Highway Code Malaysia

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ARRANGEMENT OF CODES Part I. II. All Road Users. Drivers of Motor Vehicles. Attitude of Mind Courtesy Discourtesy Keep to the Left Traffic Lanes Signalling Driver's Signals Robot Lights Turning Pedestrian Crossings Overtaking Following Distance Speed When to Stop Lights General Level Crossings Animals Hooting Heavy Motor Vehicles Parking Reversing Motor Cyclists Accidents Concentration Roadworthiness III. IV. V. Pedal Cyclists. Pedestrians. Traffic Signs.

[LN 165/1959]

PART I ALL ROAD USERS 1. Road traffic requires the co-operation of all road users for its smooth and efficient operation. The manner in which this co-operation should be given is set out in this Highway Code. 2. The primary cause of road accidents which cause so much loss of life, human suffering and damage to property, is the failure of road users of all classes to behave properly in traffic. 3. Read this Highway Code, study it and understand it and then pass on your knowledge to others, especially to children. 4. This Highway Code is a code of conduct and not a digest of traffic laws, although failure to observe some of the rules in this code may be illegal and result in you being prosecuted. It lays stress on the responsibilities of road users towards each other because road users who are observant and considerate are also law-abiding. 5. Always be courteous, vigilant and sober. Remember that alcohol reduces the alertness of the driver and often his sense of caution. Always to be sober is also essential for other road users, more particularly cyclists and pedestrians. Statistics of fatal accidents to pedestrians reveal that many of the victims were under the influence of alcohol at the time they were knocked down. 6. Watch out for old people, also the white walking-stick carried by the blind. When a driver sees a pedestrian with a white walking-stick crossing a road he must always give way, and other pedestrians should help blind persons to cross the road safely preferably by taking them whenever possible to the nearest pedestrian or controlled crossing. 7. Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles or pullers of handcarts must also obey the traffic rules and keep well to the left of the road, and at night time carry lights. When leading an animal keep to the right-hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic.

PART II DRIVERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES ATTITUDE OF MIND 8. One of the most important factors in reducing accident is the driver's attitude of mind. A person who drives on the road simply to satisfy a lust for speed or a desire to show off, or to calm down after an emotional upset is a potential danger. On the other hand the driver who looks upon his motor vehicle as something potentially dangerous that must be handled with care and consideration for the safety of other road users, is unlikely to be the cause of a road accident. Keep alert, the good driver observes carefully other road users particularly children or animals, anticipates their actions and so avoids possible accidents. COURTESY 9. By driving courteously you will by your actions and good example help reduce the accident rate.

10. The courteous motorist will show consideration to all other road users whether drivers, cyclists or pedestrians. He controls his temper and obeys traffic regulations. You must not allow rudeness or stupidity of other road users to affect your own good manners, judgement and conduct when driving. DISCOURTESY 11. Discourtesy by drivers is marked not only by speeding and cutting in and out of traffic. Other actions that constitute discourtesy are: Failure to give proper signals in due time; Hooting unnecessarily; Parking on a bend or well away from the side of the road; Steering with one hand, the other holding the roof or a girl; Driving in the middle of the road when others wish to overtake; Driving through mud and puddles at speed and splashing pedestrians. 12. Many discourteous acts are so dangerous that they can only be looked upon as criminal folly. For example: Driving fast when visibility is bad, such as during heavy rain; Overtaking on a bend or over the blind brow of a hill; Deliberately blinding other traffic with undipped lights; Increasing speed to prevent other vehicles from overtaking. KEEP LEFT

13. Vehicles should at all times be driven on the left-hand lane of the road, the slower the speed the further left the lane of the road. TRAFFIC LANES 14. Many drivers create difficulties by getting into the wrong traffic lane at road junctions. The illustrations show the correct procedure that should be followed at road junctions, whether traffic lanes are marked on the roadway or not. If you wish to turn left or right, get into the correct traffic lane well before you arrive at the junction and keep your position until you have completed the turn. If you find arriving at the junction that you are in the wrong traffic lane, proceed with the traffic in that lane and turn back on your correct route at the first opportunity. SIGNALLING 15. All road users must know and understand signals given by the Police in order that drivers may know when to stop or proceed and pedestrians when it is safe to cross the road at a Police controlled crossing. The following illustrations show the more common signals used by policemen on traffic duty. DRIVER'S SIGNALS 16. Every time you intend to turn, stop or slow down, you should give the correct signal. Signal in good time and maintain the signal for sufficient time to enable others to understand what you intend to do. Signals are given for all road users benefit. The majority of cars today are equipped with signalling devices that may be used instead of hand signals, but hand signals are more readily seen and understood in broad daylight. Do not allow passengers to gesture by hand, and see that children do not hold their arms or dangle toys out of windows; they may be mistaken for driving signals. ROBOT LIGHTS 17. When the red light is showing, bring your vehicle smoothly to a halt before the pedestrian line. Move off only after you see the green light. When the amber light is showing, all traffic is to clear the junction for the next cross-stream of traffic; if you cannot clear the junction before the red light shows, you must stop. Never attempt to clear the junction when you are in the position to stop before the pedestrian line. TURNING 18. When turning, drivers must always give way to through traffic, including pedestrian traffic.

When turning right on a police-controlled crossing, go around the policeman into the correct line of traffic. Where there is no policeman, behave as if there is one. PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS 19. When approaching a pedestrian crossing reduce your speed so that you will be able to stop if necessary before reaching the crossing.

OVERTAKING 20. The general rule is to overtake on the right of the vehicle in front. You may overtake a vehicle on the left if the driver is signalling intent to turn right, or where lines of traffic travel slowly side by side in lanes during peak traffic periods. The latter is not considered overtaking. A driver should never change lanes until it is safe and the he has given the appropriate signal. Overtake only on straight parts of the road and where your view is clear during the action. Signal your intention in order that the drivers in front and rear are aware of your intent and do not attempt to overtake you at that point. If you are out on a pleasure ride or for any other reason wish to drive slowly, keep an eye on your surroundings to allow other traffic to overtake you safely. 21. Where continuous double lines are painted on a road to separate traffic flowing in opposite directions, overtaking or otherwise crossing the lines is prohibited. Where a continuous line is used beside a dashed line, vehicles travelling on the side of the continuous line are prohibited from overtaking or otherwise crossing the unbroken line. Vehicles travelling on the side of the dashed line may overtake or otherwise cross the line only when it is safe to do so. Parking and/or standing is prohibited on any part of a road with double lines. FOLLOWING DISTANCE 22. If you collide with the rear of a vehicle in front, it is your fault, because it means you have been following it too closely. Allow at least one cars length between you and the vehicle in front for every 10 mph (~15 kmh) of your speed for reaction and stopping time. Thus at 30 mph (~45 kmh) there should be at least 3 cars length between your vehicle and the one in front. This is particularly important for smaller vehicles like mini cars and motorcycles; a collision is more costly in terms of repair and life for drivers of smaller vehicles. SPEED 23. A good driver adjusts his speed to road conditions, so that he will not lose control of his vehicle or cause a collision. Reduce your speed upon approaching built-up areas, schools, school buses, children, stretches of winding roads, bends, brows of hills or situations with limited visibility. STOPPING 24. On the approach of any emergency vehicle police, rescue or medical sounding a warning siren or bell, drivers must pull over to either side of the road to allow passage to the vehicle. 25. A driver must stop, if by doing so he can avoid a collision or risk of collision. There is no sense in being right, if it concludes in lateness, damage, death or injury. Here lies the body of Jonathan Gray, Who died maintaining his right of way, He was quite in right as he sped along, But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.

LIGHTS 26. Before driving at night see that the tail lights are showing and that both head lights work in full and dipped positions. When driving and coming in range of approaching traffic dip your headlights. If the approaching driver does not dip his headlights, keep your lights dipped, reduce speed, pull over to the near side and stop if necessary until you can see clearly ahead once more. Two blind drivers may result in a head-oncollision. 27. Keep your headlights dipped while behind a vehicle, if you are not intending or unable to overtake it. This will reduce glare from mirrors and other reflective surfaces on its driver. 28. At night, the distance to which you can see unexpected obstacles on an unlighted road is very limited. Anyone who drives at such a speed that he cannot stop within the range of his vision is driving dangerously. 29. The bright lights of oncoming vehicles reduces sight distance considerably and makes objects on your side of the road difficult to see until you are right on top of them. Reduce your speed and proceed carefully until your vision is clear again. 30. Fatigue increases a driver's reaction time and upsets his judgement. A driver who continues in this condition may be heading for a bad accident, even if he does not fall asleep at the wheel. When you feel that you are drowsy, stop and rest until you are once again wide awake and alert. GENERAL 31. When... [SECTIONS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES REMOVED]

PART III PEDAL CYCLISTS ALWAYS remember, yours is the least massive and most fragile vehicle on the road. The bicycle is built with convenience and speed in mind, but not many safety features. YOU are a bicycle's main safety feature. In the event of a collision, cyclists and pedestrians are the ones likely to get hurt most. 52. Generally, keep left to allow other traffic to pass you safely. Keep to a straight course, and avoid sudden moves so that approaching traffic is able to predict your position and avoid killing you by accident. 53. Ride in a single file. Stay on the left hand edge of the road to avoid being knocked down by other traffic. Cyclists riding side by side make it more difficult to avoid traffic, because the time needed by the outside cyclist is longer the extra time is needed in coordination and slowing down or speeding up of either cyclist for the outside cyclist to return. 54. When traffic is held up, keep your place. If you weave in and out of the narrow spaces between vehicles to get in front, you may end up colliding with another impatient road user, e.g., a driver trying to change lanes suddenly, or a passenger who suddenly decides to get out and walk to his destination nearby, or a driver who suddenly decides to get out to stretch his legs, etc. 55. Maintain a safe distance with all other road users, in case of sudden changes in their direction or speed. Remember you are the road user with the second lowest speed. Make sure you allow for reaction time and time to get far enough out of the way to avoid a collision. 56. Keep your head up, as far from the ground and other vehicles as much as possible. In the event of a collision, either may be the one you crack your skull on. 57. Beware of stationery vehicles. They are known to produce open doors and young passengers suddenly. Allow a wide margin to avoid slamming into open doors or running down young children.

58. Walk your vehicle up and down steep slopes. If you are unable to either keep your vehicle moving in a straight line or stop suddenly in an emergency, you are not in control of your vehicle and in danger of being injured or injuring others. Attention: Using the emergency brake while going downhill at speed may result in your being flipped head-over-heels, particularly if you have your head forwards.
59. Keep both hands on the handlebar unless signalling a turn, etc. It is a good thing to have both hands on the controls for a turn or an emergency stop. The time it takes your hands to return to the bars may be what you need to stay alive. 60. Fit a carrier to your bicycle if you must carry loads. If you need to stop suddenly you may have to choose between releasing your lunch/homework/etc. or dying. Again there will be time for decision, reaction, and return to the handlebar, in addition to the time it takes for you to brake to a stop. For the same reason, getting wet because you won't carry an umbrella is considerably wiser than recovering from injuries in a hospital. 61. No passengers. It is illegal to carry passengers on a bicycle. Except on tandem bicycles, and then they are no longer passengers. Normal bicycles are designed for single users, meaning they will neither be able to stop in time in event of an emergency nor handle within safe limits. 62. No holding on to motor vehicles while on the bicycle. Why? You need both hands on your handlebar. Your brakes are not designed for the speeds a motor vehicle is capable of. The driver may run you over because he may not be aware of you hitching a ride. Etc. 63. If you travel between sundown and sunrise, ensure that your lights are in order. Front lights are white

only by convention, motorists expect white light at the head of vehicles. Rear lights are red. Optional rear reflectors are red as well. The end section of the rear mudguard should be white and clean, so that an overtaking vehicle can judge your interval more accurately. Wear light coloured or reflective clothing to enable others to see you more clearly. 64. Maintain your vehicle in good condition check your lights, brakes, tyres, chain, fork, etc. thoroughly about once a month. Make it a habit to give your vehicle a brief inspection to ensure it is generally in good order before making a trip on it. Your life depends on it. The seat should be in position to allow you to touch the ground with both feet simultaneously when the bicycle is stationery, or you should either adjust it or use a smaller bicycle. 65. Always obey the law, road signs and observe all traffic rules and regulations. All these are for your safety and smooth traffic flow. 66. Always seek and use the safest route. Keep out of heavy traffic as much as possible. Avoid highways in particular, and fast traffic in general. 67. If you need to make a right turn, plan so that you signal well before you need to turn. Ensure no one is trying to overtake you before you start turning. Ride in an arc so that when you reach the intersection you will be almost in the middle of the road; and complete your turn in a safe manner. Remember to watch all traffic, near or far, around you. 68. At very busy junctions the best and safest way to make a right-hand turn is to keep well to the left and ride straight across the road you are on to the adjoining corner; then dismount and wait at the corner. Proceed across to the intended road only when the traffic lights or policeman is holding up traffic across the road. Inexperienced and unskilled riders should follow this procedure when turning right at all busy intersections.

PART IV PEDESTRIANS 69. Use the pedestrian crossing, overhead bridge or subway if one is within 200 meters. Where none of these are provided, cross the road by the shortest path. Be careful! 70. Always wear or carry visibly something white at night, in order that other road users can see you. At least carry a light-coloured handkerchief or a folded newspaper for visibility. 71. Being able to see an approaching car does not necessarily mean that the driver has noticed you. Avoid the car, don't wait for the other road user to take action. For this reason, always walk facing the traffic on your side of the road. 72. Alighting from a moving bus can be dangerous. Wait for the bus to come to a complete halt before stepping off right onto the nearest pavement. If you need to cross the road, wait for the bus to move off before attempting to do so, so that your view is not blocked, and you are not hidden from view of any other road users. 73. A typical car travelling at typical speed stops in a distance of about 100 m (~300 feet), considerably more for wet conditions and heavy vehicles travelling at speed. Assuming that both driver and vehicle are in good condition. 74. Even if you are caught in rainy weather, do pay attention to your surroundings do not obscure your own view by rushing across any road with your head down or an umbrella obstructing your view. 75. Teach children to walk safely; i.e., see that they always follow the correct drill: Look right, look left, then look right again; if the road is clear, quick march. Make it your habit to use the same drill. 76. At a light-controlled pedestrians crossing, practice the safety first rule wait for the traffic to actually come to a standstill before crossing. 77. Check that it is actually safe to cross before following another pedestrian across the road. The other pedestrian may be mistaken. Always be on alert for cars turning corners, or being driven inattentively. You are risking your life; they are only risking a reparable car. 78. Step on the pedestrians crossing only if oncoming traffic is reasonably far away (at least a few seconds away.) The driver may not be able to react in time, or warn you if he is unable to stop in time; e.g., failed brakes, etc. 79. Be extra vigilant at night. Visibility is poor, particular in wet weather, and drivers may have difficulty seeing traffic markings. 80. Keep close to the far edge of the road, away from traffic. Walk facing the near oncoming traffic so you can keep it in view and keep alert in case you have to avoid danger; e.g., a car out of control because of a sudden burst tyre. 81. Always walk facing oncoming traffic. Avoid changing direction suddenly.

82. If you must stand and gossip, do so away from all traffic, including foot traffic. It is discourteous to force others to walk around you, and dangerous to everyone to force them onto the road.

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