Material Properties of Steel
Material Properties of Steel
Material Properties of Steel
7.2 Material properties, clearances and tower configurations 7.2.1 Material properties Classification of steel
The general practice with reference to the quality of steel is to specify the use of steel for tower members, although some authorities have instead specified the use of steel manufactured by either the open hearth or electric furnace process for tower members, although some athorities have instead specified the use of steel manufactured by either the open hearth or electric furnace process. The usual standards specified are ASTM A-7, BSS 15, and German Steel Standard St 37. IS: 226-1975, Specification for structural Steel (Revised), is currently adopted in India.
In so far as standard structural steel is concerned, reference to IS: 2261975 shows that
Steel manufactured by the open-hearth, electric, basic oxygen or a combination of the processes is acceptable for structural use and that in case any other process is employed, prior approval of the purchaser should be obtained.
In addition to standard structural steel (symbol A), high tensile steel conforming to IS: 226-1975 may be used for transmission line towers for greater economy. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel covered by IS: 226-1975 for structural steel and IS: 961-1975 for high tensile steel are shown in Tables 7.1 to 7.4.
St 58-HT is intended for use in structures where fabrication is done by methods other than welding. St 55-HTw is used where welding is employed for fabrication.
In the past, transmission line structures in India were supplied by firms like Blaw Knox, British Insulated Callender Cables (BICC), etc. from the United Kingdom. Later, towers from SAE, Italy, were employed for some of the transmission lines under the Damodar Valley Corporation. In recent times, steel from the USSR and some other East European countries were partly used in the transmission line industry. Currently, steel conforming g to IS: 961 and IS: 226 and manufactured in the country are almost exclusively use for towers.
A comparison of mechanical properties of standard and high tensile steels conforming to national standards of the countries mentioned above is given in Table 7.5.
Constituent Carbon for thickness/dia 20mm and below for over 20mm Sulphur Phosphorus thickness/dia
0.23 0.27 0.25 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.20
Table 7.2 Mechanical properties of mild steel Tensile Nomial thickness/diameter strength kgf/mm2 mm 42-54 Yield Percentage stress, elongation Min. Min. kgr/mm2 26.0 23
Class of steel product Plates, sections ( angles, tees, beams, channels, etc.) and flats
24.0 23.0
23 23
Up to a well-defined point, steel behaves as a perfectly elastic material. Removal of stress at levels below the yield stress causes the material to regain its unstressed dimension. Figure 7.2 shows typical stress-strain curves for mild steel and high tensile steel. Mild steel has a definite yield point unlike the hightensile steel; in the latter case, the yield point is determined by using 0.2 percent offset1.
Tensile Yield stress, Percentage Nomial elongation Min. thickness/diameter strength Min. kgf/mm2 kgr/mm2 mm 58 36 20
55 52 50
35 34 29
20 20 20
Table 7.5 Comparison of mechanical properties of standard and high tensile steels
High tensile steel Standard steel Ultimate Minimum Ultimate Minimum Sl. Minimum Minimum Origin No. of tensile yield No. of tensile yield No. elongation elongation standard stress stress standard stress stress % % kg/mm2 kg/mm2 kg/mm2 kg/mm2 IS :226 IS : 961 42-54 23-26 23 58 36 20 1 India 1975 1975 CT5 50-62 28 15-21 CT4 45-52 26 19-25 2 USSR 20L2 3 Italy UNI 50-60 34-38 22 UNI 37-45 24-28 25 BS : 15 BS : 548 44-52 23.2-24 16-20 58-68 30-36 14 4 UK 1948 1934
Tensile strength The applied stress required to cause failure is greater than the yield stress and is generally defined as tensile strength.
Ductility This is important property of steel which enables it to undergo large deformations after yield point without fracture.
Type of steel
IS:226 Mild steel Yield strength Allowable stress in tension 2,600 1,500 3,100 1,850 1,950 SAIL-MA 300 SAIL- MA 350 SAIL-MA 410 4,200 2,450 2,650
Allowable stress in bending 1,650 section other than palte girders Allowable stress in shear Allowable stress in bearing 1,100 1,890
1,350 2,300
1,575 2,675
1,800 3,100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Basic or normal span The normal span is tha most economic span for which the line is designed over level ground, so that the requisite ground clearance is obtained at the maximum specified temperature
Ruling span The ruling span is the assumed design span that will produce, between dead ends, the best average tension throughout a line of varying span lengths with changes in temperature and loading. It is the weighted average of the varying span lengths, calculated by the formula:
Figure 7.3 Stress strain curves of SAIL-MA 350 and 410 and IS: 226 steels
Ruling span = l13 + l23 + ....ln 3 l1 + l2 + ln
Where l1, l2 ... ln are the first, second and last span lengths in sections. The erection tension for any line section is calculated for this hypothetical span.
Tower spotting on the profile is done by means of a sag template, which is based on the ruling span. Therefore, this span must be determined before the template can be made.
The ruling span is then used to calculate the horizontal component of tension, which is to be applied to all the spans between the anchor points
Average span
The average span is the mean span length between dead ends. It is assumed that the conductor is freely suspended such that each individual span reacts to changes in tension as a single average span. All sag and tension calculations are carried out for the average span, on this assumption.
Wind span
The wind span is that on which the wind is assumed to act transversely on the conductors and is taken as half the sum of the two spans, adjacent to the support ( Figure 7.4 ). In order to take full advantage of towers located on elevated ground, it is usual to allow a wind span of 10 to 15 percent in excess of the normal span. This additional strength can be used in taking a samll angle of deviation on an intermediate tower, where the actual wind span is less than the design wind span. The angle of deviation to be taken in such cases is approximately given by:
wl x180 T
Where w = total ind load per unit run of span length of all conductor carried by the tower, l = difference between the wind span used for design and the actual wind span, and T = the total maximum working tension of all conductors carried by the tower.
Weight span
The weight span is the horizontal distance between the lowest point of the conductors, on the two spans adjacent to the tower (figure 7.4). The lowest point is defined as the point at which the tangent to the sag curve, or to the sag curve produced, is horizontal. The weight span is used in the design of cross-arms.
The configuration of a transmission line tower depends on: 1. the length of the insulator assembly
2. the minimum clearances to be maintained between conductors, and between conductors and tower
3. the location of ground wire or wires with respect to the outermost conductor
4. the mid-span clearance required from considerations of the dynamic behaviour of conductors and lightning protection of the line
5. the minimum clearance of the lowest conductor above ground level. The tower outline is determined essentially by three factors: tower height, base width, and top hamper width.
The calculation of sags (h2) is covered later. The principles and practices in regard to the determination of ground clearance and spacings between conductors and between the ground wire and top conductor will now be outlined.
Rule 77(4) of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, stipulates the following clearances above ground of the lowest point of the conductor:
For extra- high voltage lines, the clearance above ground shall not be less than 5.182 metres plus 0.305 metres for every 33,000 volts or part there of by which the voltage of the line exceeds 33,000 volts.
Accordingly, the values for the various voltages, 66kV to 400 kV, are: 66kV - 5.49m 132kV - 6.10m 220kV - 7.01m 400kV - 8.84m The above clearances are applicable to transmission lines running in open country.
1. Crossing over rivers a. Over rivers which are not navigable. The minimum clearance of conductor is specified as 3.05 over maximum flood level.
b. Over navigable rivers: Clearances are fixed in relation to the tallest mast, in consultation with the concerned navigation authorities.
2. Crossing over telecommunication lines. The minimum clearances between the conductors of a power line and telecommunication wires are 66 kV - 2,440mm 132 kV - 2,740mm 220 kV - 3,050mm 400 kV - 4,880mm
3. Crossing over railway tracks: The minimum height over the rail level, of the lowest portion of any conductor under conditions of maximum sag, as stipulated in the regulations for Electrical Crossings of Railway Tracks, 1963, is given in Table 7.7.
4. Between power lines a. Between power lines L.T up to 66 kV - and 66 kV line 2.44m b. Between power lines L.T up to 132 kV - and 132kV line 2.75m c. Between power lines L.T up to 220kV - and 220kV line 4.55m
Spacing of conductors
Considerable differences are found in the conductor spacings adopted in different countries and on different transmission systems in the same country.
The spacing of conductors is determined by considerations which are partly mechanical. The material and diameter of the conductors should also be considered when deciding the spacing, because a smaller conductor, especially
if made of aluminium, having a small weight in relation to the area presented to a crosswind, will swing out of the vertical plane father than a conductor of large cross-section. Usually conductors will swing synchronously (in phase) with the wind, but with long spans and small wires, there is always a possibility of the conductors swinging non-synchronously, and the size of the conductor and the maximum sag at the centre of the span are factors which should be taken in to account in determining the distance apart at which they should be strung.
There are a number of empirical formulae in use, deduced from spacings which have successfully operated in practice while research continues on the minimum spacings which could be employed.
The following formulae are in general use: 1. Mecomb's formula Spacing in cm = 0.3048V + 4.010 Where V = Voltage in kV, D = Conductor diameter in cm, S = sag in cm, and W = Weight of conductor in kg/m. 2. VDE (verbandes Deutscher electrotechnischer) formula Spacing in cm = 7.5 S +
D S w
V2 200
Where l = average span length in metres ,and V = line voltage between conductors in kV.
The formula may be used as a guide in arriving at a suitable value for the horizontal spacing for any line voltage and for the value spans between 60 and 335 meters
= A + 3.681 S +
L 2
S = Sag in cm, and
Figure 7.5 Determination of the tower height 5. Swedish formula Spacing in cm = 6.5
S + 0.7E
E 1.5
Where S = Sag in cm, L = Length of insulator string in cm, and E = Line voltage in kV.
Offset of conductors (under ice-loading conditions) The jump of the conductor, resulting from ice dropping off one span of an ice-covered line, has been the cause of many serious outages on long-span lines where conductors are arranged in the same vertical plane. The 'sleet jump' has been practically cleared up by horizontally offsetting the conductors. Apparently, the conductor jumps in practically a vertical plane, and this is true if no wind is blowing, in which cases all forces and reactions are in a vertical plane. In double circuit vertical configuration, the middle conductors are generally offset in accordance with the following formula: Offset in cm = 60 + Span in cm / 400 The spacing commonly adopted on typical transmission lines in India are given in the table
4,040 4,270 4,880 4,270 4,880 6,000 7,140 6,290 7,150 8,820
2. 66 kV: Double circuit A(0-2o) B(2-30 ) C(30-60 ) 3. 132 kV: Single circuit A(0-2o) B(2-15 ) C(15-30 ) D(30-60 ) 4. 132 kV: Double circuit A(0-2o) B(2-15 ) C(15-30 ) D(30-60 ) 5. 220 kV: Single circuit A(0-2o) B(2-15 ) C(15-30 ) D(30-60 ) 6. 220 kV: double circuit A(0-2o) B(2-15 ) C(15-30 ) D(30-60 ) 7. 400 kV: Single circuit A(0-2 ) B(2-15 ) C(15-30 ) D(30-60 )
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
5,200 5,250 6,700 7,800 5,200 5,200 5,200 6,750 horizontal configuration 7,800 7,800 7,800 8,100
8,500 10,500 12,600 14,000 9,900 10,100 10,500 12,600 12,760 12,640 14,000 16,200
Ryle has given the following formula for a preliminary determination of the economic base width:
B = 0.42 M or 0.013 m
Where B = Base width in meters, M = Overturning moment about the ground level in tonne-meters, and M= Overturning moment about the ground level in kg.meters. The ratio of base width to total tower height for most towers is generally about one-fifth to one-tenth from large-angle towers to tangent towers. The following equations have been suggested9,based on the best fit straight line relationship between the base width B and
B = 0.0782 M + 1.0 B = 0.0691 M + 0.7 M
It should be noted that Ryles formula is intended for use with actual external loads acting on the tower whereas the formulae in Equations take into account a factor of safety of 2.0.
Narrow-base towers are commonly used in Western Europe, especially Germany, mainly from way-leave considerations. British and American practices generally favor the wide base type of design, for which the total cost, of tower and foundations is a minimum. In the USA, a continuous wide strip of land called the right of way has usually to be acquired along the line route. In Great Britain, the payments made for individual tower way-leaves are generally reasonably small and not greatly affected by tower base dimensions. Therefore, it has been possible to adopt a truly economical base width in both the United States and Great Britain.
A wider taper in the tower base reduces the foundation loading and costs but increases the cost of the tower and site. A minimum cost which occurs with a tower width, is greater with bad soil than with good soil. A considerable saving in foundation costs results from the use of towers with only three legs, the tower being of triangular section throughout its height. This form of construction entails tubular legs or special angle sections. The three-footing anchorage has further advantages, e.g., greater accessibility of the soil underneath the tower when the land is cultivated.
Determination of top hamper width The width at top hamper is the width of the tower at the level of the lower cross-arm in the case of barrel type of towers (in double circuit towers it may be at the middle level) and waist line in the case of towers with horizontal configuration of conductors.
The following parameters are considered while determining the width of the tower at the top bend line:
between the power conductor under the severest wind and galloping conditions and the electrical clearance of the line conductor to tower steel work.
The sloe of the legs should be such that the corner members intersect as
near the center of gravity (CG) of the loads as possible. Then the braces will be least loaded. Three cases are possible depending upon the relative position of the CG of the loads and intersection of the tower legs as shown in Figure 7.6.
In Case (1) the entire shear is taken up by the legs and the bracings do not carry any stress. Case (2) shows a condition in which the resultant of all loads O is below the inter-section of tower legs O. The shear here is shared between legs and bracings which is a desirable requirement for an economical tower design. In Case (3), the legs have to withstand greater forces than in cases (1) and (2) because the legs intersect below the center of gravity of the loads acting on the tower. This outline is uneconomical.
The top hamper width is generally found to be about one-third of the base width for tangent and light angle towers and about 1.35 of the base width for medium and heavy angle towers. For horizontal configurations, the width at the waistline is, however, found to vary from 1/1.5 to .5 of the base width.
The number of ground wires used on the line depends on the isoceraunic level (number of thunderstorm days/hours per year) of the area, importance of the line, and the angle of coverage desired. Single circuit line using horizontal configuration generally employ tow ground wires, due to the comparative width of the configuration; whereas lines using vertical and offset arrangements more often utilize one ground wire except on higher voltage lines of 400 kv and above, where it is usually found advantageous to string tow ground wires, as the phase to phase spacing of conductors would require an excessively high positioning of ground wire to give adequate coverage.
A tower has to withstand the loadings ranging from straight runs up to varying angles and dead ends. To simplify the designs and ensure an overall economy in first cost and maintenance, tower designs are generally confined to a few standard types as follows.
Angle towers
Angle towers, sometimes called semi-anchor towers, are used where the line makes a horizontal angle greater than two degrees (Figure). As they must resist a transverse load from the components of the line tension induced by this angle, in addition to the usual wind, ice and broken conductor loads, they are necessarily heavier than suspension towers. Unless restricted by site conditions, or influenced by conductor tensions, angle towers should be located so that the axis of the cross-arms bisects, the angle formed by the conductors.
Theoretically, different line angles require different towers, but for economy there are a limiting number of different towers which should be used. This number is a function of all the factors which make up the total erected cost of a tower line. However, experience has shown that the following angle towers are generally suitable for most of the lines: 1. 2. 3. Light angle Medium angle Heavy angle - 2 to 15o line deviation - 15 to 30o line deviation - 30 to 60o line deviation
While the angles of line deviation are for the normal span, the span may be increased up to an optimum limit by reducing the angle of line deviation and vice versa. IS: 802(Part I)-1977 also recommends the above classification.
The loadings on a tower in the case of a 600 angle condition and dead-end condition are almost the same. As the numbers of locations at which 600 angle towers and dead-end towers are required are comparatively few, it is economical
to design the heavy angle towers both for the 600 angle condition and dead-end condition, whichever is more stringent for each individual structural member.
For each type of tower, the upper limit of the angle range is designed for the same basic span as the tangent tower, so that a decreased angle can be accommodated with an increased span or vice versa.
In India, then angle towers are generally provided with tension insulator strings.
Appreciable economies can be affected by having the light angle towers (2 to 150) with suspension insulators, as this will result in lighter tower designs due to reduced longitudinal loads to which the tower would be subjected under broken-wire conditions because of the swing of the insulator string towards the broken span. It would be uneconomical to use 300 angle tower in locations where angle higher than 20 and smaller than 300 are encountered. There are limitations to the use of 20 angle towers at higher angles with reduced spans and the use of 300 angle towers with smaller angles and increased spans. The introduction of a 150 tower would bring about sizeable economies.
It might appear that the use of suspension insulators at angle locations would result in longer cross-arms so as to satisfy the clearance requirements under increased insulator swings because of the large line deviation on the tower. In such a case, it is the usual practice to counteract the excessive swing of insulator string by the use of counter weights ( in some countries counter weights up to 250kg have been used) and thus keep the cross-arm lengths within the economic limits. It is the practice in Norway and Sweden to use suspension
insulators on towers up to 200 angles and in France up to as much as 400. The possibilities of conductor breakdown in modern transmission lines equipped with reliable clamps, anti-vibration devices, etc., are indeed rare, and should the contingency of a breakdown arise, the problems do not present any more difficulties than those encountered in the case of plain terrain involving tangent towers over long stretches.
Calculation of counterweights
The calculation for the counterweights (Figure 7.8) to be added to limit the sing of the insulator string is quite simple and is illustrated below:
line deviation.
W1 and W2 = Weight of one span of the conductor, insulators, etc., corresponding to insulator swings 1and 2 respectively Now, tan1 = H / W1 and tan2 = H / W2 Therefore, the magnitude of the counterweight required to reduce the insulator swing from 1 to 2 = W2-W1.
Unequal cross-arms
Another method to get over the difficulty of higher swings ( if suspension strings are used for 150 line deviations) is to have unequal cross-arms of the tower. The main differences in the design aspects between this type of tower and the usual towers (with equal cross-arms) are:
working conditions. 2. For calculation of torsional loads, the conductor on the bigger half of the cross-arm should be assumed to be broken, as this condition will be more stringent.
These features can be taken care of at the design stage. An example of unequal cross-arms widely used in the USSR. Note also the rectangular section used for the tower.
Normal 250m
7/3.15mm quality)
Figure 7.9 66kV, 132 kV, 220 kV Single circuit tangent towers The standardized 400 kV towers presently employed in France are given in Figure 7.9 together with the corresponding weights, sizes of the conductor and ground wire employed and the ruling span. The extension and S = Maximum Sag GC = Minimum Ground Clearance
Normal 245m
7/3.15mm quality)
Figure 7.10 66 kV, 132 kV, 220 kV double circuit tangent towers
Normal span: 400m Conductor: "Moose" (54/3.53mm Al + 7/3.53mm St) Ground wire: 7/4mm (110 kg/mm2 quality)