SR Action Research

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What effect do ENVoY strategies have o n the behavio r of middle school studen ts?

An Action Research Project for A of T Completed by Sarah Rose

Background Information

My primary focus for my Action Research project has been classroom management. As new middle school teacher, my methods for maintaining my classroom have changed drastically. After the first few months of school, I sought out new methods for creating a more focused classroom environment. At the beginning of the year (Fall 2012), the students in my first hour class completed the Tripod Student Survey. This survey gives scores to teachers in 7 major areas (all beginning with Cs): Care, Challenge, Control, Clarify, Captivate, Confer and Consolidate. Overall, my rankings were relatively high which was great feedback. The lowest score was almost 50% lower than the others and thus required special attention. In the area of Control, my first hour class gave me a score of 37%. Though this did not come as much of a surprise given my struggles with them above all other classes, I was still startled and wanted immediately to change their perception of my classroom.

Goals of Action Research

To increase teacher Control score by 25% (63% at the end of the year) To have a productive classroom environment where students and teacher can be successful in their academic goals To reduce the number of teacher requested visits by the principal to her classroom to reinforce behavior expectations

My research consisted of a) conferring with my colleagues, coach and principal and b) taking the ENVoY course through MPS. A) Primary take-aways from informal conferences with my colleagues, coach and principal Key Point Analysis Implementation Relationship building is key: If your Although this seems like common sense, Although I had focused on community students respect you, your implementing it can be challenging at times. building at the beginning of the year, this management will go farther. This reinforced my desire to build strong forced me to think about ways I could relationships with my students. continue these types of activities in my classroom in the middle of the year. Dont lower your expectations: This reminder was helpful because it prompted After this discussion, I began recognizing If you lower them because students me to reinforce behavior expectations midway not rewarding on-task behavior and made are misbehaving, you are only through the year and to remember that they students work for the positive feedback. It encouraging them to do so. will step up to the challenge, you dont have to helped me to maintain higher expectations step down to meet them. of student behavior. Rewarding students for doing the bare minimum will encourage them to do just that. Positive feedback should be given only when students are working beyond the minimum and achieving the learning targets. Building classroom culture takes time: It takes months for students to recognize the routines and expectations of a classroom environment and the waiting time is okay. This reminder allowed for a bit of breathing room in my teaching practice. I was able to step back and realize that I would indeed get there and racing wasnt going to help. Following this discussion, I began to think about a single class period as a building block for the entire school year. This allowed me to focus on one thing at a time and in turn be a more effective teacher.

Research & Implementation

Research & Implementation

My research consisted of a) conferring with my colleagues, coach and principal and b) taking the ENVoY course through MPS. B) Specific Strategies Gleaned from ENVoY Course: 1. Visual Exit Directions According to the ENVoY program, visual information empowers (Grinder 28). As a visual learner myself, I find this to be very true. This strategy involves giving directions verbally and visually. Exit directions can refer to directions given as students leave your room, or they are directed to seatwork. Grinder goes on, Before the printing press, the world was dependent on those individuals who had knowledge. The publication of books freed people to be independent. So, we too want to do this with our students (28). This sentiment represents exactly what I want for my students. When they do work, I want them to know exactly what is expected and have all of the tools they need to succeed independent of me standing over them, literally and figuratively overshadowing them. Writing steps and drawing images of what students should be doing allows them better understanding of what is expected and empowers them to do the work without having to ask the teacher. Prior to the ENVoY course, I would give directions verbally and found myself repeating my directions to what seemed an endless degree. Since the class, I have begun drawing out directions (see right). I have noticed that I rarely have to repeat my directions and students seem to be much more self- sufficient. It also forces me to breakdown tasks and provide scaffolds necessary for many of my students. I can also ask students what step they are on at any given time, and they are able to articulate that for me. They know what is being asked of them and what they can/should do when they are done. I have found that this has increased my effectiveness as a teacher.

Exit Directions for a write-around activity in my ELA 6 class.

2. ABOVE-Pause-Whisper This method is a means to getting the class attention. It includes a combination of speaking above the voices of students with a brief phrase, sixth graders, students, class taking a brief pause and then lowering your voice to give the next direction. It forces the class to pay attention and quiet themselves in order to be able to hear you. The above process produces or increases an atmosphere that is quiet, receptive, and productive (Grinder 19). Prior to the ENVoY class, I found myself waiting for students silently for long periods of time, or talking over them. This was frustrating for both myself and my students. Change: Following the ENVoY class, I now use the ABOVE-Pause- Whisper in each of my classes. In combination with the freeze body, I have found that I have reduced the amount of time spent waiting on students and we are able to spend the majority of our class time learning.

Illustration demonstrating the ABOVE-Pause-Whisper (18)

3. Freeze Body This strategy requires the teacher to literally freeze her body prior to giving directions or instructing. It commands that you do not walk and talk. The instructiors non-verbal techniques that support the verbal level of Getting Their Attention are the following: Standing still Being in the front of the room Toes pointed ahead Weight on both feet Giving oral directions that are brief (Grinder 15). Prior to the course, I felt that always moving about would force students to pay attention because they would be afraid to miss something if I worked at a rapid pace. However, this lesson actually reversed my strategy entirely! After the course, I changed my tune and my pacing. I began only walking to change modes from instruction to discipline and I did not talk during this transition. I found that when I stood still entirely that it forced students to do the same. It also asked them in a small but effective way to listen. I have continued to use the freeze body strategy and find daily that it gives me great control in my classroom.

4. Raise Your Hand vs. Speak Out During the Teaching portion of a lesson, the educator selects whether she wants to convey information to the class through lecture or have the class be interactive with the instructor. The interaction can be in two forms: the pupils can speak out their answers or they can raise their hands and wait to be recognized before responding (Grinder 23). Grinder goes on to suggest that teachers have non-verbal signals for each of types of interactions, first using verbals and non-verbals together and then removing the verbals altogether. Prior to the ENVoY course, I used NV to represent, you need to raise your hand. This showed students how I wanted them to participate. However, I did not use a NV signal during times it was okay to speak out. This made it confusing for the students because there were many times when we would be brainstorming or doing a quick response activity and I would say, you can say it out loud, but students still raised their hands. This became frustrating for both myself and my students. After the course, I added in a NV signal that indicated, you may speak out. It involves holding both of my arms out open and gesturing towards myself with my hands. I switch between raising my arm to indicate they should do the same and the NV speak out gesture on a regular basis. Students respond in the requested fashion the majority of the time and my classes feel much more organized.

Raise hand NV signal (Courtesy of Google Images)

Speak Out NV signal (Courtesy of Google Images)

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