Marketing Management: References
Marketing Management: References
Marketing Management: References
Unit: 1 Introduction: Nature, Scope and Importance of Marketing; Marketing Concepts Traditional Vs. Modern; Meaning Importance and Functions of Marketing Management.
Unit: 2. Market Segmentation Concept and Importance; Bases and Factors determining the Choice of Bases; Target Marketing.
Unit: 3. Marketing Mix Concept, Importance and ingredients; Product Concept, Definition, Planning and Development, Product Life Cycle and Strategies, Advertising, Branding and Packaging.
Unit: 4. Understanding industrial and individual buyer behaviour - Influencing factors Buyer Behaviour Models Online buyer behaviour - Building and measuring customer satisfaction Customer relationships management
Unit: 5. Promotion Importance and Promotion Mix, types of promotional mix Pricing Importance, Factors determing pricing strategy, Types of Pricing;.. Pricing Objectives, Policies and methods.
1. Kotler, Principles of Marketing, Pearson Education. 2. Etzel, Walker & Stanton, Marketing Concepts & Cases, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Ramaswami & Namakumari, Marketing Mgt., McMillan. 5. Boyd Walker, Marketing Management, McGraw Hill, 2002.