Nursing Care Plan Sample (Student Made)
Nursing Care Plan Sample (Student Made)
Nursing Care Plan Sample (Student Made)
Subjective: Goal: g clean, dry ~the goal is
“May mga ~Impaired After the skin provides met.
sugat ako.” as skin integrity nursing 3 days good skin a barrier to
verbalized by related to intervention infection. Because the
hygiene (ex.
the patient. inflammatory the client will client is able
response be able to wash to display
secondary to display improvement
thoroughly and
Objective: infection. improvement in wound
~Disruption of in wound pat dry healing as
skin surface at healing. evidence by
the right upper ~ Wound minimized
arm Objective: ~provide and dressings presence of
~presence of ~the wound protect the wound.
pain will be lessen wound and ~there s a
~the wound is in diameter wound the absent of
7mm in ~there will be surrounding itching
distance an absent of tissues ~absent of
~there has a erythema carefully ~ Improved pain
presence of ~the presence nutrition and ~several part
erythema of wound will hydration of wound had
~presence of be minimize importance will improve dried up.
itchiness in the ~absence of skin
of adequate
surrounding of itchiness condition.
the wound nutrition and
fluid intake.
~so the
-clean the wound will
be not
wound with
and avoid
using dirty
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventio Rationale Evaluation