Superpolo, a joint venture between Marcopolo and Fanalca Group in Colombia, launched the Gran Viale BRT bus for Colombia's Transmilenio BRT system. The Gran Viale BRT was developed in Brazil for major city public transportation and focuses on novel design, ergonomics, safety and efficiency. Superpolo is one of Latin America's most modern bus manufacturers and in 2011 traded over 2,100 buses, especially urban models, to operators in many Americas countries.
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Marcopolo's: Gran Viale BRT Bus Launched in Colombia
Superpolo, a joint venture between Marcopolo and Fanalca Group in Colombia, launched the Gran Viale BRT bus for Colombia's Transmilenio BRT system. The Gran Viale BRT was developed in Brazil for major city public transportation and focuses on novel design, ergonomics, safety and efficiency. Superpolo is one of Latin America's most modern bus manufacturers and in 2011 traded over 2,100 buses, especially urban models, to operators in many Americas countries.
Superpolo, a joint venture between Marcopolo and Fanalca Group in Colombia, launched the Gran Viale BRT bus for Colombia's Transmilenio BRT system. The Gran Viale BRT was developed in Brazil for major city public transportation and focuses on novel design, ergonomics, safety and efficiency. Superpolo is one of Latin America's most modern bus manufacturers and in 2011 traded over 2,100 buses, especially urban models, to operators in many Americas countries.
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Marcopolo's: Gran Viale BRT Bus Launched in Colombia
Superpolo, a joint venture between Marcopolo and Fanalca Group in Colombia, launched the Gran Viale BRT bus for Colombia's Transmilenio BRT system. The Gran Viale BRT was developed in Brazil for major city public transportation and focuses on novel design, ergonomics, safety and efficiency. Superpolo is one of Latin America's most modern bus manufacturers and in 2011 traded over 2,100 buses, especially urban models, to operators in many Americas countries.
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Marcopolos Gran Viale BRT bus launched in Colombia
Superpolo, the joint venture between Marcopolo and the Fanalca Group in Colombia, has launched its latest modern urban bus in the country, the Gran Viale BRT. Developed in Brazil for application in advanced urban transportation systems in major cities, the model is now also produced at the Colombian plant to be provided to the Transmilenio BRT system. The Gran Viale BRT bus family was conceived with novel design, ergonomics, safety and efficiency concepts. The vehicles concentrate all the experience and knowledge acquired by Superpolo in providing buses for urban public transportation systems in Colombia as well as in other countries such as Panama. Superpolo is one of Latin Americas most modern bus manufacturers, and has over 1,500 collaborators in a total area of 77,000 sq. metres. In 2011, the operation traded approximately 2,100 units, especially urban models, provided to operators in many countries in the Americas. w MOTORINDIA l June 2012 107