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Oisd STD-226

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OIL INDUSTRY SAFETY DIRECTORATE 7th Floor, New Delhi House 27, Barakhamba Road New Delhi-110 001


Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from OISD. Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these documents, OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use. These documents are intended only to supplement and not to replace the prevailing statutory requirements.


FOREWORD Oil Industry in India is more than 100 years old. Over years, a variety of practices have been in vogue because of collaboration / association with different foreign companies and governments. Standardisation in design, operating and maintenance practices was hardly in existence at a national level. This lack of uniformity, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that occurred in the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review the existing state of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas installations. With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardizing and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional committees comprising of experts nominated from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects. The present document on Cross-country Natural Gas Pipelines and City Gas pipeline were prepared by the Functional Committee on Natural Gas Pipelines. This document is based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of functional committee members and various national and international codes and best practices. This document is meant to be used as supplement and not as a replacement for existing codes and practices. This standard in no way supersedes the statutory requirements of bodies like IBR, CCE, Factory Inspectorate or any other Government Body which must be followed as applicable. This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new experiences and better understanding. Suggestions may be addressed to:

The Co-ordinator Committee on Cross-country LPG Pipelines, Oil Industry Safety Directorate 7th Floor, New Delhi House 27, Barakhamba Road New Delhi-110 001


FUNCTIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME ORGANISATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LEADERS Transmission Pipelines Sh. Ashwani Soni Engineers India Limited, New Delhi City Gas Networks Sh. Sadhan Banerjee MEMBERS Sh. V. K. Khanna Sh. J. P. Ojha Sh. Sanjeev Lowe Sh. Joe Mcgowan Sh. Abhirup Bhattacharya Sh. Man Mohan Ahuja Sh. S. Sreenivasalu Sh. R.S. Sanyal Sh. Manoj Jain Sh. A.K. Gumber Sh. M.K. Malhotra Sh. S. P. Singh Sh. Sandeep Vyas Sh. .C. M. Sharma Sh. S.C. Gupta MEMBER CO-ORDINATOR SH. S. K. NANDY

Gujarat Gas Company Limited, Ahmedabad

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Mumbai Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Noida BP India Services Private Ltd, New Delhi Gujarat Gas Company Limited, Ahmedabad Gujarat Gas Company Limited, Ahmedabad Petronet LNG Limited, New Delhi Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai Gail India Limited, New Delhi Gail India Limited, New Delhi Engineers India Ltd., New Delhi Reliance Industries Limited, Navi Mumbai Reliance Industries Limited, Navi Mumbai Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi

Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi

In addition to the above, several other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation, review and finalization of this document. v





S.NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 INTRODUCTION SCOPE DEFINITIONS STATUTORY REGULATINS LAYOUT & FACILITIES LAYING OF PIPELINE TESTING & COMMISSIONING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY PLAN AND PROCEDURE TRAINING RECORDS REFERENCES 45 45 45 46 47 51 53 54 57 58 58 59




60 61





INTRODUCTION There is an imminent need to transport huge quantity of gas from source to consumption centre economically and this can be possible only through building pipeline infrastructure in the country with a view to facilitating the evolvement of nation-wide gas grid and the growth of city or local gas distribution newt works. Considering the importance of use of natural gas in various industrial and automotive sectors, major developments in transportation & distribution of natural gas through pipeline systems are in vogue. The primary purpose of this standard is to establish minimum comprehensive norms for design, materials, construction, inspection, testing, commissioning operation and maintenance, corrosion protection, modifications, abandonment, safety of transmission pipelines and city gas pipelines and also for protection of employees, public and facilities against the hazard associated with transportation and distribution of gas through pipeline system.

natural gas. Pipeline transporting liquid petroleum is covered under OISD-STD-141 and Liquid petroleum natural gas is covered under OISD-STD-214.


DEFINITIONS Authorized person A person or representative of the company trained and assigned to carry out a specific job. Cross country pipeline Cross country pipeline means all pipelines (including pipelines after separator and / or processing plant beyond isolation valves) and facilities which are used for transportation of Natural Gas from one point to another except plant piping within the limit of isolation valves of the plant. Consumer The organization or individual to whom Natural Gas is delivered through the cross country pipeline. Cold Work It is an activity which does not produce sufficient heat to ignite a flammable mixture (mixture of flammable gas with an oxidizing agent ) or a flammable substance. Chief Controller Means Chief Explosives.


SCOPE This standard outlines the minimum requirement for safety in design, construction, inspection, testing, commissioning, operation, maintenance, modifications, abandonment, corrosion protection, safety of onshore natural gas cross country pipelines including associated facilities and installations as outlined in Annexure-I. This code does not apply to pipelines transporting liquid petroleum, liquefied petroleum gas and liquefied



Competent Authority Any person authorized by Central Government , by notification in the official Gazette, to perform the functions of the competent authority under the PMP Act1962.


Competent Person : A person recognized by the concerned statutory authority for the purpose in respect of which the competency is required. Custody transfer meter A gas measuring device which measures the quantity and / or energy of gas delivered from one agency to another agency for transfer of custody. Design Factor It is percentage factor of Specified minimum strength of the material considered for determining wall thickness based on location class of the pipeline.

is any installation having compressor between originating compressor station and terminal / final / last delivery station on the pipeline for boosting the pressure of the gas so that it reaches to next station. Intermediate Pigging Station (IPS) An intermediate pigging station is an installation having facility for receiving and launching of pigs for pipeline pigging operations . Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure ( MAOP) The maximum pressure at which the pipeline is allowed to operate . MAOP may be equal to the design pressure. Natural Gas : Means gas obtained from bore holes and consisting primarily of hydrocarbons and includes(i) gas in liquid state, namely liquefied natural gas and regasified liquefied natural gas, (ii) Compressed natural gas (iii) Gas imported through transnational pipelines including CNG or liquefied natural gas (iv) Gas recovered from gas hydrates as natural gas (v) Methane obtained from coal seams namely coal bed methane but does not include helium occurring in association with such hydrocarbons. Nominal Pipe Size It indicates the standard pipe size when followed by a number. Nominal wall thickness It is the thickness of the pipe used in design calculation. Onshore Areas other than Offshore as defined

Design Pressure The maximum internal pressure which the pipeline can be subjected to as determined by design procedure applicable to materials and locations involved. Delivery Station Delivery station is the station on the pipeline used for receipt of natural gas and delivery to consumer(s) / city gate station. Hot work It is an activity which involves welding, burning, soldering, brazing, sand blasting, chipping by spark producing tools, use of power driven tools, non flame proof electrical work including other work which can produce sufficient energy to cause ignition where potential flammable mixture (mixture of flammable gas with an oxidizing agent ) or a flammable substance exists. Intermediate Compressor Station An intermediate compressor station

below, forming the scope of this standard. Feeder lines from Jetty or other storage point and spur lines will form part of onshore pipeline. Offshore Areas beyond the line of high water along that portion of the coast that is in direct contact with the open sea and beyond the line marking the seaward limit of inland coastal waters. Operating Company The organization owning and operating Natural Gas cross country pipeline system for delivering natural gas to various Consumer(s).

Regassified Liquid Natural Gas The natural gas obtained after gasification of liquid natural gas. Spur /Branch Pipeline Those pipelines which emanate from cross country pipeline for dedicated industry and customer(s). Sectionalizing Valve (SV) Valve used in the cross-country pipeline system for isolation of a particular pipeline section whenever required. Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) It is the minimum yield strength specified by specification or standard under which material is purchased from the manufacturer. Shall The word shall is used to indicate that the provision is mandatory. Should The word should is used to indicate that the provision is recommendatory as per sound engineering practice.

Originating Compressor Station An originating compressor station is the first installation having mainline compressor for boosting the pressure of the gas to be transported so that it reaches to next station. Operating Pressure It is the pressure corresponding to a particular flow rate at which pipeline is operated. Operating pressure is less than or equal to MAOP. Purging It is the process of replacing the atmospheric air within a container (pipeline, vessels, filters etc) by an inert substance in such a manner so as to prevent the formation of explosive mixture. Right of Use / Right of Way The area or portion of land within which the pipeline operator or owner or company has acquired the right through PMP Act1962 or in accordance with the agreement with the land owner or agency to lay and operate the pipeline.

Terminal Station / Final Station Terminal Station is the last station on the pipeline used for receipt of natural gas and delivery to consumer(s) / city gate station. 4.0 STATUTORY ACTS AND REGULATIONS Natural Gas pipeline and its associated facilities are covered under various regulations and require specific approval from concerned authorities. Various regulations, interalia applicable are as under: i. Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board

(PNGRB) Act2006. ii. Policy for development of Natural Gas Pipelines and City or Local Natural gas Distribution Netwroks. iii. Guidelines for Environmental clearance of new projects 1981 iv. The Environment (Protection ) Act -1986 v. Water ( Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974 vi. Air ( Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981 vii. The Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of Users in Land) Act, 1962. viii. Manufacture ,Storage & Iimport of Hazardous chemical Rules-1989 ix. National Highway Act, 1956 x. Railway Act , 1989 In addition all other statutory approvals required for laying of the pipelines across rail, road and water body (canals/rivers etc.) crossings and other utility crossings as notified by local authorities / State etc shall be applicable. 5.0 DESIGN The pipelines shall be designed in a manner that ensures adequate public safety under all conditions likely to be encountered during operating conditions. All materials and equipment shall be selected to ensure safety and suitability for the condition of use. The initial integrity of the pipeline is established through proper design, material selection and sound construction practices. After the pipeline has been commissioned and is in

operation, a programme of condition monitoring and maintenance should be undertaken to ensure integrity is maintained. The selection of design for pipeline system shall be based on the following evaluation of the properties and required flow rate of the fluid to be transported, together with the environment in which the pipeline is to be installed. a) Gas composition including hydrogen sulphide , oxygen and water vapour content b) Sweet or sour natural gas, single or multiphase flow conditions. c) Operating pressures and temperatures. d) Type of Pipeline System (Gathering/Transmission/Di stribution/Service lines). e) Location class through which pipeline shall pass. 5.1 Pipeline Design Design of Natural Gas pipeline shall be in accordance with ASME B31.8 A design Life of pipeline shall be considered by the owner for designing various system and facilities beyond which pipeline system can be considered for abandonment. The life of pipeline can be extended beyond the design life subject to satisfying the comprehensive pipeline integrity test. All necessary calculations shall be carried out to verify structural integrity and stability of the pipeline for the combined effect of pressure, temperature, bending, soil/pipe interaction, external loads and other



environmental parameters as applicable, during all phases of work from installation to operation. Such calculations shall include but not limited to the following: a) Buoyancy control and stability analysis for pipeline section to be installed in areas subjected to flooding/submergence, b) Crossing analysis of rivers by trenchless techniques, wherever soil data is favorable for such operation, c) Evaluation of potential for earthquake occurrence along pipeline route and carrying out requisite seismic analysis to ensure safety and integrity of the pipeline system.

installations. Pipelines and its associated facilities shall be designed to meet the requirements of Location Class. The design of the pipeline is related to the Location class by an appropriate design factor as per para 5.2.1. Determination of location class shall be done in accordance with Annexure- II. 5.1.4 Design Temperature Pipelines shall be designed for the following temperature limits (i) Above ground - Maximum : 65o C ; Minimum: (-) 29o C (ii) Below ground- Maximum : 60o C ; Minimum: (-) 29o C Design shall also consider the temperature of natural gas proposed to be transported through the pipeline. When the maximum design temperature exceeds 120o C ( 250o F), particular attention shall be given to tensile properties of the material to ensure that the derating factor for temperature is adequate as per Table-1 below.


A significant factor contributing to the failure of a pipeline is the damage caused to the pipeline by activities along the route of the pipeline associated with human dwellings and commercial/industrial Table -1

Gas Temperature in degree Celsius Temperature derating factor (T) (Fahrenheit) Less than 120 o C ( 250 o F) 1.000 120 o C ( 250 o F) to 149 o C ( 300 o F) 0.967 o o o o 149 C ( 300 F) to177 C ( 350 F) 0.933 177 o C ( 350 o F) to 204 o C ( 400 o F) 0.900 o o o o 204 C ( 400 F) to 230 C ( 450 F) 0.867 For intermediate gas temperatures, the derating factor is determined by interpolation.


Design of Components

5.2.1 Steel Pipe The least nominal wall thickness t for the steel pipe, shall be calculated in accordance with ASME B 31.8. The internal design pressure shall be determined by the following formula t = P x D 2xSxFxExT

Where t = Nominal wall thickness, in mm; P= Internal design pressure, in N/mm2.

D = Specified outside diameter of the pipe, in mm; S= Specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) in N/mm2 of pipe material; F=Design factor obtained from Table 2; E= Longitudinal joint factor, which for electric resistance welded (ERW), longitudinal seam submerged arc welded (LSAW), helical seam submerged arc welded (HSAW) and seamless types of pipes, manufactured in accordance with API5L and considered as 1; T = Temperature derating factor to be used in design formula is determined from Table- 1 above;

Table -2 DESIGN FACTORS FOR STEEL PIPE CONSTRUCTION Facility Location Class 1 2 3 Pipelines, mains, and service lines 0.72 0.60 0.50 Crossings of roads, without casing: (a) Unimproved public roads 0.60 0.60 0.50 (b) Roads, highways, or public streets, with hard surface 0.50 0.50 0.50 Crossings of roads, with casing: (a) Unimproved public roads 0.72 0.60 0.50 (b) Roads, highways, or public streets, with hard surface 0.60 0.50 0.50 (c) Railway crossings 0.50 0.50 0.50 Pipelines on bridges 0.50 0.50 0.50 Parallel Encroachment of pipeline mains 0.60 0.60 0.50 River Crossing- open cut 0.60 0.50 0.50 Horizontal direction Drilling (HDD) 0.50 0.50 0.50 Compressor station piping & other 0.50 0.50 0.50 intermediate stations including SVs Near concentration of people in Location 0.50 0.50 0.50 Classes 1 and 2 *

4 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

In setting the values of the design factor, F, due consideration has been given and allowance has been made for the various under thickness tolerances provided for in the pipe specifications listed and approved for usage in this Code. The pipe wall thickness less than 6.4 mm should not be used for cross country pipelines. Pipe diameter 4 and above shall be used in cross country pipelines. * - Near concentration in Class 1 and 2 means places of public assembly (school, temple, 7

* church, hospital, club etc) used by 20 or more people frequently. 5.2.2 Pipe Wall Thickness Pipe wall thickness calculations shall be carried out as per clause 5.2.1 and a corrosion allowance as per the requirements of the owner of the pipeline may be added to the calculated thickness. Pipe thickness shall be checked and revised as required to minimize the number of field hydrostatic testing sections, considering combined testing of pipes in different class locations. In addition the selected thickness shall also be checked to ensure that the diameter to thickness (D/t) ratio does not exceed 96 in order to avoid damage to pipe during handling and transportation, unless the pipes are loaded/transported in accordance with API 5L1 or API 5LW. 5.2.4 Stresses & Analysis The hoop, longitudinal, shear, bending, torsional and other stresses shall be calculated taking into account all relevant loads. The stress analysis shall be carried out in accordance with the appropriate provisions of ASME B 31.8. Wherever required, the adequacy of flexibility provided in the pipeline shall be established through appropriate design calculations as specified in flexibility requirements. 5.2.5 Additional Protective measures 5.3 which the design engineer may provide are encasing the carrier pipe with steel casing pipe of larger diameter; adding concrete protective coating; increasing the wall thickness of the pipe; lowering the pipeline to a greater depth and/or indicating the presence of the pipeline with additional warning signs/markers. Anti-buoyancy Measure For water crossings and marshy areas, suitable anti-buoyancy measures such as concrete weight coating shall be provided. The specific gravity of the same shall be minimum 1.2. 5.2.6 Corrosion All underground and above ground pipes and its components shall be protected against corrosion inline with para 9.0 of this standard. Installation Layout

5.3.1 Location The information on following aspects are required to be considered for finalising location of pipeline compressor station, tapoff station , Intermediate pigging station and SV stations. (i) Location of tap-off facilities with the pipeline system compatible with zoning, land use and land development. (ii) Environmental consideration based on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Risk Analysis (RA) study for the pipeline and stations. While designing the pipeline system, the design engineer shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage to the pipeline from unusual external conditions. Some of the protective measures

(iii) The hazop and risk analysis and mitigation measures thereof. (iv) The availability of space for future augmentation of facilities. Approachability, water table and storm water arrangement Availability power of electrical 5.3.4

movement equipment.




Separation Distances Inter-distances for various station facilities and utilities shall be as per ANNEXURE - III. Piping layout Wherever possible, piping shall be located above the ground. Piping shall be designed considering skin temperature of piping material under empty conditions as 65 C or the design temperature of pipeline, whichever is higher. Buried piping inside the terminal area shall have a minimum depth of cover of 1.2 m. Where buried pipes come out of the ground, the underground coating on the pipe will continue for a length of at least 300 mm above ground. Platforms and crossovers shall be provided for ease of operation and maintenance. Protection of Facilities Properly laid out roads around various facilities shall be provided within the installation area for smooth access of fire tenders etc in case of emergency. Proper industry type boundary wall at least 3 M high with 0.6 M barbed wire on top shall be provided all around the installation i.e dispatch station, compressor station, tap-off points and sectionalizing valve stations in line with MHA ( Ministry of Home Affairs) guidelines. Emergency exit with proper gate shall be provided in the earmarked zone wherever required. Natural Gas pipeline system should be equipped with following:

(v) (vi)


5.3.2 Layout The following aspects shall be considered while establishing station layout i. ii. iii. iv. v. Station equipment and their specification. P&I diagram for the station. Utility requirement. Flaring / Venting wherever required. Operation & maintenance philosophy of station equipment. Fire station & allied facility wherever required. Over head power lines shall not pass over license area. HT Pole structure, Transformers, Breaker and MCC room etc to be located in non hazardous area.

5.4 5.4.1

vi. vii.



Location of compressor station The compressor station should be located at such clear distances from adjacent property not under control of the company as to minimize the hazard of communication of fire to the compressor station from structures on adjacent property. Sufficient open space should be provided around the Compressor shed/building to permit the free




(1) Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. (2) Leak detection system with provision for identification / location of leak and isolation of affected section. (3) Facilities for controlled flaring. (4) Accessories & kit for arresting leak 5.5 SCADA REQUIREMENTS


Limit the hazard and damage from accidental discharge from pipeline system; Facilitate maintenance of pipeline system.

6.1.1 Station Block valves Block valves with remote shut off provision from the control room shall be provided at the boundary of station pipeline inlet and outlet locations to isolate the station facility. 6.1.2 Mainline Block Valves / Sectionalizing Valves Sectionalizing valves shall be installed where required for operation and maintenance and control of emergencies. Factors such as topography of the location, ease of operation and maintenance including requirements for pressure relief, security, proximity to occupied buildings shall be taken into consideration in deciding the location of the valves. The maximum distance between the location of any two section isolation valve stations shall be as given in Table -3 below, based on the location class and taking into consideration factors like the terrain features, requirement of safety and operation, etc.

5.5.1 The pipeline should be monitored and controlled from SCADA system to ensure effective and reliable control, management and supervision of the pipeline. 5.5.2 All remote SV stations, IPS, dispatch & receiving stations will have suitable field signals connectivity with SCADA. 5.5.3 Application software modules/ functions shall be based on the requirement of pipeline operating company. 6.0 PIPELINE SYSTEM COMPONENTS &


Isolation Valves Isolation valve shall be provided for isolating sections of pipeline in order to:

Location Class 1 2 3 4

Table - 3 Maximum Distance in km 32 24 16 8

Note : Based on the above location class no. of Block / Sectionalizing valves to be installed shall be worked out. Valve spacing adjustments should not exceed 10% of the applicable distances listed above (due to non availability of land). However, the total number of valves as per the design requirement shall remain same.


6.1.3 Sectionalizing valves shall be installed on upstream and down stream of perennial river crossings and public water supply reservoirs. 6.1.4 The valve stations shall be located at a readily accessible location such as near roads and shall be provided with an access road from the nearest all weather metalled road. The facilities within valve station shall be secured by providing a suitable boundary wall around the installation with a gate.. The location of valve station shall be clear of overhead power lines. Pipeline to be located within the section isolation valve station limits shall be of wall thickness appropriate for the applicable Location Class, but in no case shall be less than that applicable for Location Class 3. The provisions of remote operated feature shall be as per the operation and control philosophy to be adopted for the pipeline. At locations where valve stations are combined with compressor/repeater stations, the requirements of safe distance and statutory clearance, as applicable, shall be followed. Valve shall be installed buried and provided with a stem extension in such a way that the center of actuator is at approximately 1.0 m above the finished ground level considering ease of operation. Sectionalizing valve on the main pipeline shall preferably be ball valves of full bore type conforming to the minimum requirements of API 6D / ISO-14313.

valves used in mainline shall be with butt-weld ends. Flanges may be used where frequent access or removal of equipment is required. Valves used in buried portion shall be with butt weld joints only, except at the locations where hot tapping operation is to be carried out for which, buried flanged end valve may be provided. Valve surface shall be provided with corrosion protection coating. 6.1.7 Sectionalizing Valve(s) shall be provided with blow down or vent line connection to isolate the pipeline section and evacuate the pipeline section in case of an emergency and repair. The size and capacity of the connections for blowing down the line shall be such that under emergency condition the section of line can be vented as rapidly as practicable.

6.1.8 All joints between the mainline pipe and the first valve, including the inlet to first valve , should be welded in order to restrict possible future leakage which can not be isolated by the closure of the valve. 6.2 6.2.1 Pigging Facilities The pipelines shall be designed to meet the requirements for pigging considering the following: a) location of the permanent pig traps or connections for temporary pig traps; b) access to the pig traps; c) handling facilities; d) isolation requirements necessary for pig launching and receiving; e) venting and draining requirements for precommissioning and operation; f) direction of pigging including bidirectional pigging;


6.1.6 Pipeline sectionalizing valve may be either gas actuated or manually/electrically/pneumatically/h ydraulically operated. In order to minimize potential leak sources,


g) minimum permissible bend radius and the distances between bends/fittings; h) maximum permissible changes in diameter and tapering requirements at internal diameter changes; j) fittings/branch connections and compatibility of line pipe material; k) internal coatings; and m) pig signallers. The safety of access routes and adjacent facilities shall be considered when determining the orientation of pig traps. 6.2.2 Scraper Traps/Scraper Barrels The scraper traps shall be capable of handling intelligent pigs and other cleaning pigs. In case of feeder pipelines , spur lines and branch pipelines lines more than 10 kms shall be provided with pigging facility. All anticipated pigging operations, including possible internal inspection shall be considered when determining the dimensions of traps. The launching

and receiving barrels and its closures shall be designed in accordance with ASME or equivalent standard. Arrangements for launching, retraction, handling and lifting of pigs, cleaning and instrumented pigs shall be provided at the scraper station. These stations shall be provided with access road from the nearest metal road. 6.2.3 Barrel for the launcher shall be at least 2 sizes higher than main pipe size and receiver barrel shall be at least 3 sizes higher. Centerline elevation of scraper trap shall be at least 1 mtr higher from grade level. Pigging stations shall be provided at intervals as required for the techniques being used for internal inspection. However, in no case the distance between two pigging station shall be more than 200 kms.



Bends The minimum radius of Cold Field Bend shall be as per Table -4 below:

Table 4 Minimum Radius of Cold Field Bends Nominal Pipe Size (inch) NPS 12 and below NPS 16 and smaller NPS 18 and larger Use of Mitre bends shall not be permitted. Minimum Radius of Bend in Pipe Diameter 21D 30 D 40 D


Insulating Joints Insulating joints shall be provided to electrically isolate the buried pipeline from the above ground pipeline. Insulating joints shall be

monolithic type and shall allow smooth passage of pigs. Insulating joints shall be installed in above ground portion of pipeline, immediately after the buried /above ground transition point.



Check valves Check Valves shall be installed to provide automatic blockage of reverse flow in the piping system, within the station, wherever required. Flow/Pressure Control Valve Design of control valves shall meet the requirement of part I of API 550 / API-RP-553 , ISA ( Instrument Society of America) S- 75.01 -75.03, IEC -79 and IEC-529. Branch Connections Minimum size of any tapping from the underground pipeline shall be of 50 mm nominal bore and shall be provided with an isolation ball valve located at a minimum distance of 50 mm from the pipeline. All branch connections or side tap on the piggable lines having branch line diameter equal to or exceeding 40 percent of the main pipe diameter, shall be provided with flow tees/bar tees in order to enable smooth passage of cleaning, gauging, instrumented and other pigs. All flow tees/bar tees shall comply with the requirements of ASME B 16.9, MSS-SP-75 or equivalent. Flanged or threaded joints, Bolts, Nuts , Gasket and other fittings

reinforced gaskets shall not be used. 6.8.4 Steel butt welding fittings shall comply with ANSI 16.9 / MSS-SP75 or equivalent. Steel socket welding fittings shall comply with ANSI B 16.11. Metering facilities Positive displacement meters , turbine meters or equivalent measuring device and their proving facilities shall be designed and installed at all stations except sectionalizing valve stations. Dry gas filters shall be installed at the upstream of the meters. Supports and Anchors Supports and anchors shall be fabricated from durable incombustible materials. Each support on the above ground piping system shall comply with the following: (i) If the pipe is designed to operate at a hoop stress of less than 50% of SMYS, supports or anchors shall be directly welded to the pipe. If the pipe is designed to operate at a hoop stress level of 50% or more of SMYS, Structural support shall not be welded directly to the pipe. Support shall be provided by a member that encircles the pipe and encircling member shall be welded to the pipe continuously and cover the entire circumference.







6.8.1 Threaded joints shall not be used in cross country pipelines, spur lines and branch lines. The number of flanged or threaded joints for station piping shall be to the extent minimum. The threaded joints, after tightening, may be seal welded. Flanges shall conform to ANSI 16.5 or ASME B 16.47 or MSS-SP 44 or equivalent. 6.8.3 The flange joint shall have either spiral wound metallic gaskets or ring joints. Plain asbestos sheet /


Electrical Installations of Pipeline Station

6.11.1 Area Classification of Pipeline Installation, as basis for Selection of Electrical Equipment for Natural Gas Pipeline Station shall follow


IS-5572 and OISD STD-113 standards . The specification of Electrical equipments shall be in line with IS : 5571, Guide for selection of Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Area. Safety in electrical system to be designed as per OISD-RP-149. Fire protection in Electrical installations shall be designed as per OISD-STD-173. 6.11.2 All electrical equipment, systems, structures and fencing shall be suitable earthed conforming to IS 3043. The earthing system shall have an earthing network grid with required number of electrodes. All Electrical equipment operating above 250 volts shall have two separate and distinct connections to earth grids. Separate earthing grid shall be provided for instrument and electrical power. Lightning protection shall be provided as per the requirements of IS:2309. Self conducting structures having metal thickness of more than 4.8 mm may not require lightning protection with aerial rod and down conductors. They shall, however, be connected to the earthing system, at least, at two points at the base in line with OISD-STD-173.

designed and installed and maintained to ensure safe operations under both normal and emergency situations. 6.14 6.14.1 COMPRESSOR STATION Compressor Design The compressor station shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of ASME B 31.8. Centrifugal type process gas compressors shall be designed in accordance with API-617. Reciprocating Compressors shall be designed in accordance with API-618 and other compressors shall be designed in accordance with API-11P. Compressor station shall consist of following: Compressor Piping The gas piping for compressor station shall be designed in accordance with Para 5.2 of this standard. The piping for auxiliary components including air, lubricating oil & hydraulic power piping etc. shall be designed in accordance with ASME B 31.3, API 614 and other applicable codes. Feed Gas Compression System Facilities shall be provided for compressing the feed gas using centrifugal compressors upto required pressure level. Coolers shall be installed to bring down the feed gas temperature to desired level before it is introduced in the down stream pipeline.


Instrument and Control System Instrumentation and control system for the Pipeline system in totality shall meet the requirement as per API Standard API-RP-551 to APIRP-556 "Manual on Installation of Refinery Instruments and Control Systems. Communications A reliable and dedicated communications system to interact between all stations including sectionalizing valve station across the entire pipe line shall be


14 Fuel Gas Treatment System The fuel gas treatment system shall meet fuel gas quality requirements of gas turbines. The various facilities shall include filter separator unit, condensate handling system & fuel gas conditioning system etc. including gas measurement system, gas heating system ( if required for gas engines) & pressure control system. The fuel gas conditioning system shall also meet the requirements specified by OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) before its use in gas turbines for generation of power. Power Generation System The compressor station shall have its own gas based power generation system or an alternate power supply system. In addition, minimum one diesel generator shall be provided to meet the emergency power requirement in case of failure of normal power supply system. Instrument System and Plant Air

ASME Section VIII of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Condensate handling system: Facilities shall be provided for removal of condensate received in the form of liquid as impurity in the filter separator. Liquid accumulated in separator shall be sent to blow down drum when required Building / Shed Requirements The compressor station should have have following main buildings/sheds, in general:(i) A compressor building/shed to house the compressors. Switchgear building for electric power. Power generator building/shed. Workshop building. Warehouse store. Office building. Control room building.


(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)

The compressor station shall have an instrument air supply system for instrumentation system, control valves and seal air system etc. and plant air system. For SV stations and IP stations gas at instrument air pressure can be used. Electrical motor driven or diesel driven air compressors shall be used. Air receivers, air storage bottles and instrument air dryer units shall be provided. Air receivers or air storage shall be designed and installed in accordance with

All compressor station buildings which house gas piping in sizes larger than NPS-2 or gas handling equipment shall be constructed in accordance with OISD-STD-163. 6.14.3 Typical layout of compressors stations is enclosed at Annexure- IV


SAFETY DEVICES & FEATURES The safety system for compression facilities and gas transportation system shall consist of following:



Emergency Shutdown Facilities for compressors

TRVs shall have lock open type isolation valves on both sides of safety valve. 7.2 4 Pressure safety valves or other devices of sufficient capacity and sensitivity shall be installed to ensure that the normal operating pressure of the system does not exceeded by more than 10%, or the maximum allowable operating pressure by more than 2 kg / Cm2. Vent Lines Vent line shall be designed and installed to exhaust the gas from relief valves to atmosphere in accordance with OISD-STD-106 . Blow down piping connected to vent line shall extend to location where the discharge of gas shall not create a hazard to the compressor station or the surrounding area.

7.1.1. Compressor station shall be provided with an emergency shutdown system by means of which the gas can be vented out of the system. Operation of the emergency shutdown system shall also shutdown all gas compressing equipments, all gas fired equipment, gas delivery system and shall de-energize the electrical facilities located in the vicinity of gas headers and in the compressor shed, except those that provide emergency lighting and those that are necessary for protection of the equipment. 7.1.2 Emergency shutdown system shall be operable from at least 2 locations away from the gas area of the station out of which one should be located in the field out side the compressor building. 7.2 7.2.1 Pressure limiting devices Over pressure shut off valves shall be provided upstream and down stream of controlling regulators along with alarm provision incase of failure of the regulator. Pipe size shall be such that gas velocities in the piping shall not be more than 20 mtr / sec for unfiltered gas and 40 mtr/ sec for filtered gas at peak condition. Sound pressure level shall be the maximum limit prescribed by environment dept. Any equipment or section of the pipeline containing Natural Gas in the form of trapped volume shall be protected against excessive pressure developed due to rise in surrounding temperature by installing Thermal Relief Valves (TRVs). The discharge of TRVs shall be connected to vent line system . All

7.3 7.3.1


7.3.2 The discharge from safety valve shall be vented vertically upwards to atmosphere at an elevation of 3 meter (minimum) above grade or the tallest structure within a radius of 15 metre which ever is higher for effective dispersion of hydrocarbons. In this case, isolation valves on down stream of PSVs are not required. 7.4 7.4.1 Fuel gas control An automatic device designed to shut off the fuel gas when the gas engine/turbine stops shall be provided on each gas Engine/turbine operating with pressure gas injection. The engine distribution manifold shall be automatically vented simultaneously. All fuel gas lines within a compressor station shall be




provided with master shutoff valve located outside of the building. An automatic device designed to shut off the fuel gas when the engine stops shall be provided on each gas engine operating with pressure gas injection. 7.5 Station bye pass Compressor station bye pass system shall be provided to facilitate flow of gas in the pipeline without entering the compressor station. All gas compressor units shall be equipped with shutdown or alarm devices to operate in the event of inadequate cooling or lubrication of the units.


Conventional break glass type fire alarm system shall be installed at all strategic locations of the stations. Fire water network with fire hydrants, long range monitors and fire water storage shall be provided inline with clause 13.0. MATERIALS General Materials for use in the pipeline system shall comply with the design requirements and be suitable for the intended fabrication and / or construction methods. Steel Pipe Line Pipe for use in Natural Gas Pipeline System shall be Seamless, Electric Welded (EW) or Longitudinal/Helical Submerged Arc Welded (LSAW/HSAW) conforming to Line Pipe Specification API 5L (PSL-2) or equivalent.

. 7.11

8.0 8.1


8.2 7.7 All compressor buildings or Compressors skids shall have fixed gas detectors to detect leakage of gas inside the unit and generate alarm and trip signals for the unit in case the gas concentration in air is more than 20% of lower explosive limit. Ultra Violet & Heat detectors shall be installed in the compressor buildings or compressors skids to initiate shut down of the unit, isolation of the compartment and release of clean agent inside the unit in the event of occurrence of fire. Smoke detectors shall be installed in the control room of compressor station building, cable trenches in electrical sub station to initiate alarm in case of detection of smoke.


8.3 Carbon Equivalent Maximum limits on Carbon Equivalent for Steel line pipes shall be as follows: CE(Pcm) : 0.20 CE (IIW) : 0.40 Carbon Equivalent shall be calculated based on the formula given below:


For Carbon content less than or equal to 0.12%, CE (Pcm) = C + Si + Mn + Cu + Ni + Cr + Mo + V + 5B 30 20 20 60 20 15 10 If heat analysis indicate that boron content is less than 0.01%, then product analysis need not include boron.


For Carbon content more than 0.12%, CE = C + Mn + (Cr + Mo +V) + Ni + Cu 6 5 15

8.4 Mill Hydrotest Mill Hydrostatic Testing of line pipe is recommended as 95% of SMYS irrespective of grade of pipe material. The pressure hold period shall be minimum for 15 sec. 8.5 Notch Toughness Requirements For steel pipes and associated steel components of size 2" NPS and larger, Notch toughness values shall be determined to provide protection against fracture initiation and propagation. Notch toughness values (minimum absorbed energy values) shall be specified based on the design operating stress and the minimum design temperature. For steel pipes smaller than 2" NPS and steel valves, fittings and flanges smaller than 2" NPS, proven notch toughness properties are not mandatory. 8.6 Fracture Toughness Fracture toughness requirements shall be met in the material being used in the pipeline and by selecting appropriate materials that satisfy the requirements of fatigue toughness stipulated in ASME B 31.8. 8.7 8.7.1 Requirements for Sour Gas Service Gaseous hydrocarbon shall be considered as sour inline with NACE Standard MR-01-75. At lower concentrations of H2S, as the presence of other constituents in the gas e.g. CO2 and salts in water etc. can also cause stress corrosion, hence the concentration of such constituents shall also be evaluated in gaseous hydrocarbon.


All materials, used in sour gas service, shall conform to the material requirements specified in NACE Standard MR-01-75. Depending upon service and materials involved, additional tests for Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSCC) and Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), as specified in NACE Standards MR01-75 and TM-02-84 respectively, should also be conducted for long & short term behavior of material under corrosive environments.

8.7.3 Line pipes made of Cast iron are not permitted to be used for transportation of sour gas.

9.0 9.1

CORROSION CONTROL General All above ground and buried pipelines shall be adequately protected against corrosion. (a) Above ground pipes shall be protected from atmospheric corrosion by suitable coating or paint. Above ground sections of pipelines shall be electrically isolated from the buried pipeline sections. This will however be, not applicable at over ground pipe section in suspension crossings and bridge crossings along the mainline, where the pipeline shall be electrically continoius. (b) Buried pipes likely to be affected by external corrosion should be protected by combination of anticorrosion


coatings protection.



requirements for testing and inspection, and repair procedures where relevant. 9.2.3 Field joint coating The field joints shall be protected with a coating material that is compatible with the line pipe coating material. The coating shall be such that it can be easily applied in field conditions. The coating shall be carried out with heat shrink wrap around sleeves or cold tape or any other suitable type of coating .

For plant piping, depending upon the requirement underground piping should be protected by anticorrosion coating and / or cathodic protection system. 9.2 External Corrosion

9.2.1 External coating for underground pipeline Anticorrosion coating shall be selected reflecting the varying ground conditions found during soil resistivity survey carried out along the pipeline route. Coating shall be selected based on following criteria: (i) Electrically isolate the external surface of the pipeline system from the environment. (ii) Sufficient adhesion to effectively resist underfilm migration of moisture. (iii) Sufficient ductility to prevent cracking. (iv) Strength to resist damage due to handling & soil stress. (v) Be compatible with Cathodic Protection System. 9.2.2 All coatings shall cover the following requirements: a) type of the coating; b) thickness of the individual layers of coating and its total thickness; c) composition of the coating/base material; d) mechanical properties; e) temperature limitations in use; f) surface preparation requirements; g) adhesion requirements for materials, application and curing, including possible requirements for health, safety and environmental aspects and

9.2.5 Cathodic Protection System: In addition to protective coating, buried pipelines shall also be provided with cathodic protection system. CP system shall be designed in accordance with NACE-RP-0169. a) During construction period pipeline shall be protected by temporary sacrificial anode based cathodic protection system. This may not be provided in case Permanent Cathodic Protection system is provided within 6 months of start of pipeline construction. b) Permanent Cathodic protection system i.e. Sacrificial anode or impressed current shall be brought into operation as soon as possible following pipeline construction. c) For Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System, it shall be ensured that continuous power supply is maintained in cathodic protection system. d) Test leads points (TLPs) shall be installed at 1 km interval and at all crossings on pipeline for taking electrical measurements



to indicate adequacy of the CP system. Test lead points shall not be attached to the pipe by brazing. Thermit welding or other suitable methods shall be used. Cathodic protection shall be such that it does not damage the protective coating, pipe or components.

fault currents when the pipeline is installed near electric transmission tower footings, ground cables etc. 10.0 CONSTRUCTION 10.1 Pipelines shall be buried below ground level, unless construction above ground is found to be desirable for exceptional technical, economic or topographical reasons. Construction plan shall be prepared before commencement of construction to assist in control of the work. The plan shall contain a description of the construction; the health, safety and environment plan; and the quality requirements, personnel and equipments required for the construction and working procedures. All facilities, which include existing roads and railways, rivers/canals, footpaths, pipelines, cables and buildings and are affected by the construction of the pipelines shall be identified prior to the beginning of the work. Temporary provisions and safety measures necessary to protect the identified facilities during construction should be established. All safety precautions during construction shall be followed as specified in OISD-GDN-192, OISDSTD-147 . 10.2 Excavation In cultivable land and other areas specifically designated, the top soil on the pipeline trench top width shall be excavated and stored separately. This top soil shall be replaced in original position after backfilling and compacting the rest of the trench. The width of trench shall be such that a minimum clear distance of 200mm for trench in normal soil and 300mm for trench in rock is maintained between edge of pipe and the trench wall at the bottom of trench.


Electric Interference a) The anode beds shall be located such that there is minimum interference to the existing underground metallic structures. The pipeline shall be protected against stray DC or AC current induced corrosion by providing metallic bonds, increased cathodic protection, supplementary protective coatings, insulating flanges or galvanic anodes or such other methods as technically required. Protective devices shall be provided to protect against lighting, induced voltage at HT pipeline crossings and stray current interference from foreign objects. Pipelines laid or proposed to be laid parallel to an AC transmission supply line / DC traction, shall have suitable protective devices installed to reduce induced potential to acceptable level. During construction special protection shall be taken to minimise possible effects of alternating current potentials.




9.2.7 Safety devices in line with NACERP-01-77 shall be installed for preventing the damage to the CP system of pipeline due to lightning or


10.3 Minimum Cover For Buried Pipelines All buried pipelines shall be installed below the ground level in line with

the Minimum Cover for Buried Pipelines, as specified in Table 5 below:

Table 5 Minimum Cover Requirements for Pipelines Sl No. Locations Minimum Cover In Mtr

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)


Areas of agricultural, hoticultural activity, limited or no human activity, Industrial, commercial and residential area Rocky terrain Drainage, ditches at roads/railway crossing Minor river crossings/canal /drain/nala/ditches Major river crossings (below scour level) River with rocky bed (below scour level) Area under influence of tides Cased/Uncased road crossing Cased railway crossing

1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.7

(i) The depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe coating to the top of the undisturbed surface of soil or the top of graded working strip, whichever is lower. The fill material in the working strip shall not be considered in the depth of cover; (ii) The cover shall be measured from the top of road or top of rail, as the case may be; (iii) For river/watercourses that are prone to scour and erosion, adequate safe cover shall be provided below the predicted scour profile expected during the life time of the pipeline; (iv) When scour level is not known, an additional cover of at least 1 m shall be provided from the existing bed of the river/water course except in case of rocky river bed; (v) The minimum cover requirements shall be applicable for all Location Classes; (vi) Whenever the above provisions of cover cannot be provided due to site constraints, additional protection in form of casings, bridging, etc shall be provided. (vii) Soft soil/sand padding of minimum 150 mm thickness to be provided around the pipe where gravel or hard soil is encountered. In case of rocky areas rock-shield along with 150 mm of soft soil / sand padding around the pipe should be provided. In case the pipeline is to be laid through populated area (which otherwise could not be avoided), additional protective measures to be provided be by way of providing higher wall thickness pipe or laying at a greater depth or by providing casing pipe.



Crossing of Utilities

10.4.1 When a buried pipeline has to cross any existing underground pipeline, cable, drain or other services, the pipeline shall be laid at least 300 mm below such services in a manner that will not obstruct access to such services for inspection, repair, or maintenance. Where it is not practicable to obtain the above mentioned clearance, special design and construction shall be used. 10.4.2 When laid parallel to, along or near underground power and /or communication cables, conductors or conduit, underground pipes shall maintain a vertical clearance of at least 300 mm and horizontal clearance of 500 mm. Where these clearances cannot be maintained, extra precaution shall be taken to ensure the maximum possible clearance and to prevent future contact. In laying parallel pipelines in the same trench, a minimum clear distances between the pipelines shall be 500mm. 10.4.3 A clearance sufficiently large to avoid electrical fault current interference shall be maintained between the pipeline and the grounding facilities of electrical transmission lines. 10.4.4 A minimum separation of 3.0 metre should be maintained between pipeline and transmission tower footings. 10.5 Location

heavy conventional construction equipment is expected to be utilized. This distance may be reduced after careful assessment of construction methodologies so that it does not result in unsafe conditions during construction. In any case the minimum clear distance shall not be less than 3.0 metres. These areas shall be distinctly identified on ground during construction. All caution sign shall be in bi lingual (local language and Hindi / English) 10.5.2 No pipeline should be located within 15.0 metres of any private dwelling or any industrial building or place of public assembly in which persons work, congregate or assemble, unless it is provided with at least 300 mm of cover in addition to that provided in para 10.3 above. 10.6 Cold field bends

10.6.1 The radius of cold field bends shall be as specified in clause 6.3. Pipes with measured wall thickness greater than the nominal wall thickness (with positive tolerance) shall normally be used for making cold field bends. 10.6.2 The ends of each bend length shall be straight and not involved anyway in the bending. In no event shall the end of the bend be closer than 0.5 m from the end of a pipe or within one meter of a girth weld. The ovality in each pipe due to bending shall be less than 2.5 percent of the nominal diameter, at any point. A check shall be performed on all bends by passing a gauge consisting of two discs with a diameter equal to 95 percent of the nominal internal diameter of the pipe connected rigidly together at a distance equal to 300 mm.

10.5.1 The location of a new underground pipeline, when running parallel to an existing underground pipeline, should be at a minimum clear distance of 5.0 metres from the existing underground pipeline when


10.6.3 Pipes with longitudinal welds shall be bend in such a way that weld lies in the plane passing through neutral axis of the bend which shall be installed positioning the longitudinal weld in the upper quadrants. 10.6.5 Cold bend pipes on site shall have the corrosion coating carefully checked with the aid of a holiday detector for cracks in the coating down to the pipe wall. Any defects or disbonding of the coating caused during bending (including forced ridges in the coating) shall be repaired. CROSSINGS As far as possible, crossings shall be made at right angles. Turning Points (TPs) provided near crossings shall be located at least 50 m from the boundary of the crossings, on stable and firm ground except for the stretches which runs parallel to road.

roads, cart-tracks, etc) shall be as close to 90 as possible, but in no case less than 45 to the centre-line of the roads. Additional protection shall be provided in case the angle of the crossing is less than 45 . 10.7.2 Water Crossings Crossings shall be located in a comparatively straight reach of the river, where the banks are stable, minimum evidence of erosion of bed, sufficient area for construction is available. Angle of crossing shall be as close to 90 as possible. For canals/drainage/ditch / nala /stream and other water courses, the angle of crossing shall be in no case less than 60 to the centre-line of the canal/drainage ditch. Special considerations shall be required for submerged crossings which are characterized by their perennial nature, meandering course, steep and potentially erodable banks, potentially scouring bed, large erodable flood plain and wide water course (high water mark to high water mark) both during the design and installation of such crossings. For river crossings the following additional requirements shall be considered. a) To ensure the stability of the underwater pipeline, it may be necessary to add weight to sink and hold the pipeline in position. b) A detailed stress analysis for the pipe section for river crossings should be carried out, taking into consideration the effect of all loads during laying and it shall be ensured that the stresses remain within permissible limits in accordance with ASME B 31.8.


10.7.1 Rail and Road Crossings Installation of carrier pipe at rail / road crossings with casing shall be in accordance with API RP-1102. Carrier pipe shall be independently supported outside each end of the casing section and casing ends shall be sealed using durable, electrically non conductive materials. Insulators of appropriate size and numbers shall be fitted between carrier pipe and casing pipe. The angles for all railway crossings shall be as close to 90 as possible, but in no case less than 85 to the centre-line of the railway. The angle of crossings for national and state highways shall be as close to 90 degrees as possible, but in no case less than 80 to the center-line of the road. The angles of crossing for other roads (like seasonal roads, unpaved village 23


Welding and Acceptance Criteria


10.8.1 Welding procedures or welders shall be qualified inline with API 1104, or section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Requirements in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IIC and section V or API 1104 shall apply for filler materials and non-destructive examination of welds. Welder requalification shall be required if the welder has not performed any welding for the welding process qualified for the past 6 months . 10.8.2 The open ends of welded sections of pipeline shall be closed by use of suitable night caps to prevent the ingress of foreign bodies and water. 10.8.3 The weld joints shall be numbered and marked along with the welder identification , adjacent to the weld joint on the progressive direction of main line . 10.8.3 Welding Inspection

girth weld joints shall be nondestructively tested over their entire circumference by radiographic examination, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing or other equivalent comparable method. (i) 100% of welds in location class 1, 2, 3 & 4. (ii) 100% of welds in compressor station, crossings and tie-in joints. Weld repair areas shall be subjected to radiography testing . If required, ultrasonic testing or magnetic particle testing shall be required to confirm/clarify the defects indicated in radiographic examination. Repair welders shall be qualified inline with clause 10.8.1. 10.9 Dents No cut piece of mainline pipe of length less than two (2) meter shall be used in the pipeline and it shall be ensured that there shall not be more than three (3) circumferential welds in eight meters. Cut pipes shall have details of pipe reference numbers painted to the inside of each pipe end. All NDT (non destructive testing) including Radiographic examination and destructive method of examination shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of API 1104. The quality of each weld shall be examined by visual inspection. The following minimum percentage of each days field

10.9.1 All dents that affect the curvature of the pipeline at the longitudinal weld or circumferential weld shall be removed. The depth of dent shall be measured as the gap between the lowest point of the dent and the original contour of the pipe. The maximum permissible depth of dents in pipes up to and including 12.75 inch (324 mm) nominal outside diameter shall be 5 mm. For pipes over 12.75 inch (324 mm) nominal outside diameter, the permissible depth of dent shall be 2 percent of the nominal pipe diameter. Length of the dent in any direction shall not be more than one-fourth of nominal diameter of the pipe. Dents shall be removed by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe as cylinder and replacing with a pre tested pipe.


10.9.2 All dents as mentioned in para 10.9.1 and a dent containing a stress concentrator, such as a scratch, gouge, groove, or arc burn, shall be removed by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipeline as a cylinder and replacing with a pre tested pipe section. Buckled pipe shall also be replaced as a cylinder. 10.9.3 Notches or laminations on pipe ends shall not be repaired. The damage portion shall be removed as a cylinder and re-beveled to the pipe properly 10.10 LOWERING 10.10.1 Before lowering operations are commenced, particular attention shall be paid to the suitability of the trench to allow the pipeline to be lowered without the coating being damaged and to give a reasonably even support to the pipeline. 10.10.2 Before lowering in, a complete check by a full circle holiday detector set at an appropriate voltage to provide sufficient arc length for the thickness and nature of coating for whole of pipe coating and for field joint coating shall be carried out. All coating defects and damages identified by holiday detection shall be repaired. All points on the pipeline where the coating has been in contact with either the skids or with the lifting equipment during the laying operation, shall be carefully inspected for damages, dents or other defects and shall be completely repaired.. Short completed sections of the pipeline shall be cleaned with compressed air in order to remove dirt from the inside of pipe sections.

10.11 BACKFILLING 10.11.1 Backfilling shall be carried out immediately after the pipeline has been laid in the trench. Top soil from the Right-of-Use be used for this purpose, should be restored. The backfill material shall contain no extraneous material and/or hard lumps of soil, which could damage the pipe and/or coating or leave voids in the backfilled trench. 10.11.2 Breakers shall be installed in trenches in steep areas (slope of generally 10 percent and more) for the purpose of preventing erosion of the back fill. When backfilling the trenches in sloping terrains or steep areas, wherein the chances of wash out of backfill exist, sheet piling or other effective water breakers across the trench shall be provided. 10.12 Markers Pipeline markers shall be provided on each side of road, railway crossing, water crossings and at a maximum spacing of 1 km along the right of way of the remainder of the buried pipeline along the right of way. At the entrance to all pipeline stations, all road and railway crossing locations, caution signs to be displayed indicating hazardous area, name of the operating company emergency telephone contact nos. etc.

11.0 TESTING & COMMISSIONING 11.1 Hydrotesting of Pipeline a) All Pipelines shall be tested inplace after construction except for pre-tested pipes used in tiein spools.



Cased crossings (rail/road) and river crossing sections shall be hydrotested before and after installation at least for 4 hours at 1.25 (for Class 1 & Class 2) OR 1.4 times (for Class 3 & Class 4), the design pressure. All sections including previously hydrostatically tested one vis--vis road/rail and river crossings shall be retested along with completed mainline sections.

corrosion inhibitors and oxygen scavenger are added depending upon quality of the water. g) API-1110 shall be used for guidance for the hydrostatic test. Pipe used for making repairs shall be pre-tested to a pressure equal to or greater than the original pipeline strength test pressure.



d) A gauging pig shall be passed through the pipeline to prove the internal diameter of the entire pipeline. The gauging plate shall have a diameter of 95% of the internal diameter of the pipeline. The gauging plate thickness shall be mimimum10 mm. e) All electrical connection and monitoring points on the pipelines have been completed. f) Water used for the test medium shall be inhibited water i.e water to which suitable doses of

11.2 Test Pressure and Test DurationMainline The minimum hydrostatic pressure in any section shall be as given in Table 6. The maximum hydrostatic pressure shall not however exceed the pressure required to produce a hoop stress equal to 95 percent of SMYS of the pipe material based on minimum wall thickness in the test section. The test duration shall be a minimum 24 hours or as specified by respective code to which pipeline is designed and accepted by statutory authority. Mainline valves shall be installed after successful completion of hydrostatic pressure testing.

Table 6 : Test Pressure Requirements Location Class 1 2 3 4 Pressure Requirement 1.25 x Design Pressure 1.25 x Design Pressure 1.40 x Design Pressure 1.40 x Design Pressure


11.3 Test Pressure and Test DurationStations Hydrostatic pressure testing of terminals shall be carried out separately. Dispatch / Receipt terminals as well as other intermediate facilities shall be tested at minimum test pressure of 1.4 times the design pressure. The hydrostatic pressure test duration shall be for a minimum period of 4 hrs. 11.4 Acceptance Criteria Pressure variations during testing shall be acceptable, if caused by factors other than leakage, like temperature variations. Pipelines not meeting the requirements shall be repaired and retested in accordance with the requirements of this standard. 11.5 Geometric Survey The Calliper Survey shall be conducted after completion and acceptance of all the following mainline activities: (i) Gauge plate run (ii) Hydrostatic Testing (iii) Cleaning and swabbing of pipeline (iv) Mainline Valve installation (v) Test section tie-ins (vi) After tie-in of HDD crossings / other submerged crossings. (vii) Installation of launching and receiving barrels 11.6 Preservation of Pipeline If the pipeline is to be preserved for more than 6 months before it can be commissioned, the pipeline shall be preserved either with inhibited water or with a non-flammable, non-toxic gas and at a suitable pressure.


Documentation Following records should be made: (i) A complete pipe book including hydrotesting data and location of leaks or failures and description of repair action taken. (ii) As built drawings like Route and profile map of the pipeline, pipeline alignment, crossings, P&IDs, Layouts , Isometric, Earthing grid, Single line diagrams etc. (iii) Equipment supplier Manuals. (iv) Complete Asset of each location with identification. (v) Radiographs of weld joints (vi) Calliper survey reports and repairs, if any, carried out. Commissioning A proper commissioning procedure shall be prepared for removal of air from the system and to prevent intermixing of air and the hydrocarbons.

11.8 11.8.1

11.8.2 Before starting commissioning activities, following shall be ensured: a) Hydrotesting is completed for entire pipeline and associated station piping and records checked and documented. b) Swabbing of the pipeline has been completed for removal of water from the pipeline. c) Low pressure leak check (with air) for the above ground section of the pipelines; d) Ensure complete removal of ferrous materials / debris from the pipeline preferably by brush / magnetic pigging. e) All sectionalizing valves are installed as per requirement. f) All golden joints are inspected and accepted. g) Calliper pigging of the entire





k) l) m) n)

pipeline section completed and a base line data has been obtained. Coating survey has been carried out either by Pearson , Direct current voltage Gradient (DCVG) , Close interval potential logging survey (CIPS) or Current Attenuation Test (CAT). Temporary modifications required at the stations for commissioning have been completed in all respect. Commissioning check list prepared and ensured availability of all materials tools , tackles and consumable. Fire fighting facilities shall be kept ready. Caution boards shall be displayed while venting in progress. Complete removal of moisture shall be ensured. Trained and experience personnel are deployed to carry out commissioning.


Nitrogen plug shall proceed before charging of natural gas. (ii) Natural gas shall not be directly used for displacement of air in pipeline / vessels. (iii) The commissioning operation shall be controlled and supervised by authorized personnel. (iv) Venting shall be controlled at the pig-receiving end so that proper backpressure is maintained to control pig train speed of 3 to 4 km /hr. The desired portion of the pipeline shall be commissioned in this manner. The pipeline system shall subsequently be slowly pressurized up to its operating conditions. 12.0 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE A detailed operation and maintenance procedure for control system and safety interlocks shall be developed . Operating Procedures A comprehensive operating manual shall be developed which shall interalia include following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) System Description Operation set points Initial start up Normal operations Normal shut down procedure Temporary operations Execution of emergency shut down in a safe & timely manner (viii) Emergency shut down (ix) Conditions under which emergency shutdown is required (x) Emergency operations

11.8.3 Low Pressure Leak Check for Above Ground Piping The above the ground piping shall be checked for leaks at flange points of piping and equipment, instrument impulse tubing points, etc. by pressurizing the piping system / equipment with dry compressed air or gas at a pressure of 7.0 kg/cm2 and testing by means of soap solution/suitable digital gauge for leaks. 11.8.4 Nitrogen Filling / Gas Charging The inertisation of the entire pipeline system including underground pipeline and the above ground piping at dispatch and receipt stations, intermediate pigging stations and hook-up/tap-off points shall be carried out using nitrogen gas. Inertisation shall be accepted when the residual oxygen content in the piping is below 1 percent (vol / vol). 28



Display of Operating Instructions The gist of operating instructions, emergency shut down (ESD), Trip set pressures shall be displayed in the control room and near all important operating equipments Maintenance Procedure A detailed maintenance procedure shall be developed for entire pipeline system considering the recommendations given by the original equipment manufacturer keeping in mind the local conditions. To facilitate the maintenance services to be rendered in a planned manner, a preventive maintenance schedule covering necessary work to be done, mentioning the periodicity i.e daily, weekly, monthly, half yearly and yearly schedule shall be worked out and adhered to. This should also include procedures for repair by clamping, removal and replacement of pipe / hot tapping and stoppling etc. Adherence to work permit system inline with OISD-STD-105 shall be followed.


12.3.1 Right of Way, crossing Inspection & Maintenance There shall be proper maintenance of Right Of Way to have reasonable access to maintenance crews. Valve location access shall be properly maintained. Road and highways crossings shall be inspected once in 3 months. Water course crossings shall be inspected twice in a year i.e prior and after monsoon or flash flood for sufficiency of cover, accumulation of debris, or for any other condition affecting the safety and security of the crossings. 12.3.2 Patrolling (a) Ground Patrolling of ROW shall be carried out once in 15

days for location class 3 and 4 and once in 30 days for location class 1 and 2 to observe surface conditions, leakage, construction activity, encroachments, soil washouts and any other factors affecting the safety and operation of the pipeline. (b) Line Walk by the official of the company at least twice in a year shall be carried out before and after the monsoon. (c) The operating company shall analyze the existing pipeline for new anticipated external loads, when the pipeline is to be crossed by a new road or railroad. The operating company shall install mechanical reinforcement, structural protection, or suitable pipe, in case the design parameters considered are exceeding in order to ensure redistribution of the external loads acting on the pipeline. (d) Villagres / public along the right of away shall be adequately made aware of the possible consequence of gas leaks and this shall be included as a part of regular audit. 12.3.3 Pigging Pigging operation shall be carried out for all pigable pipelines at least once in a year for we gas and once in 3 years for dry gas. Records of quantity and quality of deposits (pig residue) collected after pigging shall be chemically examined. Depending upon the out come of the chemical analysis and review pigging frequency shall be increased.



Intelligent Pigging Intelligent pigging survey ( IPS) shall be carried out once in 10 years and this data shall be compared with the data collected during electronic geometric piging / caliper pigging before commissioning to asses the health of the pipeline. In case IPS is carried out once in 5 years then pigging operation as sated in clause 12.3.3 for dry gas may not be required.

12.3.5 Inspection of Cathodic Protection System A. Pipe to Soil Potential (PSP) Readings shall be taken as follows: i) PSP readings at feeding points shall be monitored fortnightly. ii) The PSP reading ( ON potential) at the test lead points for entire pipeline shall be taken once in a quarter. The PSP survey results shall be plotted graphically to identify and locate cathodic holidays. The Criteria of protection shall be as under (a) Pipe to soil potential of at least ( - ) 0.85 volts with respect to copper/copper sulphate half cell. In areas where anaerobic bacteria are active, minimum PSP shall be more negative than - 0.95 volts instead of - 0.85 volts. A minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization between the structure surface and a stable reference electrode containing the

electrolyte. The formation of decay of polarization can be measured to satisfy this condition.. (c) Over protection of coated pipelines shall be avoided by ensuring that polarisation potential is not more negative than (-) 1.2 volts with respect to copper/copper sulphate half cells.. iii) Instant pipe to soil OFF potential readings at test lead points of entire pipeline shall be taken once in a year. For the purpose of logging the instant OFF PSP, care shall be taken to minimize the effect of polarization decay., by logging the reading within the first 1 or 2 seconds of simultaneous switching of all Cathodic protection station affecting that section of the pipeline. The PSP survey results shall be plotted graphically to identify and locate cathodic holidays. iv) Current consumption data should be taken at the test stations where current measurement facility exist. B) Cathodic protection rectifiers shall be inspected once in two months. C) All protective devices shall be inspected once in two months. D) Interference bonds shall be inspected once a year. 12.3.6 Coating Survey Pearson Survey / Direct Current Voltage gradient (DCVG) / Continuous Potential Logging (CPL) survey / Current Attenuation Test ( CAT) shall be carried out once in 5 years. Insulating joints and couplings shall be inspected



once in a year. 12.3. 7 Internal Corrosion Monitoring Following monitoring techniques should be used in the pipelines for internal corrosion monitoring. a) Corrosion coupons b) Corrosion monitoring equipment based on Electric resistance (ER) technique, electrochemical noise (ECN) technique, & Linear polarisation (LPR) technique c) Iron count analyses d) chemical analysis of pig residue for other parameters e) UT measurement at critical locations f) Intelligent pigging of pipeline in line with para 12.3.4 above.

i. All records as per para 11.7 of this document. ii. Necessary operation data iii. Pipeline patrolling records iv. Records and maps showing the location of CP facilities and piping. v. CP monitoring report, test and survey reports. vi. Leak burst & repair records vii. Records pertaining to inspections, such as external or internal line conditions viii. Pipeline repair records ix. History cards of equipment x. Near miss, minor and major incidents. 13.0 SAFETY & FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Fire Fighting Facilities Facilities shall be designed on the basis that city fire water supply is not available close to the installation. All installation except Intermediate pigging station and sectionalizing valve stations shall have fire prevention and protection system as under.

13.1 12.3.8 Inspection of Pipes , Valves and fittings Inspection of pipes, valves and fittings shall be carried out as per OISD-STD-130. Inspection of Pumps, Compressors, Control and Protective Equipment Periodic inspection and maintenance shall be carried out for control and protective equipment including pressure limiting devices, regulators, controllers, relief valves and other safety devices in accordance with OEM and following OISD standards Pumps : OISD-STD-119, Compressors : OISD-STD-120, Pressure Limiting Devices: OISDSTD-132. Documentation for Operation and Maintenance The following records shall be maintained for operation and maintenance purposes:


13.1.1 Fire Water System The Fire water system shall consist of: (a) (b) (c) (d) Fire water Pumps ( Main and Jockey) Fire water storage Fire hydrant / Monitor distribution piping network Water sprinkler / Deluge system


13.1.2 Design flow rate The fire water pumping requirement for medium velocity spray shall be calculated based on the following cooling rate or


minimum for 288 cubic mtr /hr i.e flow through 2 nos. of fire water monitors which ever is higher. Entire compressor area, Pig launching and receiving area, filter area, metering area, condensate collection area shall be covered with medium velocity water spray system. (i) Compressor area : 20.4 lpm / sq. mtr considering area based on outer foundation column measurements (length x breadth) (ii) Scraper area / Metering area / filter area : 10.2 lpm/ sq mtr of surface area. (iii) Other area : 3 lpm / sq. mtr of surface area 13.1.3 Fire Water System Design (i) The Fire water pressure system shall be designed for a minimum residual pressure of 7.0 Kg/cm2. (ii) A fire water ring main shall be provided all around perimeter of the plant facilities with hydrants/monitors . There shall be minimum 2 nos. of monitors to be located in such a way that it covers the compressors area, scrapper area and filter area. Fire hydrant network shall be in closed loops to ensure multidirectional flow in the system. Isolation valves shall be provided where the length of the pipe section is more than 300 mtr. 13.1.4 Fire Water Storage (i) Water requirement for fire fighting shall be met through water storage tanks of steel or concrete or masonry. The effective capacity of the tanks above the level of suction point

shall be minimum 4 hrs aggregate capacity of the pumps. Where make up water supply system is 50% or more this storage capacity may be reduced to 3 hrs of aggregate capacity of pumps. (ii) Storage tank/reservoir shall be in two interconnected compartments to facilitate cleaning and repairs. In case of steel tanks there shall be a minimum of two tanks. 13.1.5 Fire Water Pumps (i) Centrifugal fire water pumps shall be installed to meet the designed fire water flow rate and head. Pump shall have flooded suction. Motor driven Jockey pump (not more than 10 M3 / Hr of water flow) shall be installed to maintain the fire network pressure at 7.0 Kg/Cm2 at farthest end of the network. The fire water pumps including the stand by pumps shall preferably be diesel driven. Where electric supply is reliable 50% of the pumps may be motor driven. A minimum of 50% stand by pump(s) (minimum one no) of the same type, capacity and head as the main pumps shall be provided. The fire water pumps shall be provided with automatic starting facilities.





13.1.6 Fire Hydrant Network (i) Fire water ring main shall be sized for 120% of the








design water flow rate. Velocity of the water shall not exceed more than 5 m/s in the fire water ring main. In case of sea water service, the fire water main pipes shall be concrete / mortar lined internally. Fire water steel pipe ring main shall be laid above ground at a height of 300 mm to 400 mm above finished ground level. Pipes made of composite material shall be laid underground. The mains shall be supported at regular intervals not exceeding 6 mtrs. For pipeline size less than 150mm diameter, support interval shall not be more than 3 m. The steel pipe ring main shall be laid underground at the following places: (a) Road crossings (b) Where above ground piping is likely to cause obstruction to operation, vehicle movement and likely to get mechanical damage. Under ground fire water mains shall have at least 1 mtr earth cushion in open ground and 1.5 mtrs under roads with concrete / steel encashment. The underground fire water steel pipe network shall be provided with suitable coating / wrapping or concrete / masonry. Double headed hydrants with two separate landing valves on 3 / 4 standpost shall be used. All hydrant outlets shall be 1.2 mtr above ground level.

(viii)Fire water monitors shall be provided with independent isolation valves. (ix) Hose Box with 2 Nos. of hoses and a nozzle shall be provided at each hydrant points. (x) The deluge valve shall be located at 15 mtrs. from the risk being protected. A fire wall shall be provided for the protection of the deluge valve and for operating personnel. (xi) Fire Hydrants/ monitors shall be located at a minimum distance of 15 mtrs from the hazardous facility / equipment. Case of buildings this distance shall not be less than 2 mtr and not more than 15 mtr from the face of building. Provisions of hydrants within the building shall be provided in accordance with IS:3844. (xii) At least one hydrant post shall be provided for every 30 mtr of external wall measurement or perimeter of the battery limit. Monitors shall be placed at 45 mtr interval. 13.1.7 Medium Velocity Sprinkler System The medium velocity spray system provided at all critical areas shall have spray nozzles directed radially to the facilities intended for cooling at a distance of 0.6 mtr from the surface of the equipment / facility. Only one type of spray nozzles shall be provided in a particular facility. All spray nozzles shall be inspected for


proper positioning, corrosion and cleaned if necessary at an interval of not more than 12 months or earlier based on the experience.

15 LR / API 15 HR or its equivalent shall be used. In case saline / brackish water / treated effluent water is used , the fire water main of steel pipes shall be, internally cement mortar lined or glass reinforced epoxy coated or made of pipe material suitable for the quality of water . Alternatively, pipes made of composite materials shall be used. Cast lron pipes shall not be used for fire water services. b) Isolation valve , Deluge Valve, Gate / butterfly type isolation valve with open / close indication made of cast steel. Other material such as cupro-nickel for saline / brackish water may be used. c) Hydrant Stand post, Monitors Carbon Steel / Gunmetal d) Outlet valves/ landing valvesGunmetal / Aluminum/ Stainless steel / Aluminium-Zink alloy e) Fire Hose- Reinforced rubber lined hoses (63 mm), 15 mtr std length conforming to IS: 636 (type A ) / Non percolating synthetic hose (Type B) / UL or equivalent standard. f) The above ground fire water main, hydrant post shall be painted with corrosion resistant fire Red paint as per IS: 5 g) Water monitors, hydrant point and hose box shall be painted Luminous Yellow as per IS: 5 13.5 FIRST AID FIRE FIGHTING EXTINGUISHERS The fire extinguishers shall be provided at various location as under. (i) Compressor area - 1x 10Kg DCP and 1 x 6.8 Kg CO2 extinguishers per two compressors and 1 mobile 75 kg DCP. (ii) Scraper Barrel - 1x 10Kg DCP , 34


Gas Monitoring System A gas detection system equipped with sound and visual alarm shall be installed in the control room to indicate that one-fifth of lower flammable limit is reached. (i) The Gas Monitoring system shall be located close to the potential source of leakage. (ii) Detectors shall be placed in the compressor and near scraper/filter & other hazardous areas. Fire Alarm System (i) Manual call points shall be installed at strategic operating locations. (ii) Electric operated fire sirens with audible range of 1 km shall be installed. Provision shall be made for continuous availability of power during emergency shut down. (iii) Manual operated fire sirens shall be provided at strategic places. (iv) Smoke detectors shall be provided in control room, MCC, utility room with provision of indication, alarm & annunciation.



MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS All material used in fire water system using fresh water shall be of the type indicated below a) Pipes - Carbon Steel (CS) IS: 3589 / IS :1239 / IS : 1978 or Composite materials as per API

Metering area / filter area -1x 10Kg DCP (iii) Air compressors - 1 x 2 Kg CO2 extinguishers and 1x 5 Kg DCP (iv) Office/ Canteen/Stores- 2x 10Kg DCP in each building. (v) MCC/DG Room/HT room- 2 x 4.5 Kg CO2 in each room or per 100 m2 floor area. 4 sand buckets & stand shall be provided near to DG room (vi) Repeater / CP stations - 1x 10Kg DCP , 1 x 2 kg CO2 extinguisher. (vii) 100% spare for CO2 cartridges and 50% DCP cartridges shall be stored. (viii) A trolley containing first aid fire protective accessories shall also be provided All fire extinguishers shall bear ISI or equivalent mark. 13.6 HOSES, NOZZLES AND ACCESSORIES . (i) Minimum 2 Nos. or 25% spare hoses shall be stored. (ii) In addition to the nozzles provided in the hose boxes there shall be 1 set of spare nozzles for each category viz- Jet Nozzle with branch pipes, Fog Nozzle, Universal Nozzle, water curtain Nozzle and spray Nozzle. (iii)The following accessories / first aid items shall be provided in each compressor, intermediate and terminal delivery stations. (a) Fire hoses 2nos / per hose box / per hydrant pointMinimum 10 nos. (b) Safety helmets-1 no./person (min 10 nos.). (c) Stretcher with blanket- 2 Nos. (d) First aid box- 1 nos. (e) Rubber hand gloves for electrical purpose- 2 nos. (f) Low temperature rubber hand gloves - 4 pairs.


(g) Fire proximity suit- 1 no. (h) Resuciator - 1 No. (i) Red / green flags 2 nos. in each colour (j) Self contained breathing apparatus with one spare cylinder (cap 30 min) 1 set with spare cylinder. (k) Water jel blanket- 1 nos. (l) Portable Gas detectors 2 nos. (m) Explosive meter 1 No. Inspection of fire fighting equipment and system shall be carried out inline with OISD STD-142. Windsock Windsock shall be provided on an appropriately elevated structure like the control room / fire-water pump house in such a manner so as to avoid blind areas.


Emergency Power supply Emergency lighting shall be provided for operating areas and control room. Communication System (i) Communication system like telephone / PA or paging, walkie-talkie, optical fibre cable based communication system shall be provided. (ii) All intermediate stations including IP stations / Repeater station shall be provided with proven communication system. Security at unmanned station shall be trained to deal with communication and emergency handling. Emergency Plan A mutual aid scheme for the fire fighting and emergency rescue operation shall be made involving local industries , local govt. agencies. Mock drill involving all mutual partners




shall be conducted at least once in a year. The emergency plan shall be prepared based on the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) 14.0 Risk Analysis & Hazop Study Risk scenarios Flow balance Organisation structure Emergency Trainings Responsibility

(a) Internal inspection tool or tools capable of detecting corrosion and deformation anomalies including dents, gouges, grooves eg Geometric Survey. (b) Hydrostatic Pressure test in accordance with clause 11.2 of this standard. 14.5 The integrity assessment during the lifetime shall consist of an initial (base line) & continual assessment. The factors to be considered for risk are: a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 14.7 Results of previous integrity assessment, Coating type and condition leak history Repair history Cathodic protection history

PIPELINE INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT (PIM) A comprehensive manual containing program & practices shall be developed for existing pipeline / after construction of the new pipeline to manage pipeline integrity taking into consideration consequence classification / category of pipeline, and risk involved in each segment of the pipeline. The integrity management program framework shall take into consideration continual / periodic assessment & an evaluation process as to its effectiveness of the current health of the pipeline & to prevent any failure in future. To maintain safe operating conditions in case of an adverse condition detected, pipeline should be shut down until the required repairs are completed and clearance for operation is given. The methods selected to assess the integrity of the pipeline initially shall be one and / or combination of the followings:




System should be available for detecting leaks of pipeline system. The capability of the leak detection system shall be evaluated and modified if necessary. ABANDONMENT OF PIPELINE A pipeline system that is no longer required for transportation of gas shall be taken out of service with all hazardous fluids removed from the system. In case a operating company decides to abandon full or part of the pipeline system permanently or temporarily after obtaining necessary approval from the statutory authority (if required), it shall prepare a detailed plan considering the following. Large scale venting of natural gas shall be avoided. It shall be ensured that most of the natural gas contained in the system shall be utilized by consumer. (i) Pipeline section and facilities shall be disconnected from all source of supply of gas.

15.0 15.1





Pipeline system and facilities to be abandoned shall be purged with nitrogen gas or inert materials and ends hall be sealed. If the facilities are purged with air, it shall be ensured that combustible mixture is not present in the system

conditions by the use of appropriate repair methods. The selection of the most appropriate repair method, consistent with safe operation, shall be based on assessment of the defect and categorizing the damage like, Superficial Damage, Moderate Damage, Severe Damage, Extreme Damage. 18.0 Pipeline Repair 18.1 In case of corrosion on the pipe due to which thickness of the pipe is reduced to the extent that maximum allowable operating pressure is reduced corresponding to original design, then either the pipe section shall be repaired or replaced or the pipeline shall be derated commensurate with remaining strength of the pipe. 18.2 All dents as per para 10.9 of this standard and all pipes containing leak shall be removed or repaired. Pipeline shall be repaired by any one of the following: (i) By cutting out cylindrical piece of pipe containing the defect and replacing the same with a pre tested pipe of minimum 2 meter length of meeting the required pipe specification. (iii) By installing full encirclement welded split sleeves to contain internal pressure and shall have a design pressure of not less than the maximum allowable operating pressure. This shall be fully welded both circumferentially and longitudinally. Length of full encirclement split sleeves shall not be less than 100mm. (iv) All repairs performed as per (i) and (ii) above shall be testes by radiography examination.


Decommissioning Plans and procedures shall be developed for safe decommissioning , dismantling, demolition, and disposal of the pipeline and shall include the following. (i) Maintenance of the facility shall continue till full dismantling of facilities have been completed. (ii) Cathodic protection system shall be maintained with periodic inspection. (iii) Environmental impact assessment.

18.3 16.0 MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE / SAFE CONTROL OF OPERATIONS (SCO) For Safe Control of Operations (SCO) , a systematic Management of Change process shall be developed inline with OISD-GDN-178 to identify and consider the impact of changes to pipeline systems and their integrity. Management of Change shall address technical, physical, procedural and organizational changes of the system, whether permanent or temporary. 17.0 DEFECT ASSESSMENT Effective defect detecting systems like, walk surveys, surveillance, patrolling, leak detection tests, internal audits, external audits shall be put in place for detection of defects and damages of pipe work. Defective or Damaged pipelines shall be identified and restored to safe operating



In case of repair of coated pipe, all damaged coating shall be removed and new coating shall REFERENCES

be applied to replacement pieces of pipe, welded patches and full encirclement welded split sleeves used in making repairs.


This standard shall be read in conjunction with the following standards, codes and publications: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) ASME B31.8 API -617 API- 618 API- 11P API 1102 API 1104 API 1107 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems. Centrifugal Gas Compressors Reciprocating Gas compressors Other small gas compressors Recommended Practice for Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways. Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities. Recommended Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices. Recommended Practice for Marking Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Facilities. Recommended Practice for Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum Pipelines. Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Pipeline Transportation Facilities. Specification for Line pipes Pipeline Valves Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Division 1 Pressure Vessels Division 2 Alternate Rules for Pressure Vessels Welding Qualifications Pipe Hangers and Supports Materials, Design and Manufacture. Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application. Recommended Practice Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. Recommended Practice - Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines Systems. Flow evaluation for sizing control valve Control valve test procedure Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmosphere Degree of protection Provided by Enclosures. Work Permit System Lay out of Oil and Gas Installation Inspection of Compressors Inspection of Pressure Vessels. Inspection of Pipes, Valves and Fittings.

(viii) API 1109 (ix) (x) API 1110 API 500C

(xi) API- 5L (xii) API- 6D (xiii) ASME Section VIII

(xiv) (xv) (xvi)

ASME Section IX MSS-SP-50 MSS-SP-69

(xvii) NACE-RP-01-69

(xviii) NACE-RP-01-75 (xix) ISA S-75.01 (xx) ISA S-75.02 (xxi) IEC 79 (xxii) IEC 529 (xxiii) OISD-STD-105 (xxiv) OISD-STD-118 (xxv) OISD-STD-120 (xxvi) OISD-STD-128 (xxvii) OISD-STD-130


(xxviii) OISD-STD-132 (xxix) OISD-STD-137 (xxx) OISD-STD-141 (xxxi) OISD-STD-142 (xxxii) OISD-RP-149 (xxxiii) OISD-STD-153 (xxxiv) OISD-GDN-178 (xxxv) OISD-STD-195

Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices. Inspection of Electrical Equipment. Design and Construction requirements for cross country hydrocarbon pipelines. Inspection of Fire Fighting Equipment. Design aspect for safety in Electrical system Maintenance and Inspection of Safety Instrumentation. Guidelines on Management of Change Safety in design , operation, Inspection and Maintenance of Hydrocarbon Gas Compressors stations and Terminals.


Annexure -1




DETERMINATION OF LOCATION CLASS C-1 Population density index along the pipeline route shall be determined as follows: As zone, 400 m wide, shall be considered along the pipeline route with the pipeline in the centre-line of this zone. Then the entire route of the pipeline shall be divided into lengths of 1600 m such that the individual lengths will include the maximum number of dwellings intended for human occupancy. The number of such dwellings which are intended of human occupancy within each 1600 m zone shall be counted and reported along with other survey data. C-2 Areas shall be classified based on guidelines as given below: a) Class 1 Location A class 1 location is any 1 600 m section that has 10 or fewer dwellings intended for human occupancy; b) Class 2 Location A class 2 Location is any 1 600 m section that has more than 10 but less than 46 dwellings intended for human occupancy; c) Class 3 Location A class 3 Location is any 1 600 m section that has 46 or more dwellings intended for human occupancy except when a Class 4 Location prevails; and d) Class 4 Location A class 4 Location include areas where multi-storey buildings are prevalent, and where traffic is heavy or dense and where there may be numerous other utilities underground. Multi-storey means four or more floors above ground, including the ground floor and irrespective of depth of basement or number of floors of basement. C-3 In addition to the criteria contained in C-2 a) to d), while classifying areas, additional consideration must be given to possibilities of increase in concentration of population along the pipeline route such as may be caused by the presence of schools, hospitals, recreational areas of an organized character, places of assembly, places of worship, etc. If one or more of these facilities are present, the area shall be classified as a Class 3 location. C-4 Notwithstanding the above, while determining class location of an area due consideration shall be given to the possibility of future development of the area during the design life of the pipeline. If it appears likely that future development may cause a change in the location class, this shall be taken into consideration while determining its class location. C-5 : When cluster of building intended for human occupancy indicates that a basic 1.6 km should be identified as a location class 2 or 3, the location class 2 or location class 3 may be terminated at 220 mtr from the nearest building in the cluster.




S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

From / To Small Compressor / Pump House Main Compressor House Scraper Launcher Scraper Receiver Control Room / Office building / Store Fire Pump House / Fire water storage tanks Water Spray Deluge Valve Cold Flare Compound wall Elect Sub station,

1 15 15 15 16 60 15 15 30 15

2 15 15 15 16 60 15 15 30 30

3 15 15 x 16 30 15 15 15 30

4 15 15 x 16 30 15 15 15 30

5 16 16 16 16 30 15 30 30 -

6 60 60 30 30 30 60 12 -

7 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

8 15 15 15 15 30 60 15 15 30

9 30 30 15 15 30 12 15 15

10 15 30 30 30 15 30 15 -

x- Any distance suitable for constructional and operation convenience. 1. All distances are in metres. All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on the perimeter of each facility 2. Hot elevated flare shall be located 90 mtr away and ground flare shall be located 150 mrt away 3. For other station facilities not covered in the above shall be governed by OISD- STD- 118.




















INTRODUCTION The use of piped natural gas (PNG) for domestic, commercial and industrial purpose in cities is gaining increased importance as an alternative fuel. PNG is being used internationally with proven success. PNG is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases and vapours consisting of principally Methane in gaseous form. The PNG network consists of receiving natural gas from suppliers at City Gate Stations (CGS), Steel Mains, Pressure Regulating Installations (PRI), Poly Ethylene (PE) Mains and Supply System to end users. A typical system of piped natural gas distribution is given at Annexure-I. Safety in PNG distribution is important in view of the highly inflammable nature of the gas and densely populated areas in which the network is installed. This standard aims to ensure safe design, construction, operation & maintenance of PNG distribution to various customers viz. Domestic, Commercial and Industrial so as to provide a level of safety and protection of life and property. a. Consumer Meter (CM) for Commercial & Industrial Consumers b. First isolation valve down stream of Consumer Meter for Domestic Consumers. c. Piping and facilities upto the burner of gas Oven and /or any Gas Appliances for domestic consumer. The facilities up-stream of CGS Inlet Valve are covered under Part-1 of this standard. d. CNG Dispensing facilities covered on OISD-STD-179 3.0 DEFINITIONS a. Authorised Person: A person trained and assigned to carry out a specific job by the owner or PNG Distribution Company. b. Active Regulator: Regulator in PRI that normally controls the outlet pressure c. City Gate Station (CGS): An installation where PNG operator receives the natural gas from the supplier. The first stage pressure regulation and odorization of natural gas takes place in CGS. A typical schematic layout of facilities/ equipment installed at CGS is given at Annexure-II d. Competent Person: A person recognized by the concerned Statutory Authority for the purpose in respect of which the competency is required. e. Consumer Meter (CM): A meter that measures gas delivered to a customer for consumption on the customers premises. 45 are

This standard has been prepared for supply of Piped Natural Gas to domestic, commercial and industrial users 2.0 SCOPE This standard lays down the minimum safety requirements for PNG Distribution in cities/towns. It covers the equipment, pipelines, accessories etc. installed between Up-Stream Inlet Isolation Valve of City Gate Station (CGS) and;

f. Creep Relief Valve: A relief valve having maximum 1 % flow capacity and is installed to prevent over pressurization of the downstream system. g. Emergency Shut Off Valve: A quick action shut off valve, which operates from full open to full closed condition in less than one complete turn. h. Electro Fusion Joint: A joint made in thermo plastic piping by heating the parts sufficiently to permit fusion of the materials using electrical coil or otherwise when the parts are pressed together. i. Hazard: A substance or circumstance which may cause injury or damage due to being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, or otherwise harmful. j. Insulation Joint: A fitting having high electric resistance, which can be fitted in a pipeline to insulate one section of pipe from another electrically. k. Mains: A pipe, other than an installation or service pipe, used for conveying gas in a distribution system. l. Maximum Incidental Pressure (MIP): Max. Pressure, which a system is designed to experience under fault condition and is less than or equal to the design pressure. m. Monitor/ Active (Regulator): An arrangement of two regulating devices in series whose pressure settings are stepped so as to allow one (Active) normally to control the outlet pressure and the other

(Monitor) to assume control in the event of failure of the active device to the open position. n. PNG Distribution System: A natural gas distribution system & facilities in which the piped natural gas (PNG) is distributed to residential, commercial & industrial customers. o. Pressure Regulating Installation (PRI): PRI is an installation in the PNG network where second stage pressure regulation of natural gas takes place after CGS. A typical schematic layout of facilities/ equipment installed at PRI is given at Annexure-III. p. Shall : Indicates requirement. mandatory

q. Should: Indicates recommendation or that which is advised but not mandatory. r. Service Line: A pipe connecting a gas main up to and including a meter control valve. A service line may supply more than one meter in a particular building or in two adjacent buildings.

Service Regulator: Regulator installed on a gas service line to control the pressure of the gas delivered to customer. STATUTORY REGULATIONS It is necessary to comply with statutory regulations such as State Pollution Board, Factories Act, Indian Explosives Act, IE Rules, Municipal Authorities etc as applicable and requisite approvals shall be obtained from the relevant competent authorities for the PNG



distribution system.

LAYOUT & FACILITIES PRESSURE REGULATING STATIONS (CGS & PRI) The facilities at the pressure regulating station shall be located in a manner to facilitate operation and ease of maintenance & inspection. The typical schematic layout of facilities/ equipment installed at CGS and PRI are given at Annexure II & III respectively. Additionally, the facilities at CGS and PRI shall conform to the following:



f. PNG shall be supplied after adequate filtration to prevent erosion and damage to equipment/ instruments. The steel mains shall not be pigable. g. Minimum 3 numbers gas leak detectors shall be installed at the strategic locations in the CGS to cover entire facility. h. CGS shall be installed outside the city limit. 5.1.2 VENT LINE The relief valve vent line shall be terminated at a minimum height of 3 meters above the equipment for over ground installations and 3 meters above the ground level for under ground installations. Vent line shall extend to location where the discharge of gas shall not create a hazard to the compressor station or the surrounding area. 5.1.3 ISOLATION OF CGS Quick acting isolation valves shall be provided at CGS for emergency isolation purpose. 5.2 5.2.1 PIPING AND VALVES STEEL PIPING

a. For CGS, the minimum separation distance between the nearest equipment and the boundary wall shall be 6 meters. b. The PRI shall be inside an enclosure with sufficient ventilation. For above ground PRI, the separation distance between enclosure and the boundary wall of nearest building/ structure shall not be less than 2 meters. c. There shall be minimum two safety devices and at least one shall be a slam-shut valve operating on over pressure for installations operating at inlet pressure more than 4.0 barg. d. The environmental effect and associated hazards of fire and explosion due to the release of large volumes of gas to atmosphere shall be considered in case a relief valve is installed as a pressure control device. Creep relief valve can be used to prevent over pressurization of the downstream system. e. In case, a monitor regulator is used, it shall be the first acting device in the pressure safety system.

a. All rigid piping, tubing, fittings and other piping components shall conform to the requirements clause 5.2 of part-1 of this standard. Pipe having D/t ratio greater than 96 shall not be used. b. The steel piping shall be designed for maximum operating pressure of 19.0 barg. at temperature ranging between (-) 29 Deg. C to (+) 65 Deg. C. c. For underground steel piping network, suitable corrosion protection like cathodic protection, wrapping/ coating etc shall be 47

applied. Provisions of clause 9.0 of Part -1 of this standard shall be applicable. d. The above ground mains shall be painted yellow for identification.


STRATEGIC VALVES Such valves shall be installed to facilitate maintenance of system and to allow for speedy isolation in the event of damage. The location of the strategic valves shall be decided based on the risk associated with maintaining the gas supply and to facilitate maintenance, repair, modification, testing and commissioning etc. In no case, distance between two strategic valves shall exceed;a. 3 KM for steel pipelines. b. 1KM for PE Pipelines diameter 63 mm and above. of

The cast iron pipes shall not be used in the PNG network as a carrier of natural gas. POLY ETHYLENE (PE) PIPING The PE piping, tubing, fitting and other components shall conform to requirement of ASME B 31.8 or equivalent as approved by statutory authority. The PE piping shall be designed for maximum operating pressure of 4.0 barg. at temperature ranging between (-) 29 Deg. C to (+) 65 Deg. C. PE piping shall not be used in water / rail crossing. The value of pipe thickness t shall not be less than the following table


For PE Pipelines less than 63 mm diameter, the distance between strategic valves shall be based upon risk analysis. Such valves of appropriate materials shall also be provided on each riser, upstream of each meter and at both ends of river & railway crossing.. 5.3 CONSUMER INSTALLATIONS

Nominal outside dia, mm Dn 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 180 200

Minimum wall thickness, mm

SDR 17.6 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.2 6.3 7.1 8.0 9.1 10.3 11.4

SDR 13.6 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.7 5.5 6.6 8.1 9.2 10.3 11.8 13.3 14.7

SDR 11 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.7 4.6 5.8 6.8 8.2 10 11.4 12.7 14.6 16.4 18.2

SDR 9 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.6 4.5 5.6 7.1 8.4 10.1 12.3 14 15.7 17.9 20.1 22.4

5.3.1 Gas received through PE Pipeline undergoes further pressure regulation at domestic/ commercial/ Industrial consumer end. The pressure regulator shall be capable of shutting down the downstream gas supply in case of low or high pressure in the system. These installations include isolation valve, pressure regulator and meter etc. The isolation valve down stream of consumer meter shall be easily accessible. Meters duly certified by competent authority shall be used. The pressure ranges for different consumers should be as under:


(a) Domestic Consumer : 19mbar 28 mbar (b) Industrial / Commercial Consumer: As per consumer requirement. 5.3.2 Recommended specification for domestic customers for above ground GI pipes before and after consumer meter to isolation valves , copper pipes used inside residence, rubber hoses connecting the Gas stove and domestic gas burner is enclosed at Annexure IV. ROUTE OF PNG PIPELINE 5.5


High stray direct current, typically near DC traction systems. Long runs parallel to high voltage overhead conductors. PIPELINE MARKERS Route markers shall be placed on the entire pipeline at a distance not exceeding 50 meter and also at bends in the city. Additional sign/ markers shall be installed to indicate the presence of a pipeline at road, highway, railroad, stream crossings and locations where there is a probability of damage or interference. Further, warning signs shall be displayed on the service line to consumer premises. A marker shall be marked in easily readable local language with at least the following : a) Name of company PNG distribution



5.4.1 The PNG pipeline route should avoid; a. Areas congested with other underground utilities like power, water, telephone etc. b. Close proximity to unstable structures or where construction could lead to damage to pipeline. c. Close proximity to highly populated buildings such as schools, public places etc. d. Ground areas of running sand, gravel or flood risk, water bodies. e. Heavily traffic-loaded routes where the road has not been constructed to suitable standards. f. Areas of known or suspected aggressive soil conditions. g. Landfill sites. h. Steel piping should avoid;

b) Contact telephone number(s) in emergency. c) Location code d) Warning- High Pressure Gas Line and Other Utilities to take permission from PNG distribution company before digging etc. 5.6 PROXIMITY TO PROPERTIES The minimum distance between steel pipelines, having operating pressure of 4 barg or more and the normally occupied buildings shall be 2 meters. 5.7 PNG ODOURISATION

Close proximity to existing CP systems, particularly groundbed locations.

a. Natural gas supplied through PNG distribution shall have a distinct 49

odour, strong enough to detect its presence. In case ethyl mercapton is used as odorant, the concentration range shall be 7 to 12.5 PPM. b. The odourisation and filtration system shall be located in a separate working area, but within the same fencing. There should be a clear safety distance of 1.5 M around the odourisation and filtration system to facilitate easy maintenance and personnel movement. c. Risk Assessment of odourant installation site shall be carried out. The storage of odorant should be minimum enough to prevent a major risk. The unloading of odorant should be automated. d. Precautions for handling odorant shall be prominently displayed. e. Odourant absorber like activated carbon saw dust, dry sand and odorant neutralizer like sodium hypochlorite for spillage handling of odourant shall be provided. e. Provision shall be made for eye wash, emergency shower near odorant handling and injection systems, in case ethyl mercapton is used as odourant. Use of personal protective equipment like face shield, mask, rubber hand gloves, gumboot, safety goggles etc. for handling of odourant spillage shall be ensured. 5.8 FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES Each installation shall be equipped with the following facilities for fire protection. 5.8.1 CITY GATE STATION (CGS)

a. The entire gas handling equipment/ facilities installed in CGS shall be covered with water sprinklers. b. The firewater storage shall be calculated based on following cooling rates for minimum 4 hours. Scrappers/Filters:10 lpm/ sq. m of surface. Other areas : 3 lpm/ sq. m of surface c. Adequate fire fighting access, means of escape in case of fire and segregation of facilities should be provided so that the adjacent facilities are not endangered during a fire. d. Fire water storage and pump house shall be located at a safe place from the gas handling equipment / facilities. However, such separation distance shall not be less than 15 mtr in any case. e. Additionally, following fire extinguishers shall be provided at the city gate station:

i. Four numbers 10



ii.Two numbers 22.5 kg iii. One number 10 kg

iv. Two numbers 4.5 kg 5.8.2 MCC / ELECTRIC INSTALLATION

Following fire extinguishers shall be provided: a. One no. 10 kg DCP

b. One no.. 4.5 kg CO2 c. Sand Buckets 50


All electrical equipment/ installations shall conform to OISD Standards 110, 113, 149 and 173 as applicable. LAYING OF PIPELINE Safety provisions under OISDGDN-192 (Safety Practices During Construction) shall be complied. PE pipe shall not be installed above ground provided it is encased in metal pipe protected against atmospheric corrosion or other appropriate RCC protection.







Following shall also be complied; a. Road signs, warning lamps and barrier systems shall be provided on highway or other work locations which are accessed by pedestrians or vehicles. b. Underground utilities shall not be disturbed or altered without the prior consent and approval of the owner or authority concerned. c. Electricity cables shall be treated as "Live, unless the owner certifies them as "Dead".' The dead cable shall also be checked for any residual voltage. d. Where it is necessary to cross or run close to any other utility, a minimum of 250 mm clearance shall be maintained. In case the clearance is less, appropriate protection measures shall be taken. The relative position of PNG pipeline with respect to other underground utilities shall be as given below:

e. Where open cut techniques are used, a warning tape of Yellow colour shall be laid above the pipe, the difference in elevation of the pipe and warning tape shall be minimum of 200 mm. f. As built drawing and pipe book shall be maintained. g. Trench width shall be al least 300 MM. The bed of the trench shall be free of sharp objects, stones etc. The trench should be padded with soft soil / sand to minimum of 100 mm below the pipe. h. A layer of brick/ concrete shall be laid or Impact resistant tape shall be laid over the on the pipeline covering its entire length. i. At identified locations pipelines shall be provided with impact protection from excavating machinery as indicated in the fig 1(a) where h shall not be less than 500 MM. & 1(b) where h shall not be less than 250 mm.


Drainage ditches at roadways and railroads Rocky Areas Road Crossings

500 mm=

1. 0 1. 0 1. 2 1. 7 1. 0

Railroad Crossings Inside the building / society premises NOTE : (i)

Figure 1 (a) Concrete Slab (ii)

Wherever the minimum depth of cover as above is not possible, a risk analysis shall be carried out to determine the additional protection requirements. The depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe coating to the top of the undisturbed surface of soil or the top of graded working strip, whichever is lower.; The cover shall be measured from the top of road or top of rail, as the case may be; For river/watercourses that are prone to scour and erosion, adequate safe cover shall be provided below the predicted scour profile expected during the life time of the pipeline;

250 mm =



Figure 1 (b) Slab with support for Impact protection of pipelines 6.2 DEPTH OF COVER Minimum depths of cover for buried pipelines shall be as per the table given below; Location Min. Cover in meter 1. 0 1. 5

6.3 JOINT REQUIREMENT FOR PE PIPE (a) Pipe or tubing shall not be threaded. (b) Joint procedure (mechanical, adhesive or heat fusion) qualification shall be done and proven by test. (c) Flanges or special joints shall be used provided they are properly qualified . (d) Coiled pipe, not exceeding 32 mm outside diameter, may be used for external risers and laterals. For larger diameter ( and not exceeding 63 mm), only straight 52

0 mm=

Industrial, Commercial and Residential Areas Stream, Canal and other minor water crossings (below bed level)

length shall be used. However, these pipes shall only be used for a maximum pressure of 100 mbar. (e) An external PE risers and laterals system, not exceeding 63mm outside diameter, should be joined using wall mounted crimped or compression fittings. (f) All external PE pipe work should be completely sleeved with half an hour fire resistant glss reinforced plastic and secured at a minimum of 2 m intervals with wall mounted retaining clips. 6.4 LAYING OF PE PIPE During installation of PE piping, care shall be taken to prevent damage to piping and components. Gouge , cuts, scratches, kinks / buckle or other form of damage shall be removed by cutting out and replacing the damage portion as a cylinder. BACK FILLING Back filling shall be performed in a manner to provide firm support around the pipe. Material used for back filling shall be free from rock, pieces of pavement, stones or any other material which can damage the pipeline. Provision shall be made for locating the buried PE pipe by installation of electrical conductive trace wire or plastic coated metallic tape or any alternate proven locating method. SERVICE LINE The following shall be complied: a. A service line shall not be laid under the foundations of any building. 7.2 b. Service lines shall not be laid in unventilated enclosures.

c. All Poly Ethylene (PE) pipe and fittings shall be laid underground and shall not be exposed. The service lines, where coming above ground, shall be only made of GI/Carbon Steel piping, with adequate anti corrosive coating. d. Wherever the riser is to be laid through confined spaces like basements, only welded risers shall be used. Riser shall be installe d with a minimum gap of 25 mm to wall and supported at every 2 m. Ventilators shall be provided in confined space. e. Interface joint shall be provided over ground . In case interface joint is provided underground , it shall be protected against corrosion etc. 7.0 7.1 TESTING & COMMISSIONING Following shall be complied before commencing the testing & commissioning activities : a. Issue of Work Permit as per OISDSTD 105. b. Availability equipment c. Availability facilities of fire fighting





d. Availability of inspected & calibrated testing equipment / instruments e. Warning Signs f. Cordoning of the test area g. Emergency contact nos. of various agencies as per Emergency Response Plan TESTING OF INSTALLATIONS Pressure Regulating Installations shall be subjected to hydrostatic or




pneumatic strength test as given below: Design Pr. (DP) (bar) Up to 0.1 From 0.1 to 1.0 From 1.0 to 2.0 From 2.0 to 7.0 From 7.0 to 100.0 Strengt h Test Pr. (bar) 0.3 2.0 3.0 H (4hrs) H 4hrs H 4 hrs Duration Hydro.(H)/ Pneu. (P) P 30 min P 30 min


For services operating at pressure not exceeding 75 mbar, an air/ inert gas test at a minimum of 100 mbar shall be applied. For Services operating at pressure in excess of 75 mbar the test pressure shall be 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure. The pipeline operated above 2 bars shall be tested at 1.5 times the max. operating pressure. Where a service supplies a multistorey building, the risers and laterals shall be tested at a pressure of 350 mbar or 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure which ever is higher.




1.5 DP

Duration of test shall be after stabilization of pressure and shall be acceptable when no pressure loss is detected over the required period. Tightness test shall be carried at operating pressure for a duration not less than 30 minutes. 7.2.2 HYDROSTATIC TESTING 7.3 a. Steel Pipelines and mains shall be tested hydrostatically to a pressure not less than 1.5 times the Maximum Operating Pressure. Suitable relief valve set at 5% over the test pressure, shall be fitted to avoid over pressurization. b. The duration of hydrostatic test for steel pipeline shall not be less than 24 hrs or as specified by respective code to which the pipeline is designed and accepted by statutory authority. 7.2.3 PNEUMATIC TESTING

b. TEST DURATION The duration of pneumatic testing of service line and internal installation shall not be less than 30 minutes. COMMISSIONING OF FACILITIES All fire protection and detection facilities shall be in place before commissioning. All facilities i.e. CGS, PRI, Pipelines etc. shall be purged and commissioned as per approved procedure after due checks and certification by the authorised personnel. 8.0 8.1 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Operating procedures, with suitable operational controls based on formal hazard identification & risk assessment, shall include following safety aspects:-

a. Pneumatic testing of PE PIPELINE shall comply with the following:


a. Adherence to work permit system in line with OISD-STD-105 b. Management of change in line with OISD-GDN-178, c. Selection of electrical equipment as per hazard area classification & maintenance in line with established O & M practices/ statutes, d. Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), e. Regular Preventive Maintenance f. Availability of Documented Isolation Philosophy etc. shall be in place.

f. Important operational activities shall be logged and records of such activities shall be maintained. g. All PNG operations shall be carried out under the supervision of authorised person(s). h. Limits of operating parameters including level, pressure and any other condition as set for sound and safe operations shall not be exceeded. In case any abnormal operating conditions are encountered, the causes shall be investigated and corrective actions taken. i. The operating staff shall maintain vigilance for detection and control of any leakage. j. Explosimeter, duly calibrated, shall be available at CGS to monitor the leakage at flanges and instrument tapings. k. A well-designed system of periodic inspection for all facilities of PNG shall be formulated to maintain it in safe operable condition all the time. l. Safety audit of the PNG distribution system shall be undertaken & certificate of fitness, declaring integrity with respect to equipment, facilities, operations & safety procedures, shall be accordingly issued. m. The safety inspections / audit of PNG systems shall be carried out as given below:


Following shall be complied:

a. Adequate training shall be imparted to the operators, service engineers etc. and records thereof shall be maintained. b. Operating personnel shall possess adequate knowledge and experience to ensure functioning of the PNG distribution system in a safe and efficient manner. c. Dos and Donts shall be displayed at scrapper/ filter, pressure regulator area and odourizing facility. d. System of periodic inspection and maintenance of PNG facilities shall be established as an integral part of operations. e. Action in the event of emergency shall be clearly established and understood by all concerned and displayed prominently.


Type General Inspection

Freq. Daily Once a month

Safety Audit Electrical Audit

Once a year Once a year

Agency Operating personnel Engineering in-charge of PNG mktg. Company Authorised Person (s) / Agency Licensed Electrical Agency

s. Calibration of meters/ gauges etc. shall be carried out, documented and records kept. t. The Functional Test of Active/ Monitor Regulator, Slam Shut Valve and Pressure Relief Valve for their proper operation shall be carried out once in a year. u. No Mobile phone, No smoking sign, No lighter / matches shall be displayed at CGS operational area. v. Dos and Donts , safety precautions, emergency telephone nos. shall be displayed at the consumer point. 8.3 The following safety precautions shall be ensured during emergency repairs/ breakdown maintenance of pipelines: a. Warning/ cordoning off work area. b. All naked flames, sources of ignition and mobile phones shall not be allowed in the immediate work area. c. Gas level should be monitored during the repair work with gas detectors. d. Adequate fire fighting equipment shall be deployed during such repair. e. Close Coordination among utility companies shall be carried out to avoid damages to the utilities. 8.4 MODIFICATIONS PIPELINES TO LIVE

n. All recommendations of the safety audit/ inspections shall be complied in a time bound manner and records maintained thereof. o. Disassembly or removal of the facilities and components of equipment whilst any part of the system is under pressure is hazardous and shall not be undertaken unless the system is depressurised, gas freed and certified. p. The system of permit to work shall be established for non-routine works in line with OISD-STD-105 and such works shall be undertaken with full knowledge and approval by authorised person. q. Equipment appurtenances, protection devices associated with the PNG system as incorporated in the design shall be tested, maintained, repaired and replaced as recommended by the manufacturer. r. Preventive maintenance schedules shall be drawn for all equipment in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and established mandatory / recommendatory standards. Records of all preventive maintenance undertaken shall be maintained and updated from timeto-time. 56

All modifications i.e. additions/ alternations shall be carried out in accordance with applicable code of practice/ approved procedure. Provisions of OISD-GDN-178 (Guidelines on Management of Change) shall be complied.



iv. v.

Accidents or other emergencies, which can affect the PNG supplies. Civil emergencies Any other risk arising from the existence or operation of the PNG system. The above emergency plan shall be disseminated amongst all personnel involved and ensured that they understand their roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency.

a. Metallic Pipelines: Connection should be made to live metallic pipeline by direct drilling and tapping using proprietary fittings and no gas to atmosphere drilling equipment (hot tapping). Hot tapping procedures for steel pipelines At annexure V. b. PE Mains: Only fused connections shall be made to PE mains using compatible polymeric material and as per applicable code. Subsequent to any alteration/ modification, the complete system shall meet the existing testing & commissioning requirements of the system as per clause 7.0 and shall be tested & certified prior to taking in service. Procedure for online Electro Fusion jointing for PE pipelines is enclosed at Annexure-VI. 9.0 EMERGENCY PLAN AND PROCEDURE a. Provision shall be made for emergency isolation valve outside factory premises to cut off gas supply in case of fire/ emergency in plant. b. The Operating Company having control over the PNG distribution shall draw an operational emergency plan keeping in view the following:

c. The in-charge of the PNG distribution shall maintain close liaison with Fire Service, Police, District Authorities and the Gas Supplying Organization. d. Provision of round the clock emergency control room equipped with effective communication system shall be made. Emergency Contact telephone numbers of emergency response team members, emergency services, mutual aid industries, district authorities, enforcing agencies, contractors/ vendors, fire brigade, civic agencies etc shall be available. e. The control room shall be equipped with Emergency vehicle having communication system, first aid fire extinguishers, leak detection and repair tools & tackles etc. All necessary maps and plans & P&ID`s, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), etc. shall be available. f. Operating Company shall participate in local Disaster Management Drill. g. Utility Co-ordination:

Loss of or interruption to the gas supplies due to leaks or failure of pipeline. Major failure fittings of equipment/


Effective co-ordination amongst utilities is required to reduce the damages to utilities and consequent 57

loss of life/ properties etc. In order to reduce damages to gas pipeline, following measures shall be ensured by utility companies:i.

b. Familiarization with operational procedures & practices. c. Commissioning of new facilities and equipment.. d. Hands on experience on operation of equipment.. e. Routine checks and maintenance activities of the facilities. f. Knowledge of emergency manual shut down systems. and

A person should be designated by company for utility co-ordination. A utility co-ordination team should be formed consisting of representatives from all utility companies as well as Municipal Corporation. Formats should be designed for taking clearance from PNG distribution company prior to taking up any excavation / digging activity within the city limits by other utilities. Prompt reporting of gas leak/ damages shall be done. Use of designated utility corridor provided by local administration shall be made.



g. Immediate and effective isolation of any PNG leak. h. Safety regulations prevention. and accident


i. Fire fighting facilities, its upkeep and operation. j. Housekeeping


k. First aid. 10.0 TRAINING 10.1 The objective of training is to provide good understanding of all the facets of PNG distribution activities including operations, procedures, maintenance and hazards and the risks associated with its handling. Training shall ensure that the jobs are performed in accordance with the laid down procedures and practices. Training shall be imparted to the staff attached with the PNG distribution at the time of induction, which is to be followed up by periodic refresher courses. The training programme shall inter alia cover following aspects: a. Hazardous characteristics of PNG. 58 l. Emergency plan/drills 10.2 Proper records for the training and refresher courses shall be maintained. 10.3 Training for employees & contractors of other utility companies should be done to make them aware about hazards associated with leak/ damages and required actions. 11.0 RECORDS The PNG distribution company shall maintain following records/ documents: a. Design/ specification documents b. Pipeline alignment sheets for MP steel pipeline

c. Pipe Book/ Installation Records d. Vendor and subcontractor assessments and records e. Surveillance inspection and maintenance reports f. Material certification including dimension, metallurgy, DT and NDT, strength, tightness, performance and functional report g. Welding records h. PQR, WPS & Welder qualification records i. Stage inspection reports j. Test reports k. Strength, tightness and leak test reports 12.0 REFERENCE S

l. Commissioning reports m. Non-conformance/ deviation reports n. Calibration records of Inspection, Measuring & Metering and Test equipment o. Audit compliance reports p. Statutory clearances q. Approved drawings/documents r. International practices s. HAZOP/ Risk assessment studies/ compliance to recommendations t. All operation & maintenance manuals u. Interlock testing document/by pass records etc.

a. ASME-B31.8 - Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems b. IGE/TD/1 Steel Pipelines for High pressure Gas Transmission c. IGE/TD/3 - Steel and Pipelines for Gas Distribution d. IGE/TD/4 - Gas Services

e. IGE/TD/13 Pressure Regulating Installations for transmission and Distribution Systems f. IGE/SR/16 - Storage of Odorant and Use of Odorant Systems g. OISD-STD-105 Work Permit System

h. OISD-STD-113 Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations at Hydrocarbon Processing and Handling Facilities i. OISD-STD-117 - Fire Protection Facilities for Petroleum Depots and Terminals and Pipelines Installations j. OISD-STD-138 - Inspection of cross country pipelines Onshore k. OISD-STD-173 - Fire Protection System for Electrical Installations l. OISD-GDN-178 Guidelines on Management of Change m. OISD-STD-179 Safety Requirements on compression, storage, handling & refueling of natural gas for use in automotive sector. n. OISD-GDN-192 Safety Practices During Construction 59

Typical Piped Natural Gas (PNG) Distribution System





PRI Combined
PE/ Steel

Meter Mains
PE/ Steel/ Copper

Appliances (Domestic, Comm.& Industrial Service

City Gate Station (CGS)

PRI Industrial
PE/ Steel

PE/ Steel

Industrial Appliances




PRI Residential/ Commercial

PE/ Steel

Meter Mains
PE/ Steel/ Copper

Dom./ Comm. Appliances



Compressed Natural Gas Dispensing Station

NOTE : Compressed Natural Gas Dispensing Station is not covered under the scope of this standard 60

Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks



Filter KOD PSV Isolation Valve INLET

Stand by Odourant Injection STAND BY STREAM

Stand by

OUTLET Meter NRV Creep Valve Slam-Shut Valve Active/ Monitor Regulators


Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks



Creep Valve NRV Slam Shut Valve Isolation Valve


Filter Active/ Monitor Regulators


Stand-by Stream


Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks


1. Recommended specification of GI pipes used for domestic gas piping above ground up to the isolation valve after the meter Pipes shall be conforming to IS: 1239 (Part-1) 1990. The manufacturer shall have a valid license to use ISI Monogram for manufacturing of pipes in accordance with the requirements of IS: 1239 (Part-I) 1990. NOMINAL BORE GRADE O.D. mm max. Min. THICKNESS mm NOMINAL WEIGHT Kg / mtr Note: Maximum tolerance on thickness (-)10%, Tolerance on weight for single tube 10% and for quantities per load of 10 tonnes, 7.5%. Pipes shall be designed to withstand a test pressure of 5 MPa (50 Kgf / cm2), maintained for at least 3 second without showing any kind of defects. Eddy Current test may be done in place of hydrostatic test as per the procedure given in Annex - C of IS: 1239 (Part-1) - 1990. All Galvanised Tubes shall be Zinc coated by hot dip galvanising in accordance with IS: 4736-1986 & its relevant parts. Minimum mass of zinc coating determined as per IS: 6745-1972 shall be 400 gms / m2. The zinc coating on external and internal surfaces shall be adherent, smooth and free from such imperfections as flux, ash & dross inclusions, bare patches, black spots, pimples, lumpiness, runs, rust stains, bulky white deposits and blisters. Rejection and acceptance for these defects shall be as per Appendix-A of IS: 2629-1985 The galvanised coating when determined on a 100 mm long test piece in accordance with IS: 2633 - 1986 shall withstand 4, one minute dips. 15 mm HEAVY (C CLASS) 21.8 21.0 3.2 1.44 25 mm HEAVY (C CLASS) 34.2 33.3 4.0 2.93 50 mm HEAVY (C CLASS) 60.8 59.7 4.5 6.19 80 mm HEAVY (C CLASS) 89.5 88.0 4.8 9.90


Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks

The adherence of zinc coating on tubes above 50 mm nominal bore, shall be determined by the pivoted hammer test given in IS : 2629 1985.

Each pipe shall be legibly and durably marked at intervals of not more than one metre with the following information (i) Manufacturers name or trade mark, (ii) Class of Pipe HEAVY, (iii) Indian Standard mark ISI, (iv) Batch No. of Production, if any. 2. Recommended specification of copper pipes used for domestic gas piping inside the residence up to the isolation valve after the meter For a copper service in domestic natural gas installations, materials supplied shall be in accordance with BS EN 1057:1996, it has replaced the copper tube standard BS 2871 Part 1. BS EN 1057 ensures the quality of the copper product by specifying the pipe in terms of its chemical composition, mechanical properties (tensile strength, hardness, elongation etc.), dimension and tolerance, surface quality, freedom from defects and suitability for pipe bending. Copper pipe work shall be jointed by soldering or brazing, using mechanical compression or capillary type fittings. Fittings for use in joining copper tube shall be as per BS EN 1254 Parts 1 and 2. Fittings for capillary soldering and brazing are specified in Part 1 and compression fittings are specified in Part 2. Soft soldering utilises filler metals with melting points at temperatures up to 450C. Filler metals shall be as per BS EN 29453:1994 - Soft solder alloys - Chemical compositions and forms. Solders for use with copper tube and fittings generally melt within the temperature range 180C to 250C. Compression fittings shall be comply with BS 864 Part 2 or BS 2051 Part 1. For capillary fittings: Soft solder shall not be used for pressure in excess of 75 mbar If the operating pressure is to exceed 75 mbar then a solder with a melting point of not less than 600 degrees C shall be provided the pipe diameter does not exceed 35 mm. This equally applies to brass fittings.

Height limit for copper risers: Although there is no specific guidance regarding maximum height of copper risers, IGE/UP/2 only allows the use of steel for risers above heights of 15 meter. Thus, unless local information is available to the contrary, 15-meter maximum height shall be considered safe due to weight and mechanical strength of material. General guidance in BS 6891 also states that copper pipe work is not acceptable inside a protected shaft. Requirements for ventilation and fire stopping shall apply to ducts conveying copper pipe work. For an external copper riser system, protection against lightning conductors shall be considered. Last but not least, a copper gas line shall never be used as a ground for an electrical system.


Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks

3. Recommended specification of rubber hose used for connecting the Gas Stove after the isolation valve to the Gas Stove. Rubber hose shall be conforming to IS: 9573 Type IV. The hose shall consist of lining, reinforcement and cover. The Hose should not be exposed to internal or external temperature exceeding the recommended limits, as high heat conditions can cause an adverse effect on the hose by degrading the Elastomer and thereby reducing fitting retention. The hose size must be capable of handling the required flow volume. Using the smaller than required diameter of hose for a given volume of flow would, result in excessive fluid turbulence, pressure drop, heat generation and tube damage. The hose should not be bend or flex beyond the specified parameter (refer, Table 1 Dimensions and Bend radii for Rubber Hoses, IS: 9573), as this would put excessive stress on the reinforcement and severely reduce the ability of the hose to withstand pressure. Hoses in service should be checked every year, for leakage, kinking, corrosion, abrasion or any other signs of wear and damage. Any hose worn or damaged must be removed from service and replaced immediately 4. Recommended specification of the domestic gas burner. The gas stove shall be manufactured and checked in accordance to IS: 4246, IS: 11480 and IS: 5116. The following tests are conducted, (i) strength testing, (ii) thermal efficiency, (iii) combustion, (iv) gas soundness test, (v) floor wall & ceiling temperature measurement (vi) gas consumption test. The jet nozzle of the gas burner shall be designed for a standard length of 11mm, with a tolerance of 0.2mm. The bore at the bottom of the hose is of 2.38 mm diameter (tolerance +0.1, -0.15). The hole on the top of jet is of diameter 1.25 mm or 1.10 mm (tolerance +0.02, -0.01) based on the capacity. (Refer fig. 1 & 2)


Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks

Jet Nozzle 1.25

Jet Nozzle 1.10


Standard on Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines and City gas distribution networks

Annexure - V Details of the online procedures for Steel pipelines where hydro testing is not recommended. Hot tapping

Procedure for Hot tapping on pipelines in-service shall comply to IS: 15679 : 2006. Hot tapping is the technique of attaching a mechanical or welded branch fitting to piping or equipment in service, and creating an opening in that pipeline by drilling or cutting a portion of the piping within the attached fitting. Hot tapping shall be performed when it is not feasible, or impractical to take the piping out of service, or to purge or clean it by conventional methods. A hot tap connection can often be safely made without interfering with the process operation. Prior to conducting hot tapping, a written plan shall be prepared which includes the following, Connection design Hot tap procedure Detailed written welding procedure Health, safety, fire protection, emergency response, and other appropriate procedures & instructions. Additional information when developing a written plan may be obtained from Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for qualification of welders and the fundamental ASME Code welding procedure to be employed. Note: Section IX does not cover the condition encountered while welding on in service piping containing flammable and combustible liquids. Refer to API Recommended Practice 1107 for qualification of welders and the welding procedures to be employed when welding on inservice flammable and combustible liquid piping. The tightness of bolts, packing, packing nuts and any by-pass line shall be checked to avoid any possible leakage. The test pressure should be atleast equal to the operating pressure of the line or vessel to be tapped. But it shall not exceed the present internal pressure by more than approximately 10%, in order to avoid possible internal collapse of the pipe or vessel wall.


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