Concrete Setting Time
Concrete Setting Time
Concrete Setting Time
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: 3/29/2012 : 11203906
Tested at : "ACTS Central Laboratory Beirut, Sanayeh area, George Assy st. P.O.Box: 14/5918-Code:1105-2080 Tel: 01-737400; Fax: 01-737222" Client : "Holcim Beton Tel: 05-437292 Mobile: 03-916994"
: Hourieh s.a.l.. : ERGA Management : KAIA Airport Development Project Type 1 ADM - RM108 0.35 240 1.3 19.0 20.0 Material Cement Coarse Aggregate Medium Aggregate Crushed Sand Natural Sand Admixture
Mix Details
Mass (Kg/m3)
Penetration resistance (PR) (Mpa) 0.00 5.72 8.01 12.87 23.46 36.61
35.00 30.00
20.00 15.00
10.00 5.00
0.00 0 50 100 150 200
Initial Setting Time at 500 Psi Final Setting Time at 4000 Psi 8 11
20 20
Remarks :
1- The setting time was calculated with respect to the above data plotted in the graph. 2- The concrete mix details was provided by the customer. 3- The test was done at Holcim Batch Plant - Port of Beirut as per customer request. Reviewed by: Mohammad AL Masri Senior Technician
The results of this test are not to be used for advertisement purposes.
Conversion Factor for 1 lbf = 4.448 N Diameter of Pin (Actual Measure) = 4.45 mm Area of Pin = 15.55( Stress = F / A (Mpa) Stress = lbf x 4.448 N