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Vehicle Management System A Java Project Synopsis

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Ewing Christian College

(An autonomous constituent college of Allahabad university)


Sneha Singh(63028) Shiekh Mohd.Shaban (63029)

Completing a task is never a one-man effort. It offers the results of valuable contribution of a number of individuals in a direct or indirect manner that helps in shaping and achieving an objective. We extend our sincere gratitude to all those who extended their fullest co-operation in formulating this project. We express a deep sense of gratitude to our project guide Mr. Lokendra Tiwari for his efforts in giving start and keen interest, criticism. His valuable guidance was indeed a source of inspiration for us. We are thankful to him for lending his precious time and patient listening he gave us each time. We believe this endeavor support has greatly boosted our self-confidence and will go a long way on helping us to reach further milestones and greater height. Last but not least it is no the work that played the ways to success but ALMIGHTY

INTRODUCTION (Definition of the problem & theoretical background)

Vehicle Management System is software which is helpful for bus operators, who wants to operate many bus trips in a day. Vehicle Management System is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems which focused in the area of adding, editing and deleting the passengers, staff and the bus routes. In this software a person can be register as a user and he can manage the bus routes and the staff, passengers details. He can add a bus and its details including bus route details. User can also add the details of the staff and their duty time in the system. There are mainly 5 modules in this software Bus Management Route Management Employee Management Passenger Management

In Bus module a user can add a new bus details to the database. He can set the details of the route and the timing also. Bus details like the type, engine number, seating capacity and the route in which the bus is going to be operated are added. Whenever the user wants to modify these details he can update new values through this software. Route Management module deals with the route management of the bus. A user can add the route and if he wants he can change it or delete that route. The main advantage is that this module is helpful for the agents to get details of the route and the details of the bus which have trip to that route. He can also get the information of the number of seats available in a particular day. Employee details of any bus can add to the database and this is helpful to the bus operators in the case of the salary and bates for the employee. An operator can add the personal details and if we want to edit or delete he can done modification using the Vehicle Management System. This is very helpful for the passenger also; if they have any complaint against staff he can approach the operator and easily

identify the employee. Details of every passenger are stored in the system. A user can add a passenger only one time and if he came again operator can identify that person. Operator can add, edit and delete the details of the passenger.

Sad vis-a-vis user requirement

In this phase , the software engineers work with users to carry out a macro level study of the users requirements. The software engineers define the various alternatives possible and the cost-benefit justification of these alternatives.

User Requirement
Requirement analysis and specification phase focus in the requirement of the software to be developed . In this phase the key activity is together and understand what the client required from the software. Once, the requirement are analysed and validated by the time the experiment are documented in the software requirement specification. The software requirement specification acts as the written agreement between the software engineer and the client describing the functional performance and system requirement of the software. The Objective of studying the users requirements is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible before a recommendation is reached to do nothing, improve or modify the existing system, or build a new one. The users request form specifies the following: User-assigned title of work requested Nature of work requested (problem definition) Date of which request was submitted Date on which job should be completed Job objectives (purpose of job requested) Expected benefits to be derived from purposed change Input/Output description, measurement unit, frequency (daily,weekly etc.) of inputs and outputs Users signature, role/designation, department, phone number


System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing system.

During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are Data Flow Diagram, interviews, etc. Training, experience and common sense are required for collection of relevant information needed to develop the system. The success of the system depends largely on how clearly the problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out through the choice of solution. A good analysis model should provide not only the mechanisms of problem understanding but also the frame work of the solution. Thus it should be studied thoroughly by collecting data about the system. Then the proposed system should be analyzed thoroughly in accordance with the needs. System analysis can be categorized into four parts. System planning and initial investigation Information Gathering Applying analysis tools for structured analysis

Feasibility study Cost/ Benefit analysis In the existing system all the jobs of the bus route management is done manually. This is very difficult to the operators who want to handle hundreds of trips and many buses in a day. The currents system is that an operator wants to keep the physical records of the bus route in his office and a separate record for the passengers and for the booked seats. In current system there is no way to store the details of the employees working in the bus. So many complaints against staff can arise from the passengers side. More over there is no detailed record of the bus and routes in which they service

The proposed system is very useful for the operators and passengers. This avoids the overheads for the operators. They can minimize the working stress and can keep essential documents related to the bus and the passengers as a softcopy. The advantage of the proposed system is the reduction in the cost of the office equipments and the transaction is done quickly. Any operator can answer if any seats for a particular route in a particular day are available or not. Our proposed system has several advantages User friendly interface Fast access to database Less error More Storage Capacity Search facility Look and Feel Environment Quick transaction


System Planning ( PERTchart)

Automated tools, specialized notations and modern techniques are often used to develop software requirement specifications, architectural and detailed designs and source code. In one word these tools play a vital role in SCHEDULING. Scheduling is the process of arranging the various activity that comprise the project so that the project is completed in time. In addition, automated testing tools may be used for unit testing, system testing and acceptance testing. Management tools such as PERT charts, GANTT charts, work breakdown structures , activity network (also called as the critical path method chart ) and personal staffing charts may be used to track and control progress. Use of these tools, techniques and notations typically requires lead time for procurement and training. They must be anticipated during the planning phase.

( PERTchart)
A program evaluation and review technique (PERT) chart uses a rectangle or a circle to represent the activities. The arrow between two activities show the inter-dependency of these activities. The arrow also help in identifying and labeling the milestones in the project. The milestones are these activities in the project, where completion is considered as an accomplishment in the decoratioin of the project. A milestone is a significant review in the software system life-cycle. A milestone can include completion of requirements analysis, completion of design, integration and successful testing of all system components.The PERT chart is useful to project managers prior to an during a project. It is a graphical representation of project task. It is useful in complex and wide variety of project. PERT chart control cost and time during the creation time project. PERT chart shows the following: The activities that must be completed before intiating a specific activity. Interdependence of tasks. Other activities that can be completed while a given activity in progress. The activities that cannot be initiated until after other specific activities are completed.




Whatever we think need not be feasible .It is wise to think about the feasibility of any problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the organization by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or negative. When the positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered feasible. Here the feasibility study can be performed in two ways such as technical feasibility and Economical Feasibility.

Technical Feasibility: We can strongly says that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the system as well. All the resources needed for the development of the software as well as the maintenance of the same is available in the organization here we are utilizing the resources which are available already. The technical feasibility of the software involve the analysis of the software development environment such as software development resources, human resources, hardware resources. Economical Feasibility Development of this application is highly economically feasible .The organization needed not spend much m money for the development of t he system already available. The only thing is to be done is making an environment for the development with an effective supervision. I f we are doing so , we can attain the maximum usability of the corresponding


resources .Even after the development , the organization will not be in a condition to invest more in t he organization .There fore , the system is economically feasible. The economic feasibility of the software involve the analysis of the software development cause with respect to the software quality.

Cost/benefit analysis
Once the solution along with the alternatives are decided upon, the costs and benefits of each alternative guide the selection of the best system of the job. Costs and benefits may be tangible or intangible, direct or indirect, fixed or variable. Cost estimates also take into consideration hardware, personnel, facility and supply costs for final evaluation. Cost/benefit analysis, then identifies the costs and benefits of a given system and categorize them for analysis. Then a method of evaluation is selected and the results are interpreted for action. Tangible or Intangible costs and benefits Tangibility refers to the ease with which costs or benefits can be measured. An outlay of cash for a specific item or activity is referred to as a tangible cost. The purchase of hardware or software , personnel training, employee salaries are examples of tangible costs. These are readily identified and measured. Costs which are known to exist but whose financial value cannot be accurately measured are referred to as intangible costs. For example, employee moral problem caused by a new system is an intangible cost. Benefits are also classified as tangible or intangible. Like costs they are often difficult to specify accurately. Tangible benefits such as completing jobs in fewer hours or producing reports without errors, are quantifiable. Intangible benefits, such as more satisfied customers or an improved corporate image, are not easily quantified.


Direct or Indirect Costs and Benefits From a cost accounting point of view, costs are handled differently, depending on whether they are direct or indirect. Direct costs are those with which an amount (money) can be directly associated in a project and are related directly to the operation. For example, the purchase of a floppy box for $35 is a direct cost. Indirect costs are the results of operations that are not directly associated with a given system or activity. These are often referred to as overheads. A system that reduces overheads realizes a savings. Insurance, maintenance, protection of computer-centers, light and air conditioning are all tangible costs but it is difficult to determine the proportion of each attributable to a specific activity such as a report. Indirect benefits are realized as a by-product of another activity or system. For example, data/records maintained by stores , are also useful for Inventory Management System, or employee database maintained for printing payroll can also be used for budgeting or cost-estimating/printing companys balance sheets. Fixed or Variable Costs and Benefits Some costs and benefits are constants, regardless of how well a system is used. Fixed costs are one-time costs. Once encountered, these will not recur. Examples are straight-line depreciation of hardware, exempt employee salaries and insurance. In contrast variable costs are incurred on a regular basis. For example, monthly purchase of computer stationary, floppy boxes etc. are variable costs. These are proportional to work volumes and continue as long as the system is in operation. Fixed benefits are constants and do not change, for example, a decreasein the number of personnel by 20% resulting from the use of a new computer. The benefit of personnel savings may recur every month which is an example for variable benefits. These are realizes on a regular basis.


Methodolgy Adopted
In the development of this project we adopted OBJECT-ORIENTED Methodology. The major capability of object-oriented programming is its object-oriented capability for creating flexible modular programs and its ability of code reused. Everything in OOPs is an object. An object is an instance of a class. A class is the blue-print that defines variables and methods common to all the object of certain kind. Objective has two sections :1. Field or properties. 2. Behaviour. The principle of OOPs are :1. Encapsulation. 2. Polymorphism. 3. Inheritance.



Pentium III 630MHz


RAM Hard Disk Monitor Key Board

: : : :

128 MB 20GB 15 Color monitor 122 Keys


Operating System

: Windows NT, Windows 98,


Windows XP. Language Environment Database : MS Access2007. : Java 2 Runtime


This management system can be used in windows 98, Windows2000, Windows XP and Windows NT, supported for other platform such as Applet, Macintosh and UNIX. The system must be running Windows 98, Windows 98 or Windows NT4.0 operating system and must meet the following hardware requirements. For Windows 95 based computers , a 486 / 66 MHz or higher processor with 8MB For Windows 98 based computers , a 500/88MHz or higher processor with 32 Mb of RAM


For Windows NT based computers , a 488 / 66 MHz or higher processor with 16 MB of RAM For Windows 200 based computers , a 700/850 MHz or higher processor with 512 MB of Ram






Input design is the process of converting user-oriented input to a computer based format. Input design is a part of overall system design, which requires very careful attention .Often the collection of input data is the most expensive part of the system. The main objectives of the input design are 1. Produce cost effective method of input 2. Achieve highest possible level of accuracy 3. Ensure that the input is acceptable to and understood by the staff. Input Data The goal of designing input data is to make entry easy, logical and free from errors as possible. The entering data entry operators need to know the allocated space for each field; field sequence and which must match with that in the source document. The format in which the data fields are entered should be given in the input form .Here data entry is online; it makes use of processor that accepts commands and data from the operator through a key board. The input required is analyzed by the processor. It is then accepted or rejected. Input stages include the following processes Data Recording Data Transcription Data Conversion Data Verification


Data Control Data Transmission Data Correction One of the aims of the system analyst must be to select data capture

method and devices, which reduce the number of stages so as to reduce both the changes of errors and the cost .Input types, can be characterized as. External Internal Operational Computerized Interactive Input files can exist in document form before being input to the computer. Input design is rather complex since it involves procedures for capturing data as well as inputting it to the computer.










communicate the results of processing to users. They are also used to provide a permanent copy of these result for latter consultation .Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the users. Designing computer output should proceed in an organized well through out the manner. The right output must be available for the people who find the system easy o use. The outputs have been defined during the logical


design stage. If not, they should defined at the beginning of the output designing terms of types of output connect, format, response etc,

Various types of outputs are External outputs Internal outputs Operational outputs Interactive outputs Turn around outputs All screens are informative and interactive in such a way that the user can ful fill his requirements through asking queries.


The general theme behind a database is to handle information as an integrated whole. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and effectively. After designing input and output, the analyst must concentrate on database design or how data should be organized around user requirements. The general objective is to make information access, easy quick, inexpensive and flexible for other users. During database design the following objectives are concerned:-

Controlled Redundancy


Data independence Accurate and integrating More information at low cost Recovery from failure Privacy and security Performance Ease of learning and use


FieldName Name Category Username Password DataType Text Text Text Text Key -


FieldName Booking_No Pass_No PassName Bus_RegNo SeatNo Date_of_Travel Time_of_Travel Pass_From Destination Amount DataType Number Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Key Primary -

FieldName Bus_RegNo BusNo Model Capacity DateBought Insurance_Status Date_Insured Insurance_Expiry DataType Text Text Text Number Date/Time Text Date/Time Date/Time Key Primary -

FieldName empNo Sname Fname Lname Gender DataType Text Text Text Text Text Key Primary -


DOB Designation Telephone E_Mail Address

Date/Time Text Number Text Text

FieldName Pass_No Pass_Name Address Tel_No Date_of_Travel Depot To Pay_Status Booked_Status DataType Text Text Text Number Date/Time Text Text Text Text Key Primary -

FieldName Payment_No Pass_No Pass_Name Payment_Mode Date_Payment Amount_Paid Received_By DataType Text Text Text Text Date/Time Currency Text Key Primary -


FieldName Route_No RouteName Depot Destination Distance Fare_Charged DataType Text Text Text Text Text Number Key Primary -

FieldName Route_Name empNo Driver_Name Trip_No Date_Scheduled Dept_Time DataType Text Text Text Number Date/Time Text Key -

FieldName Trip_No Bus_RegNo Route_No S_Date DataType Text Text Text Text Key Primary -


FieldName Bus_No DriverNo RouteNo Date_Schedule Trip_No DataType Text Text Text Text Text Key -

A Crucial phase in the system life cycle is the successful implementation of the new system design. Implementation. Implementation means converting a new system design into operation. This involves creating computer compatible files, training the operation staff, installing hardware and telecommunications network before the system is up and running. A major factor in conversion is not disrupting the function of the organization. This implementation phase of software development is also concerned with translating design specification into source code. It is necessary to write source code and internal documentation so that conformance of the code to its specifications can be easily verified, and so that debugging, testing and


modification are eased. This can be achieved by making the source code as clear and straight forward possible. The implementation team should therefore be provided with a well-defined set of software requirements, an architectural design specification and a detailed design description. User training is another important area which is responsible for minimizing resistance to change and giving the new system a chance to prove its worth. Training aids, such as user friendly manuals, data dictionary, job performance aids that communicate information about the new system, help-screens provide the user with a good start on the new system. Following conversion, it is desirable to review the performance of the system and to evaluate it against established criteria. Software maintenance follows conversion which includes minor enhancements or corrections to problems that surface late in the systems operating.

The objective of conversion is to put the tested system into operation while holding costs, risks and personnel problems to a minimum. It involves three major steps: Creating computer-compatible files Training the operating staff Installing hardware/software.


Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. The implementation phase constructs, installs and operates the new system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new successful system is that it will work efficiently and effectively. There are several activities involved while implementing a new project. They are End user training End user Education Training on the application software System Design Parallel Run And To New System Post implementation Review

End user Training: The successful implementation of the new system will purely upon the involvement of the officers working in that department. The officers will be imparted the necessary training on the new technology End User Education: The education of the end user start after the implementation and testing is over. When the system is found to be more difficult to under stand and complex, more effort is put to educate the end used to make them aware of the system, giving them lectures about the new system and providing them necessary documents and materials about how the system can do this.


Training of application software: After providing the necessary basic training on the computer awareness, the users will have to be trained upon the new system such as the screen flows and screen design type of help on the screen, type of errors while entering the data, the corresponding validation check at each entry and the way to correct the data entered. It should then cover information needed by the specific user or group to use the system.

Post Implementation View: The department is planning a method to know the states of t he past implementation process. For that regular meeting will be arranged by the concerned officers about the implementation problem and success



Is the menu bar displayed in the appropriate contested some system related features included either in menus or tools? Do pull Down menu operation and Tool-bars work properly? Are all menu function and pull down sub function properly listed ?; Is it possible to invoke each menu function using a logical assumptions that if all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved .? In adequate testing or non-testing will leads to errors that may appear few months later. This create two problem 1. Time delay between the cause and appearance of the problem. 2. The effect of the system errors on files and records within the system The purpose of the system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will be suggested and push the systems to limits. The testing process focuses on the logical intervals of the software ensuring that all statements have been tested and on functional interval is conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with the required results. Program level testing, modules level testing integrated and carried out. There are two major type of testing they are 1) White Box Testing. 2) Black Box Testing.


White Box Testing

White box some times called Glass box testing is a test case design uses the control structure of the procedural design to drive test case. Using white box testing methods, the following tests where made on the system a) All independent paths within a module have been exercised once. In our system, ensuring that case was selected and executed checked all case structures. The bugs that were prevailing in some part of the code where fixed b) All logical decisions were checked for the truth and falsity of the values.

Black box Testing

Black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. This is black box testing enables the software engineering to derive a set of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. Black box testing is not an alternative to white box testing rather it is complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors that white box methods like.. 1) Interface errors 2) Performance in data structure 3) Performance errors 4) Initializing and termination errors




Add New User


Bus Details

New Bus Details


Update Bus Details

Employees Details


Add New Employee


Update Employee details

Route Report


Add New Route

Update New Route


Add New Passengers

Update passenger details


Scheduling Process


Payment Process

Booking Process


Buses Report


Employees Report

Booking Report



Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in a library. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. Last but not least it is no the work that played the ways to success but ALMIGHTY


1) Head First Java 2nd Edition 2) http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/ 3) http://www.roseindia.net/jdbc/jdbc-access/CreateTable.shtml 4) http://www.jdbc-tutorial.com/ 5) Java and Software Design Concepts by APress


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