Mooladhara Chakra
Mooladhara Chakra
Mooladhara Chakra
The chakra is coral red in color, and has four petals inside our subtle system. The Mooladhar chakra is located as Left Mooladhar [in the left channel] and Right Mooladhar [in the right channel] and Central Mooladhar in the centre in the central channel. The overall problems of Mooladhar chakra as described above can be more specific relating to the left, right or the central Mooladhar chakra.
How do we identify the left mooladhar problems? If we have pricking on only the left heel of the palm or the left heel in the leg, it indicates a left Mooladhar problem which means we may have physical problems on the left side of the body around the Mooladhar [see above for problems] or chastity or purity related problems in the quality level. The treatment for left Mooladhar chakra is to use more of mother earth elements as described above. We can also keep our left hand open and right hand on mother earth. Also left hand open and right hand rotating in front of the left side of the Mooladhar chakra and throwing the negative energy on mother earth. Intense treatment of left Mooladhar problems if the problems continue for a longer time: We can use the fire element for clearing any of the left side chakras. With regard to left Mooladhar, sit for meditation, left hand open, take a candle and rotate it three to seven times in front of the left Mooladhar chakra. Keep a candle on the left side of our body while we sit in meditation. We can show the left heel of the palm little above the candle and right hand on mother earth for 5 to 10minutes. Write the problem on a piece of paper, with full faith and desire that your problems must be resolved, keep the written paper in front of mothers photograph for the problem to solve.
The treatment for right Mooladhar chakra is to be more cheerful, have a regular married life, drop our rigid past conditionings, taking bath in ice cold water. While sitting in meditation, place your right hand towards Shri Matajis photograph and left hand towards the sky. We may also keep the left hand facing Shri Matajis photograph, rotate the right hand in front of the right side of the Mooladhar chakra 3-7 times and throw the negative energy on the mother earth. All these treatments will only work if we have full faith in ourselves and our powers that we are connected to the divine power which is also called the Paramchaitanya (Gods vibrations).
Meditation on 4 Petals of Mooladhara Chakra
The Deity (Divine Personification) of the root centre, Mooladhara, Shri Ganesha, is Humility, Innocence, Purity, Fearlessness, Patience, beyond description Shri Ganesha, part of the Christ Incarnations Jai Shri Ganesha!!!- Jai Shri Mataji!!! After the initial cleaning process of your Spiritual body, this set of prayers will enormously heal you!! Hold your right hand on, or towards Earth to drain negative energy from the left channel (Ida Nadi) and Mooladhara, and with left hand to Shri Matajis photo, and after asking Shri Mataji for each Blessing then allow your attention to hold the desire and request in your top chakra (Sahasrara), and do all this with a Pure Desire through your heart of hearts. The petals are like catchment areas for the Blessings bestowed upon us by our Holy Mother. Remember always, after the prayer, to wait with your attention at Sahasrara until you can feel the attention to the prayer.
The second petal goes towards the left. It holds two Blessings the first is that He (Shri Ganesha) removes the obstacles to our ascent. So here we pray: Oh, Shri Mataji, please let Your Shri Ganesha Tattwa remove all the obstacles to our ascent. Secondly, it holds the Majesty and Dignity of the Pure Spirit. Shri Mataji, please fill each cell of our Being with the Majesty and Dignity of the Pure Spirit.
The forth petal then goes upward. Here there are two Blessings which the petal holds. Firstly, the complete Fearless which Shri Ganesha has in the Knowledge that He is the Child of the Adi Shakti, and therefore at one with Divinity nothing can harm us when we are at one with Gods Will. Here we pray: Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the complete Fearlessness of Your Shri Ganesha. Secondly, this petal collects the Amrut that trickles down from Divine when the Sahasrara is open and a person is at one with the Holy Spirit of God.
The first petal goes in a downward direction towards the ground. It folds the Joy of the Brahmanand the Pure and Absolute Joy of Divinity. So here we pray: Oh, Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the Joy of the Brahmanand.
The third petal goes to the right. Here there are three qualities. First, the absolute dedication and surrender of Shri Ganesha to His/our Holy Mother. So Here we pray: Shri Mataji, please fill every cell of our Being with the complete dedication and surrender of Shri Ganesha to Your Holy Lotus Feet. Secondly, the Wisdom, which Shri Ganesha endows, and thirdly, the Pure Knowledge of Divinity. So here we pray: Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the Absolute Wisdom of Your Shri Ganesh.And Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the Pure Knowledge of Your Divinity.
Here we pray Collectively Shri Mataji, please fill each and every cell of our Being with the Nectar of Your Divine Love. Jai Shri Ganesha!!!- Jai Shri Mataji!!!