Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Experience and Training Ministry of Education, Teacher English language teacher 2010
Educational Qualification Qassim University, Saudi Arabia Studied the second semester 2005/2006 until graduation. 2010 Earned my bachelor degree from College of Arabic Language and Social Studies. Saginaw Valley State University Master of Arts (M.A.) - Instructional Technology and E-Learning. Courses and Conference I have attended: Computer and internet basics for 10 days (50) hours 2002 The Art of Public Speaking course for 3 days (20) hours 2004 Self development 3 days (20) hours 2007 Public Education First Symposium on e-Learning Riyadh, 2008 First international Conference of e-Learning and Distance Learning Riyadh, 2009 Second international Conference of e-Learning and Distance Learning Riyadh 2011 Language Arabic (excellent) English (good)