Instructions For Completing The Id Theft Affidavit

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Instructions for Completing

the ID Theft Affidavit

To make certain that you do not become responsible for any debts incurred by an identity thief,
you must prove to each of the companies where accounts were opened in your name that you
didn’t create the debt. The ID Theft Affidavit was developed by a group of credit grantors,
consumer advocates, and attorneys at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for this purpose.
Importantly, this affidavit is only for use where a new account was opened in your name. If
someone made unauthorized charges to an existing account, call the company for instructions.

While many companies accept this affidavit, others require that you submit more or different
forms. Before you send the affidavit, contact each company to find out if they accept it. If they
do not accept the ID Theft Affidavit, ask them what information and/or documentation they

You may not need the ID Theft Affidavit to absolve you of debt resulting from identity theft
if you obtain an Identity Theft Report. We suggest you consider obtaining an Identity Theft
Report where a new account was opened in your name. An Identity Theft Report can be used to
(1) permanently block fraudulent information from appearing on your credit report; (2) ensure
that debts do not reappear on your credit reports; (3) prevent a company from continuing to
collect debts or selling the debt to others for collection; and (4) obtain an extended fraud alert.

The ID Theft Affidavit may be required by a company in order for you to obtain applications or
other transaction records related to the theft of your identity. These records may help you prove
that you are a victim. For example, you may be able to show that the signature on an application
is not yours. These documents also may contain information about the identity thief that is
valuable to law enforcement.

This affidavit has two parts:

• Part One — the ID Theft Affidavit — is where you report general information about yourself
and the theft.
• Part Two — the Fraudulent Account Statement — is where you describe the fraudulent
account(s) opened in your name. Use a separate Fraudulent Account Statement for each
company you need to write to.

When you send the affidavit to the companies, attach copies (NOT originals) of any supporting
documents (for example, driver’s license or police report). Before submitting your affidavit,
review the disputed account(s) with family members or friends who may have information about
the account(s) or access to them.

Complete this affidavit as soon as possible. Many creditors ask that you send it within two weeks.
Delays on your part could slow the investigation.

Be as accurate and complete as possible. You may choose not to provide some of the information
requested. However, incorrect or incomplete information will slow the process of investigating
your claim and absolving the debt. Print clearly.
When you have finished completing the affidavit, mail a copy to each creditor, bank, or company
that provided the thief with the unauthorized credit, goods, or services you describe. Attach a
copy of the Fraudulent Account Statement with information only on accounts opened at the
institution to which you are sending the packet, as well as any other supporting documentation
you are able to provide.

Send the appropriate documents to each company by certified mail, return receipt requested, so
you can prove that it was received. The companies will review your claim and send you a written
response telling you the outcome of their investigation. Keep a copy of everything you submit.

If you are unable to complete the affidavit, a legal guardian or someone with power of attorney
may complete it for you. Except as noted, the information you provide will be used only by the
company to process your affidavit, investigate the events you report, and help stop further fraud.
If this affidavit is requested in a lawsuit, the company might have to provide it to the requesting
party. Completing this affidavit does not guarantee that the identity thief will be prosecuted or
that the debt will be cleared.

If you haven’t already done so, report the fraud to the following organizations:

1. Any one of the nationwide consumer reporting companies to place a fraud alert on
your credit report. Fraud alerts can help prevent an identity thief from opening any
more accounts in your name. The company you call is required to contact the other
two, which will place an alert on their versions of your report, too.

• Equifax: 1-800-525-6285;

• Experian: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742);
• TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289;

In addition, once you have placed a fraud alert, you’re entitled to order one free
credit report from each of the three consumer reporting companies, and, if you ask,
they will display only the last four digits of your Social Security number on your credit

2. The security or fraud department of each company where you know, or believe,
accounts have been tampered with or opened fraudulently. Close the accounts.
Follow up in writing, and include copies (NOT originals) of supporting documents. It’s
important to notify credit card companies and banks in writing. Send your letters by
certified mail, return receipt requested, so you can document what the company
received and when. Keep a file of your correspondence and enclosures.

When you open new accounts, use new Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and
passwords. Avoid using easily available information like your mother’s maiden name,
your birth date, the last four digits of your Social Security number, your phone number,
or a series of consecutive numbers.
3. Your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place.
Provide a copy of your ID Theft Complaint filed with the FTC (see below), to be
incorporated into the police report. Get a copy of the police report or, at the very
least, the number of the report. It can help you deal with creditors who need proof of
the crime. If the police are reluctant to take your report, ask to file a “Miscellaneous
Incidents” report, or try another jurisdiction, like your state police. You also can check
with your state Attorney General’s office to find out if state law requires the police to
take reports for identity theft. Check the Blue Pages of your telephone directory for
the phone number or check for a list of state Attorneys General.

4. The Federal Trade Commission. By sharing your identity theft complaint with the FTC,
you will provide important information that can help law enforcement officials across
the nation track down identity thieves and stop them. The FTC also can refer victims’
complaints to other government agencies and companies for further action, as well
as investigate companies for violations of laws that the FTC enforces.

You can file a complaint online at If you don’t have

Internet access, call the FTC’s Identity Theft Hotline, toll-free: 1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338);
TTY: 1-866-653-4261; or write: Identity Theft Clearinghouse, Federal Trade Commission,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580. When you file an ID Theft
Complaint with the FTC online, you will be given the option to print a copy of your ID
Theft Complaint. You should bring a copy of the printed ID Theft Complaint with you
to the police to be incorporated into your police report. The ID Theft Complaint, in
conjunction with the police report, can create an Identity Theft Report that will help
you recover more quickly. The ID Theft Complaint provides the supporting details
necessary for an Identity Theft Report, which go beyond the details of a typical
police report.


Name ______________________________________________ Phone number _______________________ Page 1

ID Theft Affidavit

Victim Information

(1) My full legal name is ______________________________________________________________________

(First) (Middle) (Last) (Jr., Sr., III)

(2) (If different from above) When the events described in this affidavit took place, I was known as

(First) (Middle) (Last) (Jr., Sr., III)

(3) My date of birth is ________________________________


(4) My Social Security number is________________________________

(5) My driver’s license or identification card state and number are____________________________

(6) My current address is _____________________________________________________________________

City ______________________________________ State _________________ Zip Code ______________

(7) I have lived at this address since ____________________


(8) (If different from above) When the events described in this affidavit took place, my address was
_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________

City ________________________________________ State _________________ Zip Code ______________

(9) I lived at the address in Item 8 from _________________________ until _________________________

(month/year) (month/year)

(10) My daytime telephone number is (__________)____________________________

My evening telephone number is (__________)____________________________


Name ______________________________________________ Phone number _______________________ Page 2

How the Fraud Occurred

Check all that apply for items 11 - 17:

(11) I did not authorize anyone to use my name or personal information to seek the money,
credit, loans, goods or services described in this report.

(12) I did not receive any benefit, money, goods or services as a result of the events described
in this report.

(13) My identification documents (for example, credit cards; birth certificate; driver’s license;
Social Security card; etc.) were stolen lost on or about ________________________.
(14) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the following person(s) used my information
(for example, my name, address, date of birth, existing account numbers, Social Security
number, mother’s maiden name, etc.) or identification documents to get money, credit,
loans, goods or services without my knowledge or authorization:

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Name (if known) Name (if known)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Address (if known) Address (if known)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Phone number(s) (if known) Phone number(s) (if known)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Additional information (if known) Additional information (if known)

(15) I do NOT know who used my information or identification documents to get money,
credit, loans, goods or services without my knowledge or authorization.

(16) Additional comments: (For example, description of the fraud, which documents or
information were used or how the identity thief gained access to your information.)





(Attach additional pages as necessary.)


Name ______________________________________________ Phone number _______________________ Page 3

Victim’s Law Enforcement Actions

(17) (check one) I am am not willing to assist in the prosecution of the person(s) who
committed this fraud.

(18) (check one) I am am not authorizing the release of this information to law
enforcement for the purpose of assisting them in the investigation and prosecution of the
person(s) who committed this fraud.

(19) (check all that apply) I have have not reported the events described in this affidavit
to the police or other law enforcement agency. The police did did not write a
report. In the event you have contacted the police or other law enforcement agency, please
complete the following:

___________________________________ __________________________________________
(Agency #1) (Officer/Agency personnel taking report)
__________________________________ __________________________________________
(Date of report) (Report number, if any)
___________________________________ __________________________________________
(Phone number) (email address, if any)

___________________________________ __________________________________________
(Agency #2) (Officer/Agency personnel taking report)
___________________________________ __________________________________________
(Date of report) (Report number, if any)
___________________________________ __________________________________________
(Phone number) (email address, if any)

Documentation Checklist

Please indicate the supporting documentation you are able to provide to the companies you plan
to notify. Attach copies (NOT originals) to the affidavit before sending it to the companies.

(20) A copy of a valid government-issued photo-identification card (for example, your driver ’s
license, state-issued ID card or your passport). If you are under 16 and don’t have a
photo-ID, you may submit a copy of your birth certificate or a copy of your official school
records showing your enrollment and place of residence.

(21) Proof of residency during the time the disputed bill occurred, the loan was made or the
other event took place (for example, a rental/lease agreement in your name, a copy of a
utility bill or a copy of an insurance bill).


Name ______________________________________________ Phone number _______________________ Page 4

(22) A copy of the report you filed with the police or sheriff’s department. If you are unable to
obtain a report or report number from the police, please indicate that in Item 19. Some
companies only need the report number, not a copy of the report. You may want to check
with each company.


I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information on and attached to this
affidavit is true, correct, and complete and made in good faith. I also understand that this affidavit
or the information it contains may be made available to federal, state, and/or local law enforcement
agencies for such action within their jurisdiction as they deem appropriate. I understand that
knowingly making any false or fraudulent statement or representation to the government may
constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C. §1001 or other federal, state, or local criminal statutes, and
may result in imposition of a fine or imprisonment or both.

_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(signature) (date signed)


[Check with each company. Creditors sometimes require notarization. If they do not, please have
one witness (non-relative) sign below that you completed and signed this affidavit.]


_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(signature) (printed name)

________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(date) (telephone number)


Name ______________________________________________ Phone number _______________________ Page 5

Fraudulent Account Statement

Completing this Statement
• Make as many copies of this page as you need. Complete a separate page for each
company you’re notifying and only send it to that company. Include a copy of
your signed affidavit.
• List only the account(s) you’re disputing with the company receiving this form. See the
example below.
• If a collection agency sent you a statement, letter or notice about the fraudulent
account, attach a copy of that document (NOT the original).

I declare (check all that apply):

As a result of the event(s) described in the ID Theft Affidavit, the following account(s) was/were
opened at your company in my name without my knowledge, permission or authorization using
my personal information or identifying documents:

Creditor Name/Address Account Type of unauthorized Date Amount/Value

(the company that opened Number credit/goods/services issued or provided
the account or provided the provided by creditor opened (the amount
goods or services) (if known) (if known) charged or the
cost of the
01234567-89 auto loan 01/05/2002 $25,500.00
Example National Bank
22 Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 22722

During the time of the accounts described above, I had the following account open with your company:

Billing name ___________________________________________________________________

Billing address__________________________________________________________________

Account number _______________________________________________________________



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