Spackle Noise
Spackle Noise
Spackle Noise
1. INTRODUCTION An image is often corrupted by noise since its acquisition or transmission. The goal of de-noising is to remove the noise while retaining as much as possible the important signal features of an image. Traditionally, this is achieved by linear processing such as Wiener filtering [1]-[3]. A vast literature has emerged recently on signal de-noising using nonlinear techniques, in the setting of additive white Gaussian noise. The image analysis process can be broken into three primary stages which are preprocessing, data reduction, and features analysis. Removal of noise from an image is the one of the important tasks in image processing. Depending on nature of the noise, such as additive or multiplicative noise, there are several approaches for removal of noise from an image [1]-[2]. 2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF NOISE Mathematically the image noise can be represented with the help of these equations below: V(x, y) = g[u(x, y)] + (x, y) (1) g[u(x,y)]=
objects is called speckle noise. Speckle noise can be modeled as V(x, y) = u(x, y)s(x, y) + (x, y) (4)
(x, y)=f [g(u(x, y))] 1(x, y) + 2(x, y) (3) Here u(x, y) represents the objects (means the original image) and v(x, y) is the observed image. Here h (x, y; x, y) represents the impulse response of the image acquiring process. The term(x, y) represents the additive noise which has an image dependent random components f [g(w)] 1 and an image independent random component 2. A different type of noise in the coherent imaging of
Where the speckle noise intensity is given by s(x, y) and (x, y) is a white Gaussian noise [1]-[3]. The main objective of image-de-noising techniques is to remove such noises while retaining as much as possible the important signal features. One of its main shortcomings is the poor quality of images, which are affected by speckle noise. The existence of speckle is unattractive since it disgraces image quality and affects the tasks of individual interpretation and diagnosis. An appropriate method for speckle reduction is one which enhances the signal-to-noise ratio while conserving the edges and lines in the image. Weiner filter was adopted for filtering in the spectral domain, but the classical Wiener filter is not adequate as it is designed primarily for additive noise suppression. Recently there have been many challenges to reduce the speckle noise using wavelet transform as a multiresolution image-processing tool. Speckle noise is a high-frequency component of the image and appears in wavelet coefficients. One widespread method exploited for speckle reduction is wavelet shrinkage [7]. 3. MODEL OF SPECKLE NOISE The most critical part of developing a method for recovering a signal from its noisy environment seems to be choosing a reasonable statistical (or analytic) description of the physical phenomena underlying the data-formation process. The availability of an accurate and reliable model of speckle noise formation is a prerequisite for development of a valuable de-speckling algorithm. In ultrasound
NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010
imaging, however, the unified definition of such a model still remains arguable. Yet, there exist a number of possible formulae whose probability was verified via their practical use. A possible generalized model of the speckle imaging is g(n, m) = f(n, m)u(n, m) + (n, m) (5) indicates the wavelet's width, and the location index l gives its position. The mother functions are rescaled, or dilated" by powers of two, and translated by integers [2].
Where g, f, u and stand for the observed image, original image, multiplicative component and additive component of the speckle noise basically. Here (n , m ) denotes the axial and lateral indices of the image samples or, alternatively, the angular and range indices for B-scan images. When applied to ultrasound images, only the multiplicative component of the noise is to be considered; and thus, the model can be considerably simplified by disregarding the additive term, so that the simplified version of (5) becomes g(n, m) = f(n, m)u(n, m) (6)
( x, y ) = ( x) ( y ) H ( x, y ) = ( x) ( y ) V ( x, y ) = ( x) ( y ) D ( x, y ) = ( x) ( y )
These four products produce the separable scaling functions and separable, directionally sensitive wavelets. These wavelets measures functional variations-intensity variations for images- along measures the variations different directions: along columns for example horizontal edges.
Homomorphic de-speckling methods take advantage of the logarithmic transformation, which, when applied its converts the multiplicative noise to an additive one. Denoting the logarithms of g, f and u by gl, fl, and ul, respectively, the measurement model becomes g 1(n, m) = f1 (n, m)u1 (n, m) (7)
At this stage, the problem of de-speckling is reduced to the problem of rejecting an additive noise, and a variety of noise-suppression techniques could be evoked in order to perform this task [1]-[14]. 4. BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF WAVELETS Wavelets are basically mathematical functions which break up the data into different frequency components, and then we study each component with a resolution matched to its scale. Wavelets have some advantages over traditional Fourier methods in analyzing physical situations where the signal contains discontinuities and sharp spikes. Wavelets are the better technique to handle the different type of noises which is present in an image[4]. There are different wavelet families which shown different results when they are applied in image processing field. Recently wavelets analysis [7] is widely applied in the image de-noising due to its multiresolution and locality property. Dilations and translations of the Mother function," or analyzing wavelet" (x); define an orthogonal basis, our wavelet basis: (s, l) (x)= 2-s/2 (2-sx l) (8) The variables s and l are integers that scale and dilate the mother function to generate wavelets, such as a Daubechies wavelet family. The scale index s
corresponds to variations along diagonals. There are many conventional image filtering techniques, such as mean, median filtering, and other adaptive filtering techniques as lee , Kaun or frost ones and new version of these filters, have been purposed to reduce the speckle noise. The lee filter method is basically used as a reference, because it combines an efficient noise reduction, while maintaining the sharpness and some characteristics or we say useful information about the image. The lee and the Kaun filters generate their output images by computing a linear combination of the centre pixel intensity in the filter window with the average intensity of the window [9]. 5. REVIEW OF SPECKLE FILTERS An appropriate method for speckle reduction is one which enhances the signal to noise ratio while preserving the edges and lines in the image. To address the multiplicative nature of speckle noise, Jain developed a homomorphic approach, which is obtained by taking the logarithm of an image, translates the multiplicative noise into additive noise, and consequently applies the Wiener filtering. Recently many techniques have been purposed to reduce the speckle noise using wavelet transform as a multi-resolution image processing tool. Speckle noise is a high-frequency component of the image and appears in wavelet coefficients. One of the widespread method which is mainly exploited for speckle reduction is the wavelet shrinkage method. A comparative study between wavelet coefficient shrinkage filter and several standard speckle filters that are being largely used for speckle noise suppression which shows that the wavelet-based approach is deployed among the best for speckle removal[7][8].
V responds D edges,
NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010
6. SPECKLE FILTERING In speckle filtering a kernel is being moved over each pixel in the image and applying some mathematical calculation by using these pixel values under the kernel and replaced the central pixel with calculated value. The kernel is moved along the image only one pixel at a time until the whole image covered. By applying these filters smoothing effect is achieved and speckle noise has been reduced to certain extent [9]. 6.1 Median filter [3]: The best known orderstatistics filter is the median filter in image processing. The median filter is also the simpler technique and it also removes the speckle noise from an image and also removes pulse or spike noise[1][3]. 6.2 Lee filter [10]: The lee filter is basically used for speckle noise reduction. The lee filter is based on the assumption that the mean and variance of the pixel of the interest is equal to the local mean and variance of all pixels with in the moving kernel. The formula for the lee filter for speckle noise reduction is given as: 6.4 The srad filter [13]: SRAD filter is known as speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion. The SRAD can eliminate speckle without distorting useful image information and without destroying the important image edges. The SRAD PDE exploits the instantaneous coefficient of variation in reducing the speckle. The results which are given below tells the SRAD algorithm provides superior performance in comparison to the conventional techniques like lee, frost, kaun filters in terms of smoothing and preserving the edges and features. 6.5 Wiener filtering [1]-[3]: Wiener filter was purposed in the year of 1942, after N.Wiener. Wiener filter (a type of linear filter) is applied to an image adaptively, tailoring itself to the local image variance. Where the variance is large, Wiener filter performs little smoothing. Where the variance is small, Wiener performs more smoothing. This approach often produces better results than linear filtering. The adaptive filter is more selective than a comparable linear filter, preserving edges and other high-frequency parts of an image. However, wiener filter require more computation time than linear filtering. 7. WAVELET BASED DENOISING PROCEDURE Recently there has been significant investigations in medical imaging area using the wavelet transform as a tool for improving medical images from noisy data. Wavelet de-noising attempts to remove the noise present in the signal while preserving the signal characteristics, regardless of its frequency content. 7.1 Wavelets based noise thresholding algorithm All the wavelet filters use wavelet thresholding operation for de-noising [2]-[7]-[8].Speckle noise is a high-frequency component of the image and appears in wavelet coefficients. One widespread method exploited for speckle reduction is wavelet thresholding procedure. The basic Procedure for all thresholding method is as follows: Calculate the DWT of the image. Threshold the wavelet coefficients. (Threshold may be universal or sub band adaptive) Compute the IDWT to get the denoised estimate. There are two thresholding functions frequently used, i.e. a hard threshold, a soft threshold.
R(t ) = I (t )W (t ) + I (t )(1 W (t ))
Where W(t)=1 (14) and Cu=
c l (t )
, Cl(t)=
l (t )
I (t )
are the various coefficients of the speckle u(t) and the image I(t),respectively. 6.3 Kaun filter [11]: In this filter given kaun et al., the multiplicative noise model is first transformed into a signal-dependent additive noise model. Then the MMSE criterion was applied to this model. The resulting filter has the same form as the lee filter but with the different weighting function which is given as W(t)=
1 C u2 / C l (t ) 1 + C u2
NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010
Table I COMPARISON OF STD OF DIFFERENT DENOISING FILTERS FOR TEST T1 IMAGES CORRUPTED BY SPECKLE NOISE. Standard Lee filter kaun SRAD Median Weiner Wavelet deviation Based (STD) 0.2 45.3381 50.5006 44.0347 46.2414 45.1226 21.47 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 45.2986 45.1865 45.3225 45.0297 45.1545 44.7395 44.9961 50.2201 50.2868 50.1465 49.8765 49.8188 49.7839 49.9391 44.1445 43.8973 44.2146 44.0560 44.3704 44.0207 44.3976 47.0284 47.4242 48.4075 48.7498 49.8189 49.6640 50.6198 45.2675 45.2400 45.5557 45.4733 45.8479 45.4376 45.8794 25.94 29.53 32.9 35.77 38.23 40.84 43.06
NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010
NCCI 2010 -National Conference on Computational Instrumentation CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA, 19-20 March 2010
(2.6) Result of kaun filter 8. CONCLUSION In this paper, we experimented various techniques for speckle noise reduction like lee, kaun, frost, SRAD, wiener and median filtering techniques and seen that speckle noise has been reduced as shown result below. But in case of wavelets based techniques we should adopt the Jain homomorphic approach to convert the multiplicative noise to additive noise, so that we can easily removed the speckles from the image. But the optimum threshold estimation plays an important role in it. So the future works to get the optimum threshold for removal the speckle noise by preserving the edges and useful information of an image. 9. REFERENCES [1] Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing first edition, 1989, Prentice Hall, Inc. [2] Tinku Acharya and Ajoy K. Ray, Image Processing Principles and Appilications, 2005 edition A John Wiley & Sons, Mc., Publication. [3] Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Second Edition, Pearson Education. [4] IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, summer 1995, vol. 2, num.2, Published by the IEEE Computer Society, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los
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