8 Underperform Perform
Series 2007-C4 CSM07C04 Apr-09 J 20173TBB0 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
CSM07C05 Apr-09 B 22546BAK6 Underperform Perform
CSM07C05 Apr-09 C 22546BAM2 Underperform Perform
Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust CSM07C05 Apr-09 D 22546BAP5 Underperform Perform
Series 2007-C5 CSM07C05 Apr-09 E 22546BAR1 Underperform Perform
CSM07C05 Apr-09 F 22546BAT7 Underperform Perform
CSM07C05 Apr-09 G 22546BAV2 Underperform Perform
Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C3 CTG05C03 Apr-09 E 173067HK8 Underperform Perform
DLJ Commercial Mortgage Corp., Series 1998-CF1 DLJ98CF1 Apr-09 B7 23322BAN8 Perform Outperform
First Union Commercial Mortgage Trust FUNB00C1 Apr-09 L 33736XAN9 Perform Outperform
Series 2000-C1 FUNB00C1 Apr-09 M 33736XAP4 Underperform Perform
First Union Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2001-C2 FUNB01C2 Apr-09 Q 33736XCQ0 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp Commercial Mortgage Trust GCC05GG5 Apr-09 H 396789LX5 Underperform Perform
Series 2005-GG5 GCC05GG5 Apr-09 J 396789LZ0 Underperform Perform
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp Commercial Mortgage Trust GCC06GG7 Apr-09 B 20173MAJ9 Underperform Perform
Series 2006-GG7 GCC06GG7 Apr-09 C 20173MAK6 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
GECC07C1 Apr-09 C 36159XAL4 Underperform Perform
GECC07C1 Apr-09 D 36159XAM2 Underperform Perform
GECC07C1 Apr-09 E 36159XAU4 Underperform Perform
GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation GECC07C1 Apr-09 F 36159XAW0 Underperform Perform
Series 2007-C1 Trust GECC07C1 Apr-09 G 36159XAY6 Underperform Perform
GECC07C1 Apr-09 H 36159XBA7 Underperform Perform
GECC07C1 Apr-09 J 36159XBC3 Underperform Perform
GECC07C1 Apr-09 K 36159XBE9 Underperform Perform
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Series 2005-C1 GMAC05C1 Apr-09 E 361849N73 Underperform Perform
Heller Financial Commercial Mortgage Asset Corp HMAC99P1 Apr-09 K 42332QAM5 Underperform Perform
Series 1999-PH1 HMAC99P1 Apr-09 L 42332QAN3 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
Date of
Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
JPC04C03 Apr-09 D 46625YFD0 Perform Outperform
JPC04C03 Apr-09 E 46625YFE8 Perform Outperform
JPC04C03 Apr-09 F 46625YFH1 Perform Outperform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp JPC04C03 Apr-09 G 46625YFJ7 Perform Outperform
Series 2004-C3 JPC04C03 Apr-09 H 46625YFK4 Perform Outperform
JPC04C03 Apr-09 J 46625YFL2 Underperform Perform
JPC04C03 Apr-09 K 46625YFM0 Underperform Perform
JPC04C03 Apr-09 L 46625YFN8 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp JPC05C13 Apr-09 D 46625YWD1 Underperform Perform
Series 2005-CIBC13 JPC05C13 Apr-09 E 46625YWJ8 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
JPC06C15 Apr-09 AJ 46627QBD9 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2006-CIBC15 JPC06C15 Apr-09 B 46627QBG2 Underperform Perform
JPC06C15 Apr-09 C 46627QBH0 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2006-CIBC16 JPC06C16 Apr-09 F 46629GAR9 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp, Series 2006-LDP6 JPC06LD6 Apr-09 D 46625YQ63 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust JPC07C18 Apr-09 E 46629YAQ2 Underperform Perform
2007-CIBC18 JPC07C18 Apr-09 F 46629YAR0 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust JPC07L12 Apr-09 K 46632HAY7 Underperform Perform
2007-LDP12 JPC07L12 Apr-09 L 46632HBA8 Underperform Perform
JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2008-C2 JPC08C02 Apr-09 AM 46632MCJ7 Underperform Perform
Lehman Brothers Floating Rate Commercial Mortgage Trust LBFR07C5 Apr-09 H 52524NAY3 Underperform Perform
2007-LLF C5 LBFR07C5 Apr-09 J 52524NBA4 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2000-C4 LBUB00C4 Apr-09 J 52108HBT0 Underperform Perform
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2000-C5 LBUB00C5 Apr-09 H 52108HCJ1 Underperform Perform
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2002-C2 LBUB02C2 Apr-09 S 52108HKS2 Underperform Perform
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2002-C7 LBUB02C7 Apr-09 U 52108HNR1 Underperform Perform
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2005-C1 LBUB05C1 Apr-09 P 52108H2J2 Underperform Perform
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2006-C1 LBUB06C1 Apr-09 G 52108MDS9 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust LBUB06C3 Apr-09 K 52108MGF4 Underperform Perform
2006-C3 LBUB06C3 Apr-09 L 52108MGG2 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
MLT05LC1 Apr-09 J 59022HNN8 Underperform Perform
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust MLT05LC1 Apr-09 K 59022HNP3 Underperform Perform
2005-LC1 MLT05LC1 Apr-09 L 59022HNQ1 Underperform Perform
MLT05LC1 Apr-09 M 59022HNR9 Underperform Perform
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust 2007-C1 MLT07C01 Apr-09 F 59025KAT9 Underperform Perform
Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust,commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates MSC03IQ4 Apr-09 N 61745MQH9 Underperform Perform
Series 2003-IQ4, Excluding TNA To TNE MSC03IQ4 Apr-09 O 61745MQJ5 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
MSC05HQ7 Apr-09 L 617451CD9 Underperform Perform
MSC05HQ7 Apr-09 M 617451CE7 Underperform Perform
Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2005-HQ7 MSC05HQ7 Apr-09 N 617451CF4 Underperform Perform
MSC05HQ7 Apr-09 O 617451CG2 Underperform Perform
MSC05HQ7 Apr-09 P 617451CH0 Underperform Perform
Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2006-HQ8 MSC06HQ8 Apr-09 H 617451FX2 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
MSC07H11 Apr-09 G 61751NAQ5 Underperform Perform
Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-HQ11 MSC07H11 Apr-09 H 61751NAR3 Underperform Perform
MSC07H11 Apr-09 J 61751NAS1 Underperform Perform
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I MSDW01T1 Apr-09 F 61746WFS4 Perform Outperform
Series 2001-TOP1 MSDW01T1 Apr-09 G 61746WFT2 Underperform Perform
Prudential Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2003-PWR1 PCM03PW1 Apr-09 P 74432GAS6 Underperform Perform
Real Estate Asset Liquidity Trust Comm Mtge Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-3 REAL0603 Apr-09 M 75585RGS8 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
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Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
Salomon Brothers Mortgage Securities VII SBM700C2 Apr-09 F 79548K4S4 Perform Outperform
Series 2000-C2 SBM700C2 Apr-09 G 79548K4T2 Underperform Perform
Salomon Brothers Mortgage Securities VII, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates SBM701C2 Apr-09 L 79549AJW0 Perform Outperform
Series 2001-C2 SBM701C2 Apr-09 N 79549AJY6 Underperform Perform
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust WBC06C25 Apr-09 Q 92976VBM9 Underperform Perform
Series 2006-C25 WBC06C25 Apr-09 S 92976VBP2 Underperform Perform
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April 2009
Date of
Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
WBC06C26 Apr-09 E 92976UAA8 Underperform Perform
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust WBC06C26 Apr-09 F 92976UAC4 Underperform Perform
Series 2006-C26 WBC06C26 Apr-09 G 92976UAE0 Underperform Perform
WBC06C26 Apr-09 H 92976UAG5 Underperform Perform
Date of
Deal Name Deal ID Change Class Cusip To From
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust, Series 2007-C33 WBC07C33 Apr-09 K 92978NAX2 Underperform Perform
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Realpoint LLC, 410 Horsham Road, Suite A, Horsham, PA 19044 (800) 299-1665
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