Report On Sky Bus
Report On Sky Bus
Report On Sky Bus
India is one of the leading developing country in the world community today.
But, the main obstacle it is facing is its large population. Now a days
communication has been one of the most important aspect where our country
is concentrating to work in, for its development, where mass transportation
plays a vital role as we always have to think about moving of a large
population in a very denser area. That’s why our Government is planning to
implement the new technologies in mass public transportation.
The most precious asset in growing urban areas is the land. Allocation to
residential and commercial purposes put heavy pressures on land for public use
like parks and open spaces apart from very important and critical roadways.
Hardly 6% to a maximum of 18% of land in cities form roadways. The roadways
once laid- almost remain constant – at best- and may effectively reduce by
uncontrolled encroachments. The physical constraint of road area being
constant, as population increases, naturally loads on roads increase.
As more and more people from different habitats try to converge on to the
central business district, the road has no capacity to handle and congestions
erupt. Roads take one exactly to the point where one wants to go. But the
capacity is limited in terms of passengers per hour that can be handled. Even if
one considers only buses, need to maintain the braking distances between two
buses and the space
maintained between them affects speed as well as limits per lane what capacity
can be achieved. When mass transit , that too at higher speed is required, rail
based systems only can handle.
The new technological solution, in terms of Sky Bus Metro is based on the
concept of Sky Wheels presented in 1989 at World Congress for Railway
research. This innovative alternative transportation solution completely
eliminates any possibility of vandalism, derailments and virtually maintenance-
Sky Bus Metro is the new rail based mass transit system that re-defines urban
transport solution making the existing elevated and underground metros
obsolete! Sky Bus Technology Launched 15th Oct.2003 Life size Prototype at
Margao, Goa by Shri Nitish Kumar ji, Hon'ble Minister of Railways, India.
2. The Inventor and developer of Skybus:
He was involved with the Konkan railway project from the beginning of
construction (1990) as a Chief Engineer, Director (Projects) and finally as the
Managing Director(1998 to Jan, 2005)
The fixed structure at 8 m height above road level is aesthetically pleasing and
there is no concern of claustrophobic feeling for road users.
Aesthetic and eco-friendly, the Sky Bus can never derail, capsize nor collide-
by design as well as by construction, hence is safer than existing rail-based
system. With no signalling and having no points and crossings, it is a unique
mass-transit system, which can be put up within two years in any crowded &
congested city.
Sky Bus metro falls under tramway category, under Art 366(20) of
Constitution of India, since it operates along existing roadways and within
municipal limits, hence excluded from Indian railway act.
4. Technologies
Well proven rail guided bogie system commonly used for normal railway system.
Proven 3 phase asynchronous AC electrical motive unit-well proven and widely
adopted abroad as well as in India.
Light weight coaches called “Sky Buses” which are suspended from Bogies and
Travel below rail guides.
The sky bus metro is designed considering various parameters to make it the
mode of mass transportation of the next generation. Passenger’s safety,
environment safety, low cost of production, noise less movement and economic
running are few most important parameters, based upon which this is designed.
The under-frame remains same, railway wheels run on the same track,
the coach is firmly attached to the under-frame positively .
The under-frame with wheels and railway traction motors & railway track
enclosed in the concrete box- travel on the railway track , carrying the coach
below outside the concrete box- now the coach and the track are positively held
together- cannot escape from rails!
6.1: SKY WAY
• Standard two axle bogies used in metros for speed of 100 kmph are used
(but can have higher speeds,if required up to 160 kmph)-of standard
• Linear induction motor technology is incorporated-with 4th rail driving
which is above the bogie/or 3 Ph AC motors with regenerative power
• Third rail is used for current collection
• Braking-bogie mounted
• Regenerative
• Disc brakes
• Emergency mechanical brakes
6.3: Sky Coaches
• Double walled light shells with wide large windows are suspended
from the sky bogies
• Controlled banking on curves- even 100m radius curves can be
• Air conditioned and with automatic doors
6.5: Traverser:
There are no points and crossings. The traverser is the system which
automatically shifts the sky bus units for balancing the loads/ changing routes
too as well as shift units to depot lines etc. Proven technologies and a very
simple solution by merely re-engineering the components constitute Sky Bus:
7: Salient Features
Driving bogies:
100 kmph standard gauge 12 ton/14 ton axle load powered bogies -same
as used in metro rails with 4x110/115 Kw asynchronous 3 ph AC motors
with power-regeneration and capable of peak 1.3m/sec/sec acceleration
Underframe- fit to take crushloads of regular main line coaches- more than
Train unit:
Each train unit 20m long with two driving bogies- the coach divided into
2x9.5 m long buses connected through vestibuled door
Capacity of 20m long train unit:
Each Skybus unit 20m long having two compartments( 3.25m x 9.5m) of
9.5 m , can carry almost 400 persons at 7 persons/sq.m density peak.
The 20 m units can be attached to form a 3 unit, 60m long train of 1200
persons capacity
Simple three aspect signal system driven by line of sight by motorman, with
additional unique safety layer of Raksha Kavach, capable of providing 40 sec
headway- but planned 60 sec.
Route Capacity:
Stations are 60m long to handle three units of Skybus, covering next 25
years of requirements-though initially only 20m length is needed.
Easy Access:
Can be designed for 20m radius of turning radius, and vertical lift, if
needed- thus we can avoid totally demolition of any built up urban
property, if needed.
All along the route the alignment is typically located on the median (
1.2m diameter columns at about 20m spacing) of the road, needing
right of way at 6.5m above the road, the fixed structure carrying
railway tracks located at about 11m- thus avoiding claustrophobic
effect for road users. Typical road widths normally of 10m all along
and at station locations 20m width for 60m length desirable.
Depots will be outside the urban areas, needing about 25 hectares
land for services for every 10 km route.
Stations are located with access from existing footpaths, and over
and above existing roadways, none of them longer than 60m to cater
to next 100 years of requirements of city- practically requiring little
Power requirements:
Typically for tropical climate conditions, for a module of 10 km route, 15
MW power needed covering traction and all services including comfort air-
conditioning loads at stations.
8. Advantages:
Fast Transportation
• Every minute passengers to get Air Conditioned 100 km/hr speed travel
facility, covering distances at more than 45 km/hr. Average speed at just
50 paise per km.
No demolition
No Vandalism
Fire Protection
No Deaths
Deep Penetration
• Sky Bus follows existing busy roads, thus reaches the very heart of the
city decongesting the roads. This is not possible in case of Normal
• Almost 50% of elevated systems & 25% of underground metro for same
performance standards
Fast Clearance
• Since the system involves guide ways in the sky, which does not fall into
an exact definition of Railway, the number of agencies involved in
clearing and executing the project will be minimum and only one authority
at state level will be created for implementing the project.
• Can handle 18 000 to 80 000 pphpd (Persons per hour per direction) and
can still cater to growing needs. >
Fast Execution
• From the date financial closure is achieved, the Project can be completed
and commissioned within 100 weeks i.e. about 24 months.
No Pollution
No Force Major
No traffic Jams
No waiting
• All Sky Buses are Air-conditioned giving you excellent comfort of
Easy Access
• User needs to walk maximum 500 meter distance to board the Sky-Bus.
After the successful test run of the sky bus in its test track in
Madgaon , Goa , The Indian Railway has recognized its work efficiency and
found it as the future of mass communication in the urban areas. The Skybus
has proved its effectiveness in various sectors in all the tests it has gone
through. Hence the. Skybus has proposed by the Railway department in
following cities of India:
a,Thane,Bhubaneswar,Banglore,Chennai Coimbatore Delhi, Goa, Gurgaon,
The chances of collision between two skybuses is nearly zero. Because the
well tested anti collision device developed by Er.B.Rajaram called as “RAKSHA
KABACH” will be there in each sky bus bogiee.
In normal railway systems, when collision takes place,derailment also
occurs, and carriages capsize killing people. But in Sky Bus no collision can
take place between the coaches- even after the 3 levels of braking fail and the
Sky Bus units hit each other in a collision, the Sky Coaches in which people are
travelling, will only swing to and fro- but will not collide with each other nor
Fedders Lloyd Corporation Ltd.
The Sky Bus metro is one single technology which can change the face of
our cities, take out almost 10 million road vehicles in the cities and make the
cities liveable, improving quality of life and attract and sustain economic activity
to generate wealth.