Timer / Counter 1. 2. 3
Timer / Counter 1. 2. 3
Timer / Counter 1. 2. 3
5. 6. 7.
11. 12.
13. 14.
Explain the operation of timer 1 in 8051 in mode 1. Give the relevant mode word. What are external interrupts? How they are handled in 8051? How to set INT 1 as edge triggered interrupt? (08 Marks)
b. Write a 8051 program using interrupts to do the following: i) Receive the data serially and send it to Po. ii) Read port PI transmit data serially and give a copy to P2. iii) Make timer 0 generate a square wave of 5 kHz frequency on Po.!. Assume that XTAL = 11.059 MHz. Set the band rate at 4800.