Women in World History Curriculum Showcase: Spindle Stories Curriculum Unit 16th Century Ottoman Turkey Sample Activity
Women in World History Curriculum Showcase: Spindle Stories Curriculum Unit 16th Century Ottoman Turkey Sample Activity
Women in World History Curriculum Showcase: Spindle Stories Curriculum Unit 16th Century Ottoman Turkey Sample Activity
1996-2012 womeninworldhistory.com
"Throne of my lonely niche, my wealth, my love, my moonlight. My most sincere friend, my confidant, my very existence, my Sultan The most beautiful among the beautiful... My springtime, my merry faced love, my daytime, my sweetheart, laughing leaf... My plants, my sweet, my rose, the one only who does not distress me in this world... My Istanbul, my Caraman, the earth of my Anatolia My Badakhshanmy Baghdad, my Khorasan My woman of the beautiful hair, my love of the slanted brow, my love of eyes full of mischief... I'll sing your praises always I, lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the eyes full of tears, I am happy."
2) What kind of personality did she have? 3) What role did Hurrem play in Suleyman's life? 4) Can you identify any of the places Suleyman mentions in the poem? Which one(s)? Find out about the ones you don't know. Place an Order this Unit Check out the Table of Contents for this Unit Return to the Online Store
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