Postcolonial Literary Theory Timeline
Postcolonial Literary Theory Timeline
Postcolonial Literary Theory Timeline
Critical Approaches that Displace New Criticism & Become More Complex
1960 <------ 2nd Wave Feminist Criticism -----> late 70s
Maintained that the personal is political & traditional criticism ignored women readers & the way women were portrayed in literature from a male-centered viewpoint. Sought to recover neglected women authors of the past and value female experience. Sometimes posited a universal sisterhood or uniquely female experience.
Grows out of 2nd wave feminism's internal critique and complicates its earlier assumptions by examining differences between women, including issues of race, age, and sexuality. Many recent approaches modify other interpretive traditions (materialist, psychoanalysis, French theories about language).
Gender Studies
Draws on feminist scholarship but also discusses men and masculinity in historically specific ways.
Queer Theory
Sometimes viewed lesbians as the most women-centered writers and activists, but not all lesbians were happy with this notion. Takes practices like drag and butch/femme as an occasion to theorize about how representation consolidates or disrupts identity and how political dilemmas are simultaneously representational dilemmas.
Ethnic Studies
Initially some critics took black male experience and identity to be the most authentic form of resistance to oppression. Many other culturally marginalized groups model their criticism and activism on Afro-American efforts. Sought to theorize about African-American literature in a global context. Interested in identifying & recovering African roots of much Afro-American literature & culture. Examines literature from groups traditionally seen as marginal to US culture (Native, Asian, & Latino Americans). Also examines literature of groups that became provisionally accepted (Jewish, Italian) and/or moved from being perceived as ethnic to white (Irish, Scottish).
Materialist Criticisms
Draw on components of Marxist thought to examine the role that material conditions play in literatures production and status. Rarely Marxist in the popular understanding of the term.
Old Historicism was another New Critical whipping boy because it treated literature as a footnote to history.
New Historicism
Argues that the best, most plausible context for interpreting literature is the historical one when it was written. Structuralist Trends in Psychoanalytic Criticism The Oedipus complex is the deep structure. Every character with problems (for example, Hamlet) has an unresolved or poorly resolved Oedipus Complex. Criticism tends to adhere rigidly to Freudian terms: the character or author as patient.
Some analysis of literatures historical and cultural context is a component of almost every critical approach used today. Lacanian Literary & Film Criticism
French Theorist Jacques Lacan draws on Saussures work to think about Freud as a theorist of representation, and the ways humans create a sense of themselves by interacting with and within systems of representation.
Freud adopted by intellectuals who focused on repression. Criticism tends to be cartoonish (every long object is a phallic symbol, etc.).
These charts leave out some theorists & approaches (Foucault, Deleuze, etc.) that I will mention in class. Additionally, some would argue that Cultural Studies is the new highly influential paradigm, both drawing on and superceding Post Structuralism. Structuralism proper actually only comes the US in the late 70s. But it epitomizes the importance most theories of the time placed on a single deep structure to explain literature and culture. Jungian or myth-based criticism identified the structure as archetypes. Second wave feminism looked to gender difference. Psychoanalysis to the Oedipus complex. Marxism to material conditions, and so forth.