Curriculim - Vitae: Address
Curriculim - Vitae: Address
Curriculim - Vitae: Address
Mr.Shubham Thakur S/o Amar singh thakur C/o Adv. B.S. Rajput House no. 126 ishwar nagar Bhopal 462039 ,
CAREER OBJECTIVE: To attain professional excellence at work place and do justice to my career at every stage of its development which utilize my interpersonal, communication, research and analytical skills. JOB PROFILE * 6 Months experience as a Dispatch Super visor in an iron & steel plant in Mandideep * 1 Year experience as a CSA in Airtel Bharti Internet Services Lmt. * 6 months experience in Extranet Services as a Senior CSA * 26 Months experience as a Senior CSA in First source Pvt Lmt Bhopal And Mumbai * Last I was working as Back office exucative at Firstsource Pvt lmt in Mumbai EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION * High School Exam from saraswati higher secondry school with 62% in the year 2006 * Higher Secondry Exam with commerce from saraswati higher secondry school with 76% In the year 2008 * Graduation completed with computer science in the year 2011 with 65% from BU Bhopal MP. COMPUTER SKILL SETS * Office Package : * Computer Typing : PERSONAL DETAILS Fathers Name Mothers Name Date of birth Sex Marital Status Permanent Address Nationality Language know Hobbies
: : : : : : : : :
Mr. Amar Singh Thakur Mrs. Kashi Devi Thakur 27/June/1991 Male Unmarried Near Jagdish Mandir Shivaji ward Gadarwara Dist. Narsinghpur, (MP) Indian English & Hindi Listening music & Watching reality show
DECLARATION I hereby declare that above information is true to the best of my knowledge on the date of writing
Place Date
: Bhopal : 24/May/2013