Project Pankaj
Project Pankaj
Project Pankaj
Plastic piping system is the consumer product which is related to directly consumer basic needs. Any person has three basic needs which are food, shelter, and cloth. This shelter is nothing but house which require the water drainage system, cement, concrete and bricks etc. So, plastic piping system is heart of build a house. Plastic piping system industries are one of the basic industries which are directly related to the countrys economic growth and foreign investment in the country. The presently, Plastic piping system industry is growing rapidly as compare to other industries. The Plastic piping system industry capture, both rural and urban consumers. Plastic piping system industries are not only helps in water management of house, agriculture needs of consumers but can capable to build a heart. There are many industries which are performing production, marketing of cement in the country. They have different mission and vision. They are different in their price, marketing strategies, product development, and distribution. Thus, the project introduces the buying behavior of consumers on the basis of sales strategies, market share, consumer preference, and quality etc. Customer behavior is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service. The state of consumer behavior depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables, which correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the customer may have and other products against which the customer can compare the organization's products. The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set of statements using a Likert Technique or scale.
Scope of Project
In the world of cut-throat competition, each player has to be strong enough to face enormous uncertainties and competition .Considering the fierce competition in the Plastic piping industries the scope is as follows: he study tries to find out the customers and dealers/retailers expectation from the Supreme Plastic-piping products and performance. To know the satisfaction level of dealers/retailers with the sales and service team. As Supreme wants to be proactive rather than reactive and this survey was conducted to find the positive as well as negative points of Supreme brands
SUPREME INDUSTRIES LTD. Founded in 1942, Supreme is an acknowledged leader of India's plastics industry. Handling volumes of over 100,000 tonnes of polymers annually, effectively makes us the country's largest plastics processors. Not surprisingly, we also offer the widest and most comprehensive range of plastic products in India. Our 18 advanced plants are powered by technology from world leaders, and complement our extensive facilities for R & D and new product development. In fact, Supreme is credited with pioneering several products in India. These include Cross- Laminated Films, HMHD Films, Multilayer Films, SWR Piping Systems, PP Mats and more. We are seeking to perform strongly internationally as well. Exports remain a focal area of our operations, even as we add newer markets to our list worldwide. 2009 will see The Supreme Group turnover touch a projected Rs. 21,000 million (USD 500 million).
Mission Statement: To conduct business with ethical practices and WALK OUR TALK. To offer consistent Products and Services with uncompromising quality supported by continuous improvements and innovations thereby exceeding Customers expectation.To ensure the culture of utmost respect and empowerment to individuals and be a catalyst in enhancing their competencies.
Quality policy: At Supreme, we aspire to Total Quality. We stand committed to seeing this excellence permeate every aspect of our operations, at every level in the organisation. Several of our plants are ISO certified: for their quality management systems, safety norms, and environmental performance standards. It is indicative of our larger quality consciousness that helps us make superior products, exceed the expectations of our existing clients, and win new customers with confidence.
Social Responsibility: In our endeavor to contribute our mites to society, and to the environment we operate in, we have taken several small but meaningful steps. Take education, for example. Supreme has established a Sanskrit college, an industrial training institute and medical institutions in Rajasthan. Supreme Petrochemical has adopted three villages near its plant in Maharashtra: and is providing drinking water, constructing classrooms, offering scholarships, even contributing resources for the local library. Over 100,000 trees have been planted as part of a social a forestation program. Already accredited with ISO 14001, many of our units are demonstrating industry best practices of pollution control, waste management and energy optimization. Human Resource Development: At Supreme, we value people as our most prized asset. Nurturing this resource is therefore a priority with us. By providing opportunities for enhancement of individual skills and personal growth, we seek to synthesize motivation of the self with the belief in the larger growth of the company. Employees at all levels are encouraged to participate in quality management and technological update programmes. We reward the spirit of dynamism and proactive response, across the board, in our 2000 strong organisation. Global Vision:
Subscribing to the one world, one market view, Supreme's holistic approach to business is expressed in its global success. Strategic technological alliances with world leaders reflect our commitment to making products of uncompromising quality. Products that, in turn, are well received in the most discerning international markets. With Wavin Overseas b.v. of Netherlands for plastics piping systems. With Schoeller Wavin Systems International Services GmbH & Co. KG of Germany for bottle crate moulds. And with Rasmussen Polymer Development AG of Switzerland for cross- laminated films. Our Plastics Piping Systems, for instance, have garnered a particularly good response, even from the most demanding customers. UK, Australia and New Zealand are among the markets that have appreciated these. Multilayer Films, Material Handling Products, Furniture, Industrial Mouldings, PP Mats, have all made a global mark-- in places as diverse as South Africa and South America, Russia and Singapore, Cyprus and Canada, Spain and Bangladesh. Research and Development: Our Technology Centre, near Mumbai, spearheads our thrust into the area of new product development. The centers world class Tool Room undertakes CAD, CAM and CAE related projects: notably for engineering and fabricating intricate moulds and dies. More importantly, the Centre is equipped with diverse software and systems to design produce prototypes and assess quality in a variety of areas. The Centre also serves as a facilitator as a point of induction for new technologies and adapting them to Indian needs. Product development teams at all Supreme Divisions work in synergy with the Centre, to effectively turn specific customer requirements into precisely tailored products. Focus on Growth : Perseverance. Determination. Integrity. And award winning excellence to crown it ..... our growth has been fuelled by potent qualities. Our turnover touched Rs. 19,300 million in 2004, contributing to a cumulative growth of 53% over the last five years. By the year 2010, we anticipate crossing the Rs. 40,000 million mark. Group assets currently stand at Rs. 9,200 million. Consistency of performance and consolidation of growth have been the distinctive features of our progress over the years. In 2005, Supreme will have invested over Rs. 1000 million in capacity enhancement programmes in three years alone. Supreme Petrochem is upgrading its installed capacity to 272,000 TPA, with a further 40,000 TPA expandable PS facilities under implementation.
COMPANYS STRENGTH AND GROWTH DRIVERS : Manufacturing Sites The Company has 19 manufacturing sites spread thought the country. Distribution Network
The company considers its distributors as its partners in progress and has built up excellent relationship with them. The company is continuously adding to the list of distributors. Growth Drivers The company is continuously innovating to increase share of specialty products in each segment. The company intends to increase the proportion of such business in each product segment year after year.
Board of Directors
B L Taparia,Chairman
M P Taparia, Managing Director S J Taparia, Executive Director V K Taparia, Executive Director B V Bhargava, Director E B Desai, Director H S Parikh , Director N N Khandwala , Director S R Taparia, Director Y P Trivedi, Director
Award and Recognitions: Life Time Achievement Awards, the Organisation of Plastic processors Of India (OPPI) during its Silver jubilee Celebrations on 31st July, 2009.
Registered office...Mumbai
Using above broachers the supreme industries s ltd. carryout business in India: Works: Andheri, Mumbai (Maharashtra) Daman (union territory) Derabassi (Punjab) Durgapur (west Bengal) Guwahti (Assam) Halol (Gujarat) Hosur (Tamil nadu) Jalgaon (Maharashtra) Kanhe (Maharashtra) Kanpur dehat (Uttar Pradesh) Khapoli (Maharashtra) -8-
Khushkheda (Rajasthan) Malanpur 1 (Madhya Pradesh) Malanpur 2 (Madhya Pradesh) Nandesari (Gujarat) Noida (Uttar Pradesh) Pondcherry (union territory) Salt lack Kolkata (west Bengal) Silvasa (union territory)
SUPREME-PRODUCTS Plastic Piping System uPVC Pipes Injection moulded fittings and Handmade fittings Polypropylene random Co-polymer pipes and fittings HDPE pipe system CPVC pipe system LLDPE Tube and Inspection Chambers Consumer Products Furniture Mats Industrial Products Industrial Products Material Handling System Pallets Packaging Products Flexible packaging films Protective packaging products Cross laminated films
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Product Profile
C-PVC Plumbing System:Supreme lifeline C-PVC plumbing system is a safe, long lasting and cost effective solution for the hot and cold water. This system is suitable for all plumbing and portable - 11 -
water application. The pipes and fittings are made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride and it is available in complete range from 1/2 to 2 sizes. The pipes are available in SDR 11 and SDR 13.5 pressure class and fittings are available in SDR11 pipes pressure class. Threaded inserts in the transition fittings are made from brass and duly nickel plated to withstand the chemical corrosion at the elevated temperatures. Supreme lifeline C-PVC pipes and fittings are manufactured according to ASTM D-2846. The choice of the raw material, the structural accuracy, and the strict quality control gives the Supreme lifeline C-PVC system a high degree of reliability. The system is a made as per copper tube size (CTS). Lifeline is the most suitable easy and economic solution for transportation and distribution of portable water. It is technically superior, cost effective and offers many advantages over G.I conventional systems. Fields of Application:Hot and cold water distribution in residential, commercial and public projects, high and low rise buildings, corporate houses and academic institutes, solar heater application Features and Benefits:Excellent resistance to corrosion and chemical attacks:Lifeline is absolutely free from corrosion and offers excellent resistance to great number of chemicals like strong mineral acids and bases. Ideal system for carrying drinking water:Lifeline is an absolutely free from corrosion and negative biological effects. It does not break down under the harshest water condition hence the quality of water never deteriorates. Light weight, easy and quick assembly:Together with simple, solvent cement jointing method results in extensive saving on time and labour. Tough and Rigid material:C-PVC has a much higher strength/modulus than other thermoplastics used in plumbing applications. This material can withstand high pressure. Due to its tough and rigid material property, it requires less supports with minimum offsets/looping. - 12 and other
Simple and leak proof joints:Jointing can be done speedily with special solvent cement supplied by the company which ensures 100% leak proof joints. Low thermal expansion:Lifeline C-PVC has a lower co-effective of thermal expansion reducing expansion due to temperature variations and thereby reducing unsightly looping of the pipes. Superior insulation properties:Lifeline has better insulation properties than metal pipes reducing heat loss and insulation requirement. Fire Resistance:Lifeline C-PVC does not support combustion. Maintenance Free:Being free from rusting, pitting or scaling and galvanic or electrolytic corrosion, maintenance is minimal. Overall Economy:This system is most cost effective than any other plumbing system.
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Theoretical Background
Consumer behavior is a comparatively new field of study it is the attempts to understand and predict human action in the buying role. management. It has assume growing importance under market oriented or consumer oriented marketing planning and Consumer market for many product and growth of consumerism and consumer legislation. Since 1960 have created a special interest in consumer behavior and the formulation of marketing mix to respond favorably consumer behavior in the market place. Consumer behavior is defined as all psychological social and physical behavior of potential customer as they become aware of evaluate, purchase consume and tell others about product and services each element of this definition is important 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Buying behavior involves both individual(psychological ) processes and group ( social ) processes Consumer behavior is reflected from awareness from right through post purchase evaluation indicating satisfaction or non satisfaction from purchases Consumer behavior includes communication, purchasing and consumption behviour Consumer behavior is basically social in nature. Hence social environment plays an important role in shaping consumer behavior Consumer behavior includes both consumers and business consumer behavior
Consumer behavior is a process potential customers are subjected to various stimuli. The customer is regarded as a blank box as we cannot see what is going on in his mind. Under the system view of buyer behavior, we have 1) Input 2) Processing 3) Outputs and 4) Feedback loop. The objective of the process is of course expected satisfaction or services
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The Kotlers Economic of the consumer behavior is undisciplinary. Consumer behavior our always involves choice as economic men, consumer evaluate rationally the alternatives in terms of the cost and values receive. They try to maximize their utility or satisfaction while spending their scarce resources time, energy and money. According to this model we have the following prediction about the consumer behavior. 1. 2. 3. 4. The lower the price of the product, the bigger the quantity that will be bought. The highest purchasing power, the higher the quantity that will be bought ( income effect) The lower the price of the a substitute product the lower the quantity that will be bought of original product. The higher the promotional expenditure the higher the sales.
While these predictions are useful, the assumption rationally in the behavior of the buyers has been challenged vigorously by behavior scientist Buying behavior is complex and dynamic. role as determinant of buyer behavior Buying decision process Five stages 1) Problem recognition 2) Information search 3) Evaluation of alternatives 4) Purchase decisions 5) Post purchase behavior The behavioral science including
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Research Methodology
Marketing Research:Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of the data, findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company. So results of marketing research activity are useful for enhancing the decision making ability of the organization. To attain the objective, widely prevalent questionnaire method is applied. Questionnaire were designed same for both construction purpose users and dealers/retailers. This informed the primary type of data and direct interview for analysis purpose. Definition: A scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. It is scientific investigation. A careful investigation or enquiry specially through search for new facts and ideas in any branch of knowledge Systematized effort to gain new knowledge Types of Research 1.Descriptive V/s Analytical : Descriptive includes survey and facts finding enquiries of different kinds. Major purpose research description of the state of affairs it exists at presents. The analytical has use facts or information already available and analyses to make a critical evaluation of the material 2. Applied V/s Fundamental: Applied Research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial business organization. Fundamental research mainly with generalization and with the formulation of a theory gathering knowledge for knowledge sake 3. Quantitative V/s Qualitative: Quantitative research is base on measurement of quantity or amount Qualitative research concern with quantities phenomenon i.e. phenomenon relating or involving quantity or kind.
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4. Conceptual V/s Empirical: Conceptual research is that related to some abstract ideas or theory generally philosophers and thinkers to develop new concept or to reinterpret existing one. Empirical research relies on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory. Research Approach:In this descriptive research primary and secondary data collection is as follows: Primary data:Primary data has been collected directly from the field. Survey is research approach used in this research project. These made to learn about peoples knowledge, personal opinion, and attitude towards the product. Secondary data:The secondary data has been taken from company booklets, information brouture, manual...etc. This has to know about the history of the organization, market of the company, sales policy..etc. Research Instrument:In this project question is used as the research instrument. These questionnaires include all type of question. Questionnaire was structured for both open ended and close ended question. Population:Population means the element from which a sample is to be drawn as random sampling method. For this project population is the entire main consumers in Jalgaon district and dealers/retailers in jalgaon. Contact Method:Here personal interview is contacting method used to collect the information from respondents. The respondents were treated as sample with random sampling method where personal meeting or face to face meeting interviews each customer and dealer/retailers. Sample Size and Selection Process In a Sample Survey a small part of entire population is subjected to the research. This sample is considered to be the true representative of the entire universe and decided upon certain criteria. The sample size has been kept to 70(in which 50 are consumer and 20 are retailers) as it was considered large enough to reliable result. After the sample size is - 17 -
decided, the next step was to meet the respondent personally and to collect data from them through personal interviews. After conducting the personal interview of the respondents the next step was to arrange the collected data finally coated and tabulated to obtain the results after tabulation the data was ready for calculation to draw necessary inferences.
Supreme and its products are known as 100%.
- 18 -
Q.2) How do you come to know about Supreme products? Particulars Newspaper Public meeting Exhibitions Magazines TV or Radio Dealers/Retailers 3 11 13 14 1 8 No of respondents
15% 3%
28% 25%
TV or Radio Dealers/Retailers
Consumer knows about Supreme products from Newspaper is 6% Consumer knows about Supreme products from Public meeting is 23% Consumer knows about Supreme products from Exhibitions is 25% Consumer knows about Supreme products from Magazines is 28% Consumer knows about Supreme products from TV or Radio is 3% Consumer knows about Supreme products from Dealer/Retailers is 15%
- 19 -
Q.3) Since how long are you using Supreme products? Particulars One Year Two Year More than two Year No of Respondents 3 7 40
Consumer using Supreme products since one year is 4% Consumer using Supreme products since two year is 16% Consumer using Supreme products since more than two year is 80%
- 20 -
Q.4) Rating to Supreme Brand as compare to other Brand? Particulars Very Good Good Average No of Respondents 35 12 3
Rating to Supreme Brand as very good is 70%
- 21 -
do you give
preference to
Supreme C-PVC
No of Respondents 28 3 10 2 6 1
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
28 Consumer give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Quality out of 50. 3 Consumer give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Price out of 50. 10 Consumer give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Brand Image out of 50. - 22 -
2 Consumer give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Friends/relatives out of 50. 6 Consumer give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Retailers out of 50. 1 Consumer give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Others out of 50. Q.6) Are you satisfied by the product performance? Particulars Fully Satisfied Some extent Dissatisfied No of Respondents 43 5 2
86% consumers are fully satisfied by the product performance. 10% consumers are some extent satisfied by the product performance. 4% consumers are dissatisfied by the product performance. - 23 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 45 5
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% a) Yes
5% b) No
Supreme products is affordable to consumer is 95% - 24 -
Q.8) Are you interested in attending meeting with retailers, Distributors? Particulars Always Sometimes Not interested No of respondents 15 25 10
10% consumers are always interested in attending meeting with retailers, distributors 20% consumers are sometimes interested in attending meeting with retailers, distributors 70% consumers are not interested in attending meeting with retailers, distributors
- 25 -
Q.9) Do you feel the requirement of field demonstrations regarding proper product quality?
No of respondents 27 18 5
The requirement of field demonstrations regarding proper product quality 40% is very much. The requirement of field demonstrations regarding proper product quality 20% is some extent. The requirement of field demonstrations regarding proper product quality 40% is not at all. Q.10) From where you purchase the Supreme products? - 26 -
No of respondants 35 5 10
Consumers purchase the Supreme products from Dealers is 70% Consumers purchase the Supreme products from Company is 10% Consumers purchase the Supreme products from Retailers is 20%
- 27 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 5 45
45 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No 5 Series1
Out of 50 there are 5 consumers visited to web site of Supreme Company. Out of 50 there are 45 consumers not visited to web site of Supreme Company.
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 4 46
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes 4
Out of 50 there are 4 consumers faced any problem in transportation process. Out of 50 there are 46 consumers faced no problem in transportation process.
- 29 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 46 4
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Out of 50 there are 46 recommended this Supreme product to anybody. Out of 50 there are 4 not recommended this Supreme product to anybody.
Q.14) Are you aware of any other C-PVC pipes and fittings company similar to Supreme products?
- 30 -
No of respondents 20 17 8 5
60% Consumers are aware of Finolex company 34% Consumers are aware of Jain company 16% Consumers are aware of Tulsi company 10% Consumers are aware of Others (Nirmal,Hira,Ashirwad, Astral,Paras,Tulsi,..etc ) company Q.15) should company approach you to give idea, information About product?
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 34 16
- 31 -
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes
16 Series1
Company has approach to give idea, information about product to consumer is 34 out of 50. Company has not approach to give idea, information about product to consumer is 16 out of 50.
No of respondents 25 18 6 1 - 32 -
Consumers opinion about dealers service is very good 50% Consumers opinion about dealers service is good 36% Consumers opinion about dealers service is average 12% Consumers opinion about dealers service is poor 2%
Q.17) Any suggestions regarding improvement to be made in the Product performance? Particulars Price Stability Quality Others No of respondents 38 4 8 - 33 -
Consumers give suggestions regarding improvement to be made in the Product
performance is Price stability 77% Consumers give suggestions regarding improvement to be made in the Product
performance is Quality 6% Consumers give suggestions regarding improvement to be made in the Product
- 34 -
12 10 8 6
4 2 2 0
Out of 20 dealers/retailers 11 sales Supreme products. Out of 20 dealers/retailers 2 sales Tulsi products. Out of 20 dealers/retailers 4 sales Finolex products. Out of 20 dealers/retailers 2 sales Jain products. Out of 20 dealers/retailers 1 sales Other products. Q.2) Which of the following product do you prefer to sale most? Particulars SWR drainage system Indo Green Aqua Gold C PVC Fittings No of respondents 5 1 5 5 4
- 35 -
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 4
C PVC Fittings
SWR drainage system sale by 5 dealers/retailers. Indo Green system sale by 1 dealers/retailers. Aqua Gold system sale by 5 dealers/retailers. C-PVC system sale by 5 dealers/retailers. Fittings sale by 4 dealers/retailers. Q.3) How is the demand for Supreme product from customer?
No of respondents 15 3 2
- 36 -
Demand for Supreme product from customer is very good 75% Demand for Supreme product from customer is good 15% Demand for Supreme product from customer is average 10%
No of respondents 9 2 6 1 - 37 -
Retailers Others
1 1
- 38 -
9 dealers/retailers give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Quality out of 20. 2 dealers/retailers give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Price out of 20. 6 dealers/retailers give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Brand Image out of 20.
1 dealers/retailers give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of Friends/relatives out of 20. 1 dealers/retailers give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of retailers out of 20. 1 dealers/retailers give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings on the basis of other out of 20.
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Q.5) How long is you associated with the Supreme company? Particulars One Year Two Year More than two year No of respondents 1 3 16
Dealers/retailers associated with Supreme Company since one year is 5% Dealers/retailers associated with Supreme Company since two year is 13% Dealers/retailers associated with Supreme Company since more than two year is 82%
Particulars Newspaper Meeting with companys executives Exhibitions Magazines Public meeting. Dealers
No of respondents 1 10 1 3 1 4
Newspaper 20% 5% Meeting with comp anys executives Exhibitions 5% Magazines 15% 5% 50% Public meeting. Dealers
Dealers/retailers knows about Supreme products from Newspaper is 5% Dealers/retailers knows about Supreme products from Meeting with companys executives is 50% Dealers/retailers knows about Supreme products from Exhibitions is 5% Dealers/retailers knows about Supreme products from Magazines is 15% Dealers/retailers knows about Supreme products from Public meeting is 5% Dealers/retailers knows about Supreme products from Dealers is 20% Q.7) Have you visited company web site?
- 41 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 4 16
16 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No 4 Series1
Out of 20 there are 4 dealers/retailers visited to web site of Supreme Company. Out of 20 there are 16 dealers/retailers not visited to web site of Supreme Company.
Q.8) Have you satisfied with profit margin of selling Supreme product?
- 42 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 13 7
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes
7 Series1
Out of 20 there are 13 dealers/retailers satisfied with profit margin selling Supreme product. Out of 20 there are 7 dealers/retailers not satisfied with profit margin selling Supreme product.
Q.9) Have you got price off, allowances, free gifts dealing with Supreme products?
- 43 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 8 12
15 10 5 0 Yes 8
12 Yes No
Out of 20 there are 8 dealers/retailers got price off, allowances,
free gifts dealing with Supreme products. Out of 20 there are 12 dealers/retailers are not satisfied to receive price off, allowances, free gifts dealing with Supreme products.
Q.10) Do you think Supreme products are affordable for every customer?
- 44 -
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 18 2
18 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes No 2 Series1
Out of 20 dealer/retailers 18 think Supreme products is affordable to consumer. Out of 20 dealer/retailers 2 think Supreme products is not affordable to consumer.
Q.11) Do you feel your customers are satisfied with Supreme product?
Particulars Yes
No of respondents 19 - 45 -
19 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Out of 20 dealer/retailers 19 feel their customers are satisfied with Supreme product. Out of 20 dealer/retailers 1 feel their customers are not satisfied with Supreme product.
Particulars Yes
No of respondents 13 - 46 -
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes
7 Series1
Out of 20 dealer/retailers 13 get credit facility from Supreme Company. Out of 20 dealer/retailers 7 are not getting credit facility from Supreme Company.
No of respondents 11 - 47 -
6 2 1
15 10 5 0
Out of 20 there are 11 dealer/retailers view is very good with the service [after/sale] of Supreme Company, 6 for good, 2 for average, 1 for poor.
Particulars Yes
No of respondents 2 - 48 -
20 15 10 5 0 Yes 2
Yes No
Out of 20 there are 18 dealer/retailers faced no problem in transportation process and 2 faced problem in transportation process.
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 20 0
- 49 -
20 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
0 Yes No
All 20 recommended this Supreme product to others.
Q.16) Should company approach you to give idea, information about product?
Particulars Yes No
No of respondents 10 10
- 50 -
12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Yes No
Out of 20 there are 10 dealer/retailers view about companys approach to give idea, information, demonstrations about product.
Q.17) Any suggestions regarding improvement to be made in the Product performance? Particulars Price Stability Quality No Changes required No of respondents 4 1 15
- 51 -
36% dealer/retailers suggested no changes required, 37% for price stability,27% for quality with regarding to product performance.
For Dealers/retailers: The view of dealers/retailers for demand of Supreme products is 74% very good, 20% good, 6% Average. Quality, Brand Image, Price, Availability, other retailers influence dealers/retailers to deal with Supreme products. The dealers associated with Supreme company found to be more than 2 years. - 52 -
Out of 20 there are 10 dealers/retailers get the information, idea about Supreme products from company executives and others from magazines, exhibition, public meetings, newspaper, other dealers..etc
There are 67% dealers/retailers are satisfied with profit margin of selling Supreme products.
There are 73% dealers/retailers not getting price off, allowances, free gifts dealing with Supreme products.
Out of 20 there are 13 dealers/retailers gets credit facility from Supreme Company.
Dealers/retailers suggested no change required in product performance 75%, Price Stability 20%, Quality 5%
For Customer: Consumer of Supreme plastic pipes and fittings gets information from public meeting, exhibitions, magazines, newspaper, dealers/retailers. Consumer preferring Supreme product found to be more than 2 years.
Due to very good quality and brand image maximum consumer gives preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings compare to other one.
- 53 -
Supreme products are affordable to maximum consumer so that every consumer is fully satisfied and recommends to other users.
In transportation process 85% faced no problem but 15% faced some problems like late coming of delivery, damages..,etc
Consumers of Supreme aware of other C-PVC pipes and fittings company are 40% Finolex, 30% Jain, 20% Aashirwad, 5% others (Astral, Tulsi,..etc) still they give preference to Supreme.
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Supreme is a company of which have multi product and multi unit, which is related to plastic piping systems, plastic products, chemicals, etc. Objective of project is to study the buying behavior of customer Supreme Company comparatively with its comparative as per our primary and secondary data which is often by questioner and by analyzing these data. It is absorb that Supreme Company has good Brand Image compared to other brand in Jalgaon District. Having very good quality Supreme product which touchiest heart of consumer. The consumers of C-PVC pipes and fittings are very well aware of other company but mostly they prefer Supreme products because of quality, easy availability, less maintenance and durability in performance. Customer doesnt faces any transportation problem by Supreme dealers. All dealers/retailers are fully satisfied and get the information about Supreme products from company executives, other dealers, newspaper, Etc. Today, Supreme Company rapidly increasing their sales promotion activities which will create the shining market in future.
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1. Company should provide discount offers to the builders and architects on purchase of C-PVC pipes and fittings. 2. Company should provide credit facility to dealers/retailers and through them to consumers also. 3. Company should arrange some regular wholesaler and retailers meets. 4. Company should more focus on wholesaler and retailers for more improving their services and arranging meeting with their consumers. 5. Company should provide more offer price off, free gifts, allowances to dealers and retailers. 6. Company should give information, demonstration of C-PVC system on field for builders, architects, and dealers/retailers. 7. Company should give more attention towards sales promotion activities like hoardings, wall painting, adverting, ..etc. 8. Company should appoint marketing persons who will convince architect and builders to promote variety of products. 9. Company should adopt lower pricing strategy. 10. Extensive brand building strategies and efficient customer relationship the management will be needed in order to sustain competition in future.
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1. Marketing management by Ranjan Naire and S.C. Gupta. 2. Marketing Management by philipe Kottler. 3. 4.Reserch Methodology by C.R. Kothari.
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QUESTIONAIRE For Consumers:Q.1) Personal Detail of Dealers/retailers:a) Name of Dealer/retailer: b) Address: c) Contact: d) Occupation: Q.2) Do you know about Supreme and its products? a) Yes b) No
Q.3) How do you come to know about Supreme products? a) Newspaper c) Exhibitions d) TV or Radio b) Friends/relatives c) Magazines e) Public meeting.
Q.4) Since how long are you using Supreme products? a) One year b) two year c) more than two year
Q.5) Rating to Supreme Brand as compare to other Brand? a) Very Good b) Good c) Average
Q.6) Why do you give preference to Supreme C-PVC pipes and fittings compare to other One? a) Quality d) Friends/ relatives b) Price e) Retailers c) Brand image f) others
Q.7) Are you satisfied by the product performance? a) Fully satisfied b) Some extent - 59 c) Dissatisfied
Q.9) Are you interested in attending meeting with retailers, distributors? a) Always b) Sometimes c) Not interested
Q.10) Do you feel the requirement of field demonstrations regarding proper Product quality? a) Very much b) Some extent c) Not at all.
Q.11) From where you purchase the Supreme products? a) Dealer b) Retailers c) Company
Q.15) Are you aware of any other C-PVC pipes and fittings company similar to Supreme products? a) Yes b) No what are they.. Q.16) Should company approach you to give idea, information about Product? a) Yes b) No - 60 -
Q.17) Your opinion about dealers service? a) Very Good b) Good c) Average d) Poor
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Q.1) Personal Detail of Dealers/retailers:a) Name of Dealer/retailer: b) Address: c) Contact: : Q.2) Which company product do you sale? a) Supreme c) Finolex b) Tulsi c) Jain
Q.3) Which of the following product do you prefer to sale most? a) SWR drainage system c) Aqua Gold b) Indo Green d) C PVC
Q.4) How is the demand for Supreme product from customer? a) Very Good b) Good c) Average Q.5) What influence you to deal with Supreme product? a) Quality d) Friends/ relatives b) Price e) Retailers c) Brand image f) others
Q.6) How long is you associated with the Supreme company? a) One year b) two year c) more than two year
Q.7) From where you come to know about Supreme products? a) Newspaper c) Exhibitions d) Radio b) Meeting with companys executives c) Magazines e) Public meeting.
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Q.9) Have you satisfied with profit margin of selling Supreme product? a) Yes b) No
10) Have you got price off, allowances, free gifts dealing with Supreme Products? a) Yes b) No
Q.11) Do you think Supreme products are affordable for every customer? a) Yes b) No
Q.12) Do you feel your customers are satisfied with Supreme product? a) Yes b) No
Q.14) How is the service [after/sale] of Supreme Company? a) Very Good b) Good c) Average d) Poor
Q.15) Do you face any problem in transportation process? a) Yes which. Q.16) Have you recommended this Supreme product to anybody? a) Yes b) No b) No
Q.17) Should company approach you to give idea, information Demonstrations about product? a) Yes Product performance? - 63 b) No Q.18) Any suggestions regarding improvement to be made in the
Project Report on
A study of Buying Behavior of Customers of Supreme products
With Special Reference To
Submitted to
Bhojraj Y. Shewale
MBA (Marketing) 2008-10
I hereby declare that this project A Study of Buying Behavior of Customer of supreme product The Supreme Industries Ltd., Gadegaon is Purely & Sincerely carried &Completed by me presented to the Shri. Gulabrao Devker Jain College Of Engg., Jalgaon affiliated to North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon in partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Business Administration. This is my original work. This result embodied in this project has not been Submitted to any other university for any other course.
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Project work is never the work of an individual. It is more of a Combination of views, ideas, contribution and help from other individuals as Well. One of the most important parts of writing a report is the opportunity to thank those who have contributed in making the project a success. I am thankful to Mr. H. B. Barhate (DGM-Sales & Marketing) Supreme ltd. Gadegaon. He has provided me an opportunity to undertake my Internship in this organization and also like to express my deep sense of gratitude to him for his valuable guidance and co-operation for completing my Project. I also wish to thank Prof. Yogesh A. Patil Sir Project guide of shri. Gulabrao Devker College of Engg. Jalgaon for her timely & valuable guidance at every stage of project.
Bhojraj Y. Shewale
M.B.A. (Marketing) Shri. Gulabrao Devker , College of Engg. Jalgaon.
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1May to 30 June 2009 Bhojraj Y. Shewale Shri. Gulabrao Devkar College of Enggineering & Management, Jalgaon.
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Chapter No.
1. Introduction 1.1 Object of the project 1.2 Objective of the project 1.3 Scope of the project Company profile Product profile Research Methodology Data Analysis & Interpretation Research Findings Recommendations and Suggestions Limitation of research Conclusion Bibliography Annexure
Name of Chapter
Page No.
1 2 3 4 6 8 9 43 44 45 46 47 49
2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
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These are the years of cutthroat competition. Every organization tries to surpass others & win the hearts of their customers. Organization applies different types of psychological technique in telling about their stuff & some by providing some excellent services to their customers. In todays liberalize & globalizing developing economy with regulations & constraints falling apart, a lot of organization are having very competitive market environment. In any company the phrase Customer is king is even more truer. If company has got consumable product they must have to properly integrate & market. Consumer behavior is a comparatively new field of study. It is the attempts to understand & predict human action in the buying role. It has assumed growing importance under market oriented marketing planning & management consumer market for many products & the growth of consumerism & consumer legislation
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