Registration, VBS 2013
Registration, VBS 2013
Registration, VBS 2013
Childs Name
Date of Birth
Childs Name
Date of Birth
Childs Name
Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian Name ( ) ( )
Home Phone Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Name ( ) (
Cell Phone
Home Phone
Home Phone
When you arrive each morning, it will be your responsibility to sign your child in and report who will be picking your child up from Vacation Bible School. Vacation Bible School July 22nd July 26th
Hospital/Clinic Preference
Physicians Name
Phone Number
Insurance Company
Policy Number
I authorize all medical and surgical treatment, X-ray, laboratory, anesthesia, and other medical and/or hospital procedure as may be performed or prescribed by the attending physician and/or paramedics for my child and waive my right to informed consent of treatment. This waiver applies only in the event that neither parent/guardian can be reached in the case of an emergency.
Parents/Guardians Signature
I give permission for my child to attend St. Paul/St. John Lutheran Church VBS activities. I release St. Paul/St. John and individuals from liability in case of accident during activities related to St. Paul/St. John Lutheran Church and VBS activities, as long as normal safety procedures have been taken.
Parents/Guardians Signature
We are asking each child to bring a white t-shirt with them to VBS. Please place the washed t-shirt in a plastic bag labeled with the childs name. We will be tie-dyeing these shirts one day during VBS. Childs Name Childs Name Childs Name Childs T-Shirt Size Childs T-Shirt Size Childs T-Shirt Size
Sponsored by Side-by-Side Ministries, the parishes of St. Paul and St. John Lutheran Church Return application form to St. Paul Lutheran Church: 541 Church Rd., Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440
Questions? Contact: Chrissy French (VBS Director) (419) 341-4653 OR Pastor Chris Young (419) 734-1662