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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.

0 (2011-06)
Technical Specification

3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking; Stage 3 (Release 7)

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.

Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

UMTS, LAN, radio, interworking, network

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Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
2011, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC). All rights reserved. UMTS is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................7 1 2 3
3.1 3.2 3.3

Scope ........................................................................................................................................................8 References ................................................................................................................................................8 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations ...................................................................................................9

Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Abbreviations................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2

Wa Description.......................................................................................................................................10
Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Procedures Description .................................................................................................................................... 11 WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization ..................................................................................... 11 WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization for the Emergency Case ........................................ 12 Immediate Purging of a User from WLAN access..................................................................................... 13 Emergency Case ................................................................................................................................... 13 Ending a Session ........................................................................................................................................ 13 WLAN Access Authorization Information Update Procedure ................................................................... 14 Information Element Contents......................................................................................................................... 16 RADIUS based Information Elements Contents ........................................................................................ 16 Diameter based Information Elements Contents ........................................................................................ 19 DER and DEA Commands ................................................................................................................... 19 Abort Session Request and Answer AVPs ........................................................................................... 20 Session Termination Request and Answer AVPs................................................................................. 20 Re-Auth Request and Answer AVPs .................................................................................................... 20 Accounting Signalling Across the Wa interface .............................................................................................. 21 RADIUS..................................................................................................................................................... 21 RADIUS Attributes in accounting messages........................................................................................ 21 Diameter..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Procedures Description......................................................................................................................... 23 Information Element Contents.............................................................................................................. 24

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.3A 5.5.4 5.5.5

Wd Description ......................................................................................................................................26
Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 26 Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 26 3GPP AAA Proxy and 3GPP AAA Server behaviour when Interworking with RADIUS/Diameter WLAN ANs ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 Requirements in 3GPP AAA Proxy for RADIUS/Diameter "Translation Agent"..................................... 28 Conversion of RADIUS Request to Diameter Request ........................................................................ 28 Conversion of Diameter Response to RADIUS Response ................................................................... 28 3GPP AAA Proxy advertisement of RADIUS or Diameter client to 3GPP AAA Server. ................... 29 Managing the transaction state and session state information .............................................................. 29 Procedures description..................................................................................................................................... 30 WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization ..................................................................................... 30 Immediate Purging of a User from WLAN access..................................................................................... 31 Ending a Session ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Authorization Information Update Procedure ............................................................................................ 32 Information Elements Contents ....................................................................................................................... 32 Authentication Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 32 Abort Session Requests and Answer AVPs ............................................................................................... 33 Session Termination Request and Answer AVPs....................................................................................... 33 Authorization Information Update Procedure ............................................................................................ 33 RADIUS based Information Elements Contents for Authentication and Authorization ............................ 34 RADIUS based Information Elements Contents for Accounting............................................................... 37

Wx Description ......................................................................................................................................38


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.5 6.6

Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 38 Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 Procedures Description .................................................................................................................................... 38 Authentication Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 38 Detailed behaviour................................................................................................................................ 41 Location Management Procedures ............................................................................................................. 42 WLAN Registration/DeRegistration Notification ................................................................................ 42 Detailed behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 43 Network Initiated De-Registration by HSS, Administrative ................................................................ 44 Detailed behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 45 User Data Handling.................................................................................................................................... 45 Void ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 HSS Initiated Update of User Profile ................................................................................................... 45 Detailed behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 46 Information Elements Contents ....................................................................................................................... 46 Authentication Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 46 HSS Initiated Update of User Profile ......................................................................................................... 47 Registration procedure and Profile download in Wx ................................................................................. 48 Registration Termination in Wx................................................................................................................. 48 Void ................................................................................................................................................................. 48 User identity to HSS resolution ....................................................................................................................... 48 Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 49 Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 49 Procedures Description .................................................................................................................................... 49 Authentication Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 49 3GPP AAA Server Detailed Behaviour................................................................................................ 50 3GPP AAA Proxy Detailed Behaviour................................................................................................. 51 Authentication Procedures for the Emergency Case ............................................................................ 51 Authorization Procedures........................................................................................................................... 51 3GPP AAA Server Detailed Behaviour................................................................................................ 53 AAA Proxy Detailed Behaviour........................................................................................................... 55 Authorization Procedures in the Emergency Case................................................................................ 55 PDG Procedures.............................................................................................................................. 55 3GPP AAA Server Procedures ....................................................................................................... 55 PDG Initiated Session Termination Procedure........................................................................................... 56 3GPP AAA Server Detailed behaviour ................................................................................................ 56 3GPP AAA Proxy Detailed Behaviour................................................................................................. 56 PDG Initiated Session Termination Procedure in Emergency Case ..................................................... 56 3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnect Procedure ....................................................................... 57 Detailed Behaviour............................................................................................................................... 57 3GPP AAA Proxy Behaviour ............................................................................................................... 57 Access and Service Authorization information Update Procedure ............................................................ 58 Detailed behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 59 Information Element Contents......................................................................................................................... 59 Authentication Request/Answer Messages ................................................................................................ 59 Authorization Procedures........................................................................................................................... 59 PDG Initiated Session Termination Procedure........................................................................................... 61 3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnect Procedure ....................................................................... 62 Access and Service Authorization Information Update Procedure ............................................................ 62 Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 62 Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 63 Procedures Description .................................................................................................................................... 63 Policy Download Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 63 WAG Detailed Behaviour .................................................................................................................... 63 Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure ..................................................................................................... 64 Detailed Behaviour............................................................................................................................... 64 WAG Initiated Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure............................................................................. 65 Detailed Behaviour............................................................................................................................... 65

Wm Description .....................................................................................................................................49

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3

Wg Description ......................................................................................................................................62


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3

Information Element Contents......................................................................................................................... 66 Policy Download Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 66 Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure ..................................................................................................... 67 WAG Initiated Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure............................................................................. 68


Information Elements Contents..............................................................................................................68

10.1 AVPs................................................................................................................................................................ 68 10.1.1 Auth-Session-State..................................................................................................................................... 69 10.1.2 User-Name ................................................................................................................................................. 69 10.1.3 Visited-Network-Identifier......................................................................................................................... 69 10.1.4 SIP-Auth-Data-Item ................................................................................................................................... 70 10.1.5 Authentication-Method .............................................................................................................................. 70 10.1.6 Authentication-Information-SIM ............................................................................................................... 70 10.1.7 Authorization -Information-SIM................................................................................................................ 70 10.1.8 WLAN-User-Data ...................................................................................................................................... 70 10.1.9 Void............................................................................................................................................................ 71 10.1.10 Charging-Data ............................................................................................................................................ 71 10.1.11 WLAN-Access ........................................................................................................................................... 71 10.1.12 WLAN-3GPP-IP-Access............................................................................................................................ 71 10.1.13 Session-Timeout......................................................................................................................................... 71 10.1.14 APN-Authorized ........................................................................................................................................ 71 10.1.15 3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id ............................................................................................................................... 72 10.1.16 APN-Barring-Type..................................................................................................................................... 72 10.1.17 WLAN Direct IP Access ............................................................................................................................ 72 10.1.18 Server-Assignment-Type ........................................................................................................................... 72 10.1.19 Deregistration-Reason................................................................................................................................ 73 10.1.20 EAP-Payload .............................................................................................................................................. 73 10.1.21 Auth Req Type ........................................................................................................................................... 73 10.1.22 EAP-Master-Session-Key .......................................................................................................................... 73 10.1.23 Session-Request-Type................................................................................................................................ 73 10.1.24 Routing-Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 73 10.1.25 Subscription-ID .......................................................................................................................................... 74 10.1.26 Max-Requested-Bandwidth........................................................................................................................ 74 10.1.27 Charging-Characteristics............................................................................................................................ 74 10.1.28 Charging-Nodes ......................................................................................................................................... 74 10.1.29 Primary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name ................................................................................................... 74 10.1.30 Secondary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name ............................................................................................... 74 10.1.31 Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name....................................................................................... 74 10.1.32 Framed-IP-Address .................................................................................................................................... 75 10.1.33 Framed-IPv6-Prefix.................................................................................................................................... 75 10.1.34 3GPP-AAA-Server-Name.......................................................................................................................... 75 10.1.35 Void............................................................................................................................................................ 75 10.1.36 Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name........................................................................................... 75 10.1.37 NAS-Port-Type .......................................................................................................................................... 75 10.1.38 Maximum-Number-Accesses..................................................................................................................... 75 10.1.39. WLAN-Session-Id...................................................................................................................................... 75 10.1.40. PDG-Charging-Id....................................................................................................................................... 76 10.1.41. 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule .................................................................................................................. 76 10.1.42. QoS-Resources........................................................................................................................................... 76 10.1.43. QoS-Capability........................................................................................................................................... 76 10.1.44. 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Support............................................................................................................. 76 10.2 Handling of Information Elements .................................................................................................................. 77 10.3 Result-Code AVP values ................................................................................................................................. 77 10.3.1 Permanent Failures..................................................................................................................................... 78 DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_NO_WLAN_SUBSCRIPTON (5041) ................................................ 78 DIAMETER_ERROR_W-APN_UNUSED_BY_USER (5042) .......................................................... 78 DIAMETER_ERROR_NO_ACCESS_INDEPENDENT_SUBSCRIPTION (5043) .......................... 78 DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_NO_W-APN_SUBSCRIPTION (5044).............................................. 78

11.1 11.2

Pr Description.........................................................................................................................................78
Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 78 Protocols .......................................................................................................................................................... 78


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

11.3 Procedures Description .................................................................................................................................... 78 11.3.1 WLAN Attach/Detach Indication............................................................................................................... 78 Detailed behaviour................................................................................................................................ 79 11.3.2 W-APN Activation/De-Activation Indication............................................................................................ 80 W-APN Activation Indication ............................................................................................................................ 80 Detailed behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 80 W-APN De-Activation Indication ...................................................................................................................... 81 Detailed behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 81 11.4 Information Elements Contents ....................................................................................................................... 82 11.4.1 WLAN Attach/Detach Indication............................................................................................................... 82 11.4.2 W-APN Activation/DeActivation Indication ............................................................................................. 82 W-APN Activation Indication ............................................................................................................................ 82 W-APN Deactivation Indication......................................................................................................................... 83 12 User identity to HSS resolution ....................................................................................................................... 84

Annex A (normative): A.1 A.2

Wa and Wd Procedures Signalling Flows ...................................................85

Authentication, Authorization and Key Delivery...................................................................................85 Immediate Purging of a WLAN User from the WLAN Access Network..............................................89 Network configuration information .............................................................92 Change history ...............................................................................................94

Annex B (Informative): Annex C (informative):


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version x.y.z where: x the first digit: 1 presented to TSG for information; 2 presented to TSG for approval; 3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control. y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


The present document defines the stage-3 protocol description for several reference points in the WLAN-3GPP Interworking System. The present document is applicable to: The Dw reference point between the 3GPP AAA Server and an SLF. The Wa reference point between the WLAN AN and the 3GPP AAA Proxy. The Wd reference point between the 3GPP AAA Proxy and 3GPP AAA Server. The Wx reference point between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. The Wm reference point between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PDG. The Wg reference point between the 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy and the WAG. The Pr reference point between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PNA.

References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications". 3GPP TR 22.934: "Feasibility study on 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking". 3GPP TR 23.934: "3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking; Functional and architectural definition". 3GPP TS 23.234: "3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking; System description". 3GPP TS 29.228: "IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx and Dx interfaces; Signalling flows and message contents". 3GPP TS 29.229: "Cx and Dx interfaces based on the Diameter protocol; Protocol details". IETF RFC 3588: "Diameter Base Protocol". IETF RFC 4072: "Diameter Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Application". IETF RFC 2869: "RADIUS Extensions". Void IETF RFC 3748: "Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) ". IETF RFC 4005: "Diameter Network Access Server Application".

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.


Release 7

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

[13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]

IETF RFC 3576: "Dynamic Extensions to Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)". IETF RFC 3579: "RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) Support For Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) ". IETF RFC 3580: "IEEE 802.1X Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Usage Guidelines". IETF RFC 5580, "Carrying Location Objects in RADIUS and Diameter ". IETF RFC 2865: "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)". 3GPP TS 33.234: "3G security; Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking security". IETF RFC 4006, "Diameter Credit-control Application". IETF RFC 2866: "RADIUS Accounting". IETF RFC 3748: "Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)". 3GPP TS 23.003: "Numbering, addressing and identification". 3GPP TS 32.240: "Charging architecture and principles". 3GPP TS 32.215: "Charging data description for the Packet Switched (PS) domain". GSMA PRD IR.61, "WLAN Roaming Guidelines". IETF RFC 4372: "Chargeable User Identity". Void IETF RFC 4186: "Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for GSM Subscriber Identity Modules (EAP-SIM)" . IETF RFC 4187: "Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3rd Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA)". IETF RFC 4849 "RADIUS Filter Rule Attribute". 3GPP TS 23.141: "Presence Service; Architecture and functional description". 3GPP TS 32.299: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Diameter charging applications". 3GPP TS 32.252: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) charging". Void IETF RFC 5777: "Quality of Service Attributes for Diameter". IETF RFC 5729: "Clarifications on the Routing of Diameter Requests Based on the Username and the Realm".


Definitions, symbols and abbreviations


For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4] apply. 3GPP - WLAN Interworking External IP Network/External Packet Data Network


Release 7


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Home WLAN Interworking WLAN Offline charging Online charging PS based services Service Authorization Visited WLAN WLAN-UE In addition, for the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 23.141 [31] apply. Presence Network Agent

Dw Wa Wd Wg Wm Wn Wx Pr

Reference point between the 3GPP AAA Server and an SLF Reference point between a WLAN Access Network and a 3GPP AAA Proxy in the roaming case and a 3GPP AAA Server in the Non-Roaming case (charging and control signalling) reference point between a 3GPP AAA Proxy and a 3GPP AAA Server (charging and control signalling) Reference point between a 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy and a 3GPP WAG Reference point between a Packet Data Gateway and a 3GPP AAA Server Reference point between a WLAN Access Network and a 3GPP WAG Reference point between an HSS and a 3GPP AAA Server Reference point between a 3GPP AAA Server and a PNA

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:


Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Attribute Value Pair Charging Collection Function Charging Gateway Extensible Authentication Protocol Home Subscriber Server IP Multimedia Subsystem On-line Charging System Packet Data Gateway Presence Network Agent Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service WLAN Access Gateway WLAN Access Network Wireless Local Area Network WLAN User Equipment

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: AAA AVP CCF CG EAP HSS IMS OCS PDG PNA RADIUS WAG WLAN AN WLAN WLAN-UE


Wa Description

The Wa reference point is defined between the I-WLAN and the 3GPP AAA Server or 3GPP AAA Proxy. The description of the reference point and its functionality is given in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4].


Release 7


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)



The Wa reference point inter-works between 3GPP networks and WLAN ANs. In early deployments of WLAN-3GPP inter-working, a significant amount of WLAN ANs will provide RADIUS-based interfaces. It is expected that WLAN ANs will migrate gradually towards Diameter-based interfaces. Therefore, in order to inter-work with the two kinds of WLAN ANs, the 3GPP AAA Proxy in the roaming case and the 3GPP AAA Server in the non-roaming case, both have to support Diameter-based and RADIUS-based protocols at the Wa reference point towards WLAN ANs. Therefore the Wa reference point shall contain the following protocols: 1) RADIUS, as defined in IETF RFC 2865 [17], including the following extensions: IETF RFC 3579 [14], which provides RADIUS extensions to support the transport of EAP frames over RADIUS. IETF RFC 5580 [16], which provides RADIUS and Diameter Extensions for Public WLAN which are used in order to identify uniquely the owner and location of the WLAN. IETF RFC 3576 [13], which provides RADIUS extensions to support, amongst other capabilities, the capability to immediately disconnect a user from the WLAN AN. IETF RFC 4849"RADIUS Filter Rule Attribute" [30], which provides RADIUS Extensions for Public WLAN including attributes to provide filtering and routing enforcement. IETF RFC 4372 "Chargeable User Identity" [26], which provides RADIUS Extensions for carrying a chargeable user identity from the Home PLMN to the WLAN AN.

2) Diameter Base, as defined in IETF RFC 3588 [7], including the following additional specifications: IETF RFC 4072 [8], which provides a Diameter application to support the transport of EAP (IETF RFC 3748 [21]) frames over Diameter. IETF RFC 4005 [12], which defines a Diameter protocol application used for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) services in the Network Access Server (NAS) environment. IETF RFC 5580 [16], which provides RADIUS and Diameter Extensions for Public WLAN which are used in order to uniquely identify the owner and location of the WLAN. . IETF RFC 5729 [36], which defines the procedures related to the routing of Diameter requests when the User-Name AVP contains a Decorated NAI as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22].

The 3GPP AAA Proxy in the roaming case and 3GPP AAA Server in the non-roaming case shall support both 1) and 2) over Wa reference point. WLAN ANs, depending on their characteristics, shall use either 1) or 2) over Wa reference point. The Application-Id to be advertised over Wa reference point corresponds to the EAP or Diameter Base Protocol Application-Id, depending on the command sent over Wa.


Procedures Description
WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization

This procedure is used to transport over RADIUS or Diameter, the WLAN Access (Re)Authentication and Authorization between the WLAN AN and the 3GPP AAA Proxy or Server. Diameter usage in Wa: This procedure is mapped to the Diameter-EAP-Request and Diameter-EAP-Answer command codes specified in IETF RFC 4072 [8].


Release 7


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

If the User-Name AVP contains a Decorated NAI as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22], then the Diameter request routing shall follow the procedures defined in IETF RFC 5729 [36]. For (re)authentication procedures, the messaging described below is reused. Table WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization request

Information element name User Identity EAP payload Authentication Request Type NAS-IP address NAS-Ipv6 address WLAN UE MAC address Supported 3GPP WLAN QoS profile

Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name EAP-payload Auth RequestType NAS-IP Address NAS-Ipv6 address Calling Station-ID QoS-Capability

Cat. M M M

Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Encapsulated EAP payload used for WLAN UE-3GPP AAA Server mutual authentication Defines whether the user is to be authenticated only, authorized only or both. AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE is required in this case. IP address of the hot-spot Ipv6 address of the hot-spot Carries the MAC address of the WLAN-UE. If the WLAN AN supports QoS mechanisms, this information element may be included to contain the WLAN ANs QoS capabilities.


Table WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization response

Information element name User Identity EAP payload Result code Session Alive Time Accounting Interim Interval Pairwise Master Key Filter Id NAS Filter Rule Tunneling Authorized 3GPP WLAN QoS profile Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name EAP payload Result-Code Session-Timeout Accounting Interim-Interval EAP-MasterSession-Key Filter-Id NAS-Filter-Rule Tunneling QoS -Resources Cat. M M M O O C O O O O Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Encapsulated EAP payload used for UE- 3GPP AAA Server mutual authentication Result of the operation. Result codes are as per in NASREQ. 1xxx should be used for multi-round, 2xxx for success. Max no of seconds the user session should remain active Charging duration Shall be sent if Result Code is set to "Success". This IE indicates the name of the filter list for the user. This IE provides filter rules that need to be configured on the NAS for the user by 3GPP Server/Proxy. This IE can be used to provide needed tunnelling configuration on the NAS for the user by 3GPP Server/Proxy. If both supported 3GPP WLAN QoS profile of the WLAN AN and subscribed QoS profile were received by the 3GPP AAA Server, this IE may be present. This IE contains the 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server based on the subscribed QoS parameters from the HSS, WLAN ANs QoS capabilities and other information, e.g. operators policies.

RADIUS usage in Wa: This procedure is mapped to the RADIUS Access Request, RADIUS Access Challenge, RADIUS Access Accept and RADIUS Access Reject specified in IETF RFC 3579 [14].

See Annex A.1 for signalling flow reference and section 4.4.1 for the RADIUS profiles for these messages. .

WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization for the Emergency Case

On receipt of a WLAN Access and Authentication Request from the WLAN AN with the realm part of the NAI in the User Identity populated with the emergency specific realm as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22], the access authentication and authorization shall proceed as described in subclause 4.3.1 with the following exceptions: The 3GPP AAA Server shall set the Emergency_Access flag and proceed with authentication.


Release 7


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

NOTE 1: It is open how to proceed if authentication fails but national regulations require the 3GPP AAA Server to proceed and grant access to the WLAN UE. It is FFS how to handle this requirement, in particular what PMK is sent to the WLAN AN. NOTE 2: The case of authentication and authorization of a UICC-less WLAN UE is FFS, pending SA3 discussions. The 3GPP AAA Server shall prioritize this access over other accesses, where possible (e.g. expedite the signalling procedures in this case over those of normal accesses).


Immediate Purging of a User from WLAN access

This procedure is used to communicate between the WLAN AN and the 3GPP AAA Proxy that the 3GPP AAA Server has decided that a specific WLAN-UE shall be disconnected from accessing the WLAN interworking service. The procedure is Diameter or RADIUS based. In RADIUS case, the WLAN AN and the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall support the Disconnect Messages specified in RFC 3576 [13] in order to enable such a procedure. Diameter usage in Wa: This procedure is mapped to the Diameter command codes Diameter-Abort-Session-Request and Diameter-Abort-Session-Answer specified in RFC 3588 [7]. Information element content for these messages are shown in tables and Table Information Elements passed in ASR message
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name Cat. M Description This information element contains the identity of the user.

Table Information Elements passed in ASA message

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name Result-Code Result-Code Cat. M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Result of the operation.

See Annex A.2 for signalling flow reference. RADIUS usage in Wa: This procedure is mapped to the RADIUS messages Disconnect-Request and Disconnect-Response specified in RFC 3576 [13].

Emergency Case

The 3GPP AAA Server shall give preferential treatment to WLAN UEs that have access for emergency purposes in scenarios including (but not necessarily limited to) network overload (where the 3GPP AAA Server uses the Purging procedure. NOTE: It is FFS under what criteria if any, the 3GPP AAA Server shall use this procedure in the emergency case. In principle, 3GPP AAA Server shall not use this procedure, or shall do so only in very restricted circumstances.


Ending a Session

Session termination is initiated when the WLAN-AN needs to inform the 3GPP AAA Server of the WLAN-UEs disconnection from the hot-spot. This occurs via the Session Termination Request (STR) and Session Termination Answer commands (STA) from the base protocol RFC 3588 [7]. Information elements to be carried in the STR, STA messages are shown in tables and


Release 7


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Information Elements passed in STR message

Information element name User Identity Termination-Cause Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name Termination Cause Cat. M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Reason for termination of the session.

Table Information Elements passed in STA message

Information element name User Identity Result Code Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name Result-Code Cat. M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Informs of success or failure of the procedure.

RADIUS usage in Wa: This procedure is triggered by the last RADIUS Accounting Request of Acct.Status Type STOP correlated with this session.


WLAN Access Authorization Information Update Procedure

The WLAN access authorization information update procedure is used to modify the authorization parameters provided to the WLAN AN. This procedure is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when the subscribers access authorization information has been modified and needs to be sent to the WLAN AN. The WLAN access authorization information update procedure shall trigger a new WLAN access authentication and authorization procedure towards to the WLANUE.This may happen due to a modification of WLAN subscriber profile in the HSS. The procedure is Diameter or RADIUS based. Diameter usage in Wa: This procedure is performed in two steps: The 3GPP AAA server issues an unsolicited re-authentication and re-authorization request towards the WLAN AN. Upon receipt of such a request, the WLAN AN shall respond to the request and indicate the disposition of the request. This procedure is mapped to the Diameter command codes Re-Auth-Request and Re-Auth-Answer specified in RFC 3588 [7]. Information element content for these messages are shown in tables and Receiving the re-authentication and re-authorization request, the WLAN AN shall initiate a re-authentication procedure towards the WLAN-UE and shall then invoke the WLAN access authentication and authorization procedure as described in the section 4.3.1. Information element content for these messages are shown in tables and Table Re-Authentication and Re-Authorization request
Information element name User Identity Re-Auth Request Type Routing Information Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name Re-Auth Request-Type DestinationHost Cat. M M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Defines whether the user is to be re-authenticated only, re-authorized only or both. AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE is required in this case. This information element is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which was included in a previous command received from the WLAN AN.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Re-Authentication and Re-Authorization response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wa errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP. This information element contains the identity of the user.

User Identity


RADIUS usage in Wa: This procedure is mapped to the RADIUS messages CoA-Request and CoA-Response specified in RFC 3576 [13].


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Information Element Contents

RADIUS based Information Elements Contents
Table 4.4.1: RADIUS based Information Elements Contents


IE description

RADIUS Client Address

Operator Name

Location Information

Location Data

Basic Location Policy Rules

Extended Location Policy Rules

Location Capable

Requested Location Info

This Attribute indicates the identity of the user as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22]. This Attribute indicates the Mandatory identifying IP Address of the RADIUS Client. It should be unique to the RADIUS Client within the scope of the RADIUS server. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. Hot Spot Operator Name as Mandatory defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. This Attribute contains meta- Mandatory data about the location information, such as sighting time, time-to-live, locationdetermination method, etc, as defined in IETF RFC5580 [16]. It also indicates the type of location profile (civic or geospatial) contained in the Location-Data Attribute. This Attribute contains the Mandatory civic or geospatial location of the hotspot operator as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. This Attribute contains basic Optional policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16], e.g. retention expiry, URI of human-readable privacy instructions. This Attribute contains a URI Optional that indicates where a richer set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. This Attribute allows the Mandatory RADIUS client to indicate support for the functionality specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. This Attribute allows the NA 3GPP AAA server to indicate which location information about which entity it wants to receive as specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16].

Access Request Mandatory

Access Accept Mandatory

Access Reject Mandatory

Access Attribute Challenge Mandatory User-Name




NAS-IP Address NAS-IPv6 Address






























Release 7 IE NAME Error Cause Access Request The 3GPP AAA server shall NA include this attribute with a value of "Location-InfoRequired" if it did not receive the requested location information as specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16].. This attribute encapsulates Mandatory Extensible Authentication Protocol packets so as to allow the NAS to authenticate users via EAP without having to understand the EAP protocol. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. This attribute is relayed from Conditional the 3GPP AAA Proxy to the WLAN-AN when the 3GPP AAA Proxy acts as translation agent. If the WLAN-AN receives such an attribute, it MUST include it in Access Requests. This attribute is sent by NA 3GPP AAA Proxy when acting as a translation agent. If WLAN-AN receives it, is should include it in subsequent accounting messages. A 3GPP AAA Server using Conditional RADIUS may include this attribute in Access Challenges. If the Radius Client in WLAN-AN receives such an attribute, it shall be present in Access-Request that is sent in response to the Access-Challenge. This IE is used when no Diameter-RADIUS translation takes place. A 3GPP AAA Server using NA RADIUS shall include this attribute to facilitate charging correlation between accounting and authorization messaging. If the Radius Client in WLAN-AN receives it, it shall be included in subsequent accounting messages. This IE is used when no Diameter-RADIUS translation takes place. This Attribute sets the NA maximum number of seconds of service to be provided to the user before termination of the session or prompt. A more detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. IE description

17 Access Accept NA

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06) Access Reject Optional Access Attribute Challenge NA Error-Cause

EAP Message



Mandatory EAP-Message

Diameter Session ID + 3GPP AAA Server Host AVP + prefix "Diameter"



Conditional State

Diameter Session ID + prefix "Diameter"

Conditional NA



State Information





Session ID

Conditional NA



Session Alive Time






Release 7 IE NAME Charging Duration IE description Access Request NA

18 Access Accept Optional

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06) Access Reject NA Access Attribute Challenge NA Acct-InterimInterval

This attribute indicates the time between each interim update in seconds for this specific session. A more detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 2869 [9]. Termination This Attribute indicates what NA Action action the NAS should take when the specified service is completed. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. Pairwise Master This IE is used to carry the NA Key (PMK) Pairwise Master Key. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 4186 [28] and IETF RFC 4187 [29]. Message Message Authenticator. Mandatory Authenticator WLAN-UE MAC Carries the MAC address of Mandatory address the WLAN-UE for verification at the 3GPP AAA Server. Chargeable This Attribute shall contain Optional User Identity the MSISDN and/or the IMSI of the user. The encoding of the MSISDN and the IMSI is defined in GSMA PRD IR.61 [25]. Filter ID This IE indicates the name NA of the filter list for the user. Filter ID IE and NAS Filter Rule IE should not be used simultaneously in a same RADIUS message. NAS Filter Rule This IE enables the NA provisioning of Layer 2-4/7 filter and redirection rules on the NAS by 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 4849 [30]. Tunnel Type This IE contains the used NA tunnelling protocol. Tunnel Medium This IE contains the NA Type transport medium to use when creating a tunnel. Tunnel Private This IE indicates the group NA Group Id ID for a particular tunneled session. Tunnel Client This IE indicates the NA Endpoint address of the client end of the tunnel. Tunnel Server This Attribute indicates the NA Endpoint address of the server end of the tunnel. If the WLAN AN supports Supported Optional QoS mechanisms, this 3GPP WLAN attribute may be used to QoS Profile indicate the supported WLAN ANs QoS capabilities. 3GPP WLAN If the WLAN AN supports NA








Vendor-Specific (MS-MPPE-RecvKey)

Mandatory NA

Mandatory NA

Mandatory Message Authenticator NA Calling Station ID













Optional Optional



Tunnel-Type Tunnel-MediumType Tunnel-PrivateGroup-Id Tunnel-ClientEndpoint Tunnel-ServerEndpoint 3GPP-WLANQoS-Filter-Support


















Release 7 IE NAME QoS profile IE description QoS mechanisms, this IE may be present in the reponse. In that case, this IE contains the 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server based on the subscribed QoS parameters from the HSS, WLAN ANs QoS capabilities and other information, e.g. operators policies. Access Request

19 Access Accept

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06) Access Reject Access Challenge Attribute QoS-Filter-Rule

The parameters listed above as 'mandatory' are only optional in the particular RADIUS (extension) specification in which they are originally defined. However, in order for 3GPP WLAN-IW to function, these attributes shall be passed in messaging over the Wa interface as per the definition in the table. In this sense they are mandatory. In practice, this means that, should any of these parameters labelled 'mandatory' be missing from the RADIUS messaging over Wa, this will result in a higher level failure of WLAN-IW procedures to function properly and consequently in a denial of the RADIUS request (even though this was a valid RADIUS message).


Diameter based Information Elements Contents

DER and DEA Commands

ABNF for the DER and DEA messages are given below:
<Diameter-EAP-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 268, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } { EAP-Payload } [ Destination-Host ] [ User-Name ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [ Calling Station-ID ] [ QoS-Capability ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] [ Operator-Name ] * [ Location-Information ] * [ Location-Data ] [ Basic-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Extended-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Location-Capable ] * [ AVP ]

For the DEA, the following are necessary:

<Diameter-EAP-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 268, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } [ EAP-Payload ] [ User-Name ] [ Session-Timeout ] [ Accounting-Interim-Interval ] [ EAP-Master-Session-Key] [ QoS-Resources ] * [Filter-Id] * [NAS-Filter-Rule] * [Tunneling] * [ Proxy-Info ] [ Basic-Location-Policy-Rules ]


Release 7
[ [ [ * Extended-Location-Policy-Rules ] Requested-Location-Info ] Error-Cause ] [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Abort Session Request and Answer AVPs

ABNF for the ASR and ASA commands are as follows:

<ASR> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Destination-Host } { Auth-Application-Id } [ User-Name ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] *[ AVP ] <ASA> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] * [ Redirected-Host ] [ Redirected-Host-Usage ] [ Redirected-Max-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]
<STR> < { { { { { [ [ * [ * * *

Session Termination Request and Answer AVPs

::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY > Session-Id > Origin-Host } Origin-Realm } Destination-Realm } Auth-Application-Id } Termination-Cause } User-Name ] Destination-Host ] [ Class ] Origin-State-Id ] [ Proxy-Info ] [ Route-Record ] [ AVP ]

<STA> < { { { [ * [ [ * [ * *

::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY > Session-Id > Result-Code } Origin-Host } Origin-Realm } User-Name ] [ Class ] Error-Message ] Error-Reporting-Host ] [ Failed-AVP ] Origin-State-Id ] [ Proxy-Info ] [ AVP ]

Re-Auth Request and Answer AVPs

ABNF for the RAR/RAA commands are as follows:

<RAR> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, REQ, PXY >


Release 7
< Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Destination-Host } { Auth-Application-Id } { Re-Auth-Request-Type } [ User-Name ] [ Destination-Host ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] [ Basic-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Extended-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Requested-Location-Info ] * [ AVP ] <RAA> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] * [ Redirect-Host ] [ Redirect-Host-Usage ] [ Redirect-Host-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Accounting Signalling Across the Wa interface

The Wa interface carries accounting signalling per WLAN user. This is implemented as described in the subclauses below either using RFC 2866 [20] or RFC 3588 [7].



If the Wa interface is implemented using RADIUS, the WLAN-AN sends a RADIUS Accounting-Request message (start) on receipt of a RADIUS Access Accept Message successfully authenticating the user. The WLAN-AN sends a RADIUS Accounting-Request (stop) message when the WLAN session is terminated. If the Access Accept Message contained an Acc-Interim-Interval attribute, the WLAN-AN sends interim accounting records at intervals in accordance with the value of this attribute. During the lifetime of a WLAN session, the WLAN System may generate additional RADIUS Accounting-Request starts and stops messages.

RADIUS Attributes in accounting messages

Table 4.5.1 gives the information elements included in the accounting messaging exchanged over the Wa interface. Table 4.5.1: RADIUS based Information Elements Contents
IE NAME USER ID Accounting Request This Attribute indicates the identity of the Mandatory user. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15] and 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. This Attribute indicates the identifying IP Mandatory Address of the RADIUS Client. It should be unique to the RADIUS Client within the scope of the RADIUS server. More detailed description of the IE can IE description Accounting Attribute Response Mandatory User-Name

RADIUS Client Address


NAS-IP Address NAS-IPv6 Address


Release 7 IE NAME IE description

22 Accounting Request Mandatory

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06) Accounting Response Mandatory Attribute

be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], this attribute is an accounting ID which uniquely identifies the user's session. If the WLAN AN receives an Access Accept containing a Class attribute with prefix "Diameter", then the Session-ID contained therein is used as the AccSession-ID. Operator Name Hot Spot Operator Name as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Location Information This Attribute contains meta-data about the location information, such as sighting time, time-to-live, location-determination method, etc, as defined in IETF RFC5580 [16]. It also indicates the type of location profile (civic or geospatial) contained in the Location-Data Attribute. Location Data This Attribute contains the civic or geospatial location of the hotspot operator as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Basic Location Policy This Attribute contains basic policy rules Rules for controlling the distribution of location information as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16], e.g. retention expiry, URI of humanreadable privacy instructions. Extended Location Policy This Attribute contains a URI that Rules indicates where a richer set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Acct.Status Type Indicates whether this is: (i) Accounting Start. (ii) Stop. (iii) Interim Report. Accounting start indicates that this is the beginning of the user service, Account stop the end. Acc-Input-octets Indicates the number of octets sent by the WLAN UE over the course of the session. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop". Acc-Output Octets Indicates the number of octets received by the WLAN-UE. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop". Acc-Session-Time This attribute indicates how many seconds the user has received service for. Acc-Session-ID Acc-Input-Packets


Mandatory Mandatory


Operator-Name Locationinformation












Acct.Status Type








Conditional. Shall N/A be present if AcctStatus-Type set to Accounting Stop Indicates the number of packets sent by Optional N/A the WLAN UE over the course of the session. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop" Indicates the number of packets received Optional N/A by the WLAN-UE over the course of the session. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop". Indicates how the session was stopped. Conditional. Shall N/A Cause values are as per specified in be present if AcctIETF RFC 3580 [15]. Status-Type set to






Release 7 IE NAME IE description


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Accounting Accounting Attribute Request Response "Accounting Stop". Chargeable User Identity This Attribute shall contain the MSISDN Mandatory NA Chargeable-User-Id and/or the IMSI of the user. The encoding of the MSISDN and the IMSI is defined in GSMA PRD IR.61 [25]. Mandatory NA Event-Time-Stamp Event Time Stamp Number of second elapsed since st January 1 1970. UTC time. Session ID This attribute is used to link related Optional NA Class authentication and accounting sessions and should be included unmodified to accounting request messages. This IE is used when no Diameter-RADIUS translation takes place.

The parameters listed above as "mandatory" are only optional in the particular RADIUS (extension) specification in which they are originally defined. However, in order for 3GPP WLAN-IW to function, these attributes shall be passed in messaging over the Wa interface as per the definition in the table. In this sense they are mandatory. In practice, this means that, should any of these parameters labelled "mandatory" be missing from the RADIUS messaging over Wa, this will result in a higher level failure of WLAN-IW procedures to function properly and consequently in a denial of the RADIUS request (even though this was a valid RADIUS message).



When Diameter is used on the Wa interface, the accounting messaging is as per defined in NASREQ IETF RFC 4005 [12] i.e. Accounting Request Message (ACR) is sent by the WLAN-AN after any authentication transaction and at the end of the session. In addition, the WLAN-AN may send Interim accounting records.

Procedures Description

This procedure is used to transport over Diameter, the WLAN accounting specific information between the WLAN AN and the 3GPP AAA Proxy/Server. Diameter usage in Wa: This procedure is mapped to the Diameter-Accounting Request and Accounting Response (ACR/ACA) command codes as defined in NASREQ IETF RFC 4005 [12]. The Diameter-ACR Message shall contain the following information elements.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Accounting request

Information element name User Identity NAS-IP address NAS-Ipv6 address Accounting Record type Accounting Session-ID Accounting-InputOctets Accounting-OutputOctets Accounting-InputPackets Accounting-OutputPackets AccountingSession-Time Termination-Cause Operator Name Location Information Location Data Basic Location Policy Rules Extended Location Policy Rules Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name NAS-IP Address NAS-Ipv6 address Accounting Record type Accounting SessionID Accounting-InputOctets Accounting-OutputOctets Accounting-InputPackets Accounting-OutputPackets Accounting-SessionTime Termination-Cause Operator-Name Location-information Location-Data Basic-LocationPolicy-Rules Extended-LocationPolicy-Rules Cat. M C C M M O O O O C C M M M O O Description This information element contains the identity of the user. IPv4 address of the hot-spot IPv6 address of the hot-spot 2= Start, 4= Stop, 3= Interim Record Uniquely Identifies the accounting session. May be the same Session-ID as for the authentication signalling over the Wa Number of octets sent by the WLAN UE Number of octets received by the WLAN UE Number of packets sent by the WLAN UE Number of packets received by the WLAN UE Indicates the length of the current session in seconds. Shall only be present if Accounting-Record-Type is set to Stop or Interim Shall be present only if Accounting-Record-Type is set to Stop. Hot Spot Operator Name. Contains meta-data about the location information. Contains the civic or geospatial location of the hotspot operator. Contains basic policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information. Contains a URI that indicates where a richer set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found.

The Diameter-Accounting response message shall contain the following. Table Accounting response
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name Result code Result Code Cat. M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Result of the operation. Result codes are as per in NASREQ. 1xxx should be used for multi-round, 2xxx for success.

Information Element Contents

The ABNF for the Accounting Request and Accouting Response messages over the Wa interface are given below: <AC-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 271, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Accounting-Record-Type } { Accounting-Record-Number } [ Acct-Application-Id ] [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ] [ User-Name ]


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

[ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ] [ Acct-Session-Id ] [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Destination-Host ] [ Event-Timestamp ] [ Acct-Delay-Time ] [ NAS-Identifier ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [Acc-Terminate-Cause ] [ Accounting-Session-Time ] [ NAS-Port ] [ NAS-Port-Id ] [ NAS-Port-Type ] [ Operator-Name ] * [ Location-Information ] * [ Location-Data ] [ Basic-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Extended-Location-Policy-Rules ] * [ AVP ] <AC-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 271, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Accounting-Record-Type } { Accounting-Record-Number } [ Acct-Application-Id ] [ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ] [ User-Name ] [ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ] [ Acct-Session-Id ] [ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

[ Event-Timestamp ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ NAS-Identifier ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [ NAS-Port ] [ NAS-Port-Id ] [ NAS-Port-Type ] [ Service-Type ] [ Termination-Cause ] [ Accounting-Realtime-Required ] [ Acct-Interim-Interval ] * [ Class ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]


Wd Description

The Wd reference point is defined between the 3GPP AAA Proxy and the 3GPP AAA Server. The description of the reference point and its functionality is given in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. Therefore, this reference point is used in the roaming case only.


a single AAA protocol per WLAN session. RADIUS or Diameter based

The Wd reference point shall use only protocols shall be used.

The Wd protocol reference point shall contain the following protocols: 1) RADIUS, as defined in IETF RFC 2865 [17], including the following extensions: IETF RFC 2869 [9], which provides RADIUS extensions to support the transport of EAP frames over RADIUS. IETF RFC 5580 [16], which provides RADIUS and Diameter Extensions for Public WLAN to identify uniquely the owner and location of the WLAN.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

IETF RFC 3576 [13], which provides RADIUS extensions to supports, amongst other capabilities, the capability to immediately disconnect a user from the WLAN AN. GSMA PRD IR.61 [25], which provides a Visited-operator-id attribute and a detailed encoding of a chargeable user identity (e.g. MSISDN or IMSI) for the RADIUS Chargeable-User-Id attribute. IETF RFC 4372 "Chargeable User Identity" [26], which provides RADIUS Extensions for carrying a chargeable user identity from Home PLMN to Visited PLMN.

2) Diameter Base, as defined in IETF RFC 3588 [7], as well as IETF RFC 4072 [8], which provides a Diameter application to support the transport of EAP (IETF RFC 3748 [11]) frames over Diameter, and IETF RFC5580 which provides RADIUS and Diameter Extensions for Public WLAN which are used in order to uniquely identify the owner and location of the WLAN. In addition, Diameter Base (IETF RFC 3588 [7]) and NASREQ (IETF RFC 4005 [12]) specify the accounting messaging to be exchanged. . IETF RFC 5729 [36] defines the procedures related to the routing of Diameter requests when Decorated NAIs (as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22]) are used. The 3GPP AAA Proxy and the 3GPP AAA Server shall support both 1) and 2) over the Wd reference point. The 3GPP AAA Proxy, depending on the WLAN ANs characteristics, shall use either 1) or 2) over the Wd reference point. See subclause 5.3 for more information of when either 1) or 2) is used. The Application-Id to be advertised over Wd reference point corresponds to the EAP, NASREQ or Diameter Base Protocol Application-Id, depending on the command sent over Wd.


3GPP AAA Proxy and 3GPP AAA Server behaviour when Interworking with RADIUS/Diameter WLAN ANs

If a WLAN AN attached to the 3GPP AAA Proxy is Diameter based, Diameter messages shall be passed on to the 3GPP AAA Server through the 3GPP AAA Proxy. If a WLAN AN attached to the 3GPP AAA Proxy is RADIUS based, the RADIUS messages sent by the WLAN AN shall be either passed on to the 3GPP AAA Server through the 3GPP AAA Proxy, or translated by the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent into Diameter messages to be sent on to the 3GPP AAA Server by the 3GPP AAA Proxy. This protocol translation shall be done as follows. The 3GPP AAA Server needs to be aware of what kind of client it is serving in order to adapt its operation to the capabilities of the WLAN AN. The 3GPP AAA Proxy is the only network element in direct contact with the WLAN AN and therefore it is the only network element aware of whether the WLAN AN is RADIUS or Diameter based. The following rules shall apply for the 3GPP AAA Server to determine this: If the Wd reference point uses RADIUS then: The 3GPP AAA Server shall assume that the WLAN AN is RADIUS based.

If the Wd reference point uses Diameter then: The 3GPP AAA Server shall assume the WLAN AN to be Diameter- based unless the 3GPP AAA Proxy specifically indicates that the WLAN AN is RADIUS based (see subclause

Once the 3GPP AAA Server is aware of which AAA protocol that the WLAN AN is using , it shall adapt its operation over the Wd reference point. If the WLAN AN is determined to be Diameter based, the operation mode of the 3GPP AAA Server shall be the normal behaviour as described in Diameter (IETF RFC 4072 [8]) and the Diameter Base (IETF RFC 3588 [7]) for authentication and NASREQ (IETF RFC 4005 [12]) for accounting. If the WLAN AN is determined to be RADIUS based, the operation mode of the 3GPP AAA Server shall be the following: If the Wd reference point is using RADIUS then: Normal behaviour for RADIUS as specified in the first bullet in subclause 5.2.

If the Wd reference point is using Diameter then:


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The normal behaviour for Diameter as specified in the second bullet in subclause 5.2, but shall be modified as follows to ensure RADIUS compatibility: Diameter AVPs to RADIUS attributes compatibility: 3GPP AAA Server shall restrict itself to use only Diameter AVPs that are compatible with RADIUS attributes. In general, 3GPP AAA Server shall use Diameter AVPs with codes not greater than 255. See section 9.5 in IETF RFC 4005 [12] for further detail.

Diameter specific procedures when interacting with RADIUS clients: 3GPP AAA Server shall not attempt server-initiated re-authentication. 3GPP AAA Server may attempt server-initiated re-authorization and server-initiated session termination.


Requirements in 3GPP AAA Proxy for RADIUS/Diameter "Translation Agent"

A RADIUS/Diameter Translation Agent has the following requirements: Receive RADIUS requests (sent to UDP port 1812); Diameter proxy functionality (communicate over TCP/SCTP port TBD, mandatory support for IPSec, optional support for TLS, etc.); Convert RADIUS requests to Diameter requests; Convert Diameter responses to RADIUS responses; Advertise to the 3GPP AAA Server whether the client located in WLAN AN is RADIUS or Diameter based; Managing the transaction state information of the RADIUS requests.

The Diameter protocol defines a common space for many RADIUS information elements (AVPs), so that no conversion is necessary when transporting them. However, there are certain AVPs that do need translation and differences of the message formats and transport protocols need to be handled.

Conversion of RADIUS Request to Diameter Request

When receiving a RADIUS Request on the Wa reference point, the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent shall translate it into a Diameter Request to be forwarded on the Wd reference point, as described in IETF RFC 4005 [12]. If the RADIUS Request contains EAP frames, additional actions described in IETF RFC 4072 [8] are taken by the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent to convert this into a Diameter Request containing EAP frames. Typically, RADIUS Access Request command is translated into Diameter-EAP-Request command. If the RADIUS Request contains the 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Support attribute indicating support of the 3GPPWLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute in the WLAN AN, the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent shall translate it into a Diameter QoS-Capability AVP indicating support of the QoS-Resources AVP.

Conversion of Diameter Response to RADIUS Response

When receiving a Diameter Response on the Wd reference point, if the WLAN AN supports only RADIUS based Wa reference point, the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent shall translate it into a RADIUS Response to be forwarded on the Wa reference point, as described in IETF RFC 4005 [12]. If the Diameter Response contains EAP frames, additional actions described in IETF RFC 4072 [8] are taken by the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent to convert this into a RADIUS Response containing EAP frames. Typically, Diameter-EAP-Answer command is translated into RADIUS Access-Accept/Reject/Challenge command. If the Diameter Response contains the QoS-Resources AVP, the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent shall translate it into a RADIUS 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute. If the 3GPP AAA Server determines that the WLAN AN is


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

RADIUS based (see section, it shall construct the Diameter QoS-Resources AVP such that it can be translated into a RADIUS 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute.

3GPP AAA Proxy advertisement of RADIUS or Diameter client to 3GPP AAA Server.

Some Diameter AVPs are defined specifically for use in Diameter messages that result from the translation of a RADIUS message into a Diameter message, or for use in Diameter messages that are to be translated into RADIUS messages. When the 3GPP AAA Proxy receives RADIUS messages on the Wa reference point, it may use these AVP's in the Diameter message it sends to the 3GPP AAA Server on the Wd reference point to indicate to the 3GPP AAA Server that the WLAN AN is RADIUS based. The 3GPP AAA Server shall modify its Response to the Diameter command in such a way that the Diameter Response message can be translated into a RADIUS Response by the 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent, to be sent on by the 3GPP AAA Proxy to the WLAN AN. The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall indicate to the 3GPP AAA Server that the WLAN AN that it is attached to is RADIUS based by including one or more of the following Diameter AVPs in the resultant Diameter command that is sent to the 3GPP AAA Server: NAS-IP-Address AVP. NAS-IPv6-Address AVP. State AVP. Termination-Cause AVP.

Further details on usage of these AVPs can be found in IETF RFC 4005 [12].

Managing the transaction state and session state information

The 3GPP AAA Proxy Translation Agent shall maintain the session state and transaction state, as indicated in IETF RFC 3588 [7]. The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall be able to keep the relationship between the RADIUS-Request and Diameter-Requests, as well as for Diameter-Responses to RADIUS-Responses. The 3GPP AAA Proxy for every RADIUS-Request received shall maintain RADIUS transaction state information as follows, see IETF RFC 4005 [12]: RADIUS Identifier Field in the RADIUS-Request as described in IETF RFC 2685 [17]. Source IP address of the RADIUS-Request message. Source UDP port of the RADIUS-Request message. RADIUS Proxy-State in the RADIUS-Request as described in IETF RFC 2685 [17].

Additionally, for every Diameter-Request that is sent to the 3GPP AAA Server, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall maintain a Diameter transaction state information based on the Diameter Hop-by-Hop Id as described in IETF RFC 3588 [7]. Upon the reception of a RADIUS-Request, translation of that RADIUS-Request to a Diameter-Request and sending out of that Diameter-Request to the 3GPP AAA Server, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall create the RADIUS transaction state and link it to the Diameter transaction state. When receiving the Diameter-Response corresponding to the Diameter-Request sent to the 3GPP AAA Server, it should be possible for the 3GPP AAA Proxy to relate it to a RADIUS-Response based on the information available in the Diameter-transaction state and RADIUS transaction state. Every RADIUS-Request received, translated to Diameter-Request and sent to the 3GPP AAA Server by the 3GPP AAA Proxy, shall be linked to a Session State as described in IETF RFC 4005 [12]: If the RADIUS-Request contains the State attribute and "Diameter/" prefixes its data, the data following the prefix is the Diameter Session Id.


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If the RADIUS-Request does not contain the State attribute and it is an Access_Accept, a new Diameter Session Id is generated in the 3GPP AAA Proxy.

The Diameter Session Id is included in the Session-Id AVP in the Diameter-Request.


Procedures description
WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization

This procedure is used to transport the WLAN Access Authentication and Authorization information between the 3GPP AAA Proxy and the 3GPP AAA Server. Diameter usage in Wd: This procedure is mapped to the Diameter-EAP-Request and Diameter-EAP-Answer command codes specified in IETF RFC 4072 [8] tables and show the information elements that should be exchanged across Wd. If the User-Name AVP contains a Decorated NAI as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22], then the Diameter request routing shall follow the procedures defined in IETF RFC 5729 [36]. Table Diameter EAP Request
Information element name User Identity EAP payload Authentication Request Type NAS-IP address NAS-Ipv6 address Visited-NetworkIdentifier WLAN UE MAC address Supported 3GPP WLAN QoS profile Operator Name Location Information Location Data Basic Location Policy Rules Extended Location Policy Rules Location Capable Mapping to Diameter AVP User Name EAP payload AuthRequestType NAS-IP Address NAS-Ipv6 address VisitedNetworkIdentifier Calling StationID QoS-Capability Operator-Name LocationInformation Location-Data Basic-LocationPolicy-Rules ExtendedLocation-PolicyRules LocationCapable Cat. M M M C C C Description This information element shall contain the identity of the user Encapsulated EAP payload used for WLAN-UE/3GPP AAA Server mutual authentication Defines whether the user is to be re-authenticated only, re-authorized only or both. AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE is required in this case. IP address of the hot-spot IPv6 address of the hot-spot Identifies the VPLMN and shall be present during the first DER message of either authentication or reauthentication sent by the 3GPP AAA Proxy to 3GPP AAA Server. Carries the MAC address of the WLAN-UE. If the WLAN AN supports QoS mechanisms, this information element may be included and shall contain the WLAN ANs QoS capabilities. Hot Spot Operator Name. Contains meta-data about the location information. Contains the civic or geospatial location of the hotspot operator. Contains basic policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information. Contains a URI that indicates where a richer set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found. Allows the RADIUS client to indicate support for the functionality specified in IETF RFC 5580.



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Table Diameter EAP answer message

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User Name EAP payload EAP payload Result code Session Alive Time Accounting Interim-Interval Subscription-ID Result Code Session-Timeout Accounting InterimInterval Subscription-ID Cat. M M M O O C C O Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Encapsulated EAP payload used for UE-3GPP AAA Server mutual authentication Result of the operation. Result code as per definition in NASREQ.1xxx shall be used for multi-round, 2xxx for success. Max no of seconds the user session should remain active Charging duration This AVP shall contain the MSISDN and/or the IMSI of the user. This AVP shall be present if the result code is set to "Success", 2xxx. Shall be sent if Result Code is set to "Success". If both supported 3GPP WLAN QoS profile of the WLAN AN and subscribed QoS profile were received by the 3GPP AAA Server, this IE may be present. This IE contains the 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server based on the subscribed QoS parameters from the HSS, WLAN ANs QoS capabilities and other information, e.g. operators policies. This AVP includes the routing policies and IP filtering. This AVP shall be present when Operator Determined Barring requires additional filtering information to be passed to the Access Network. The exact format of this AVP is specified in section 10.1.24. Contains basic policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information. Contains a URI that indicates where a richer set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found. Allows the RADIUS server to indicate which location information about which entity it wants to receive. The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall include this attribute with a value of "Location-Info-Required" if it did not receive the requested location information as specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16].

Pairwise Master EAP-MasterKey Session-Key Authorized QoS-Resources 3GPP WLAN QoS profile

Routing Policy


Basic Location Policy Rules Extended Location Policy Rules Requested Location Info Error Cause

Basic-LocationPolicy-Rules Extended-LocationPolicy-Rules RequestedLocation-Info Error-Cause



RADIUS usage in Wd: This procedure is mapped to the RADIUS Access Request, RADIUS Access Challenge, RADIUS Access Accept and RADIUS Access Reject specified in IETF RFC 3579 [14].


Immediate Purging of a User from WLAN access

This procedure is used to communicate between the 3GPP AAA Proxy and the 3GPP AAA Server that the 3GPP AAA Server has decided that a specific WLAN-UE shall be disconnected from accessing the WLAN interworking service. The procedure is Diameter or RADIUS based. Diameter usage in Wd: This procedure is mapped to the Diameter command codes Diameter-Abort-Session-Request and DiameterAbort-Session-Answer specified in RFC 3588 [7]. Information elements are as per described in section 4.3.2.

RADIUS usage in Wd: This procedure is mapped to the RADIUS messages Disconnect-Request and Disconnect-Response specified in RFC 3576 [13].


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Ending a Session

Session termination occurs when a user de-registers from the 3GPP AAA Server. This occurs via the Session Termination Request (STR) and Session Termination Answer commands (STA), defined in the base protocol IETF RFC 3588 [7]. Information elements are as per described in subclause 4.3.3.


Authorization Information Update Procedure

The authorization information update procedure is used in roaming case to modify the authorization parameters provided either to the WLAN AN or to a PDG located in the visited network. This procedure is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server and is used to communicate with the WLAN AN or the PDG through the 3GPP AAA proxy. The procedure is Diameter or RADIUS based. Diameter usage in Wd: - If the 3GPP AAA server issues an unsolicited re-authentication and/or re-authorization request towards the WLAN AN, the 3GPP AAA proxy shall forward the request to the WLAN AN, which triggers the WLAN access authentication and authorization information update procedure described in the section 4.3.4. - If the 3GPP AAA server issues an unsolicited re-authentication and/or re-authorization request towards the PDG located in the visited network, the 3GPP AAA proxy shall forward the request to the PDG, which triggers the access and service authorization information update procedure described in the section 8.3.5. RADIUS usage in Wd: The Wd interface is used to transport the RADIUS messages CoA-Request and CoA-Response only for communication between the WLAN AN and the 3GPP AAA server. These messages are specified in RFC 3576 [13].


Information Elements Contents

Authentication Procedures

ABNF for the Wd Diameter EAP Request/Ansewer messages are given below:
<Diameter-EAP-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 268, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } { EAP-Payload } [ Destination-Host ] [ User-Name ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [ Calling Station-ID ] [ Visited-Network-Identifier ] [ QoS-Capability ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] [ Operator-Name ] * [ Location-Information ] * [ Location-Data ] [ Basic-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Extended-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Location-Capable ] * [ AVP ]

For the DEA, the following are necessary:

<Diameter-EAP-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 268, PXY >


Release 7 < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } [ EAP-Payload ] [ User-Name ] 1* [ Subscription-ID ] [ EAP-Master-Session-Key ] [ QoS-Resources ] * [ Proxy-Info ] [ Basic-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Extended-Location-Policy-Rules ] [ Requested-Location-Info ] [ Error-Cause ] * [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Abort Session Requests and Answer AVPs

ABNF for the ASR and ASA commands on the Wd interface are identical to those on the Wa interface described in section


Session Termination Request and Answer AVPs

ABNF for the STR and STA commands on the Wd interface are identical to those on the Wa interface described in section


Authorization Information Update Procedure

ABNF for the RAR and RAA commands on the Wd interface are identical to those described in section ABNF for the AAR/AAA commands on the Wd interface are identical to those described in section 8.4.2.


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RADIUS based Information Elements Contents for Authentication and Authorization

Table RADIUS based Information Elements Contents


IE description

RADIUS Client This Attribute indicates the Address identifying IP Address of the RADIUS Client. It should be unique to the RADIUS Client within the scope of the RADIUS server. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. USER ID This Attribute indicates the Mandatory identity of the user to be authenticated. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15] and 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. Operator Name Hot Spot Operator Name as Mandatory defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Location This Attribute contains meta- Mandatory Information data about the location information, such as sighting time, time-to-live, locationdetermination method, etc, as defined in IETF RFC5580 [16]. It also indicates the type of location profile (civic or geospatial) contained in the Location-Data Attribute. Location Data This Attribute contains the Mandatory civic or geospatial location of the hotspot operator as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Basic Location This Attribute contains basic Optional Policy Rules policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16], e.g. retention expiry, URI of human-readable privacy instructions. Extended This Attribute contains a URI Optional Location Policy that indicates where a richer Rules set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Location This Attribute allows the Mandatory Capable RADIUS client to indicate support for the functionality specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Requested This Attribute allows the NA Location Info RADIUS server to indicate which location information about which entity it wants to receive as specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16].

Access Request Mandatory

Access Accept NA

Access Reject NA

Access Attribute Challenge NA NAS-IP Address NAS-IPv6Address


































Release 7 Error Cause The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall NA include this attribute with a value of "Location-InfoRequired" if it did not receive the requested location information as specified in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. This attribute encapsulates Mandatory Extensible Authentication Protocol packets so as to allow the NAS to authenticate users via EAP without having to understand the EAP protocol. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. This attribute may be sent Conditional by the 3GPP AAA server to the WLAN-AN . If the RADIUS client in the WLANAN receives such an attribute, it shall be included in subsequent Access Requests. This attribute is sent by NA 3GPP AAA server to the visited network. If the RADIUS client in the WLANAN receives it, it should be included in subsequent accounting messages. This Attribute sets the NA maximum number of seconds of service to be provided to the user before termination of the session or prompt. A more detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15].

35 NA Optional

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06) NA Error-Cause

EAP Message





State information





Session ID





Session Alive Time






Release 7 Charging Duration This attribute indicates the NA time between each interim update in seconds for this specific session. A more detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 2869 [9]. Termination This Attribute indicates what NA Action action the NAS should take when the specified service is completed. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. Pairwise Master This IE is used to carry the NA Key (PMK) Pairwise Master Key. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 4186 [28] and IETF RFC 4187 [29]. Message Message Authenticator. Mandatory Authenticator WLAN-UE MAC Carries the MAC address of Mandatory address the WLAN-UE for verification at the 3GPP AAA Server. Chargeable This Attribute shall contain Optional User Identity the MSISDN and/or the IMSI of the use. The encoding of the MSISDN and the IMSI is defined in GSMA PRD IR.61 [25]. Visited Operator Identifies the VPLMN as Mandatory Identity specified in GSMA PRD IR.61 [25] Supported 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile If the WLAN AN supports Optional QoS mechanisms, this attribute may be used to indicate the supported WLAN ANs QoS capabilities. 3GPP WLAN If the WLAN AN supports NA QoS profile QoS mechanisms, this IE may be present in the reponse. In that case, this IE contains the 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server based on the subscribed QoS parameters from the HSS, WLAN ANs QoS capabilities and other information, e.g. operators policies. NAS Filter Rule This IE enables the NA provisioning of Layer 2-4/7 filter and redirection rules on the NAS by 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 4849 [30].

36 Optional NA

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06) NA Acct-InterimInterval








Vendor-Specific (MS-MPPERecv-Key)

Mandatory NA

Mandatory NA

Mandatory NA

MessageAuthenticator Calling-StationID ChargeableUser-Id







Vendor-Specific (VisitedOperator-Id) 3GPP-WLANQoS-FilterSupport












The parameters listed above as 'mandatory' are only optional in the particular RADIUS (extension) specification in which they are originally defined. However, in order for 3GPP WLAN-IW to function, these attributes shall be passed in messaging over the Wd interface as per the definition in the table. In this sense they are mandatory. In practice, this


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means that, should any of these parameters labelled 'mandatory' be missing from the RADIUS messaging over Wd, this will result in a higher level failure of WLAN-IW procedures to function properly and consequently in a denial of the RADIUS request (even though this was a valid RADIUS message).


RADIUS based Information Elements Contents for Accounting

Table RADIUS based Information Elements Contents
IE NAME IE description Accounting Request Mandatory Accounting Attribute Response Mandatory User-Name


This Attribute indicates the identity of the user. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15] and 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. RADIUS Client Address This Attribute indicates the identifying IP Mandatory Address of the RADIUS Client. It should be unique to the RADIUS Client within the scope of the RADIUS server. More detailed description of the IE can be found in IETF RFC 3580 [15]. Mandatory Acc-Session-ID According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], this attribute is an accounting ID which uniquely identifies the user's session. Operator Name Hot Spot Operator Name as defined in Mandatory IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Location Information This Attribute contains meta-data about the Mandatory location information, such as sighting time, time-to-live, location-determination method, etc, as defined in IETF RFC5580 [16]. It also indicates the type of location profile (civic or geospatial) contained in the Location-Data Attribute. Location Data This Attribute contains the civic or Mandatory geospatial location of the hotspot operator as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Basic Location Policy This Attribute contains basic policy rules for Optional controlling the distribution of location Rules information as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16], e.g. retention expiry, URI of humanreadable privacy instructions. Extended Location Policy This Attribute contains a URI that indicates Optional Rules where a richer set of policy rules for controlling the distribution of location information can be found as defined in IETF RFC 5580 [16]. Acct.Status Type Indicates whether this is: Mandatory (i) Accounting Start. (ii) Stop. (iii) Interim Report. Accounting start indicates that this is the beginning of the user service, Account stop the end. Acc-Input-octets Indicates the number of octets sent by the Optional WLAN UE over the course of the session. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop". Acc-Output Octets Indicates the number of octets received by Optional the WLAN-UE. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop". Acc-Session-Time This attribute indicates how many seconds Conditional. Shall the user has received service for. be present if AcctStatus-Type set to Accounting Stop Acc-Input-Packets Indicates the number of packets sent by Optional the WLAN UE over the course of the


NAS-IP Address NAS-IPv6Address




Operator-Name Locationinformation








Acct.Status Type










Release 7

38 session. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop" Indicates the number of packets received by the WLAN-UE over the course of the session. According to IETF RFC 2866 [20], shall only be present if ACC Status Type is set to "Stop". Indicates how the session was stopped. Cause values are as per specified in IETF RFC 3580 [15].

3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)






Event Time Stamp

Number of second elapsed since January 1st 1970. UTC time. Chargeable User Identity This attribute shall contain the MSISDN Mandatory and/or the IMSI of the user. The encoding of the MSISDN and the IMSI is defined in GSMA PDR IR.61 [25]. Visited Operator Identity Identifies the VPLMN as specified in GSMA Mandatory PRD IR.61 [25] Session ID This attribute is used to link related authentication and accounting sessions and should be included unmodified to accounting request messages. Optional

Conditional. Shall N/A be present if AcctStatus-Type set to "Accounting Stop". Mandatory NA NA


Event-TimeStamp ChargeableUser-Id



Vendor-Specific (VisitedOperator-Id) Class

The parameters listed above as 'mandatory' are only optional in the particular RADIUS (extension) specification in which they are originally defined. However, in order for 3GPP WLAN-IW to function, these attributes shall be passed in messaging over the Wd interface as per the definition in the table. In this sense they are mandatory. In practice, this means that, should any of these parameters labelled 'mandatory' be missing from the RADIUS messaging over Wd, this will result in a higher level failure of WLAN-IW procedures to function properly and consequently in a denial of the RADIUS request (even though this was a valid RADIUS message).


Wx Description

The Wx reference point is defined between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. The description of the reference point and its functionality is given in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4].



The Wx reference point shall be Diameter based and shall have an application ID defined for it. It is defined as an IETF vendor specific Diameter application, where the vendor is 3GPP. The application identifier is to 16777219. It is assigned by IANA (http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers).


Procedures Description
Authentication Procedures
Retrieval of authentication vectors (triplets and quintuplets) from HSS. Checking of user subscription information at the HSS

According to the requirements described in clause 6.1, Wx reference point shall enable:

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. The procedure is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when a new set of authentication information for a given subscriber is to be retrieved from an HSS. This can


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

happen for example, when a new 3GPP subscriber has accessed the 3GPP AAA Server for authentication or when a new set of authentication information is required for one of the 3GPP subscribers already registered in the 3GPP AAA server. The procedure shall be invoked by 3GPP AAA Server when it detects that the VPLMN selected by a user has changed. This can happen, for example, when a user is performing a VPLMN re-selection procedure and is initiating a new authentication procedure via a new VPLMN. The Wx reference point performs the authentication data download based on the reuse of the existing Cx authentication command code set (MAR/MAA), see 3GPP TS 29.228 [5] and 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]. It corresponds to the combination of the operations Auth-Info-Request and Auth-Info-Response (see 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]) and is used: To retrieve authentication vectors from the HSS. To resolve synchronization failures between the sequence numbers in the WLAN-UE and the HSS. Table Authentication request
Information element Mapping to name Diameter AVP Permanent User User-Name Identity Visited Network VisitedIdentifier NetworkIdentifier Cat. M C Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. Identifier that allows the home network to identify the Visited Network. The 3GPP AAA Server shall include this information element in the roaming case i.e. when 3GPP AAA Server receives this information element from signalling across the Wd. Editor's note: See 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] for a description of this parameter This information element indicates the number of authentication vectors requested See tables and for the contents of this information element. The content shown in table shall be used for a normal authentication request; the content shown in table shall be used for an authentication request after synchronization failure. If the 3GPP AAA Server knows the HSS name, this AVP shall be present. This information is available if the 3GPP AAA Server already has the HSS name stored. The HSS name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which is received from a previous command from the HSS or from the SLF. Otherwise only the Destination-Realm is included so that it is resolved to an HSS address in an SLF-like function. Once resolved the Destination-Host AVP is included with the suitable HSS address and it is stored in the 3GPP AAA Server for further usage. This AVP shall contain the value 19 (Wireless - IEEE 802.11) if the user accessed the I-WLAN network by WLAN Direct IP Access and shall contain the value 5 (Virtual) if the user accessed the I-WLAN network by WLAN 3GPP IP Access, according to IETF RFC 2865 [17].

Number Authentication Items Authentication Data

SIP-NumberAuth-Items SIP-Auth-DataItem


Routing Information


Access Type


Table Authentication Data content - request

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Authentication Authentication Method Method Cat. M Description This information element indicates the authentication method compatible with the smart card (SIM or USIM). It shall contain EAP/SIM or EAP/AKA values.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Authentication Data content - request, synchronization failure

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Authentication Authentication Method Method Authorization Information SIPAuthorization Cat. M Description This information element indicates the authentication method compatible with the smart card (SIM or USIM). It shall contain EAP/SIM or EAP/AKA values. It shall contain the concatenation of nonce, as sent to the terminal, and auts, as received from the terminal. Nonce and auts shall both be binary encoded.

Table Authentication answer

Information element name Permanent User Identity Number Authentication Items Authentication Data 3GPP AAA Server Name Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name SIP-NumberAuth-Items SIP-Auth-DataItem 3GPP-AAAServer-Name Cat. Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. This AVP indicates the number of authentication vectors delivered in the Authentication Data information element. It shall be present when the result is DIAMETER_SUCCESS. If the SIP-Number-Auth-Items AVP is equal to zero or it is not present, then this AVP shall not be present. See table for the contents of this information element. This AVP contains the Diameter address of the 3GPP AAA Server. This AVP shall be sent when the user has been previously authenticated by another 3GPP AAA Server and therefore there is another 3GPP AAA Server serving the user. Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wx errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.



Result-Code / ExperimentalResult


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Authentication Data content - response

Information element name Item Number Mapping to Diameter AVP SIP-ItemNumber Cat. Description

Authentication Method Authentication Information AKA

Authentication Method SIPAuthenticate

Authorization Information AKA Confidentiality Key AKA Integrity Key AKA


Confidentiality -Key


Authentication Authentication Information SIM _Information_ SIM Authorization Information Authorization_ Information_ SIM

This information element shall be present in a SIP-Auth-Data-Item grouped AVP in circumstances where there are multiple occurrences of SIP-AuthData-Item AVPs, and the order in which they should be processed is significant. In this scenario, SIP-Auth-Data-Item AVPs with a low SIP-Item-Number value should be processed before SIP-Auth-Data-Items AVPs with a high SIP-Item-Number value. This information element indicates the authentication method compatible with the smart card (SIM or USIM). It shall contain EAP/SIM or EAP/AKA values. It shall contain, binary encoded, the concatenation of the authentication challenge RAND and the token AUTN. See 3GPP TS 33.203 [3] for further details about RAND and AUTN. It shall be present when SIP_Authentication_Scheme AVP is set to EAP/AKA. It shall contain binary encoded, the expected response XRES. See 3GPP TS 33.203 [3] for further details about XRES. It shall be present when SIP_Authentication_Scheme AVP is set to EAP/AKA. This information element, if present, shall contain the confidentiality key. It shall be binary encoded. It shall be present when SIP_Authentication_Scheme AVP is set to EAP/AKA. This information element shall contain the integrity key. It shall be binary encoded. It shall be present when SIP_Authentication_Scheme AVP is set to EAP/AKA. This information element shall contain the concatenation of authentication challenge RAND and the ciphering key Kc. It shall be binary encoded. It shall be present when SIP_Authentication_Scheme AVP is set to EAP/SIM. This information element shall contain the response SRES. It shall be binary encoded. It shall be present when SIP_Authentication_Scheme AVP is set to EAP/SIM.

Detailed behaviour

The HSS shall, in the following order (if there is an error in any of the steps, the HSS shall stop processing and return the corresponding error code): 1. Check that the user exists in the HSS. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. 2. Check that the user has 3GPP-WLAN subscription. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_NO_WLAN_SUBSCRIPTON. 3. If a Visited-Network-Identifier is present, check that the user is allowed to roam in the visited network. If the user is not allowed to roam in the visited network, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR _ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED. 4. Check NAS-Port-Type AVP. If the access type indicates WLAN Direct IP Access, the process continues as stated in step 5. If the access type indicates WLAN 3GPP IP access, the HSS shall check the dependence permissions that the user has with regard to the access type. If the Access_Dependence flag of the user is set and the user has been already authenticated by WLAN Direct IP Access, the process continues as stated in step 5. If the Access_Dependence flag of the user is set and the user has not been already authenticated by WLAN Direct IP Access, the authentication shall be denied by sending to the 3GPP AAA Server an answer message


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

with Experimental-Result-Code set to DIAMETER_ERROR_NO_ACCESS_INDEPENDENT_SUBSCRIPTION. If the Access_Dependence flag of the user is cleared, the user is allowed to request WLAN 3GPP IP access authentication with no regard to any other previous authentication, so the process continues as stated in step 5.

5. The HSS shall check if there is an existing 3GPP AAA Server already assisting the user If there is a 3GPP AAA Server already serving the user, the HSS shall check the request type. If the request indicates there is a synchronization failure, the HSS shall compare the 3GPP AAA Server name received in the request to the 3GPP AAA Server name stored in the HSS. If they are identical, the HSS shall process AUTS as described in 3GPP TS 33.203 [3] and return the requested authentication information. The Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS. If the request indicates authentication, the HSS shall return the old 3GPP AAA Server to the requester 3GPP AAA Server. The Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS. The requester 3GPP AAA Server, upon detection of a 3GPP AAA Server name in the response assumes that the user already has a 3GPP AAA Server assigned, so makes use of Diameter redirect function to indicate the 3GPP AAA Server name where to address the authentication request. For cases where RADIUS is used over the Wa and Wd interfaces, the 3GPP AAA Server shall use procedures defined on Wa/Wd interface to refuse the connection request. For recommendations as to how to avoid the frequent occurrence of such situations and to mitigate them when they do, please refer to Annex X of this specification If there is no a 3GPP AAA Server already serving the user, the HSS shall store the 3GPP AAA Server name. The HSS shall download Authentication-Data-Item stored up to a maximum specified in SIPNumber-Auth-Items received in the command Multimedia-Auth-Request. The Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by HSS as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY. No authentication information shall be returned. Origin-Host AVP shall contain the 3GPP AAA Server identity.



Location Management Procedures

WLAN Registration/DeRegistration Notification

According to the requirements described in clause 6.1, Wx reference point shall enable: Registration of the 3GPP AAA Server of an authorized WLAN user in the HSS. Retrieval of online charging / offline charging function addresses from HSS. Purge procedure between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. Retrieval of WLAN subscriber profile from HSS.

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. To register the current 3GPP AAA Server address in the HSS for a given 3GPP user. This procedure is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server after a new subscriber has been authenticated by the 3GPP AAA Server. To de-register the current 3GPP AAA Server address in the HSS for a given 3GPP user. When WLAN UE has disappeared from WLAN coverage or when the OCS has initiated a disconnection, the 3GPP AAA Server informs the HSS about an ongoing disconnection process and the HSS de-registers the WLAN user. To download the subscriber profile under 3GPP AAA Server demand. This procedure is invoked when for some reason the subscription profile of a subscriber is lost.

The Wx interface performs these functions based on the reuse of the existing Cx server assignment command code set (SAR/SAA), see 3GPP TS 29.228 [5] and 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]. It corresponds to the combination of the operations


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WLAN-Registration and WLAN-Registration-Confirm for the registration procedure, Purge_WLAN_INFO and Purge_WLAN_INFO_Ack for the de-registration procedure initiated by the 3GPP AAA server and Subscriber-Profile-Request (see 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]) for the profile download procedure initiated by the 3GPP AAA server. Table WLAN Registration request
Information element name Permanent User Identity Server Assignment Type Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name ServerAssignmentType Cat. M M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. Type of procedure the 3GPP AAA Server requests in the HSS. When this IE contains REGISTRATION value, the HSS performs a registration of the WLAN user. When this IE contains USER_DEREGISTRATION / ADMINISTRATIVE_DEREGISTRATION / AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE the HSS performs a de-registration of the WLAN user. When this IE contains NO_ASSIGNMENT value, the HSS initiates the download of the subscriber user profile towards the 3GPP AAA Server, but no registration is performed. Any other value is considered as an error case. If the 3GPP AAA Server knows the HSS name this AVP shall be present. This information is available if the 3GPP AAA Server already has the HSS name stored. The HSS name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which is received from the HSS, e.g. included in the MAA command. Otherwise only the Destination-Realm is included so that it is resolved to an HSS address in an SLF-like function. Once resolved the Destination-Host AVP is included with the suitable HSS address and it is stored in the 3GPP AAA Server for further usage.

Routing Information (See clause 7.13)


Table Subscriber profile retrieval response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Registration Result-Code / result ExperimentalResult Cat. M M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wx errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP. Relevant user profile. It shall be present when Server-Assignment-Type in the request is equal to NO_ASSIGNMENT. Addresses of the charging functions. It shall be present when Server-Assignment-Type in the request is equal to REGISTRATION or NO_ASSIGNMENT and the Result-Code is equal to DIAMETER_SUCCESS. When this parameter is included, the Primary-Charging-Collection-FunctionName or the Primary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name shall be included. All other elements shall be included if they are available.

User Profile

WLAN-UserData Charging-Data

Charging Information

Detailed behaviour

When a new 3GPP subscriber has been authenticated by the 3GPP AAA Server, the 3GPP AAA Server initiates the registration towards the HSS. The HSS shall, in the event of an error in any of the steps, stop processing and return the corresponding error code, see 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]). The 3GPP AAA server sends Server-Assignment-Request command to the HSS indicating the registration procedure. The subscriber is identified by the User-Name AVP. At reception of Server-Assignment-Request command, the HSS shall perform (in the following order):


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

1. Check that the user is known. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. 2. Check the Server Assignment Type value received in the request: If it indicates REGISTRATION, the HSS shall check that the 3GPP AAA Server name stored for the subscriber matches the 3GPP AAA Server name received in the request, set the subscribers User Status to REGISTERED for the authenticated and authorized 3GPP subscriber and set the Result-Code AVP to DIAMETER_SUCCESS in the Server-Assignment-Response command. If it indicates USER_DEREGISTRATION / ADMINISTRATIVE_DEREGISTRATION / AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, the HSS shall remove the 3GPP AAA Server name previously assigned for the 3GPP subscriber, set the User Status for the subscriber to NOT_REGISTERED and set the ResultCode AVP to DIAMETER_SUCCESS in the Server-Assignment-Response command. If it indicates NO_ASSIGNMENT, the HSS shall check that the 3GPP AAA Server name stored for the subscriber matches the 3GPP AAA Server name received in the request, download the relevant user identity information and set the Result-Code AVP to DIAMETER_SUCCESS in the Server-Assignment-Response command. If it indicates any other value, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO COMPLY, and no registration/de-registration or profile download procedure shall be performed. Origin-Host AVP shall contain the 3GPP AAA server identity.


Once the 3GPP AAA server has downloaded the user profile data as a result of successful registration to the HSS, the 3GPP AAA server shall create appropriate routing policies and IP filtering information according to the retrieved operator defined barring information. These routing policies and IP filtering informations are used for the subsequent W-APN authorizations.

Network Initiated De-Registration by HSS, Administrative

According to the requirements described in clause 6.1, Wx reference point shall enable: Purge procedure between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS.

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. When the purge procedure is initiated by the HSS, indicates that a subscription has to be removed from the 3GPP AAA Server, when the purge procedure is initiated by the 3GPP AAA Server see clause The Wx interface performs the cancellation of a registration initiated by the HSS based on the reuse of the existing Cx registration termination command code set (RTR/RTA), see 3GPP TS 29.228 [5] and 3GPP TS 29.229[6]. It corresponds to the combination of the operations CANCEL_WLAN_REGISTRATION and CANCEL_WLAN_REGISTRATION_ACK (see 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]). Table Network Initiated Deregistration by HSS request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Reason for de- Deregistrationregistration Reason Cat. M M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. The HSS shall send to the 3GPP AAA server a reason for the de-registration. The de-registration reason is composed of two parts: one textual message (if available) that is intended to be forwarded to the user that is de-registered, and one reason code (see 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]) that determines the behaviour of the 3GPP AAA Server. The 3GPP AAA server name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which is received from the 3GPP AAA Server, e.g. included in the MAR command.

Routing Information



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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Network Initiated Deregistration by HSS response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wx errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed behaviour

The HSS shall de-register the affected identity and invoke this procedure to inform the 3GPP AAA server to remove the subscribed user from the 3GPP AAA Server. The HSS shall send in the Deregistration-Reason AVP the reason for the de-registration, composed by a textual message (if available) aimed for the user and a reason code that determines the action the 3GPP AAA server has to perform. The possible reason codes are: PERMANENT_TERMINATION: The WLAN subscription or service profile(s) has been permanently terminated. The HSS shall clear the user's 3GPP AAA Server name and set the User Status to NOT_REGISTERED. The 3GPP AAA Server should start the network initiated de-registration towards the user.


User Data Handling


HSS Initiated Update of User Profile

According to the requirements described in clause 6.1, Wx reference point shall enable: Indication to 3GPP AAA Server of change of WLAN subscriber profile within HSS.

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the HSS. The procedure is invoked by the HSS when the subscriber profile has been modified and needs to be sent to the 3GPP AAA Server. This may happen due to a modification in the HSS. The Wx reference point performs the download of the subscriber profile initiated by the HSS based on the reuse of the existing Cx profile download command code set (PPR/PPA), see 3GPP TS 29.228 [5] and 3GPP TS 29.229[6]. It corresponds to the combination of the operations SUBSCRIBER_PROFILE and PROFILE_ACK (see 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]).


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table User Profile Update request

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity User profile WLAN-UserData Cat. M C Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. Updated user profile. It shall be present if the user profile is changed in the HSS. If the WLANUser-Data AVP is not present, the Charging-Information AVP shall be present. Addresses of the charging functions. If the Charging-Information AVP is not present, the WLAN-User-Data AVP shall be present. The 3GPP AAA Server name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which is received from the 3GPP AAA Server, e.g. included in the MAR command.

Charging Information Routing Information



Table User Profile Update response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wx errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed behaviour

The HSS shall make use of this procedure to update relevant user profile or charging information in the 3GPP AAA server. The 3GPP AAA server shall overwrite, for the subscriber identity indicated in the request, current information with the information received from the HSS, except in the error situations detailed in table After a successful user profile download the 3GPP AAA server shall initiate re-authentication procedure as described in sub-clause 4.3.4 if the subscriber has previously been authenticated and authorized to 3GPP Direct Access. If the subscriber has previously been authenticated and authorized to WLAN 3GPP IP Access then the 3GPP AAA server shall initiate a re-authorization procedure as described in sub-clause 8.3.5. Table details the valid result codes that the 3GPP AAA server can return in the response. Table User profile response valid result codes
Result-Code AVP value DIAMETER_SUCCESS DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY Condition The request succeeded. The request failed because the user is not found in 3GPP AAA Server. The request failed.


Information Elements Contents

Authentication Procedures

The Multimedia-Authentication-Request (MAR) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 303 and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent by the 3GPP AAA Server to the HSS in order to request security information. Message Format
< Multimedia-Authentication-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 303, REQ, 16777219 >


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< { { { { { [ { { [ [ [ * * * Session-Id > Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } Auth-Session-State } Origin-Host } Origin-Realm } Destination-Realm } Destination-Host ] NAS-Port-Type } User-Name} Visited-Network-Identifier] SIP-Auth-Data-Item ] SIP-Number-Auth-Items ] [ AVP ] [ Proxy-Info ] [ Route-Record ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The Multimedia-Authentication-Answer (MAA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 303 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is sent by a server in response to the Multimedia-Authentication-Request command. The Result-Code or Experimental-Result AVP may contain one of the values defined in section 6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] in addition to the values defined in RFC 3588 [7]. Message Format
< Multimedia-Authentication-Answer > ::= < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } [ Result-Code ] [ Experimental-Result ] { Auth-Session-State } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { User-Name} [ SIP-Number-Auth-Items ] [ SIP-Auth-Data-Item ] [ 3GPP-AAA-Server-Name ] * [ AVP ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] < Diameter Header: 303, 16777219 >


HSS Initiated Update of User Profile

The Push-Profile-Request -Request (PPR) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 305 and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent by the HSS to the 3GPP AAA Server in order to update the subscription data of a WLAN user in the 3GPP AAA Server whenever a modification has occurred in the subscription data.
< Push-Profile-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 305, REQ, 16777219 > < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } { Auth-Session-State } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Host } { Destination-Realm } { User-Name } [ WLAN-User-Data ] [ Charging-Data ] *[ AVP ] *[ Proxy-Info ] *[ Route-Record ]

The Push-Profile-Answer (PAA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 305 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is sent by the HSS in response to the Push-Profile-Request command. The Result-Code or Experimental-Result AVP may contain one of the values defined in section 6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] in addition to the values defined in RFC 3588 [7].
< Push-Profile-Answer > ::=< Diameter Header: 305, 16777219 > < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } [Result-Code ] [ Experimental-Result ] { Auth-Session-State } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } *[ AVP ]


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*[ Proxy-Info ] *[ Route-Record ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Registration procedure and Profile download in Wx

The Server-Assignment-Request (SAR) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 301 and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent by the 3GPP AAA Server to the HSS in order to register or deregister a WLAN user or to download the WLAN User Profile.
Message Format

< Server-Assignment-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 301, REQ, PXY, 16777219 > < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id }
{ Auth-Session-State }

{ Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ Destination-Host ] { Destination-Realm } { User-Name} { Server-Assignment-Type } *[ AVP ] *[ Proxy-Info ] *[ Route-Record ]

The Server-Assignment-Answer (SAA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 301 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is sent by the HSS to the 3GPP AAA Server to confirm the registration, de-registration or user profile download procedure. The Result-Code or Experimental-Result AVP may contain one of the values defined in section 6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] in addition to the values defined in RFC 3588 [7]. Message Format
< Server-Assignment-Answer > ::= < Diameter Header: 301, 16777219 > < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } [ Result-Code ] [ Experimental-Result ] { Auth-Session-State } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { User-Name} [ WLAN-User-Data ] [ Charging- Data] *[ AVP ] *[ Proxy-Info ] *[ Route-Record ] *[ Route-Record ]


Registration Termination in Wx

This procedure is an exact copy of the existing Registration-Termination-Request (RTR) / Registration-TerminationAnswer (RTA) commands from Cx reference point. See 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]. WLAN Wx reference point shall not make use of the optional Public-Identity AVP defined in RTR command.

6.5 6.6

Void User identity to HSS resolution

The User identity to HSS resolution mechanism enables the 3GPP AAA Server to find the address of the HSS, that holds the subscriber data for a given user identity when multiple and separately addressable HSSs have been deployed by the network operator. The resolution mechanism is not required in networks that utilize a single HSS.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The resolution mechanism described in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4] is based on the Subscription Locator Function (SLF), already used in the IMS architecture 3GPP TS 29.228 [5]. The subscription locator is accessed via the Dw interface. The Dw interface is only used in conjunction with the Wx interface. The Dw interface is based on Diameter. Its functionality is implemented by means of the routing mechanism provided by an enhanced Diameter redirect agent, which is able to extract the identity of the user from the received requests. To get the HSS address the 3GPP AAA Server sends to the SLF the Wx requests aimed for the HSS. On receipt of the HSS address from the SLF, the 3GPP AAA Server shall send the Wx requests to the HSS. Further requests associated to the same user shall make use the stored HSS address. In networks where the use of the user identity to HSS resolution mechanism is required, each 3GPP AAA Server shall be configured with the address/name of the SLF implementing this resolution mechanism. Note: The user identity to perform the HSS resolution is the IMSI.


Wm Description

The Wm reference point is defined between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PDG. The description of the reference point and its functionality is given in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. This clause specifies a Diameter application that supports the functionality of this reference point. In the roaming case, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall act as a stateful proxy between the PDG and 3GPP AAA Server. The Wm reference point shall also support procedures in order that an IMS emergency call specific W-APN shall be supported.



Diameter EAP application is used for authentication of the user. In this case, the PDG shall act as the NAS, as described in 3GPP TS 33.234 [18]. For authorization and other Wm functionalities, NASREQ and base protocol procedures are used. The Application-Id to be advertised over Wm reference point corresponds to the EAP, NASREQ or Diameter Base Protocol Application-Id, depending on the command sent over Wm.


Procedures Description
Authentication Procedures

According to the requirements specified in chapter 8.1, Wm reference point shall enable: Messaging for service authentication between WLAN UE and 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The authentication procedure is used between the PDG and 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy. It is invoked by the PDG, on receipt from the WLAN-UE of a "tunnel establishment request" message. This takes the form of forwarding an IKE v2 (3GPP TS 33.234 [18]) exchange with the purpose of authenticating in order to set up an IKE Security Association (SA) between the UE and the PDG. Once the IKE SA has been authenticated, more than one tunnel IPSec SA can be negotiated inside the IKE SA. Hence additional (IPSec) tunnels between the UE and PDG do not need to trigger further Diameter_EAP authentication messaging to the 3GPP AAA Server. The UE may attempt to set up additional accesses (IKE SA) via the IKE_SA procedure. In such cases, the authentication procedure is triggered over the Wm interface. Each new additional IKE SA shall be handled in a different Diameter session. The Wm reference point performs authentication based on the reuse of the DER/DEA command set defined in Diameter_EAP (3GPP TS 33.234 [18]). Table Authentication Request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name EAP payload EAP payload Authentication Auth Req Type Request Type Visited Network VisitedIdentifier NetworkIdentifier Access Type NAS-Port-Type Cat. M M M C Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Encapsulated EAP payload used for UE - 3GPP AAA Server mutual authentication Defines whether authentication only or authentication and authorization are required. AUTHENTICATION_ONLY is required in this case Identifier that allows the home network to identify the Visited Network. This AVP shall be present if the PDG is not in the WLAN-UE's home network i.e. the WLAN-UE is roaming. This AVP shall contain the value 5 (Virtual) to indicate that the user accessed the I-WLAN network by WLAN 3GPP IP Access, according to IETF RFC 2865 [17].

Table Authentication Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP EAP payload EAP payload MasterSession-Key Result code MasterSession-Key Result Code / ExperimentalResult-Code Cat. M C M Description Encapsulated EAP payload used for UE - 3GPP AAA Server mutual authentication It contains keying material for protecting the communication between the user and the NAS. Present when Result Code is set to "Success". Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol or as per in NASREQ. 1xxx should be used for multi-round, 2xxx for success. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wm errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

3GPP AAA Server Detailed Behaviour

On receipt of the DER message, the 3GPP AAA Server shall check if the Session-ID corresponds to an ongoing session. If it corresponds to an on-going session, the 3GPP AAA Server shall process the DER message according to 3GPP TS 33.234 [18] and no Diameter EAP authentication shall be triggered over the Wm interface. If the Session-ID does not correspond to an on-going session, the 3GPP AAA Server shall: 1) Check that the user exists in the 3GPP AAA Server. If not, the 3GPP AAA Server shall use the procedures defined for the Wx interface to authenticate the user. 2) Check that the user has a 3GPP-WLAN subscription. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_NO_WLAN_SUBSCRIPTON. Otherwise, DIAMETER_SUCCESS shall be returned to indicate successful authentication procedure and authentication information shall be returned.


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Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by 3GPP AAA Server as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY. No authentication information shall be returned.

3GPP AAA Proxy Detailed Behaviour

The 3GPP AAA Proxy is required to handle roaming cases in which the PDG is in the VPLMN. The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall act as a stateful proxy. On receipt of the DEA message, the AAA Proxy shall record the state of the connection (i.e. Authentication Successful). .

Authentication Procedures for the Emergency Case

For the case where the WLAN-UE is attempting to set up a tunnel (IPSec SA) to the emergency W-APN, authentication shall proceed as described in subclauses and with the following exceptions: NOTE 1: The UICC-less case is FFS, pending SA3 discussions. NOTE 2: PDG behaviour for cases where authentication procedures fail are FFS. NOTE 3: Optimizations whereby authentication procedures may be skipped for emergency case are FFS.


Authorization Procedures

According to the requirements stated in subclause 8.1, Wm reference point shall enable: Carrying messages for service authorization between PDG and 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy. Allow the 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy to retrieve tunnelling attributes and WLAN UE's IP configuration parameters from/via Packet Data Gateway.

This procedure is used between the PDG and 3GPP AAA Server and Proxy. It is invoked by the PDG, on receipt from the WLAN-UE of a "tunnel establishment request" message and subsequent to the success of tunnel authentication i.e. on receipt of a DEA message from the 3GPP AAA Server with Result Code set to "Success". The Wm reference point performs authorization download based on the reuse of the NASREQ IETF RFC 4005 [12] AAR-AAA command set.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table Wm Authorization Request

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Diameter Session-Id Session ID Request-Type SessionRequest-Type Cat. M M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. This information element uniquely identifies the session. Type of Wm specific Diameter application request. The following values are to be used: AUTHORIZATION REQUEST (0) This value shall indicate the initial request for authorization of the user to the APN. ROUTING POLICY (1) This value shall indicate that routing policy AVP is present. Identifier that allows the home network to identify the Visited Network. This AVP shall be present if the PDG is not in the WLAN-UE's home network, i.e. the WLAN-UE is roaming. This information element contains the W-APN which the UE is requesting authorization. This AVP is present when Session-Request-Type AVP is set to AUTHORIZATION REQUEST. This AVP includes the routing policy of the tunnel set-up. This AVP shall be present when Session-Request-Type AVP is set to ROUTING POLICY. The exact format of this AVP is specified in section 10.1.24. The 3GPP AAA Server name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP of a previously received message. The PDG charging identifier is generated by PDG and used to correlate PDG and WLAN AN charging data. This AVP is present when Session-Request-Type AVP is set to AUTHORIZATION REQUEST. If the PDG supports QoS mechanisms, this information element may be included to contain PDGs QoS capabilities.

Visited Network VisitedIdentifier NetworkIdentifier W-APN-ID 3GPP-WLANAPN-Id

Routing Policy


Routing Information PDG Charging Identifier

DestinationHost PDG-ChargingId


Supported 3GPP WLAN QoS profile



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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table AA-Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Diameter Session-Id Session ID Registration Result Code/ Result Experimental Result Code Cat. M M Description This information element uniquely identifies the session. Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wm errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP This AVP shall contain the MSISDN and/or the IMSI of the user. This AVP shall be present if the Diameter Result Code is set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS The Max requested bandwidth AVP. Can be sent by the 3GPP AAA Server to the PDG if it is present in the user subscription info held at the 3GPP AAA Server.


Subscription-ID AVP MaxRequestedBandwidth Charging-Data

MaxSubscribedBandwidth Charging Information

Charging information for the W-APN for that user.

It shall be present when Result-Code is equal to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and when the received Session-RequestType was set to AUTHORIZATION REQUEST.





Permanent User Identity WLAN Session Identifier



This AVP contains the remote IPv4 address of the WLAN UE that the 3GPP AAA Server downloaded from the HSS. This AVP shall not be present when the 3GPP AAA Server received an authorisation request with Session-RequestType AVP set to ROUTING POLICY. This AVP contains the remote IPv6 prefix of the WLAN UE that the 3GPP AAA Server downloaded from the HSS. This AVP shall not be present when the 3GPP AAA Server received an authorisation request with Session-Request-Type AVP set to ROUTING POLICY. This information element contains the IMSI of the user. This shall be present if Registration Result Code is set to "Success" and the AAR did not contain the IMSI. This information element contains the charging identifier generated by the 3GPP AAA Server. It shall be present when Result-Code is equal to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and when the received Session-Request-Type was set to AUTHORIZATION REQUEST, and if WLAN access authentication and authorization procedure is done before tunnel establishement.
If both supported 3GPP WLAN QoS profile of the PDG and subscribed QoS profile were received by the 3GPP AAA Server, this IE may be present. This IE contains the 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server based on the subscribed QoS parameters from the HSS, PDGs QoS capabilities and other information, e.g. operators policies. This AVP includes the routing policy (i.e. IP filters) needed for the Operator Determined Barring purposes. The exact format of this AVP is specified in section 10.1.24. It is up to the PDG implementation whether these routing policies are applied to Wi interface or applied at IPsec level using IKEv2 Traffic Selectors.

Authorized 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile


Routing Policy


3GPP AAA Server Detailed Behaviour

The 3GPP AAA Server shall, in the following order (if there is an error in any of the steps, the 3GPP AAA Server shall stop processing and return the corresponding error code): 1) Check that the user exists in the 3GPP AAA Server. The check shall be based on Diameter Session-id. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. 2) Check the Session-Request-Type AVP:


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

If Request type is set to AUTHORIZATION REQUEST, it indicates that the WLAN-UE is attempting to access the particular W-APN at the PDG and is requesting authorization for such a W-APN access. The 3GPP AAA Server shall check whether the Emergency_Access flag is set. If the Emergency_Access flag is set and the W-APN is not that for emergency as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22], the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED. If the W-APN is that defined for emergency access, the behaviour is as described in subsclause The 3GPP AAA Server shall check whether the subscriber is barred from completely from Interworking WLAN interworked service capabilities. If the subscription is barred then Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED. The 3GPP AAA Server shall check that the user has subscription for the W-APN requested. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_NO_ W-APN_SUBSCRIPTON. The 3GPP AAA Server shall check whether the user has access to that W-APN. This information is obtained from the HSS within the APN-Authorized AVP. If not, Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED. If the user is roaming (indicated by the presence of the Visited-Network-Identifier AVP), the 3GPP AAA Server shall check if the user is allowed to access the W-APN from a VPLMN. This information is obtained from the HSS within the APN-Authorized AVP. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED. If the WLAN UE does not already have an active access to this W-APN, the 3GPP AAA Server shall initiate an Access-Number counter for that W-APN and set it to one. If the Access-Number counter has already been initiated, the 3GPP AAA Server shall increment the counter by one. The 3GPP AAA Server shall then check the counter value against the Maximum-Number-Accesses for that W-APN from that users data. If the Access-Number exceeds Maximum-Number-Accesses, the 3GPP AAA Server shall use the 3GPP AAA Server initiated disconnection procedures towards the PDG with which the user has the oldest established access in order to initiate the tear down of the SA associated with that access. The 3GPP AAA Server shall update accordingly the information of active accesses for the W-APN and shall store the PDG IP address and the Session-ID associated with the access. The 3GPP AAA Server shall download user data relevant to the W-APN,e.g. WLAN UE remote IP address if present, routing policies related to barring and the charging information as received from the HSS. The Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

If Request type is set to ROUTING POLICY, it indicates that the WLAN-UE already has an active tunnel to the given PDG and is informing the 3GPP AAA Server of the routing policy for the tunnel. The 3GPP AAA Server shall verify that routing policies received from the PDG do not conflict with Operator Determined Barring related routing policies. In a case of conflict the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO COMPLY. The 3GPP AAA Server shall store the Routing-Policy AVP and use Wg procedures to install this policy at the WAG. If this is successful, 3GPP AAA Server shall set ResultCode AVP to DIAMETER_SUCCESS in the AAA message. If not, Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO COMPLY.

Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by 3GPP AAA Server as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY. No authorization information shall be returned.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

AAA Proxy Detailed Behaviour

The 3GPP AAA Proxy is required to handle roaming cases in which the PDG is in the VPLMN. On this interface, it may act to limit policy enforcement by modifying messages. It shall therefore maintain session state. The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall, in the following order (if there is an error in any of the steps, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall stop processing and return the corresponding error code). Check the Request Type AVP: 1) If Request type indicates AUTHORIZATION REQUEST, it indicates that the WLAN-UE does not have a tunnel active to the particular APN at the PDG and is requesting authorization for such an APN. a) The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall check locally configured information whether users from the HPLMN are allowed to access to the W-APN requested from this (V)PLMN. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR _ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED and the AA-A message sent to the PDG. In all other cases, the message shall be forwarded transparently to the 3GPP AAA Server. 2) If Request-Type indicates ROUTING POLICY: a) This indicates that the WLAN-UE already has an active tunnel to the given PDG and is informing the 3GPP AAA Server of the routing policy for the tunnel. The 3GPP AAA Proxy shall store the Routing-Policy AVP and use Wg procedures to download the policy to the WAG. If this is successful, 3GPP AAA Proxy shall set Result Code to "Success" and send the AAR reply. If not, Result Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO COMPLY. Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by 3GPP AAA Proxy as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY and AA-A message sent to the PDG.

Authorization Procedures in the Emergency Case

PDG Procedures

For the case where the WLAN-UE is attempting to set up a tunnel (IPSec SA) to the emergency W-APN authorization shall proceed as described in subclauses and with the following exceptions: National regulations define whether the access for emergencies shall still be granted to UE even if authentication fails. In such case PDG shall skip authentication procedures and W-APN authorization procedures on the Wm interface. NOTE 1: PDG behaviour in the UICC less case is FFS. NOTE 2: Cases where authentication fails are FFS. On receipt of an Authorization Answer from the 3GPP AAA Server with result code set to DIAMETER_ERROR_UNSUITABLE_NETWORK, the PDG shall use procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.234 to reject the tunnel setup procedure

3GPP AAA Server Procedures

For the case where the WLAN-UE is attempting to set up a tunnel (IPSec SA) to the emergency W-APN authorization shall proceed as described in subclauses and with the following exceptions: On receipt of the Authorization Request from the PDG containing the emergency W-APN, the 3GPP AAA Server shall in the following order: check whether the user is roaming. If the user is roaming and the PDG is in the HPLMN, the 3GPP AAA Server shall reject the authorization request and set the Experimental-Result-Code to DIAMETER_ERROR_UNSUITABLE_NETWORK if the WLAN-UE is not roaming, or is roaming and the PDG is in the VPLMN, the 3GPP AAA Server shall accept the authorization request without subscription check. The 3GPP AAA Server shall not update the AccessNumber counter. For this access, the 3GPP AAA Server shall store the indication that this is for IMS emergency case and shall not use procedures described in subclause .8.3.4 to disconnect it (based on Diameter Session ID).


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


PDG Initiated Session Termination Procedure

This procedure is used between the PDG and the 3GPP AAA Server. It is invoked by the PDG when the user's tunnel associated with the W-APN has been disconnected. W here the user has several accesses(IKE_SA) active, a separate Session Termination procedure shall be initiated for each access (even if the accesses are to the same W-APN). Table Session Termination Request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name W-APN-ID 3GPP-WLANAPN-Id Routing DestinationInformation Host Cat. M M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. This information element contains the W-APN which the UE is requesting access. The 3GPP AAA Server name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP of a previous received message.

Table Session Termination Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wm errors.

3GPP AAA Server Detailed behaviour

On receipt of the STR, the 3GPP AAA Server shall, in the following order (if there is an error in any of the steps, the 3GPP AAA Server shall stop processing and return the corresponding error code): a) Check from the User Name AVP that this corresponds to a user. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. b) Check that the user has an active session on the received W- APN. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_W-APN_UNUSED_BY_USER. c) If the User is known and the W-APN corresponds to a known session, the 3GPP AAA Server shall remove any PDG specific information connected to that user on that W-APN. and update the status of the subscriber if needed. If the user was a home user, the 3GPP AAA Server shall signal to the WAG to initiate procedures to remove any filtering policy associated with that user's session. The Result Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

3GPP AAA Proxy Detailed Behaviour

In the roaming case, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall forward the STR message to the 3GPP AAA Server. On receipt of an STA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall remove any session specific information associated with that user at that W-APN. It shall signal to the WAG to initiate procedures to remove any filtering policy associated with that user's session.

PDG Initiated Session Termination Procedure in Emergency Case

PDG shall not use the Session Termination procedures unless triggered by WLAN UE or until after the expiry of the underlying IKE and IPSec SA timers at the PDG associated with the emergency W-APN.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnect Procedure

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PDG. It is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when the WLAN subscription for the user has been deleted/prohibited in the 3GPP AAA Server or if the particular session must be terminated for any reason and the PDG must be updated with respect to these changes. For the case where the user has several accesses (IKE_SA) active at a PDG, a separate Session Termination procedure shall be initiated for each. The Wm reference point performs the disconnection of user tunnel initiated by the 3GPP AAA Server based on the use of the RFC 3588 [7] Abort-Session-Request / Answer (ASR/ASA) commands. The 3GPP AAA Server shall not use this procedure in the emergency case. Table 3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnection - Request
Information element name User Identity W-APN-Id (see clause 10.5.15) Routing Information Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name 3GPP-WLANAPN-Id DestinationHost Cat. M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. W-APN Identification.

The PDG name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP of a previous message received from the PDG e.g. included in the authentication command.

Table 3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnection - Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wm errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed Behaviour

The 3GPP AAA Server shall make use of this procedure to instruct the PDG to disconnect a particular W-APN for a specific user. On receipt of the message, the PDG shall: 1) Check from the user is known in the PDG. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. 2) Check that the user has an active session on the received W-APN. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_W-APN_UNUSED_BY_USER. 3) If the User is known and the W-APN corresponds to a known session, the PDG shall perform tunnel disconnect procedure of the tunnels associated with that user on that W-APN. The PDG shall further remove any stored user information pertaining to that APN. 4) The PDG shall set the Result-Code to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and send back the SAA command to the 3GPP AAA Server. On receipt of the message, the 3GPP AAA Server shall update the related service information and/or status of the subscriber and remove any filtering policy related to the disconnected tunnel from WAG if necessary.

3GPP AAA Proxy Behaviour

On receipt of the ASA message with Diameter Result Code set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall signal to the WAG to initiate procedures to remove any filtering policy associated with that user's session.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Access and Service Authorization information Update Procedure

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PDG and is used to modify the authorization parameters provided to the PDG. This may happen due to a modification of WLAN subscriber profile in the HSS This procedure is performed in two steps: The 3GPP AAA server issues an unsolicited re-authentication and/or re-authorization request towards the PDG. Upon receipt of such a request, the PDG shall respond to the request and indicate the disposition of the request. This procedure is mapped to the Diameter command codes Re-Auth-Request and Re-Auth-Answer specified in RFC 3588 [7]. Information element content for these messages are shown in tables and Receiving the re-authorization request, the PDG shall invoke the authorization procedure as described in the sections 8. 3.2. Information element content for these messages are shown in tables and

For emergency W-APN, 3GPP AAA Server shall not use the Access and Service Authorization information update Procedure. Table Access and Service Authorization Information Update request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name Re-Auth Re-Auth Request Type Request-Type Cat. M M Description This information element contains the identity of the user. Defines whether the user is to be re-authenticated only, re-authorized only or both. The following value can only be used: AUTHORIZE_ONLY Receiving entity may receive Re-Auth Request Type value other than AUTHORIZE_ONLY if the 3GPP AAA server is based on earlier releases. For more information see sub-clause This information element is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which was included in a previous command received from the PDG.

Routing Information


Table Access and Service Authorization information Update response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wm errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP. This information element contains the identity of the user.

User Identity



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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Detailed behaviour

The 3GPP AAA server shall make use of this procedure to indicate and update relevant service authorization information in the PDG. The PDG shall perform the following check and if there is an error detected, the PDG shall stop processing and return the corresponding error code. Check the Re-AuthRequest-Type AVP: 1) If it indicates AUTHENTICATE_ONLY, Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE. 2) If it indicates AUTHORIZE_ONLY, the PDG shall just perform an authorization procedure as described in section 8.3.2. 3) If it indicates AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE, Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE. After successful authorization procedure, the PDG shall overwrite, for the subscriber identity indicated in the request, current information with the information received from the 3GPP AAA server. A deactivation of service may be initiated if the subscriber lost the authorization of the activated service.


Information Element Contents

Authentication Request/Answer Messages

ABNF for the Wm Authentication Request and Authentication Answer are given below:
<Diameter-EAP-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 268, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } { EAP-Payload } [ Destination-Host ] [ User-Name ] [ Visited-Network-Identifier ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [ Calling Station-ID ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]

For the DEA, the following are necessary:

<Diameter-EAP-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 268, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Auth-Request-Type } { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ EAP-Master-Session-Key ] [ EAP-Payload ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


Authorization Procedures

The authorization request and response messages are mapped onto the NASREQ AAR/AAA messages. The ABNF are indicated below:
<AA-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id >


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{ Auth-Application-Id } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } { Destination-Host } [ Session-Request-Type ] [ Visited-Network-Identifier ] [3GPP-WLAN-APN-ID] [ QoS-Capability ] * [ Routing-Policy] [ NAS-Identifier ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [ NAS-Port ] [ NAS-Port-Id ] [ NAS-Port-Type ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Port-Limit ] [ User-Name ] [ User-Password ] [ Service-Type ] [ State ] [ Authorization-Lifetime ] [ Auth-Grace-Period ] [ Auth-Session-State ] [ Callback-Number ] [ Called-Station-Id ] [ Calling-Station-Id ] [ Originating-Line-Info ] [ Connect-Info ] [ CHAP-Auth ] [ CHAP-Challenge ] * [ Framed-Compression ] [ Framed-Interface-Id ] [ Framed-IP-Address ] [ Framed-IP-Netmask ] [ Framed-MTU ] [ Framed-Protocol ] [ ARAP-Password ] [ ARAP-Security ] * [ ARAP-Security-Data ] * [ Login-IP-Host ] * [ Login-IPv6-Host ] [ Login-LAT-Group ] [ Login-LAT-Node ] [ Login-LAT-Port ] [ Login-LAT-Service ] * [ Tunneling ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The ABNF for the AAA is as follows:

<AA-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Auth-Request-Type } { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } 1*[ Subscription-ID-AVP] [ Max-Subscribed-Bandwidth ] [ QoS-Resources ] [ Framed-IP-Address ] [ Framed-IP-Prefix ] [ Charging-Data ] [ Service-Type ] * [ Class ] * [ Configuration-Token ] [ Acct-Interim-Interval ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] [ Idle-Timeout ] [ Authorization-Lifetime ] [ Auth-Grace-Period ]


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[ Auth-Session-State ] [ Re-Auth-Request-Type ] [ Session-Timeout ] [ State ] * [ Reply-Message ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Filter-Id ] [ Password-Retry ] [ Port-Limit ] [ User-Name ] [ Prompt ] [ ARAP-Challenge-Response ] [ ARAP-Features ] [ ARAP-Security ] * [ ARAP-Security-Data ] [ ARAP-Zone-Access ] [ Callback-Id ] [ Callback-Number ] [ Framed-Appletalk-Link ] * [ Framed-Appletalk-Network ] [ Framed-Appletalk-Zone ] * [ Framed-Compression ] [ Framed-Interface-Id ] [ Framed-IP-Address ] * [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ] [ Framed-IPv6-Pool ] * [ Framed-IPv6-Route ] [ Framed-IP-Netmask ] * [ Framed-Route ] [ Framed-Pool ] [ Framed-IPX-Network ] [ Framed-MTU ] [ Framed-Protocol ] [ Framed-Routing ] * [ Login-IP-Host ] * [ Login-IPv6-Host ] [ Login-LAT-Group ] [ Login-LAT-Node ] [ Login-LAT-Port ] [ Login-LAT-Service ] [ Login-Service ] [ Login-TCP-Port ] * [ NAS-Filter-Rule ] * [ QoS-Filter-Rule ] * [ Tunneling ] * [ Redirect-Host ] [ Redirect-Host-Usage ] [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


PDG Initiated Session Termination Procedure

This procedure is mapped onto the STR/STA procedures. The ABNF are as follows:
<STR> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Application-Id } { Termination-Cause } [ User-Name ] [3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id ] [ Destination-Host ] * [ Class ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]

For the response:

<STA> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code }


Release 7
{ { [ * [ [ * [ * [ [ * * Origin-Host } Origin-Realm } User-Name ] [ Class ] Error-Message ] Error-Reporting-Host ] [ Failed-AVP ] Origin-State-Id ] [ Redirect-Host ] Redirect-Host-Usage ] Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ] [ Proxy-Info ] [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnect Procedure

ABNF for the 3GPP AAA Server Initiated Tunnel Disconnect Procedure are mapped onto the ASR and ASA commands are as follows:
<ASR> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Destination-Host } { Auth-Application-Id } [ User-Name ] [3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]


::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] * [ Redirected-Host ] [ Redirected-Host-Usage ] [ Redirected-Max-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


Access and Service Authorization Information Update Procedure

ABNF for the RAR/RAA commands on the Wm interface are identical to those described in section ABNF for the AAR/AAA commands on the Wm interface are identical to those described in section 8.4.2


Wg Description

The Wg reference point is defined between the 3GPP AAA Server and the WAG or between the 3GPP AAA Proxy and the WAG depending on the location of the WAG. The description of the reference point and its functionality is given in 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. This clause specifies a Diameter application supports the functionality of this reference point.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The interface at this reference point is applicable only when a WLAN UE is allowed to access the 3GPP PS services from the I-WLAN. Editor's Note: Remaining functionalities on this interface e.g. the charging rules to be applied, sending of MSISDN to WAG, that are necessary for WLAN 3GPP IP Access functionality are not stable yet.



Diameter NASREQ is used for the policy download to the WAG. In this case, the 3GPP AAA Server or Proxy shall act as the NAS client and the WAG as the Diameter Server. The Application-Id to be advertised over Wg reference point corresponds to the EAP, NASREQ or Diameter Base Protocol Application-Id, depending on the command sent over Wg.


Procedures Description
Policy Download Procedures

The policy download procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the WAG in the case where the PDG is in the HPLMN and between the 3GPP AAA Proxy and the WAG in the case where the PDG is in the VPLMN The Wg reference point performs routing policy download based on the reuse of the NASREQ IETF RFC 4005 [12] AAR-AAA command set. If the WAG is located in the VPLMN the 3GPP AAA Server shall send the AAR command over the Wd interface to the 3GPP AAA Proxy and then it is 3GPP AAA Proxys task to find the WAG serving the user. The way to find the WAG address in AAA proxy/ AAA server is implementation dependent. For example, based on the source IP address of DER command if the WAG has the NAT functionality or manual network configuration. Table Wg Policy Download Request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Routing Policy Routing-Policy Routing Information Subscription-ID AVP DestinationHost Subscription-ID AVP Cat. M M C M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. This AVP includes the routing policy to apply for the user received in the User-Name AVP. This information element contains the WAG. This AVP shall contain the MSISDN and/or the IMSI of the user.

Table Wg Policy Download Response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Registration Result Code/ Result Experimental Result Code Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wg errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

WAG Detailed Behaviour

On receipt of the Policy Download Request, the WAG shall check whether or not the user has already routing policies stored: If it has, the WAG shall modify the routing policy accordingly.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Otherwise, the WAG shall take necessary steps to provision the new routing policy indicated in the routing policy AVP for the user in order to allow data plane packet flows across the Wn interface.

The Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and the WAG shall reply with the Policy Download Response message. Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by WAG as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY.


Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the WAG. It is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when the session specific routing policy should be removed from the WAG (i.e. users tunnel has been disconnected and the tunnel specific routing policy configured at the WAG - the firewall "pinhole"- must be removed). The Wg reference point performs the routing policy cancellation procedure based on the use of RFC 3588 [7] Abort-Session-Request / Answer (ASR/ASA) commands. In the roaming case where the PDG is in the VPLMN, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall perform the functions described below for the 3GPP AAA Server. Table Policy Cancellation - Request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Routing DestinationInformation Host Cat. M M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. The WAG name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP of a previous message received from the WAG.

Table Policy Cancellation- Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wg errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed Behaviour

The 3GPP AAA Server shall make use of this procedure to instruct the WAG to remove a routing policy W-APN for a specific user. On receipt of the message, the WAG shall: Check that the user is known in the WAG. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. If the User is known, the WAG shall remove all routing policies configured for that session. The WAG shall further remove any stored user information pertaining to that W-APN. The WAG shall set the Result-Code to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and send back the ASA command to the 3GPP AAA Server.

Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by the WAG as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY and no Wn flows shall be disabled.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


WAG Initiated Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure

This procedure is used between the WAG and the 3GPP AAA Server. It is invoked by the WAG in the case whereby the session specific routing policy has been removed from the WAG and this action has not been preceded by any "Routing policy Cancellation Procedure" being sent from the 3GPP AAA Server to the WAG to instruct it to do so. The trigger for removal of the routing policy is implementation dependent, but it may e.g. result from a security attack on the PLMN using a corrupted WLAN-UE - PDG tunnel. The Wg reference point performs the routing policy cancellation procedure based on the use of RFC 3588 [7] Session Termination Request/ Answer (STR/STA) commands. In the roaming case where the PDG is in the VPLMN, the 3GPP AAA Proxy shall perform the functions described below for the 3GPP AAA Server. Table WAG Initiated Policy Cancellation - Notification
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Routing DestinationInformation Host Cat. M M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. This information element contains the 3GPP AAA Server/Proxy name obtained from previous messages.

Table WAG Initiated Policy Cancellation- Response

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Wg errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed Behaviour

The WAG shall make use of this procedure to instruct the 3GPP AAA Server of the fact that it has removed routing policy firewall pinhole at a specific W-APN for a specific user. On receipt of the message, the 3GPP AAA Server shall: Check the user is known in the 3GPP AAA Server. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. If the User is known the 3GPP AAA Server behaviour is implementation dependent. The 3GPP AAA Server may: (i) try to reconfigure a routing policy at the WAG by initiating a new session using AA-R to the WAG; or (ii) take steps to remove the users session at the 3GPP AAA Server and the PDG. The 3GPP AAA Server shall set the Result-Code to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and send back the ASA command to the WAG.

Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by 3GPP AAA Server as error situations, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Information Element Contents

Policy Download Procedures

The Wg Policy Download Request/Response are mapped onto the NASREQ AAR/AAA messages. The ABNF are indicated below:
<AA-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } [Destination-Host] * [ Routing Policy ] 1*[ Subscription-ID ] [ NAS-Identifier ] [ NAS-IP-Address ] [ NAS-IPv6-Address ] [ NAS-Port ] [ NAS-Port-Id ] [ NAS-Port-Type ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Port-Limit ] [ User-Name ] [ User-Password ] [ Service-Type ] [ State ] [ Authorization-Lifetime ] [ Auth-Grace-Period ] [ Auth-Session-State ] [ Callback-Number ] [ Called-Station-Id ] [ Calling-Station-Id ] [ Originating-Line-Info ] [ Connect-Info ] [ CHAP-Auth ] [ CHAP-Challenge ] * [ Framed-Compression ] [ Framed-Interface-Id ] [ Framed-IP-Address ] [ Framed-IP-Netmask ] [ Framed-MTU ] [ Framed-Protocol ] [ ARAP-Password ] [ ARAP-Security ] * [ ARAP-Security-Data ] * [ Login-IP-Host ] * [ Login-IPv6-Host ] [ Login-LAT-Group ] [ Login-LAT-Node ] [ Login-LAT-Port ] [ Login-LAT-Service ] * [ Tunneling ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]

The ABNF for the AAA is as follows:

<AA-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Auth-Request-Type } { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ Service-Type ] * [ Class ] * [ Configuration-Token ] [ Acct-Interim-Interval ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ]


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* [ [ [ [ [ [ [ * [ * [ [ [ [ [ [ * [ [ [ [ * [ * [ [ * [ * [ * [ [ [ [ [ * * [ [ [ [ [ [ * * * * [ [ * * [ Failed-AVP ] Idle-Timeout ] Authorization-Lifetime ] Auth-Grace-Period ] Auth-Session-State ] Re-Auth-Request-Type ] Session-Timeout ] State ] [ Reply-Message ] Origin-State-Id ] [ Filter-Id ] Password-Retry ] Port-Limit ] Prompt ] ARAP-Challenge-Response ] ARAP-Features ] ARAP-Security ] [ ARAP-Security-Data ] ARAP-Zone-Access ] Callback-Id ] Callback-Number ] Framed-Appletalk-Link ] [ Framed-Appletalk-Network ] Framed-Appletalk-Zone ] [ Framed-Compression ] Framed-Interface-Id ] Framed-IP-Address ] [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ] Framed-IPv6-Pool ] [ Framed-IPv6-Route ] Framed-IP-Netmask ] [ Framed-Route ] Framed-Pool ] Framed-IPX-Network ] Framed-MTU ] Framed-Protocol ] Framed-Routing ] [ Login-IP-Host ] [ Login-IPv6-Host ] Login-LAT-Group ] Login-LAT-Node ] Login-LAT-Port ] Login-LAT-Service ] Login-Service ] Login-TCP-Port ] [ NAS-Filter-Rule ] [ QoS-Filter-Rule ] [ Tunneling ] [ Redirect-Host ] Redirect-Host-Usage ] Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ] [ Proxy-Info ] [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure

The Policy Cancellation Request/Response messages are mapped onto ASR/ASA messages. The ABNF are given below:
<ASR> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Destination-Host } { Auth-Application-Id } [ User-Name ] [3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]

<ASA> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code }


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{ Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] * [ Redirected-Host ] [ Redirected-Host-Usage ] [ Redirected-Max-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


WAG Initiated Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure

The WAG initiated Routing Policy Cancellation Procedure is mapped onto the STR/STA messages. The ABNF are given below:
<STR> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Application-Id } { Termination-Cause } [ User-Name ] [ Destination-Host ] * [ Class ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] * [ AVP ]

For the response:

<STA> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY >

< Session-Id > { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] * [ Class ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Redirect-Host ] [ Redirect-Host-Usage ] [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


Information Elements Contents


Table 10.1.1 describes the Diameter AVPs defined for the WLAN reference point, their AVP Code values, types, possible flag values and whether or not the AVP may be encrypted. The Vendor-Id header of all AVPs defined in this specification shall be set to 3GPP (10415). Only those AVPs initially defined by the reference points mentioned within this specification are listed in Table 10.1.1.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Table 10.1.1: Diameter Multimedia Application AVPs

AVP Flag rules AVP Section Value Type Shall May Should Must May Encr. Code defined not not 3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id 100 10.1.15 OctetString M, V No Authentication-Method 300 10.1.5 Enumerated M, V No Authentication-Information-SIM 301 10.1.6 OctetString M, V No Authorization -Information-SIM 302 10.1.7 OctetString M,V No WLAN-User-Data 303 10.1.8 Grouped M, V No Charging-Data 304 10.1.10 Grouped M, V No WLAN-Access 305 10.1.11 Enumerated M, V No WLAN- 3GPP-IP-Access 306 10.1.12 Enumerated M, V No APN-Authorized 307 10.1.14 Grouped M, V No APN-Barring-Type 309 10.1.16 Enumerated M, V No WLAN-Direct-IP-Access 310 10.1.17 Enumerated M, V No Session-Request-Type 311 10.1.23 Enumerated M, V No Routing-Policy 312 10.1.24 IPFilterRule M, V No Max-Requested-Bandwidth 313 10.1.26 OctetString M, V No Charging-Characteristics 314 10.1.27 Integer M, V No Charging-Nodes 315 10.1.28 Grouped M, V No Primary-OCS-Charging316 10.1.29 DiameterIdentity M, V No Function-Name Secondary-OCS-Charging317 10.1.30 DiameterIdentity M, V No Function-Name 3GPP-AAA-Server-Name 318 10.1.34 DiameterIdentity M, V No Maximum-Number-Accesses 319 10.1.38 Unsigned32 M, V No NOTE: The AVP header bit denoted as 'M', indicates whether support of the AVP is required. The AVP header bit denoted as 'V', indicates whether the optional Vendor-ID field is present in the AVP header. For further details, see IETF RFC 3588 [7]. Attribute Name



Between the 3GPP AAA server and the HSS, Diameter sessions are implicitly terminated. An implicitly terminated session is one for which the server does not maintain state information. The client does not need to send any re-authorization or session termination requests to the server. The Diameter base protocol includes the Auth-Session-State AVP as the mechanism for the implementation of implicitly terminated sessions. The client (server) shall include in its requests (responses) the Auth-Session-State AVP set to the value NO_STATE_MAINTAINED (1), as described in RFC 3588 [7]. As a consequence, the server does not maintain any state information about this session and the client does not need to send any session termination request. Neither the Authorization-Lifetime AVP nor the Session-Timeout AVP shall be present in requests or responses.



The User-Name AVP is defined in the RFC 3588 [7] and contains the NAI format User Identity as described in 3GPP TS 23. 003 [22]. For the WLAN Wx reference point, the User-Name AVP contains the IMSI of the subscriber.



The Visited-Network-Identifier AVP is defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] and indicates the 3GPP VPLMN where the user is roaming.


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The SIP-Auth-Data-Item AVP is defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]. However three new more conditional AVPs are needed for WLAN Wx reference point. AVP format
SIP-Auth-Data-Item :: = < AVP Header : 612 > [ SIP-Item-Number ] [ SIP-Authentication-Scheme ] [ SIP-Authenticate ] [ SIP-Authorization ] [ SIP-Authentication-Context ] [Confidentiality-Key] [Integrity-Key] [Authentication-Method] [Authentication-Information-SIM] [Authorization-Information-SIM] * [AVP]



The Authentication-Method AVP is of type Enumerated and indicates the authentication method required for the user. The following values are defined: WLAN_EAP_SIM (0) The UE indicates to the HSS that the required authentication method is EAP/SIM.

WLAN_EAP_AKA (1) The UE indicates to the HSS that the required authentication method is EAP/AKA.



The Authentication-Information-SIM AVP is of type OctetString and contains the concatenation of authentication challenge RAND and the ciphering key Kc.


Authorization -Information-SIM

The Authentication-Information-SIM AVP is of type OctetString and contains the response SRES.



The WLAN-User-Data AVP is of type Grouped. This AVP contains the WLAN User Profile information for the 3GPP AAA Server to authorize the service. AVP format
WLAN-User-Data::= <AVP header: 303> [Subscription-ID ] { WLAN-Access } { WLAN-3GPP-IP-Access } [ Session-Timeout ] *[ APN-Authorized ] *[ Maximum-Number-Accesses ] { WLAN-Direct-IP-Access } [ QoS- Resources ] * [AVP]

The QoS-Auth-Resources AVP in the WLAN-User-Data grouped AVP shall contain the subscribed QoS in WLAN Direct IP Access case.


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10.1.10 Charging-Data
The Charging-Data AVP is of type Grouped, and contains the addresses of the charging functions. AVP format
Charging-Data::= <AVP header: 304> { Charging-Characteristics } { Charging-Nodes} * [AVP]

When this AVP is present within the APN-Authorised AVP, charging data apply to the specific W-APN within the APN-Authorised AVP and shall prevail over the general received Charging-Data.

10.1.11 WLAN-Access
The WLAN-Access AVP is of type Enumerated, and allows operators to determine barring of 3GPP -WLAN interworking subscription. The following values are defined: WLAN_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED (0) The subscriber has WLAN subscription.

WLAN_SUBSCRIPTION_BARRED (1) The subscriber has no WLAN subscription.

10.1.12 WLAN-3GPP-IP-Access
The WLAN-3GPP-IP-Access AVP is of type Enumerated, and allows operator to disable all W-APNs for a subscriber at one time. If there is a conflict between this item and the "APN-Barring-type" flag of any W-APN, the most restrictive will prevail. The following values are defined: WLAN_ APNS _ENABLE (0) Enable all APNs for a subscriber.

WLAN_ APNS _DISABLE (1) Disable all APNs for a subscriber.

10.1.13 Session-Timeout
The Session-TimeOut AVP is defined in RFC 3588 [7] and indicates the maximum period for a session measured in seconds. This AVP is used for re-authentication purposes. If this field is not used, the WLAN AN will apply default time intervals.

10.1.14 APN-Authorized
The APN-Authorized AVP is of type Grouped and contains authorization information for the APNs. This AVP indicates the list of allowed W-APNs and the environment where the access is allowed (visited or home PLMN). Also information is provided about the WLAN UE remote IP address when it has been statically assigned by the operator. AVP format


Release 7
APN-Authorized::= <AVP header: 307> { 3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id } { APN-Barring-Type} [ Framed-IP-Address] *[Framed-IPv6-Prefix] [ Max-Requested-Bandwidth ] [ QoS- Resources ] *[AVP]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

10.1.15 3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id
The 3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id AVP is of type OctetString, and contains the W-APN for which the user will have services available. These W-APNs may be mapped to services in the home network or in the visited network. W-APN is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22].

10.1.16 APN-Barring-Type
The APN-Barring-Type AVP is of type Enumerated, and contains a flag indicating whether access is allowed in visited PLMNs or in the home PLMN. WLAN_ APN_ NO_BARRING (0) Access is allowed in visited PLMNs and home PLMN. WLAN_ APN_HOME_BARRED_WHEN_ROAMING (1) The subscriber is barred to activate the W-APN that access a PDG within the HPLMN when he is located in VPLMN. WLAN_ APN_VISITED _BARRED (2) The subscriber is barred to activate the W-APN that access a PDG within the VPLMN when he is located in a VPLMN. WLAN_ APN_HOME_BARRED (3) The subscriber is barred to activate the W-APN that access a PDG within the HPLMN when he is located in the HPLMN. WLAN_ APN_INTERNET_ACCESS_BARRED (4) The subscriber is barred to access internet through any W-APN regardless of whether he is located in a VPLMN or in the HPLMN.

10.1.17 WLAN Direct IP Access

The WLAN Direct IP Access AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicate whether the user has direct access to external IP networks, e.g. Internet, from the WLAN Access Network or not. WLAN_ DIRECT_IP_ACCESS (0) The user is allowed to access directly to external IP networks.

WLAN_NO_DIRECT_IP_ACCESS (1) The user is not allowed to access directly to external IP networks.

10.1.18 Server-Assignment-Type
The Server-Assignment-Type AVP is defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] and indicates the type of procedure the 3GPP AAA Server is asking to the HSS. Wx reference point defines as valid only NO_ASSIGNMENT, REGISTRATION, USER_DEREGISTRATION, ADMINISTRATIVE_DEREGISTRATION and AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE.


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Pr reference point defines as valid only REGISTRATION, USER_DEREGISTRATION.

10.1.19 Deregistration-Reason
The Deregistration-Reason AVP is defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] and indicates reason for a de-registration operation. This grouped AVP contains a Reason-Code AVP to indicate the reason for the de-registration. Reasons are listed in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]. Wx reference point defines as valid only PERMANENT_TERMINATION value.

10.1.20 EAP-Payload
The EAP-Payload AVP is defined in the IETF RFC 4072 [8] and contains the encapsulated EAP packet that is being exchanged between the EAP client and the home Diameter server.

10.1.21 Auth Req Type

The Auth Req Type AVP is of type Enumerated and indicates the action that the PDG is asking to the 3GPP AAA Server to perform (Authentication, authorization or both). Wm interface only makes use of the AUTHENTICATION_ONLY value. It is defined in the IETF RFC 4072 [8].

10.1.22 EAP-Master-Session-Key
The EAP-Master-Session-Key AVP is of type OctetString and contains keying material for protecting the communications between the user and the NAS, i.e. Pairwise Master Key (PMK) or Master Session Key (MSK). It is defined in the IETF RFC 4072 [8].

10.1.23 Session-Request-Type
The Session-Request-Type AVP is of type Enumerated and indicates the action that the PDG is asking to the 3GPP AAA Server to perform (authorization or routing policy). The following values are defined: AUTHORIZATION REQUEST (0) The PDG is requesting authorization for a user for a given W-APN.

ROUTING POLICY (1) The PDG is indicating that routing policy information is present.

10.1.24 Routing-Policy
The Routing Policy AVP is of type IPFilterRule, and defines a packet filter for an IP flow with the following information: Direction (in or out). Source and destination IP address (possibly masked). Protocol. Source and destination port (list or ranges).

Where the protocol type shall be set to ESP (50). The IPFilterRule type shall be used with the following restrictions: Only the Action "permit" shall be used. No "options" shall be used. The invert modifier "!" for addresses shall not be used. The keyword "assigned" shall not be used.


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For direction "out", an IPv4 destination IP address shall not be wildcarded. For direction "out", the 64 bits network prefix of an IPv6 destination IP address shall not be wildcarded.

The Routing-Policy AVP shall be used to describe a single IP flow. The direction "in" refers to uplink IP flows, and the direction "out" refers to downlink IP flows.

10.1.25 Subscription-ID
The Subscription-ID AVP is of type grouped and indicates the user identity to be used for charging purposes. It is defined in the IETF RFC 4006 [19]. WLAN shall make use only of the values MSISDN or IMSI. This grouped AVP shall set the sub-AVP Subscription-IdType to value "END_USER_E164" or to value "END_USER_IMSI" and shall set the sub-AVP Subscription-Id-Data to the MSISDN value.

10.1.26 Max-Requested-Bandwidth
The Max-Requested-Bandwidth AVP is of type OctetString and indicates the Max-Subscriber-Bandwidth. If present, shall be downloaded from HSS to 3GPP AAA Server, and sent from the 3GPP AAA Server to the PDG.

10.1.27 Charging-Characteristics
The Charging-Characteristics AVP is of type Integer, and contains the charging mode to be applied as described in 3GPP TS 32.215 [24].

10.1.28 Charging-Nodes
The Charging-Nodes AVP is of type Grouped, and contains the addresses of the charging functions, as described in 3GPP TS 32.240 [23]. AVP format
Charging-Nodes::= <AVP header: 315> [ Primary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name ] [ Secondary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name] [ Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name ] [ Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name ] * [AVP]

10.1.29 Primary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name
The Primary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name AVP is of type DiameterIdentity, and defines the address of the Primary Online Charging System (OCS)

10.1.30 Secondary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name
The Secondary-OCS-Charging-Function-Name AVP is of type DiameterIdentity, and defines the address of the Secondary Online Charging System (OCS). When this value is not present, the PDG shall dynamically assign an IP address to the WLAN UE.

10.1.31 Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name
The Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name AVP is defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] and contains the address of the Secondary Charging Collection Function.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

10.1.32 Framed-IP-Address
The Framed-IP-Address AVP is of type OctetString, and defines the remote IPv4 address that the operator has statically assigned to the WLAN UE. When the Framed-IP-Address AVP is not present, the PDG shall dynamically assign, or ask some other node, e.g. a DHCP server, to assign, a remote IP address to the WLAN UE. The occurrence of this AVP is as per described in section 10.1 of NASREQ IETF RFC 4005 [12]: Framed-IP-Address | 0-1 | 0-1 |

10.1.33 Framed-IPv6-Prefix
The Framed-IPv6-Prefix AVP is of type OctetString, and defines the remote IPv6 prefix that the operator has statically assigned to the WLAN UE. When the Framed-IPv6-Prefix AVP is not present, the PDG shall dynamically assign, or ask some other node, e.g. a DHCP server, to assign, a remote IP address to the WLAN UE. The occurrence of this AVP is as per described in section 10.1 of NASREQ IETF RFC 4005 [12]: Framed-IPv6-Prefix | 0+ | 0+ |

10.1.34 3GPP-AAA-Server-Name
The 3GPP-AAA-Server-Name AVP is of type DiameterIdentity, and defines the Diameter address of the 3GPP AAA Server node.

10.1.35 Void 10.1.36 Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name

The Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name AVP is defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6] and contains the address of the Primary Charging Collection Function.

10.1.37 NAS-Port-Type
The NAS-Port-Type AVP is the Diameter translation of the NAS-Port-Type RADIUS attribute and contains an indication of the type of access that the user is requesting (tunnel or WLAN access).

10.1.38 Maximum-Number-Accesses
The Maximum-Number-Accesses AVP is of type Unsigned32, and used to specify the maximum number of concurrent accesses (IKE security associations) per W-APN.

10.1.39. WLAN-Session-Id
The WLAN-Session-Id AVP is of type Unsigned32. It is specified in 3GPP TS 32.299 [32]. The identifier is used to correlate PDG and WLAN AN charging data (see 3GPP TS 32.252 [33]). The WLAN-Session-Id AVP contains the charging identifier generated by the 3GPP AAA Server when WLAN access authentication and authorization proceudre is done successfully. The WLAN-Session-Id AVP is sent to PDG from 3GPP AAA Server during Wm authorization procedure and PDG includes the WLAN Session Id to PDG charging data.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

10.1.40. PDG-Charging-Id
The PDG-Charging-Id AVP is of type Unsigned32. It is specified in 3GPP TS 32.299 [32]. The identifier is used to correlate PDG and WLAN AN charging data (see 3GPP TS 32.252 [33]). The PDG-Charging-Id AVP contains the charging identifier generated by the PDG for the tunnel. The PDG-Charging-Id AVP is sent to 3GPP AAA Server from PDG during Wm authorization procedure and 3GPP AAA Server includes the PDG Charging Id to WLAN AN charging data.

10.1.41. 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule
The 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute contains the 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile formatted as a QoSFilterRule string as defined in IETF RFC 4005 [12]. This 3GPP vendor-specific RADIUS attribute is only applicable on the RADIUS-based Wa and Wd reference points and is encoded as follows (as per IETF RFC 2865 [17]). Bits
Octets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-n 8 5 4 3 2 1 Type = 26 Length = n 3GPP Vendor id octet 1 3GPP Vendor id octet 2 3GPP Vendor id octet 3 3GPP Vendor id octet 4 3GPP type = [a] 3GPP Length = (n-6) QoSFilterRule (UTF-8 encoded characters) 7 6

10.1.42. QoS-Resources
The QoS-Resources AVP is defined in IETF 5777 [35]. It includes the description of the resources that have been stored in the HSS as a part of a users subscription or authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server. Over the Wx interface, this AVP is used to contain subscribed 3GPP WLAN QoS Profile, and over the Wm interface, this AVP is used to contain authorized 3GPP WLAN QoS profile. The following information shall be provided at least over the Wx interface: DiffServ DSCP information.

10.1.43. QoS-Capability
The QoS-Capability grouped AVP is defined in IETF 5777 [35]. It includes a list of supported Quality of Service profiles. The QoS-Profile sub-AVP shall have Vendor-ID and Specifier fields set to default value 0 (zero).

10.1.44 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Support
The 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Support attribute is a 3GPP vendor-specific attribute only applicable on the RADIUSbased Wa and Wd reference points.It indicates whether the WLAN AN supports the 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute and is encoded as follows (as per IETF RFC 2865 [38])


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Octets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 5 4 3 Type = 26 Length = 9 3GPP Vendor id octet 1 3GPP Vendor id octet 2 3GPP Vendor id octet 3 3GPP Vendor id octet 4 3GPP type = [b] 3GPP Length = 3 Support-Indicator octet 6 2 1

The following values are defined for the Support-Indicator octet: 0 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute is not supported by the WLAN AN. 1 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule attribute is supported by the WLAN AN. If the 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Support attribute attribute is not supported by the WLAN AN. is not present in the request, the 3GPP-WLAN-QoS-Filter-Rule


Handling of Information Elements

In the tables that describe the Information Elements transported by each Diameter command, each Information Element is marked as (M) Mandatory, (C) Conditional or (O) Optional. A mandatory Information Element (marked as (M) in the table) shall always be present in the command. If this Information Element is absent, an application error occurs at the receiver and an answer message shall be sent back to the originator of the request with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP. This message shall also include a Failed-AVP AVP containing the missing Information Element i.e. the corresponding Diameter AVP defined by the AVP Code and the other fields set as expected for this Information Element. A conditional Information Element (marked as (C) in the table) shall be present in the command if certain conditions are fulfilled. If the receiver detects that those conditions are fulfilled and the Information Element is absent, an application error occurs and an answer message shall be sent back to the originator of the request with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP. This message shall also include a Failed-AVP AVP containing the missing Information Element i.e. the corresponding Diameter AVP defined by the AVP Code and the other fields set as expected for this Information Element. If those conditions are not fulfilled, the Information Element shall be absent. If however this Information Element appears in the message, it shall not cause an application error and it may be ignored by the receiver if this is not explicitly defined as an error case. Otherwise, an application error occurs at the receiver and an answer message with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_AVP_NOT_ALLOWED shall be sent back to the originator of the request. A Failed-AVP AVP containing a copy of the corresponding Diameter AVP shall be included in this message

An optional Information Element (marked as (O) in the table) may be present or absent in the command, at the discretion of the application at the sending entity. Absence or presence of this Information Element shall not cause an application error and may be ignored by the receiver.


Result-Code AVP values

This subclause defines new result code values that shall be supported by all Diameter implementations that conform to this specification. When one of the result codes defined here is included in a response, it shall be inside an Experimental-Result AVP and Result-Code AVP shall be absent.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


Permanent Failures

Errors that fall within the Permanent Failures category are used to inform the peer that the request failed, and should not be attempted again. Errors not defined in this specification may be found in 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]


A message was received for a user with no WLAN-subscription.


A message was received for a user who has no subscription for a specified W-APN.


A message was received requesting WLAN 3GPP IP access for a user whose subscription does not allow it if it was not previously authenticated by WLAN Direct IP Access.


A message was received requesting WLAN 3GPP IP access for a user whose subscription does not allow it if it was not previously authenticated by WLAN 3GPP direct access.


Pr Description

The Pr Reference Point is defined in 3GPP TS 23.141 [31] and allows the 3GPP AAA Server to report presence relevant events to the Presence Network Agent (PNA).

11.1 Functionality
The functionality of the Pr reference point is to enable: Indication of the Attach/Detach to the PNA by the 3GPP AAA Server of a WLAN user. Indication of the W-APN Activation/DeActivation to the PNA by the 3GPP AAA Server of a WLAN user.

11.2 Protocols
The Pr reference point shall be Diameter based and shall have an application ID defined for it. It is defined as an IETF vendor specific Diameter application, where the vendor is 3GPP. The application identifier is to 16777230. It is assigned by IANA (http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers).

11.3 Procedures Description

11.3.1 WLAN Attach/Detach Indication
According to the requirements given in clause 11.1, the Pr reference point shall enable: -an indication of the Attach /Detach to the PNA. This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PNA.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The procedure of Attach indication shall be invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server after a new subscriber has been authenticated and authorised successfully by the 3GPP AAA Server. The procedure of Detach indication shall be invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when a WLAN user becomes detached, e.g. the WLAN UE has disappeared from WLAN coverage, or the OSC has initiated a disconnection. The Pr reference point performs these functions based on the reuse of the existing Cx Server Assignment command code set (SAR/SAA). Table WLAN Attach / Detach Indication Request
Information element name Permanent User Identity Server Assignment Type Mapping to Diameter AVP User-Name ServerAssignmentType Cat. M M Description This information element contains the permanent identity of the user, i.e. the IMSI. Type of procedure the 3GPP AAA Server indicated to the PNA. When this IE contains REGISTRATION value, the 3GPP AAA Server indicates to the PNA a WLAN user is attached. When this IE contains USER_DEREGISTRATION, the 3GPP AAA Server indicates to the PNA a WLAN user is detached. Any other value is considered as an error case. An identifier that allows the home network to identify the Visited Network. This AVP shall be present if the PDG is not in the WLAN-UE's home network i.e. the WLAN-UE is roaming. If the 3GPP AAA Server knows the PNA name, this AVP shall be present. This information is available if the 3GPP AAA Server already has the PNA name stored. The PNA name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP, which is received from the PNA, e.g. included in the SAA command. Otherwise only the Destination-Realm is included, so that it is resolved to a PNA address.

Visited Network Identifier Routing Information

VisitedNetworkIdentifier DestinationHost

Table WLAN Attach / Detach Indication Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. A Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. An Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Pr errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed behaviour

When a new 3GPP subscriber has been authenticated and authorized by the 3GPP AAA Server, the 3GPP AAA Server indicates the status of "Attach" towards the PNA. The PNA shall, in the event of an error in any of the steps, stop processing and return the corresponding error code, see 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]). When a WLAN user is in Detach satus, the 3GPP AAA Server indicates the status of "Detach" towards the PNA. The PNA shall, in the event of an error in any of the steps, stop processing and return the corresponding error code, see 3GPP TS 29.229 [6]). The 3GPP AAA server sends Server-Assignment-Request command to the PNA indicating the Attach/Detach status. The subscriber is identified by the User-Name AVP. At reception of Server-Assignment-Request command, the PNA shall perform (in the following order): 1. Check that the user is known. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. 2. Check the Server Assignment Type value received in the request:


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If it indicates REGISTRATION, that means the WLAN user is in Attach status, the PNA shall store the 3GPP AAA Server name for the authenticated and authorized 3GPP subscriber and set the Result-Code AVP to DIAMETER_SUCCESS in the Server-Assignment-Response command. If it indicates USER_DEREGISTRATION, that means the WLAN user is in Detach status, the PNA shall remove the 3GPP AAA Server name previously assigned for the 3GPP subscriber and set the Result-Code AVP to DIAMETER_SUCCESS in the Server-Assignment-Response command. If it indicates any other value, the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO COMPLY, and no WLAN Attach/Detach indication procedure shall be performed.

The Origin-Host AVP shall contain the 3GPP AAA server identity.

11.3.2 W-APN Activation/De-Activation Indication W-APN Activation Indication
According to the requirements given in clause 11.1, the Pr reference point shall enable: an indication of the W-APN Activation to the PNA.

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PNA. The procedure of W-APN Activation indication shall be invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when a tunnel to a W-APN is established successfully as defined in section 7.9; see 3GPP TS 23.234 [4]. The W-APN Activation Indication Request/Response are mapped onto the NASREQ AAR/AAA messages. Table W-APN Activation Indication request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Permanent User-Name User Identity Visited Network VisitedIdentifier NetworkIdentifier W-APN-ID 3GPP-WLANAPN-Id Routing DestinationInformation Host Cat. M C Description This information element contains the identity of the user. An identifier that allows the home network to identify the Visited Network. This AVP shall be present if the PDG is not in the WLAN-UE's home network, i.e. the WLAN-UE is roaming. This information element shall contain the W-APN for which the UE has been granted authorization. The PNA name is obtained from the Origin-Host AVP of a previously received message.


Table Activation Indication Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. A Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. An Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Pr errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed behaviour

If this message is received at the PNA, it indicates that the WLAN-UE now has been authorised for such a W-APN and has one (or more) tunnel(s) active to the particular W-APN at the PDG. The PNA shall, in the following order (if there is an error in any of the steps, the PNA shall stop processing and return the corresponding error code): 1) Check that the user exists in the PNA. If not Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN.


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2) Store the current active W-APN 3) Optionally, the PNA shall store the PDG IP address associated with the W-APN. 4) The Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS. Exceptions to the cases specified here shall be treated by a PNA as error situations, so the Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY. No information shall be stored in PNA. W-APN De-Activation Indication

According to the requirements given in clause 11.1, Pr reference point shall enable: an indication of the W-APN Deactivation to the PNA.

This procedure is used between the 3GPP AAA Server and the PNA. The procedure of W-APN Deactivation indication is invoked by the 3GPP AAA Server when a particular W-APN is deactivated. TheW-APN Deactivation Indication Request/Response are mapped onto the Abort Session Request/Answer (ASR/ASA) messages defined in RFC 3588 [7]. Table W-APN Deactivation Indication Request
Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP User Identity User-Name W-APN-Id 3GPP-WLANAPN-Id Routing DestinationInformation Host Cat. M M M Description This information element shall contain the identity of the user. This information element shall contain the W-APN Identification associated with the deactivation. The PNA name shall be obtained from the Origin-Host AVP of a previous message received from the PNA.

Table W-APN DeActivation Indication Answer

Information Mapping to element name Diameter AVP Result Result-Code / ExperimentalResult Cat. M Description Result of the operation. A Result-Code AVP shall be used for errors defined in the Diameter Base Protocol. An Experimental-Result AVP shall be used for Pr errors. This is a grouped AVP which contains the 3GPP Vendor ID in the Vendor-Id AVP, and the error code in the Experimental-Result-Code AVP.

Detailed behaviour

The 3GPP AAA Server shall make use of this procedure to indicate the PNA that a particular W-APN has no active tunnel left for a specific user. On receipt of the message, the PNA shall: 1) Check that the user is known in the PNA. If not, Experimental-Result-Code shall be set to DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN. 2) The PNA shall set the Result-Code to DIAMETER_SUCCESS and send back the SAA command to the 3GPP AAA Server.


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11.4 Information Elements Contents

11.4.1 WLAN Attach/Detach Indication
The Server-Assignment-Request (SAR) command, indicated by the Command-Code field being set to 301 and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent by the 3GPP AAA Server to the PNA, in order to indicate to the PNA a WLAN user is in the status of Attached or Detached. Message Format <Server-Assignment-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 301, REQ, PXY, XXXX> < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } { Auth-Session-State } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ Destination-Host ] { Destination-Realm } [ User-Name ] [Visited-Network-Identifier] { Server-Assignment-Type } *[ AVP ] *[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]

The Server-Assignment-Answer (SAA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field being set to 301 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is sent by the PNA to the 3GPP AAA Server, to confirm the Attached or Detached indication. Message Format <Server-Assignment-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 301, PXY, XXXX > < Session-Id > { Vendor-Specific-Application-Id } [ Result-Code ] [Experimental-Result ] { Auth-Session-State } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] *[ AVP ] *[ Proxy-Info ] *[ Route-Record ]

11.4.2 W-APN Activation/DeActivation Indication W-APN Activation Indication
The W-APN Activation Indication request and response messages are mapped onto the NASREQ AAR/AAA messages. The ABNF for this is defined below:
<AA-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Auth-Request-Type } [ Destination-Host ] [ Visited-Network-Identifier] { 3GPP-WLAN-APN- Id } [ User-Name ] [ Authorization-Lifetime ] [ Auth-Grace-Period ]


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[ [ [ * * * * Auth-Session-State ] Framed-IP-Address ] Framed-IP-Netmask ] [ Tunneling ] [ Proxy-Info ] [ Route-Record ] [ AVP ]


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The ABNF for the AAA is defined as follows:

<AA-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, PXY > < Session-Id > { Auth-Application-Id } { Auth-Request-Type } { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ Subscription-ID-AVP] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ] W-APN Deactivation Indication

The ABNF for the W-APN Deactivation Indication Procedure is mapped onto the ASR and ASA commands as defined below:
<ASR> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY > < Session-Id > { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } { Destination-Realm } { Destination-Host } { Auth-Application-Id } [ User-Name ] { 3GPP-WLAN-APN-Id } [ Origin-State-Id ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ Route-Record ] *[ AVP ]


::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY > < Session-Id > { Result-Code } { Origin-Host } { Origin-Realm } [ User-Name ] [ Origin-State-Id ] [ Error-Message ] [ Error-Reporting-Host ] * [ Failed-AVP ] * [ Redirected-Host ] [ Redirected-Host-Usage ] [ Redirected-Max-Cache-Time ] * [ Proxy-Info ] * [ AVP ]


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


User identity to HSS resolution

The User identity to HSS resolution mechanism enables the 3GPP AAA servers to find the identity of the HSS that holds the subscriber data for a given user identity when multiple and separately addressable HSSs have been deployed by the network operator. The resolution mechanism is not required in networks that utilise a single HSS or when a 3GPP AAA server is configured to use pre-defined HSS address/identity. In networks where more than one independently addressable HSS are utilized by a network operator, and the 3GPP AAA servers are not configured to use pre-defined HSS address/identity, each 3GPP AAA server shall be configured with the address/identity of the Diameter Agent (Redirect or Proxy) implementing this resolution mechanism. To get the HSS identity that holds the subscriber data for a given user identity, the 3GPP AAA server shall send the Diameter request normally destined to the HSS to a pre-configured address/identity of a Diameter agent supporting the User identity to HSS resolution mechanism. If this Diameter request is received by a Diameter Redirect Agent, the Diameter Redirect Agent shall determine the HSS identity based on the provided user identity and shall send to the 3GPP AAA server a notification of redirection towards the HSS identity, in response to the Diameter request. Multiple HSS identities may be included in the response, as specified in IETF RFC 3588 [7]. In such a case, the 3GPP AAA server shall send the Diameter request to the first HSS identity in the ordered list received in the Diameter response from the Diameter Redirect Agent. If the 3GPP AAA server does not receive a successful response to the Diameter request, the 3GPP AAA server shall send a Diameter request to the next HSS identity in the ordered list. This procedure shall be repeated until a successful response from an HSS is received. If this Diameter request is received by a Diameter Proxy Agent, the Diameter Proxy Agent shall determine the HSS identity based on the provided user identity and shall forward the Diameter request directly to the HSS. The 3GPP AAA server shall determine the HSS identity from the response to the Diameter request received from the HSS.

After the user identity to HSS resolution, the 3GPP AAA server shall store the HSS identity/name/Realm and shall use it in further Diameter requests associated to the same user dentity.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Annex A (normative): Wa and Wd Procedures Signalling Flows A.1 Authentication, Authorization and Key Delivery

The purpose of this signalling sequence is to carry WLAN-UE - 3GPP AAA Server authentication signalling over the Wa and Wd reference points. As a result of a successful authentication, authorization information and session keying material for the authenticated session is delivered from the 3GPP AAA Server to the WLAN. This Wa and Wd signalling sequence is initiated by the WLAN when authentication of a WLAN-UE is needed. This can take place when a new WLAN-UE accesses WLAN, when a WLAN-UE switches between WLAN APs or when a periodic re-authentication is performed. The signalling sequences shown are based on RADIUS and Diameter, as specified in clauses 4 and 5. For more information on proxying and protocol translation associated with using RADIUS and Diameter between the Wa and Wd reference points see subclause 5.3.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)


3GPP AAA Proxy

3GPP AAA Server

EAP authentication is initiated between UE and WLAN 1. Wa: Access_Request (EAP Response/Identity(NAI))
RADIUS/Diameter Translator Agent

2. Wd: Diameter_EAP_Request (EAP Response/Identity(NAI)) 3. Wd:Diameter_EAP_Answer (EAP Request)

RADIUS/Diameter Translator Agent

4. Wa: Access_Challenge (EAP Resquest) 5. Wa: Access_Request (EAP Response)

RADIUS/Diameter Translator Agent

6. Wd: Diameter_EAP_Request (EAP Response) 2N Wd:Diameter_EAP_Answer (EAP Success, Authorization Info, Session Keying Material
RADIUS/Diameter Translator Agent

2N Wa: Access_Accept (EAP Success, Authorization Info, Session Keying Material)

Figure A.1: Wa and Wd message flow for WLAN Session Authentication and Authorization Case a) Wa using RADIUS and Wd using Diameter


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3GPP AAA Proxy

3GPP AAA Server

EAP authentication is initiated between UE and WLAN 1. Wa: Access_Request (EAP Response/Identity(NAI))

2. Wd: Access_Request (EAP Response/Identity(NAI))

3. Wd:Access_Challenge (EAP Request)

4. Wa: Access_Challenge (EAP Request) 5. Wa: Access_Request (EAP Response)

6.Wd: Access_Request (EAP Response) 2N Wd: Access_Accept (EAP Success, Authorization Info, Session Keying Material)

2N Wa: Access_Accept (EAP Success, Authorization Info, Session Keying Material)

Figure A.2: Wa and Wd message flow for WLAN Session Authentication and Authorization Case b) Wa and Wd using RADIUS


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3GPP AAA Proxy

3GPP AAA Server

EAP authentication is initiated between UE and WLAN 1. Wa: Diameter_EAP_Request (EAP Response/Identity(NAI)) 2. Wd: Diameter_EAP_Request (EAP Response/Identity(NAI)) 3. Wd:Diameter_EAP_Answer 4. Wa: Diameter_EAP_Answer (EAP Resquest) 5. Wa: Diameter_EAP_Request (EAP Response) 6.Wd: Diameter_EAP_Request (EAP Response)

2N Wd:Diameter_EAP_Answer (EAP Success, Authorization 2N+Wa: Diameter_EAP_Answer Info, Session Keying Material) (EAP Success, Authorization Info, Session Keying Material

Figure A.3: Wa and Wd message flow for WLAN Session Authentication and Authorization Case c) Wa and Wd using Diameter 1. The WLAN AN initiates an authentication procedure towards the 3GPP network by sending to 3GPP AAA Proxy either: a) "Access_Request" message; b) "Diameter_EAP_Request" message. The 3GPP AAA Proxy then sends to the 3GPP AAA Server either: a) "Access_Request" message; b) "Diameter_EAP_Request" message. Both messages carry encapsulated EAP Response/Identity message to the 3GPP AAA Server. The message also carries a Session-ID used to identify the session within the WLAN AN. 2. The "Access_Request" message sent by the 3GPP AAA Proxy is generated due to the proxying by the 3GPP AAA Proxy of the "Access_Request" message originated in WLAN AN. The "Diameter_EAP_Request" message sent by 3GPP AAA Proxyis generated in the following two way: a) Conversion by the 3GPP AAA Proxy "Translator Agent" from the RADIUS "Access_Request" to "Diameter_EAP_Message"; b) Proxying by the 3GPP AAA Proxy of the "Diameter_EAP_Message" originated in WLAN AN.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

3. The 3GPP AAA Server performs the authentication procedure based on information retrieved from HSS/HLR. The 3GPP AAA Server sends to the 3GPP AAA Proxy either the message "Access_Challenge" if it received an "Access_Request" message or an "Diameter_EAP_Answer" " message if it received a "Diameter_EAP_Message". Both of these messages carry an encapsulated "EAP Request message". The content of the "EAP Request message" is dependent on the EAP type being used. 4. 3GPP AAA Proxy performs one of the following two different procedures: a) Converts the "Diameter_EAP_Answer" message to "Access_Accept Message" by use of the RADIUS/Diameter "Translator Agent" and sends the "Access_Accept" to the WLAN AN; b) Proxyies the "Access_Challenge" or "Diameter_EAP_Answer" message to the WLAN AN. The WLAN-AN then conveys the EAP Request message to the WLAN-UE. 5. The WLAN-UE responds to the WLAN AN by an EAP Response message. The WLAN AN encapsulates it into either: a) "Access_Request message" and sends it to 3GPP AAA Proxy;

b) "Diameter_EAP_Request" message and sends it to 3GPP AAA Proxy. 6. The 3GPP AAA Proxy then performs one of following two procedures: a) Converts the "Access_Request" to the "Diameter_EAP_Request" message by using the RADIUS/Diameter "Translator Agent" and sending one to the 3GPP AAA Server; b) Proxies the "Access_Request" message or "Diameter_EAP_Request" message to 3GPP AAA Server. The contents of the EAP Response message are dependent on the EAP type being used. The number of roundtrip Diameter signalling exchanges similar to the signals 3 to 6 is dependent e.g. on the EAP type being used. 2N. When the 3GPP AAA server has successfully authenticated the 3GPP subscriber, the 3GPP AAA Server sends to the 3GPP AAA Proxy a either an "Access_Accept" message, if it received an "Access_Request" or a Diameter_EAP_Answer message , if it received a "Diameter_EAP_Request". Both messages carry an encapsulated EAP Success message. 2N+1. The 3GPP AAA Proxy then acts in one of two ways: a) Conversion of the "Diameter_EAP_Answer" message to "Access_Accept" by the "Translator Agent" and sending one to the WLAN AN. b) Proxy the "Access_Accept" or "Diameter_EAP_Answer" message to the WLAN AN. The WLAN AN then forwards the EAP Success message to the WLAN-UE. This Diameter_EAP_Answer message also carries the authorization information (e.g. NAS Filter Rule or Tunnelling attributes) for the authenticated session. The message also carries the keying material from the 3GPP AAA Server to the WLAN AN to be used for the authenticated session by WLAN AN.


Immediate Purging of a WLAN User from the WLAN Access Network

The purpose of this signalling sequence is to indicate to the WLAN AN that a specific WLAN-UE needs to be disconnected from accessing the WLAN interworking service. This signalling sequence is initiated by the 3GPP AAA Server when a WLAN-UE needs to be disconnected from accessing the WLAN interworking service. For example, a WLAN-UE used by a 3GPP subscriber may need to be disconnected when the 3GPP subscriber's subscription is cancelled or when the 3GPP subscribers' online charging account expires.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

The signalling sequences shown are based on RADIUS and Diameter, as specified in clauses 4 and 5. For more information on proxying and protocol translation associated with RADIUS and Diameter between the Wa and Wd reference points see subclause 5.3. The 3GPP AAA Proxy/Server manipulates the Root/Decorated/Alternative NAI as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [22].

Figure A.4: Wa and Wd message flow for User Purging. Case a) Wa using RADIUS and Wd using Diameter


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Figure A.5: Wa and Wd message flow for User Purging. Case b) Wa and Wd using RADIUS

Figure A.6: Wa and Wd message flow for User Purging. Case c) Wa and Wd using Diameter 1. When the 3GPP AAA Server needs to disconnect (e.g. after receiving an external trigger) a 3GPP subscriber from the WLANAN, the 3GPP AAA Server sends to the 3GPP AAA Proxy either:


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a) "Disconnect_Request" message; b) "Diameter_Abort_Session_Request" message. Both messages carry a Session-ID used to identify the session within the WLAN AN. 2. The 3GPP AAA Proxy then performs one of the following two procedures: a) Converts the "Diameter_Abort_Session_Request" message to "Disconnect_Request" by use of the "RADIUS/Diameter Translator Agent" and sends this "Disconnect_Request" message to the WLAN AN; b) Proxies the "Disconnect_Request" or "Diameter_Abort_Session_Request" message to the WLAN AN. 3. The WLAN AN responds to the 3GPP AAA Server via the 3GPP AAA Proxy with either: a) "Disconnect_Response" message; b) "Diameter_Abort_Session_Answer" message. Both messages carry the Session-ID received in the request message. 4. The 3GPP AAA Proxy then performs one of the following two procedures: a) Converts the "Disconnect_Response" message to a "Diameter_Abort_Session_Answer" message by use of the " RADIUS/Diameter Translator Agent" and sends this "Diameter_Abort_Session_Answer" message to the 3GPP AAA Server; b) Proxies the "Disconnect_Response" or "Diameter_Abort_Session_Answer" message to the 3GPP AAA Server. 5. The 3GPP AAA Proxy then informs the HSS about a user de-registration (ADMINISTRATIVE_REASON) when an on-line charging failure occurred, only in the case that the 3GPP AAA Server disconnects all tunnels for that user.

Annex B (Informative): Network configuration information

This Annex describes how an operator may configure its network in order to avoid problems associated with 3GPP AAA Server Redirect for the case where the Wa / Wd interfaces are implemented with RADIUS. NOTE: Since Diameter provides redirect functionality, no such problems exist once Diameter is adopted on these interfaces.

Four problem cases have been identified: 1. WLAN UE makes a WLAN Direct IP connection via a given WLAN AN, which is directed to a given 3GPP AAA Server. This is subsequently followed by e.g. a (re)authentication by the WLAN UE from the same WLAN AN. This is redirected to a different 3GPP AAA Server. WLAN UE makes a WLAN Direct IP connection via a given WLAN AN, which is directed to a given 3GPP AAA Server. The WLAN UE then goes out of coverage and then tries to reconnect for WLAN Direct IP Access to a different WLAN AN. This is directed to a different 3GPP AAA Server. WLAN UE makes a WLAN Direct IP connection via a given WLAN AN, which is directed to a given 3GPP AAA Server via a VPLMN. The WLAN UE then tries to activate a WLAN 3GPP IP Access to a PDG in the VPLMN. The Wm signalling is then proxied across the Wd interface by the 3GPP AAA Proxy to a different 3GPP AAA Server than that to which the user is registered for WLAN Direct IP access. WLAN UE activates a WLAN 3GPP IP Access to a PDG in a VPLMN without having first made a WLAN Direct IP Access connection. The associated Wm signalling will be proxied across the Wd interface by the 3GPP AAA Proxy to a given 3GPP AAA Server in the HPLMN. The WLAN UE then performs reauthentication and the Wm signalling is proxied across the Wd to a different 3GPP AAA Server than that to which the user is registered.





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In order to avoid cases (1), (3) and (4), it is recommended that the operator configures the network such that all incoming requests from a given external network are directed to the same 3GPP AAA Server NOTE: The external network in case (1) is the WLAN AN. In cases (3) and (4) it is the VPLMN.

Avoidance of case (2) is more problematic, since it cannot be known a priori from which WLAN AN the new attach request will come. To avoid this case, it is recommended that the operator configures the same 3GPP AAA Server to serve all geographically close WLAN ANs. Since this mitigates rather than solves the problem entirely, it is further recommended that the reauthentication timer is set to a low value (of the order of minutes) in order to avoid any hang time associated with old Direct IP connections.


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3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

Annex C (informative): Change history

Change history
Date 09-2004 12-2004 TSG # CN#25 CN#26 TSG Doc. CR R Subject/Comment ev Approved in CN#25 1 PLMN advertising and selection WLAN User Profile update Charging related data from 3GPP AAA Server to PDG 1 3GPP WLAN IP Access parameter rename 1 Static Remote IP address Removal of "Scenario" wording Editorial correction on Auth-Req-Type AVP 1 Online charging failure report Rejection of Multiple WLAN connections Application-Ids to Wa, Wd, Wm and Wg 2 Wd Interface RADIUS profile clarifications 2 RADIUS Profile for Wa and Wd 1 Addition of ABNF definitions missing onWa, Wd Wm, Wg interfaces 1 Access Independence for WLAN 3GPP IP access 1 Editorial Modifications 1 Clarification on the reauthorization and reauthentication procedures in Wa chapter 1 To replace "Permanent User ID" by "User Id" 2 To make VPLMN-Id Conditional in Wd interface Addition of calling station id in DEA. Deletion of the same from DER 1 Editorial Changes Handling of Information Element marked as (M), (C) or (O) 1 Removal of material duplicating 23.234 in 29.234 Removal of Wn reference point Definition from the Stage 3 Wa Interface RADIUS profile corrections Wd Interface RADIUS profile corrections 1 Removal of unnecessary attributes on Wa Information Element corrections on Wd 1 Editorial corrections 1 Description of the RADIUS session termination procedure 1 WLAN Diameter AVP and result codes 1 WLAN Diameter AVP table and chapters coherence revision 2 PDG Behaviour on the Wm interface Editorial corrections 1 Wa Interface RADIUS profile Information Element corrections 1 Addition of missing functionality to Wa Interface RADIUS profile 1 Addition of missing functionality to Wa Interface Diameter profile 2 Mandating RFC 3576 in WLAN-IW Removal of Reference to User Data AVP on the Wm interface Clean up of 29.234 1 Visited Network Identifier on the Wx interface Reference to W-APN definition in 23.003 1 Clarifications on Wa and Wd RADIUS profiles 2 WAG address resolution on Wg interface 2 Missing functionality in stage 3 2 Pr Interface for Presence via I-WLAN 2 Limit on the number of session in WLAN 3GPP IP Access Clean up of Chapters 4 & 5 Clarification of Location Management description in Section 6.3.2 Correction to handling of Maximum-Number-Accesses description 2 Clarifications to multiple sessions on the Wm interface 2 Correction to the utilization of the list of authorized visited network identifiers 1 Adding ABNFfor STA command 1 Update references for EAP lower layer attributes IMSI handling at the PDG Old 2.0.0 6.0.0 New 6.0.0 6.1.0


001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 012 014 015 016 019 021 021 025 026 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 037 038 039 041 042 043 047 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 058 060 061 062 064 065 066 067 068 070 071 072

















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12-2005 CT#30 CP-050610 0073 0074 0077 0080 0082 0084 0086 0088 06-2006 CT#32 CP-060309 0090 0092 0094 0101 0103 0108 0110 0115 0117 0119 0122 0124 0126 0113 0120 0127 0130 0132 0133 0134 0136 0137 0139 0143 0145 0150 0158 0165 0169 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1


3GPP TS 29.234 V7.13.0 (2011-06)

6.4.0 6.5.0

12-2005 03-2006

CT#30 CT#31


09-2006 12-2006

CT#33 CT#34

CP-060406 CP-060557

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1



06-2007 09-2007 12-2007 06-2008 03-2009 12-2009 03-2010 06-2011 06-2011 06-2011

CT#36 CT#37 CT#38 CT#40 CT#43 CT#46 CT#47 CT#52 CT#52 CT#52

CP-070012 CP-070023 CP-070024 CP-070311 CP-070526 CP-070747 CP-080266 CP-090037 CP-090759 CP-100016 CP-110347 CP-110346 CP-110346

Update of IETF references IETF references update Updating the Routing Policy Rel-7 version was created because of ETSI TISPAN references. Adding definition of Maximum-Number-Accesses AVP and some other corrections Transfer of Max-Requested-Bandwidth AVP over Wx reference point IETF references update Correction to Max-Requested-Bandwidth description in 29.234 Correction to procedure for handling of Authorization Request in Wm interface IETF References Update for RADIUS Filter Rules Charging Identity Correction Diameter AVP naming correction The corrections to the usage of Master Session Key Handling of Redirects at 3GPP AAA Servers supporting only RADIUS on Wa/Wd Removal of editors note about Pr ref. point Charging identifier exchange between 3GPP AAA Server and PDG Correction to Charging Data handling over the Wx interface Correction to the Charging-Nodes AVP of the Wx interface The storing of 3GPP AAA server name and User Status handling IETF update on filtering IETF update on location information Identity usage correction on Wm Correct the Access and service Authorization information update procedure Modification of Wa interface to support emergency call case Modification of Wm interface to support emergency call case Correction on location information on RADIUS Wd Operator Determined Barring for I-WLAN QoS parameters definition and delivery IETF References Update Correction of the PPR/PPA behavior QoS attributes correction Correction of Server Assignment Type User to HSS resolution IETF RFC 5580 Alignment NAI decoration and realm-based routing clarifications Clean up QSPEC references Alignment of AVP Codes Missing 3GPP-AAA-Server-Name AVP in MAA

6.5.0 7.0.0

7.0.0 7.1.0



7.2.0 7.3.0

7.3.0 7.4.0



7.5.0 7.6.0 7.7.0 7.8.0 7.9.0 7.10.0 7.11.0 7.12.0 7.12.0 7.12.0

7.6.0 7.7.0 7.8.0 7.9.0 7.10.0 7.11.0 7.12.0 7.13.0 7.13.0 7.13.0


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