This newsletter summarizes the events of the past week in Ms. Martin's first grade class. It highlights that the class focused on the character trait of respect and recognized two students, Lauren and Shyanne, for demonstrating respect. It also discusses the class's author of the week, Nehemiah, and previews upcoming spelling and reading tests as well as special guest readers who will come to class to read stories.
This newsletter summarizes the events of the past week in Ms. Martin's first grade class. It highlights that the class focused on the character trait of respect and recognized two students, Lauren and Shyanne, for demonstrating respect. It also discusses the class's author of the week, Nehemiah, and previews upcoming spelling and reading tests as well as special guest readers who will come to class to read stories.
This newsletter summarizes the events of the past week in Ms. Martin's first grade class. It highlights that the class focused on the character trait of respect and recognized two students, Lauren and Shyanne, for demonstrating respect. It also discusses the class's author of the week, Nehemiah, and previews upcoming spelling and reading tests as well as special guest readers who will come to class to read stories.
This newsletter summarizes the events of the past week in Ms. Martin's first grade class. It highlights that the class focused on the character trait of respect and recognized two students, Lauren and Shyanne, for demonstrating respect. It also discusses the class's author of the week, Nehemiah, and previews upcoming spelling and reading tests as well as special guest readers who will come to class to read stories.
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April 17th, 2009 Ms.
Martin’s First Grade Room 105
Volume 1, Issue 2
Citizens of the Week The Scoop
We have had another great week in First grade. On Monday we enjoyed Congratulations to Lauren sharing with one another what we did over Spring and Shyanne for demon- break. Our character focus this week was Respect. strating excellent RESPECT Congratulations goes out to Lauren and Shyanne for this week. Way to go! showing excellent respect this week. What a great a example! This week’s writer of the week goes to Nehemiah for stretching out his story. Nehemiah’s original story about playing with his dog was only one sentence. His revised story includes much more de- tail and he hasn’t even got to the part where he starts to play with his dog. We’ll have to wait to see how the author tells us more details of what it’s like when he plays with his dog. Look for more stories from this author, Nehemiah. Our Author of the Month is Dr. Seuss. Students have been learning a lot about this author, including his life and early work. We learned how much of Dr. Seuss’s childhood inspired his writing. Authors truly do write from their own experience. Students have also been settling down into our daily routine which includes daily stu- dent jobs at the end of the day. Pictured above is Kayden vacuuming our carpet at the end of the day. Students certainly deserve a round of ap- plause for all their hard work, maybe even a “truck driver applause” (ask your child about that one).
Upcoming Events Writer’s Spotlight
• Spelling test April 23rd Playing with my dog • No school Friday April 24th By: Nehemiah Balsley • Return Guest Reader sign up In the wood I see deer and sheet birds, but what I am really look- ing for is a stick. I am looking for a stick that is thick so that my dog can see it when we play fetch. Writing Reading This week in writing Students began their unit on per- For phonics this week we focused on the letter “y” and sonal narratives. During the next several weeks stu- the long E sound and the i sound it makes as in “by” dents will be writing their own published piece of writ- and “fuzzy”. We started a new program in our class ing, and will travel through the process of writing called “guest readers”. Stu- from first draft to editing, final draft and finally pub- dents will be inviting their lishing. Students focused on using their authority lists parents, grandparents, or to generate ideas from their lives to write about. family friend to our class- Students learned how room to be a guest reader. authors take the small Students made their own moments of their lives invitations for their family and stretch out the and friends. Invitations story by adding detail went home with students on Lauren enjoying sitting on and voice to their writ- Wednesday. I am sending her Dad’s lap while he reads ing. We will continue to home a schedule for our to our class as Lauren’s
focus on these skills guest readers please fill in a guest reader.
through out this writing piece. When students have time that would be best for finished writing and publishing their writing piece, we you and return it to school on Monday with your child. will hold an Authors celebration in our classroom for parents and friends to listen to their child share their writing. You won’t want to miss it, more information will be sent home as it gets closer. Math Writer’s Quote of the Week This week in math we have continued to work on Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me telling time. Students have been learning to tell the glint of light on broken glass…” time to the hour and the 1/2 hour. Students en- joyed working in teams, to see who could tell time ….Anton Chekhov the fastest. Students worked very well together and even decided amongst themselves what their team name would be. The teams were called Team Rock band Spelling Team Motorcycle I hope all of you have been able to have a chance Team Lizzie McGuire to visit our interactive spelling website. If you Team Band haven’t had a chance, I strongly recommend the site. Your child can play spelling games, and prac- tice their spelling. Every week the our class spell- ing words are posted on the site. Please visit the site and search by teacher name— Angela Martin.