How To Perform Salah

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Do I
Prepared by:
Mohamed Baianonie
Imam of the Islamic Center of Raleigh
Raleigh N.C. - U. S .A.
[email protected]
(919) 834-9572

Prepared by Mohamed Baianonie,
Imam of the Islamic Center of Raleigh,
Raleigh, N. C, U. S .A.

All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of Al-'Alamin (all that
exists) and peace be upon the Messenger Muhammad, his family
and all his companions.

I would like to give my gratitude to all of the brothers and sisters

who volunteered their time, effort, and funds to put together this
booklet that so many will benefit from. I ask Allah, the Exalted,
the Most Merciful to accept this booklet as an ongoing charity.
May Allah give us sincerity in all of our sayings and actions and
reward us all with the best in this world and the Hereafter. Ameen

Imam Mohamed Baianonie

December 10, 2005

Preparation Before Salah. …………………………………......5
Impurities to be Removed Before Performing Salah………... 6
How to Purify Things………...……………………………..…..6
Minor Hadath and Major Hadath……………………………...7
WUDU (Ablution)…………………………………………….....8
What Nullifies Wudu…………………………………………..11
Ghusl (Bathing)………………………………………………...13
Tayammum (Dry Ablution)……………………………..13
What Tayammum Makes Permissible……………...………...16
What Nullifies Tayammum…………………...……………….16
The Times of the Five Daily Prayers………………….……...17
Adhan: (Call to Prayer)……………………...………………..17
Fard (Compulsory) Salah……………………………….19
Sunnah (Optional) Salah………………………………..20
The Sunnah Prayers……….…………………………………..20
How to Perform Salah…………………………..….......20
When to Recite Aloud or Silently………..…………………...28
Salatul Witr…………………………………………….…….....28
What Invalidates Salah………………………………………..30
What is Permissible during Salah………….………….……...30
What to do When You Miss Salah………………..…..………31
What to do When Praying in a Congregation…….....………31
Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It refers to the compulsory
daily prayers. Salah is offered five times a day individually or in

We offer Salah to remember Allah and bring us closer to Him.

Allah says in the Noble Qur'an, what can be translated as,
“Establish Salah to remember Me (Allah).” (Qur'an, 20:14)

{ ϱήϛ άϟ Γϼμϟ΍ Ϣϗ΃ϭ }

Salah is proof of our faith in Allah and Islam. It has been made
compulsory at certain times of the day. Allah says in the Noble
Qur'an, what can be translated as, “Salah at fixed times has
been enjoined on the believers.” (Qur'an, 4:103)

{ ΎΗϮϗ Ϯϣ ΎΑΎΘϛ ϦϴϨϣΆϤϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ΖϧΎϛ Γϼμϟ΍ ϥ· }

The five daily prayers are: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha'.

Preparation to Perform Salah

To perform your Salah you must be clean and pure. Allah says in
the Noble Qur'an, what can be translated as, “Surely Allah loves
those who turn to Him and those who care for cleanliness.”

{ ϦϳήϬτΘϤϟ΍ ΐΤϳϭ ϦϴΑ΍ϮΘϟ΍ ΐΤϳ Ϳ΍ ϥ· }

Cleanliness of the body, clothing, and the places where the prayer
is performed is called Taharah (purification).

Some impurities that must be removed before performing


1. Human urine.
2. Human Excrement.
3. Wadi: A thick white secretion that might be discharged after
4. Mathi: A white sticky prostatic fluid, (other than sperm or
5. Menstrual blood.
6. Defecation and urine of animals whose meat is not permissible
to eat (carnivores, such as lions).
7. Dog saliva.
8. Water remaining after a carnivore has drunk from it.


In general, water can purify anything that is impure.

One must remove all impurities from his/her private parts by

using any pure matter (i.e. toilet tissue) three times, or by using
water, or both.
1. Purifying the body and clothing:
This is performed by washing them with water until they are
cleansed of impurities. This is especially important in the case
where the impurity is visible, such as menstrual blood. If there
are some difficult stains that remain after washing, they can be
overlooked. If the impurity is not visible, such as urine, it is
sufficient to wash it once, but preferable to wash it three times.

2. Purifying clothing from a male infant’s urine:

This is performed by sprinkling water on the stained clothing. If it
is stained by the urine of a female infant, then it must be washed.

3. Purifying the bottom of shoes:

This is performed by rubbing them against the ground until the
remains of Najassah (impurity) are removed.

4. Purifying the ground:

(a) Pour water over the impurity on the ground (soil or sand).
(b) Allowing the ground (soil or sand) to dry from the impurity
(such as urine) will make the area pure, only if there are no
visible traces of the impurity left.

5. Purifying utensils if they were touched by dog saliva:

This is performed by washing the utensil seven times with water.
The first cleansing should be mixed with soil. However, if the
saliva has touched the body or clothing, then only one cleansing is

The body must also be free of Hadath (ritual impurities).

There are two kinds of Hadath:

1. Minor Hadath:
This requires Wudu (ablution). It happens after one or more of the
following occurs: natural discharges like urine, excrement,
passing gas, falling asleep, or unconsciousness of any kind.
2. Major Hadath:
This requires washing the whole body. It could be caused by
unconscious ejaculation (e.g. in one's sleep), intercourse,
menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding. This type of washing
requires bathing the whole body, including, the head with pure

WUDU (Ablution)
Before we perform Salah we must first prepare ourselves. This
preparation includes making sure that we are clean from any
physical impurities and performing Wudu.

Wudu (ablution) is required for performing Salah. We cannot

offer our Salah without first making Wudu. Here are the steps to

1. First, make the Niyyah

(intention) in your heart that this
act of Wudu is for the purpose of
preparing for Salah, and say:
"Bismillah" (in the name of

2. Wash both hands up to the

wrists (starting with the right
hand) three times, making sure
that water has reached between
the fingers.

3. Take water with your right

hand, put it into your mouth and
rinse thoroughly three times.

4. Take water with your right hand, splash it into your nose and
blow it out three times. (Use the left hand if necessary to help
blow it out).

5. Wash your whole face three times

repeatedly. (The whole face includes:
the right ear to the left ear, and the
forehead to the bottom of the chin).

6. Wash the right arm thoroughly from wrist to elbow three

times, and make sure that no part of the arm has been left
unwashed. Repeat with the left arm.

7. Move the palms of the wet hands lightly over the head,
starting from the top of the forehead to the back of the head, and
passing both hands over the back of the head to the neck, and then
bringing them back to the forehead.

8. With the same water, rub the grooves and holes of both ears
with the wet index fingers, while also passing the wet thumbs
behind the ears from the bottom upward.

9. Finally, wash both feet to the ankles three times, starting with
the right foot. Make sure that water has reached between the toes
and covered the rest of the foot.

At the end of the above steps recite: "Ashhadu alla ilaha

illallahu, wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa

ˬϪϟ Ϛϳήη ϻ ϩΪΣϭ Ϳ΍ ϻ· Ϫϟ · ϻ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃"

"ϪϟϮγέ ϭ ϩΪΒϋ ΍ΪϤΤϣ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃ ϭ
This means:
“I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allah alone, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant
and His messenger.”

What Nullifies Wudu:

1. Natural discharges: urine, stool, gas, etc.
2. Falling asleep.
3. Unconsciousness of any kind.

Note: If you put on your socks, shoes, or sandals (only those that
cover most of the foot) while you have a valid Wudu, it is not
necessary to take them off every time you need to renew your
Wudu. You can leave them on and wipe the top of each covered
foot once with wet hands in place of washing the entire foot. You
may do this up to twenty-four hours, or for three days if you are
on travel.


Ghusl (Bathing)
Ghusl is bathing the whole body with water. You must clean your
body from any impurities, if any.

Make the Niyyah (intention) in your heart that this act of Ghusl is
for the purpose of preparing for Salah. It is recommended to make
Ghusl in the following order: make Wudu, wash the head
including the hair, wash the right side of your body from the
shoulder to the foot three times, and finally wash the left side of
the body. Ghusl is required for performing Salah in the following

1. Janabah (major ritual impurities): The discharge of seminal

secretions or sexual intercourse.
2. At the end of a menstrual period.
3. At the end of postpartum bleeding.

Tayammum (Dry Ablution)

You may perform your Salah by preceding it with Tayammum as
a substitute for Wudu or Ghusl when:

1. A person cannot find water, or the amount available is

2. A person has no access to water.
3. A person is saving the water for later use.
4. A person is sick and cannot use water.
5. The use of water is likely to do harm, cause or worsen an
illness, or delay the cure.
6. The performance of Wudu will cause the person to miss a
funeral or Eid prayer that cannot be made up.

In any of these instances it is permissible
to make Tayammum, which is performed
as follows:

1. First, make Niyyah (intention) in your

heart that this act of Tayammum is for
the purpose of preparing for Salah, and
say: "Bismillah.”

2. Strike both hands slightly on pure

earth, sand, stone, or concrete.

3. Shake off hands to remove debris and wipe the whole face.

4. Repeat step #2 and wipe the right arm down to the elbow (or
only to the wrist) with the left hand and the left arm down to the
elbow (or only to the wrist) with the right hand.

What Tayammum Makes Permissible:

After performing Tayammum a person is pure and may do any of

the acts requiring ritual purification, such as prayer.

What Nullifies Tayammum:

Everything that nullifies an ablution nullifies Tayammum. If a

person prays after performing Tayammum and then finds water,
he does not need to repeat his prayer even if there is time left to
do so. However, once there is no longer a valid excuse for
Tayammum, the person must make Wudu before offering the next

The Time of the Five Daily Prayers:
Fajr From dawn until just before sunrise.
Dhuhr After the sun’s zenith until late afternoon.
Asr From late afternoon until just before sunset.
Maghrib From sunset until just before twilight (when the
sky turns completely dark).
Isha' From twilight until dawn.

All these prayers must be prayed at the times mentioned above.

However, there are exceptions for when it is permissible to
combine prayers. For example, (Dhuhr and Asr) or (Maghrib and
Isha') may be prayed right after each other. You can combine
these two prayers when you are traveling, if you are sick, very
sleepy, very tired, or if you cannot control your schedule (classes
or work). These are the exceptions and should not become the

If you are praying at the Masjid (mosque) in a congregation, and

there are bad weather conditions, like rain, snow, ice, etc., then it
is permissible to combine these pairs of prayers. You can pray
the earlier prayer at the time of the later prayer or vice versa.

Adhan: (The Call to Prayer)

The Adhan is an announcement of the prayer times and it is used
to call Muslims to the prayers. The person who gives the Adhan
is called the Mu'adhin (Caller). It is preferred that the Mu'adhin
has a beautiful voice. While calling for prayer, he stands facing
the Qiblah and raises his hands to his ears, and calls out:

"Allahu Akbar This means: (Allah is the Greatest) ήΒϛ΃ Ϳ΍"

Allahu Akbar This means: (Allah is the Greatest) ήΒϛ΃ Ϳ΍
Allahu Akbar This means: (Allah is the Greatest) ήΒϛ΃ Ϳ΍
Allahu Akbar This means: (Allah is the Greatest) ήΒϛ΃ Ϳ΍
Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah Ϳ΍ ϻ· Ϫϟ · ϻ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃
This means: (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah)
Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah Ϳ΍ ϻ· Ϫϟ · ϻ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃
This means: (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah)

Ashhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah Ϳ΍ ϝϮγέ ΍ΪϤΤϣ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃

This means:(I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's messenger)
Ashhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah Ϳ΍ ϝϮγέ ΍ΪϤΤϣ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃
This means:(I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's messenger)

Hayya alas Salah This means: (Rush to prayer) Γϼμϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ϲΣ

Hayya alas Salah This means: (Rush to prayer) Γϼμϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ϲΣ

Hayya alal Falah This means: (Rush to success) Ρϼϔϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ϲΣ

Hayya alal Falah This means: (Rush to success) Ρϼϔϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ϲΣ

Allahu Akbar This means: (Allah is the Greatest) ήΒϛ΃ Ϳ΍

Allahu Akbar This means: (Allah is the Greatest) ήΒϛ΃ Ϳ΍

La ilaha illallah" (There is no god but Allah) "Ϳ΍ ϻ· Ϫϟ · ϻ

The first Adhan for Fajr Salah should be shortly before Fajr time
to help awaken the people. The following is added after "Hayya
alal Falah”:

"Assalatu khayrum minan naum" ϡϮϨϟ΍ Ϧϣ ήϴΧ Γϼμϟ΍"

This means: (Salah is better than sleep)
"Assalatu khayrum minan naum" "ϡϮϨϟ΍ Ϧϣ ήϴΧ Γϼμϟ΍
This means: (Salah is better than sleep)

However, there is no need for this addition in the second Adhan,
which should be made at the beginning of Fajr time.

It is strongly recommended that whenever possible, Muslim males

should offer their Fard (compulsory) prayers in congregation at
the Masjid (mosque).

Iqamah is another call to prayer that is said just before the actual
start of Salah. Iqamah is exactly like the Adhan, except that after
"Hayya alal Falah” the following is added:

"Qad qamatis Salah This means: Γϼμϟ΍ ΖϣΎϗ Ϊϗ

(The prayer has begun)
Qad qamatis Salah" This means: Γϼμϟ΍ ΖϣΎϗ Ϊϗ
(The prayer has begun)

Iqamah is said in a lower voice and much faster than the Adhan. It
is also directed to the group that is already present for the prayer.

Fard (compulsory) Salah:

A Muslim must pray five times a day. The compulsory prayers
are called Fard in Arabic. Each unit of a prayer is called a
Rak'ah. The Fard prayers are:
Fajr 2 Rak'ahs
Dhuhr 4 Rak'ahs
Asr 4 Rak'ahs
Maghrib 3 Rak'ahs
Isha' 4 Rak'ahs
*Jumu'ah..... 2 Rak'ahs (in place of Dhuhr on Fridays)

Shortening Prayers:
If you are traveling, then you should shorten the 4 Rak'ah prayer
to a 2 Rak'ah prayer (Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha'). Also Dhuhr and Asr
can be prayed right after each other, as well as, Maghrib and

Sunnah (optional) Salah:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) performed extra prayers voluntarily
in addition to Fard prayers. These prayers are called Sunnah
prayers. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) always prayed two Rak'ahs
before the Fard of Fajr and three Rak'ahs after the Fard of Isha
even when on a journey. The one, three, five, seven, or nine
Rak'ahs after Isha are called Witr (odd number).

The Sunnah prayers are as follows:

Fajr 2 Rak'ahs before Fard.

Dhuhr 4 Rak'ahs before Fard and 2 Rak'ahs after.
Asr 4 Rak'ahs (less recommended) before Fard.
Maghrib 2 Rak'ahs after Fard.
Isha' 4 Rak'ahs (less recommended) before Fard
2 Rak'ahs after Fard.
1, 3,5,7, or 9 Rak'ahs of Witr.

The Sunnah prayers are normally offered individually and no

Adhan or Iqamah is needed for those extra prayers.


Having cleansed yourself by Wudu, you may proceed to perform
Salah. Wudu is a ritual cleansing. Before you begin your Salah,
however, you must make sure that you have a clean body, a clean
place to pray, and that you are wearing clothing free of impurities.
The minimum clothing required during Salah is:

A. For males: Any clothing that covers from the naval to the
knees. It is preferable to cover the shoulders.

B. For females: Any clothing that covers all of the body

(including the head) except the face, hands, and according to
Imam Abu-Hanifah the toes and a portion of the front of the

The way to offer Salah is:

1. Stand upright facing the direction of Al-Ka'bah. This position

is called Qiyaam and the direction is called Qiblah in Arabic. The
Qiblah in North America is towards the east with a slight angle
towards the north.

2. Make Niyyah (intention) in your heart for the prayer you want
to pray.

3. Raise your hands to your ears

and say: "Allahu Akbar.” This
means: (Allah is the Greatest).
This is called Takbiratul Ihram.

4. Now place your right hand on

top of your left hand on the chest
and look downward to the place
where your forehead will touch
the ground in the Sujood
(prostration) and recite silently:

"Subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabara kasmuka wa
ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka."

ϙήϴϏ Ϫϟ· ϻϭ ˬϙΪΟ ϰϟΎόΗ ϭ ˬϚϤγ΍ ϙέΎΒΗϭ ˬϙΪϤΤΑ ϭ ϢϬϠϟ΍ ϚϧΎΤΒγ

This means: “O Allah, how perfect You are and praise be to You.
Blessed is Your name, and exalted is Your majesty. There is no
god but You.” [Only recite this supplication, Subhanaka, at the
beginning of the first Rak'ah]

Then recite silently: "A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim."

ϢϴΟήϟ΍ ϥΎτϴθϟ΍ Ϧϣ ͿΎΑ ΫϮϋ΃

This is called Ta'awwudh, and it means: “I seek shelter in Allah
from the rejected Satan.”

ϢϴΣήϟ΍ ϦϤΣήϟ΍ Ϳ΍ ϢδΑ

Then recite: "Bismillahir rahmanir rahim."

This is called Tasmiyah, and it means: “In the name of Allah,

the most Gracious, the most Merciful.”

5. After this, recite Suratul Fatihah (the opening chapter) of the

Noble Qur'an:

"Al hamdu lil lahi rabbil 'alamin. Arrahmanir rahim.

Maliki yawmiddin. Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in.
Ihdinas siratal mustaqim. Siratal ladhina an'amta'alaihim,
ghairil maghdubi'alaihim wa lad dhallin. (Amin)"

ΪΒόϧ ϙΎϳ· ˬϦϳΪϟ΍ ϡϮϳ ϚϟΎϣ ˬϢϴΣήϟ΍ ϦϤΣήϟ΍ ˬϦϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ Ώέ Ϳ ΪϤΤϟ΍>>

ήϴϏ ϢϬϴϠϋ ΖϤόϧ΃ Ϧϳάϟ΍ ρ΍ήλ ˬϢϴϘΘδϤϟ΍ ρ΍ήμϟ΍ ΎϧΪϫ΍ ˬϦϴόΘδϧ ϙΎϳ·ϭ
< < Ϧϴϟ Ύπϟ΍ Ϸϭ ϢϬϴϠϋ ΏϮπϐϤϟ΍
This means:

"All praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
the most Gracious, the most Merciful; Master of the Day of
Judgment. You alone we worship, from You alone we seek
help. Guide us along the straight path - the path of those
whom You favored, not of those who earned Your anger or
went astray.”

You must recite Surat Al-Fatihah in each unit (Rak’ah) of the

prayer, if you pray alone. However, if praying behind an Imam
and he recites loudly, then it is not necessary for you to recite it.

6. Now recite any other passage from the Noble Qur'an.

For example: "Bismillahir rahmanir rahim
Qul hu wal lahu ahad, allahus samad, lam yalid wa lam
yulad, wa lam ya kul lahu kufuwan ahad."

ϢϴΣήϟ΍ ϦϤΣήϟ΍ Ϳ΍ ϢδΑ

<<ΪΣ΃ ΍Ϯϔϛ Ϫϟ ϦϜϳ Ϣϟ ϭ ˬΪϟϮϳ Ϣϟ ϭ ΪϠϳ Ϣϟ ˬΪϤμϟ΍ Ϳ΍ˬΪΣ΃ Ϳ ΍Ϯϫ Ϟϗ >>

This means:
“In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most
Merciful. Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah is Eternal and
Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is
none co-equal unto Him.”

7. Now bow down saying:

"Allahu Akbar" and place your
hands on your knees and say
silently: "Subhana Rabbiyal
Adhim." This means: (How
Perfect is my Lord, the Supreme)
three times. This position is called
Rukoo'. Keep your head in line
with your back, and look
downward to the place of Sujood.
(See step 9)

8. Stand up from the bowing position
saying: "Sami'Allahu liman hamidah"
(Allah hears those who praise
Him)"Rabbana lakal hamd." This
means: (Our Lord, praise be to You).

9. Prostrate on the
floor saying: "Allahu
Akbar" with your
forehead, nose, palms
of both hands, your
knees, and toes all
touching the floor.
Then recite silently:

"Subhana Rabbiyal A'la."

(How Perfect is my Lord, the
Highest) three times. This
position is called Sujood. Keep
your arms away from the sides of
the body and the ground.

10. Sit up from the floor saying

Allahu Akbar. Sit upright with
your knees bent and palms placed
on them and say: “Rabbighfir li.”
ϲϟ ήϔϏ΍ Ώέ
This means:
“O my Lord! Forgive me.”
Say "Allahu Akbar" and again prostrate in the Sujood position.
Recite "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la" three times. Sit up from this
position saying "Allahu Akbar"

This completes the first Rak'ah or unit of Salah. Now stand up

for the second Rak'ah and perform it in the same way, except that
you do not recite Subhanaka at the beginning, and after the
second Sujood (prostration) you sit on the left leg while keeping
the right foot upright and put your right
hand on the right thigh, with all fingers
together in a fist except the index finger.
Stick the index finger straight out. Put
your left hand on the left thigh. Now
recite Tashahhud silently:

Ϳ ΔϤΣέϭ ϲΒϨϟ΍ ΎϬϳ΃ ϚϴϠϋ ϡϼδϟ΍ ˬΕΎΒϴτϟ΍ϭ Ε΍ϮϠμϟ΍ϭ Ϳ ΕΎϴΤΘϟ΍"

ˬͿ΍ ϻ· Ϫϟ· ϻ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃ ˬϦϴΤϟΎμϟ΍ Ϳ΍ ΩΎΒϋ ϰϠϋ ϭ ΎϨϴϠϋ ϡϼδϟ΍ ˬϪΗΎϛήΑϭ
".ϪϟϮγέ ϭ ϩΪΒϋ ΍ΪϤΤϣ ϥ΃ ΪϬη΃ϭ
"At-Tahiyyatu lillahi This means: “Greetings, prayers and
was- Salawatu wat-Tayyibatu. goodness belong to Allah.
As-Salamu ' alaika Peace be on you,
ayyuhannabiyyu O Prophet
wa rahmatullahi and the mercy of Allah
wa barakatuhu. and His blessings.
Assalamu 'alaina wa’ala Peace be on us and on
ibadil-Lahis -Salihin the righteous servants of Allah
ash hadu al-La ilaha I bear witness that
il-Lal lahu there is no god but Allah,
wa ash hadu anna and bear witness that
Muhammadan abduhu Muhammad is His servant
wa rasuluhu." and Messenger.”
In a three-Rak'ah Salah (as in Maghrib) or a four-Rak'ah Salah
(Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha) you stand up for the remaining Rak'ah(s)
after you have done Tashahhud. For a two-Rak'ah Salah you
remain seated after Tashahhud and then recite silently Assalatul-

ϝ΁ ϰϠϋϭ Ϣϴϫ΍ήΑ· ϰϠϋ ΖϴϠλ ΎϤϛ ˬΪϤΤϣ ϝ΁ ϰϠϋϭ ΪϤΤϣ ϰϠϋ Ϟλ ϢϬϠϟ΍"
Ϣϴϫ΍ήΑ· ϰϠϋ ΖϛέΎΑ ΎϤϛ ˬΪϤΤϣ ϝ΁ ϰϠϋϭ ΪϤΤϣ ϰϠϋ ϙέΎΑϭ ˬϢϴϫ΍ήΑ·
".ΪϴΠϣ ΪϴϤΣ Ϛϧ· ϦϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ϲϓ ˬϢϴϫ΍ήΑ· ϝ΁ ϰϠϋϭ
"Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin “O Allah, let Your mercy
come upon Muhammad
Wa 'ala ali Muhammadin and the family of Muhammad
Kama sallaita 'ala Ibrahima as You let it come upon Ibrahim
wa 'ala ali Ibrahima and the family of Ibrahim
wa barik 'ala Muhammadin O Allah, bless Muhammad
wa 'ala ali Muhammadin and the family of Muhammad
Kama barakta ' ala Ibrahima as You blessed Ibrahim
Wa ' ala ali Ibrahima and the family of Ibrahim.
Fil a'lamina Innaka Truly You are
hamidun Majid." Praiseworthy and Glorious.”

After this say silently: "Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min

adhabi jahanam wamin adhabil qabri wamin sharri fitnatil
mahya wal mamat wamin sharri fitnatil masihid dajjaal. Rabbi-
ghfir li waliwalidayya, rabbi-rhamhuma kama rabbayani

ΔϨΘϓ Ϧϣ ϭ ˬήΒϘϟ΍ Ώ΍άϋ Ϧϣ ϭ ˬϢϨϬΟ Ώ΍άϋ Ϧϣ ϚΑ ΫϮϋ΃ ϲϧ· ϢϬϠϟ΍"

ϱΪϟ΍Ϯϟ ϭ ϲϟ ήϔϏ΍ Ώέ ˬϝΎΟΪϟ΍ ΢ϴδϤϟ΍ ΔϨΘϓ Ϧϣ ϭ ˬΕΎϤϤϟ΍ ϭ ΎϴΤϤϟ΍
".΍ήϴϐλ ϲϧΎϴΑέ ΎϤϛ ΎϤϬϤΣέ΍ Ώέ

This means: “O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the torment of

the Hellfire, from the torment of the grave, from the trials and
afflictions of life and death, and from the deception of the False-
Christ. O my Lord! Grant me and my parents forgiveness, and
bestow Your mercy upon them, just as they brought me up when I
was small.”

11. Now turn your face to the right saying: "Assalamu alaikum
wa rahmatullah" (peace and the mercy of Allah be on you) and
then to the left repeating the same words.

This completes the two-Rak'ah Salah.

In the three or four-Rak'ah prayers (Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and

Isha) the whole procedure is repeated in the remaining Rak'ah(s),
except after Tashahhud, you say "Allahu Akbar" and stand up
and only recite Surat Al-Fatiha in Fard prayers and no other
Surah, then continue doing the rest of the actions as you have
done before (Rukoo', rising, Sujood). Then stand again for the
fourth Rak'ah.

Also, in the last Rak'ah of any prayer, after you have made your
Sujood, sit up and silently recite both Tashahhud and Salatul
Ibrahimiyyah. At the end of any prayer, you must finish by
making Tasleem.
When to Recite Aloud or Silently:
During obligatory Fajr prayers, you recite the Qur'an aloud in
both Rak'ahs. You also recite the first two Rak'ahs of the
obligatory prayers of Maghrib and 'Isha aloud as well.

However, the third and fourth Rak'ahs are always recited silently
during obligatory prayers. Also, in the Dhuhr and Asr prayers,
the recitation is always silent for all four Rak'ahs.

Furthermore, the one who leads Jumu'ah prayers (Friday prayer in

place of Dhuhr) will recite the Qur'an aloud.

Salatul Witr:

The Witr (odd number) prayer is extra prayers that the Prophet
practiced and highly encouraged Muslims to practice as well. He
(pbuh) never left it even when traveling. You can offer Witr
prayers anytime after ‘Isha’ until the time for Fajr prayer. You
may choose to pray one, three, five, seven, or nine Rak’ahs.

In Witr prayers, recite Suratul Fatihah and some other verses

from the Qur'an. Before or after Rukoo' of the last Rak’ah raise
your hands high up to the level of the shoulders and supplicate the
following Du'a (supplication) with your hands raised towards the

sky. This Du'a is called Du'a al-Qunut:

"Allahumma Ihdeni Fiman Hadayt, Wa A’feni Fiman A’fayt,

Watawallani Fiman Tawallayt, Wabarek li Fima A’atayt,
Waqeni Sharra Ma Qadayt, Fainaka Taqdi WalaYuqda 'Alayk,
Wainnahu La Yadhilu Man Walayt, Tabarakta Rabbana

ˬΖϴϟϮΗ ϦϤϴϓ ϲϨϟϮΗ ϭ ˬΖϴϓ Ύϋ ϦϤϴϓ ϲϨϓ Ύϋϭ ˬΖϳΪϫ ϦϤϴϓ ϲϧΪϫ΍ ϢϬϠϟ΍"
ϰπϘϳ ϻϭ ϲπϘΗ ϚϧΈϓ ˬΖϴπϗ Ύϣ ήη ϲϨϗϭ ˬΖϴτϋ΃ ΎϤϴϓ ϲϟ ϙέΎΑϭ
".ΖϴϟΎόΗϭ ΎϨΑέ ΖϛέΎΒΗ ˬΖϴϟ΍ϭ Ϧϣ ϝάϳ ϻ Ϫϧ·ϭ ˬϚϴϠϋ
This means: “O Allah, guide me among those whom You have
guided. Grant me safety among those whom You have granted
safety. Take me into Your charge among those whom You have
taken into Your charge. Bless me in what You have given me.
Protect me from the evil that You have decreed, for You decree
and nothing is decreed for You. And there is no humiliation for
whom You take as a ward. Blessed and exalted are You, our

After this, say: "Allahu Akbar" and bow down and complete the
rest of prayer like other prayers.

It is good to ask for forgiveness and mercy from Allah at the end
of your Salah. You can say this in your own words and in your
own language. But it is better for you to memorize some Du'as
(supplications prayers) from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in

What Invalidates Salah:
1. Willful negligence of any essential posture of Salah like
Rukoo', Sujood, etc.
2. Talking.
3. Laughing.
4. Eating or drinking.
5. Uncovering parts of the body that should be covered.
6. Diverging from the direction of the Qiblah.
7. Excessive movement, which is not part of Salah.
8. Anything that nullifies Wudu.

What is permissible to do during Salah:

x To carry a baby during prayer, if the need arises

x To pray with shoes on, if the shoes are free from any

x To take a few steps while keeping shoulders facing the

Qiblah, if needed

x To move your palm slightly to return a greeting

x To say SubhanAllah for males, and to clap for females, to

indicate to the Imam that a mistake occurred and needs to
be corrected

x To correct and help the Imam if he has made a mistake in

his recitation

x To make necessary movements when needed such as:

wiping the nose, scratching, etc.

If any emergency arises during prayer and you must leave prayer
you should make one Tasleem to the right side only, take care of
the matter quickly, and complete the prayer from where you
ended. If the matter takes a long time, then redo the prayer from
the start.

What to do when you miss Salah:

If you miss a prayer you have to make it up as soon as you wake
up or remember. Prayers must be made up in chronological order.
For example, if you missed Asr prayer, and it is now Maghrib
time, then you must pray Asr first, then Maghrib.

What to do when praying in a congregation:

When you pray in a congregation you will get rewarded more
than if you pray alone.

If you are praying with another person, you should stand next to
that person on the right, but never ahead. If there are two or more
people praying with the Imam, then they should line up behind

We should also line up behind the Imam in straight rows. Men

should pray in front, with men only. Women should pray behind
the men, with women only. If a man and a woman are praying
together, the woman should stand directly behind the man, not to
his right.

We should follow the Imam's actions and statements, and make

sure never to get ahead of him.

All gaps should be filled by connecting shoulders to shoulders

and feet to feet. Your legs should be spread the same width as
your shoulders.

We should not cross in front of a person who is praying.

Pray closer to a wall if possible. If not, place a barrier (chair,
books, etc.) in front of you. If you are praying behind the Imam,
then he must place a barrier in front of him, which would suffice
for everyone praying behind him.

If you have come late to prayer and you catch the Imam before he
has risen from the position of Rukoo', then you may count that
Rak’ah as if you have prayed it.

However, if you have caught the Imam after he has risen from
Rukoo', then you must follow the Imam until Tasleem. Do not
make Tasleem; instead, get up and make-up the Rak'ah(s) that you

If you are in doubt about how many Rak'ahs you prayed, then just
take the lower number. For example, if you are in doubt about
whether you prayed two or three Rak'ahs, then just count that you
prayed only two Rak'ahs and make Sujoood As-Sahu in the end of
the prayer.

Sujood As-Sahu (The prostration of forgetfulness):

These are two extra Sujoods that are made at the end of prayer
when you have forgotten an essential act. Sujood As-Sahu is done
by making two extra Sujoods just before or after Tasleem. If you
do it after Tasleem, then make the Sujoods and then make
Tasleem again. These Sujoods are just like the ones done in any
prayer. Performing these Sujoods will make up for your mistake.
You make these extra Sujoods if you have done one or more of
the following:
x If you forgot to do the first Tashahhud
x If you added an extra Rak'ah
x If you doubted how many Rak'ahs you prayed
x If you made Tasleem before completing your prayer,
complete your prayer and then make Sujood As-Sahu in
the end, and then make Tasleem again.

The Excellence of Salat
Allah the Exalted says what can be translated as,
"Verily, As-Salat (prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha (great sins)
and Al-Munkar (evil and wicked deeds)." (Qur'an, 29:45)

The Prophet Muhummad, peace be upon him, once asked his

companions, "Tell me, if there were a stream at the door of one of
you in which he takes a bath five times a day, would any filth
remain upon his body?" They replied, "No dirt would remain."
He (pbuh) said, "Similar is the case of the five (obligatory) Salats
(prayers). Allah obliterates all sins as a result of offering them."
[Reported by Imam Bukhari and Muslim]

We ask Allah the Exalted to make us among the people who

perform their prayers on time, accept it from us, and grant us a
great reward in this life and the Hereafter. Ameen.

If you need more information about Islam or

desire more copies of this publications contact:

Dawa (Outreach) Committee

Islamic Association of Raleigh
3020 Ligon Street
Raleigh, NC 27607
Tel. 919-834-9572, ext. 333
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