Inquiry Lesson - Lima Bean
Inquiry Lesson - Lima Bean
Inquiry Lesson - Lima Bean
Candidate Name: Rachel Lee Lesson Title: Plants are Living Things, too! Date: March 29, 2012 Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Life Sciences Content Standard(s): Life Sciences 2.c. Students know how to identify major structures of common plants and animals (e.g., stems, leaves, roots, arms, wings, legs). 4.e. Communicate observations orally and through drawings. ELD Standard(s): Listening/Speaking: Listen attentively to stories and information on new topics and identify both orally and in writing key details and concepts. Reading: Apply knowledge of academic and social vocabulary to achieve independent reading. Writing: Write short narratives that include examples of writing appropriate for language arts and other content areas (e.g., math, science, social studies). Lesson Objective(s): All students will be able to identify that plants germinate from seeds by watching their lima bean grow. All students will be able to explain that seeds need water, warmth, and air to sprout. Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Visual - Students will be watching and observing their lima bean grow. Kinesthetic - Students will be cutting and pasting plant labels. Students will be putting together a plant model in a plastic bag. Nature - Students will be studying plants.
Adaptations based on Students Needs: EL students can be paired together in order to develop vocabulary and follow the directions of the experiment. GATE students can be given a challenge activity in which their journal entry will include additional sentences. They can also answer challenge questions: Do you think all plants have stems and roots of the same size? Do you think all plants have seeds that are the same size? Give examples. Assessment (formative & summative): Students will turn in their Plant Parts worksheet and their Lima Bean Observation Journals. Teacher will be able to see if students labeled the plant parts correctly and will be able to read the journals to verify that the experiment was done correctly and what the outcomes were.
Teacher will show a PowerPoint presentation of how plants grow from seeds. (Seeds sprout and grow. First, the root grows. The stem grows. Leaves and flowers form.) Teacher will project the Plant Parts worksheet on the board (using a document reader) and help students fill in the blanks. RATIONALE: Showing a PowerPoint presentation of how plants grow from seeds is aimed at visual and auditory learners. Students can see the stages a seed goes through as it becomes a seedling and then becomes a plant. The auditory learners will hear the teacher explain this with the pictures in the PowerPoint presentation. The Plant Parts worksheet is another tool used to remind students of the names of plant parts and can be used as an assessment later in the lesson.
Students will remain in their groups. Students will be given an instruction sheet on how to complete their Growing a Lima Bean experiment. There will be an area for students to hypothesize on what they believe is going to happen to the lima bean. Students will each be given a zipper bag, a lima bean, and a paper towel. Each group will be given a small container of water and a dropper (to wet their paper towel). Teacher will walk around the classroom and staple the bags and help students as needed. Students will construct their lima bean growers. Students will fill in their experiment worksheets and write their predictions of what will happen. The bags will remain near the window in the classroom until the lima bean grows roots, a stem, and leaves. Process takes about 2 weeks. RATIONALE: Students will conduct the experiment on how a lima bean seed grows. They will hypothesize on what occurs (seed sits in bag, seed cover peels, seed splits, and roots sprout, then, a stem appears and leaves grow). The hypothesis will be a way of gauging a students understanding of the process the seed is going to undergo.
Students will each receive a Plant Observation Journal. They will record what they did on day 1 and will later record their findings on days 5, 10, and 15. Students will turn their journals in after each day they record their findings and teacher will be able to check for understanding each time. RATIONALE: Students will use a journal to record their experiment and record their findings as the experiment progresses. This will be a good activity for emergent writers as well as a way for the teacher to check for understanding throughout the lesson.