Iloilo City Environmental Code: RO 2004-149

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R.E\, I. J\.BITi\}Jl~J (SJ.-: Federatict1

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Ex-Officio iviemher

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Jo:;11ua C~. i\.lirn . E::rht1da Ci J_.iberiaga~ E-r\\?111 T Plal:!iltiL

ru1d EduarcL.J L. Pefiaredot1do


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the whok nation, is facin~/J'


WHEREAS, by putting together all ex1~tmg lavvs on envirnnment, it vvill

facilitate the rnvie1ov of these laws frr the purpose of determ ining v\11ether sr'l!n e of them
remain relevant to the present conditions and reati~c;ment~of development of the City of
WHEREAS. if some of the.:.e lavvs are found irrelevant and applicable, that they
may be a.meni:i,.::d accordingly or that nevv iavvs in environment may be passed so that
these defects may be corrected and set aright of t;'\11atever shortcomings there are in the
old lavvs.
WHEREAS, Section 458 (a)(l)(vi) of the Local Government Code of 1991 :.:tates
that the Sai.1.gguniang Panlungsod shall approve ordinances and pass resolutions necessary
for an e:t11cient and effective city government, and shall protect the environment and
impose appropriate penalties for acts vvhich endanger the emironr.nent;
WHEREAS, Section 458 (a)(.5)(xiii) of the Local Government Code of 1991
states that the Sangguniar1g Panlungsod shall provide for an et11cient and effective system
of solid \v-as!:e and garbage collection and disposal.
NOW, be it otdained ther-efore by the Sangguniar1g Paniungsod of Iloilo City in
session assen1bled by the authority of the sarne, that:

of 2004-"


111is ordinance shall be knov\11 as the ''Iloilo City Enviromnent Code


SECTION 2. A.uthori(:v. TI1is Code is enacted purs11ant to Section 9 of Attide II o.fthe
Philippine Constitution, the provisions of Republic Act 7160, othervvise kno,,.,,,1 a;; the
Local Government Code of 1991, particular"ly Sectious 2(a), 2[c], 3[d], 3[:t1 up to 3[m1
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(vii) v. .hich provides f;._"'!f the authority of the City Mayor to protect the environment and
impose penalties for acts that endanger the environment, such as, illegal quarrying,
trafficking of illegal iogs, trnt11cking of endangered fauna arut 1ora, arid such other
acfrvities vvhich result in pollution, accelerntion of death of rivers, or of ecological
im balanc:e.

SECTION 3. Statt!m-ent of Putpost!. TI1e Iloilo City Et1vironment Code of 2003 is a

legal and policy frai.11e\vork for a holistic management of environment and naturnl
r-esources of the City Govenuuent of Iloilo. It prituarily aims to co.ntribute to the
attainment of sustainable development goals by instituting legisiative measures and
reforms that can facilitate the effective implementation of local environmental
mariagement prngrarus. TI1e ultimate putp)Se of this Code therefore, is the attainment of
a better quality oflife in the context of ecological, social and economic security.

SECTION 4. Dt!cl.atation- of Policy.

Government oflloilo:

It 1s hereby deciru-ed the policy of the City

a. to achieve an improved quality of life as the overriding considerntion in the

utilization, management, development, conservation and protection of the
urban environment and natural resources. A flexible policy tovvard::
attainment of a better quality of life shall be adopted in the context of
ecoloeicaL social and economic securitv for its citizenrv and in resoonse to
chai1g~s it1 demogrnphic trnnds, socio-,;ulturnl behaviot:', urban gov~n1atH:.e,
community development thrusts, and environmental pn~ssures;
b. to limit access and exploitation of Iloilo City's envirnnment ru-ui natural
:resources for the exclusive use and enjoyn1ent ofiloilo :residents;
c. to ensure the rational ru-1d sustainable development, management ru-1d
conservation of Iloito City's environment and natural rnsources thrnugh
legislative measures and rnfotms that facilitate e:flective implementation of
environmental pla.'1~~ and prngrams;

d. to manage the urban environment in a manner COiBistent with the concept of

integrated urban development apprnpriately supported by research, technical
services ru-1d guidance prnvided by the city go"\-'ernment and its private sector
SECTION 5. Banc Principles. This Code is anchor-ed on the following basic principles:
a. P:rinciple of Smfainable Development
Applying this principle, the City of Hoilo envisions the equitable and judicious
utilization ofurbru-1 naturnl resomces so as to meet the needs of the present generation
of Ilonggos \Yithout comptoi11ising the access of fuiure generation of Ilonggos to the
~;ame needs.
b. Principles of People's Pru-ticipation and Empowerment

11le City Government of Hoilo ackno"viedges the impottance of tnmsparency ru-1d

shared accountability through people's participation in the plru-ming and
implementation of policies, programs and projects. Ilonggos have the tight to be
informed and consulted on matters and decisions that vvill directly or indirectly aftect
them and the environment. The City must seek the views and sentiments of the people
from all sectors of the community. Tiie strategy tovvards sustainable development
should be democratic, participatory ru-1d in partnership vvith the private sector, nongovernmental and people's orgru-1ization and other sector-sin the City.
c. Principle of Development Legislation
This principle is the enactment and enfotce:ment of ia\vs that meet the needs of the
people of Iloito City in a holistic manner. It takes into consideration the impact of
rules and policies on the poot and disadv311taged sectorn of the urbat1 community, the
environment and health of its inhabitants and also safeguard resources for the needs
offoture inhabitants.

d. Principle o:flntegrn.tion
TI1is Code integrates national and regional policies, plans ru-H1 prngrarns into local
development initiatives.


e. Poiluters Pay Principle

Considering that the eatth' s resources are finite qpd industrial deve1opm ent is
inevitable, the Poiluters Pay Principle is one of the measur-es to compensate the
external costs (f polluri0t1 upon the urban Ct)!i:Hi:mnity and environment TI1e
Polluters Pay Principie is hereby considered as the negotiated compensation for
damages done to the physical environment
SECTION 6. Governing Laws and F'olicies. - National iaivs governing the
implementation and imposition of the pnwisions embodied in different articles of this
Code are the follo\ving:

a. Article II Section 16 ar1d Article XII Section I of the Philippine

b. Repubiic Act No. 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste l\fouagement i'td of
c. Republic Ad No. 8749 - Clean Air Act 1999
d. Republic Act 8485 -Animal \Veifare Act cf 1998
e Republic Act No. 8.5.50 - Philippine Fisheries Code 0f 1998
f Republic Act 7942 - Philippine Mining .A&ct of 199.5
g. Republic Act 7586 - National Integrated Protected Areas Systern Act of
h. Repubiic Act No. 7076 - People's Small Scale Mining Act of 1991
Republic Act 7160 -TI1e local Govenunent Code of 1991
J- Republic Act 6957 (as ruuended by IV\ 7718) - Bui1d-Opernte-Tta11sfer
k. Republic Act 6969 - Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes
Control Act of 1990
L Republic Act 7161 - Incorpornting certain sections of P.D. No. 705, a::
m. Pr-esidential Decree No. 600 and the Sanitation Code of the Philippines rneasures against mai-ine pollution
n. Pi..esidential Decree No. 705, as amended- Revised Forestry Code of the
o. Presidential Decree No. 825 -The Gaibage Disposal La\v of 1975
p. Pr-e:sidential Dec:ree No. 856 -1l1e Sai1itation C)de of the Philippines
q. Presidential Decree No. 953 - Requiring the plai1ting of tt"ess in cettain
places arid penalizing unauthorized cutting, destmction, damaging and
injuting of certain tt-ees, plants and vegetation
r. Presidential Decree No. 984 (1977) - Pollution Control Lavv
s. Presidential Decree No. 1067 - Water Code of the Philippines of 1976
t. Presidential Decree No.1151 (1977) - Philippine Env1rnnmental Policy
u. Presidential Decree No.11.52 - Philippine Envirnnment Code
v. Pr-esidential Decree No.1198 - Requiring all individuals or partnerships
engage in the exploration, developn1ent and exploitation i)f naturnl
resources or in the con&1rnction of infrat:;tructure pr~jects to re~.fore or
rehabilitate areas, subject thereof or a11ected thereby, to their original
\V. Presidential Dectee No.1586 - The Environmental Impact Statement
x. Executive Order No. 72, s-1993 -Reaffinns the specific prnvision of RA
7160 on the need for LGUs to prepare their CLUPs atHi prescribe the
n~vievv ai1d approval process theref0re
y. Executive Order 113 - the Ammai Gaivad Pangulo sa



CTdinsn.:e . Tc.
. 2CU::4-149, Jun.e 1:.5, 2004

z. Executive Order 247, s-1995 - Prescribing guidelines and establishing a

regulatory framework for- the prospecting of bwlogical and genetic
resources, there by-products and detivatives for scientific and
commercial purposes and for other purposes
aa. Letter Ofinstrnction 1260 - Integrated Social for-estry Program
bb. DEN1t Administrntive Order No. 78, series of 1987, as amended
Provides listing of premium species
cc. DEI\TF~ Adn1inistrative Order No. 34, series of 1990 - Revised Eti1uent
dd. DENR. .A.dministrative Order No. 79, series of 1990 - Deregulating the
tree harYesting, transporting and selling offire\vood, pulp\vood or timber
planted in private lands
SECTION 7. Acro:nyrns. - For purposes of this Code the follovving shall be acronyms
that 1U be mentioned:

BF.A.D - Bureau of food and Drugs

BF'..4.P}\,fC - Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Managernent
BOD-Biologicai Oxygen Demand
CA. 0 - City Assessor' s Office
CDC'C - City Disaster Coordinating Council
CE.llRO-DENR - Community Environment and. Natura! ResClurces
Otiice (DENR)
CEO- City Engineer's Office
C'FC: - Chlorofluorocarbon
CLJO - City Health Office
CITES -Convention of the Inten1ationai Trnde of Endangernd Species of
Flom and Fauna
C'zty HlRO- City Environment and Natun=ll Resources Office
C:LSC' - Certificate of Land Ste\var-dship Contract
C'M.RB - City Mining and Regulatory Boan:!
C'02 - Carbon Dioxide
CPDO - City Planning and Development Office
C"'R.CC'C- City Rabies Coonlinating Control Committee
C."'VO -Civilian Volunteers Organization
DA. - Department of Agriculture
H4.R -Depar1ment of .A.graria.fl Ref0t111
DECS-Department ofEducat:i, Culture and Sports
DENR - D~'.ll i:ment otEnvironment and Naturai Resources
DlLG- Lrepartment oflnterior and Local Government
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
DOH- Department ofHealth
DCJS'T -Department of Science and Tedmology
DOTC- Department of Transportation and Communication
DFTVH - Department of Public Works and Highvvays
DTJ-Department ofTrnde andindustry
EC'C:- En.virnnmental Compiiance Certificate
EL4. -Environmental I:mpact Assesstnent
FALB-Environmental Management Bmeau o:fthe D~1R
1C..'C.:LUP-Iloilo City Comprehensive Land Use Plan
JC.F'.A.PJ,JC: - Iloilo City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Mar1agement
JC.:.AdRB - Iloilo City Mining Regulatory Board
JC8fV.MB -Iloilo City Solid \Vaste ~. .fanagement Board
.!EC: - Information, Education and Communication

UdB - Land l\ifanagem ent Bureau of the DENR

I.TO - Land Transportation Office
LUff:4. - local Utility and \Vaten.vor"k:: Administratj0n
}./GO- Non-Government Ornani.zaiion
}/JA. - National Irrigation Adt~1inistration
.AfCrE - Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau of the DEI'-IB.
},dJff'D- Metrn Iioiio Water Dist.rid
AfC~'l -- Memorandum of Agreement
OCA. - O!"fice of the City Agriculturist
PENRO- Provincial Et1\,Tinn1ment and Natural Resou.rces Office
F'1"1P- Philippine National Police
PllR! - Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
3R 's -Reduction, Reuse, Recycling
RfYB -Receivin!:: Water Bodv
S'fFAJ - Solid \V ~~te Mmrngei{1 ent
TS~S- Total Suspended Solids
r;-::_:p - Total Suspended Particulates


SECTION 1. .Stai2 ef ilu R2SOUJ-U. Tbs Code recognizes the eco110111ic and ecological
Nl Iloilo Cit,,'.:. lands and land-based resoun~e:: bv a host of urbanization Dressures
that include m1c:onfrolled populatim1 gro\vth, unrngulate~l reS('!IJn~e utilizatwn, inibalanc:es
in spatiai distribution, changing consumption patterns, gro'\\th of settlements and
industries, and the discharge of more vvaste products and pollutants. It sees the gradual
decline in the productivity of urban agricultural land and the exploitation of lands and
land-dependent resowces at levels beyond their natwal capacities to regenerate.


TI1e Code further recognizes that in many areas of the city, deterioration of
environmental quality is increasingly being felt and the loss of urban fon::st and plant
cover, \Vildli:fo habitats and breeding grounds is no\~: threatening bici-diversity, disrnpting
ecosystems and reducing the natural amenity of re~;ources.
SECTION 2-. Ba.ris/01.Action. TI1e Code iooks upon good envinmtnental managernent
as an important solution from among a brnad range of local and international poiicy
instruments and action programs, i-vhich indude but are not limited to the
a. Philippine Policies and Poiicy Instruments

1. National Land Use Act of the Philippines - proposed to ensure the efficient,
equitable and sustainable allocation, utilization, management and devel('lptnent of
the country's hmd as \vell as other physical resources
2. Ecological Solid \:Vaste Management Act of 2000 (RA. 9003) - sets institutional
and oper-ational mechanisms for the management of solid -vvastes with an
emphasis on reduction, separation and recycling
3. Local Government Code (RA. 7160) - emphasis is reinforced in Section 2.c, 1r,11ich
stipulated the role of LGU s in ensuring the resource sustainability and ecokgical
balance. Section 17 outlines the basic services that LGUs are mandated to
provide:, '\\11ile Section 447 spelis out reguiatory functions on the proper
management ofthe resources of the land.


4. -:N1PAS (RA 7568) - sets the guideiines for the consavation of diffaent
categories of protected areas
5. Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) - prnscribes the national
standaHts for sevvage and refuse disposal,. industt-ial hygiene, including sanitation
standaids for bus tetminals,. public bathing places and the like
b. International Policies
1. Rio Declaration of the UNCED (Agenda 21) - spells out a range of policies that
each state, including local govenunents should adopt in order to address


Convention on Biological Diversity


on Inte-nationai Trade of Endangered Species (CI1ES) - for i1ora and


SECTION 3. 1llanag~mm-t Dirtc'lion. TI1e City Government of Iloilo shall ensurn the
etiective protection and rehabilitation and suf>tainable development of all land resources
'vithin its geogrnphical and political jurisdiction for the benefit of the present and foture
generations of Ilonggos. It shall fmther prnvide for- the rights of the citizens to a
judicious and proper utilization of these resources and to all benefits that may accrue
from its development
SECTION 4. DQinition of T~rm.s. As used in this Code, the following tmns and
phrases,. vv11etha singular or plural, unless the context indicates otherwise,. shali mean as

Ag r1rn1turaL Lands - iands of the public domain \\11ich are neither forest, .mineral lands
or national park
BioLogical Diversity - refers to the variety of iiiling organisms in ail ecological systems
including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological cornplexes
of vvi1id1 they are part, this indudes diven~ity \Ytthin species, bet\veen spec1es and

Bl{trer Z.:mes - identified aieas 0ut::;ide the boundaries of and immediately a4iacent to
de::ignated protected areas that need special developn1e11t contrnl in order to avoid or
tninimize han:n to the prntected mea
C'erti_ficate cf Cornpliance or CY)C - refers to the certification issued by the City ENRO
to business operntors,. motor vehicle operators and other city-permitting applicant,. giYing
deaiance on the compliance to environmental pians and policies being enforced in the
C:ormnercial Lands - pottions of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain
classified as suitable and intended f)f tt-ading of goods and services by com.petent
Cover crop Planting - process of conditioning denuded areas vvhich are highiy cc1gonal,
rocky or erodible by planting creeping leguminous perennials such as: kudzu,
calopognium, stylosanthes, desmodiun1, lablab, bean, psophocarpu::;, patani, or by
planting suitable non-legumes such as morning, glory vine, wild sunflower and kikuyu
grass, order to impro\;e soil fettility, organic ii1artet: and \vater holding capacity prior-to
or concurrent \Vith the planting oft.rees and other perenniafo in such areas



F~~=:u.l~tie:n CTdir.:8.i:1~:e l~Ta.

20(4-149. June 16_ 2004

EcologicaL ;::.:olid vVaste - rnfers to the systematic achninistration of

acti\ities vviiich provide for segregation at source, segtugated transpottation, storage,

transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid vvaste and all other vvaste
manageinent activities \vhich do not ham the environment

Enrichment Planting - process of inter-planting foelwood, timber and non-timber crop~; in

adequately-stocked reforestation projects previously implemented for the purpo;:~ of
increasing wood supply Jr the people and enhancing the income-generating potential of
such projects

Eco-Tourisrn - refers to a iovv impact, environmentally-sound and community-based

tomism activity in a given natural enviromnent that enhances the conservation of
biophysical and cultural di\'ersity, promotes euvirnmnental under-standing and education
and yieids socio-economic benefits to the concerned community_
Encia..ngered, and/or Threatened Species - re:fers to any plant or animal species that
are in danger of e>..1inction as provided for in the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau of
the DENR and in the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of
Flom and Fauna_
Env1 ronment- refern to the quantity, quality, diversity and sm.fainability of rene\-vable and
non-rene\vable natural resources, including the ambient environment such as the
atmosphere, climate, sounds and odors that are critical determinants of the quality of life_
It shall include the total environment of man such as economic, social, cultural, political
and historical factms_

Environ.mental Corn.plia.nce C'ert{" or ECC' - refers to a document issued by the

Depattment of Environment and Natural Resources Otiice to certii) that the pr(!_ject
under consideration will have minimal environmental eftects for as long as the condition
stipulated in it are strictly followed and that the prnponent has complied lvith the
requirements of the Environmental Impact System (EIS) or PD 1586_
Enviro.mnenta.lly c::rihca.1 Areas or EC:4. - refers to those areas_ vvhich are
envirnnmentally sensitive and are listed in the Philippine Proclamation No_ 2146 dated
December 1981.
Env1ronmenta.1 Impact - refers to any change" in the physical, chemical, biological,
cultural andior socio-economic environmental svstem that can be attributed to human
activities reJative to altematives under study for n{eeting a pn~_iect
Environmenta.1 lmpa.ct Assessment or El-4. - refers to the process consisting of identifying
and predicting the impacts of proposed projects and programs 011 the bio-geophysical
environment and on man's health and iNell-being and interpreting and communicating the
information about each impact in a manner vvhich can be utilized by planners and
decision-m akers_
Env1rcm.menta.l j\ - t-efers to the entir-e system vvfoch includes, but is not

limited to, consenration, protection, monitoring, rehabilitation and enhancement of the

envirnnment, regulation and minimization of pollution, \Va&te managernent,
environmental law and policy, enviromnental education and information, study and
mitigation ofthe environmental impacts ofhmnan activity and envirorui1entai research_ - refers to all species of animals_


Fugitive F':.trticuiate - refen: to the particulate matter that escapes and becon1es airborne
from unenclosed industrial operation into the smrounding at1:1osphere 'Vithout passing or
being conducted through a flue pipe stack or other structur_s.
Flora - refers to all species of plants.
C.brbage - refers to the \\'as1es or rejected food constituents vvi1ich have been produced
during the preparation, cooking or storage of meat, :fruit, vegetabies, and other food
Hazardous n~bstances - refers to the elements or compounds wi1ich \\hen discharged in
any quantity present eminent or substantial danger to public health or safety .
.bw.'ustnal Lands - lands 'vithin the zone established by the city government for the
manufactur-e and production oflarge quantities of goods aiid conunodities
Lana.' C'lassifi.cation - assessn1ent, appraisal and determination of lai1d potentials, \'\il1ich
include survey, and classification of land resources and the study and mapping of the ;;oil - subsequent classification, allocation and disposition of alienable
and disposable lai1ds of the public domain into specific uses


La.n>.1.' R.e.;curce.s - all ternstrial, subte.mmean, and all geological :features ai1d land masses
of the public domain and private domain of the State, ;.vithin the respective geographical
jurisdiction of the City- Government of lloilo_ induding- alt florn and fauna, tninerals, and
aquatic resources that chveli or exist upon it

L:::.ncl Use Planning - act of defining the aliocation, utilization, development, and
management of all tai1ds \Vithin the tenttoty and jurisdiction of the City Go\'enunent of
Iloilo-according to the inherent qualities of the fond itself and support-ive of econoinic,
demographic, socio-culturai ai1d environmental o~jectives a~' an aid to decision making
and legislation
},.!fang roves - a community of intertidal plants including all species of trees, shrnbs, vines

ai1d herbs found on coasts, estuaries, s\vamps, or border of svvainps

ld.i.m1c1pa.l IYastes - reters to vvas1es produced frnm activitie~ \Vithin the city \\i1ich
include s combination of domes-tic, commercial, institutional and industrial vvas1:es and
street titters

]-.latwna.l Jntegratrn' Protected Areas :~vstern or }./JF~4.S - reiers to the systen1 established
under Republic Act No. 7586 (February 6, 1992) 1\i1ich classifies and designates
protected areas to maintain essential ecological process, preserve genetic diversity, ensure
a sustainable use of resources and maintain their natural conditions to the greatest e:dent

l+'aste -refers to non-putrescible \Vaste

Pennit - meai1s the license to engage in cettain activities or business, or to practice

certain ptivileges. In this Code, it also means a permit or lease grai1ted to ai1y qualified
person or persons for the use of public prnperty for any legal purpose.
Pnvate Lands - lands covered by either administrative or judicial titles such as Free
Patent, Hotnestead, Sales Patent and Torrens Titles obtained under the Land Registration
Act No. 496 as aniended or under the Public Lmd Lavv (Common\vealth Act }i,:i 141),
Cettificate of Lai1d Ow11e.t"S11ip Aivard fr1r certified alienable ai1d disposable lands isrued
,..der the CC'!trpret1e1':i'e
. .~ Re1ui.l;r:
L~. U.11 l .
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.._ \!1 1 Procrrnm

- }J V 1.
Act No. 6657 (R.A. 6657).


C.i~e.n Durn;~

- refers to a disposal area vvherein the solid \Va&1es are indisa~iiuinately

throvvil or disposed of r:.vithout due planning and consick:ration for eirviromnental and
health s1:andanis
F'rson - refers to any being, natural or juridical, susceptibie of rights and obligations, or

of being the subject oflegal relations

.P::-otected A.rea - identified portions of land and vvate:r set aside by reason of their unique
physical and biological significance, managed to enhance bio-diversity and protected
against destmctive hum fill exploitation

Public .Places - pertains to a1. eas open to all and maintained by the city government that
includes streets, parks, plazas, public: markets, transport terminals, and public cemeteries .
.Rendenfi.a.{ Lands - public iands intended for the consirnction and establishment 0f

Reversion - an act or instance of turning the illegaily titled estate to public domain .


L.1.>'1(~,f!.11 - refers to a v1raste disposal site designed, constructed, operated and

maintained in a manner that exerts engine12,1ing contrnl over significant potential
envinmmental impacts ansing from the dt>velopment and operation of the :facility

Refi.ise - refers to all organic and inorganic non-liquid and non-ga::.eous

portions of the total vvaste tnass, consisting of ail putrescible and non-putrescible solid
material;; except for body \\"aste fV:.ute or

Su:::tav1abl.e [i,zveio;..:rnent - as de.fined by the \Vodd Conunission on Environment and

Development, meaiis meeting the needs :illd aspirations of the present genennion \vi.thout
eomprnm1.sing the ability of the fotun~ generatrnns to their 0\'\11 needs and

Tree .Park - refers to the land outside the pn~ected ar-ea located \ivithin the city,
established, developed ai1d maintained to enhance the beauty ai1d improve the ecosyfilem
of the comt:nunity to prnvide the populace \Vith a healthy and vdiolesome envir-om:nent
and places for rest and recreation and serve as a shovv \Vindow for nature conservation.
The establishment of tree parks by the local government unit is maiutated by LOI No.
1312 dated April 23, 1983.
Zoning - refers to the delineation/division of the city into functional zones V\iilere only
specitic land uses ru-e allo"Yved ruHt the use of all lruHi in the community are directed an~t
regulated in duding the construction cif filrndures/in:t1af:trnctures thernon
SECTION 5. Land llst! P"lanning and Dlrt?elopment - Tiie land use scheme of the City
of Iloilo shall be in consonance ;.vith its approYed land use and zoning plan, "'i1ich is
being updated rngulady in ten (10) year increments. Cunent ha~;i~; for all urban planning
and development initiatives in the city is the 1998-2010 ICCLUP. TI1e CPDO shall
coordinate all land use planning and developn1ent efforts in the City in accordance ;.vith
the Hl URB guidelines and in compliance vvith thi;;: Code.


SECTION 6. Prot~ction and Land Vs~. High priority is hereby given to protection land
use in all aspects 0f land nHmagen1ent aimed at: i) the pt~ection of critical ecos1stems
and biodiversity from fmther human encroachment, ii) the re,generai:ion and rehabilitation
of degraded land resource, iii) protection of the people fron1 environmental hazard~;, iv)
the preservation, enhancement and sustainability of the benefits derived from maintaining
the integrity of the city's land resources.
SECTION 7. Urban- Refoustation. Tree pianting and urban reforestation shall be a
continuing priority of the City Government of Iloi!o m partnership with concerned
national government agencies at the following in the city v1.11ich are hereby
allocated for Tree Planting:
a. it1thin .5-10 meters of either side of Jam River, Iloilo River, Batiano
River-, Calajunatl Cr-eek, Ingot-e Cteek, arut Dungon Creek based on

green buffers and easer:nents delineated in the 1998-2010 ICCLUP

b. all open spaces within the city especiaHy in public plazas, parks,
srhr;ol i:trounds rPsidP.ntial and commercial area"; indudinr.:r "~trP.ets
p;or;1 en~de, parkir;g a~as and 'tvide -planting strip;-a1@g St{k~v;lks
may be suitabie


c. selected provinciai and nationai highvvays, city and barangay f'i.)ads

and street shoulder;::


:11.. eas

1.vith hi4orical or cultural significance

e. perimeter- of the Calajuna:n Dumpsite


mangrove areas along the city'; es1uar-ies, nver-s, creeks and


g. eroded slopes
SECTION 8. .Ban on th~ C11tti11g '!.f Ti-us. - The cutting of trees in all areas of the
public domain itvithin the City is strictly pn:ihibited unless such cutting shall become
extremely necessary and shall :result to long-term benefits for the citizenry and only
through a \Vt-itten recommendation from the City Mayor to the DENR; i\ny private
landovvner shall be allowed to cut any tree enumerated unde1 Section 9 hei-eof in his or
her property only upon payment of C)tresponding fees at the rn:te of o::r. .TE: HUNDRED
PESOS (Pl00.00) per tree to the Citv Government for the City Government to plant a
replacement tree in other ar-eas of the Citv. Fmthennore, any national go'venunent
agencv shall be exempted from this section \ reg-ards to the cutting- of trees in areas of
the public domain within the city.
The City Th'RO shall take charge of the
implementation hereof
SECTION 9. frus Unde1 P:rotedion. - Pur;uant to DENR Administrative Order No.
78, Series of 1987, as amended, the following trees are protected under this Code hence,
cutting of these trees are regulated:




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SECTION 10. P1-e.se11ta#on of Roni anil Fauna. Hunting, destroying, n~moving or

mere possession of any plants, animals or other products, both living and non-living,
derived fron1 protected areas such as strict natun~ reserves, resource reserves and
municipal parks are hereby banned or regulated depending on their biological stock
condition. Ho;,vever, all flora and fauna lif,ted under the ptotoco1 of the Convention on
International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES), as \veH as
species vvhich are endemic and unique to the island of Panay and species vd1ose existence
ic: considered endangered and threatened, shall be folly protected and any action that
resuhs to their capture or disturbm1ce ofthe habitats of said species are then:ifore banne<t
SECTION 11. Jft!amus to .S.aft!gnaril anil Con.wve Bioilnf!1:5i~1 Provision of
extension and on-site resean:h services and facilities related to the protection of critical
eC)systems and biodiversity for the preservation of endangered and threatened species of
f1ora and fauna that is endemic and unique is hereby adopted. 111e iuitiai concerns shali
include the follo\ving:
a. banning of the taking, cutting, possession and transporting of
ecologicaHy important flora and fauna
b. establishment of seed banks and nurseries by the OCA for the
sustainable propagation and improYement of ecologically and
economically important :f:1ora
c. r-ehabilitation, protection and conservation of fragile and important
habitats of vvildlife
d. conduct of a comprehensive con1munity-based, Information, Education,
Comnmnication (IEC) and advocacies on resources consetYation ai-id
mmiagement as a mem1s to\vards pronwting public awareneE~s and
participation in biodiversity enhancement and conservation
SECTION 12. Rt!gulatt!d rni..Qic of Endange11'1 Rart!, anil'ot Thnateneil Species.
Traffic of \'vi.ldlifo within the City's geographical and political jurisdidion is hereby
regulated thrnugh a collaborative monitoring \vith the DENR mid neighbc,t"ing LGUs.
Such undertakings iudude pooling of resource:> and logistics am! ei1eding arrests and
confiscations in accoHlance \Vith the DEN-n. rules and regulations. For cases involving
endaqgered, rare and/or threatened species, more stringent policies and more re:=:ponsive
prngranis shall be enforced through a Memorandum of Agreement between and among
i1eighboring provincial and municipal governments.
SECTION 13. P1'ot-ectedA1eas. In accordance \\ith the 1998-2010 ICCLUP and vvithout
prejudice to on-going vvater resource-related pn)grams (including but not limited to the
Iloi!o River Development :[\/laster Plm1, I!oilo Flood Control Project, Tigum-Aganan
Vlatershed Development Program and the Integrated Water Re~;ources Management
Program), the follo\ving ecologicaHy fragile an~as are hereby dedared as Protected A.reas
under the Prntected Landscape/Waterscape Category by reason of their unique physical
and biological significance and for the purpose of enhancing bio-diver::;ity and protecting
such 1laluable resources frotn destructive human exploitation and abuse:
a. Jam River Mangrove Area - hvo (2) 1nangrove areas identified by the DENR at the
mouth of the Jam River in Br-gys. Hinactacan and Ing ore

b. lVIandurriao Mangrove Area - a \Vide parcel of privately-o~,'\tned :fishponds along the

Iloilo River in the District of Mandun-iao, vegetated \Vith patches of mangroves that
act as natural retention pond and natmal catch basin for fioodwaters during the
monsoon rains and w11ere migratory bird species like Tuiabong have been sighted

c. 11oiio River Fish Sanctuary - a stretch of the Iloilo River's mid-section in the District
of Molo a4iacent to the Mandurriao i\.fangrove Area and its fishpond areas, identified
as the breeding and spav\'Uing ground for brackish fish species and crustaceans
as '\Nell as migratory path of anadromous and catadromous species
d. Iloilo River Water Spor1s and Recreation Area - a stretch ofiloilo River's midsection
fronting and abutting the Brgy. Nabitasan Eco-Tom:ism Zone, a reserve area for
recreational fishing,jetskiing, kayaking, ca.tJ.oeing and other boating activities
e. Foti San Pedro Historical and Scenic A.t--e.-1 - a strip of public land situated south of
the city's Central Business District along the Guimaras Strnit that used to house a
Spanish period fort and ivhich is now being used by city residents as a park

Dov.11town CBD He1%1ge Conser-vation Zone - a contiguous mix of residential and

commercial blocks within the Dm,\'utown Core as d~scribed by the Regulation
Ordinance No. 171 series of 1999 foi- \\11ich the C(lnser-vation of heritage buildings
thereon is embodied

g. Nabitasan Eco-Tourism Zone - a parcel of private land abutting the Iloilo River

containing an area of approximately _hectares reserved for the estabfo4unent of

eco-touri&1n and cultural amenities including a river pn1menade. park and mru1gn. .ves
The City Government ofiloilo through the CPDO, City ENRO, and the OCA v.111
pr-epare a rnap within one (1) month upon approval of this Code showing the delineation
of these Prntec:ted Areas. As the :need arises additional protected areas in the City may
still be identified.
SECTION 14. Prohibiti!d Acis in tlu P1otuti!il A11?as as Iili!ntifii!il in flu Roilo lliJ'
Comp1ihi!nswl! Land Uri! Plan. It shall be unlavful for any person or persons to
perform the folloiving acts inside the Protected A1--eas:
a. hunting, poaching, fishing, and all fr'"l11n s of killing, m amung or
capturing ofterres'trial, marine, amphibious mammals, reptiles, birds,
fishes and other aquatic animals or their young
b. destruction of the wildlife's habitat, such as removal of ne&'l:s and
brooding areas
c. cutting of all kinds of trees and vegetation unless authorized by the
prnper authorities.
d. use of air gun or any gadgets for hunting biHls or other animals

e. installation of illegal trnps, fish corals, o.r any other forms of

unauthorized entrnpment for all vvildlife thernat

installation or con&1rnction of any building or structure or

exploitation, e::\.1rnction and utilization of any naturnl resource thereat
vvi.thout prior consultation ' the D8'l'R and the \\litten
authorization of the City 1'fayC!t

Penalties herein .imposed is vvithout pr~iudice to the penalties that the offender
may suffer under Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 9.53, the Phil. Fisheries Code,
NlPAS Act and other pettinent national lavvs against exploitation of the environment and
natural resounes.


SECTION 15. Revernon cf L.--:.ncls. Urban lands that are disposable and alienable, or
portions of it, \<"vhich have in time supported the grn\ivth of trees and other vegetation and
has eventually trnnsfonned the land to become eC4.)logically aesthetic shall be
recommended for reversion into parks and open spaces. TI1e City, through the CAO,
CPDO, and City 8'-JR.O and in coordination with the DEIm_ shall conduct an inventory of
public lands \Vithin its jmisdiction, identify all titled lands that have encrnached into
rivers, streams, creeks, streets or public highv.'ays and en~~ure that titles of such lands are
cancelled and reverted to the public doniain.
SECTION 16. P1'od11ction Land Vs~. In the allocation, revievv or utilization ofla.nds fo.r
productive purposes, the negative consequences of production and utilization shall be
balanced or mitigated by measures at imprnving the capacity of the !and to resuscitate
and sustain its natural and nurturing processes. TI1e overall ctir-ection shall be focused on
sound en'lironmental management \Vith precautionaty and anticipatory approaches
against land degntdation.
SECTION 17. 1\faint~nanu of P:1oiJ11ctA~#y of Agticulhlnil Lanils. 11-ie Socialized
Agricultural Production and Development Zone (SA.PDZ) identified by the 1998-2010
ICCLUP in the Jam District shall be maintained in its optimum productive s1:ate tim:-"ugh
the promotion of sustainable fanning practicef:~ and vvithin the iimits of ecological balance
through the conduct of apprnpriate and sustainable e::dension services ai1d educational
SECTION 18. .Soil Conwl1ation.. To provide for over-all maintenance of soil fertility
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d. adoption of cover crop planting using legmn es to reconditi;;:in denuded, open area::
to make productive use of cogonal areas in the city


adoption of enrichment planting using fuehvood or non-titnber c:rops in behveen trees

of reforested ateas or open areas to enhance soil firmness and fottility

c. monitoring, restriction and/or banning of pesticides for agricultural purposes that rnay
cause hazards to public health, crops, fish 311d livestock and environment in
accon:kmce with the Guidelines on Ba.nnediRestric:ted Products of the Fertilizer and
Pesticides .A~uthority through the folloiving measures:

i. banning the use of organotin compounds (e.g. Brestan, Aquatin, Telustan 60 \VP,
Torque 50 WP) azinphos ethyl (eg. Gusathion 40 EC, Bionex), methyl parathion
(e.g. Folidol M 50 EC, Methyl FosferM 50EC Methion 50 EC, i11Ieprnx 50 EC,
Pru--pest NI SO EC, Penncap Th.I, Wofatox .50)
2. restriction on the utilization cf Endosuifan and its derivatives to non-palay
production only
3. banning the use of chetnicals otht:r than agric:ultural pesticides that are hazardous
to hum ai1 health ai1d regulated by the R..t\ 6969 (Hazaidous r...v aste Act)
d. adoption of envirnnment-11-iendly biological techniques and organic fanning and
rnim:vater mai1aget11ent program through the OCA filid City ENRO in coordination
"""ith the DA
e. to hdp ensure agains1 riverbank eros1on, adequate easements an.d lmfters as
designated by appropriate agencies such as but not limited to the City Government of
Iloilo. D:E!1R and ivIGB sh@ld be n1ainta!ned along riven;, es1:uaries and other natur:al/H~


SECTION 19. Lana.' ~~oec:ulation ancl A:fa.nagernent. - TI1e City Government of I1oi1o
through the CPDO shall institute a monitoring systeui on land development and
population distribution to ensure compliance to existing HI .lTRB imvs on land uses and
DE'l'R. lavvs on environmental impact assessment. In order to ensure the that the plans of
developers and speculators aie consistent \Vith and \Vill positively benefit the city's ovvn
development and development plans, the City, through sectoral consultation, shall
establish apprnpriate institutional coordinative mechanis1ns and an acc:r-editation sy;,1em
fi.x developers and speculators.
SECTION 20. Finl!s and Pl!na'Jlil!.s. 'Violation of any prnvi~;ion of this Chapter shall
upon conviction, subject offender to a fine of One Thousand (Pl,000.00) Pescs, or- an
imprisonment of Six (6) months, or both at the discretion of the court.


SECTION 21. _;\fanagl!ment Df.t-~ction-. In fmmulating and updating it~~ land use and
zoning plan the City Government of Iloilo, through the CPDO shall ahvays consider the
orderly and efficient development of human settlements and the preservation of the
integrity of the environment. .A~s such, the City shall prioritize the designation of areas
for \Vaste disposal, gr-een butlers, protection areas, parks, etc. and enact policies to
mitigate urbanization 's negative effects.
SECTION 22-. Inilu.st1ial Zon~:r. In establishing indu~tt"ial zones and other areas for- the
concentrntio:n of infras1:rncture and facilities. the City Government of Iloito shall consider
the iong-tenn effects on the stability of mbat1 lat1d mut shall conduct C(ltnprehensive
asses.sments of impacts on waste disposal, soil erosion and human health and
demogrnphy. Coordination vvith DENR, BOI and other concerned agencies shall also be
maintained in order to ensme that adequate and efficient anti-pollution and vvaste
treatment facilities, environrnental sanitation measures and eil1uent discharge systems are
built into the developn1ent plans for such zones_



J\.Janagement of Utban Establishml!nt.s.


envirnnmental monitoring system to be admini;,1ered by the City ENRO mu:l/or- CHO is

hernby es1ablished and ihail require all establishments in the (:ity to a::sessn1ents and
inspections that are designed to ensure compliance 'llVith the eft1uent, emission and other
environmental standaids and policies set by the DB\~-, DOH or by the City (fovenunent

SECTION 24. Gul!n .Bnffl!1-s, Sfl-ut G1unbl!/Js anil TJ-u Pat-Y.s. In order to help
reduce noise pollution, absotb excessive caibon dioxide, establish aesthetics and promote
areas for recreation, and socio-culturn! endeavQ!"s, the City Government ofiloilo, thrnugh
the OCA, City ENK.O, CPDO or through the Clean and Gteen Program and other- similar
mban reforestation programs initiated in partnership \Vith national govenunent agencies,
NGOs, and the private sector shall help establish the follovving green spaces:
a. Green Buffers/Open Spaces - to be situated betvveen industrial, commercial and
human settlements and along river networks to ad as carbon dioxide sinks and noise
breakers; open spaces should be in coni:"'tJtmity \vith existing lavvs prescribed by the
National Building Code, Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 (F~i\. 7279),
and other HLURB guidelines
b. Str-eet Gteenbelts - shoulders ofrnadsdreets in the City Proper, higln.vays, barangays,
selected areas of subdivisions, and compound,::; shall be planted vvith ornamental
plm1ts and indigetwus fruit trees to maintain and prt)vide ae~4hetics and shade

c. City Tree Parks - to be established at idle private o.r public lands, vvhich may include
mangroves and to be planted vvith D8\1R-prescribed f,f;ee species or indigenous fruit
trees through a tree-planting 1'"lfogrnn1 '1th the host banmgay or through ccirpornte

SECTION 25. Tou.drm Anas. A.reas for tourism develot-'!nent (e.g. Nabitasan EcoTourism Zone, Dov\nto11 CBD Heritage Conservati:Jn Zone, and :Molo-Arevalo
Boulevard Tourism Zone as prescribed in the 1998-2010 I CCL UP) identified in the city's
land use and zoning plan shall be protected :from high concentrations of \Vast:es, pollution
loads and other negative effects of periodic int1ux of people and construction of suppmt
industries. In developing these ar-eas, ecological balance and biodiversity shall ahvays
be considered.
SECTION 26. Informal .Setilen and .Slums. Recognizing infonnai settler~~ and slum
colony build-up as sources of vvastes nonnally az:sociated vvith health risks and poHution,
the City shall ban the establishment of such settlements at enviroumentally critical areas
in the city. And in addition, shall ~~hive to discourage the of additional infounal
settiern vv".rt.hin the city. Based on the Urban Developn1ent and Housing Act (RA Tl.79), it
shall be the duty of the City, thrnugh the ICUPAO, CPDO and CEO to identity and
develop alternative housing sites for the urban poor.
SECTION 27. EstabL:h.ment of EnvuonmentaL f'rogra.m.:.. - As the need arises, the City
Government ofiloilo thrc;ugh the City El\"'RO and other line departments shall formulate
and implement special enviromnental plans and prngrarns that Cfill help addn~ss en1erging
ar1'1 urgent issues in city planning and urban land mariagement.


SECTION 28. J\1anagi!m~nJ Di1~ction.. TI1e City Govenunent of Iloiio shall adopt
preventive and anticipatory tneasures again&1 garbage and other forms of land based
pollution that pose serious th-mats to the urban etrvironment and the city population.
Consistent Vllith the prnvisions of Philippine Agenda 21, Local Govenunent Code of 1991
(RA. 7160), Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990
(Republic Act 6969 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (IV\ 9003) and
other related national lav.t:\ the City shall f"Ormulate, enforce, monitm and reguiarly
update an ecological solid vvaste management progran1 through multi-sector conmttation
and participation.
SECTION 2-9. Jn.sfillltiomi/},fechanfrms. In order to cany out a sustainable solid \-Vaste
management program in the City, the following in&1itutional mechanisms shall be
a. Iloilo City Solid \Vaste Management Board. - Thet-e shall be created the Iloilo City
Solid Vlas1e Management Board that shall prepare, submit and implement plans and
prograrns for the safe and sanitary managen1ent of solid waste generated in areas
under the City's geographic and political jurisdiction. It shall have a composition and
a set offonctions prnscribed in Section 12 Chapter Il ofR.A. 9003.
b. Barangay Solid Waste Management Committee - In compliance \Vith DILG
Memorandum Circular No. 2001- there shall be established in every barai1gay in the
City a Barangay Solid Waste ii,ianagement Committee l,Vhose main fonction is t;:;
pn~pare and it;1plement community-based solid vvaste management p.rngnm1s focused
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c. Multi-Purpose Environment Cooperatives or Assoc.iations - In compliance \!Vith

Section 13 Chapter II of R.A. 9003 then~ shall .,Pe established !v!ulti-Purpose
Etivirnnment Cooperati\res or Associations that shall undertake activities to promote
the implementation and/or directly undertake projects in co1npliance \'l<ith the
provisions of RA 9003.

SECTION 30. Roilo Ci{l1 Solid JJ'astl! J\fa.nagmt211t Plan. - T11e City Government of
I1oi1o, through the Board shalt prepare a 10-year solid vvaste managen1ent plan that is

consistent \Vith the National Solid Waste 11.fanagetuent Frnmevvork and responsive to the
City's O\.Vn unique needs. TI1e plan shall :focus on at-source-waste minirnization, reuse,
recycling and composting and shall also prescribe n1echanisms fr"';f efficient city-\vide
g;:u-bage collection and disposal.
Tiie plan is based on Section 17 A.ttide 1 Chapter III of R.A. 9003 and shall
identify a prngram that inciudes components on V\laste Ch;:u-acterizat:ion, Collection and
Transfer, Processing, Source Reduction, Recycling, Composting, Final Disp:!:rnL IEC and
Education, Special Waste, Resource Requirement and Funding, Privatization of SWivI
Projects, and Incentive Prngrams. It shall also consider the es'f:abhshment of l'vfaterial
Rec(1very Facilities (Seetion-32 Article 4 Chapter III), \Vaste divernion targets (Section 20
A.t1ide 1 Chapter III), closure targets and design criteria for open dumps and ccintroiied
dumps (Sections 37, 39 and 41 i\.ttide 6 Chapter ITIJ.

SECTION 31. Rl!gJJ.lating! Disposal., Cl~a.nlinen a.nd .Sanitation -It v.i11 be the
duty of every resident of this City, all schools and institutions, private as \Vell as public,
all conimercial and industrial establislnuents. tourisrn-related e::.fablislunents like resorts.
and hotels, restaurants, and cinema houses, funeral homes, hospital~;, pubiic markeL,
transportation tenninals/companies and all establishments of any kind to undertake the
deaning of their sunoundings, as \veU as canals, mads or sheets in their immediate
premises. Garbage disposal for the follo\ving are hereby regulated as follo\vs:
a. :tviunicipal W a$1es - T11ere shall be e~fabiished a solid \Vaste collection and disposal
system for municipal wastes in the City that shall include a scheduled routing and
pick-up of such vvast:es that are properly packed, tied and sealed in plastic bags or
sacks and placed along the roadside, in front of residences and establishments. To
improve collection eti1ciency, the City Government of Iloilo, upon the
reccimmendation of the ICS\:VMR may adopt a color-coded scheme for
\.Vaste/garbage bags to be picked up individually or collectively al: common pick-up
points for hard-to-reach barangays. It may also arrange a vv-eekly or twice-\veekly

schedule for yard and ganlen


and cutting.: as \'Vell as other special \Vastes

and for v..hich a service fee of three hundred pesos (P300.00) per trip is ch;:u-ged.
Other schemes n1ay likevvise be proposed and adopted.
b. Special and Infectious Wastes - TI1e indisctit:ninate disposal of infectiou:; \v"astes ftom
hos;pitals, medical and dental laboratories, clinics and funeral parlors are hereby
prohibited in the City. fa1:ablishments generating such \Vastes shaH be tequired to
establish waste treatment and disposal faciiities using non-bum technologies or such
other te.dmologies and vvaste disposal and treatment systerns approved by the DENR
and/or the City Govenunent ofiloilo.

c. Gasoline Station Wastes - The indiscriminate disposal of contaminated \itastes :from

gasoline stations are hereby prohibited in the City. Gasoline sfations and all )ther
similar service station facilities shail be required to install oil-\'li'ater separators, grease
traps or such othet waste treatment and disposal systetns as may be apprnved by the
DENR and 1or the City Government oflloik.


d. Slaughterhouse \Vas1:es - The indiscriminate disposal of vvastes and discards from

slaughterhouses or from sitnila.1' esfablishments are ,ben~by pn:ihibited in the City.
Such establishments sha!l be


to establish oil-l,vater separators, grease traps.

c.01nposting systetus c"r such other Vva~4e treahnent and disposal systems as may be
approved by the DTh"'R and/or the City Government ofiloito.
e. Dredge Materials - Dredging and unnecessary excavations shall be disposed of
propedy in controlled dumpsites or sanitary tandfiHs and shaH never be allowed its
disposal in the sea especially if such become contan1inated ivith industtfal effluents

along the prncess of disposition.


Wastes from Sea Vessels - Ships, boats and other sea vessels shall not be a!lov,,'ed to
dump 1.vastes in seas, rivers, estuaries or at any other bodie;;. of~vater within the City's
geographical and political jurisdictions and nrny only d') so under such circm:ns1:ances apparent and eminent danget to life and ptopetty exi;;t and in \\fach case
should only be undertaken \vith prior authorization anci'or payments of appropriate
foes \Vith the City Government ofiloi!o.

g. Trash fh'l.!n Motor Vehicles - A.11 vehicles traversing the City's streets and
thoroughfares shall have trashcan:: or receptades for the \Vaste disposal needs of its
passengers. 0\vners/operatorsidnvers of public utility vehicles and tricydes are
require.d to provide such facilities inside their vehicles and to place \'.1itte11
notices/\van1ings on their use as presc1ibed by the City's Ordinance No. 99-007.
Vehicle Cf\'Vners and operators i.'\'110 fail to comply \Vith this prnvision shall be
subjected to fines and penalties enumerated under Section (a) Article III Title II of
this Code.
h. Hazardous \Vastes - In onta to reduce environmental and pubiic health risks caused
by hazardous and toxic vvastes and in consonance \Vith R.A.. 6969 and its IRR
en1bodied in DAO No. 29, the City (fovenu:nent of n,)ilo hereby regulates the sale,
storage and use of toxic and hazardous chemicals in any operational phase of
factories, processing plants and agro-chemical establishments, including transport, or
trans;;hipment thereofl.,\ithin the City. Household hazardous wastes (i.e. paint cans,.
empty bottles of meclicines, chlomx containers, batte,ries, etc.) shall be packed, sealed
and labeled (or color coded) in plastic bags for prnper disposal in appropriate
containers/vaults at the disposal site.

SECTION 32-. Fl!t!.sfot Ga1bagl! Colli!clion and Disposal. In con~~onance \Viih Section
47 Chapter V of RA. 9003, the City shall impose garbage co11ection and disposal fees to
pay the costs of prnparing, adopting and implementing a S('lhd \'Vaste management plan or
prograrn ar1d shall be based on the minimum factors on i) types of solid vvastes, ii)
amount/volume of -.,vaste and iii) distance of collection/pickup point to the disposai
facility. 'foe fees shall a1s0 he used to pay the actual costs incuned by the City in
collecting such fees.
Based on the City's Ta.x Ordinance No. 399, '!.:i1ich contains a separate and nH.'re
detailed schedule of garbage collection and disposal foes and \\foch updated Chapter IV Garbag-e Setvice Charges, Section 70 of Ordinance No. 399 s-1992. the ranee of nH.,nthiv
fees f'-,; garbage collec1io~1 and disposal are sm:nmarized as follo\vs:,

a. ResideI1tia1
1. Single-Detached Unit
- vvi 11oc;r area of 100 sq. m. 01 more - PS0.00
- r;v/floorarealessthan 100 sq.m.
- PJ0.00


2. Multiple D\velling/Apattment Style - P20.00

- to be based on fee

3_ Accessoria or l\Iixed Use

predominant me


b. Commercial and Business

- P75_00 to P400.00

1- ivfanufacturing

- PS.00 to PL000.00

Wholesale/Retail Trading

3. Se.rvice

- P30.00 to PL000.00


- P100.00

Banking and Finance

S. Insurance


SECTION 33. Tipping Fu - a fee to be charged by the City for the separnte and
exclmive collection and the appropriate disposal c f solid \Vastes and other toxic

wasteslgarbage collected from privru:e


or entities tt-om the subscribers' pren1ise8

io the dumpsite. TI1e City Government sha11 charge tipping fees for deliveries of solid

\Vastes at the dumpsite of Brgy. Calajunan at the rate of 1UNETY PESOS (P90.00) per
cubic meter


As enumerated in the RA. 9003, the folki\iving ads are

prohibited in the City of Itoilo:

a. littering, thrn\iv'ing, dumping of \Vaste matters in public places, such
as parks, plazas, mads, side\valks, canals, rivers, es1uaries, creeks.
esterns, beaches, coastlines and e~~tablishment or causmg or
permitting the same
b. undertaking activities or operating, collecting or transporting

equipment in violation of sanitation oper-ation and other requirements

of pennits set f(:_;tth in or established pursuant to RA 9003
c. open burning of solid wa&1es
d. causmg or permitting the coiledion of non-segregated cJJ: unsorted
\vaste .

e. squatting in open dumps and landfills


open dun1ping, burying of biodegradable or non-biodegtadable

m ateriah in flood prone areas

g. unauthorized removal of recydable material intended for collection

by unauthorized persons
h. mixing of source-separated recyclable material \Vith cd1er solid i.Yaste
in ay vehicle, box, container or receptacle used in solid waste
collection or disposal

establishment or operation of open dumps as enjoined in ILA~. 9003

or dosur-~ of said dumps in vi0tation 0f Section 37 A.rtide 6 Chapter


manufacture, distribution or use of non-environmentally acceptable

packaging materials

k. i1:npottation of toxic wastes misrepresented as "recyclable" or '\,vith

recyclable content"


transport and dumping in bulk of collected dm1e::,1ic, indu::,1:ria1,

commetcial and institutional \Vades in areas other than centers or
facilities prescribed under the R A. 9003

m. site preparation, construction, expansion 0t operation of vvaste

management facilities \'.vithout an ECC required pursuant to
Presidential Decree 1586 and the R.A. 9003 and not conforming v1rith
the. land use plan of the City
n. constrnction of any e&fahlishment \Vithin hvo hundred (200) meters
11-om open dump:: cr controlled dumps or sanitary iandfills

o. construction or operation of iandfiUs or any .vaste disposal faciiity on

any acquifer, grnund\1later

pottions thet"t't)f


or \Vatershed area and on any

SECTION 35. Fines and Pt!naltit!s. The follo\ving are the fines and penalties for the
above named prohibited acts committed in the City asfollotvs:

a. .Any person vvho violates Section 34 (a) in the city shall, upon conviction, be punished
with a fine of not less than three hundred pescs (P300.00) but not rnore than one
thousand pesos (Pl,000.00) or render community service for not les:::; than ('tt1e (1) day
to not more than fifteen (15) day::~, or both.

b. A.ny person vi10 violates Section 3~ (b) and {c) in the city, shall upon conviction, be
punished vvith a fine of not less than three hundred pesos (P300.00) but not nrnre than
one thousand pesos (Pl,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than one (1) day to not
more than fi:t1een (15) days, or both.
c. Any person '1vi10 violates Section 34 (d), (e), (:i:), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), and

(o) in the city, shall, upon conviction, be punished \vith a fine of not less than one
thousand pesos (Pl,000.00) but not more th~m three thousand pesos (P3,000.00) or
imprisonment of not less than fifteen (1.5) days but not n1ore than six (6) months, or
TI1e fines herein preso"ibed shall be increased by al: least ten percent (10;'~) every three
(3) years to cc.1npensate for inflation and to maintain the deten-ent fonction of ;mch fines.
SECTION 36. GBMdi11es for tlu Collt!dion of Fus, Fint!s and Penalties. TI1e City
:Mayor is hereby authorized to promulgate guideline:: fi:."r the effective enforcement of
garbage collection fees, tipping fees, fines and penaltie~ herein imposed taking int0
consideration collection elficiency and public convenience. 111e authority shall include
the deterrnination of foes based on the V)lume of s0lid ,,vas1es 2enerated. distance from
dtsposal site, ease of access by collectortrncks, and the "\lvaste get'.i'erator' ~; i~1corne level



The ,:_mideline shall also define the Citv Government's medianisms in receiving-
payrnents for garbage c01ledion and tipping fees as vveU as monitoring violatic,ns on
pn~hibited act~ enumerated m Section 36 abcrve, giving out notices of -::iolai:ion or citation
ticket~;, apprehending violator::.;_ hearing cases, and imposition of fines and penalties.

SECTION 37. Dircount~d Fur. As the need arises and upon apprnva1 of the
Sangguniang Panlungsod, the City ~Jayor may reduce tl"J& garbage and tipping foes or
authorize a ten (10~'-o) percent discount for any establislunent that pays a ('tie-time
payment for the annual fee, and five (5%) percent discount for a serni-ammai payment

SECTION 38. Penalti!.sfo; Dilayed PaJ'mf!JJI. Failure to pay the prescribed fee \Vithin
the titue required in Section 37 hereof shall be subject to surcharges of ten (10~-~) percent
for every month or fraction thereof Unless the garbage collection foe herein prescribed
shall have been paid in fuil and up-to-date, the e$1:ablishm ent' s Business Permit shall not
be approved or reneved by the City Mayor.
Collectlon and fransport of Solid Waste
Section 39. Requirernents for Collection of .E:oUcl fV,:iste. -- As enumerated in the R..A.
9003, the folloving shall be the minimum standants and r-equin~ments fc r the c0Hection
of solid \Vaf:-'te:

\aJ AH collectors and other personnei directly dealing \Vith coilection of solid waste
::hall be equipped vvith personal protective equipment to protect thern from the hazan:k of
handling ::olid '\i~--a~es;
(b) 1'-Jecessary i:rnining shall be given tel the collectors and personnel to ensun:>. that the
solid \'.'astes 3ie handled properly and in acc::'r-dance tvith the guidelines pursuant to this
Act: and
Collection of solid -vvaste shall be done in a manner \";llich pr-events damage to the
rrntainEt, and spillage or scattering of solid 1vaste ;,vithin the collection vicinity.

Sec:tion 40. Reqmren1ents for the Tran:port c;t -~~:; Waste. -- TI1e use of sepan1te
collection schedules 3!1Clior sepante truck:: or haulers shall be required for specific types
of '"''astes. Othetwise, vehides used for the collection and transpot1 of si;)lid v1rastes ~4ia11
have the appropriate cor:npartments to facilitate efficient storing of sorted vvastes 1.:1,,fole in
transit. Vehicles shall be designed to consider mad size, condition and capacity to ensure
the safe and efficient collection and transport of solid vvastes_
The waste compartment shall have a cover to ensure the contaim:nent of solid
vvastes \-vhile in transit.
Fot the purpose of identification, vehicles shall bear the
body number, the name, and telephone number of the contrnctoriagency collecting soiid

Sec:tfon 41.
;J;.ndelines for fr.::m:..:16:.r Stat;.ons. -- Transfer stations shall be designed
and operated for efficient Waste handiing capacity and in Compliance \Vith en.'ironmental
standards and guidelines set pursuant to this ordinance ;md other regulations: Prnvided_
That no vvaste shall be ~1ored in such sfation beyond hventy-four (24) hollfs.

TI1e siting o:fthe transfer station shall consider the land use plan, proxirnity tc1
collection area, and accessibilitv of haul routes t.:; disoosal facilitv. The design shali eive
pritnat-y considerntion to size atld space tmfficiency it; order to ac'commodat~' the \Va~te
for storage and vehicles for loading and unloading of \Vastes.


SECTION 42-. J\Janagem~ni Dinu:lion. fo ensuring gainful exploitation am:l .rational
utilization of mineral resources such as ,:;and and gr-ave!, the City Government of Iloilo,
thn:iugh the ICMRB and the C1ty ENRO dlall see ti:i it that such exploitation shall be ~

within the limits of a sound ecological balance. It shall impose cc;inpliance. by all
resource users to environmental standards and measures tb.~t it may promulgate to protect
the sustainability of the surface resoun::es that are affected bv mineral extraction_ In
. t'nese tas.-s,
- k prov1S1ons
. .
. t-h e \...:ocie
" are prescn"b eo' m
comp 1unent t h.- ose mat
RA_ 7942 (Philippine lVIining Act of 1995).

SECTION 43. Prntf!ction '!_{Smf11c2 Reso111'ces. 111e City Govenu:nent of Iloib shall
subject all sand and grnvel extraction activities to a periodic environmental dearanc;;:
from the City EI'1RO fi1r the purp11se of ensuring that smface n":.sources and those
activities dependent on them, such a~ building cons1rndion, fishing \-vill not in any v;,ay

be adversely afiected by its operations. The protection measures shall include prevention
of loss cif '\vi!dlife or disturbance of their habitats, and prevention of contamination of
river systems that support other econornic endeavors.

SECTION 44. Roilo City 1llining R~gulatoJJ' Boanl (IC.MR.BJ For this purpose, the
Iloilo City ~.,;lining Regulatory Board (GMRB) is hereby es1ab1ished as an institutional
mechanism that shall, among others, accept prnces:: and evaluate appJicatit)!lS and
determine adminis1rative charges and fees for quany, sand and gravel permits duly filed
1--vith the same. The Board shall be chaired by the DENR-lVIGB 6 Regional Director or
hi:~/her duly authorized reprnsentative with the follo\.ving tnembers:
a. City Mayor as Vice-Chairperson
b. small-scale mining rep1--esentative
c. large-scale ruining representative
d. MGB-accredited envinmmental NGO
e. City EN""RO
f PN'"P

TI1e Board, within one (1) month appr\:1val of thi~; Code shall establish a
permitting and monitoring system and policy en:fc rcemem based on the pro-visions of
R.A. 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 1995) and its IRR and shall effect its immediate

SECTION 45. Pf!tmit to Edra1.:t, Rtmovt and Di.spo.u .J.Jinn-als. No person,

corporation, pat1nership or govenunent entity/instrnmentality shall be atlovved to extract
or n~move minerals such as sat1d and gravel from, or dispose the sruue into public
\vater(s), public or private lands, unless authorized undet a pennit issued in accordance
vvith local and national la\vs.
A permit may be grru1ted to any qualified person vdw has complied \Vith the
requiren1ents presct"ibed by RA. 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 1995) and all other
applicable la-1ivs and regulations. If the pennitee is a government office, it must be duly
recognized and exis1ing atlCl in need ofrnaterials fcir intt"asirncturn projects as certified by
the agency concerned.

SEC:TION 46. C6.n}l:catlon qf .z:ti:ilLJ1_:htez.,



ana' CThe.;..i



Forrnaticms being .E:.'::!Ld or fr(~(!L:k:ed ln ti-ze c;1zr. The City Goven1ment of Iloilo thrnugh
the City El'11t0 shall reg,ulate the traffic and sale of stalactites, stalagmites. and other
similar: cave formations 1n the City in consonai1ce ""1th the DBrR Me!norandum. dated,
Jatmar)' 17, 1991 agains1 the gathering of such cave prnducts_ The City Ei~1t0 shaH
confiscate such regulated products at1d effect airest on such metdiants and traffickers.

SECTION 4'7. K--..n:

of Arr.zst a.iKi


T11e absence of any of the

foregoing documents ~hall be cotE;tdered prima facie evidence of illegal rnining or

q-1.rnn-ying and .:hall cause the


of the tnineraliminet'al products and the


tools and equipment inciuding conveyance med in the cclinmission of the offenge in favor
of the _govenunent pursuant to P.D. No. 12&L subject to forther in;;estigation.

If it is found that the products seized have been minett extracted
or rei:noved vvithout any permit or authority undi:1. existing rnining iavvs, rnles and
regu1ationf5, final confiscation can be effected to be fQ.1101.ved by the fi!ling of the
compiaint. In case of apprehension by the City D.Iayor, the mineral p.rnducts, toois,
equipment and conveyance used shall be depo~:ited v:ith the nearest City PNP Statton.
SECTION 48. Prnhfbit2d.Acts. - Tiie follm.ving are prohibited ach
a. extraction of quany materials covered by this Code vvithout first
securing a permit thereof

b. misrepresentation in his appiication for a pem1it fads peti:inent

thereto, or pre;:ent/submit fahe or falsified documents vv11ich are
required therefore
c. removal or de;,irndion of afc'!em entioned vertical or ground markers
without authority or pennission of the City Mayor

i1iilme 01.. refusal to piac.e or erect signboards in the pretnises of the

:-irea covered by the penn it

e. failme or refusal to keep or open fcir inspection by prnpe:r authorities

book of accc unts

fobfication of book of accounts


entries therein

g. failure or refusal to submit monthiy or quar1et1y rep01t of extraction

and/or operation
h. failure or refosai to issue to drivets, haulers and extracb.:.JJ:s delivery
receipts, or knoi.vingly issue t.: them fake or false delive:ry receipts


failure or refosal to present on inspection or demand delivery receipt

\.vhile extrnding, hauling or tramporting quarry material::

issuance/presentation tampetNl or open dated delivery receipt

k. sale or conveyance for a price or consideration quarry

extracted unde1 a gratuitous pennit


unauthorized extraction of sand and gravel from .riverbanks within

one (1) kilometer- c!istance from any government and private s1:mdure
for public use.

hindrance or prevention through \7ioience or

intimidation, of the City f\.fayor, ICl\iRB, City .l::J\';RO c:r hi::

in. (:;bstruction..

deputies/representatives fh)!u the pettl....tmance c.f their fonctions.

authorities and duties under this .A...rtide.
n. obstmction, prevention or hindrance, by force and intimidation, of
any pennittee :fron1 extrnding, hauling, transporting and othen,vise
using and disposing of quany materials under and by vittue of a duly

is~ued permit.


SECTION 1. Definition. For the purpose of this Title, the fclk1\ving tt!ms sha!L
unless their context indicate, have the folkri.ving re::pedive rneetings:
a. F:chvrduai - any natural being vd10 pt:i::sesses nghts and obligations or bemg
subject of legal relation.
b.'i,_:ai ::;,.;:_r:;o.;1 - artificial being created by law

c. },L;;n;.f':;.c.ti.t ."f:r:; - includes every person, natural or juridical vviw, for the
purpose of sale, delivety or distribution to and monitor for his OV\:11 use or consumption
by physical or chemical prncess, (1) a!ten~ the exterior texture, form, or inner substance
of any rn\V materials or n1anu:factured product in such a manner as t .:> prepare it for ~
speciai m:e or uses to vvhich it could not have been put in use in its original conditil'--::. (~)
alters the quality of any such ra1.v materials, or 111anufa~ures l r partially nianufact:ured
product so as w reduce it to marketable ~.hapes or prepares it for use in industries~ (3)
e0mbines any rav:; n1~-:::riais, or tnanufactured or partially manufactured product Yvith
Jr.~r rnaterials or prnduct of the same or of different kind in such manner that the
finished product of such process or inanu:factun.r;;. can be put to a special use or uses ii.)
\"\11ich such rnatEtials or partially manufactmed product in its original condition could
have not been put and t,vho in addition alters such rn.\v material or manufactured or
partially manufadured prnducts, or combines the same or produces :mch finished
products for the purpose 0f their sale or di&1ribution ti: others and not for his O\'il1 use c.,r

cl Re::dent;..7 - natural pe.rscins v1.i10 have their habitual o.r perma11ent residence in
the City ofiloilo.

e. C.'ontractor - includes persons, natural or juridical not subject of professional

ta.x, \'110se acfr:>ities consist es;;entiaily of the ;.;ale of ail kinds of ;.;etvice;.; f.:: r a fee,
n:gardless of icvhether or not the performance of the seni.ce cails for the exercise or use of
the physical ormentai faculties of such contractor or his employees.

f Rendenna1 hoi~ses - structures constructed for dvveiling purposes induding but

not limited to apartments, condominium units, pension houses and to\'vnhouses.
g. Sc.ii.d ,vaste - any :rnaieriai ;,-vmthless in nature Cr though n1ay be of value is
considered smplus from the nounal course of living, project, operationf:' or business. It
~~hall indude any kind of gatbage or refos'e.
h. ]Jeaier or Trader - one ivi10se business is to buy and sell merchandise, goods
and chattels as a nH:rchant. He stands immediately behveen the producer or manufacturer
and the consmnec and depends :for his profit not upon the labor he bestov1.'s; upon his
commodities but upon the skill and foresight with -vvhich he watches the market
1. ()cciq.xuzt - any person \'.ilh) is in the actual possession and enjoyn1ent of a
building or other similar premises ~.'lli1ether as owner, o\v11er, tenant or in any other
rnpacity thereof


j. Sortrng - the act of segregating the soiid materials into groups as detennined by
a ,j.-t";t,
t>F; ;t.1
T;t1 1l'i::"' HJ
.l. , l1e-u1cb~
1 >;;: ! .><.!.

c.1 ,..t1
;,,4-1 c
\,-.1 .1 'cl
'-i ..UL
-.. \..o<l~L

.:> U~

-k. I-:Laari:-l:;us -waste - by-produ.c:L, site products, process residues, ~eacticn media
c;::.ntan1inated plant .::11- equiprnent or other substances from manufacturing operations and
as consunHr discanfa of manufactured prnducts -;,vhich pre~ent unreasonable risk or injury
to health and safety and to the environment and shall include substances that are \Vithout
safe commercial, 1ndus1rial, agnrnltural or econom 1c usage a..'1d are transported to the
Philippines fot. dumping or disposal.
L Floor Area - shall in dude the total area of any and all of the stories of them ain
dining hall, countet', stor-e mom, kitchen, terrace or lounge, restnx11n and parking lot in
caE;e of reE~taurant:;, panciterias, cafeterias, or any public eating places: in the of night
clubs_ cod..iail lounge, beer garden~;, bar and .:.ther similar esiablishmeni:_; the i1oor area
shall in dude the 11oor area. of the dining hail, dancing hall, counter, kitchen, handstand,
terrace or lounge, restroom and parking lot; in the case of supennarkets. superette~:
groceries, the i1c101 area shall include the area of the main store, counter, cold storage,
1 411"
;:;.. t p"
<> ,,,+'"al I- t h. ,,,..
ctab1 ; ,iu"1"t +11"' +"'11-. .~1 ... ,,, ,,.., eot1..,,
1 1~11ri~
.:=.: li-,t-
to.I 111 tl1"'
c "a
'''' _;,=,._.
u ....+,.,., t:-;.~ ~
floor area of offir::e, tnain s1:1:-t. e, ~4:1)te n:u:m:1 and d!~~play room workd10p and in case of
drngsiores the iabontory room shall also be induded.








C"J,.t,:. L





-.l '=--:


rn. Food C1:Herer - one ivti.o caters to individuals, food, usually in dinner pails or
plastic containers, outside his place of bm..1ness, or one \Vho has no efo.fablishments of his
1)"vn for ::er-vicing his meals but instead takes the meals to the place of his cust)n1ers
n. Food C::;ntractrJr - one \vho contrach to furnish banquets and other gathering
\Vith meals outside his place of business, or one 1;\110 has no e;;tabli:;hm.ents of his ov;u f)r
serving or selling such n1eah but instead ser-:e:: or furnid1es the meals at the pla(:e of his
c.u.~t0n1 ers_
c1. The definition oftenns provided in Sections 131, 199, 306 and 357 ofthe Local
Govenunent Code of 1991 as far as applicabie are hereby :made part of thi;: Ordinance
SECTION 2. Schedule of Fees. Ali persons, natural and juridical, business,
trade, occupational and other establishment, shall pay annually their g<llbage collection
foe::: \ the City Tn~asmers or his/her auth1:'r1zed collectors in accordance \ the
fol!oioving monthiy ~;chedule of fees:










Aerated \Vater (soft drinks and other sirnilar products)....................... P 300.00

_........... ,...... .
Aluminum Product_
.i\pa, ................ -..... -.............. -... -. -... -.... -....................... .
Any kind o:f}\ttidesmade ofmetal ,,., ...... ,.. ,........... .- ....... ,, .. ,, ........... ,
200.00 ........ ,..............................
................ .
Batteries ........................................................................ ,........... ,.......... .
Bayrnm, pomades, tonics, lipstick::, co;;metics
at1'1 other similar products .................................................... .
Bed:::. and accessorie;;, fun1iture and other simiiar prnduc:ts ................ .
Bihon, miki, mis\va and othet similar products ................................. .
Bottles ..................... ,...................
..... ,....... .-.
Boxes ...................................... ,..... ,........ ,.,, .... ,....... ,............................ .
Bricks, ceinent, holk v1,r block::, cerainics, tih~::
atH1 other simi l31" pm ducts ... _.
. .. ______ ..... __ . ____ . ....
15 0. 00
Candies, sweets arid other similar pr-oduct:; ................................................... 150.00
Candles at1d wa."'L prnducts
ffitk macki11-t!1y
.................. ,. ..............................................

\Vithout machinety



'l f

........ ..!..








Canned good pro dud;.; ....................................................................... .

Capiz artides and other sheH products ................................. .
Cigar and cigarettes factcrry
011. ...................................................................................... .
Coffee and chocolate:: n1itls .................................................. .
Dyes, ink paste and other simiiar products ........................................ .
Floor \V a.x ......................................................................................... .
Furniture/Carpentry shop ................................................................... .
Glass\vare .. ...... .. ... . .
. .. . .....
.......... .
Ice ....................................................................................................... .
Ice crean1, ice-drop and other ::imilar frozen products
With machinery
Without 1nachinerv ..................................................... .
Irnn \iV1)rks and refated activities .... .... .
................... .
Lard, cooking oil, butter, margarine and other similar p.rnducts ......... .
Leather- artides (Shoe::, -,,vallets, belts and other similar articles) ....... .
1.mnber and savvmilfo ....
. .......... .
l\'1atches ..................................
.................................. .
l\fott.ress, uphofotery, and other sunilar products
l\:iecha.nir appanitu~ a.nd e!1gi!1es
. __ ...... .
?viirror .................................................................................................. .
rvrotor vehicles and hem:y equipment a::sembl:f plant
............... .
PantsiR'f\,V, gam1ent;:.; ........................................................... .
With machinerJ ............................................................ .
Vlithout machinery ...................................................... .
Pianos, auto pianos, pipe organs and othennusical instruments ........ .
Plastic products ................................................................................... .
Rice tnills
\Vith one (1) to five (.5) laborers ........................................... .
With six (6) to fifteen (15) labotei. s .................................... .
With sixteen (16) or more laborers
Rope and c0rdage .............................................................................. .
Rubber articles and tire products (shoeE:, sandals, bccts, slippers, bags,
balk and other similar products l
Sacks ..................................................................................................... .
Sauce, sausage, hotdogs, fhllikfiutiers and other similar prnduds ....... .
Soap and sitnilar pn)(tu.cts factory
Socks, stocking and c1thet :=:;unilru prcduc.b ......................................... .
Shoes and slippen manufacturers . _.
. . . . . . .................... .
Smelters and foundries.
Sugar tniil. ..................................................................... .










Textile< .. ,~ ....... ,........ ...................................... .



\Vine, liquor and spirits distillerie;.;_ rectifier;:. and com pounders ...... .
Zipper- .................................................................................................. .
HomemadeismaH :=ca.le industries--h"c'd a.tid Non-Food items ..
Jl.J1 other manufacturers not ~;pecificaHy mentioned above ................. .

7s. ()()





_. _'P


Supennarkets, Superettes, (irciceries and othetf: V/ith an aggregate aiea of
a I\fore than 400 sqtrnre meter~, .
. ....... .
b. 200 to 400 square meter::. ............................................................... .
c. Bel)\V 200 square n1eter:;
100.00 ~








i 1



a. Located at the corner of ;;;.1reek and al.1ng tnfiln r_Qads ........ .
b. Located along- =:econdarv and minor mad::--- _

a. With 3 or more oven;,------------ ..

b. With 2 ovens or less----- .........
e. Hot pandesal \vith one (1) oven---
Departn1ent stores, bazaar~\ boutiques, g1fl: shops, novelty shops, dt)' gcods,
variety st..:ires, show stores and illher related store;;
a. above 500 square meters----- --
b_ above 400 squan~ meters to 500 square meters .............. _ _
c. 100 ;;quare ineter;; to 400 square meters ........................................ .


b. 100 to 200 square meters ......


_.. ---- --- .. .

c. Below 100 square meters--

Furniture, Electrical and Hmne Appli311ces ........................................ .

Glass and Aluminum Supply ............... .
electronic Supply ...................................................................... .
ivfosic Store, Record Bar, ~fosical Instruments, Supply ...................... .
Bo;kst~re~ A1t, ~ffice and School Supp he:;, Photo Supply
ano re1areo matenals ............................................................................. .
Drngstores -,.vith an aggregate area of:
a. More than 400 SCfJfil);~ meters ......
........... .
b. 201to400 square n1eten ................................................................. .
c. Belo\V 201 square meters-----
Gasoline Stations

c_ Below 301 square meters .... .

Flower Shop~~
a. \Vith an area of 100 square meters and above .............................. .
b. \Vith an area of 50-90 square t:neters and above .
c. V/ith an atea ofless than 50 square meters ..................................... .
Scrap/Junk materials
a. [lealer ...................................
.. ................ .
b. Retailer ............................................................................................ .

1 '7

J. I .





d. Belovl 100 square meten; ------- ... .

--- .... . ............. ...
............... .
Jevvehy f~tore and shop
Hardware, Lmnber and (]ravel and Sand
a. ~</lore than 200 square meters----------

a. i1.fore than 400 square mett'I;; ........................................................... .

b. 301 to 400 square meters ................. .



Rice and other- g,rnin ................................................. .

Public and private Mar-ket Stockholders mduding
Flea Market stall holden:; ......................................................... .
Establishments engaged in the buy and sell of other food commodities
not specifically enun1erated in the above ........................... .
Establishments engaged in impot1ing, vvhole selling, distributing and/or
r-etailing non-food pn!ducts
a. more than 200 square meters..

b. 101 and 200 square n1eters ------

c. be!oiv 100 squan~ meters ....... .. .. ..... .... .. . ........................ .
Private mark et es
............ _.
Stalilwlders in public markets
a. r./Ieat
b. Fish
c. Dry goods




75 00




250 00



d. \'e.getables .............................................................. .

e. Sari-sari .......................................................... ; .... .

f G1ass\vare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ............. .
g. Chuchirias . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..
h. Native products

......... .

Coffee mills, corn milis and rice grinder ........................ ..

j. Othets ................................................................. .



100. 00




a. Tuba ..... .


\.,1latCta1 ......................................... .


c. r 1revvo;;:;o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....



Restaurants, panciterias, cafett;1ias, refreshment parlor, canteen,

carenderia, snack house, or any public eating places v1r:ith an aggregate
floor area of
a. :More than 300 square 1neters ....................................... .....................

b. 150 to 300 square .meters... ..









. .. ........
c_ belovv 150square1neters ---------
Food C~aterers ........................................................................................ .
Food Contractors ................................................................................... .
Food Stand, Barbeque Stand, fruit Stand & vegetable Stand and
othet food iten1s ............................................. .
Night Clubs, Disco Houses, Cock1ai1 lounges, beer gardens, bms,
and other similar establishments \Vith aggregate t100r area of:
a. More than 300 squai:e meter::
... ..................... . .......... .
b. 160 to 300 square metas ................................................................. .
c. belov11 160 square meters: .. ............ . ..... .. ....................................... .
~1Iembership dubs (e.g. \'lvICA) Am1y ruut Navy Club and other
similar membership clubs ........................................................ .
C~oid Storage ........................................................................................ .
Gasoline and Seni.ce Stations .... .
Gasoline Depot
........................................................ .
Hotels, Motels and Inns
a. i\fore than 400 meters................ ........................ ..
b. 301 to 400 squme meters ................................................................ .
c. belo\v 301 squme meters ................................................................. .
Donnitories, Lodging Houses, Boatding Houses, etc.
a. More than 400 square n1etas ......................................................... ..
b. 301 to 400 square meters ................................................................ .





c. belovr 301 square meters ...

. . .......... .......
......... .
Private Universities and Coileges .......................................... .
Secondary and Vocational Schools ................................... .
. ................ .
Nursery and Ptituaty Schools . .. . . . .. . . . . . .
Pfr.,rate Hospitals, Clinics, !vfatemity Clinics, etc.
a. \Vith bed capacity for 15 or more ................................................... .
b. \.V ith bed capacity forless than 15 ..... ... . . .... . ...


Dental, optical and other clinics .......................................................... .

Tiierapeutic clinic and Sauna Baths
a. With 15 or more cubicles ........... .
b. V/ith less than 15 cubides ............................................................... .
D0g, cat at1d other animal dinic:;








..... J...









Taikiring, Dre~~~; and Embroidet)1 Shops

a. \Vith. 5 c;r more tnachine:: ________ __
b. \Vith 3 to 4 machines------------------------------------ .. ---------------c. 'With 2 tnachmes or less ........... .
Beauty Parlors and Shop;_;
a. \Vith 5 oi-- rnon:: op<::rntot.-s ----------- _ -------- ........... ____ ------ ______ _
b. '\V 1th 3 to 4 operators
c. With 2 operators or less ....................... --------------------------------Barber Shops
3. With 5 or more drnit.-s .
b. \~r ith 3 to 4 chail..s .. -------- ______________ ----------- ___ .... ___________ ................. _...
c. \Vith 2 chairs 01.. less-------------------------------------------------------------------
Carpentry 8hops including \\\:;od and rattan fornitme
\V ith rnachine . _
. _. _...... __ . _. . . . _.. ___ . _... .
\Vithout machine .. _....... _. __ . __ . _. __ . __ . _........ __ .... ____ ....... _...... _
Automoti'\'e and machine, accessories and spare parts seller
Ne'liv (brandne;,~dunused)
.. _.. ____ . _...... _. _.
Second hand sell el' ... __ . _.. ____ . _... _..... __ .... _______ . __ . ___ . _... _.. _.
Dealers of automotive, motor vehicles, industrial machineries
......................... _........ _.. . .. . ...
New (brandneitv/unused)
Second hand seller . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .
Deaiers/sellers of books, schooi supplies. c1ffice supplie~;,
and other paper products
........ ________ . ______ ........... _.. _
Steam, Dt-y Cleaning establislunents and lmmdty .................... ....
Telegraph, Telephone, Radio and rv Communication and Electric Cmupanies
a. PILTEL, Globe, Smart, JVfobiline, etc.................................................. 200.00
b. PLDT, RCPI, PT&T Telepost, etc......
c. C~i\1'\l ............................................................................................ _
Funeral Padors
a. Without chapelim0ttuary ...................................................... __ ..... ___ . __ 300.00
b. \Vith chapelAnottuar-:y .................................................................... _.. _.. 450.00
Cockpit and Boxing .A..rena .. ....
.. _.... ..
. ______ . _
Bowling Alleys
a. Havfi1g 5 lanes or more ........... _....................... ____ ....................... . _ 150.00
b. Having less than 5 tables . _.. ..
Billiard and Pools
a. Having 5 tables or more-------------------------------------- .... 1.50.00
b. Having less than 5 tables ........ ---- ................... .
Sa1~es1'Rentals.1'Siliops ................................................................... .
Tiieaters and Cinematography
a. More than 400 square meters _ .. __ . _______ _
b. 301to400 square meters ................................................................ _.. 300.00
c. below 301 sqnare n1eters ................................................... ------- __ _ 200.00
Bluept-inting, photocopying and other nlfiled busmess ........... .
Photo sl10ps, \VONi lamination, photo static and related busines~; ........ .
Paint, advei:tising and art shop ................................................. __ ..... .
Repair Shops ................................ _____ ............. .
Repair of motor vehicles and bodies of motor vehicles, including
\'llkanizing shops, '.velding
a. lVfote than 300 square metern
b. 150 to 300 ~~quare meters ....................... ..
c. belovv 150 squai.-e rndEts ................................................................. .
!v!ot0n::yd1;\ Tticyde::: and Bicydes Repair Slwp
a. \Vith an area of more than 200 square meters ............................... ..
b. l,Vith ar1 area of 200 square rneters and bekn:~; ................................ .



Repair of Office. equipment, Ractios, Electric Fans, Cassette. Recorder,

1\ls, Refhgerators, atH1 other similannacb,ipes .................. .
Repair of pianos, orgru1s a..t'ld other simi!armusicai instrument.
l'vlachine shops for ru1y other purposes-including re\vinding shops
a. Having an mea of more than 200 square meters ....................... .
b Having an area of 200 square rneters ru1d belo\~! ............ .


Junk Shops


b 150 square meters and beloliv ..

Blacksrnith and irn1n.vorks including steel furniture ruul metakrni1
Gcildsmith and je\vehy repair ......................................... .

a. More than 150 squme meten .......................................................... .


Ciun~nith atH:i gun repair . . . . . . .

............. .
W alehouse of at1v kind
it.1.-,e t.11''*1 400". <;Nn~~-t" .."et.:w
b 201 to 400 sqll~tt--e tneters
c. Below 200 squme meters ................................................................ .
Private pmking lot and tenninal. meas fi;:;r bus, cars and other
Public Utilitv Vehicles
tt al!, ati:.a
- i..:I
.,, .~ lhv.
-:...... t. e tlHlll Riiii
-!- c- ................................. .
a. ":!"
\, 1.11
u~ ~ "'
_quat..~., nn;.et..,
b. \Vith an area of 400 to 800 squw;;. meters ....................................... .
c. Beloiv 200 squan~ meters ..... ... ............... .






I ... t.1.1


i..,:\.1Ul.Li - !.J.i.




a. \Vith n10re than 15 vehides ............................................................. .

b. \Vith 6 to 15 vehicles ....................................................................... .
c. With 5 or less vehich:s ..................................................................... .
Printing press shops/ne,vspaper, lithographs, bookbinding
and book publications
a. Vlith more than 5 machine::.. ............... ............ .
b. \Vith 2 to 4 machines ....................................................................... .
c. V/ith 1 machine ................................................................................ .
Accounting, book keeping, auditing, and other allied :;ervices ........... .


c. Belo;v 200 squme meters ................................................................. .









Brokers (sugar, moia::ses, nal e::tate, commercial stock exchange).

Beach F.esorts ....................................................................................... .
Real estate dealers and subdivision opi;:,tators ............................. .


Memorial park operfiltXS

Private Cemeteries ............................................................ .
Buildings ~vith rooms to let, rent or lease


a. With hventy-five (25) n"oms or tn0re ...................... .


b. \Vith ten (10) to hventy-fo1u- (24) rnmns ................................ .

c With less than ten (10,) rooms ............... .
Agencies (advertising, business, insurance, employment


firearms, security and detective,janitorial, messengerial

placement bureau , trnve!, recruitment, ~tc.
Consultat1ts (business, m anagernent engineering_ etc.) ................ .



Upholstery and Upholstery Shop

a. ivfore tha..'1 300 square meters



Operators of Cargo or Delivery vehide~dt:rucks and service vehides

b. 201 to 300 square meters ................................................................. .




a. Building contractor .................................................. .

b. Other contrnct0rs like mads and bridgi::,s, inigation, arras1:re
demolition and salvage work, trncking, \a.tePN('tk:, and
other con~trndi@ works. real estate. reclan:!ation project::,
generation ccmtractors, etc.






Electric povver piant, eiectric pm.ver distribution company .............. .

AH other business, trade, occupational and other estp.bfo4unents
not specifkaHy provided fi.::ir in any of the classification ..

D. BA1"l'EI1'i"G A1\fD FTI'>JAl'>JCE

Banks, banking institution, savings and loan associations
financial institutions or intern1ediaries, lending investors, and other
ailied institutions . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................ .
Pa;.:;.11shops ........... ,
o- ............ .
fovest1nents and other holdmg ecitnpruues. security dealers
and commodity arnt'or money changes ................................................ .







Inrnrance companies/or oflkes-for all types ofinrnrnnce

both life arid non-life .. .
. ........ .
Offices/or esiablishments offering educatiomil plans ........................... .
Offices/or establishments offering m12.1norial plan ............................... .
Offices/or establishments offering other pension plans .


SECTION 3. TI1e City 11,.fayor is hereby authorized to 1-1romulgate mles and

regulations fr1r the effective C( lh:ction of garbage fees herein imposed taking into
ronsideratii::in the collection efficiency and public convenience: The City Mayc"t may
auth.::irize a ten 00%) percent discount :for anv establishment that pays the entire arnou:nt
t'ot the \\110.e
t year:. at1{,t i.rve
, -o '
+ r
+ -

O} pereen<.. ci1scount 1.=. the paytnent ts u1acie t)fi a
sen1 i-annual ba~is.

Failure to pay the presctibed foe vvithin the time required in


~7e~~~~~ ~t-,;~:[;~! t~!~~ n~;,;:v~~~~tP~;u~~r~i~~f~~ ~;~u :.~i'":);-~n:~~~~~ i~;;~~;~ t~~ ~~~-~!;:


coilection fee herein prescribed is paid in foll and up-io-date.

SECTION 5. \Vhere there are t1-vo or n11::ire kincfo of business conducted in the
:oarn.e addres:: by the sarne ov.ner/lessee/oper3tor, he shall pay the foes of the business
1.v1d1 the highest rnte pius 20~-~ of the rate~~ aE> prescribed herein fix other businesses
SE CTI ON 6. Certificate of payment of foes prescribed hernin shall be placed in
a conspicuous place in aU business or ocrnpational estabh:;hments and shall be made
available for inspection at a!i time:: during office h!:iur:s by authcirized representatives of
the Task Force Clean and G.:teen of the. City Mayor's Omce.
SECTION 7. Any person found guilty f.;.~r '>'i( iating t.hi~; Titie shall be punished
by a fine of One Tiwusand (PL000.00) Pesos for the first offense; Tvvo Thousand
(Pl,000.00) Pesos for the second offense and Five Thousand (PS,000.00) Pesos for the
third offense or by imprisonment of not morn than one (1) yeat or both. If the violation is
conunitted by a corp0nl1ion, finn or pattnership, the president, manager, managing agents
or partners 0r pers0n in charge of the busine~::: shaH be critninally respon<:.=ible therefor


a. Single detached dv.'elling unit vvith a :i:11:;or are.a of

L 100 ::quan: meters or niore......................................................


2. less than 100 square meters


b. ?vluHiple dvwllingiaprutments ::.1yie ...................................................

c. Acces::=orial or mixed use - the predominant use shaU pn:vail and prescribed
rates sha!i be 2pplied_
SECTION 2. TI1e garbage collection fee hereinabove shall be paid to the City
i:>t thrN1gh the barangay treasurer. when the barangay treasurer collects the
same. thi:?;mgay shall be entitled to HVE'TI'Y PER CENT (20~'~) of the C-(Uection ta:
be exdusiveiv used as TnE.;t Fund fr}r the purpose of Barangay Envir-onmental Ptograrn_


SECTION 3. Failure to pav on time the garbage collection fee herein provided

. ..l =ub;~t +t,e
a.Ia. . t_.
r "'i.1. J.

l.:;c: ~"' ---1~ fi-, - r"'".;,.l,,,;,+;,.,1 f.,.u11,t;.-,,,

often ( lO~'li) pen:.ent for evety t-nonth or a fradion thereof






~:l\. '"'J.J.UU.l



.:>:_=~+.. 'ti..."'h,li-_=~
.nt_: _c~ t_,_"'1
... r-_11_1_1 i:'_.....


The City I\faycir is hereby authorized to 1ssue the necessary


1 1


-~~~,!~;1~~~~i,;; tiil~eg;~;~; ;':o~~~:~r~:!;;: ~~~{~1~n~~~ t;:d ~~~c~\i~~:;~:~-e~ ~! ~~:11~ ~~:,}~~ ~/~1~~

..:nvnets or lessees of the re::.;idential buildings or establishments covered by the garbage
c~) llection systen1 _

SECTION 1. AH o\vners/occupants of residential buildings, cotm:nercial and
busmess ef:fablishments, govermnent lmiidings and offices, civic offices and )ther f=ectt:irf!
art> requin~d to use plaf:'tie bags or sit:n1lar c.:mtainer~ of ~=tunly rnaterials ~"'fo~re gat;bage

:~i~!t!~n~ ~~et~~eit~~.~::te~1~~~ ;rc~:~~:~t~:t s~~~~ c~eeaJ1~~;1:~ ~~~17~~!), :n~~e~:u~~,f:;,;:~:


other filthy, putrid :ir offons:ive substances shall be placed in unleak1 1~g garbage bag
befi::ire thrni-'"-'ing it in the garbage container for coliedio:: and disposal.
SECTION 2. T11e City Public :it'n'ices Officer vvith prior approval .from the City
l\foyo:r, :::hall fix t~.1.c. day and time for the collection of garbage in the diff{,rent sectors,
TI1e p!acmg of gai-bage outside the premises other than the day and time ::chedu.!ed i:::

U} p.-.-1'-11b:t
} ~U.


SECTION 3. Garbage is hereby

a. Ordinai-y

c. Special


as frillo\Ys:

day to day refose \t,hich are hazardous, ioxic, or bulky and

cai1 be foaded e!Eily by garbage collectors
r-efose i.-\-f1ich are t1anunable, toxic or <h~tnn1entat to the
health of the cornnrnnity.
because their Veight ai1d bulk caimot be catTied in the
ordinary cou:rs:e of garbage collection, such as trunk::: of
trees, exces::; cotE:.1:rnction materials, junks and the like.

.. ,, ,_.,_ l-=-



T...... - _






SECTION 5. For the coiiedion of special garbage under Section 3c herein abc ve
a special setYice fee shati be imposed at the rate of P300.0.,D per tnp. Payn1ent of the foe
sha!l be made tc the City Treasurer or !us duly authorized representative before coHecti('ln
ofthe ;:;pecial garbage mentioned


Violation of any prov1swn of thi;; Title shall be penalized as


First offense

p 100.00

TI1ird oiTense

i,000.00 or irnprisonrnent )f 1wt t:Xceeding one

(i) month

SECTION 1. TI1e provisiNi of this Title shall apply to all persons and cvlners .;:;f
private d-vvellings_ iots and/or cornpormds as vveH as conm1e1--cia1_ indmtria1, governrnent_
E:erni-goven1n1~!it" and/or contt-ol!ed Ct)tJKinltionfi and other estabiislunent:i' VFithin th~
territorial jurisdiction ofiloilo City.
SECTION 2. T11e fo!lNving te.tms are definedfo.r purposed ofthis Title:
a. "Violation. The acts, omissions and'or practices of the pers.::i1u n1entioned in
Sectit:in2, above, \'.ilich an: prohibited by existing City sanitation cntinances.
b. Sanitation Citation Ticket. The ticket is~;ued to persons coYered 1.mde:r the

~~~:~~i~~P~~~t~~~~;;i ~~~~:~ :~o ;~~t =~r.. '~~-;;~~s~:1~~?:~t~Xi,~~~1 ~~1~r~~~~:~~~~n~~-~i~~~~~t!. ~


of the particuiar infraction of the Tith:. he has vi.;:ilaitd and ais..J advises hin1 i:o appeat
before the City Mayor':; Office for apprnptfate disp.:;sition of his case. A sarnpfo ,)f this
ticket is illustrated in APP~TIIX-I.
c. Sanitation Officers. }.~ person duly authorized by the City Tvfay1.:ir t.::i issue
Citation Tickets to persons vi0lating ar1y city 0rdinance cn ::anitation. Thi;; Offoxr 1nay
be a pers0tmel from the City ibsess0r Office, City Health Department, a Bar~mgay
Captain or any per~;on 1-~t1om the City Th.'1ayo1 rnay authorize. They 1-vill not. receive
additional cotnpensfili0n but may be entitled to an allovrance.

d. Sanitation Protection Ordinances. Locai Legislative mle.:;, decrees or lavvs

enacted by the City Council to inrnre not only the ch.:J.nliness and ::anitation of the
people's surrnundings but tilsi.:< the pr0tert10n 0f their health fh)ln various disease~"
e. Y.iolator.: A pt:rson v.-no conunits a prohibited ad ancfot fails to cotnply with
any requirernent provided in existing City sanitation ordinatices.
SECTION 3. Each Barar1gay unit in Iloilo City shall actively participate in the
i1nplanentation of this ordinat1ce in order h:i make mcre effective and successfo! the
Ctty't> Sanitation Prngn~ni J\ftt>r then. C't)mpietii)ti. of the tr-lli.ning a.n;;:Vor semmars
de;:.;c.r-ibed in Subsection 5a, belo\v_ ea.di Barat1gay Captain shall be appointed a~; a
Sanitati0n Ofilci::t by the City Mayor. As such_ he shall see t:; it that all City On:!inanci:.::
;::n :::anitatii::>n and thi:: Sanitati,::>n Code are implemented in his bara.t'lgay As sanitation
Offic:e1, he i:s authorized to i:::sue Citation Tickets tc any person. in his bar;mgay "\1c1laiing.tU_
any city c'rdiua.nces on ::anitation.




a. Ail sat11tatHH1 officers shali undergo i:ra.ining aiH1or attend st:minar:::; v.hich
cover su~iecE! on: basic health. E:a.nitation pettinent City Ordinance:5 on sanitatit:m; pubhe
relations. !;CNle of Conduct and Ethical Standards frr Public OfficrnV:. ru1d FtnployeeE'"
and other related subject;:; as 1nay be necessarv. These training and 0r ~;aninars shall be


b. Only Sai1itati;.m Officers duly authorized by the City .ivlayor shall be a11o'\.ved t..:'
and i::sue Sanitation Citation Tickets.

c. Sanitation Citation Tickets ~;hall be is~;ued only vdien there is actual violation
.:if the pertinent City Ordinance. Documentation such as pictures,. s-..von1 stat<:ment::, etc.
nrny be taken by the S:.mitat!on OH1cer on at1 option cl ba-:is.

d. Sanitation Citation Tickets shall be accomplished accurately aiHl in foll by

filling out all item:: called fi:!t.. in the ticker fonrL especially the "VIOLATIONS" portion
e. TI1e sanitation Officer shall accompmn imn1ediately a Citation Ticket upon
discovery cf a ;;iolation. A:: scion as the ticht has been ac:rompiished,. the duplicate copy
shall be gi~:en tci the vicilator t.vithout delay. The time and the date the dupfo::ate ccipy vvas
given shall be indicated aftet the v:ord. "\'IOLA.TOR" on the reverse ;;;ide of the ticket
and then initialed by the offender- fo:r confinnatwn. The Sanitation 0111cer shaH advise t<::
vioiat<:"Jt to repNt to the Office ofthe City Mayor to pay the conesponding voh.mtary fine
;,vithin seve.nty-t;..vo (72) hours from his receipt ofthe Citation Ticket
f The quadrnpiicai:e (4) copy of the Citation Ticket shall be submitted by the
Sanitation Otl:1cer to the Office of the C~ity lVIay0r !1(1t later than 5:00 e"cl0ck in the
aften1oon of the day the '\1olation ~.vaf' d1::=covt'.'ted Thi:> Reet"ivmg Clerk at the Mayor's
Office shall indicate the time and date the quadruplicate topy was r-eceived airer the
V/crds, "r.,IAYOR'S OFF1CE" on the n:v;:r:;i: side of the ticket. after v.tJ.ich he shall affix
he initials fr.,r confitmation.

g. Tl1e originai copy of the Sanitation Citation Ticket shall be retained by the
Sanitation 0111cer ;,,fole the Triplicate copy ::hall be submitted t;;:: the City Trea:;nn:r-.


h. If after seventy-ti.vo
h.:ims from hi~' receipt of the Citatim1 Ticket th,:
violator fails to appear N. reft.J:;es to pay the Vc:ilunta.t7 fine in Section of thi:; Title, the
Cny Mayot shall dH..ect the City Legal Offi(:er to initiate \vithin t.vventy-four (24) h(lut.;;
prosecuticin proceedings against the '-iiolai:or \"vith the City Prosecutor's Office.

First Offense


Third Offense
Fourth an.d
Succeeding Offen~;e:.;
Pt.: secutor':: 011ke.

Fifty (50.000) Pes:;s
Two Hundred Fifty (P250 Of)) Pe::=(t:
Five Hundn::.d (P.500.00) Peso::.
fine, but the C:i:?e ddl be i11ed vvith


SECTION 6. TI:te foilovving penaitles shall be impo~;ed if the violat..:a i:::

pr.:;::ernted and i::: subsequently convicted by the competeru comt of justice: a fine of !l<}t
le:::: than Eve Hund!"ed (P.500 00) Pe;:o;: but ncit more than One TI1t'U~:a11d (PL000.0(i)
Pesos. or in tase vf insolvency vn (1) day irnprisonrnent for evety One Hundred
(P100.00) Pc-sos fine, or both fine and irnprisonment at the discretion ..:if the. ;::,:imt

SECTION 1. Defiuitions. For purposes of this Title, the vvotd "garb.age" shall
in dude the refose of such aninrn1 or vegetable matter or food supplies and ,.,,,-ere intended
for hurnan food but have been reiected for E:uch use. dead animafo 1iveighint:
approximately less than fourteen (1-i) kiios, offal and the refose of slaughterhouses. ~ -

Ilie v;ord "rubbish" shall include ;;te .;:.r used papers, pasteboan:k vroven
rnaterials, cigar ::ir cigarette butts, fruit peelings or the like, matting, stra\v, ban1boo, nipa,
gra::::, !eaves, baJrnna stems, sawdu::t, \VO;)d, husk metal caJ1s, or other metallic vesseb,
broken giass or porcelain, abo ioose 1)l decayed materials and dirt-like substances i>Vhich
nrny accumulate from repairing operations or from storing c11. deaning of propetty and
g0<:.,ds: and the dung of rattle, hor::es, mules, and :."ther matter of similar kind \foch the
dt.'veiopment of business vr industrv mav produce.
SECTION 2. i\ny o\\ner, prvprietor, tenan.t. head .:if household. or per;;on v.110
nHmages any night dub, bar, restaurant, h.mcheonette, cafeteria, cocktail kunge, sari-sari
store, public market ::tall and ior any commercial establishment::, apmtments 'Jr house::;
for rent induding residential hou;;es is hereby required io piace their garbage or rnbbish
in a plastic bag or receptacle tightly tied at its end to prevent leakage .:r ::catt;;:r-ing.
SECTION 3. Zoning Districts. T0 effecfr,ely carry ..:nit the provisicins of this
Code, Il0ii0 City is hereby divided into the foHo'.ving zoning district;


a. ..c::>.mt l
b. Zone II
c Zone III
d. Zone I'/

Jato, Dungon /ueas, Ungka, Tabuc Suba, Ba1aiitang i\.reas,i0 ih,,;~,alr,
\.." .. C':i!un1nfil10-
b . .A..reac
. ..:'
La Paz. Lapuz. Bo. Obrero A.rea~:
Ma11durriao, Diversion R.)ad. Airport, H.:u.sin~., Hibai::i-an .A.:1eas
- City Proper .Area

- J. -~;:. ..


J.l. i-~..

SECTION 4. Zoning Color. 1~~ hereby adopted as an ofiicial color of

<::ach 20ne \'>11erein the name of tli.::. o\\tH:r, i0cation of the zoni:;: es.1:ablished are ::ho'\.il
::ind 1ndicated in the ttash can. a:: frH0-:.v~
a. Z0ne I
Red color \vith red iettermgs i:in \d1ite frame backgrouud
b. Z.::;ne II
- c=reen CJlor with green 1etterin2 on ;vhite frame background
c. Zone III
- J\fatoon colm \-Vith mru. oon iett~rin~s on \vhite frame b~ckrrnrmd
d. Zone IV
Blue coior with blue lettering;; on vvhite frame backg.rnund
Bn:n;;il color ..,,.,-ith brov.11 lettering:: on vvi1ite frame backgnmnt1
SECTION S. Vi..:iiation of any provis1on .;n rms Title shall U? ...n convKt1011.
S'ubject ,)ffonder to a fine of One Thousru1d (P~,000 00) Pesos, i,)t. an i..'11pri:;onment ef
Five {5)n1onths. or both~ the discrdion o:ftht>



IlTLE \11
SE CTI OX 1.!:~tt'rnJ ec;tabi!3hrn.ent:;, 11<:'.'tl gf'Ye~"fHlH'i1! and non-!'."("~..:;rnrnent mstttutJO!l"~ ::h"'H h.f'
ie::.pui:i:::.ible foi: the d~;anlintss ol theil ;.;urn..'i:mdings apphXHu&e1y frun.1 3 k, ~' H;,.:itL

l J.~Ji&.:L:~'. fi~1ru.


0-~~,/11cd \:;r (l\::{Upit:.{1 .,,e. ''''""'.

:f:ar~111_ j"3.y (_.c1t:{ H~ea!rh In:-~p~rtor::.





a~.~Il\ . ~HJf:.:_.:




S.HtlU Oe



a:nd Sau.itati0n



i -i



CV'fl\' l1!0lHH_ r;;reie:ran1:/



- i



~.-.n 111~- .H.~;_:;f


The. and institutii:.1112 reknNi i) m Sedw11 1 t.ib1.:;ve nwsi aHt:rH.1 h.i 1hei1
surrottr1{b1122 an(1 e:n.sure t!-i~~ ~ar.t:t~ are it~e"~ :fici1n tali". t:n1cut (n.1~~{linurn

:1~~;l~n; ~~!~:Lgr~:~;: t~~!~-~;:~~ .,,~: }~~~~~~:: ;~!:~?::~::;;;~1:~~\!.1~:~r;:~ ;~i~il:~ ~f ~!:!~t-~~:::~:


fi)liag(: i11US1 l1e s\,\\~pt ar~d acc1trn.nlat{:d 2-~)ii ren.10'\:Ce,d ft-otn (.Utbs 311.d gBttc1 i::
h"f"Vid'i"d that p.:rV'lf:r qnd nr1bty Ct'mparne<:: mdnding ~Yater C'!ntractor:'. ''ha!! deari fol'Ofrd<:lai;. i:.r r~:l-idence i;_;f i:herr ~vNk;; 1.rn.dertaken v,cithin 48 h


SECTION 3. \"\'hen tu .-\t:rnmula1.e:-d "VVa.;;ui:s. DdAi;; anu ,.;asi.:

1natc tials acrnmuhll.ed shall be ::torf:' and discarded only during th;: s-chedul<:'d rBgulat

~'Cvlh~ct10n h0ur7~



SEC II ON 4. Visitation of f'.re1nhes. \~isitation of priYai:e and public prerH.i~..:.::

c-0t1dtlct~d. tr~ ac;r:eti3.1n thl'.?' -d.e9:r~e f:~f cieanline~=~~ (!rd~~rhn~~=--=- :_!~tt3t1c"!t1_ :=atety

z:h3!J be



Additlonai Liability of Bai a:ngay Cap tain:i,. If up'-'11 \ 1iiidl01l

itt aca~or,,Jat1c~ -~v'.\~ith t11e f7receding Sectii:n~ lt app~ar:~ tl1at tl"1e. Barat1_g'1:;?
r::onr::erni=>d haf:: not pn:ip!lV riHmtanied that d~grf'>e (f deanhoe--:;:-:; teqi.nt"ed ._.,nwn

,).f.. \.--11.'Ji"i ::;.




~ (:}


-c~:r {Jt ar~~

- ~;u.l;jiill.ttCJ or (Jbic(1zs .,~:~l1icl1 are

t{;quire{l to be chspos:"d ('f~














(j~~~t1r~r~:r~~', 1tr.~1.x
or fH'-~lit3t~\,.Pt;v



i_i t::Ut=-~_;i C'2--y t i1.X1~_)


i)ff~J:r 'i:. i ~.:t11ti-;r, liJ ~u~~-V 1/:;;"ate1., :;.~)il


fi::rrn. }Tt:rxtuies

r~~lb~1:tt-tt ~~~





'~.()fi1n1 erc1al t;stabli~J~:u11 ~nts~ public and pri\-311:3 in.:4:1tutic11s:, intlud.ir1g: tY11tir1e Y\~SS{[is .
.~~hRl! ~egrt"g~jr~ th~tr dt}'" ~nd :. ~t~.~t \~r~:F~te:~ tntcr ~~~l~arate c~~n.tGJ1ters/rectipt,.1e{e1c-~ {.,~f~~te

~.0llecii~fn\-l disp(1~.~a1

t11~ (~it\


I . an~:tfill





glass, rnda,

a1unH1l1.J.m, p2r.pcr,


( ~l)


the t1r:~t c~IHer:t1on ~rhedu1e fctrpia;jtit i1ags shall be u.:;;t:d a~ 1-ec:etz-tar:J~:s.


\~~/ ~?{"!ne::-da;t

tlA~ v~/eek_


i '

~=..:.:iit;.tt!t~ ~.:E >.i


t~tPt't-!t~~~ t(~


h:1_~:_trd1-J~t~::: C(!HJ~nr

~~lt(h h-:J?;it'(~{~UF'

nJ ~-=ttt=-f'J_;ll':






-- < -

- "'

(i1~r~n~"~<i thr~-~~tf~~~}_~


Lfi t. 1.fl ~:.lH ~:j-~}i .l:.)Ji fh ( .) {i

~-rn-~:t t1.e.t f"'r~~ t!?~d1 ~y

fil tliH.a.~.~

through the 3tr ::ept1r t~n!~~~ _ r1~;~~~~---.-~

hn1dfill. \."l.( iati4)11 ofth.i::~ Title~ tl1ai i~;~ i111pr.~s\.#Hiil-ti.n ~.r1hl

and ir, dt";r:rim n_1ati:t::t

thili1i1t;L;~ ~,1



;}"'--li\__>~'I 1.J,

;)t3:a ("'!'






pavrn en~


H<l:'ii:t:;) c\.i :.OJJt:Cl.i.ied hn.1;;: illlJ ~;.,_~k~fillt,

foll>"-t1ct-i-'dF'P0"=al ,-,r tht> < itv thnwf'h

~ ~)tli(~t: afrc1



~)l tJte :rcq1H1 ell




1-i . rta.u.sie1:.t. :Pubiit d:n.d pri\-:aie "ithities er1ta111g il)e C~itv iiru1L:.
~J.L1ll I1a\~B ptciper reeepta~ le2 t~f depo~it th~it -~.,=va.;:.~tts. tJ por1 lea\:i11g th~ C~ity tl1f \=-ef1ic lf.
~V/iH'rs t)f e><:'cup~0nt~ :~haH d1:"<:"ard theu "~tc-red <md aernmulated \V3.ste nIJth"L' at :''f.H'!'.'rh,:-d
area.; f~~t tl1e C(tllt~cticrn. Iioio\'C"/er. a ft:~:. ~~hall be _pai~1 ff-)l (iisposai of the ~~at11e a~~ ft11lo\'V~~a. P 10.00
cars/o\\11:2r-t:,~pt.: _
t: P 15 00
pas~engP'""~T"' Je;'T':~
t~ p 30.00
d. p J0.00
~.. Pi00.00



h ,:,htill ht foe due~ 1..,f die i.Uh'tL; anu other tt'".;';;fh.)nswh: p.cLuune.t A Iiit.
:111-c~:; 1".J police t11elr pas~.,2'11.g/:1~. Failure 01. auv nc.g!igt.n{t: on ti1cn: p~t
\~_-itb t~:~r th~.:- at~p~.1cat?!.~ f~n~~~ ?;r~d 1:~11~lti~~~ ~:.r-~..,-=.-r~;ied !n th?.7"': r~t1'


5ECTlOt'\ 17. 3anitaifon Chari(.!u Tio..:ket. fut -..i.Jaiiv:n i;,:1ffH:'1....u.":.: -=XLl->~2

3Jl{.f .-,>r e1l\?1r(;rrt11 -en.ta! p.r(~t~cti.011 3.:~ s,arritat1011-_\;it-at1011 r-~,~j~et ii
thf' (~fff::st~d~r ~Jf rh~ p;:trt~.etr~ar !ttfr-~~t~r~r1 u t!f th~s; ~f~t1~ h h;'=f~:" rrTtr:1Jr1f.tred ~it1(!
.nlf(i.' ha i~) ap-pcaJ
~::n gar1ittlti~::=n



t..;' ''' '



-..:?.:... 'C


}~~\'.'f7 l11J.rtdr~(t

(P5(Hl Ot)) tz~2c0 ~~


- i.,_)_nt



JJ:1;1;.~sI11t:iffl i1en~dt~/
~.Hr~ (rr at~


a f!r~e

iJJ~r1t-:~~;.1f~rn ~nt i.~.~

:ir-t..e~~t:?_,: ar~1~~h ~tl ~71 (fj! ~:

t.l~\/jj_- ;)iH.H t:i1i . ,-;::.~anii aLi r.)J},. ~.1-1 nean11


p1 ~--qt;,.Ci..:::





\.l lJJUV. Vt! J .r-esc;;:.~






.r~~]\/'f-~ .,..r:H{Yr-S-''-''-1_-f~

f)) n~ (tt1th~: c~t~ b;~~fh

~tuch ft.t1f'- 3f~E~


athJ pi ~\.;1-ill:n ~


: ft~<"Jt11 t11r;e t,) tirD~} 1:;sue -ruh.~~~~:. ~-e_gulati-ons

--. - ------ ----- 'f!Ht:.






r -:;-



111LL. \Hi

I1 EJ~tt\ll:STI'J{~~ f1~Tf-!~E:I: 11~c~TS .:l}~~Tf) C1 J\iI:;SJ.{=1}-T~~



c,, Hci1,:.;?1ri g q!;-~r :~ r:t r~r~ ~ .:-~~:1. r'!n ~=d. LHi..::rn1g. un the sueds, ;s1\kVlalks, paiks, ph:fr;::,1(imds a.1H.i
public ph ='.>~ Pti..'Vided, that a public ,,;;:hicie or rnnveva.nce ~hall
be C""'1F:~det'l"d as o pubhc place fl'! thF: putJH:>se:
t t-!~'i ;

, Pain:i.mE;. i.ns.c..1ibin12:. .:.\1 fh.>am;:;:. nf graffiti

1111.iiding.s" T,,_;;;.,-'alls~ f~nci"2s and ~tn1 iJ'.l!




pnbl.\(. u pnvaie

F ailw e to m ailn:a.t.n the ckanliness of pi eirnsits sun q1mdi.n.s:.

pti\.:-filc buiidin_gs or ~laCalli l{~ts: ffr)\'.'i,{ect that ir1 additizin. t-:~ tl-1~

hah!l~ty c.f th~ {";,vnet:". f::;r th~ p<:'n1~tii:>~ pn-..vtd~d h':"r.:>1n the~ ''~ty l'Vl3:,-..~
Ill av




'" -'1-





-rn~:: t.Jtau1n2, r.)l 1n~ pfc.1-r.11~t.::. ~~r \ ti(.llill !1,.)l i:U. llit. i::;>ipf.i~~;..;c, l:i UJ.t.

C~ity ~,Iay('.1 rnay dE"~/1s;c~

tt1r1n1ar1\.hr1.g 11ir11 t-~}

hom;: fh:'m 1::~uan~~"" t1Pn~""t .. ~,

1n :.:ucf1 a f:Yrt11 -J.s

the !VL~yo;,~ Ott1r<:' s1tbm "1:>Ve11tyt"t"<c'{" (t})

~:}ic1\1/ t~a:n~~. \\hy l1E. 6la)U1(1.nol be pr~>;:~(~cute:d f(rl \~1olaiii.)f1 (.'Ff thi:.~ ~J1 \11fE&.H.'..i_:.
per~od ;C""f. ~=.P:"',~~rity .t~~x~-ro ( . t~~)
;1!. ay '.:.h:~c:.t !;~~ heu.

i' l'- -- ' . -


- . .

tr11 'l..~r~Jnr~.f~t1i:1'

rq:l th~ Jjt1~ r.,.tT~.~~(i~Ci het'ei!1 ~f.: t~)j}!~~"?f~~

f 3) j)y:~:t oft.~rt~~t~

J-'r/~ j-JH.!-:~~!t~-:.d

provided herem '.'h>iH no lc nger he p>,>t1nittc'd ~th'f thi:,

JL)UI .:_;_ ~i1h.JIJ.Jd ihi;<: t i:;~p.._'>H fa ii t(, ar>pf& <.i J<c:fiJ~-' H.'



LJ..'i.L"'--.! l.



~>filtnaxite ~;;na




cJXcu1ati;)n m




:lf Iloikr, and


~U~F-K Nf1I:~ ,,~\


A1'\D iA_t,11ATION


.L!,)n GHitnati.t.c

;md I'f!ti4liz;'Hg


99-113(t:riii;..:kd11.J.v 5, l.i)91
~,hs- 0-;Jia~Jjti!
Vaii'Jiillmi f;~~:hdi1::f; GraJJiti in th,! C~_-r {Jfffoi1e"









,., _IJ'



\ C.(~ i\:lill. (:ll


-~- F~e.guai1~Jtt c~r{liaatt~~ :r~.)~ s~o -G~~ c~.nacted ~Iav ~9, 1~)51
D .,.,....,'_,



.; ,,~1: .. , ..=<'-

i7~ ..
..;lppn>.-fdSi~ii .i. <fl"

t1dlding and

( . J.&,. ..itX~J.~..,.---,,J.'




j.1e:f ,,(,,](fJitli

~,ta 01--dl11al4,;;l

f:!" ..:J,"-,;. ,, !'J. =,;,., __ #'.,,. Z-~"~_,J,. {'~" ~~-~" L -~= '~"i- ,,-~=-- -==.,;~[.Lill'i'iUIJli.5 . i!t:UHi);.f'J1 ,;:..;; 0-Tti-:;, .-.Ji.-!tUiJl'>J H'i.f.}i_lln.,r,1,;; \..v!nu~;;; (-!ltd,




Hifh b tcstimJJ,lf!iJ t111u1





.;o T


uf !{>fi

l: r

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l![fi:i-'i! ti.:;- t:s;~:~ lT:lei.;-{J J,J.i!J.iU

1 l' tJlifi.~JJJ 1-"./Jt";) L-I~ilJU.!f.~-::E .I""F-'{JJ".B 1.Jl.i!

/_!;f:rr#~~-7..t':i..P ti

_;_ ..s-..z--di-;;. .J.-"L.ii-.

..:-lllirrving FwJlt.f.l il_r


1 :r.r~,"iw!frtia~-

_r.~-" po. >-ii ..l.


th;1 { 'i-c; cj

,~:t.iFt!Ct.I !1J. _TtJ.-.;-;l;_.';i!ri [}j}ftJ&ti1~g



;.rJthit! Jft~ T
Tkt1;,rtt..f '!!td f'f!-r







f -


"1- .t eun.h~\ ~, 199-l-)

qf !!tri'l0 ~l~ !Unis ,s~.1tt:&:1.;y

::>'+ l'v,


,"V;J. 31fJ1
qf 1992, ~1.-1 OrJim:ti"iCe Rt:q1!.i:ti11,g fF,;:itvJ~ ffaltr'!ssc.'..~,
r.uul Ot!urs iflt (' Are f frwhn.u r'!f 4nv f fJvil .f 5t!:!bifrftm-;7Jl<;, Oar!f"~~T

~ ('1,f.-.,-

Pf'1}~!ntt!,~, .1\Ias.'frJJ.-s, 1'.Ja:;;.JU.~<' l'li~;~;:4~tTnaa1.tts, san,,."Ja SaJ.h Attjnulant.J; Ti! H".:JJ.;


vn th .2

c~"b.~:-~t Pu1tl~un t-;~f. . Th~~J. lJ~ifvrrn Ol L~r-il-"'f1' Thf!~t


l- iilid .t.lf-2~11h {~t?rt~ji.f.~Jo-tt-?:;



4t f!t1 n,'1rkp!t'!rnmd rm

} V;,?(ft'

(e:nat.i:ctl ,Jui-y 2-l., 1993) - ':4Jl Oi'Jiiiill'li~tt ~-'liij;IitJiiij{

S efll"(}idin{!fE:.:~.;?
. . ~~",;in- f!rdf~,;1~-C:4 _tJr.ri/t_(fl;li-n:!!
!~i!i~"~1:rigf 'tiJ ('-,J_f
-- . .-i~-~.,
fillstr~-,' Pil!!Yr if'!f,d Flt_rrjW"f:' i"N 4ltf Ytjtk tn Ptf!,~'! i11 rhfl ( it-r '"1 ftnii{f Hfrh 'rq,f
':l ..


Am! Pr~"dittg Pt:!U!"lf.J' f~

~.iil~li1illltt: ~Jv. )_L-3-0&










-1 ----


..-:_ ,




;; "'

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:: -- :::

~~.Uian~-~~ e-r~,i;C~--~(t .Hine.
l '.'.:";: j ;...'. ~_;-JiJlJl-4.JJ-t:~~ ;-;-t~~R-J..,jJ.f1J1:ii_
CI!f 7'~,,,,,.,,
J1P'".,_.,,,._, u111'"tr
f.rwl ,;;;-.~'l/~Ff::;;/,_
,,-,.-,,.,_, .,." .;;'_~jr. .~--"'~":)"~
1m v i*i'.-r..... -~ ti
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! ~ !!


t l~r Offlmll; H fr-lwu,t



f tom Flu f..J.t'firt! t>f 1h~ Ci{1' Alf9:fft: ''















i--t ~.er1J.t:leJ.
01diai~J1;.~z REgalu.ting flu: Op:t<atiun .AnJ Cva'itJJl{:tfon,
(i:;mmt!t"t".f,,,,l f,r.uposf!-s n: uldr1 tk'! ('J?:; q_f lJt-dJ{-,.'i




14. 1Y~}_j

Regulatim Ordinance No. 2004-149. June 16, 2004

(NOTE: Regulation Ontinante. No. 93-114 \.-""as "declared null and void fm- being
violative of Presidential Decree No. 1067 othen.vise kno~n as 'The \Vater Code of the
Philippines", per Decision dfted Marth 19, 1997 rendered by Hon. Rene B. Honrado,
Presiding Judge, Branch 29, Regional Trial Cout1 oflloilo City in Civil Case No. 21712
entitled "Lourdes A.nn Eugenie C. Jarantitla and Charles Fredericke Halim L Kanaan,
versus The Sangguniang Pautungsod of Iloilo and Hon. Mansueto A Malabor, May of
Iloilo City", fm- "Declaratory Relief'
12. Ordinance No. 93-042 (enacted February 24, 1993) - ':4n On1inaJJ#
Proiibitinf: Smok~ IJ#lching In tit# C~ OJ Iluilo, Pr#,rcn"bing 11u .;\f#cianks FIJI'
Insp#dion, App1ilun. don and Of P#1tilllks F111' ViolaliDn Of Tlis
OnJinanu. "
13. Ordinance No. 92-346 (enacted October 28,1992) - :4,, 0111ina1"e
Waitns, Jfam', Cooks, an4 Otiers Jf1io Ar# Worldng In Any Footl
Establishm#nls., Danu1-s., PDfo111U1,r, 1\-Jas.rt!Bt-S., Alas.rag# Clillk AthJJilantr, SaBltil
Bath Atlenilant.r To JY#ar 01 Pnt on the Chesl Portion of Thnr Vnifmm or Dren Thm
J.-'islid Ht!alth Cntjficatt!, Jf'Jiill! At tlu lforkplace and on ~And Providing Pmally
/01 ViolaJiqn Th#1l!of."

14. Ordinance No. 92-356 (enacted Nov. 11, 1992) - ''An Ort1ilt4JJe Ammiling
.S#dion Four (-ti of Ordinance No. 11, Saks of 1964, eniiluil ''An Or4i1MJJe
ReqBinng Tluale1 Owners And Ope1r1"11-s To .Spn1y Theil Tlualet:r 11niJ Pnwi4iatl
Pma"lly For Violation Th#reof," By IJJrt!11.sing tlu Pmaty Impar#a The':ein"
15. Ordinance No. 92-286 (enacted August 26, 1992) - '~4n Orilinanu Imposing
11114 Fixing the Fen Iii IN Paid by Holels, Re,ftwt, Toun'st Inns., Apartnunt-Hlllds,
Tllflrist Tn1nsp1111 Ope1tors1 Tnwt!l Agt!ncit!s and Otha Tou1ism Rl.#aU4
16. Ordinance No. 92-131 (enacted February 12, 1992)- '~4n OriJinaJK#
Rt!pealing Ordinance No. 44, Sm#s of1972, aniJ Oriinanct! No. JL'ls_, St!mr o/1981,
'~ Onlinancl! R#g11ladng tlu Estailifimenl, Opt!ralion and ltfaintenance ofPt-Wall
Memo1ial Pal'k T..we Cnndny JJ'illdn Ill# C~ ofIlllilD. "
17. Ordinance NI). 91-84 (enacted November 13, 1991) - "An Onlinanu

&IJllinr Smoking In Cntain Pablic P"laces and Pa1ilk Conv9ance.f In Iloilo C~ An4
Imposing Pmally For Vielldions Tlw#ef."
18. Ordinance No. 90-14 (enacted Febt11ary 2.1, 1990) - '~An Onlinanee
Proiibitinf: lit! Use ofCily .Sidt!Wlllks, Priblic Plaus and Plazas For du Conslnldion
ofStas and Kiosks/01 Co"llHlff!rcial PBtpos~s. "
19. Ordinance No. 89-74 (enacted September 27, 1989) - ''.An OrilRMM#
Rt!IJ.llD'ing AR ~ R#Jiilmts Iii Dqosii Or P"lace lier Garbag# Insitl~ P"lastic
ConlahHu, 01-- A~ R~eptaeh or H'"t11pping Millltials f11t PIHpfls#s of SlotDtg,
Conee11ling or Iii B# .S11bj1d in Cwning IJI. Endo.Jing Inlil ltltwa"bk P11r.kag1s R#IUly
anil Convmiml Iii 1u Picud Up ~ GariHige Disposal T~am for LINlllinfl intll
l>Bmplnu:k.r. ,,


20. Ordinance No. 88-176 (enacted June 8, 1988) - '~4n OnJinanc# R~IJllirinN
.All Mtlll V""10f'S TB Sd.fy tlu KRiil efMW 111~ A,.. S#lling.

Regulatica-1 Ordinance No. 2004-149, June 16, 2!))4

21. Ordinance No. 86-230 (enacted November 14, 1986) - 'jtfn Or4inlmct!
A11H111ling F11rllu1 Onlinance No. 291, St!1ies of 1981, 'ji(n Orlma11e1 Regallding du
L>igging and Ewavation ofAny Existing Nanonal, Cily anti &rangay Roails JJ'"idiin
du Cily ofRoilo, As Amt!n4~il."
22. Ordinance No. 86-145 (enacted July 25, 1986) of Piglns mtlu C. oflhRlo."


OriJ.inanct! R~


23. Ordinance No. 86-129 (enacted June 20, 1986) - "RttqBi1ing flu Pladnf: ef
An}' Df!ad Animal (Smalfl} A~ Drmg, or Any otliw Fillly, Pallill, or Olfmmt!
.mbstanu in l.ln-Lf!aking Plastic Bag Befo1f! Thron-ing ltin du Ga1bagtt Conminu."
24. Ordinance No. 85-121 (enacted June 27, 1985) - "An Ordhtancf! Rt!quirin{:
Ott.wttr.r or Tf!nanis Of.An")' Land iW B11iltling Which Is In.An L7nsaniia1) Conilitilnt 111
btt Clttt1nt!4 11t Tlui1' Et:pm.rttr, 111 lo F17l Up ta A Gwilt! Nt!Ct!SSlll)' for Pl'llJIU
Sanilalion. "
2~. Ordinance Ne.,_ 83-208 (enacted September 1, 1983) - " An Onlinanct!
Amf!nding Sobpanrgraphs (c}, (d) antl (0 '!_(Sf!ction 1 01 Onlinanu tVo. 2911 Sf!l"ks of
1982 Otlurniw.Known as '~4.n Onlinanu R~gnlating tlu Digging anil Er.;c.aiatioJt of
~ Edning National CitJ' an4 Bar11nc11.1 Roads Witltin du Tnrilorial Limm of lie

Cily ofJJoilo. 11
26. Ordinance No. 83-40 (enacted February 10, 1983) - An Ordinance
Prohibiting A19 Ptt-son Rtsponsiblt! For Any Afotor Veliich or Tn1ild Da11111ge4 m
Acciil#nl 01fo1 Any (ausf! a 1\.Joto1 Vihich Cannol .J.llov# by Its PltWtt; IH" to Park,
Rqoir, or lo Aban4011 mch J\fohw Vt!kicle tw Trllikr on .Any ponio.n of11 Public ,';Ired,
R1HuJ, or Highway Mlhin th~ Tantorial .Taris4idion of flu Cily of Ilailo Jf/in mci pour ar Obdn1ction or Haz11nJ.r to tlu Tn1Jfic of 01/t~r .ilfotor V~bkks or
P#4Emin.ns and Pnwiding fo1 flu Tonug# nml St0111g# Snvice Fus and Pma'llffs
tluuoffor R"J' Vi1ilalion. "
27. Ordinance No. 82-331 (enacted No\'ember 4, 1982) - ''P1oh:i'bilinf: tJu
Selling m Pt4tlling ofAJJJ' E4fbh Pan of Hog, Clm) Ca.rabao 11114 flt# L1'h,for fia1Jlk
ConSJl1ftption in llu City ofRoilo."
28. Ordinance No. 82-291 (enacted September 30,1982) - '~4n Onli1111nct!
Rgalating Th' [)jggi"!I an4 El:c.avaiion ofAny Exilfing National, ~and .Barangay
RoaiJ.r JfTitllin tllt Tt!J"ril01ial Limits of flu City ofRoilo. "
29. Ordinance No. 249, S-249 (enacted August 26, 1982) - "Prohibiting Tiu
Constmction of Tnumml Hous~.r, &rong-Barong1 l;Jak~Shift Hmn~s 01' Thi! Lil#
Along Efl~to.r, Rivn Bank, O'uks, C1111t1l5 Jf'"illuit th~ CitJ' OfRoilo.
Ordinance No. 336 (enacted November 18, 1982) - " S1dion 1
of OriJ.inanu No. 204, Snus qj 1974, An Onlinanu Rf!lj1Jiring All DnsgJfor#s
Opwaling in tlu City of Roilo to Fil~ a Rf!p111t With tlu Cily Hf!alth Offic# of Ilailo
~, th~ O..(fk~ of flu C~ .i'Wayot; aniJ flu Chi{( ef Poli-ct Rtgar4ing Saks of

R~Jaud anti.I or Prohl"b'i11d Drugs."

31. Ordinance No. 81-277 (euacted November 5, 1981) - '~4mmiling Furllur

Sulion 2, of Onlinanu No, 461 .Snia of 19797 Otlunvirf! Known a.r '~4n Orlmanu
Rttgulaling the l~re anil/01 OpnDtion of Slen!l1S in Pa1ilic Utility Vihichs, an4
PrlWiiHnf: Pma~s in Violation Tlur#of' As Amt!nd#d ~ No. 2661 .Sehr flt(__


/ -

Regulation Ordinance lTo. 2004-149, 16, 2004

32. Ordinance No. 81-260 (enacted October 15, 1981) - "Prohibiting llu
BalliilJ& SBD-bllihing and in t111J' Publk Phu;as Jtilhin t1u C~ of Il811;

And Impo.nng Ptnaltits in Violation TJinto..f."

33. Ordinance No. 81-13.5 (enacted May 28, 1981) - "A11H114ing Stmonl, Par.
1, of Orilinanu No. 4~ St1us of19711 An 01iJinaJJCt Rqulaliltg tit Emiliilottai,
Optt"Otion anil llfainun"nct of Ptff.'41t l\ftmo1ial Pa1-k-Typt Ctnultry Willdn it Cily
34. Ordinance No. 79-46 (enacted March 20, 1979) -

flu Ust and/01 Opt1-ation

in Violation Tht1toj."

ofStt!t~or in

'~4n Orilinanu R~

Pslilic lllililj Viikks anil Providing P011J'llits

35. Ordinance No. 78-146 (enacted December 19, 1978) - "'.An OnlinaMt
Prohibiting Dt.st1udio11 on A~ PBblic .siilnvalk, Higlmviy1 Road, er Slltd anil
Pnwi4ing Pt!naltit.r on Violation 11uuof."
36. Ordinance No. 75-.557 {enacted May 8, 1975) - "An Orilma11ct S1upmtliltf
tht EfftdililJ of Onlinan1.~t No. 164 and 1381 All Sttus of1974."

Cluuging .Busineu Hazanl Tax on EstabUr1u1untr Slm"ing H111:11nlous or
37. Ordinance No. 74-238 (enacted Decembet 26, 1974) -

Ordinance No. 74-204 (enacted November 7, 1974) - "AJ. Ordinanct

Rtq11,i1ing All Dmg.ftou.r Opt1111ing in tit Cily efll1111o lo F'ih a Repott Jfith tie Cily

Htalllt O.ffice oflloilo1 llu Offiu oftht Cily Amyot~ and tit Cbief of Police Rqariling
.Saks ofR~1ullhd 1111il1or Pnihibilltl Dtngr. "

'~411 OrilinaJJCt
in A~1 Public School

Ordinance No. 74-106 (enacted January 17, 1974) -

Prohibiting tht Placing and /or Allowing

Prtmius 01 Playgrnnnd in Roilo C~."

ofAnimalr to


40. Ordinance No 73-92 (enacted December 20, 1973) - ':4n OnliJMJtet

Rtqniling Dtaltn ef KtnJstnt or Injlammablt .i.,..faitrialr to Suun a Pnmitfrum flit
Offict of tlu CilJ Jl/ayo; anil Exiffing Dt1altn to Repmt tlu Volumt1 of Stock in thnr
Prtmistr or lJmltgas. ''

1.\ 1973) -


Rtgulaling tht Incrta.u of Rtntab of Rtriiltnlilil lanils_, Prnait Dwellings,
Apti11mtnlfy H ous~.r aniJ Commt!n-ial BuUings Locaitil in tht Cily qfRoilo. "

Onfomnce No. 73-76 (enacted Ncvember


Ordinance NC'. 72-130 (enacted October 26, 1972) - " An


A.mnuling Si!clkm 3 ef Onlinanu iVo. 14, Sn-U.r of 1971, and Section 1 or OrilinaJJC~
No. 114 .S~1i~r of 19721 E-umpting flu


ef Riu

Co1""1 Corn Gi"it.J', ..~fongo 111111

Otlur .B~ans llu Pti}'m~nJ ef.Sal~$ T11.x."


Ordinance No. 72-117 (enacted Aueust 17, 1972) - '~4n OnJinanu

Imposing P~nnit Fus on Shippt!rr Engag~d in th~ Basinns of Tran.sparling

DI' Shipping ofFooil SIIJffr from nu City ofRoilo. ,,
Ordinance No. 72-114 (enacted July 27, 1972) - '~411 Onmt11nct!
Increasing t1u Saltrs Tax ofOnt! Pu Cmt Impos~d 011 All Kinds ofBssint!ss in flit CilJ'
ofIloilo lo On~ 111111 OM Half P#l'Cml Effi!divi! mly 1, 1971. ff


Regulation Ordmance No. 2004-149. June 16, 2004

Ordinance No. 72-78 (enacted May 10, 1972) - ':4n Onli1111nc1 To
Prohibit A~y Perron. Within tlu limils of the C~ ef lloilo, 111 Sholll Birds witi tlu
Use efa Slingshot, A Luw-Pmvf!ud Riflfl m Anything Which .illay Hann .Snch Binh.."
46. Ordinance No. 72-44 (enacted February 29, 1972) - ':411- Orilinanct
Anuniling 011/inancr! No. 7, Snir!,f of 1971,! Knmvn 1u '~411 Onlinanu
Rtg111ating tlu Eflab6>h11Unl; Opualion and lt:liinhna'(lcf! of Ptivalr! 1\fnno1i4l PM-kType Ctmdt1)' or B111i11J Gt'o11nils Within flu ,T1uirilktio11 ofilu Ciiy efDoilo. "
Onfoianee No. 72-25 (enacted January 27, 1972) - :411 Ordi1111nct
I111JU1.Bng Lit-:enu Taxer on tlu Burinesr ofShippi11f1 or DimibBtion qfAnimals_. F1m'1,
Fiilt, Ct!nalr, Fndtr, allil Olht!1 Food .Stuffs."

Ordinance No. 72-14 (enacted January 18, 1972) - ':An OrilRMJJC~

l111JU1sing .Sales Tax on Et,~1y Sall! 01- Disln"bu8on l{r Drogstous, BaknUs,
C'a1Mdt!tia1 Rr!5latJn1nlS-i and Reftl!shJMnt Pat1ors; 11nil on llu Sal~ of Ric~, Corn,
Cont GJjt and .il1ongo, and Oilur .Buns."

Ordinance No. 72-12 (enacted January 13, 1972) - ''An Onlina11u
Amending Section ..? ef Ordi11anu No. SS, Snies of 1951, Reg11lating the Colhdion
anil Disposal ofGatbagt! in (/u Cily oflloilo. ''
Ordinance No. 72-7 (enacted January 11, 1972) - '~4n Onlmanc~
R~qlliting ilu S11nilii1)' In~ction of.All Bsmuu ErialJlirhm~ni.r in tlu <;~ ofIloilo. "

51. Ordinance No. 71-7 (enacted May 27, 1971) - ':4n OnJmance R~Jlati:ng
t1u Establiihml!nl, Opuatien and Af11i'llU111mu of P1iv11tl! 1lfonorial Park-Typ~
C~wulety or B1.lfial GnJ1mds 1fil1Ein tlu Juri,rdidion ofRoilo ~, and Pnn. iJing t1u
Penallierfor I -'iolaiions Thereo..f."
52_ Ordinance No. 66-::3 (enacted A.ugust 4, 1966) SuJion.r 1 and 4 ef Ot-dinanu ,Vo. 4 S.e1ies of1966._i"


OnJinanu AmeniliJw

54. Ordinance No. 66-: (enaded March 14, 1966) - "An Onlimm-cf! Rf!gulaling
llu Ertablirltmenl of Plant.r PnJiJucing Aulykne, 0.9w~n, Ox.rg~n 01 Olin
Ga.s~on.r Pn1d11ct1 in

flu City eflloilo. "

Ordinance No. 66-4 (euaded February 10, 1966) - '~4n Onliunc~

P1ob1"b#ing the J\fmnlmanu or Op~ndion of Log, LBJniNr, Ply1w1oil or Lnvan"il
Slockya1Js 1:ntht! City Pn1pf!1 ofilu Ci~)' ofRuilo."

Ordinance Ne. 64-15 (enacted July 2, 1964) - ''An Onlinancl! Fi.xing tlu
R.ate of Sn1iu Fu for ilu D#live1J' of Jfat6 ~flu City of Hm1o to Any Smp m-
Batg~. ''


'~4n Onlinanu Rtqmriltg

arul Pn1;:iding P~nally Jm

Ordinance No. 64-11 (enacted April 7, 1964)-

Tluatn Utt-'1f~1s and Op1m1tnrr lo Spn1.y Tluk

Violation Tlusi!qf n

Th~titn. r

58. Ordinance NQ. 64-9 (enacted March 12, 1964) - "A.rt OriJiMnu R~qJJ'iriJtg
Tlu111re Ott-'IUl's anil Op#rtdorr to Spray Tluir Tluaun 11nd Pnnid-ing P~1111lly ftJt/}1. 1
Vio"lalion Tlur~ef."
( .f--

Regulaticn Ordinance No. 2004-149, June 16, 2004

59. Ordinance Nci. 63-26 (enacted November 14, 1963) - '~4n Orilinanct To
Rwist tlu Anli-Litu1inf: Onli1111nu Of Tiu Cily Oflloilo 11n4 For PB1pos1s"
Ordinance No. 62-26 (enacted September 27, 1962) - ~4n Ordi1ta.nct
RtlJllirinf: Inclamm in Offeial Rtuipts Covtling Colhdioas ef Fus Un4tr
Onlinancts 011 Inspution Fus, Ou Namts of Slipping Companks aNl Boatr antl tlu
"Data and N111nlur oftlu Bill ofLoailing. "
61. Ordinance No. 62-13 (enacted June 22, 1962) - '~4n OriJiMnct RtlJllirinf:
Owntrs or Poss1.rso1'.s of La'llils or BuiliJing.s to Maintain Tluw Pnmists In .Sanilluy
Co'llililion. "

Ordinance No. 62-4 (enacted February 15, 1962) - '~4n OnJina:nu lo
AJnmtl 011li1U1nc1 l"lo. 73, Snits ofi960, bJ Dntang tit Wot-ds "HosJ1ss1s'' Fromilu
Sai4 OrililUlnct .,

Otdinance No, 60-78 (enacted December 28, 1960) - ''An Onlinanct

Imposing Saks Tax on Gasolin11 K11ostnt 01 Pm--oltum, Lulnicating OilS;. Ditstl Fad
Oil, Grta,rt anil B11nb1' F111l. "
Ordinance No. 60-77 (enacted December 22, 1960) - '~4n Orilina:nc:t
Imposing A },fJRJicipal Lk111s1 Tax o:n Bars 01 .r;fores Selling .*'lative Akoholk
Bnenlfjes 111,riik tlu PabNc 1\.fatk#ls. "

Ordinance No. 60-32 (enacted June 8, 1960) - '~4n OnJinattu lmposilJK
Sloragt Fu 011AU Gasoline, K1rosm11 Engine L11brk11ting Oi,, Diesel Fae~, ~ar Oil,
Gt-east 11'1111 Bsnu1 F1uL "
Ordinance No. 60-20 (enacted March 4, 1960) - '~4n OnJinanu cnargilt:
Hotils anil Lodging HoB.$tS to Pay 11 Ciiy Tax jm Et.'D]' Gsest 01 .Sojoumt1' Givm
Accollf1IJOdation in Sach Holtls or LINlging Houses."

Ordinance No. 59-12. (enacted June 11, 1959) - .,Reqnhi11fi HiMls 1111il
Lllllg1ng Ho11:res to Mllu Ml1lllldy Rquwl of All Ptt-sons Rtgis'lmng As GMsts tw
Soj11w1u1.r Tluuin, AllHniing Tlre1efor, Ot"ilhunce No. 1, Se1ier of 1947, 11.r
A11Hllileil. "

Otdinance No . .59-11 (enacted May 28, 1959) - ':An OnJinanu to
Furtiet Amtnd 0111iu.11u No. 1 S,
of19S8, ar Amentlml, ~ Reiluciltfi tlu Rahs
ofTllitio:n Fees ofRoilo Ciy Higl Sciool."


Ordinance No. 59-9 (enacted April 23, 1959) - ncluuging Hots.J anti
Lllllginf Hoase,J to Pay Rtgidration Fet for Evny Giust or Stfiosnur Givm
Accommoilatio11 in Such Holelr or Lodging"

Ordinance No. 57-9 (enacted April 10, 1957) - ''A11Hnding Ordinanct
No. 11 Series of1957, RE: Onli1111:nc:t Rtqsiling All Hotels Dt1i1fg Basi111s,r in ilu Ciiy
of lloilo to 1\.lah 1JTuldJ Rqot1s of Al P~1so11s R~isllti"fj as Gu~st or SqjOBmtrs

Ordinance No. 57-7 (enacted March 20, 1957) - '~4n Onlinanc# to
A.mmd S#clion 1 of Orilinanct No. 65, Sa-its of 19S6 RE: Ordinanu Imposing Saks
Tu o:n Gasoli11~, L1os~1U 111 Pt1n1k11111, ~ Oil, l>itsfl Fu~l, Anti G#ar Oil j/I,( _
SBltl IW Disll'ibulti ill flu ~ qf1loff. ,,


Regulaticn Ordinance Mo. 2004-149, June 16, 2004

Ordinance No. 56-65 (enacted December .5, 1956) - '~4n Onm11mc#
Imposing Saks Tax on Gasomu, K1rosm# or Pdt"Dleum, L111icldint: Oil, Dks6 F111l,
anti ~ar Oil Selil 01 Dimibllkil in tlu Cl~ ofRoilo."

Ordinance No. .56-12 (enacted March 15, 1956) - '~4n Orilinanc~
Prol117'Jiting ihe Blowing of Homs Within tlie RJuJiBs of Two HBJtilted J\leun Fro"'
Any Hospilal, School, Da1ing Cu:res Hm1H anil ihf Coutt of Justit~e 1l1iik in
_.f\._ e.r.non.

Ordinance No. 56-6 (enacted February 1, 1956) - '~-4n Ordinance
Imposing Taxe$, on hblic Danu Halls, Dancing Schools, Cabart!ls, anti Night Clulu."

Ordinance No. 55-3 (enacted February 1, 1955) Prohibit tlu Bl11tring ofHonu of1\rfoto1 Villide.f."


OnliMnce ID

76. Ordinance No. 54-40 (enacted December 27, 1954) - "Prohfbiling 1111
Tllnming ofDBmpillf: of Riu Hurles into Ru River 'iftlu C11rrent is nol Strong."
77. Ordinance No. 53-13 (enacted June 11, 1953) - '~-411 On1inanc.e Prncn"bing
Reqaisilts m flu ConslnJdion of Copra Boilegas or Copra Jt'"arihousts, anil
Reg111affng ilu Conilucl, Afainlt1111nce anil OpttBlion of flit Samt anil Pnwiiling
PmallH,r/01- the Jlolalion Tllutoj."
Ordinance No. 52-44 (enacted October 23, 1952) - "S1,rpt1Nling Ii#
Ff(tctWity 0J011Ji1111nu No. .fl, Stl'ks of1951 of#u City ofIloilo."
Ordinance No. 52-42 (enacted September 23, 1952) -'~4.n OnJi1Nlnct
Rqalding the Opn-.lion offlu Chy OB111eil ~{Dior Vihicltr anil Providing For Olllu

PB1p11sts. "
Ordinance N. 52-32 (enacted Septmiber 3, 1952) - "An Ordinance
Prohibiting Fowls to go Astr-ay in Any of the Public Places of the City."
Ordinance No. 52-23 (enacted July 11, 1952) - '~4.n OnJfnanu Firing tit
Tax For Cattn!1 on Alcoholic IJft't1-ages anil or Sojtil1jnkr.."
Ordinance No . .51-55 (enacted December B. 1951) - :4n Onlinanct to
Clrargt Fu fo1' th~ collection and Di'q.Joral of GailH1gt1 and lb P,-widf! for othtr
Ordinance No. 51-20 (enacted April 19, 1951) - ''P10J11"biling tlu
Con.dt11dion of BuUings, Hoase.J or tit! Lil::~ of Light 01 Jt/iy,;el .!.fatDial m'lldllrt,r
Within tlte Boilo Pt'Optr Boundtl ~ tht! Roilo Rit'n-, Gsiman1r Stt-ait and Jalaniloni
Ordimmre No. 51-16 (enacted :Marrh 3L 1951) - '~4.n 01mnanc#
P1ohlbiting tlu Bu111ing of Ga11Hl.g# Within du Raili1u of Fifty AJ"'an:r From AnJ'

85. Ordinance No. 50-B (enacted May_ 12, 1950) - "An OnJinanu iltdatjng
Fry tlu Cn11tffmation of Qu~on .Strut

r~slJ'U:Ul Atea All Land hat Af11J1 b# Trav#ru4

fro111 J. De L~on Stnd to Ri!al Stud."

86. Ordinance No. 50-6 (enacted January 13, 1950)Baibu Slops W"itlrin tlu c~ o..fJlllH.,,

~..y, Ordinanc~ R~plalinf:



Regulation Ordinance No. 20C4-149. June 16. 2004

Ordinance No. 49-37 (enacted June 12, 1949) - "An OnJinance FBrlJiw
AlfffJUling 573 of th# R~is#d C~ Onlinanc~r of 19..?5 as Am#nil~il ~ A1tid# 439 of
llu Cily Cedificul Onlinanus of19J9. ''
Ordinance No. 48-69 (enacted October 26, 1948) - '~4n Onlinaac~ lo
S1up~nil the Foru anil Eff#ct of S~ction 67
flu Ced~ of Jtfsnidpal Onlinanus,
s~,j~s of19..?9 with Res1uf1 to Fn1it and Fknv~1 V~nilorr ()nlj."


89. Ordinance No. 47-21 (enacted February 11, 1947) "Floating Jf'auhoHu" and Providingfm Oilur Purposes."

Al1kh T1i~o

'~An Onlinanc~ D~ng

Ordinance No. 46-87 (enaded October 1, 1946) - "FB11hn- Ammiling

oJOnlinanu No. 71, C.S. asAm~nil~d, tolnclad~ Th~,-~inlliiJ~s Cstlnlo


91. Ordinance No. 46-89 (e!lacted Octciber 1, 1946) - "Fm#u;: AmendiJJg

Alticl~ Two of Onlinanu ,~fo. '!1, C.S. as Ammiletl, to InclBil~ Tlurnn HiilEs Cnt Into
92. On:tinance N::i. 46-85 (enacted Septembec 30, 1946) - '~4n OnJinaJJCt
Requiring tht Otvnn1 ..4dmini.m11t01 m- Pn-son fn-Ciargt ofE11ny Ho11.rt or BBil4i1ff:
O.fftrtd Fo1 Rtnt, Or That l'i Actlla~ Rtnltd lo Rtgistn 1flth Tiu City J\Jayo1;
fmporing Rt!girlnrlion Fu Thtrtof, and Pretidinf:Jor Othn Purports."


93. Ordinance No. 46-84 (enacted September 30, 1946) - "Sa.rptnoing tlu Foret
and E.fftct o..fCity OnJinanc~ lt/o. 7~ Strle$ of1946, Until F11rihn Onlw. n

94. Ordinance No. 46-83 (enacted September 30, 1946) - "An Onlinaact
AmtlllHng Attidt Two of CilJ Onlinaact iVo. 71, Stti4s ef1946.."

95. Ordinance No. 46-82 (enacted September 30, 1946) - '~411 Onlinanu
Imposing P21m'it Fur on Bamboos, RJ.jlu and Ni]JIU .rolilfor Comm~n:Url Pu1posts."
96. Ordinance No. 46-81 (enacted September 27,l 946) -"Snrpemling th~ Foru
and E.ff~ct of City Onlinanu No. 68, Snie.r of19461 l/ntil Fm1h21 Ord~" n
97. Ordinance No. 46-80 (enacted September 27, 1946) - "Ami!mling At1idt 1 of
Onlinanu 1.Vo. 6J? S.t1it.r of 1946, ~ E-cunding tiu DttUllint for ilu Rtgi>t1111io11 of
All Alitns nHiiling in tlu Cit:;: efRoilo Fn1m S~pt~mbt1 ..?0 to Oclobt!r ..{1, 1946. "
98. Ordinance No. 46-79 (en3cted September 27, 1946) - ~4,, OnJi1111-.ce
Farlin- Amending tlu Rau of Permit Fu Ch111'fil!O fm tlu Shipmml of Comr From
tie City of Roilo to AnJ' Place 01stfiile tlu Ptm.inu of R-oilo, ar Fi\-~d llJ' Otdinaace
No. L?7, .S~ril!r of1946, a:ndAm~nded ~ Ordi1111nu iVo. 561 CS."
99. Ordinance No. 46-?8 (enacted September 24, 1946) - "An OnJinanu
D~ng tlu Term C~1 of Roilo" as Uud or Jt1uuvw Foand in AU P1'~io11.r Cily
Onlinanctr Rl!ganling flu Ercil ofSBgat~ Rit~t and Otlut c~ualr aJUJ of Latg~ 011111!,

Mtat., Hiilt!r and Otlu1 Foot1stuffSi and flu Imposition of Pnmit Fus Therl!fm2, and
Pnwidingfo1 Oflu1 P111porl!s."

100. Ordinance No. 46-77 (enacted September 20, 1946) - ~4m~niling

Paragraph T111u1 A11kll!1 a/Ordinance No. 11, Se1us of1941, on Fishetll.f. ~!

Regulatim Ordinance No. 2004-149, June HS, 2004

101. Ordinance No. 46-76 (enacted Septembet" 20, 1946) - ':4n Ordinlutet
.41nmiling Anklts Ont anil Two ef Onlinanu No. 731 C.S. Rtgarilmg tlu Exil of
Carabaos anll tht SlaJJghltting of Tho,u Tluit 1\:faJ' bt Fit /01' Labm OF Btutling
Pmpo,ur, "

102. Ordinance No. 46-7.5 (enacted September 20, 1946) - '~4n On1inanct
Ammtling Arliclt Ont of Ortlinanu No. 70., C.S. ~ Atlding Tlutno Atld"itional

103. Ordinance No. 46-74 (enacted September 17, 1946) - ':4n OnJinanct
Levying Tax On Evuy Tichi So"Jil by !tfmrit Hoasts 01' Thtalns in t1u City ofRoilo,
and Pnwitling/01 0tht!t' Pmposts."
104. Ordinance No. 46-73 (enaded September 17, 1946) - ~4,, OnJinanct
Proh1"biting tht Er:it of Canibaar ftom tlu Ci9 of110110 and llu Slaughutjng of Thast
Thi -'\fay bt Fitfor Labor 01 Bruting P111posts."
105. Ordinance No. 46-72 (enacted September 17, 1946) - ~:4mtnding Arliclt
OJH ofCily Ortlinanu No. 44, C.S. B,_y Rttladnf: Tax Rtqllirttl Tlurein."
106. Ordinance No. 46-71 (enacted September 13, 1946) - '~n Ortli1111ncf!
Rtqsiring th~ Jn,rpedion izy Du Ci{r Vdniltarian ofall HNks Tal:.n OstDd~ From Ii~
Cily eflloilo anil Providing Fu Tll~1efor~."
107. Ordinance No. 46-37 (enacted June 18, 1946) - '~4n On1inanu to.Ammtl
Onlinanu No. 28 S1ties of 1946, Knon.11 1u "An Ortliunu R~alating t1u Edi of
Footl .Sspply and Labur Anhmilr and Imposing P~nnit Fu Therefo1~."
108. Ordinance No. 46-13 (enacted February 21, 1946) - ':411 Ordinanct
RgBlilling tlu Occupation of J11ikess1 Hoslns, ot: Pn1..f~ssional Dancer in Bars,
Hottls, R'staunmts, Caf~$1 Nigit Clabr, Cabardr, Dane~ Htill, 01 Dancing St.~hool an4
Pnwidingfo1 11 Tlunfou."
ENACTED, June 16, 2004 (Rules Suspended; with C>tle (1) abs-tention: Councilor
Mandrie Malabor)
I hereby


to the correctne5s of the .ftYege>ing.



Presiding Officer

ity Secretary

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