15-th Japanese Mathematical Olympiad 2005: Final Round - February 11

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15-th Japanese Mathematical Olympiad 2005

Final Round February 11

1. We are given a 17 17 array of coins with heads up. In each step one can choose ve consecutive coins in a row, column or diagonal and reverse them. Is it possible to obtain a position with all coins having tails up in a nite number of such steps? 2. Let P(x, y) and Q(x, y) be polynomials with integer coefcients. Given integers a0 , b0 , dene the sequence of points Xn (an , bn )n0 by an+1 = P(an , bn ) and bn+1 = Q(an , bn ). Suppose that X1 = X0 , but Xk = X0 for some k N. Show that the number of lattice points on the segment Xn Xn+1 is the same for each n. 3. If a, b, c are positive numbers with a + b + c = 1, prove the inequality a 3 1 + b c + b 3 1 + c a + c 3 1 + a b 1. 4. The tangents to a circle from a point X meet the circle at points A and B. A line through X intersects the circle at C and D with D between X and C so that the lines AC and BD are perpendicular and meet at F . Let CD meet AB at G and let the perpendicular bisector of GX meet the segment BD at H . Prove that the points X , F , G, and H lie on a circle. 5. The boss has to assign ten job positions to ten candidates, considering two parameters: preference and ability. If candidate A prefers job v to job u and has a better ability in job v than candidate B, but A is assigned job u and B is assigned job v, then A will complain. Also, if it is possible to assign each job to a candidate with a higher ability, the director will complain. Show that the boss can assign the jobs so as to avoid any complaints.

The IMO Compendium Group, D. Djuki c, V. Jankovi c, I. Mati c, N. Petrovi c www.imomath.com

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