Secure Framework For Data Storage From Single To Multi Clouds in Cloud Networking
Secure Framework For Data Storage From Single To Multi Clouds in Cloud Networking
Secure Framework For Data Storage From Single To Multi Clouds in Cloud Networking
Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 2, Issue 2, March April 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Secure Framework for Data Storage from Single to Multi clouds in Cloud Networking
B.Sujana1, P.Tejaswini2, G.Srinivasulu3, Sk.Karimulla4
Section IV analyses the new generation of cloud computing, that is, multi -clouds and recent solutions to address the security of cloud computing, as well as examining their limitations. Section 5 presents suggestions for future work. Section 6 will conclude the paper.
2. Background
NIST describes cloud computing as a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. 2.1. Components of the Cloud Computing The cloud computing model consists of five characteristics, three delivery models, and four deployment models. The five key characteristics of cloud computing are: location-independent resource pooling, on-demand self-service, rapid elasticity, broad network access, and measured service. These five characteristics represent the first layer in the cloud environment architecture (see Figure1). The three key cloud delivery models are infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). In IaaS, the user can benefit from networking infrastructure facilities, data storage and computing services. In other words, it is the delivery of computer infrastructure as a service. An example of IaaS is the Amazon web service. In PaaS, the user runs custom applications using the service providers resources. It is the delivery of a computing platform and solution as a service. An example of PaaS is GoogleApps. Running software on the providers infrastructure and providing licensed applications to users to use services is known as SaaS. An example of SaaS is the CRM application. This model represents the second layer in the cloud environment architecture. Cloud deployment models include public, private, community, and hybrid clouds. A cloud environment that is accessible for multitenants and is available to the public is called a public cloud. Page 46
Keywords: Cloud computing, single cloud, multi-clouds, cloud storage, data integrity, data intrusion, service availability.
1. Introduction
The use of cloud computing has increased rapidly in many organizations. Cloud providers should address privacy and security issues as a matter of high and urgent priority. Dealing with single cloud providers is becoming less popular with customers due to potential problems such as service availability failure and the possibility that there are malicious insiders in the single cloud. In recent years, there has been a move towards multi-clouds, intercloud or cloud-of-clouds. This paper focuses on the issues related to the data security aspect of cloud computing. As data and information will be shared with a third party, cloud computing users want to avoid an untrusted cloud provider. Protecting private and important information, such as credit card details or a patients medical records from attackers or malicious insiders is of critical importance. In addition, the potential for migration from a single cloud to a multi-cloud environment is examined and research related to security issues in single and multiclouds in cloud computing are surveyed. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the beginning of cloud computing and its components. In addition, it presents examples of cloud providers and the benefits of using their services. Section III discusses security risks in cloud computing. Volume 2, Issue 2 March April 2013
Five Characteristics
Resource pooling
infrastructure. A cloud provider offers many services that can benefit its customers, such as fast access to their data from any location, scalability, pay-for-use, data storage, data recovery, protection against hackers, on-demand security controls, and use of the network and infrastructure facilities. Reliability and availability are other benefits of the public cloud, in addition to low cost. However, there are also concerning issues for public cloud computing, most notably, issues surrounding data integrity and data confidentiality. Any customer will be worried about the security of sensitive information such as medical records or financial information.
IaaS Public
Figure 1: Cloud Environment Architecture. A private cloud is available for a particular group, while a community cloud is modified for a specific group of customers. Hybrid cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community, or public cloud). This model represents the third layer in the cloud environment architecture. The infrastructure that is owned and managed by users is in the private cloud. Data that is accessed and controlled by trusted users is in a safe and secure private cloud, whereas the infrastructure that is managed and controlled by the cloud service provider is in a public cloud. In particular, this data is out of the users control, and is managed and shared with unsafe and untrusted servers. 2.2 Cloud Service Providers Examples In the commercial world, various computing needs are provided as a service. The service providers take care of the customer's needs by, for example, maintaining software or purchasing expensive hardware. For instance, the service EC2, created by Amazon, provides customers with scalable servers. As another example, under the CLUE program, NSF joined with Google and IBM to offer academic institutions access to a large-scale distributed infrastructure. There are many features of cloud computing. First, cloud storages, such as Amazon S3, Microsoft SkyDrive, or NirvanixCloudNAS, permit consumers to access online data. Second, it provides computation resources for users such as Amazon EC2. Third, Google Apps or versioning repositories for source code are examples of online collaboration tools. Cloud service providers should ensure the security of their customers data and should be responsible if any security risk affects their customers service Volume 2, Issue 2 March April 2013
Although cloud service providers can offer benefits to users, security risks play a major role in the cloud computing environment. Users of online data sharing or network facilities are aware of the potential loss of privacy. Protecting private and important information such as credit card details or patients medical records from attackers or malicious insiders is of critical importance . Moving databases to a large data centre involves many security challenges such as virtualization vulnerability, accessibility vulnerability, privacy and control issues related to data accessed from a third party, integrity, confidentiality, and data loss or theft. In different cloud service models, the security responsibility between users and providers is different. According to Amazon, their EC2 addresses security control in relation to physical, environmental, and virtualization security, whereas, the users remain responsible for addressing security control of the IT system including the operating systems, applications and data. For instance, any damage which occurs to the security of the physical infrastructure or any failure in relation to the management of the security of the infrastructure will cause many problems. In the cloud environment, the physical infrastructure that is responsible for data processing and data storage can be affected by a security risk. As the cloud services have been built over the Internet, any issue that is related to internet security will also affect cloud services. Resources in the cloud are accessed through the Internet; consequently even if the cloud provider focuses on security in the cloud infrastructure, the data is still transmitted to the users through networks which may be insecure. As a result, internet security problems will affect the cloud, with greater risks due to valuable resources stored within the cloud and cloud vulnerability. The technology used in the cloud is similar to the technology used in the Internet. Encryption techniques and secure protocols are not sufficient to protect data transmission in the cloud. Data Page 47
Figure 2:DepSky Architecture [8]. DepSky Data model. As the DepSky system deals with different cloud providers, the DepSky library deals with different cloud interface providers and consequently, the data format is accepted by each cloud. The DepSky data model consists of three abstraction levels: the conceptual data unit, a generic data unit, and the data unit implementation. DepSKy System model. The DepSky system model contains three parts: readers, writers, and four cloud storage providers, where readers and writers are the clients tasks.It explain the difference between readers and writers for cloud storage. Readers can fail arbitrarily (for example, they can fail by crashing, they can fail from time to time and then display any behavior) whereas, writers only fail by crashing. Cloud storage providers in the DepSky system model. The Byzantine protocols involve a set of storage clouds (n) where n = 3 f +1, and f is maximum number of clouds which could be faulty. In addition, any subset of (n f) storage cloud creates byzantine quorum protocols. 4.4 Analysis of Multi-Cloud Research Moving from single clouds or inner-clouds to multiclouds is reasonable and important for many reasons. We assumes that the main purpose of moving to interclouds is to improve what was offered in single clouds by Volume 2, Issue 2 March April 2013
[1] (NIST), [2] I. Abraham, G. Chockler, I. Keidar and D. Malkhi, "Byzantine disk paxos: optimal resilience with Byzantine shared memory", Distributed Computing, 18(5), 2006, pp. 387-408. [3] H. Abu-Libdeh, L. Princehouse and H. Weatherspoon, "RACS: a case for cloud storage diversity", SoCC'10:Proc. st 1 ACM symposium on Cloud computing, 2010, pp. 229240. [4] D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, F. Emekci and A. Metwally, "Database Management as a Service: Challenges and th Opportunities", ICDE'09:Proc.25 Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering, 2009, pp. 1709-1716. [5] M.A. AlZain and E. Pardede, "Using Multi Shares for Ensuring Privacy in Database-as-a-Service", 44th Hawaii Intl. Conf. on System Sciences (HICSS), 2011, pp. 1-9. [6] Amazon, Amazon Web Services. Web services licensing agreement, October3,2006. [7] G. Ateniese, R. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. Peterson and D. Song, "Provable data possession at untrusted stores", Proc. 14th ACM Conf. on Computer and communications security, 2007, pp. 598-609. [8] A. Bessani, M. Correia, B. Quaresma, F. Andr and P. Sousa, "DepSky: dependable and secure storage in a cloudth of-clouds", EuroSys'11:Proc. 6 Conf. on Computer systems, 2011, pp. 31-46.
5. Future Work
For future work, we aim to provide a framework to supply a secure cloud database that will guarantee to prevent security risks facing the cloud computing community. This framework will apply multi -clouds and the secret sharing algorithm to reduce the risk of data intrusion and the loss of service availability in the cloud and ensure data integrity. In relation to data intrusion and data integrity, assume we want to distribute the data into three different cloud providers, and we apply the secret sharing algorithm on the stored data in the cloud provider. An intruder needs to retrieve at least three values to be able to find out the real value that we want to hide from the intruder. This depends on Shamirs secret sharing algorithm with a polynomial function technique which claims that even with full knowledge of (k 1) clouds, the service provider will not have any knowledge of vs (vs is the secret value). Regarding service availability risk or loss of data, if we replicate the data into different cloud providers, we could argue that the data loss risk will be reduced. If one cloud provider fails, we can still access our data live in other cloud providers. This fact has been discovered from this survey and we will explore dealing with different cloud provider interfaces and the network traffic between cloud providers.
B. Sujana, received the PG degree in Master of Computer Applications from SV University, 2010 and pursing M.Tech in QCET(2011-2013). She participated in national level conference on Cloud computing at ASCET, Gudur P. Tejaswini, received the B.Tech degree in Biotechnology from Jippiaar Enguneering College Chennai, 2011..and pursing M.Tech in QCET(20112013) .she participated in national level conference on Cloud computing at ASCET, Gudur. G.Srinivasulu, received the PG degree in Master of Computer Applications from SV University..and pursing M.Tech in QCET(2011-2013) . S. k.Karimulla , received the M.Tech degree in computer science and Engineering from JNTU Ananthapur. At present he is working as asst.professor in quba engineering college. he is dedicated to teaching field from the last 5 years.
6. Conclusion
It is clear that although the use of cloud computing has rapidly increased, cloud computing security is still considered the major issue in the cloud computing environment. Customers do not want to lose their private information as a result of malicious insiders in the cloud. In addition, the loss of service availability has caused many problems for a large number of customers recently. Furthermore, data intrusion leads to many problems for the users of cloud computing. The purpose of this work is to survey the recent research on single clouds and multiclouds to address the security risks and solutions. We have found that much research has been done to ensure the security of the single cloud and cloud storage whereas multi-clouds have received less attention in the area of security. We support the migration to multi-clouds due to its ability to decrease security risks that affect the cloud computing user. Volume 2, Issue 2 March April 2013
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