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Ladies and gentlemen,

We all know the importance of blood and the fact that blood keeps us alive. For those in need, sick people, children, victims of accidents, blood makes the difference between life and death. Did you know that blood donors are real heroes? Have you ever thought that someday even you will need blood? Yes, blood donors are heroes because their donation will save three lives. It is easy to donate and it takes only 10 minutes to donate 470 ml of blood. Our volunteers inform people about the importance of blood donation. We have 10 volunteers who talk with people and spread the word about this. Still, we need your valuable contribution to promote our campaign. We need flyers and other promotional tools to communicate our message. In Romania only 2 % of people donate blood, yet every three seconds a person needs blood to survive. Blood donation brings many benefits for your health because the risk of cardiovascular disease is diminished by 30% by reducing blood pressure. Also, recent studies revealed that blood donors live longer. Our latest campaign increased the number of blood donors by 20%. During the campaign, which lasted one month, 1000 people donated blood. It seems a lot, but the need of blood is constant and it is important for people to get used to blood donation. It is important that blood donation become a usual act. We dont acknowledge the importance of blood donation until we are in need or someone close to us needs blood. Our donation can help three peoples to survive. Their life depends on us. Their life depends of one hour spent in a blood collection center. Do you have one hour? How many hours have you spent doing nothing? Do you have one spare hour? Then go donate. You will save three peoples lives. Convince your friends to do the same. You all can be heroes and it is easy. On behalf of our foundation I thank you for accepting our invitation and being so numerous here with us. Thank you for being our hero!

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