Use Parent Authorization With Video Release Oh Summer Kids 2013
Use Parent Authorization With Video Release Oh Summer Kids 2013
Use Parent Authorization With Video Release Oh Summer Kids 2013
Costume Design
VIDEO RELEASE FOR YOUR STUDENT - Some students will be filming during classes.
Please fill-in your name, circle your answer below, and sign and date this section. I,______________________ the parent/guardian of _____________________________ DO allow or do NOT allow Ohana Health to include my child in video footage or to participate in the documentary filming project. I understand the final video will be uploaded to Youtube, as part of 'Ohana Health's Hawaiian Style Summer Fun Video Production class.
Signature of Parent: X
STUDENT CELL PHONE USAGE: Students only have access to their personal cell phones in between classes and a few during lunch. Only urgent calls from parents/guardians/family members will be returned by students at school.
Signature of Student: X ______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent's Initial:__________
Form 201304F