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Abcs of Kindergarten Handbook

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of Kindergarten
SHAPE American Kindergarten Parent Handbook

School Year 2012-2013


It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to call the school office (423-5718/5719) every time a student is absent. This is for your childs safety. Never send another person to pick up your child without informing us or the secretary.

Attendance Policy

Kindergarten children are expected to be present each day unless they are sick or other arrangements have been made. When parents support regular attendance they are teaching the value and importance of school. Signed and dated notes from parents are a must when: 1) A child returns to school after being absent. 2) A child is to be excused from school during the day. 3) A childs absence is anticipated. Please keep us informed of specific illnesses to better support your child upon his or her return to school.

Arrival and Dismissal

Our school hours are 8:45 AM to 3:30 PM. Bus students and others arriving before 8:45 go to the Belgian supervised Guarderie (before school care). There is no charge for this service. For the protection and safety of the children, no kindergarten child is to be left unsupervised before school begins. Children who arrive later than 8:50 must be escorted by parents to the U.S. office for an admission slip. Then, the parent must make contact with the teacher to be certain that we are in the classroom and we know the child is here. Students are dismissed from school beginning at 3:20. We ask that parents who are picking up their children please wait outside your childs classroom for dismissal. Children who ride the bus will be escorted to the buses by teaching assistants. Please, if your child rides the bus, be sure that your child always has a valid bus pass and knows the number of the bus. Sponsors must register their children with the School Bus Section (Bldg. 220, Telephone DSN 423-4013 or Civilian 065.44.4013) if school bus service is desired. CDC students will be picked up from the classroom by a CDC representative. Children not picked up by 3:30 will be taken to the Belgian After School Care Room (Guarderie), which charges a fee for this service.


To help your child carry messages and information to and from school, you are asked to provide a full-size backpack. Students will be given a Take Home Folder for us to send notes and information to you and for you to send notes to us. Please have your child remove the notes and papers each day from the Take Home Folder to share with you.

Birthdays, Parties and Special Events

Birthdays are special occasions for young children. We are happy to help children celebrate their birthdays. Please notify the teacher a few days in advance if you would like to bring treats for each child. Note: Party invitations will not be passed out in the classroom unless every child in the class is invited.

Book Orders

Every month we will send home a Scholastic Book Club flyer for you and your child to look over. These clubs offer wonderful books at reduced prices---what a great way to build your home library! If you choose to order, you may now order online (further instructions will follow with the first flyer sent home).


We are fortunate to have computers in our classroom. We use a variety of age-appropriate programs that reinforce math, readiness and reading skills. Children will work on the computers during center time. Classes will also be taken to the Computer Lab in the main U.S. school building.


Our classroom is a small community where teamwork and good relationships are expected. We will spend time learning class procedures and practicing them. Each student is expected to act within our standards of behavior. To establish good order and help the children learn self-control, they will be guided to respect themselves and their companions through specific directions, positive reinforcement, suggested new activities and responsible actions. Our classroom discipline system includes a daily behavior calendar. This will be kept in your childs Take Home Folder. Please check your childs folder every night, initial and return the behavior calendar to us the next day. Our kindergarten classroom rules are listed below. The Three Golden Rules of Kindergarten: 1. I will listen and follow directions. 2. I will keep my hands, feet, and other objects to myself. 3. I will be kind and respectful to others.


You can contact us via our email addresses: K-1: [email protected] K-2: [email protected] K-3: [email protected] K-4: [email protected]

We check our email on a daily basis. If you need to discuss something urgently, please call us at school instead (call the Belgian Office at

Emergency Contact Information

Please help us keep you informed in case of an emergency with your child. Parent and Emergency Contact Information must be available and kept up to date. The classroom teacher and the office need to have current telephone numbers (work and cell for both parents and home) on file. If you are moving from temporary quarters to regular living quarters, it is your responsibility to inform both the classroom teacher and the registrar of your new address and phone numbers. When your emergency contact number changes, please notify the registrar and the teacher immediately.

Field Trips

If a study trip is planned requiring special transportation away from the school, special permission forms will be sent home. This form must be signed and returned before your child will be allowed to go on the study trip. A general permission form for walking study trips on base should be signed and we will keep it on file. Notification will be sent out before walking study trips are taken.


Our class will have gym each week. The children are asked to wear sneakers on gym day and girls might consider wearing pants or having a pair of shorts to slip on under their dresses. Please send in a white T-shirt with your childs name written in big letters with a dark marker on the front. We will inform you if a change of shoes is needed as well.

Hands-on Learning

We feel that the best way to help children learn is to make learning fun. Important concepts can be learned by doing meaningful hands-on activities. There are times when seatwork is required and necessary, but for the most part, our classroom will be an active learning environment.


Please let us know of special circumstances which may affect your child. These could include medication that may make him sleepy, a death in the family, etc. Also, please let us know of any allergies your child may have, especially food allergies. We cook and do food activities to complement lessons in kindergarten and it would be helpful to know when we plan our recipes.


The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he/she is ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom when they are healthy. Please adhere to the following SHAPE American Elementary School guidelines: 1. A child with a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) or above in the previous 24 hours should not be sent to school. 2. A child must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of Tylenol or fever reducers, before they can return to school. 3. A child who has had vomiting, diarrhea, or significant nausea in the previous 24 hours should not be sent to school. 4. A child who was awake a large part of the night coughing or is feeling ill should not be sent to school.


Kindergarteners use journals to combine their emerging writing skills with their drawing skills. As the children are exposed to a variety of phonics and reading experiences, journal entries will move from drawings and inventive spellings towards more conventional writing.


Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Bothering others, bullying and interrupting learning will not be permitted.

Library Books

Children are allowed to check out library books to be taken home. It is very important that your child returns the book on time. If a book is lost or damaged, you will be responsible for replacing the book.


We will eat lunch from 11:00-11:25 each day. Children may bring a packed lunch from home or eat a school lunch. Please put money on an account at the PX or from the SHAPE International School Cafeteria (9:00-11:00 AM). A monthly menu will be sent home with your child or will be available at http://www.shap-es.eu.dodea.edu/. If a hot lunch is not desired, please be sure to label your childs packed lunch with his or her name.


The kindergarten mathematics curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics that will continue through their school career and their lives. We employ a hands-on, problem solving approach.


Our newsletters will be sent home on a regular basis in your childs Take Home Folder. This will keep you informed about what is happening in our class---the skills we are learning, vocabulary words, weekly themes, special activities and upcoming events.


We are very fortunate to have both an American and an International nurse at our school. They will tend to minor scratches and scrapes, as well as sudden illnesses. For more serious injuries, they will contact you. Please be sure to send in any change of contact numbers in case they need to get in touch with you.

Outdoor Recess

The children will play outdoors for 30 minutes each day (unless it is raining or extremely windy). Please keep this in mind when helping your child to select clothing for the day. If your child is too sick to play outside, he is too sick to come to school.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences are an excellent way to keep the lines of communication open and the school-home partnership alive and well. Parents and teachers may plan a conference at any time. Certainly, if you would like to discuss your childs progress, we welcome you to arrange a conference with us. Regular school-wide parent conferences are held several times during the school year. The first school-wide conference will be held at the end of the first quarter. Your childs teacher will notify you of the date and time of the conference. Your childs teacher will request a conference if one is needed at a later date.

Parent Involvement

Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school! We love volunteers! You can make a contribution in many different ways. We have jobs ranging from cutting paper and making copies to working with children. Let your childs teacher know that you are interested, and we will put your talents to use!

Parent-Teacher-Student Association

We would like all of our parents to be included in this great team. You will receive a PTSA membership form from your childs teacher or you may request one from the office.


Please feel free to send a note in with your child or email your childs teacher if you have any questions!

Rest Time

A rest time is scheduled each day. Please send in a large bath towel labeled clearly with your childs name. Please keep in mind that we have limited fl oor space during rest time.

Report Cards

We will hold a parent-teacher conference at the end of the first quarter, and progress reports are issued every quarter. These reports reflect the progress your child has made toward various kindergarten objectives and use a grading system that reflects the developmental nature of kindergarten learning.


We have our own restrooms in every kindergarten class. Please make us aware of any medical problem that might require frequent restroom trips.

School Cancellations

When bad weather requires school bus cancellation, delay or school closure, an announcement will be made by AFN SHAPE radio (106.5 FM) and Radio Television Belgique (92.3 FM) beginning at 6:45 and continuing every 15 minutes until 8:45. For more information, log on to http://www.shapeonline.net. Cancellation of the school buses means that the school will be closed for all children.


The focus of the kindergarten science curriculum is on developing an awareness of the world in which we live. Through scientific inquiry, concepts will be presented in the life and earth sciences, including the study of animals and plants, the five senses, general health and the four seasons. These areas will be explored utilizing a literacy based, hands-on approach.

Shared Reading

Shared reading is an interactive process used with the whole class. As the teacher reads a story, children join in on phrases or words that they know. During subsequent re-readings, children read more and more of the text, until they are able to read the story independently. Shared reading is an opportunity for the teacher to model conventions of print and the use of reading strategies.

Show and Tell

Show and tell will be once a week. A schedule will be sent home on your childs monthly calendar. This is the only day your child should bring a special toy, book, etc. (show and tell will tie in with weekly activities/theme).


Your child needs to bring a healthy snack for the afternoon. Healthy snacks might include fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese and crackers, or popcorn. Please do not send puddings, cookies, candy, or carbonated beverages.

Social Studies

The kindergarten social studies curriculum focuses on the students and how they relate to others in their families, classroom, school, and community. Holiday celebrations will also be highlighted. Activities will help the children engage their natural curiosity for the world around them.


A supply list will be given to your child by the teacher at the beginning of the school year. We also have our lists posted at the PX.


Students should not bring toys to school unless the teacher requests theme related items or items for show and tell. Otherwise, please reserve your childs toys for use at home.


Kindergartners learn that they are special and unique. Kindergartners have opportunities to describe how they are alike as well as different from others. They share their culture and learn about different cultures within the class.


SHAPE American Elementary School has a policy that ALL GUESTS (including familiar faces) are required to check in at the school office. We welcome and encourage family involvement. It is important to remember that while this may seem inconvenient to frequent visitors, it is the goal and responsibility of the school to create a safe learning environment.


Our school website is http://www.shap-es.eu.dodea.edu. Here you will find a wealth of information about our school, including the SHAPE American Elementary School Handbook (in many languages). The current school newsletter will also be posted on this site.

Wish List

Throughout the year we sometimes need supplies above and beyond our classroom materials (such as glue sticks, crayons, and baby wipes). These needs will be posted in the class newsletter. Dont forget to send in those Labels and Box Tops for Education!


Our writing program builds on what each child already knows. Writing begins with scribbles and proceeds to lines and circles, random strings of letters, words and spaces and eventually sentences. Your children will be encouraged and praised for all attempts and accomplishments in writing. Providing a risk-free environment is paramount to your child's progress in writing. If possible, please provide your child with writing tools, such as pencils, crayons, markers and paper at home.

Extra Special
Your child is an extra special member of our kindergarten community. Please let us know of the extra special characteristics of your child.

Younger Siblings

It is in your childs and the programs best interest to have our parent volunteers available WITHOUT younger children. This not only allows your full attention to be focused on the class, but also allows for some special time between you and your kindergartner. Thank you for making childcare arrangements for younger siblings.


Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn each day!

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