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Anatolian Archaeology 2006

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ANATOLIAN ARCHAEOLOGY BRITISH INSTITUTE AT ANKARA RESEARCH REPORTS 2006 : Volume 12 (2006) ‘The British Academy Black Sea Initiative ‘Michael Vickers and ‘Amiran Kakhidze Pichvnari, Georgia 2006 2 Climate History of Anatolia and the Black Sea Warren J. Eastwood Climate history, vegetation and landscape change in northeast Tukey 3 Darrel Maddy and ‘Tuncor Demir Early Pleistocene environments in the Gediz river valley 6 ‘The Frontiers of the Ottoman World Caroline Finkel, Vitor Ostapchuik, ij Svitlana Bilyayova Historica-archacological investigations in Agkerman and James Mathieu fortress, Ukraine 2006 9 Sedtlement History of Anatolia Douglas Baird ‘The Boncuklu project; the origins of sedentism, cultivation and herding in central Anatolia 3 ‘Stuart Campbell Domuztepe 2006 7 Hugh Elton Giksu Archaeological Project 2006 19 fan Hodder (Change and variation at Gatalhoyak 2 Urban Development of Anatotia ‘Thomas Corsten Kibyratis in antiquity 25 Jan Jenkins Return to Cnidus 26 } Chris Lightfoot and ie Ivison Amorium 2006 2» Geolrey and Frangoise Summers The Kerkenes project in 2006 2 aited by Gina Coulthard ISSN 1362-3867 Siti A Ah 2 istorcab-archacologieal Investigations fn Agherman fortress, Ukraine 2006 Catoline Fike, Viele Ospehuk, Sviana Bilayer and Jes Mathie ors natu ot Ankara and University of Toronto ‘One of the most remarkable monuments of the lack Sea region stands ona promontory 10k inside te estar of the Dniester iver, clase tothe Ukraine Moldova bore. in ‘wom times the Forres of Akerman was oe 2 chi of massive stongholds prteting the Black Soa and the sallans terry eyoad fom the predation of interiors ‘om the roth inter heyday these strongholds steed in nae fom the Danube tthe Sea of Azo bt rom the ofthe 18h cen, following the victory of the Ruslan mpi over the Odomans, many of thom were reed. Few ow remain otc to any degree, and Agkerman is probably the est preserve, “The ores sbi. top of ancien Tyas, a Greek colony of Milt, Tera the locaton was in Roman Byzantine, Rathoian an Genoese nds, toe binge fora etary bythe pinay of Moldavia, a 1484, i wan conquered by the san Bayeid and for mote than 300 years, ul tbe ot ‘The northern lack Sin the early 18th century seh f a As None Black Sea Rossians took i, Agherman was in Ovoman bands The clremfreace ofthe Fontes ever 2k om Inward sie itis sorounded by double walls and dich 13m dep. Win the fortes, there is ital the noth tht all bt cid bya encosre known a the ison yard. othe south of this a larger enlace the il yard, and to the west along the shor ofthe Dniester (he man theres othe enclosure refed tothe pot Jad This poet, supported in 2006-2007 forthe Hs tine by ‘the Beish Instat a Askar, i bot iterations (ith patcpans from Canad, Turkey, Ulraive, UK and US) and Iner-siscplinary, combining archaeological and isviat ‘eszarch The former inca both extn of sub-surface remains an a survey ofthe Frues's sanding archiecure, ‘while te later employs dcament found primarily nthe (Ottoman archives ntl well the ay ap ad line of Aakerman tht kave come down ous, ‘The caret project isthe fst ne that due atenton beng given tothe lng, Otoman oeepation ofthe st Prevoas sts ofthe fortes ave ignored or delieatly destoyed remain from these cei, 08 it his long bet ened tht there were any sgaillent Otoman baiting ‘works at Aqherman. Hor example, the exciton of Ty, ZLAS Anatolian Archaeology Walls the garrison yard and oad viewed from the nan sible ouside the main gat ofthe fortes, removed the Fem of liter eivilisos, while within the fortes the ‘once undulating ground srface adits wealth of archaea. logical material yas levelled sometime aller sivey in 1955, Furtheamore, since then 2 programe of Tetra” has grally been undraken, effectively remaking many pars ofthe sie, Yet despite, oF perhaps case of the unsstematie nature of eater woek, moc retains be done. In panicular, Ontoman docamentiry evince promises Io at new dimensions o our understanding of Askerman res Plan ofAgherman defensive complex, 1953. A= citadel, ‘orthern or parison yard; C= souhern ool yard; D ort yank, 1-30 = towers ofthe fonvess (Slope 2001: 90) The ach viewed rom the vii of the man gute Fr example, these documents pecsly describe syecesive ‘onsrtion and rebuilding phases in reaction to both perceived aod actual mila teas, Teor, an important spect of ou investigation isto cance oa ndesaning of ‘Agiesna aa military fvieation per se, and wo compe a losiry of Ottoman terminology used to denote the constiven pars of such fotifentions. These ate very new ‘els of endeavour within Oxoman bisa ts, Members of our eam have bec working at Aakerman with inadequate funds, sine 1999, Thee excavations have ‘concen jn two ates of th port yt seco that ame ino belag as resl of Oxon king activity inthe 1th century The fist focus of excavation has ben understanding the ‘eliomhip of the “barbias™ (Le, the pjcting tower foxmation on the shore) and ts eran walls to the angst fonress of Agkermaa, Excwvaton aad sty ofthis prt of ‘he por ad is the responsibilty of SvitanaBiyayeva, who ‘worked on ite wi ee team fr 12 woe his season, Hee labours have ssa in the revaling of the extent ofthe Dubin and its eas, and died GPS survey ofthese ws complied. Of particular nots, was he ication of

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