Roombox GPL Opensource
Roombox GPL Opensource
Roombox GPL Opensource
The Roombox products contain software provided under a variety of licenses. In accordance with certain free and open source software licenses, Schneider Electric is pleased to make available to you for download an archive file of the machine readable source code ("Source Code").
This archive is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
The source code for ORBL6D4S2HW, ORBL6L4S2HW, ORBL8D0S4HW, ORBL8L0S4HW, ORBL9D0S3HW, ORBK4D4S4HW, ORBK4L4S4HW, ORBK8D0S4HW and ORBK8L0S4HW can be found here on the following FTP Schneider Electric server: