양념통닭 / Yangnyeom tongdak (Seasoned Fried Chicken) Ingredients (for 3-4 servings)
양념통닭 / Yangnyeom tongdak (Seasoned Fried Chicken) Ingredients (for 3-4 servings)
양념통닭 / Yangnyeom tongdak (Seasoned Fried Chicken) Ingredients (for 3-4 servings)
nds (about 1.5 kg) of chicken chunks salt potato starch powder sweet rice flour hot pepper paste rice/corn syrup apple vinegar ground black pepper flour egg baking soda canola oil (or vegetable oil) garlic, ketchup
Directions: 1. Rinse chunks of chicken in cold water. Drain. *tip: You could use chicken wings, too. About 24 wings will be 3 pounds. 2. Add 1 ts ground black pepper and 1 ts kosher salt. 3. Add cup potato starch powder, cup all-purpose flour, cup sweet rice flour, 1 ts baking soda, and 1 egg. 4. Mix well by hand and completely coat the chicken. 5. Put 6-7 cups of canola oil in a wok or frying pan and heat it up. 6. After its heated for about 7-8 minutes, test if the oil is ready by dipping a sample chunk of chicken into the oil. If the oil bubbles, its the right temperature to start frying. Fry using double frying method: 1. Fry the chicken chunks for 10 minutes over high heat. 2. Take them out of the oil and shake them off in a strainer. Let them sit for a few minutes. 3. Fry them again for another 10 minutes until all pieces look golden
brown and are crunchy outside. *tip: If your skillet is not large enough to fry all the chicken at once, divide it into batches like I do in the video. While you are frying, you can make the sauce: Put 1 tbs canola oil and 4 cloves of minced garlic into a heated pan, Add 1/3 cup tomato ketchup, 1/3 cup rice syrup, cup hot pepper paste, 1 tbs apple vinegar and simmer the mixture for about about 7 minutes. Keep your heat low and be sure not to burn the sauce. Turn off the heat and wait until the chicken is done. Coat your chicken with the sauce: a) Reheat the sauce. b) Put the freshly fried chicken into the sauce and gently mix it up with a wooden spoon. c) Sprinkle some roasted sesame seeds over top and serve hot or warm.
Chili paste